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Pathfinder Adventure Path #70: The Frozen Stars (Reign of Winter 4 of 6) (PFRPG)

Aliens and Dragons

In the upcoming installment of the Reign of Winter Adventure Path, Pathfinder #70: The Frozen Stars, the PCs' quest brings them to the planet Triaxus in the midst of its generations-long winter. I don't want to spoil anything for those of you playing in the Adventure Path, but there are dragons... and aliens.

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Tags: Dragons Kate Maximovich Pathfinder Adventure Path Reign of Winter

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Gen Con Facebook Roundup

Gen Con Facebook Roundup Friday, August 5, 2011In addition to the live blog coverage of Gen Con, our intrepid staff has been posting photos to the official Paizo Facebook page to the delight of fans everywhere (as well as those of us stuck back at the office!) ... We've rounded up some of their pictures from the show (so far) to show off for today's blog. ... Mark Moreland and the Pathfinder Society Venture-Captains dine at the aptly-named Pope Table.Dave Gross signs copies of the new...
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Tags: Clerics Dave Gross Dragons Elves Ezren Fighters Gen Con Kyra Master of Devils Merisiel

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Beginner Box (OGL)

Adventure Begins Here!

... Illustration by Wayne Reynolds ... Adventure Begins Here! Wednesday, May 11, 2011The first RPG product I ever purchased came in a red box, with a fighter laying the smack down on a red dragon. I was 12 and I've never stopped gaming since. I suspect that this fall some young whippersnappers will see this Beginner Box, pick it up, and begin their own journey into this great hobby of ours. With this amazing art from Wayne Reynolds, how can they not? And what can you do to make their journey...
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Tags: Dragons Elves Ezren Iconics Merisiel Monsters Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Rogues Wallpapers Wayne Reynolds Wizards

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Pathfinder Campaign Setting: The Inner Sea World Guide (PFRPG)

Golarion Day: Inner Sea World Guide Preview

... Golarion Day: Inner Sea World Guide Preview Thursday, March 3, 2010OMG! GUESS WHAT HAPPENS NEXT WEEK? THE INNER SEA WORLD GUIDE DOES! ... Seems like I've been working on this book for a year. Oh, wait. That's pretty much correct. Feels good that it's finally about to hit store shelves and reach subscribers. In the meantime... as proof that it exists... here are five screen shots I just took of five pages from the book, to whet appetites and let folks know just how awesome looking this...
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Tags: Demons Dragons Golarion Thursdays Monsters Paladins Pathfinder Campaign Setting

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Pathfinder Tales: Plague of Shadows

A Plague on All Your Houses!

... Illustration by Daren Bader. Wallpaper design by Crystal Frasier. Widescreen version here. ... A Plague on All Your Houses! Friday, February 25, 2011The latest Pathfinder Tales novel, Plague of Shadows, has started shipping to subscribers and stores. In this novel, written by sword and sorcery icon Howard Andrew Jones, the race is on to free Lord Stelan from the grip of a wasting curse, and only Elyana, his old elven adventuring companion and former lover, has the wisdom and reflexes to...
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Tags: Daren Bader Dragons Elves Howard Andrew Jones Monsters Pathfinder Tales Plague of Shadows Wallpapers

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: GameMastery Guide (OGL)

Design Tuesdays

... Illustration by Wayne Reynolds ... Design Tuesdays Tuesday, January 4, 20112011 is here at last, and with the start of the new year, we've got a new program that we are happy to unveil. Every Tuesday, you are going to see a blog from one of the members of the design team (that being Sean K Reynolds, Stephen Radney MacFarland, or myself), looking into the mechanics of the game and giving you tips, tricks, and tools to make your game run smoothly and easily. ... I am hoping to use these...
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Tags: Design Tuesdays Dragons Monsters Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Wallpapers Wayne Reynolds Wizards

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 2 (OGL)

Release the Hordes!

... Illustrations by Eric Belisle and Wayne Reynolds. Widescreen version here. ... Release the Hordes! December 31, 2010It’s the last day of 2010, and once again the Paizo offices are closed, this time in honor of the new year. It’s been an amazing 2010 here at Paizo, and we managed to cap it with a great new hardcover book. Bestiary 2 has begun to arrive in stores and in hands around the world, making it easy to surprise your players with new monsters during your games this weekend. Bestiary...
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Tags: Crystal Frasier Dragons Eric Belisle Gremlins Paizo Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Proteans Wallpapers Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 2 (OGL)

Mega Monster Meltdown!

Mega Monster Meltdown! Tuesday, October 26, 2010All these Bestiary 2 monsters are CR 20 or higher. Deal with it! ... If you can. ... Illustration by Eric BelisleIllustration by Eva Widermann ... Illustrations by Jorge Maese ... Wes Schneider ... Managing Editor ...
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Tags: Agathions Dragons Eric Belisle Eva Widermann Giants Jorge Maese Monsters Nightshades Pathfinder Roleplaying Game

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 2 (OGL)

Vanquished Beasts!

... Vanquished Beasts! Friday, October 1, 2010If you've been paying attention over the last few weeks, you've probably noticed a lot of talk about the whole office putting great effort into wrapping up the forthcoming Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 2. Well, as of the end of the day Wednesday, the beasts—over 300 of them— were successfully wrangled into line, made to look sharp, and shipped off to the printer. Look for Bestiary 2 in bookstores, hobby stores, and on paizo.com...
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Tags: Agathions Craig J Spearing Dragons Eric Belisle Eva Widermann Hector Ortiz Mercanes Monsters Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Vermin

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 2 (OGL)

2 Many Monsters!

... 2 Many Monsters! Tuesday, September 21, 2010This is the final week of editing before we ship the Bestiary 2 off to the printer and that means the whole office is neck deep in monsters. Since we've nowhere else to put them in the ever-more-crowded editorial pit, I thought a nice way to get them out from underfoot would be to exile a few to the blog. So here are a handful of beasties we no longer need immediately on hand. Enjoy! ... Art by Damian MammolitiArt by Andrew Hou ... Art by...
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Tags: Andrew Hou Damian Mammoliti Dragons Florian Stitz Golems Hippogriffs Monsters Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Qlippoth

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Snicker snack!

... Snicker snack! Fri, Aug 6, 2010 at 03:24 PM PacificOMG! Reaper is showing off the jabberwocky mini taken from the Bestiary 2 cover. Wow! ... Lisa Stevens ... CEO
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Tags: Dragons Gen Con Monsters

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 2 (OGL)

Chaos Unleashed!

... Chaos Unleashed! Friday, July 30, 2010 ... Illustration by Wayne Reynolds ... Before the spoilers start rolling at Gen Con next week, behold the cover to your Bestiary 2! ... Tune in Monday to see if we can top this incredible cover. ... Wes Schneider ... Managing Editor ...
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Tags: Dragons Gremlins Monsters Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Proteans Wayne Reynolds

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Ghostwalk doodle

... Ghostwalk doodle Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 01:36 PM Pacificafter the modules seminar ... Sean K Reynolds ... Developer
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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: GameMastery Guide (OGL)

GameMastery Guide Preview: It's Here!

... GameMastery Guide Preview: It's Here! Thursday, June 17, 2010 ... Illustration by Andrew Hou ... As I write this Cosmo is standing in our warehouse, shin deep in packing Styrofoam, yelling about peanuts to anyone who passes by. Such strangeness might be chalked up to the daunting nature of his task—though it is hard to tell with Cos—as he's surrounded by huge walls of boxes filled with books. Guides, of a sort. GameMastery Guides, even. Which he's helping to ship out right now....
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Tags: Andrew Hou Dragons Game Mastering Goblins Kobolds Monsters Pathfinder Roleplaying Game

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Pathfinder Adventure Path #36: Sound of a Thousand Screams (Kingmaker 6 of 6) (PFRPG)

Release the Dragons!

... Release the Dragons! Tuesday, June 1, 2010Whew... with all the mad rush to get so many books out to the printer in time for Gen Con, closely followed by the weird sort of now we get a chance to relax/don't stop to relax or you'll fall behind schedule again! fugue state, I have a little bit more time to think. And while thinking, I realized that we've pretty much sent the last two adventures in the Kingmaker Adventure Path off to the printer and have started working on the next Adventure...
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Tags: Dragons Kingmaker Linnorms Monsters Pathfinder Adventure Path

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Dragon Slayers!

... Dragon Slayers! Thursday, May 13, 2010The last five months have been an uphill slog for the entire Paizo team. The goal: produce more than 30 accessories, Adventure Path volumes, modules, maps, novels, and hardcover books, before May 12th—the date by which our August releases need to be to our printer. The task has been daunting, and at several points along the way seemed unlikely, but at 10:30 last night, with the shipping of the Advanced Player's Guide and a scant hour and a half...
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Tags: Dragons Monsters Paizo Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Whiteboards

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: GameMastery Guide (OGL)

The GameMastery Countdown Begins!

... The GameMastery Countdown Begins! Friday, April 30, 2009In just about a month (give or take a week or so), the thousands of pages we set free into the wild promise to return to us in shiny blue binding as the complete GameMastery Guide. In the weeks leading up to the GMG's release we'll be previewing some of that tome's coolest and most innovative aspects right here on the blog. What to kick things off with ended up being a real tricky decision, though. So rather than focus on any one...
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Tags: Amiri Barbarians Bulettes Christopher Burdett Dragons Dwarves Game Mastering Harsk Iconics Monks Monsters Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Rangers Sajan

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: GameMastery Guide (OGL)

One for the GMs

... Illustration by Alex Aparin ... One for the GMs Thursday, February 11, 2010My day... week... life as of late has pretty much been dominated by putting the final (-ish) touches on our next big hardcover, the GameMastery Guide. It's at that weird and exciting point right now where it's making that transition between a maddening number of .doc files and something at actually looks like a book. So between the dozens of tables, charts, stats, and hundreds of pages of advice, some pretty...
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Tags: Alex Aparin Dragons Ezren Game Mastering Iconics Monsters Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Prestige Classes Seltyiel Seoni Sorcerers Wallpapers Wizards

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Pathfinder Module: City of Golden Death (PFRPG)

Gold Fever!

... Gold Fever! Monday, February 8, 2010As I write this the finishing touches are going in on our newest Pathfinder Module, City of Golden Death, the climactic conclusion to the Price of Immortality campaign arc. Written by our own Events Manager, Joshua J. Frost, the adventure takes the PCs to the notorious Isle of Terror, where they'll face agents of the Living God Razmir, ageless menaces from ancient Thassilon, the undying machinations of the Whispering Tyrant himself, and even greater...
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Tags: Andres Espara Animals Dragons Ezren Iconics Jorge Maese Merisiel Monsters Paladins Pathfinder Modules Rogues Seelah Undead Wallpapers Wizards

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New Addition to the Paizo Family!

... Photography by James Jacobs ... New Addition to the Paizo Family! Monday, January 25, 2009I have a pet pseudodragon! He guards my desk against unwanted intruders, shreds lackluster manuscripts for nesting material, chirps when I forget to go home at night, helps with insomnia, and spell checks documents for me! And if I can brag a bit... he was made by my mom for my birthday a few weeks ago! Apparently, it took her two years on and off to get him just right, with articulated and posable...
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Tags: Dragons Kingmaker Monsters Paizo Pathfinder Adventure Path

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: GameMastery Guide (OGL)

GameMastery Guide Cover!

... GameMastery Guide Cover! Monday, October 5, 2009 I may have mentioned this before, but the main villain of Pathfinder’s first Adventure Path, Karzoug, was no stranger to tormenting PCs. He was one of my homebrew campaign’s major recurring characters—a powerful wizard who served as the true menace behind the throne of an evil warlord. In my homebrew, Karzoug wielded a scythe and had already made the transition to lich and wasn’t as concerned with greed, but he was very much still the...
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Tags: Dragons Monsters Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Rise of the Runelords Wayne Reynolds
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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook (OGL)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Preview #14

... Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Preview #14 Wednesday, August 12, 2009The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook releases tomorrow at Gen Con and game stores around the country. Over the past 14 weeks, we have look at all of the core classes and one of the prestige classes that can be found in the book. We've taken a look at a host of feats, spells, and magic items, as well as a few other rules bits along the way. This week, we are investigating the most important rule in the game. Not...
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Pathfinder Adventure Path #23:

Snagged from the Vault: Pathfinder #23—The Impossible Eye

Snagged from the Vault: Pathfinder #23—The Impossible Eye Monday, April 27, 2009It is with the greatest pleasure that we are able to bring you some fantastic art with which to start your week. Featured here is the cover to Pathfinder Adventure Path #23: The Impossible Eye, painted by Jesper Ejsing. Valeros looks like he's really gotten in over his head this time! ... Vadid and Nahk ... Preview Purloiners ... Imprisoned by Flame ... A world of fire and wonder awaits! The path of the...
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Tags: Dragons Jesper Ejsing Monsters Snagged From the Vault Wallpapers
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Pathfinder Chronicles: Dragons Revisited (OGL)

Art of Dragons Revisited

... Artist: Tyler Walpole Artist: Ben Wootten ... Art of Dragons Revisited Friday, January 2, 2009So with all of the snow we've been having lately, I thought it'd be appropriate to show off some cold-weather-appropriate artwork. As it turns out, we've got just the thing in the upcoming Dragons Revisited—an entire chapter on white dragons! There's a chapter on all ten of the classic dragons, in fact, but it's those white dragons I'm afraid about whenever I wander outside these days....
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Tags: Ben Wootten Dragons Monsters Tyler Walpole Wallpapers
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Pathfinder Chronicles: Dragons Revisited (OGL)

Dragon on Dragon Action

... Illustration by Daren Bader ... Dragon on Dragon Action Wednesday, November 19, 2008With the runaway success of Classic Monsters Revisited, it was pretty much just a matter of time before we started work on the second in what is going to be a series of books that takes well-known monsters from the game and examines them in detail, ten per book. The fact that there are ten dragons in the core rules made the subject for the second book in the series a no-brainer. Check out the cover...
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Tags: Daren Bader Dragons Monsters

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Pathfinder #15—Second Darkness Chapter 3:

Amiri Just Loves Fightin' Dragons!

Amiri Just Loves Fightin' Dragons! Tuesday, September 16, 2008 As the title and art may suggest, our iconic barbarian just loves tusslin' with great winged wyrms! This lovely bit of art is just one component of the cover to Pathfinder #15, The Armageddon Echo, unfettered by logo or iconic image. Unfettered, I say! I hope you enjoy! ... Jacob Burgess ... Online Retail Coordinator ...
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Pathfinder Chronicles: Campaign Setting (OGL)

"There Are More Things In Heaven and Earth..."

... There Are More Things In Heaven and Earth... Wednesday, June 25, 2008In the past few weeks we've talked and teased a lot about what's in the Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting hardcover. There have been mentions of peoples and races and countries and organizations, but what's beyond that? In fact, what's beyond Golarion? Does campaign setting have to mean just one land, one world, one planet? Or might it mean a whole reality? ... The Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting tackles just...
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Pathfinder Chronicles: Campaign Setting (OGL)

A Glimpse Into the Heart of the Beast!

A Glimpse Into the Heart of the Beast! Friday, June 13, 2008 The Pathfinder Campaign Setting Hardcover is soon upon us and the anticipation around here is palpable (tastes like pancakes, incidentally)! Getting to see, and be a part of, the flurry of activity here is a great part of the job! Allow me to foster and nurture some of that anticipation in you by sharing some of the fantastic art that is going into this beast of a book. Enjoy! Jacob Burgess ... Online Retail Coordinator ...
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Pathfinder Adventure Path #5: Sins of the Saviors (Rise of the Runelords 5 of 6) (OGL)

Meet Freezemaw!

... Meet Freezemaw! Wednesday, January 9, 2008One of the early lessons I learned working on adventures for Dungeon was that RPG players have an extra level of demands when it comes to dragons. You can throw pretty much any other monster into an adventure without worry, but if you want to include a dragon, you'd best be sure said dragon has a history and personality. And honestly, the readers are right (as they often are). Dragons shouldn't be throwaway encounters. They shouldn't just wander...
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Tags: Dragons Monsters Rise of the Runelords Shoanti

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Dragons of Golarion

Dragons of Golarion Monday, December 3, 2007So in Pathfinder #4, we finally get around to talking about dragons in our world. We knew going in that this volume's adventure would feature Pathfinder's first official dragon fight (immortalized by Wayne Reynolds in the alternate cover to Pathfinder #1), but we didn't want to stop there. Dragons are the name of the game, and we needed to make sure that ours were distinct enough so that they looked different, but at the same point they had to look...
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Tags: Dragons Monsters

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Wayne Does It Again!

Wayne Does It Again! Monday, October 15, 2007Wayne Reynolds just delivered the cover painting for Pathfinder #5: Sins of the Saviors, and man, is it a doozy! Looks like Valeros has learned a valuable lesson about what it means to play meat-shield for the party when there's a dragon involved.... Click the image for a larger version. ... James Sutter ... Assistant Editor, Pathfinder
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Conquering the Vale

Conquering the Vale Tuesday, July 10, 2007There are a lot of things I like about dragons. They're iconic, they fly, they have breath weapons, they're deadly in melee, and they're incredibly intelligent (for the most part). Unfortunately, this usually puts them in the role of boss monster or lone combatant. Fighting against a host of dragons either feels a bit out of place or is reserved for very high-level characters. True dragons are also kind of a pain to generate, unlike other monsters....
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...And the Dragon Comes in the Niiiiiight! Friday, April 27, 2007Just...

...And the Dragon Comes in the Niiiiiight! Friday, April 27, 2007Just wanted to drop by and give you all a sneak preview of some brand new cover art we got in just in time for the weekend. They say a picture's worth a thousand words, but I'd wager that this one's worth about 22,000... which, incidentally, is how long Jason Bulmahn's W1: Conquest of Bloodsworn Vale module will be when it's all finished. In this 32-page adventure, heroes will be pitted against twisted, evil fey as they fight to...
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