About NarzorBAB 7 Speed 40' Weapons:
2) Eldritch Blast: +26 to hit; 5d6+3 damage; 20/x2 crit 3) Ranged Touch Attack: +26 to hit 4) Melee Touch Attack: +34 to hit 5) Paralyzing Touch: DC 35 fort save. Adventuring Skills:
Untrained Skill Bonus: 7+Stat Background Skills:
Untrained Skill Bonus: 7+Stat Equipment:
Rod of Withering
-1200 in Onyxs Ability Score Breakdown:
str: 10 base +0 race +0 level +0 ABP +2 cdtct +0 mythic +0 template dex: 30 base +0 race +2 level +4 ABP +6 cdtct +0 mythic +0 template con: 10 base int: 20 base +0 race +0 level +0 ABP +2 cdtct +0 mythic +2 template wis: 08 base +0 race +0 level +0 ABP +2 cdtct +0 mythic +2 template cha: 30 base +2 race +0 level +4 ABP +8 cdtct +4 mythic +2 template Offense Breakdown:
Init: +16 dex +12 amazing init +3 competence +1 trait Bonus to Hit: 7 bab +24 mhowf +3 competence Bonus to Damage: 24 mhowf +3 competence CMB: 7 bab +24 mhowf +3 competence Defense Breakdown:
WP: 2xcha score base VP: 7x10 +20x11 +24 mythic +10 toughness +10 favored class x2 max total CMD: 10 base +7 bab +1 str +16 dex +2 dodge +2 deflection AC: 10 base +16 dex +8 armor +2 dodge +3 competence +5 nat armor +1 enh nat ar +2 deflection Fort: 7 base +3 competence +3 resistance +20 cha +20 heroic grace Ref: 3 base +3 competence +3 resistance +16 ref +20 heroic grace Will: 7 base +3 competence +3 resistance +1 wis +20 heroic grace DR 15/bludgeoning and magic
Skill Breakdown:
Class Skills: Acrobatics, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Disguise, Fly, Intimidate, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Planes), Knowledge (Religion), Perception, Profession, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Stealth, Use Magic Device Skill Points: 2 +7 Int mod +1 Human +1 favored class Adventuring Skills:
Untrained Skill Bonus: 4+Stat Background Skills:
Untrained Skill Bonus: 4+Stat
Feats: Dodge Extra Invocation x5 Fast Learner Favored Mystery (All Known Non-Fundamentals) Improved Improvisation Improved (Shadow) Familiar (Smokeshade named sql with the Infiltrator Archetype) Improvisation Path Focus (All Known Paths) Shadow Cast (designate adj. sq.; as long as no one threatens that sq., don't provoke AoOs for casting) Skill Focus (Intimidation) Toughness Weapon Focus (Natural) Mythic Feats:
*Secret Reserve (Divinations of any type do not effect me; can't be effected by detect thoughts, discern lies, zone of truth, or any effect based on those spells) Horribly Overpowered:
Shadowcaster Class Feature Breakdown:
Umbral Sight (Darkvision +30') Sustaining Shadow (eat 1 meal/week; sleep for 1 hr/day) Bonus Feats (gain bonus feats equal to .5 the number of known paths; can take any metamagic feat, favored mystery, greater path focus, nocturnal caster, path focus, shadow vision, or metashadow feat) Warlock Class Feature Breakdown:
Eldritch Blast 5d6 Detect Magic Damage Reduction 2/Cold Iron Deceive Item Fiendish Resilience 1 Energy Resistance 5 Shadowcaster Spells:
Spell DC: 25 +Spell Level Caster Level for all non-Fundamentals: 11 Fundamentals:
Apprentice Paths:
*Eyes of Darkness (Supernatural; 3/day):
Initiate Paths:
*Veil of Shadows (Spell-Like; 2/day):
Warlock Invocations:
Invocation DC: 25 +Invocation Level Invocations: 11
*Focused Mind (+2 trait bonus to concentration checks; magic) *Excellent Penmanship (+2 trait bonus to checks to persuade someone in written form; +2 to DC of Forgeries I create; Linguistics as a class skill; social) *Bloody-Minded (+1 trait bonus to initiative and intimidate checks; combat) *Deathspeaker (+2 trait bonus on diplomacy and cha checks targeting undead; religion: Orcus) *The Patriarch (cast Know Direction 3/day, Caster Leve equals character level; cosmic) Lich Template Breakdown:
Darkvision 60' +5 Natural Armor Use Cha mod instead of Con mod for fort saves and WP/VP Type changes to Undead Rejuvenation (as long as phylactery still exists, will reform in 1d10 days after "death") Touch Attack (deals 1d8+5 negative energy damage; 1/rnd; standard action) Channel Resistance +4 DR 15/bludgeoning and magic Immunity to Cold and Electrictity Fear Aura (effects creatures less than 5 HD) Paralyzing Touch (any creature hit by Touch Attack has to make a fort save or be paralyzed permanently and appear to be dead unless a DC 20 perception or 15 heal check is made) +8 racial bonus to Perception, Sense Motive, and Stealth
Chopping Down the Christmas Tree:
+3 competence bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, AC, saving throws, initiative 50% chance to strike incorporeal creatures with non-magical attacks
Automatic Bonus Progression:
Resistance +3 Armor Attunement +2 Weapon Attunement +2 Deflection +2 Mental Prowess +4 Physical Prowess +4 Toughening +1 Champion Ability Breakdown:
Archmage's Arcana: Arcane Surge (swift action; spend a mythic point to cast a spell without using a spell slot; if it targets a non-mythic creature and has a save, they must roll twice and take the worst result; roll twice and and take the better result on caster level checks to bypass SR; can't add a metamagic feat to spell) Amazing Initiative
Guardian Ability Breakdown:
Guardian's Call: Sudden Block (immediate action; 1 mythic power; add tier to AC vs. melee attack on my AC or adj. ally; creature making attack must roll twice and take lower result; once their attack is resolved, me or ally can make an attack against attacker that ignores all DR) Amazing Initiative
During what has come to be known as the Green Age, before the world was sundered from the spheres, a creature that had once been a man came to Athas. This creature was a devout worshipper of a distant deity of undeath, and needed a hidden world on which to conduct a long term experiment on the effects of infusing magic into the essence of living creatures. From his hidden lab, he unleashed a plague of shadow creatures upon the world, until one of the heroes of the age, a Halfing, found his lab and sealed it for 10,000 years, preventing him from leaving or sending out any further creatures. Thus did several ages pass, as the undead creature performed his experiments and recorded the results until one day, the spell on his prison vanished with a pop that echoed throughout his expanded halls. The creature then prepared itself, using magic to hide from the sight of the uninitiated, and made his way out into the world. He discovered that the weave of the magic that surrounded the world had fundamentally changed. Deciding on a new experiment (he had long since finished his previous research, but kept it going just to keep himself busy), the creature made it's way towards the nearest center of civilization to see how living in a desert had changed the species that still survived. and that's where I would join the game, with him entering [City] invisibly and taking an interest in the party.