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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 6 (PFRPG)

Blights of Bestiary 6

So here's a secret about the text we create for the back cover of our books and the blurbs that go on our website and catalogs. They're usually done at the last minute by a developer who's been working on the product possibly for many months. In my case, that means I get a chance, finally, to play around with some writing of my own, even if it's only for a few paragraphs. When I wrote the blurb for Bestiary 6, I mentioned something called "strangely sentient oozes," because of the new category of ooze I came up with to include in the book. I didn't want to reveal their name or theme yet (that's for this blog post... read on for more!), but I did want to mention them in some way that felt nice to read and fun to write. And so I came up with the phrase "strangely sentient oozes," because I enjoyed the sound of the phrase; its consonance makes you hiss when you read it, which evokes in the mind (in theory) imagery of something slithering and sliding sloppily in subterranean sloughs or sepulchral sewers. See? I wasn't trying to give folks hints as to a new system of calculating intelligence for ooze monsters or trying to make folks deduce the nature of how a primordial ooze might become self-aware. It wasn't a clue as much as it was an attempt at lyricism.

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Tags: Andrew Hou Bestiary 6 Damien Mammoliti Pathfinder Roleplaying Game

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Faces of Korvosa

Now that the hardcover edition of Curse of the Crimson Throne is out, countless groups of adventures are going to have the chance to meet the vast cast of NPCs featured in this campaign. The images in this blog post serve to highlight several, but not all, of the individuals you will be encountering or at least hearing a bout during the Adventure Path. For the player, consider the following information as common knowledge to anyone who's spent a few years living in Korvosa, while for the GM, the accompanying illustrations are great play aids to show during the game when the PCs are interacting with the NPC in question!

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Tags: Andrew Hou Curse of the Crimson Throne Imaginary Friends Studios Irina Kuzmina Julie Dillion Kremena Chipilova Nikolai Ostertag Pathfinder Adventure Path

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Goblins! Free to a Good Home! Or a Bad Home! Please Take Them Away!

Everyone knows that the surest way to improve the quality of any tabletop game is to invite the wholesome goodness* of goblins into your home, and your heart**. For this year's Free RPG Day, Paizo did just that, by delivering the whimsical prequel to our We Be Goblins series of adventures: We B4 Goblins. This lighthearted coming-of-age tale takes your players back in time to adolescence of our iconic goblin heroes***, where they can help these young adventurers reach adulthood by claiming their toads and joining in on their very first raid in a scenario ideal for introducing new players!

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Tags: Andrew Hou Community Free RPG Day Goblins Pathfinder Modules

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Fantastic Promos and Where to Find Them!

The Paizo crew has begun to roll out for Gen Con 2015. Our trucks are loaded up with tons of Pathfinder products, including some fabulous promo items! Here's the run down of Paizo Promos, that will be available be at the show:

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Tags: Andrew Hou Conventions Gen Con Goblins

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GameMastery Module D0: Hollow's Last Hope (OGL)

Live Audience-Participation Author Game at Gen Con!

To celebrate the new partnership between Pathfinder Tales and Tor, this Gen Con we'll be hosting a live audience-participation Pathfinder game with a bunch of celebrity authors! Join me and Editor-in-Chief F. Wesley Schneider as we run acclaimed fantasy and science fiction authors Max Gladstone, Elizabeth Bear, Wesley Chu, and Scott Lynch through a pig-riding, fire-setting, dog-slicing goblin adventure!

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Tags: Andrew Hou Conventions Gen Con Pathfinder Tales

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Friday Publisher Preview: Out Sick

Erik has been hit with some mighty fierce crud and is currently engaging in battle with the invading germs at home. In the meantime, you can check out the winners of this year's Gen Con Costume Contest in today's earlier blog. Be sure to stop by next Friday for more awesome Pathfinder Battles miniature previews!

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Tags: Andrew Hou Goblins Pathfinder Battles

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Pathfinder Adventure Path: Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition (PFRPG)

Pathfinder Legends: A Visual Companion

Right after the debut Pathfinder Legends full-cast audio drama was released, my wife and I got stuck in an unexpected traffic snarl (which shouldn't have been too surprising, living in Seattle, and all). To kill the time, I put on the CD, and my wife—Shelyn bless her—obliged me by listening. It didn't take very long before she was getting into the story and following closely. There were a few instances when she made me pause playback, however, so that I could explain what certain locations, creatures, and characters looked like. It hit me then that not everyone listening to Pathfinder Legends may play Pathfinder or be familiar with some of the fantasy tropes that those of us who've been playing D&D or variants thereof for decades can sometimes take for granted. One of the reasons the audio drama is so captivating is that it doesn't include a lot of exposition dumps or narration, meaning some of the physical descriptions one might expect in a novel or RPG experience just aren't there.

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Tags: Andrew Hou Eric Belisle Eva Widermann Maichol Quinto Noah Bradley Rise of the Runelords

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Pathfinder Pawns: Bestiary Box

Demons Invade the Community!

Paizo's Community Use Policy is a great tool for members of the community to use to share their passion for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder campaign setting. Whether such projects take the form of fan fiction, a wiki cataloguing the continuity and canon of the setting, or a series of handouts or posters to advertise a local convention or game day, the CUP allows for non-commercial use of Paizo's intellectual property, including some pieces of art. Many of these art resources can be found in the Community Use Package here on paizo.com, but also on this very blog.

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Tags: Andrew Hou Ben Wootten Community Use Policy Eric Belisle Eva Widermann Tyler Walpole

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Race Guide (OGL)

Advanced Race Guide Preview: Kill it With Fire!—Fire Bomber (Alchemist)

Advanced Race Guide Preview: Kill it With Fire! Tuesday, May 1, 2012 Everyone knows goblins have an unnatural love of fire. They love to see it flicker and burn to the sounds of their enemies' screams. While goblin adventurers, in an effort to get along with other more squeamish races, may control their pyromaniac urgings, others learn to harness that power and focus it into devastating force. ... Of course, since the goblin section of the Advanced Race Guide has plenty of options for fiery...
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Tags: Alchemists Andrew Hou Goblins Pathfinder Roleplaying Game

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Goblins for All!

... Illustrations by Andrew Hou, Michael Saas, and Florian Stitz. Wallpaper design by Crystal Frasier. Widescreen version here. ... Goblins for All! Friday, April 1, 2011Because you asked for it, the following changes are coming to Pathfinder: Introducing the next in our popular Players Companion line of products: Goblins of Purity! ... Goblins are popular. But they're not popular enough! With Goblins of Purity, we're giving you what you've been asking for—the chance to fully embrace...
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Tags: Andrew Hou Crystal Frasier Florian Stitz Goblins Wallpapers

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GameMastery Module D0: Hollow's Last Hope (OGL)

Introducing Squealy Nord!

... Illustration by Andrew Hou ... Introducing Squealy Nord! Wednesday, February 23, 2011Among the Licktoad Goblins, fame doesn't come easily. If you want to be taken seriously by His Mighty Girthness Chief Rendwattle Gutwad and allowed to undertake a dangerous mission—such as retrieving a load of fireworks from a goblin cannibal—you need to be ready to prove yourself. That means engaging in any number of deadly and disgusting dares, from eating a bag of bull slugs or braving the...
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Tags: Andrew Hou Animals Free RPG Day Goblins Monsters Pathfinder Modules Wallpapers

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Condition Cards (PFRPG)

We Love Goblins!

... Illustrations by Andrew Hou. Wallpaper design by Crystal Frasier. ... We Love Goblins! Friday, February 4, 2011We definitely love goblins here at Paizo. In fact, more than anything we love them blinded, helpless, and fascinated. And with this new wallpaper, you can too! This wallpaper uses artwork from the soon-to-arrive Condition Cards, the latest Game Mastery card set from Paizo. With these cards you'll be able to easily keep track of the Pathfinder RPG's most common conditions, making...
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Tags: Andrew Hou Cards Crystal Frasier GameMastery Goblins Monsters Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Wallpapers

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Condition Cards (PFRPG)

Where’s the “Gassy” Condition?

Where’s the “Gassy” Condition? Thursday, November 18th, 2010For some time now James has been warning the rest of the office of his general cheeriness or crabbiness with a printout of the goblins from the GameMastery Condition Cards and a Post-It arrow hanging on his door. Without the cards themselves, though, some of the meanings have been mysterious. Like the goblin below, for example: are his ears loose? Is he using mind powers? Could he be trying to keep the demons out? Yesterday it was...
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Tags: Andrew Hou Cards GameMastery Goblins Monsters

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Guest Blogger Blake Davis Announces Special PFS Event

... Guest Blogger Blake Davis Announces Special PFS Event Tuesday, September 28, 2010 ... Illustration by Andrew Hou ... The Year of the Shadow Lodge is coming to Redmond, WA! Clear your schedules, as you won't want to miss this unique Pathfinder Society event coming up this Saturday, October 2nd at the Redmond Games and Gizmos at noon. ... Year of the Shadow Lodge is a unique Pathfinder Society adventure in which multiple tables of Pathfinders work together throughout the mission....
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Tags: Andrew Hou Community Conventions Nethys Pathfinder Society Pathfinder Society Scenarios

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Backup Blog!

... Backup Blog! Thursday, September 23, 2010Sometimes, when we're trying to push a big book like Bestiary 2 out the door, it's five o'clock before anyone realizes we didn't put together a blog. So no one out there thinks the cave raptors finally got loose and gobbled us all up, please enjoy a new goblin from the upcoming Pathfinder Condition Cards and this picture of Sutter hard at work editing Plague of Shadows! ... Illustration by Andrew Hou ... Wes Schneider ... Managing Editor ...
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Tags: Andrew Hou Cards GameMastery Pathfinder Tales Plague of Shadows

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 2 (OGL)

2 Many Monsters!

... 2 Many Monsters! Tuesday, September 21, 2010This is the final week of editing before we ship the Bestiary 2 off to the printer and that means the whole office is neck deep in monsters. Since we've nowhere else to put them in the ever-more-crowded editorial pit, I thought a nice way to get them out from underfoot would be to exile a few to the blog. So here are a handful of beasties we no longer need immediately on hand. Enjoy! ... Art by Damian MammolitiArt by Andrew Hou ... Art by...
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Tags: Andrew Hou Damian Mammoliti Dragons Florian Stitz Golems Hippogriffs Monsters Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Qlippoth

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Condition Cards (PFRPG)

These Goblins Are _____, _____, and _____.

These Goblins Are _____, _____, and _____. Tuesday, September 14, 2010Goblins have the worst luck! Check back here in the coming weeks for more malicious misadventures from the upcoming GameMastery Condition Cards. ... Sketches by Andrew Hou ... Wes Schneider ... Managing Editor ...
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Tags: Andrew Hou Cards GameMastery Goblins Monsters

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Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Misfit Monsters Redeemed (PFRPG)

Oh, Yes We Did!

... Oh, Yes We Did! Monday, July 26, 2010PRESENTING! The action scene you’ve all been waiting to see! ... Illustration by Andrew Hou ... James Jacobs ... Creative Director ...
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Tags: Andrew Hou Flumphs Goblins Monsters Pathfinder Campaign Setting Wallpapers

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: GameMastery Guide (OGL)

GameMastery Guide Preview: It's Here!

... GameMastery Guide Preview: It's Here! Thursday, June 17, 2010 ... Illustration by Andrew Hou ... As I write this Cosmo is standing in our warehouse, shin deep in packing Styrofoam, yelling about peanuts to anyone who passes by. Such strangeness might be chalked up to the daunting nature of his task—though it is hard to tell with Cos—as he's surrounded by huge walls of boxes filled with books. Guides, of a sort. GameMastery Guides, even. Which he's helping to ship out right now....
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Tags: Andrew Hou Dragons Game Mastering Goblins Kobolds Monsters Pathfinder Roleplaying Game

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: GameMastery Guide (OGL)

The GameMastery Guide: Mascots & Masterpieces!

... The GameMastery Guide: Mascots & Masterpieces! Thursday, May 6, 2010Aside from a metric ton of advice, new rules, charts, tools, and the like, one thing the GameMastery Guide has in spades is awesome new art! As you might have seen on the snippet from the credits page last week, a horde of fantastic artists contributed to this tome. We also did something a little unusual. Rather than illustrating every topic with our iconic heroes or scenes of battle or whatever have you, Andrew Hou...
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Tags: Andrew Hou Eva Widermann Ezren Florian Stitz GameMastery Goblins Iconics Monsters Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Sarenrae Wizards

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Pathfinder Module: From Shore to Sea (PFRPG)

Developer's Diary: They Came From Beneath the Sea!

... Developer's Diary: They Came From Beneath the Sea! Thursday, April 1, 2010As Wes mentioned a couple of weeks ago, our Open Design partnership project From Shore to Sea has had a few problems on its way through development and editing. But I'm happy to tell you that we are now in the final stages of getting this thing out the door and into your hands! ... Senior Art Director Sarah Robinson found a great artist, Damien Mammoliti, to pick up where the last one left off, and once that art...
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Tags: Andrew Hou Azlant Fighters Iconics Open Design Pathfinder Modules Valeros Wallpapers

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary (OGL)


... Leeches! Wednesday, March 10, 2010One of my favorite parts of being an editor at Paizo is getting to read about the new monsters in each bestiary before they come out. My favorites are the ones whose descriptions make me shiver with a delicious sense of horror and disgust. If the players facing these foul beasts make the same expression that I do reading about them, GMs will be richly rewarded for including them! ... Last week, James Sutter was casually describing some of the nasties in...
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Tags: Andrew Hou Monsters Mwangi Expanse Pathfinder Campaign Setting Vermin

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GameMastery Face Cards: Friends & Foes Deck

So... Are the Body Cards Coming Out Next Month?

... So... Are the Body Cards Coming Out Next Month? Thursday, December 10, 2009There's some nonsense about face cards coming out. On the one hand, I GM, and would find them very nice to have. On the other hand, my players tend to lump NPCs into two groups, one of which is rated R but not for violence, the other is dismemberable. They are motivated by things like money and loot, and if an old lady on a card asks them to get her cat out of a tree, they'll write hobo, no money, hope cat dies,...
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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary (OGL)

Snagged from the Vault: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary

... Snagged from the Vault: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary Monday, July 20, 2009Work continues frantically as we put the final touches on the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary. In anticipation of the light at the end of this beastly tunnel, here's a host of new divine creatures preparing to come to your PCs' aid in just a few short weeks! ... Art by Michael JaecksArt by Alex Schim ... Art by Andrew HouArt by Kieran Yanner F. Wesley Schneider ... Managing Editor ...
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Tags: Aasimar Alex Schim Andrew Hou Archons Azata Kieran Yanner Michael Jaecks Monsters Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Snagged From the Vault Unicorns
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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary (OGL)

Snagged from the Vault: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary

... Snagged from the Vault: Pathfinder RPG Bestiary Monday, June 29, 2009While the denizens of the Pit have been slavishly wrangling hundreds upon hundreds of beasts both fascinating and foul, we've managed to slip in and liberate a particularly interesting few. Now behold! We bring to you, our faithful readers, the terrible visages of four terrifying creatures, taken directly from the pages of the fabled Pathfinders' Bestiary that nears completion deep in the Vault of the Golem. Some of...
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Infernal Sorceress (Trade Paperback)

Infernal Sorceress Nominated for Origins Award

... Infernal Sorceress Nominated for Origins Award Wednesday, April 29, 2009Here at Paizo we're pretty darn proud of our Planet Stories line of fiction. Reviving classic fantasy and science fiction by the likes of authors such as Leigh Brackett, Henry Kuttner, and Gary Gygax has been a labor of love for Publisher Erik Mona, Senior Editor Pierce Watters, and Editors James L. Sutter and Christopher Paul Carey. It's with great pride, then, that we announce that Gary Gygax's Infernal Sorceress...
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Pathfinder Chronicles: Guide to Absalom (OGL)

All Aboard for Absalom!

All Aboard for Absalom! Monday, December 15, 2008Earlier this week, we got in our first bound copy of Guide to Absalom. In the hectic GO GO GO! mentality that is the Editorial Pit, we're often surprised when books we send out do what comes natural and show up in completed print form back at the office. It sounds funny, perhaps, but that's the way it is in crazy Paizo-land! ... Anyway, the book reminded me that we actually haven't shown off that much art from Guide to Absalom. This blog...
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Pathfinder #17—Second Darkness Chapter 5:

The Two Faces of Kyonin

The Two Faces of Kyonin Friday, October 10, 2008In Pathfinder #17, the PCs visit the elven homeland of Kyonin. We'll be providing a gazetteer of this nation for GMs to use to expand adventures set in this verdant kingdom. As you can see by the two pictures here by Andrew Hou, though, Kyonin isn't just an idyllic sylvan setting with beautiful elven villages—there's a dark side to Kyonin as well. The fiend-haunted forest of Tanglebriar, empire of the demon Treerazer (that's his palace...
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Lord of the Spiders (aka Blades of Mars) (Trade Paperback)

How good? Hou good!

How good? Hou good! Tuesday, December 11, 2007While we haven't completely finished the cover for Michael Moorcock's Lord of the Spiders, the sequel to City of the Beast, we wanted to jump the gun a bit and show off this great new painting from Planet Stories' go-to artistic visionary Andrew Hou. His cover for our first Moorcock book is one of my favorites, and I'm excited to see such a fitting successor! ... Michael Moorcock is a living legend, one of the writers who helped define sword...
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City of the Beast (aka Warriors of Mars) (Trade Paperback)

City of the Beast

City of the Beast Wednesday, July 18, 2007As the second book to be released by Planet Stories, City of the Beast couldn't be more perfect for the line. First off, you've got Michael Moorcock, arguably one of the most important sword and sorcery authors of all time, the man who created the original fantasy anti-hero, Elric of Melniboné, and popularized such concepts as the multiverse. Now add in the fact that City of the Beast, the first in Moorcock's Kane of Old Mars trilogy, sends...
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Points Unknown

Points Unknown Wednesday, May 30, 2007Since we just got in some great rough sketches of notable Varisian landmarks courtesy of Andrew Hou, we thought we'd introduce you to some of Varisia's more infamous adventure sites. Presented below are but a few—look forward to more in the upcoming Rise of the Runelords Player's Guide. ... Bloodsworn Vale: A fey-haunted pass to southern lands which played an integral role in Varisia's break with the crumbling empire of Cheliax. Celwynvian: The...
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Tags: Andrew Hou Rise of the Runelords Varisia Wallpapers

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And Hou!

And Hou! Friday, May 25, 2007 ... While Wayne Reynolds has been getting a lot of press for his Pathfinder covers (and rightly so!), I'd like to stop for a minute and call out one of the other exemplary artists that Paizo will be featuring heavily in the year to come. ... Though so far we've only given you a tiny taste with the Sandpoint mayor headshot from Monday's blog post, artist Andrew Hou will be playing a key role in the visual development of Pathfinder. While you probably know him best...
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Founded on Murder!

Founded on Murder! Monday, May 21, 2007The foundation of a new town is not a matter to be taken lightly, nor one to be funded by one soul. Four powerful families from the city of Magnimar had designs on settling a region 50 miles to the northeast, and rather than work against each other, they consolidated their efforts and formed the Sandpoint Mercantile League. These four families, the Ameikos (glassmakers and jewelers), the Valdemars (shipbuilders and carpenters), the Scarnettis (loggers...
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