About Dr. Pegira Hagen
Pegira Hagen
Female Betazoid
Control 11
Daring 8
Fitness 11
Insight 10
Presence 8
Reason 8
Disciplines (Focuses):
Command 2
Conn 1
Engineering 1
Security 4 (Hand-to-Hand Combat, Hand Phasers)
Science 3 (Genetics)
Medicine 5 (Emergency Medical Procedures, Trauma Surgery, Infectious Diseases)
Stress: 15
Damage Bonus: 4
Traits: Betazoid
Talents: Telepath, Mean Right Hook, Field Medicine, Quick Study
Values: Self Reliance, Focus and Control, Served with Distinction, The Duality of Existance
Lifepath Choices:
Species: Betazoid
Environment: Frontier Colony
Upbringing: Starfleet (Accepted)
Starfleet Academy: Science Track (Medicine)
Career: Experienced Officer
Career Events:
*Dealing with a Plague: Was assigned to a science team studying and treating a Dominion bioweapon designed to target both Humans and Bajorans. She spent most of the time treating patients, and was instrumental in discovering patient zero, which allowed for a cure to be created.
*Conflict with a Hostile Culture: Fought a holding action aboard the Bajoran ship Prophet's Will against the Dominion. Although ultimately the ship was destroyed, the crew and a hold full of civilian refugees were able to evacuate.
Pegira is a gifted doctor who practiced medicine on the frontier colony of Sheppard's Folly, an experimental colony made up primarily of Klingons and Vulcans, with Betazoids to act as the intermediaries. Life as a frontier doctor was hard, and several times Pegira found herself in combat with people who might want to hurt her patients.
When offered the chance, Pegira joined the federation, where she excelled in the medical studies program and was assigned aboard the battleship Pulsar.
Often assigned as the medic for away team missions, Pegira discovered that she was addicted to the thrill of combat, and requested a transfer to Security, where she finished her tour of duty.
She has held positions as both ship's doctor and security officer in her career.
Pegira is a gifted telepath, and considered exceptional among her peopled due to her ability to shut out the emotions of those around her.