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I Smell the Blood of a Player Character

The first three volumes of the Giantslayer Adventure Path are out in the wild, and in a short time the fourth volume, Pathfinder Adventure Path #94: Ice Tomb of the Giant Queen will be hitting stores and subscribers' doorsteps (and downloads). Hopefully, if you're not playing though this campaign, some of you have been living vicariously through the Order of the Amber Die by reading along and looking at all the amazing pictures they have been sharing with us all from their marathon sessions. (If not, go check it out now: Giantslayer Marathon: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.)

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Tags: Aleksey Bayura Ekaterina Maximovich Eric Belisle Giantslayer Johan Grenier Pathfinder Adventure Path Roberto Pitturru Wallpapers Yigit Koroglu

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Monster Codex (OGL)

2014 Art Review

As we close out 2014, I wanted to end on a high note and give you one last year-end blog. I went to our Managing Art Director Sarah Robinson and Senior Art Director Andrew Vallas to get some help rounding up some favorite illustrations from the past year. Seeing how great their selections were, I also asked various members of our editorial team to pick a few of their own favorites to add. So here are some of our best illustrations from 2014!

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Tags: Ekaterina Burmak Eric Belisle Igor Grechanyi Jason Rainville Johan Grenier Kerem Beyit Kiki Moch Rizky Maichol Quinto Matias Tapia Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Campaign Setting Pathfinder Modules Pathfinder Player Companion Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Tales Ralph Horsley Subroto Bhaumik Tim Kings-Lynne Wayne Reynolds Yu Cheng Hong

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Confessions of a Recovering Paizo Blog Addict

When the Paizo Blog first started back in spring 2007, I was new to the Pathfinder fan community, and to be honest, Pathfinder wasn't even a thing. I rarely read it, because wasn't quite sure what the people who made my favorite magazines thought they were doing making D&D content that wasn't officially approved and licensed as canon and therefor allowable in my game (yeah, I was one of those gamers). I read the blog occasionally, but that was it.

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Tags: Community Use Policy Iron Gods Johan Grenier Maichol Quinto Miguel Regodón Harkness Pathfinder Adventure Path Wallpapers Wayne Reynolds

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Wrapping Up the Mummy's Mask

I know what you're thinking. "Another Mummy's Mask blog? We're totally in Iron Gods mode now! Show me robots, darn it!" And you're right. We released the final chapter of the Mummy's Mask Adventure Path a few months ago now, and this month are releasing the second chapter in its follow-up AP, Iron Gods. That's why now is the perfect time to release a bunch of art from Mummy's Mask. We now have the entire AP to go through in search of the best pieces of art to release to the public, either as potential desktop backgrounds, or to use in a publication or on a website using the Community Use Policy.

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Tags: Damon Westenhofer Ekaterina Burmak Florian Stitz Jared Blando Johan Grenier Mummy's Mask Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Player Companion Vicky Yarova

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Clash With the Lords of Rust

As the release date for Pathfinder Adventure Path #86: "Lords of Rust" nears, I thought I'd share a few details on what readers can expect. I don't want to spoil too much about the adventure itself, so I'll mention that it takes place in a giant junkyard and the PCs have to navigate all sorts of dangers and complicated relationships between various gangs. It was also written by a maniac. Most people know him by his human name, Nicolas Logue.

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Tags: Dmitry Burmak Iron Gods Johan Grenier Migueal Regodón Pathfinder Adventure Path

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Pathfinder Adventure Path #80: Empty Graves (Mummy’s Mask 2 of 6) (PFRPG)

The Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Osirion

Since the Age of Destiny, the people of Osirion have worshiped their own local gods, in addition to those deities venerated throughout the Inner Sea region. The popularity of these Ancient Osirian gods has waxed and waned over the centuries, but they remain a part of the history of Osirion’s land and people, and with the restoration of native Osirian rule, interest in these ancient divinities has been rekindled.

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Ekaterina Burmak Johan Grenier Mummy's Mask Pathfinder Adventure Path Rob McCreary

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Pathfinder Adventure Path #77: Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth (Wrath of the Righteous 5 of 6) (PFRPG)

Beyond the Labyrinth

Last time we talked about the adventure in Pathfinder #77: Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth, so this time around on the blog I’m going to share a bit about some of the other features.

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Tags: Ekaterina Burmak Johan Grenier Jon Neimeister Pathfinder Adventure Path