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Ooh, I wonder what Apocryphal Divine Magic is.
If it's Paizo's answer to the 2e inquisitor calls, I'll be over the moon.
More realistically I imagine it to be something in the vein of the alternate magic systems/archetypes from the Book of Unlimited Magic from Secrets of Magic, providing divine casters with unusual spell options and other fun tidbits.

Tender Tendrils |
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Being one of the few creatures where there is doubt of whether it is real or just a story?
Like, you go into a tavern in a fantasy setting and say "I saw a demon!" people might doubt what you saw, but they won't say "demons don't exist!", while they might actually doubt whether the Mothman exists.
It is also just a case of a real world word/category being applied to the game that has less meaning in universe - it's more for our reference than a term that characters might use in-universe (none of the characters in-universe speak english anyway, we just play with a metaphorical universal translator turned on). It is shorthand for "here is a list of creatures that are really elusive and mysterious and fascinating that might not exist".

Ly'ualdre |
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I have to ask... in a world of magical creatures, extraplanar beings, and aberrations, what does it take to be a cryptid?
I feel like if you walk into a tavern with a dragon and a bugbear debating if they actually saw a Sasquatch, it might be a cryptid. Lol.

David knott 242 |
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Ooh, I wonder what Apocryphal Divine Magic is.
Well, in PF1 it was a bunch of subdomains that were opened up by this trait.

Ly'ualdre |
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Too soon for previews, but I’m curious what this is referring to:
Quote:the secret of becoming a living vessel for an eldritch being
Immediate thought is anything relating to such eldritch horrors such as the Great Old Ones or other powerful aberrant beings. Anything relating to the Old Cults/Elder Mythos, Dominion of the Black, the Dark Tapestry, and the corrupt and alien Abberations of the multiverse seems likely to be found within the libraries of the Dark Archieve.
That said, Pathfinder also uses eldritch to refer to many a things related to magic and its use. So who knows really.

GGSigmar |

I’m talking about mechanically. I am not interested in discussing or getting a preview about eldritch beings, and hope that my earlier comment is not misconstrued as curiosity in that topic. I want to know mechanically what it means to be a living vessel.
I bet it's just an archetype.

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I’m talking about mechanically. I am not interested in discussing or getting a preview about eldritch beings, and hope that my earlier comment is not misconstrued as curiosity in that topic. I want to know mechanically what it means to be a living vessel.
As I posted above I think that is the Synthesist Summoner.

Kodyax |
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Of the two hard cover books for general play we're getting this year this is the one I'm looking forward to the most. I'm interested in seeing what PC options come of this and if there will be any more monsters. I hope they will have material on the Dominion of the Black or the Dark Tapestry or both.

Fallen_Mage |

Fallen_Mage wrote:Synthesist Summoners already exist with this.There's a reason this got changed from being called Synthesist in the playtest, and the devs have already acknowledged the concept deserves to be a full Class Archetype to really work.
Hmm, I missed this tidbit of info. Are you able to point me to where that was acknowledged? For my own education.

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It was also mentioned in the Secrets of Magic Playtest Aftermath blog post :
"Synthesis: There was a lot of feedback on the Synthesis feat that allowed you to merge with your eidolon; it was popular but many folks said that being an option you choose each time you Manifest rather than mandatory didn’t fulfill the fantasy and that the ability to use both options caused it to have quite a few restrictions it might not need otherwise. Right now we are leaning towards changing the feat’s name and flavor to be clear that it is meant for an optional ability, and then make the synthesist a class archetype in a later book, with trade-offs based around having only the option to merge with the eidolon, not to Manifest it normally."

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VERY happy that this will be coming out well in advance of my planned "Chronomancer" Wizard! LOVED all of the fun time-themed spells from Secrets of Magic, but was disappointed that there weren't any similarly flavored Archetypes or class feats to really go with them.
Naturally, I'm quite excited that it sounds like temporal shenaniganating will have it's very own chapter, and hope these new "time-skimming" Archetypes really helps to dial things in for my character =3 Failing that, I'd probably still have fun multiclassing him with Inventor, which is the present blueprint ;P

keftiu |

VERY happy that this will be coming out well in advance of my planned "Chronomancer" Wizard! LOVED all of the fun time-themed spells from Secrets of Magic, but was disappointed that there weren't any similarly flavored Archetypes or class feats to really go with them.
Naturally, I'm quite excited that it sounds like temporal shenaniganating will have it's very own chapter, and hope these new "time-skimming" Archetypes really helps to dial things in for my character =3 Failing that, I'd probably still have fun multiclassing him with Inventor, which is the present blueprint ;P
If you're fiending for time stuff, check out the store page for the second book of Outlaws of Alkenstar.

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LoreMonger13 wrote:If you're fiending for time stuff, check out the store page for the second book of Outlaws of Alkenstar.VERY happy that this will be coming out well in advance of my planned "Chronomancer" Wizard! LOVED all of the fun time-themed spells from Secrets of Magic, but was disappointed that there weren't any similarly flavored Archetypes or class feats to really go with them.
Naturally, I'm quite excited that it sounds like temporal shenaniganating will have it's very own chapter, and hope these new "time-skimming" Archetypes really helps to dial things in for my character =3 Failing that, I'd probably still have fun multiclassing him with Inventor, which is the present blueprint ;P
Thanks! I'll take a look at that =] Granted, the GM is a bit of a stickler for keeping area-specific or AP-specific stuff strictly in line to said qualifiers, and this character I'm planning will be for our run of Shattered Star converted to 2E.
...Yes, yes we ARE very far behind XP

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I hope there's some Dominion of the Black stuff in here. I'll live if there isn't, but still - they're my favorite bit of spookiness in the setting.
Ya Dominions is great (really want that alien invasion AP xD Also starfinder ap featuring them. Multiple dominion aps would be nice)

Ly'ualdre |
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Will this book have any stress subsystem for psychological horror adventures?
I'd be surprised if they did. This book seems more focused on matters of the occult, not the horror that often accompanies such subjects. I believe they've stated that each chapter, or at least most of them, will cover subjects present within several dossiers stolen from Golarion's in-world Dark Archive. With that, it's unlikely to feature any rules relating to a stress/fear/insanity system. That'll probably come in a future rulebbok.
If I had to imagine, this book will likely be broken down something like this:
1. A brief introduction present in most books, detailing not only the contents of the book, but a generalized examination of the occult.
2. A chapter dedicated to dissecting the subject of the occult proper; what it means when placed in a world such as Golarion, which is filled with might, magic, and mystery; as well as featuring any general Backgrounds, Archetypes, Classes, Equipment, and Spells that may not fit into any of the other chapters. Given the above description, I imagine most of the player and GM options presented, other than the Classes, are likely to be in the actual chapters on the dossiers.
3. From here, it'll likely be broken into 8 further chapters, or maybe 4 chapters of similar context, that looks into the content of the stolen dossiers and the many player options, GM tools, equipment, archetypes, lore, and a few monsters related to each topic. Thus far, I don't think we know anything outside of the 3 presented, being cryptids, cults and esoteric (and likely heretical) beliefs, and temporal anomalies. Each, as they've said, will than each end in a short adventure featuring a plot related to whatever the contents of the dossier/chapter pertained to.
These, of course, are my own musing. I could be very wrong in my estimations.

Aaron Shanks Marketing & Media Manager |
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Opsylum wrote:Will this book have any stress subsystem for psychological horror adventures?I'd be surprised if they did. This book seems more focused on matters of the occult, not the horror that often accompanies such subjects. I believe they've stated that each chapter, or at least most of them, will cover subjects present within several dossiers stolen from Golarion's in-world Dark Archive. With that, it's unlikely to feature any rules relating to a stress/fear/insanity system. That'll probably come in a future rulebbok.
If I had to imagine, this book will likely be broken down something like this:
** spoiler omitted **These, of course, are my own musing. I could be very wrong in my estimations.
This book is almost final. Previews will begin after Book of the Dead has launched.

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While there's certainly a lot of occult content in this book, including a new occult spellcaster, I should underscore that this isn't The Occult Book, but rather The Paranormal Book, and that the paranormal can be divine, arcane, primal, or even non-magical or a bit to the side of the tradition system altogether. After all, if everything could be neatly categorized... where would the mystery be? ^_^

Laclale♪ |
Opsylum wrote:Will this book have any stress subsystem for psychological horror adventures?I'd be surprised if they did. This book seems more focused on matters of the occult, not the horror that often accompanies such subjects. I believe they've stated that each chapter, or at least most of them, will cover subjects present within several dossiers stolen from Golarion's in-world Dark Archive. With that, it's unlikely to feature any rules relating to a stress/fear/insanity system. That'll probably come in a future rulebook.
If I had to imagine, this book will likely be broken down something like this:
** snip **These, of course, are my own musing. I could be very wrong in my estimations.
I found typo, and "Axis physics society book" that I said before is parody of an book that shares theme.
This book is almost final. Previews will begin after Book of the Dead has launched.
Book of the Dead is in preview, but which book is focused about nightshade bloodline?

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Good morning, Archivists,
Dark Archive is off to the printer, so to commemorate, here's a small spoiler from each class!
We'll be dropping more information in the upcoming months, especially as we get closer to PaizoCon. And if you can't wait until summer for spooky stuff, don't forget that Book of the Dead is coming out soon, which has some REAL cool and creepy monsters and options in it!