Scenarios with Faction tags award bonus reputation with that faction for completing certain objectives. These should award 2 Reputation. Some early scenarios only awarded 1 Reputation under the Faction Notes at the end of the adventure; this is incorrect, and it should be 2.
When you have access to an uncommon or rare item, you can purchase it at its listed price. You can also purchase the formula for these items you have access to from the Pathfinder Society at the same price as a common formula of the same level. Only the PC with the relevant boon attached gains access to this item.
Formulas for items which limit how many a character may obtain (e.g. the dwarven daisy fireworks from Quest 5) are not available.
Yes, in most cases. If you are granted access to an item and its upgraded versions have the same rarity, you have access to those as well. For example, if you had access to the oil of object animation, this would also grant access to the greater oil of object animation, but the Common disrupting rune does not grant access to the Uncommon greater disrupting rune.
This does not apply if the higher-level item is Limited or Restricted (unless the source of access says otherwise), or if the item is not a strict upgrade (e.g. access to one Uncommon aeon stone does not grant access to all higher-level aeon stones).
Having access to an uncommon or rarer spell means that your character(s) can learn the spell in the same way they learn other spells, provided they meet all prerequisites. A character must have access to the spell to learn it from another character that knows it. Only the PC with the relevant boon attached gains access to this spell.
Characters with access to a weapon also automatically are granted access to basic ammunition for that weapon, if necessary (e.g. characters with access to a flintlock pistol also have access to firearm ammunition). Characters do not automatically have access to unusual types of ammunition for the same weapon, though other factors (Home Region, class, boons, etc) may grant such access.
Use DC 15 unless otherwise stated in the adventure. For particularly effective means of Aiding, the GM should consider giving the PCs a circumstance bonus on the check to Aid.
This FAQ was updated on November 15, 2023, to bring it in line with the Pathfinder Remaster Aid DC.
Yes, GMs can apply circumstance bonuses or penalties based on the PCs' actions. For guidance in how and when to apply these, see "Ad Hoc Bonuses and Penalties" on page 12 of the Pathfinder Gamemastery Guide.
Hero Points cannot be used on Downtime checks.
Pathfinder Society characters may not pay for hirelings as listed in the Core Rulebook. More capable hirelings are available via the Achievement Points system.
If a character does not meet the prerequisites for any bonus Pathfinder Training feat, they can hold off on making a selection until they do meet the prerequisites for at least one feat. Since all classes grant skill increases at 5th level, characters who would not otherwise meet the prerequisites might consider using that skill increase to qualify.
Some of the feats available at 5th level are feats that can be taken more than once (e.g. Multilingual and Assurance), so most characters should have a feat option available. However, if a character truly has exhausted all options, they may instead take a 1st level skill feat for which they qualify.
Yes. As long as the final character is a valid character that could have been built from 1st level with access to all options, newly-accessible options may be chosen. It is not necessary to track the exact time when a character gained access to a particular option.
Pathfinder Society uses the optional rules published with the liminal on page 143 of Bestiary 3 for this situation, which are reproduced here:
There aren’t default rules for a creature choosing to be hit[...], but you can allow an ally to improve their outcome by one degree of success against a willing target or allow the target to worsen the result of their saving throw by one step.
If a character has fewer than 20 Hit Points, treat their Hit Points as 20 when determining if their character dies from massive damage.
If a scenario calls for a specific Lore and a player has an extremely similar Lore (such as Pathfinder Lore in place of Pathfinder Society Lore), the GM should permit the use of that Lore. If a Lore is adjacent (e.g. Academia Lore in place of Library Lore), the GM can permit its use if they feel the two overlap enough. Ultimately, the GM is empowered to use their best judgment in such situations.
Non-summoned minions do not immediately die when they reach 0 HP. Instead, they begin dying much like player characters and must make Recovery Checks at the beginning of their controller's turns. Their controller's initiative count does not change when this happens, and if they reach Dying 4, they die as usual.
Undead PCs, such as skeletons, follow the following rules, in addition to all rules from their source material. Please note that these are campaign-specific clarifications and should not be treated as official errata or design clarifications.
- Skeletons and other undead do not use the undead creature traits, instead using the Basic Undead Benefits (Book of the Dead 44).
- Skeletons and other undead do not need to breathe unless otherwise stated.
- Undead PCs cannot be targeted by PC-casted resurrect rituals or similar. We have updated the Second Chance boon to indicate that it can also be used to bring these PCs back to life in their undead state if desired.
- As per an update to the Guide to Organized Play, undead PCs can obtain an oil of unlife anytime a Pathfinder Society-aligned NPC would give them an equivalent potion of healing. The Character Options have also been updated to allow all PCs to purchase oils of unlife without owning the Advanced Player's Guide.
The Pathfinder team often takes content originally printed in softcover adventures or other sources to reprint in hardcover rulebooks or Lost Omens books. Sometimes, these reprints change or update the content in question.
Unless the Character Options page states otherwise, content printed in a rulebook is considered the definitive version. Rulebooks supersede Lost Omens books, which supersede adventures or other sources. Characters with access to an option from a previous source are automatically updated to use the new version unless otherwise stated.
Sometimes a character would finish a scenario imprisoned, on another plane or planet, or otherwise in such a state that they cannot report back at the end of the adventure. Unless the scenario states otherwise, the Second Chance boon is the only way to retrieve that character. If the player does not purchase that boon or state their immediate intent to do so prior to the end of the session, the GM should mark them as dead when reporting the game.
GMs are also empowered to use their best judgement before declaring a character dead; for example, a character trapped at the bottom of a ravine could likely be retrieved by the rest of the party or nearby allies before returning home, and would not require the use of the boon.
Let us imagine that Robbie the Mastermind Rogue is attacked by three identical wolves: Alice, Bob and Charlie.
For the purposes of such abilities, a character is considered to have successfully identified a creature when they succeed or critically succeed at a Recall Knowledge check, regardless of what information they gain. If Robbie successfully Recalls Knowledge against Alice, their racket ability triggers against Alice, but not against Bob or Charlie. The information they gain would still be useful against all three.
If Robbie later tries to Recall Knowledge against Bob, they would use the typical DC, not an increased DC for a subsequent check against the same creature. Similarly, if Robbie is later attacked by two new wolves, the checks to Recall Knowledge would start at the typical DC.
In short, each creature is treated as a separate creature, even if they appear to be identical.
While GMs are empowered to run influence encounters as best fits their table, we recommend using the following guidelines:
- Players (and by extension, PCs) should be aware of the Discovery skills (but not their DCs) at the start of the encounter.
- Players should not be told which skills are Influence skills until they are successfully Discovered.
- Players should never be told the DCs of any Discovery or Influence skills.
The regions listed in the CRB are the ones that have been fully defined. Future books may define additional regions. In the meantime, for other areas of the world, you can select a single nation to gain access to options tied to that nation.
The Character Options entry for many books says, "All options are of standard availability unless specifically noted otherwise." Languages are a type of option that characters can select, so they are included in this statement.
For Unconventional Weaponry, look for access conditions based upon nationality, ethnic group, or other groups of similar broad significance. It does not cover organizations that PCs might choose to join (such as the Firebrands, Hellknights, Knights of Lastwall, or Magaambya).
For the purposes of Pathfinder Society play, choosing the following regions as a Home Region (or with the World Traveler boon) grants access to the following items:
Region Items Granted Vudra katar, temple sword, urumi Tian Xia kama, katana, naginata, nunchaku, sai, shuriken, tekko-kagi, wakizashi Golden Road kukri, khopesh Impossible Lands katar, kukri, temple sword, urumi Mwangi Expanse mambele Saga Lands bladed scarf High Seas boarding axe
Yes, players may upgrade permanent magical items or items made from special materials using the Crafting rules on page 535 of the Core Rulebook. Players may not upgrade adventuring gear or consumable items in this manner.
Yes. The Pathfinder Society has numerous crafters that assist their fellow agents. Use the rules for upgrading magic items on page 535 of the Core Rulebook.
Tiny PCs use all rules for Riding PCs and Tiny PCs as detailed on page 66 of Lost Omens Ancestry Guide. In addition, Tiny PCs use the following clarifications for Pathfinder Society play:
- Your character has contacts and connections within the Pathfinder Society that allow them to procure appropriately-sized gear. Whenever gear is available for purchase, your character can secure a version of this gear that is appropriate for their size.
- Specific items found in the course of the adventure are typically sized for Medium creatures. Use the standard rules for Medium creatures using Large equipment to adjudicate the effects of using equipment that is too large for them (for example, your Tiny PC can wield a Small or Medium weapon, though it’s unwieldy, granting them the clumsy 1 condition).
- When your Tiny PC invests a magic item, the item automatically shrinks to an appropriate size and Bulk.
For the purposes of Pathfinder Society play, modify the Divine or Primal Spellcasting entries of these classes (or the Spellbook entry, for the Wizard) to remove the phrase “in this book” or "from this book." These characters have access to all common spells on their respective spell lists as outlined on the Character Options page. The Resource Ownership rules still apply for these characters as normal.
Characters who previously spent gold to Learn a Spell that they now have access to natively are refunded the gold spent.
By default, champions and cavaliers do not have access to animal companions without the mount special ability. However, boons may grant access to other options in the future.
A unique animal companion cannot be restored by spending a week of Downtime as other animal companions can. Animal companions and other minions can always be restored to life by spells such as raise dead or the Second Chance Achievement Point boon.
The Pathfinder team often takes content originally printed in softcover adventures or other sources to reprint in hardcover rulebooks or Lost Omens books. Sometimes, these reprints change or update the content in question.
Unless the Character Options page states otherwise, content printed in a rulebook is considered the definitive version. Rulebooks supersede Lost Omens books, which supersede adventures or other sources. Players whose characters are already using these options should treat them as if they were changed via errata according to the rules in the Guide to Organized Play.
The Secondary Initiation boon, available in the online Boon Store, fulfills any entry requirements for an organization that would typically be met “off-screen,” such as the requirement to fight a devil to become a Hellknight. Pathfinders must still meet any other prerequisites to join an organization, such as national origin or ancestry if applicable.
Pathfinders who take the Secondary Initiation boon to become a member of an organization may also, as part of this boon’s benefits, declare their rank within an organization (within reason). For example, a Firebrand Pathfinder may use this boon to declare themselves as a second mark for the purpose of feat prerequisites, but they could not declare themselves to be a fourth mark Firebrand, a rank which requires international renown.
No. Unless a boon or chronicle sheet says otherwise, access to chunks of a special material does not allow purchasing items made of that material. You absolutely can purchase that material and then use Downtime to craft items made of that material.
Email with your Organized Play ID, the incorrect boon, and your desired resolution (either a refund of the points or transfer to a different character).
All players should start with 80 Achievement Points for both Pathfinder and Starfinder Society. Some players may require manual intervention to see these points reflected in their total. If you don't see your starting points, please email with your Organized Play ID so the issue can be resolved.
Career Change and Evolving Destiny do not allow this.
Career Change and Evolving Destiny do permit characters to change the ability score boosts and flaws selected at character creation. They still do not permit alteration of the selected ancestry, heritage or background. As of October 8, 2021, the boons’ text has been updated to reflect this clarification.
Party members may contribute gold to any costs incurred as part of the resurrection ritual. They may also sell the deceased characters’ items to help contribute to the cost if the player consents.
The spells available are: circle of protection, discern lies, drop dead, ethereal jaunt, false vision, globe of invulnerability, hallucinatory terrain, locate, magic aura, mind blank, mind reading, nondetection, power word blind, power word kill, power word stun, protection, spell turning, stone tell, or undetectable alignment
The items available are: aeon stone (clear spindle), aeon stone (dull gray), aeon stone (gold nodule), aeon stone (lavender and green ellipsoid), aeon stone (lavender ellipsoid), aeon stone (orange prism), aeon stone (pink rhomboid), aeon stone (tourmaline sphere), bloodletting kukri, brooch of shielding, cape of the mountebank, channel protection amulet, chime of opening, clandestine cloak, dancing rune, dragonslayer’s shield, elven chain, floating shield, forge warden, greater disrupting rune, holy prayer beads, invisibility potion, katana, katar, keen rune, kukri, mending lattice, oil of animation, oil of keen edges, panacea, potion of tongues, ring of counterspells, spell-storing rune, spiked chain, or swift block cabochon
Avid Collector—APG (Slotless): As a Pathfinder, you periodically come across obscure items that are unfamiliar to most other adventurers. Select one of the uncommon items from the Pathfinder Advanced Player’s Guide listed below when you assign this boon to a character. You have access to the item, allowing you to purchase it.
You can assign multiple copies of this boon to a character, each time selecting a different item.
Item Options: candle of invocation, claw blade, daikyu*, fire-jump ring, four-ways dogslicer, khakkara, oil of object animation, potion of disguise, spiritsight crossbow, staff of impossible visions, tengu gale blade, victory plate**, wakizashi
*For the daikyu, ignore the following limitation from Advanced Player’s Guide page 248: “Using a daikyu while mounted limits its firing range to your left side.”
**A character with victory plate begins with no victories recorded within the tabard. At the end of an adventure, write the victories currently recorded within the tabard in the Notes section of your chronicle sheet. Those victories carry over to the character’s next adventure.
The spells available are: nudge the odds, spiritual attunement or zero gravity.
The items available are: bane rune, chatterer of follies, deck of illusions, deck of mischief, detect anathema fulu, fulu compendium, north wind's night verse, rune of sin, shortbread spy, south wind's scorch song, thousand-blade thesis.
The items available are as follows:
Bellweather Lodge: big rock bullet, blindpepper bolt, chopping evisceration snare, deadweight snare, dread rune, enfilading arrow, envenomed snare, mudrock snare, rending snare, sulfur bomb
Catfish Salvage Solutions: bitter rune, cold comfort, cursebreak bulwark, malleable mixture
The Clockwork Caravan: clockwork spider bomb, periscopic viewfinder, spring-loaded net launcher, clockwork familiar
Dracori’s Sensory Emporium: burning badger guts snare, coin of comfort, dragonfly potion, glittering snare, mirror-ball snare, tar rocket snare, wet shock snare
Historia Reliquary: amaranthine pavise, drum of upheaval, rampart shield, rhino shot, staff of final rest
Kraken’s Ink Tattoo: arctic vigor, crown of insight, enveloping light, reflexive tattoo, kraken’s guard, queasy lantern, stanching rune
Lost & Found: avalanche of stones snare, bloodthirsty rune, crushing rune, dinosaur boots, pillow shield, psychic brigandine, pummeling snare, quick runner’s shirt, raining knives snare, rock ripper snare, silhouette cloak, singularity ammunition, static snare
The Mask and Moon: brewer’s regret, dragon’s blood pudding, fire and iceberg, impossible cake, follypops, server’s stew, thrice-fried mudwings
Material Changes: dweomerweave robe, energy robe, mirror robe, pickpocket’s tailoring, quick wig, shade hat, wardrobe stone, wig of holding
The Menagerie: hosteling statuette, swarmform collar, waverider barding
Merrygleam: popdust, sneezing powder
Relics & Remembrance: anchoring rune, hauling rune, implacable rune, Sarkorian god-caller garb, sky serpent bolt, wand of fey flames, wovenwood shield
The Resplendent Rose: alluring scarf, harmonic hauberk, hopeful rune, prismatic plate, vine of roses, wand of thundering echoes
The Rune Room: called rune, dragon’s breath rune, paired rune, presentable rune, snagging rune, soft-landing rune, spell-bastion rune, wind-catcher rune
The Unscathed Blade: burnished plating, dragon’s crest, reinforced surcoat, shield augmentation, twining chains, skyrider sword, fanged rune, thundermace, tri-bladed katar, asp coil, dueling spear, elven branched spear, piranha kiss, tonfa, butchering axe, sickle-saber, spiral rapier, switchscythe (level 1), Hongali hornbow
Urban Garden Jewelers: brooch of inspiration, crown of the fire eater, fleshgem, lady’s knife, magnifying glass of elucidation, mirror of sleeping vigil, staff of the dreamlands
The items available are as follows:
- Weapons: backpack ballista, backpack catapult, dart umbrella, injection spear, pantograph gauntlet, repeating crossbow, repeating hand crossbow, repeating heavy crossbow, umbrella injector
- Combat Gear: blade launcher, bomb launcher, deployable cover, grappling gun
- Gadgets: ablative armor plating, ablative shield plating, blast boots, cauterizing torch, clockwork goggles, cryomister, etheric essence disruptor, explosive mine, flare beacon, gadget skates, gecko pads, impact foam chassis, material essence disruptor, smoke fan, wind-up cart
- Snares: acid spitter, binding snare, clockwork chirper, clockwork monkey, flame drake snare, fire box, frost worm snare, noisemaker snare, puff dragon, shrapnel snare, tin cobra
- Utility Gear: clockwork disguise, clockwork diving suit, clockwork megaphone, day goggles, extendable pincer, heated cloak, holy steam ball, nightbreeze machine, paper shredder, timepiece
- Magical Wheelchairs: frog chair, spider chair
- Weapons: air repeater, coat pistol, fire lance, flintlock musket, flintlock pistol, hand cannon, long air repeater, arquebus, blunderbuss, clan pistol, double-barreled musket (level 1), double-barreled pistol, dragon mouth pistol, dueling pistol (level 1), harmona gun, jezail, mithral tree, pepperbox, slide pistol (level 1), dwarven scattergun, flingflenser
- Beast Guns: breath blaster, drake rifle, growth gun, petrification cannon, screech shooter, spider gun, spike launcher, tentacle cannon
- Cobbled Firearms: spoon gun, big boom gun, liar’s gun
- Combination Weapons: axe musket (level 1), black powder knuckle dusters, cane pistol, dagger pistol, gnome amalgam musket (level 1), gun sword (level 1), hammer gun (level 1), mace multipistol, piercing wind, rapier pistol, three peaked tree (level 1), explosive dogslicer
- Ammunition: awakened metal shot, black powder, dreaming round, eroding bullet, fairy bullet, glue bullet, meteor shot, stepping stone shot
- Tools and Accessories: concealed holster, firearm cleaning kit, practice targets, silencer, tripod, waterproof firearm carrying case, gunner’s bandolier, immaculate holsters, lucky draw bandolier, immovable tripod, portable weapon mount, air cartridge firing system, breech ejectors, large bore modifications, underwater firing mechanism
Purchasing this boon grants your character access to all of the following: Monkey's fist, Harrow carrying case, Harrow deck, Harrow mat
Purchasing this boon grants your character access to one of the following items: recording rod, aurifying salts, corpseward pendant, deafening music box, floorbell, swarmeater's clasp, vaultbreaker's harness, daylight vapor, death knell powder, fearweed, liar's demise, lifeblight residue, repulsion resin, sight-theft grit, spectral nightshade, spell-eating pitch, poisoner's staff, whisper briolette, garotte bolt, clockwork cloak
Purchasing this boon grants your character access to the admonishing ray spell as well as one of the following spells: magical fetters, putrefy food and drink, imp sting, leng sting, linnorm sting, swarming wasp stings, wyvern sting
Mother of Nagas (Slotless): You seek to topple the treacherous and restore the Mother of Nagas to her rightful role. This character gains access to Ravithra as a deity option and the naga domain. Ownership of the relevant volumes of the Agents of Edgewatch Adventure Path is not necessary to use these options; the relevant rules can be found on
Specialized Training - Undead Companions: While some see undead as purely disposable minions, you see them as long-term allies. This character gains access to the following undead companions: ghost, skeletal mount, skeletal servant, vampiric animal, and zombie (Book of the Dead 38–39), as well as the skeletal bird of prey, skeletal constrictor, undead hand, zombie carrion bird and zombie mount (Zombie Feast 77-78). These undead companions function like animal companions in all ways, aside from the differences enumerated on page 37 of Book of the Dead. You must bring a copy of Pathfinder Book of the Dead to all sessions where you play this character, but you do not have to own a copy of Zombie Feast to utilize those specific companions.
Note: this boon was updated in December of 2022 to add the companions from the Blood Lords Adventure Path.
The items available are: Dawnlight, grim ring, lady’s spiral, peachwood talisman, peachwood weapon, and undead detection dye
The feats available are: Undying Conviction, Necromancer’s Visage, and Sepulchral Sublimation (Book of the Dead 33)
The items available are: bladed gauntlet, war lance, parade armor, throwing shield, anointing oil, banner of the restful, barding saddle, busine of divine reinforcements, campaign stable, camp shroud, detector stone, guardian shield, knight captain's lance, shining shield, swiftmount saddle, undead scourge, or whistle of calling.
The spells available are: consecrate flesh, dancing shield, desperate repair, dividing trench, empathic link, enhance senses, erase trail, forced mercy, life pact, lock item, martyr's intervention, purifying icicle, radiant beam, scouring pulse, sign of conviction, synchronize steps, wall of virtue.
The items available are: hoax-hunter’s kit, dog-bone knife, and conrasu coin.
The spells available are: false nature, rally point, and temporal twin
The spells available are: inside ropes, horrifying blood loss, shadow zombie, swallow light, teeth to terror or vicious jealousy (Zombie Feast 79-80); bralani referendum, celestial accord, Elysian whimsy, mantle of Heaven’s slopes, movanic glimmer, or soulshelter vessel (Field of Maidens 77-79); curse of the spirit orchestra or infectious comedy (A Taste of Ashes 79); bound in death, dirge of rememberance, ravenous darkness, spiritual torment, steal voice, or suffocate (Ghost King’s Rage 75-77).
The items available are: lucky kitchen witch or stuffed fox wondrous figurine (Graveclaw 77); ebon marionette, gloaming arc, skeletal claw or umbral wings (Field of Maidens 76-76); curtain call cloak or spectral opera glasses (A Taste of Ashes 78).
The items available are:
Hellknight Hill: cinderclaw gauntlet
Cult of Cinders: dragon’s eye charm
Tomorrow Must Burn: bountiful cauldron, dreamstone
Fires of the Haunted City: kin-warding rune, bloodbane rune and greater bloodbane rune (choose giant or orc at purchase or creation)
Against the Scarlet Triad: grinning pugwampi, nethysian bulwark, peshpine grenade, false death poison, frenzy oil, gorgon’s breath, isolation draught, mage bane, weeping midnight
As a Pathfinder, you have traveled the world and encountered creatures most have never heard of. Select one of the three sets of creatures below and check the box next to it, then cross off the other two. This character has access to those creatures for the purpose of appropriate summoning spells. You do not need to own a copy of the AP volume to choose these creatures.
You can assign multiple copies of this boon to a character, each time selecting a different set of creatures.
[ ] Tomorrow Must Burn: blood boar and kalavakus
[ ] Fires of the Haunted City: carnivorous crystal and deculi
[ ] Against the Scarlet Triad: crucidaemon and nalfeshnee
You’ve gained specialized training from a particular individual or organization. Select one of the options below and cross the others off. This character gains access to the listed character options (and is considered a member of the organization, if applicable). You do not need to own a copy of the AP volume to choose these options.
[ ] Lacunafex Membership: You have been adopted into the Lacunafex spy network and have access to the following feats and spells: Feats: Different Worlds, Reveal Machinations, Silver’s Refrain, Tweak Appearances. Spells: Exchange image, join pasts, silver’s refrain, spiritual anamnesis.
[ ] Bellflower Membership: You are a member of the Bellflower Network and gain access to the Bellflower Tiller archetype, its associated feats, and the bellflower toolbelt.
[ ] Crystal Clear: Your friendship with the elf ghost Talamira has unlocked the secrets of the ancient Crystal Keepers. You gain access to the Crystal Keeper archetype and all associated feats.
[ ] Poisoner Training: You have been trained in rare poisoning techniques and have access to the following feats: Deadly Poison Weapons, Pesh Skin, and Shaped Contaminant.
[ ] Zephyr Guard Membership: You are a member of the Zephyr Guard and gain access to the Zephyr Guard archetype and its associated feats, as well as the Pactmasters’ Grace.
The Pathfinder Society has connections far and wide, and is able to procure trained animals not commonly found in the Inner Sea. This character has access to the camel, hyena and vulture animal companions. You do not need to own a copy of the Age of Ashes Adventure Path to select these options.
Each boon grants one item of your choice from the available list. The boons may be purchased multiple times to unlock access to multiple items.
The items available with these boons are as follows:
Armor & Armaments
Armor adjustment: weapon harness
Armor rune: immovable
Magic armors: bastion of the Inheritor, rusting carapace
Magic shield: starfall shield
Melee weapons: bladed scarf, breaching pike, combat lure, fighting fan, jiu huan dao, khopesh, kusarigama, leiomano, mambele, naginata, polytool, rope dart, sansetsukon, tekko-kagi, urumi, whipstaff, butterfly sword, chain sword, dwarven dorn-dergar, feng huo lun, hook sword, karambit, three-section naginata
Ranged weapons: boomerang, chakri, spraysling, thunder sling, barricade buster, taw launcher
Coordinating gear: grounding spike, polarizing mace, piston gauntlets, windlass bolas, rime foil, shattered plan
Celestial armory: blessed reformer, stargazer
Beast armament: algollthu lash, alicorn lance
Alchemy Unleashed
Alchemical food: journeybread
Bottled monstrosities: kraken bottle, octopus bottle, worm vial
Poisons: blue dragonfly poison, breathtaking vapor, death knell powder, gorgon’s breath, liar’s demise, looter’s lethargy, sight-theft grit, stupor poison, violet venom
Momentary Magic
Fulus: golden breath fulu, mourner’s dawnlight fulu, poracha fulu, thousand-pains fulu
Oils: bane oil, disrupting oil, fundamental oil, life-boosting oil, oil of swiftness, wounding oil
Potion: elysian dew, faerie dragon liqueur
Talismans: amnemonic charm, grinning pugwampi, hungering maw, reflecting shard, marvelous pigment, talespinner’s lyre
Wondrous consumables: marvelous pigment, talespinner’s lyre
Trappings of Power
Assistive item: empathy charm, bootstrap respirator, falconsight eye, aether appendage, spring hell, confabulator, tremorsensors
Grimoires: amazing pop-up book, architect’s pattern book, harrow spellcards
Held items: anchor of aquatic exploration, portable hole, voice from the grave
Magical tattoos: bound guardian, homeward swallow
Staves: guardian staff, spy staff
Coda instruments: pipes of compulsion, seer’s flute
Wands: wand of hybrid form, wand of refracting rays, wand of teeming ghosts, wand of traitorous thoughts
Worn items: clockwork cloak, crown of the companion, headbands of translocation, corpseward pendant, ethersight ring, pactmaster’s grace, spiritsight ring, herd mask, rhinoceros mask, tlil mask
The items available are: furnace of endings or liar’s board (page 58-59); irondust stew (page 73); Bloodhammer Reserve (Select or Black Label only), bloodknuckles, dark pepper powder, grub gloves, unexceptional rune, or words of wisdom (pages 86-87); Highhelm drill or Highhelm war shield (page 112)
The items available are: atmospheric staff (page 74); cymophane cabochon aeon stone, olivine pendeloque aeon stone, polished pebble aeon stone, robe of stone, sandcastle, singing stone (pages 98-100); everburning coal, obsidian edge (page 122-123); resonant guitar, silver snake cane (pages 146-147); brine dragon scale, conch of otherworldly seas (page 176); blooming lotus seedpot, captivating rosebud, glowing lantern fruit, sandalwood fan, therapeutic snap peas (pages 200-203); elemental fragment (page 224)
The spells available are: wisdom of the winds (page 73); engrave memory (page 94); misty memory (page 173); elemental counter (page 222)
The spells available are: detect poison (page 323), detonate magic (page 324), dispelling globe (page 325), false vision (page 330), hidden mind (page 335), locate (page 341), mind reading (page 343), mirage (page 344).
You can purchase the following boons from the Achievement Points store to gain access to one of the listed options for one character:
Esoteric Spellcaster—Pathfinder Wake the Dead Comics: heinous future (issue 1), carrion mire (issue 4)
Specialized Training–Pathfinder Wake the Dead Comics: Chaotic Spell (class feat; issue 1); Sweet Beasts (specific familiar; issue 1); Eye of the Arclords (skill feat; issue 2); Strategic Repose (class feat; issue 4); Read the Dust (class feat; issue 4)
Avid Collector—Pathfinder Wake the Dead Comics: silver orb (issue 3), bottled night (issue 5), void salts (issue 5)
The items available are: antimagic rune, elven chain armor, impenetrable scale armor, dragonslayer's shield, floating shield, force shield, forge warden, reflecting shield, animated rune, keen rune, shockwave rune, spell reservoir rune, bloodletting kukri, oil of keen edges, oil of animation, invisibility potion, panacea, potion of truespeech, mending lattice, swift block cabochon, spirit bulb, aeon stone (any one stone of your choice), channel protection amulet, charlatan's cape, clandestine cloak, countering charm, retrieval belt, ring of lies, ring of sustenance, symbol of conflict
The materials available are: adamantine (GM Core 253), dawnsilver (GM Core 253), dragonhide (Player Core 2 276), duskwood (GM Core 254), peachwood (Book of the Dead 20), djezet (Lost Omens: Grand Bazaar 97; djezet armor is not permitted for play), inubrix (Lost Omens: Grand Bazaar 98), noqual (Lost Omens: Grand Bazaar 99), siccatite (Lost Omens: Grand Bazaar 100), and grisantian hide (Lost Omens: Monsters of Myth 35)
The items available are: echo receptors (page 98); arctic worm chitin shield, hippopotamus klar (page 100); ankhrav duster, black scorpion stingmace, bloodgorger scythe, chimera flail, constricting meteor, giant squid lash (page 101-103); alicorn trigger, fulmination fang, nightmare's lament (page 104-105); arachnolute, cauthooj bagpipes, flash beetle lantern (page 105-106); amulet of the hellcat, mantle of the tikbalang (page 106); hive mother bottle, tarantula ampoule (page 109-110); ommatophoric mutagen, pallesthetic mutagen (page 110); giant catch pole, high-contrast goggles, field guide, tracking tag (page 112).
"The Pathfinder Society has connections far and wide, and is able to procure trained animals not commonly found in the Inner Sea. This character has access to the shotalashu, giant eel, giant wasp, roc and umbrella mushroom animal companions. You must spend 8 days of Downtime after purchasing this boon to bond with your shotalashu companion."
The items available are: ghoul hide, mariner’s splint (page 278); chalice of justice, four-ways doglicer (page 280); deadweight snare, grasping snare, hobbling snare, mudrock snare, rending snare, stalker bane snare (pages 298-300); disintegration bolt (page 301); potion of disguise (page 304); taper of sanctification (page 306, holy only); staff of impossible visions (page 308)
The spells available are: drop dead, spell riposte.
The items available are: caress of the great serpent, jian of life’s duality, twisting gale, worldringer (pages 126-131)
The items available are: fighting oar, palstave, war gavel, combat fishing pole, gladius, macuahuitl, war javelin, kestros (page 147)
The items available are: Digly’s oil of sympathy (page 59), musket staff of force, musket staff of the void, pistol wand (page 81)
The spells available are: 500 toads, burglar’s blind (page 26)
Muesello’s Student (Uncommon Background)
You trained under Venture-Captain Muesello of the Oppara Lodge in Taldor. You learned a few of the mage-machinist’s crafting techniques, and your extensive knowledge of magic items comes in handy during your adventures as a Pathfinder field agent. Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Dexterity or Intelligence, and one is a free ability boost.
You’re trained in the Crafting skill and the Engineering Lore skill. You gain the Crafter’s Appraisal skill feat (Pathfinder Advanced Player’s Guide 204). Additionally, when Muesello is present during your mission briefings, he takes some time to catch up with you and discuss your mission. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to your checks to Gather Information or Recall Knowledge during the Getting Started segment of such adventures. Be sure to remind your GM that you have a relevant background.
Gloriana's Fixer (Uncommon Background)
You used to run certain “errands” for Gloriana Morilla, a close confidante of Grand Princess Eutropia Stavian, the ruler of Taldor. Gloriana took note of your skills and suggested you join the Pathfinder Society, a group she’s heavily involved in herself.
Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Dexterity or Charisma, and one is a free ability boost.
You’re trained in the Thievery skill and the Underworld Lore skill. You gain the Subtle Theft skill feat.
Additionally, when Gloriana Morilla is present during your mission briefings, she discreetly checks in with you and provides some pointers. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to your checks to Gather Information or Recall Knowledge during the Getting Started segment of such adventures. Be sure to remind your GM that you have a relevant background.
Almas Clerk (Uncommon Background)
You worked as a clerk at the Golden Cathedral of Almas in Andoran. The Pathfinder Society’s activities in the city, and its passionate defense of its mission, inspired you to join the organization. You help the Society pursue its goals and navigate the laws of Golarion’s many locales.
Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Intelligence or Charisma, and one is a free ability boost.
You’re trained in the Society skill and the Legal Lore skill. You gain the Glean Contents skill feat (Pathfinder Advanced Player’s Guide 206).
Additionally, when you receive a mission briefing in the city of Almas, you know just how to find the information you need. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to your checks to Gather Information or Recall Knowledge during the Getting Started segment of such adventures. Be sure to remind your GM that you have a relevant background.
Friend of Greensteeples (Uncommon Background)
You’re a good friend of Benedet, the majordomo of Greensteeples Manor in Egorian, Cheliax. You’ve learned a thing or two about surviving against all odds thanks to your close association with House Jeggare and the clandestine Pathfinder Society operations based out of Greensteeples.
Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Dexterity or Charisma, and one is a free ability boost.
You’re trained in your choice of the Deception or Society skills, and gain the Assurance skill feat with your chosen skill. You’re also trained in a Lore skill about a narrow category of creatures.
Additionally, when you receive a mission briefing at Greensteeples Manor (or a briefing from Benedet or Varian Jeggare at another location), you receive a warm welcome. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to your checks to Gather Information or Recall Knowledge during the Getting Started segment of such adventures. Be sure to remind your GM that you have a relevant background.
Guest of Sedeq Lodge (Uncommon Background)
Either as a guest, event staff, or part of the construction crew, you spent a significant stretch of time at the Pathfinder Society’s new lodge in Sedeq. The lodge serves as a new home for those fleeing from oppression or otherwise seeking a fresh start in Qadira. The magic and marvels you witnessed at the lodge inspired you to find more excitement as a member of the Pathfinder Society.
Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Constitution or Wisdom, and one is a free ability boost.
You’re trained in your choice of the Arcana or Religion skills, as well as your choice of the Genie Lore or Sarenrae Lore skills. You gain the Recognize Spell skill feat.
Additionally, when you receive a mission briefing at Sedeq Lodge, your familiarity with the site and the nearby area comes in handy. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to your checks to Gather Information or Recall Knowledge during the Getting Started segment of such adventures. Be sure to remind your GM that you have a relevant background.
Sandswept Survivor (Uncommon Background)
You were in the Sandswept Hall, the Pathfinder Society’s lodge in Sothis, Osirion, when it came under attack from an unrelenting horde of undead. You endured the siege and forged new bonds with your fellow survivors, then joined the Society as a field agent.
Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Constitution or Wisdom, and one is a free ability boost.
You’re trained in the Survival skill and a Lore skill related to a specific type of undead, such as Mummy Lore or Zombie Lore. You gain the Terrain Expertise skill feat with underground terrain.
Additionally, when you receive a mission briefing at the Sandswept Hall, your familiarity with its history and staff grants further insight. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to your checks to Gather Information or Recall Knowledge during the Getting Started segment of such adventures. Be sure to remind your GM that you have a relevant background.
Gold Falls Regular (Uncommon Background)
You’ve long been a regular of Gold Falls Inn, a tavern located near Droskar’s Crag in the Darkmoon Vale region of Andoran. The establishment is a frequent gathering place for adventurers, storytellers, and folk heroes. You took note of the Pathfinder Society’s growing reputation in the area and decided to join up and seek adventure and fame of your own.
Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Constitution or Charisma, and one is a free ability boost.
You’re trained in the Performance skill, as well as your choice of the Cooking Lore skill or Volcano Lore skill. You gain the Impressive Performance skill feat.
Additionally, when you receive a mission briefing at Gold Falls Inn or a settlement in Darkmoon Vale, you can draw on your knowledge of the region and its many stories. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to your checks to Gather Information or Recall Knowledge during the Getting Started segment of such adventures. Be sure to remind your GM that you have a relevant background.
Ancestral Adoption (Slotless): Whether you grew up with an unlikely family or have since been adopted into an uncommon culture, you have a powerful connection to an uncommon ancestry’s techniques. When you gain the Adopted Ancestry feat (Pathfinder Core Rulebook 258), you can choose either hobgoblin, leshy, or lizardfolk in place of a common ancestry. The following are the ancestry feats you can select from these three options.
Hobgoblin: Agonizing Rebuke, Alchemical Scholar, Expert Drill Sergeant, Hobgoblin Lore, Hobgoblin Weapon Discipline, Hobgoblin Weapon Expertise, Hobgoblin Weapon Familiarity, Leech-Clipper, Pride in Arms, Remorseless Lash
Leshy: Bark and Tendril, Harmlessly Cute, Leshy Lore, Leshy Superstition, Lucky Keepsake, Shadow of the Wilds, Undaunted
Lizardfolk: Lizardfolk Lore, Marsh Runner, Reptile Speaker, Terrain Advantage
[ ] Evolving Destiny (Limited-Use, Service): Your early adventures have exposed you to difficult realities, forcing you to re-examine your skillset. Fortunately, your career is young, and course-correction is fairly straightforward. Between adventures, you can check the box that precedes this boon to completely rebuild your character so long as they have 48 or fewer XP (the Career Change boon allows you to rebuild a character of any level). Remove everything your character has purchased with gp, as well as their class, feats, skill proficiencies, and related features. You may not alter the character's ancestry, heritage or background, but you may change the ability score boosts you selected at character creation. Your character’s wealth is set to 85% of the total gold you’ve earned—this reduction represents a small amount lost from consumable use as well as items sold back for a particularly favorable rate. This rebuilding process does not change the amount of Fame, Reputation, or gp the character has earned, nor does it change the resources your character has expended on services such as spellcasting.
You can also refund any faction boons for the Fame price at which you purchased them, though you cannot sell back Limited-Use boons that you have expended or Faction Champion boons that you have used to earn Reputation for a faction.
All changes to the character must be applied by the time the character next plays an adventure; once the adventure begins, no further changes can be made with this boon.
[ ] Career Change (Limited-Use, Service): Your existing abilities have helped you achieve success in the field, but you’re overdue for a drastic change if you’re to continue succeeding in the adventures to come. Between adventures, you can check the box that precedes this boon to completely rebuild your character. Remove everything your character has purchased with gp, as well as their class, feats, skill proficiencies, and related features. You may not alter the character's ancestry, heritage or background, but you may change the ability score boosts you selected at character creation. Your character’s wealth is set to 85% of the total gold you’ve earned—this reduction represents a small amount lost from consumable use as well as items sold back for a particularly favorable rate. This rebuilding process does not change the amount of Fame, Reputation, or gp the character has earned, nor does it change the resources your character has expended on services such as spellcasting.
You can also refund any faction boons for the Fame price at which you purchased them, though you cannot sell back Limited-Use boons that you have expended or Faction Champion boons that you have used to earn Reputation for a faction.
All changes to the character must be applied by the time the character next plays an adventure; once the adventure begins, no further changes can be made with this boon.
[ ] [ ] [ ] Even when your careful searching doesn’t uncover all of a site’s valuables, you’re able to appraise, repair, and certify what you did recover to maximize their value. You can check a box that precedes this boon at the end of a scenario when you and your allies recovered 9 or fewer of the adventure’s Treasure Bundles. Increase the effective number of Treasure Bundles recovered by 1 for the purpose of calculating the group’s gold piece rewards.
The total number of additional Treasure Bundles provided by this boon cannot exceed the adventure's maximum (10, for a typical scenario).
Special: Multiple copies of this boon can be used during the same adventure, but only to recover up to a total of three lost Treasure Bundles.
□ Second Chance (Limited-Use): Adventuring is deadly business, but you have a powerful favor you can call in if your travels result in a premature death. You can check the box that precedes this boon to gain the benefits of the resurrect ritual (Pathfinder Core Rulebook page 415) for your PC or a non-summoned minion (such as a creature companion), so long as the ritual’s total cost in diamonds does not exceed 1,000 gp. If the ritual would cost more than 1,000 gp, you must pay any additional material costs beyond 1,000 gp.
The ritual takes 1 day to perform and automatically succeeds. If necessary, the Pathfinder Society will also recover your body and all lost equipment in the event it has been destroyed, lost, or is otherwise inaccessible without additional cost.
If the beneficiary is an undead character who does not die at 0 Hit Points (such as a character built using the skeleton ancestry), they can instead use this boon to benefit from a ritual that restores them to their previous undead state, instead of returning them to life. This ritual otherwise has the same costs and function as the resurrect ritual as described above.
Your contacts have introduced you to an influential member of another organization, allowing you to join that group or train in some of their techniques. Select an organization other than the Pathfinder Society. For the purpose of fulfilling prerequisites and Access conditions, you are treated as being a member of that group in addition to your belonging to the Pathfinder Society.
Special: You can apply this boon multiple times to the same character, but each time you apply it, you relinquish your membership in the previous group in order to join a different group. Before doing so, you must retrain any options that listed membership in your previous group as a prerequisite.
Organization selected: ______________________________________
Your friends in the Envoy’s Alliance share crafting materials and collaborate to create new items more efficiently. You only need to spend 1 day of downtime before attempting your skill check and subsequently beginning to reduce the item’s effective cost.
You have modified your wayfinder to resonate with your allies’ actions, allowing you to better help them in times of need. When you purchase this boon, you apply its benefits to one wayfinder in your possession, granting you a special free action ability when the wayfinder is invested and in your possession.
You can activate this ability as a free action before you Aid an ally. If you roll a success on the check to Aid, you instead get a critical success.
You can safely use this benefit once per adventure. You can attempt to use it a second time, overcharging the wayfinder at the risk of destroying it. When you do so, roll a DC 10 flat check. On a success, the wayfinder is broken. On a failure, the wayfinder is destroyed. If anyone tries to overcharge a wayfinder that’s already been overcharged, the item is automatically destroyed (even if it has been repaired) and does not provide the activated benefit.
Special: You can apply multiple upgrades to a single wayfinder. Each upgrade only affects one wayfinder in your possession, chosen when the boon is purchased. If a wayfinder has multiple upgrades on it, you can only safely use each ability once per scenario.
If the wayfinder with this upgrade is destroyed, you can apply the upgrade to another wayfinder during Downtime for no additional cost beyond that of the wayfinder itself.
You spend your free time studying learning new trivia or practicing unfamiliar languages. When you acquire this boon, choose a common language you don’t know or a Lore skill in which you are untrained. After purchasing this boon. you can spend Downtime practicing the selected language or skill. Once you have expended 50 days of Downtime in this way, you learn the chosen language or become trained in the chosen Lore skill. This boon then grants no further benefit.
Special: You can apply this boon multiple times to the same character. Each time you do so, select a different language or Lore skill.
Downtime days expended:
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You have modified your wayfinder to focus your mental energy, driving more reliable insights. When you purchase this boon, you apply its benefits to one wayfinder in your possession, granting you a special free action ability when the wayfinder is invested and in your possession.
You can activate this ability as a free action before you Recall Knowledge. If you roll a critical failure on the Recall Knowledge check, you instead get a failure.
You can safely use this benefit once per adventure. You can attempt to use it a second time, overcharging the wayfinder at the risk of destroying it. When you do so, roll a DC 10 flat check. On a success, the wayfinder is broken. On a failure, the wayfinder is destroyed. If anyone tries to overcharge a wayfinder that’s already been overcharged, the item is automatically destroyed (even if it has been repaired) and does not provide the activated benefit.
Special: You can apply multiple upgrades to a single wayfinder. Each upgrade only affects one wayfinder in your possession, chosen when the boon is purchased. If a wayfinder has multiple upgrades on it, you can only safely use each ability once per scenario.
If the wayfinder with this upgrade is destroyed, you can apply the upgrade to another wayfinder during Downtime for no additional cost beyond that of the wayfinder itself.
Word of your skill and expertise is spreading, and you find that increasingly prestigious clients are prepared to pay for your services. When using Downtime to Earn Income, you can choose to attempt a task of your level.
Normal: When Earning Income, a PC can attempt a task of their level –2 or lower.
You have modified your wayfinder to absorb a small amount of your exhaustion, allowing you to continue exploring unhindered. When you purchase this boon, you apply its benefits to one wayfinder in your possession, granting you a special ability when the wayfinder is invested and in your possession.
As an action, you can reduce the severity of your clumsy, enfeebled, or sickened condition, reducing that condition’s value by 1.
You can safely use this benefit once per adventure. You can attempt to use it a second time, overcharging the wayfinder at the risk of destroying it. When you do so, roll a DC 10 flat check. On a success, the wayfinder is broken. On a failure, the wayfinder is destroyed. If anyone tries to overcharge a wayfinder that’s already been overcharged, the item is automatically destroyed (even if it has been repaired) and does not provide the activated benefit.
Special: You can apply multiple upgrades to a single wayfinder. Each upgrade only affects one wayfinder in your possession, chosen when the boon is purchased. If a wayfinder has multiple upgrades on it, you can only safely use each ability once per scenario.
If the wayfinder with this upgrade is destroyed, you can apply the upgrade to another wayfinder during Downtime for no additional cost beyond that of the wayfinder itself.
It doesn’t matter how powerful your weapons are if you don’t know where to strike. You have taken the time to study a certain category of creatures, making it easier to recall their capabilities later. When you purchase this boon, either select one creature type from List 1 below, or choose two creature types from List 2. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Recall Knowledge about creatures of the selected type(s). If your Reputation tier with the Vigilant Seal is Revered, this bonus increases to +2.
List 1: [ ]aberration, [ ]animal, [ ]beast, [ ]construct, [ ]dragon, [ ]elemental, [ ]fiend, [ ]undead.
List 2: [ ]astral, [ ]celestial, [ ]ethereal, [ ]fey, [ ]fungus, [ ]giant, [ ]monitor, [ ]ooze, [ ]plant.
Special: You can apply this boon multiple times to the same character. However, the character must focus their training on one set of creatures before each adventure, and cannot benefit from multiple copies of the boon at the same time.
You have specially reinforced your wayfinder, devising a way for the device to absorb harmful energies. When you purchase this boon, you apply its benefits to one wayfinder in your possession, granting you a special ability when the wayfinder is invested and in your possession. You gain the following reaction.
Resist Harm (reaction); Trigger You would take damage; Effect You gain resistance 1 to acid, cold, electricity, fire, force, negative, positive, and sonic damage against one attack, spell, or effect. This applies only to the initial effect, not to any subsequent attacks or damage dealt by the effect (such as persistent damage or an ongoing hazard). This resistance increases to 2 when your reach the Admired Reputation tier with Vigilant Seal, and to 4 when you reach the Revered Reputation Tier.
You can safely use this benefit once per adventure. You can attempt to use it a second time, overcharging the wayfinder at the risk of destroying it. When you do so, roll a DC 10 flat check. On a success, the wayfinder is broken. On a failure, the wayfinder is destroyed. If anyone tries to overcharge a wayfinder that’s already been overcharged, the item is automatically destroyed (even if it has been repaired) and does not provide the activated benefit.
Special: You can apply multiple upgrades to a single wayfinder. Each upgrade only affects one wayfinder in your possession, chosen when the boon is purchased. If a wayfinder has multiple upgrades on it, you can only safely use each ability once per scenario.
If the wayfinder with this upgrade is destroyed, you can apply the upgrade to another wayfinder during Downtime for no additional cost beyond that of the wayfinder itself.
By spending your off-hours administering medical aid to those in need, you have developed extraordinary first aid instincts. After purchasing this boon, you can spend Downtime to provide medical services to others. Once you have expended 8 days of Downtime in this way, you can expend the boon as a free action before attempting a Medicine check to Administer First Aid, Treat Disease, Treat Poison, or Treat Wounds. You improve your check’s degree of success by one step (such as if you roll a failure, you get a success instead); the boon is not expended if your original roll is a critical success. Once you expend this boon, it provides no other benefit.
Special: You can apply this boon multiple times to the same character, though you cannot expend more than one copy of this boon per adventure.
You have specially augmented your wayfinder, devising a way for the device to reveal hidden creatures. When you purchase this boon, you apply its benefits to one wayfinder in your possession, granting it the following activation ability.
Activate [two-action] command (evocation, good, light) Effect The wayfinder glows with a spiritual radiance, revealing that which is hidden.
This has the effects of faerie fire, except the effect occurs in a 10-foot radius centered around you.
You can safely use this benefit once per adventure. You can attempt to use it a second time, overcharging the wayfinder at the risk of destroying it. When you do so, roll a DC 10 flat check. On a success, the wayfinder is broken. On a failure, the wayfinder is destroyed. If anyone tries to overcharge a wayfinder that’s already been overcharged, the item is automatically destroyed (even if it has been repaired) and does not provide the activated benefit.
Special: You can apply multiple upgrades to a single wayfinder. Each upgrade only affects one wayfinder in your possession, chosen when the boon is purchased. If a wayfinder has multiple upgrades on it, you can only safely use each ability once per scenario.
If the wayfinder with this upgrade is destroyed, you can apply the upgrade to another wayfinder during Downtime for no additional cost beyond that of the wayfinder itself.
When you apply this boon, choose a common alchemical item or potion of your level or lower to which you have access. The Verdant Wheel has taught you how to craft this item far more efficiently and provided you with a source for the rare herbs and ingredients needed to make 1 batch (typically 4 copies of the item). Making the item with the Verdant Wheel's method uses the standard rules for Crafting the item, with the following exceptions. First, you must use Nature, Survival, or Herbalism Lore in place of Crafting for all purposes. Second, you only need to spend 2 days of Downtime before attempting your first skill check and subsequently beginning to reduce the item’s effective cost.
Special: You can apply this boon multiple times to the same character.
You can select the Leshy Familiar feat as a 2nd level class feat, even if you are not a druid. You can ignore the prerequisite of belonging to the leaf order.
When you apply this boon, you can retrain your 2nd level class feat to Leshy Companion without spending Downtime.
You are able to leverage your connections within the Society to raise funds for your allies’ resurrection, ensuring that everyone lives to see another adventure. You and your allies treat your effective character levels as 1 lower for the purpose of the raise dead spell and the resurrection ritual. This applies to both the level of the spell or ritual required, as well as to calculating the cost of the diamonds necessary to cast the spell or perform the ritual.
Long hours interacting with fragile manuscripts has taught you how to keep your hands steady. You can activate the following ability once per adventure.
Steady Hand [free-action] (fortune) Roll twice and take the higher result on a Thievery check. You can only activate this ability before rolling the check.
By traveling so widely, you have developed an intuitive talent for using esoteric techniques. Once per adventure, you can activate this boon as a free action to apply these techniques, gaining a +1 circumstance bonus to either all of your attack rolls or all of your skill checks for 1 round.
You have been entrusted with an accursed item from the Society’s vaults, and you can spend your time in the Grand Lodge patiently unraveling its malign influence. When you acquire this boon, choose a permanent magic item of your level or lower to which you have access. You can spend Downtime erasing the item’s stubborn curse. This uses the same rules as you would to Craft the item, with the following exceptions. First, you must use Arcana, Nature, Occultism, or Religion in place of Crafting for all purposes. Second, you only need to spend 2 days of Downtime before attempting your first skill check and subsequently beginning to reduce the item’s effective cost.
You can uncurse more than one magic item with this boon, but you must finish uncursing one item before beginning the next.
Item chosen: ________________________________
Item chosen: ________________________________
Item chosen: ________________________________
Your allies in the Radiant Oath faction performed a ritual to grant you holy protection against demons, daemons, devils, and similar evil beings. Once per adventure, when you roll a critical failure on a saving throw against a fiend, you get a failure instead.
If you are at least trained in Nature, you gain a bonus skill feat from the following list: Natural Medicine, Quick Identification, Recognize Spell, or Train Animal. If you have already selected one of these feats, you can freely retrain your selection.
Update January 2022: Previously, this boon had a stipulation that the character receiving the option must wait until they reached the level of the original chronicle sheet to use the option. This text was removed as it was redundant.
Pathfinders often find strange treasures for which they might not have any use. In keeping with the Society's ethos of cooperation, generous Pathfinders spend some of their own time and resources tracking down other agents who could benefit more from these rewards. When you acquire this boon, select one [Uncommon/Rare/Unique] character option to which you’ve gained access through an adventure’s Chronicle Sheet or via a no-cost boon from the online boon store (e.g., a listed magic item or a boon that allows you to acquire a special animal companion).
Choose another of your characters. That character gains access to that special option instead. The receiving PC must also meet any prerequisites for the boon (e.g. they must be Liked by a particular faction to access that faction’s unique gear from Lost Omens Pathfinder Society Guide). On the Chronicle Sheet or Boon, write “Bequeathed” and the recipient character’s number next to the option. You no longer have access to that option (and must retrain the character option or sell an item back for full cost if you acquired the option and would no longer qualify for it).
Option Chosen: _______________________________________
Bequeathed To: -20__________
Not, it does not. The boon allows you to transfer access to character options. The reference to Chronicle Sheets and rewards from the boon store exists to tell you which places that you could gain access are eligible for transfer via Bequeathal.