Isabelle Lee |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Go Swordlords!
Instead of Council of Thieves I would have loved for this to flesh out the Brotherhood of Silence (an Oppara based thieves guild said to have "branched out" all around the Inner Sea), but you can't have everything I guess...
Wait until you see the final result before getting too disappointed. ^_^

TimD |

I think Al-Zabriti is the only group in the list that is totally new to me. Is it referenced somewhere that I missed, or is it new to everyone else as well?
New to me as well. I'm hoping it's a Namzaruum reference. Would love to see more done with that particular facet of Golarion.

Rogar Valertis |
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Rogar Valertis wrote:Wait until you see the final result before getting too disappointed. ^_^Go Swordlords!
Instead of Council of Thieves I would have loved for this to flesh out the Brotherhood of Silence (an Oppara based thieves guild said to have "branched out" all around the Inner Sea), but you can't have everything I guess...
Are you the one responsible for the Council of Thieves? I'll look forward to check it out then!This book actually has a few of my favourite organizations (Swordlords, Red Mantis and Gray Maidens) so I'm pratically sure to get it!

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Given how disparate they are in actual nature, tone, and presentation in other material, I think it's rather odd that the summary thumbnails for the Cyphermages and the Magaambya are so similar...
That's a little bit of an accident—for all of those short summaries, I tried to come up with a 1 line description that summarized the group in a way that anyone could understand, particularly to contextualize these groups for players and GMs who aren't as familiar with what the thematic differences between "Cyphermage" and "Magaambya" are. That the ended up being similarly worded is coincidence, and since the descriptions are not listed in this format right next to each other in the book, but are in fact one line from an 8 page or longer section that describes the group in greater detail, I don't see it as being much of a problem at all in the book itself... or really something that anyone would notice in the first place.

Sayt |

About 1/3 or so of the contents of the book are collated/updated from previous sources. About the same ratio as you see in a Bestiary.
Fantastic, thanks!
If you can say, what level of update are the older PRCS from the ISWG prestige classes are getting? Just editing tweaks, or has there been some adjustent in power level (be it up or down) to bring them closer in line to the PRCs in Paths of Prestige/the Righteous?

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James Jacobs wrote:
About 1/3 or so of the contents of the book are collated/updated from previous sources. About the same ratio as you see in a Bestiary.Fantastic, thanks!
If you can say, what level of update are the older PRCS from the ISWG prestige classes are getting? Just editing tweaks, or has there been some adjustent in power level (be it up or down) to bring them closer in line to the PRCs in Paths of Prestige/the Righteous?
Typically editing tweaks and errata (for example, the red mantis assassins cast spells in armor like bards can), but for the most part I did my best to keep them the same as previous incarnations to minimize confusion and conflict with existing characters.

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3 people marked this as a favorite. |

So, the organizations that aren't in it are as follows then (?):
Arclords of Nex
Blackfire Adepts
Gray Gardeners
Knights of Ozem
Prophet of Kalistrades
Pure Legion Enforcers
Razmiran Priests
Umbral Court Agents
Winter Witches
Plus a LOT more. I'm not sure where you're getting that particular list above from, but the book wasn't big enough to include every group in the Inner Sea Region... but neither does the existence of this book mean we can't do similar content for other groups in the future.
In compiling the organizations for the book, we tried to pick a range of groups that not only gave all of the classes and races representation, but also had a good range of in-world scope going on as well.

Cole Deschain |

Berselius wrote:Plus a LOT more. I'm not sure where you're getting that particular list above fromSo, the organizations that aren't in it are as follows then (?):
Arclords of Nex
Blackfire Adepts
Gray Gardeners
Knights of Ozem
Prophet of Kalistrades
Pure Legion Enforcers
Razmiran Priests
Umbral Court Agents
Winter Witches
Paths of Prestige, I reckon.

zergtitan |
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Berselius wrote:So, the organizations that aren't in it are as follows then (?):
Arclords of Nex
Blackfire Adepts
Gray Gardeners
Knights of Ozem
Prophet of Kalistrades
Pure Legion Enforcers
Razmiran Priests
Umbral Court Agents
Winter WitchesPlus a LOT more. I'm not sure where you're getting that particular list above from, but the book wasn't big enough to include every group in the Inner Sea Region... but neither does the existence of this book mean we can't do similar content for other groups in the future.
In compiling the organizations for the book, we tried to pick a range of groups that not only gave all of the classes and races representation, but also had a good range of in-world scope going on as well.
I believe if this book does well enough we might see an "Adventurer's Guide Volume 2". Maybe?

Axial |

Silver Ravens as a faction?
That's great for anyone playing/running a Hell's Rebels game, but kind of strange since

Isabelle Lee |

How much of this book would contain spoilers for Adventure Paths? I'm looking at Council of Thieves in particular, since I'm playing that one currently. I really like the sound of this book, but would be wary if I accidentally spoil myself.
A valid concern. You can always skip over that chapter for now. ^_^

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5 people marked this as a favorite. |

Are the options limited by prerequisites that a PC be a "member in good standing" (or something of the type) with the organization? Otherwise, I'd be afraid that the flavour would be undermined by players grabbing one feat from the Red Mantis section, another from the Eagle Knight section, etc.
No. There are three options for using the book the GM can choose. Going off the top of my head, they are:
1) Anything goes. Ignore the flavor and treat the book as, sort of, an "Advanced Player's Guide 2" and let players pick things as they wish.
2) Affiliation. This is a new and simple system that requires a player to be affiliated with a group; this doesn't mean you join the group. You're just an adventurer the group values and supports. (This is the book's assumption, by the way.)
3) Membership. Use the book so that a character has to actually be a member of the group to be part of it.
There's more info in the book itself, of course, but how it's used will be, as with all rulebooks, up to the GM.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

How much of this book would contain spoilers for Adventure Paths? I'm looking at Council of Thieves in particular, since I'm playing that one currently. I really like the sound of this book, but would be wary if I accidentally spoil myself.
A small amount. We try to keep the plot spoilers in there to a minimum, but there's a few. If you're worried about spoilers, simply avoid the sections that would be spoilers.

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6 people marked this as a favorite. |

James Jacobs wrote:The Al-Zabriti are detailed in the recently released Qadira book. They're a horse-riding desert dwelling society that has aspects that will appeal to druids, clerics, horse riders, and the like.Ooooo, please tell me Jessica got to do some work on this then :3
Jessica got to do some work on this.

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Rysky wrote:Jessica got to do some work on this.James Jacobs wrote:The Al-Zabriti are detailed in the recently released Qadira book. They're a horse-riding desert dwelling society that has aspects that will appeal to druids, clerics, horse riders, and the like.Ooooo, please tell me Jessica got to do some work on this then :3

Ravingdork |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Jhaeman wrote:Are the options limited by prerequisites that a PC be a "member in good standing" (or something of the type) with the organization? Otherwise, I'd be afraid that the flavour would be undermined by players grabbing one feat from the Red Mantis section, another from the Eagle Knight section, etc.No. There are three options for using the book the GM can choose. Going off the top of my head, they are:
1) Anything goes. Ignore the flavor and treat the book as, sort of, an "Advanced Player's Guide 2" and let players pick things as they wish.
2) Affiliation. This is a new and simple system that requires a player to be affiliated with a group; this doesn't mean you join the group. You're just an adventurer the group values and supports. (This is the book's assumption, by the way.)
3) Membership. Use the book so that a character has to actually be a member of the group to be part of it.
There's more info in the book itself, of course, but how it's used will be, as with all rulebooks, up to the GM.
This seems like a magnificent way to handle it! :D
As an aside I absolutely LOVED the Advanced Player's Guide! If this is on par with that in terms of content and quality, then I am TOTALLY stoked to get my hands on this product!
Iff wrote:How much of this book would contain spoilers for Adventure Paths? I'm looking at Council of Thieves in particular, since I'm playing that one currently. I really like the sound of this book, but would be wary if I accidentally spoil myself.A small amount. We try to keep the plot spoilers in there to a minimum, but there's a few. If you're worried about spoilers, simply avoid the sections that would be spoilers.
If they're less spoilery than the back covers of the adventure paths themselves (which every player and their grandmother seems to read in my experience) than I can't say I'm too concerned.

Berselius |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Plus a LOT more. I'm not sure where you're getting that particular list above from, but the book wasn't big enough to include every group in the Inner Sea Region... but neither does the existence of this book mean we can't do similar content for other groups in the future.
No problemo. I figured that not every major organization in Golarion would be made available. I look forward to the possibility for an Advanced Adventurer's Guide. :D
Paths of Prestige, I reckon.
Correct. I was just trying to confirm that other organizations that weren't in the blog post's description that did in fact appear in Paths of Prestige didn't appear. Info on products helps you want to buy them. ^_^
Cole, I think what Mister Jacobs meant was WHY that list and making it sound like it was an accusatory statement. I'm sure you didn't mean to, but that's how it came out.
I DEFINITELY DID NOT MEAN OR INTEND TO MAKE IT SOUND LIKE THAT. My apologies if it came across that way. :(
Oh, not my list. Just an observation of the lineup invoked by Berselius.
AGAIN, I DID NOT INTEND OR MEAN FOR ANYONE TO TAKE OFFENSE AT THAT QUESTION. I was simply trying to find out more info on the product. Please don't be mad. :(