All his life, Aureth has been drawn to languages.
The rolling sounds of Elven; the Harsh tones of Dwarven; the bell-like chiming of Celestial; all of them have called his name.
The son of adventurers, Aureth was glad to travel with his parents for the time that he did; It gave him exposure to a glorious variety of languages, and his father was in the process of teaching him swordfighting. Everything changed, however, when his parents woke him in the middle of the night and the three of them jumped into a carriage and rode like the devil was chasing them.
Arriving at the tower, hushed words followed by the clinking of coins led to his emergency apprenticeship.
What followed was a disaster. Aureth was apprenticed to an exacting master who quickly determined that he could not be taught. This went on for several years until a Sorcerer discovered Aureth teaching himself in the library and took him under his wing. His master taught him a variety of different methods to draw power from his blood and how to select the spells that he would learn next.
While his master was a likeable enough person, he tended to view other people as beneath him. Given that his master was also a Necromancer caused people to alienate Aureth, who began to take on his master's attitude towards people: mainly that they were walking components for spells like animate dead.
Now Aureth, a full member of the Tower in his own right, travels the world, keeping people at arms length with his polite yet "something is off about him" aura. Aureth tends to take jobs that hunt Necromancers, and commanding and destroying other's undead is funny to him, and not against the law.