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Pathfinder Adventure Path #100: A Song of Silver (Hell's Rebels 4 of 6) (PFRPG)

Inside Pathfinder #100

Last week, James gave a run down on the path to Pathfinder #100 in this blog. Now I'm here to talk a bit about the contents of this special volume—Pathfinder Adventure Path #100: A Song of Silver.

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Tags: Dave Allsop Dmitry Burmak Eric Belisle Hell's Rebels Jason Engle Matias Tapia Pathfinder Adventure Path Wallpapers

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Pathfinder Adventure Path #100: A Song of Silver (Hell's Rebels 4 of 6) (PFRPG)

A Cold Day in Hell and Infernal May-hem!

As I write this blog, I can hear the sounds of the warehouse busily unloading the 100th volume of the Pathfinder Adventure Path—a milestone that in the early days of Pathfinder we were not sure we would ever reach! It's time for a roundup of our newest releases as well as letting you know more about our May 2016 books!

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Tags: Dmitry Burmak Matias Tapia Pathfinder Adventure Path

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Monster Codex (OGL)

2014 Art Review

As we close out 2014, I wanted to end on a high note and give you one last year-end blog. I went to our Managing Art Director Sarah Robinson and Senior Art Director Andrew Vallas to get some help rounding up some favorite illustrations from the past year. Seeing how great their selections were, I also asked various members of our editorial team to pick a few of their own favorites to add. So here are some of our best illustrations from 2014!

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Tags: Ekaterina Burmak Eric Belisle Igor Grechanyi Jason Rainville Johan Grenier Kerem Beyit Kiki Moch Rizky Maichol Quinto Matias Tapia Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Campaign Setting Pathfinder Modules Pathfinder Player Companion Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Tales Ralph Horsley Subroto Bhaumik Tim Kings-Lynne Wayne Reynolds Yu Cheng Hong

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