
Katze Sonjadottir's page

58 posts. Alias of Vrog Skyreaver.


HP: 18 | AC: 16 | Perception (E): +6 | Fort (T): +5; Ref (T): +5; Will (E) +6


Spells/Day: -/1 (2) | Focus: 2 | Current Spell Effects: Mage Armor

Strength 16
Dexterity 14
Constitution 14
Intelligence 8
Wisdom 12
Charisma 12

About Katze Sonjadottir

CN Versatile Human Bard 1
Background: Sailor

Speed: 30'

Weapon Attacks:
*Fist: +6 to hit; 1d4+3 Damage; Agile, finesse, nonlethal, unarmed

*Spell Attack: +4 to hit

*Spiked Chain: +6 to hit; 1d8+3 damage; Disarm, Finesse, Trip

*Whip: +6 to hit; 1d4+3 Damage; Disarm, finesse, nonlethal, reach, trip

Acrobatics (T) +5
Athletics (T) +6
Intimidation (T) +4
Lore (Sailing; T) +4
Occultism (T) +2
Performance (T) +4
Survival (T) +4

Bardic Weapons (Longsword, Rapier, Sap, Shortbow, Shortsword, and Whip; T)
Simple Weapons (T)
Unarmed Strike (T)

Light Armor (T)
Unarmored Defense (T)

Class Features:
Class DC (T): 14
Composition Spells
Muse (Maestro)
Occult Spellcasting
Spell Repertoire

Focus Spells: Counter Performance, Lingering Composition

*Cantrip: Detect Magic, Guidance, Inspire Courage, Light, Prestidigitation, Shield

*1st: Mage Armor, Magic Weapon, Soothe

*Ancestry: Unconventional Weaponry (Spiked Chain)
*Class: Lingering Composition
*General: Fleet
*Skill: Underwater Marauder

Whip 1 sp
Spiked Chain 3 gp
11 gp, 9 sp


Katze was born the daughter of the captain of The Pearl Maiden, a ship in the Sea Wolves.

Like most members of the Sea Wolves, The Pearl Maiden is a raiding ship; unlike other such ships, however, The Pearl Maiden is captained and crewed entirely by women.
It was in this environment that Katze was born, where she was taught to raid and pillage; Her mother espoused the ideology that men were weak and women were powerful. Katze was an apt pupil of her mother's teaching and grew to enjoy belittling men whenever she could.
All of that changed when Katze met Loken. Loken was a pretty young man who was a stilled lute player. When Katze's mother found out, she told Katze to simply taken him and get what she wanted by force. Katze refused, and so her mother bodily threw her off the ship in a rage.
In a daze, Katze drifted for days on some random flotsam until she was rescued by one of the ships headed towards Terra Nova. Thus she became one of the settlers heading towards the new world.
Now Katze is trying to determine what to do with her life as she tries to survive in a place she never wanted to go.