Race |
HP: 7 (100) | Fort: +13; Ref: +16; Will: +12 | AC: 30; T: 24; FF: 18 |Init +13 |
Classes/Levels |
Spells/Day: 7 (8) / 5 (6) / 4 (6) / 0 (4) | Perform Rounds: 44 (50) | Bard Performance Save DC: 25 |
Gender |
Current Spells: Echolocation, Freedom of Movement, Heroism, Invisibility |
Occupation |
LG Half-Orc Bard 11/Unchained Monk 1 |
Strength |
10 |
Dexterity |
14 |
Constitution |
16 |
Intelligence |
10 |
Wisdom |
10 |
Charisma |
28 |
About Vos Alavane
AC: 10 base +6 armor +2 dex +9 cha +2 deflection +1 dodge
BAB: 9
Speed: 30'
1) Unarmed: +11/6 to hit; 1d6+2 damage; 20/x2 crit
2) Flurry: +11/11/6 to hit
Diplomacy r11 +23
Perception r12 +15/17 w/tool
Perform (Dance) r12 +24
Perform (Sing) r12 +24
Survival r12 +20
UMD r11 +23
Acrobatics +24
Bluff +24
Escape Artist +24
Fly +24
Sense Motive +24
Alternate Racial Features:
Shaman's Apprentice (gain Endurance; replaces intimidating)
Sacred Tattoos (+1 luck bonus to saves; replaces orc ferocity)
Bard Class Features:
*Archetype (Thundercaller)
- Bound to the Land (add .5 bard level to handle animal, know: nature, and survival; replaces bardic knowledge)
*Advanced Versatile Performance (Expanded Versatility: escape artist on Dance)
*Bardic Performance:
- Call Lightning (generate one lightning bolt per call lightning for each round performing; damage can be increased in storms per the spell; replaces dirge of doom)
- Countersong
- Distraction
- Fascinate
- Incite Rage (per the rage spell with class DC; replaces suggestion and mass suggestion)
- Inspire Courage +3
- Inspire Greatness (1 target)
- Thunder Call (5d8 Sound Burst; always a standard action; replaces inspire competence)
*Jack-of-all-trades (can use any skill, including trained only)
*Versatile Performance
- Dance (Acrobatics, Escape Artist, Fly)
- Sing (Bluff, Sense Motive)
Unchained Monk Class Features:
*Archetype: Scaled Fist
- Use Cha instead of Wis for AC and class features
- Can take Dragon style feats in place of Monk Feats
*Flurry of Blows (+1 attack)
*Unarmed Strike
*Blood of Dragons (gain low-light vision; race)
*Fate's Favored (increase luck bonuses by 1; faith)
Discordant Voice
Extra Performance
Improved Initiative
Noble Scion (Scion of War)
Weapon Finesse
Improved Unarmed Strike
Stunning Fist (3/day; DC 25 fort)
Spell DC: 19 +Spell Level
Detect Magic
Know Direction
Mage Hand
Chord of Shards
Cure Light Wounds
Detect Secret Doors
Ear-Piercing Scream
Liberating Command
Solid Note
Cure Moderate Wounds
Sonic Scream
Sound Burst
Cure Serious Wounds
Jester's Jaunt
Thundering Drums
Cure Critical Wounds
Freedom of Movement
+3 Cloak of Resistance
+6 Bracers of Armor
+2 Ring of Protection
+6 Headband of Aerial Agility (Cha)
+2 Belt of Physical Might (Dex/Con)
+1 Agile Amulet of Mighty Fists
Sleeves of Many Garments
Wand of Magic Missile (CL 1; 45 charges)
Wand of Cure Light Wounds (CL 1; 32 charges) -20
Wand of Lesser Restoration (CL 3; 10 charges) -6
Wand of Stone Shape (CL 5; 5 charges)
Wand of Ray of Enfeeblement (CL 1; 50 charges)
Wand of Endure Elements (CL 1; 50 charges)
Wand of Dominate Person (CL 10; 3 charges)
Wand of Magic Missile (CL 5; 12 charges)
Mundane Items:
Jewelry for Noble's Outfit
Masterwork Thieve's Tools x2
Masterwork Perception Tool