Silver Tiger was born during one of the worst storms that ever hit Freedom city. His cries were not timed to the lightning and thunder; they caused them.
Adrian Eldritch then appeared in the hospital room where Silver Tiger was being coddled by his mother. Silver Tiger never learned what was said, but when Adrian left the room, he was carrying a newborn baby.
Once outside the hospital, Adrian summoned a portal to the mystical city of Shangri-La. Once there, the storm clouds began to gather above the city and rain began to pour.
Adrian entered the Temple of Harmonious Balance, where he met with the master of the temple. Adrian handed the master (who was known simply as "The Master") the newborn, who managed to calm him.
Silver Tiger was tattooed every year on his birthday, as his power grew. With each tattoo, his body became stronger, faster, and more resilient.
He also began training in unarmed combat like all of the warrior monks at the monastery.
On the even of his 16th birthday, The Master pulled Silver Tiger aside and explained that he would need to select a name. He chose Silver Tiger, Silver for spiritual purity and Tiger for Dynamic Yang.
He also handed Silver Tiger a letter written by someone named Adrian Eldritch. The letter requested Silver Tiger meet Eldritch in Freedom City.
Silver tiger received tattoos of a Silver Tiger head on both his forearms, and then after collecting his meager belongings, a portal was opened to Freedom City.
That was the day Adrian Eldritch died.