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Pathfinder Module: The House on Hook Street (PFRPG)

House of Horrors!

I remember that I sent a really disturbing nursery rhyme to my players a few days before the first House on Hook Street sessions, and that it was sometime around 2007. A few weeks previously, our group had one of those typical post-game "the thrill-is-gone/I've-seen-it-all/memorized-the-bestiary/bought-the-tshirt" laments that we've all felt at some point, and I recall another player boldly challenged me for something truly fresh and surprising, but using existing materials. So, I picked up the gauntlet.

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Tags: Brandon Hodge Pathfinder Modules Tomasz Chistowski

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He Lives, He Dies, He Lives Again!

I have received word from the beyond, and we have a winner for our Rasputin Redesign Challenge! Look closely into my eyes, and I will share secrets with you...

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Tags: Brandon Hodge Craig J Spearing Design Challenge Occult Adventures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder RPG Reign of Winter

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Pathfinder Adventure Path #71: Rasputin Must Die! (Reign of Winter 5 of 6) (PFRPG)

He Must Die—Again!

The arrival of Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Occult Adventures with its host of psychic magic and class options means new ways to tell stories for the world of Golarion (and beyond). But what about some of our older adventures, particularly one about a Very Infamous Monk? Are you ready for a design challenge?

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Brandon Hodge Craig J Spearing Design Challenge Occult Adventures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder RPG Reign of Winter

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