Starfinder Playtest Scenario #2: It Came from the Vast!

Our Price: $5.99

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A Starfinder Second Edition Playtest adventure designed for 5th-level characters.

Countless derelict and abandoned starships litter space—some damaged beyond repair, some containing valuable cargo, and others empty save for the dead. The Xenowarden starship Bloom is one such ship. During a routine survey mission to a newly discovered dwarf planet in the Vast, the crew of the Bloom collected a variety of biological and environmental samples, secured the samples for further study, and departed, plotting a course through the Drift to a mobile research laboratory in the Pact Worlds.

The Bloom that emerged in Pact Worlds’ space was much changed—unresponsive, careening out of control, and with no sign of the ship’s crew. Explore the biomechanical corridors of the Bloom to uncover the fate of its missing crew and face off against a dangerous, alien predator that can’t be allowed to survive.

The Bloom is haunted. That’s the least of your problems.

Welcome to the Starfinder Playtest! You can directly shape the future of the Starfinder Roleplaying Game by participating in a fun and rigorous playtest period using the Starfinder Playtest Rulebook and one of several playtest adventures—including Starfinder Playtest Scenarios! Each Starfinder Playtest Scenario is a short, single-session adventure designed to be played in 2–3 hours and written by a member of the Starfinder Team.

Written by: Jessica Catalan

[Scenario Maps spoiler - click to reveal]

The following maps used in this scenario are also available for purchase here on

  • Starfinder Flip-Mat: Living Starships
  • Product Availability

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    Paizo Employee Organized Play Coordinator

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    Announced for a Gen Con release! Cover and product information are not final and are subject to change.

    Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

    Hype hype hype!

    Do subscriptions continue through from SF1e Scenarios to SF2e scenarios? Presuming so, just wanted to make sure. Thanks!

    Paizo Employee Organized Play Coordinator

    2 people marked this as a favorite.
    Jason Lillis wrote:

    Hype hype hype!

    Do subscriptions continue through from SF1e Scenarios to SF2e scenarios? Presuming so, just wanted to make sure. Thanks!

    These products are not part of the Starfinder Society Subscription.

    Scarab Sages

    Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

    WIll this be in print, but short like a Free RPG day product, or is this digital? I can't tell from the price and the description wasn't really clear.

    Paizo Employee Organized Play Coordinator

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    logic_poet wrote:
    WIll this be in print, but short like a Free RPG day product, or is this digital? I can't tell from the price and the description wasn't really clear.

    These scenarios are digital-only products.

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