Race |
HP: 18 | AC: 16 | Perception (E): +6 | Fort (T): +5; Ref (T): +5; Will (E) +6 |
Classes/Levels |
Spells/Day: -/1 (2) | Focus: 2 | Current Spell Effects: Mage Armor |
Strength |
16 |
Dexterity |
14 |
Constitution |
14 |
Intelligence |
8 |
Wisdom |
12 |
Charisma |
12 |
About Katze Sonjadottir
CN Versatile Human Bard 1
Background: Sailor
Speed: 30'
Weapon Attacks:
*Fist: +6 to hit; 1d4+3 Damage; Agile, finesse, nonlethal, unarmed
*Spell Attack: +4 to hit
*Spiked Chain: +6 to hit; 1d8+3 damage; Disarm, Finesse, Trip
*Whip: +6 to hit; 1d4+3 Damage; Disarm, finesse, nonlethal, reach, trip
Acrobatics (T) +5
Athletics (T) +6
Intimidation (T) +4
Lore (Sailing; T) +4
Occultism (T) +2
Performance (T) +4
Survival (T) +4
Bardic Weapons (Longsword, Rapier, Sap, Shortbow, Shortsword, and Whip; T)
Simple Weapons (T)
Unarmed Strike (T)
Light Armor (T)
Unarmored Defense (T)
Class Features:
Class DC (T): 14
Composition Spells
Muse (Maestro)
Occult Spellcasting
Spell Repertoire
Focus Spells: Counter Performance, Lingering Composition
*Cantrip: Detect Magic, Guidance, Inspire Courage, Light, Prestidigitation, Shield
*1st: Mage Armor, Magic Weapon, Soothe
*Ancestry: Unconventional Weaponry (Spiked Chain)
*Class: Lingering Composition
*General: Fleet
*Skill: Underwater Marauder
Whip 1 sp
Spiked Chain 3 gp
11 gp, 9 sp