Monster Hunter

Delian's page

27 posts. Alias of Vrog Skyreaver.

Full Name

Delian Alcare




Investigator 7







Special Abilities

Empiricist Archetype


Lawful Good




Common, Andoran, Varisian, Draconic, Thassilonian, Azlanti, Celestial, Aklo, Giant, Necril, Shadowtongue, Tien, Abyssal, Infernal, Undercommon




Detective, Adventurer

Strength 10
Dexterity 10
Constitution 13
Intelligence 23
Wisdom 10
Charisma 10

About Delian

Combat Info:

hp 54
ac 15 touch 10 Flat-Footed 1
bab 5 CMB +5 CMD 15
init +0
fort +3
ref +5
will +5

speed 30'

Light Crossbow +6 to hit; 1d8+1 damage; 19-20/x2 crit.
Dagger +6 to hit; 1d4+1; 19-20/x2 crit.


Bluff r0 +19 (tell falsehood), Diplomacy r0 +6 (gather info)/+19 (change attitude), Disable Device r7 +25, Knowledge (all) r7 +16, Linguistics r7 +19, Perception r7 +22/25 vs traps, Use Magic Device r7 +16


Feats: Extra Investigator x2, Fast Learner, Orator, Skill Focus (Linguistics)|Traits: Eyes and ears of the city, Nimble Fingers, Deft Mind

Class Features:

Alchemy, Ceaseless Observation, Inspiration (9; 1d8), Investigator Talent (Amazing Inspiration, Expanded Inspiration, Perceptive Tracking, Trap Spotter, Underworld Inspiration), Keen Recollection, Studied Combat (+3; 6 rounds), Studied Strike +2d6, Trapfinding, Trap Sense +2


Traveler's Anytool, +1 light crossbow, +1 Dagger, +1 Chain Shirt, +2 Headband of Intelligence, Trapspringer's Gloves, Eyes of the Eagle, Handy Haversack, Vanishing Sheath, 40 bolts, 20 GP

Formulas known:

1: Ant Haul, Cure Light Wounds, Detect Secret Doors, Endure Elements, Jump, Keen Senses, Shield, Touch of the Sea

2: Barkskin, Cure Moderate Wounds, Lesser Restoration

3: Heroism

Extracts Prepared:

Extracts/day: 6/5/2

1: Cure Light Wounds, Cure Light Wounds, Shield, Shield, Detect Secret Doors, Ant Haul

2: Cure Moderate Wounds, Cure Moderate Wounds, Barkskin, Barkskin, Lesser Restoration

3: Heroism, Heroism

Things the GM should know:

I have Trapspotter, which means that I get a spot check automatically within 10' of a trap, or 2 if I am actively searching.

If I bypass a trap DC by 10 or more, I may set it so that my allies and I can pass it without setting it off.

I can spend inspiration for free on knowledge, linguistics, spellcraft, Diplomacy, Heal, Perception, Profession, Sense Motive, Bluff, Disable Device, Disguise, Intimidate, or Sleight of Hand checks.

Thanks to my archetype, I can use my int mod in place of the normal modifier for Disable Device,Perception, Sense Motive, and Use Magic Device checks, as well as any Diplomacy checks made to gather information (hence the split modifier under the skills spoiler).

Thanks to the Orator feat, I can use linguistics instead of the normal skill to to tell a falsehood or conceal information, change the attitude of a creature, or force a creature to cooperate, provided we share a language.