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Pathfinder Chronicles: Guide to Darkmoon Vale (OGL)

Guide to Darkmoon Vale Preview—Lumber Consortium

... Guide to Darkmoon Vale Preview Wednesday, May 7, 2008We're getting ready to send Guide to Darkmoon Vale off to the printer. Here's a brief excerpt about the hated Lumber Consortium to whet your appetites until the book hits the shelves. ... Lumber ConsortiumA holdover from the days when Andoran existed as a province of Cheliax, the Lumber Consortium has watched its fortunes and influence wane with the rise of democracy. Although a mere shadow of what it was at its height, the Lumber...
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GameMastery Module D0: Hollow's Last Hope (OGL)

You Can't Keep a Good Kobold Down

... You Can't Keep a Good Kobold Down Monday, May 5, 2008In Revenge of the Kobold King the PCs once again find themselves facing perilous death in Darkmoon Vale, but this time they are working for a man as dangerous as any monster prowling the shadowy forest. ... Thuldrin Kreed, by far the most powerful of Darkmoon Vale's lumber barons has long ruled Falcon's Hollow with a clenched fist, feeding on the misery of its common folk. When some undetermined and insidious force menaces his interests...
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The Riders of the North

The Riders of the North Tuesday, November 27, 2007The fey of Darkmoon Vale were not always evil. For decades they lived and played under the spreading branches of the forest, content to remain close to the land that sustained them. But recently, things have changed within the forest. The establishment of the lumber mill in Falcon's Hollow has given rise to a veritable army of woodsmen bent on leveling the forest and plundering its wealth of darkwood. Hunters and trappers have descended into...
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GameMastery Module E1: Carnival of Tears (OGL)

I Am Afraid of Clowns

I Am Afraid of Clowns Monday, November 19, 2007No, seriously, they kinda creep me out. This is not some sort of abject terror that makes me run screaming anytime I happen upon the spokesclown of a certain famous fast food restaurant, but it does make me shudder. Suffice to say, when we started planning out adventures, I knew that having one populated by horrible carnival folk would be a winner (or if you prefer... a wieenahh). Anyway, GameMastery Module E1: Carnival of Tears is scheduled to...
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Falcon's Hollow—Places of Note:

Falcon's Hollow Tuesday, June 26, 2007In celebration of the release of the free PDF of GameMastery Module D0: Hollow's Last Hope, the start of our Module Subscription Service, and the eminent release of D1: Crown of the Kobold King, we thought it was high time that we gave you some information about the small town featured in both modules: Falcon's Hollow. For more information, make sure to check out the appendix in Crown of the Kobold King. ... Falcon's Hollow makes an excellent base of...
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Free RPG Day is Tomorrow!

... Free RPG Day is Tomorrow! Friday, June 22, 2007Tomorrow, June 23rd, is the first annual Free RPG Day, where you can stop by your local game store and pick up a free product. As mentioned in the post from April 24th, you can pick up the very first GameMastery Module, D0: Hollow's Last Hope tomorrow as part of this exciting event. ... Hollow's Last Hope is a prequel to D1: Crown of the Kobold King and covers much of the lead-up to that adventure, taking brand-new 1st-level characters up to...
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The First One's On Us

The First One's On Us What's better than a high-quality, full-color, 16-page adventure? A free one, of course! Tuesday, April 24, 2007On June 23rd, gamers celebrate a whole new holiday just for us: Free RPG Day. On that Saturday, gamers across the country can stop by their friendly local game shops and pick up free roleplaying products. Seeing how much we love free stuff here at Paizo, we couldn't help but get involved. Come the 23rd, the first GameMastery Module, D0: Hollow's Last Hope, will...
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