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Disembarking the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest

Greetings, Starfinders!
Thank you all so much for your participation in the Starfinder Second Edition playtest. We’ve had an immense number of downloads, which has led to some great commentary and feedback from our community. The entire Starfinder team has been carefully sifting through mountains of invaluable survey data (which you can still submit until December 31 at starfinderplaytest.com!). Whether you were a GM, player, or a passionate fan dissecting our playtest rulebook, every Starfinder should be proud of their contributions as they disembark this incredibly successful playtest!

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Tags: Starfinder Starfinder Playtest Starfinder Roleplaying Game Starfinder Second Edition

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Find Your Path—October 2024

Hail and well met, ‘Finders! This month’s new releases invite you to follow your Mythic Calling, witness the outbreak of an interstellar war, and face the fallout of the Godsrain!

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Tags: Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition Pathfinder Society Pathfinder Society Scenarios Starfinder Playtest Starfinder Roleplaying Game Starfinder Second Edition Starfinder Society Starfinder Society Scenarios

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Starfinder Playtest Errata: Wave 3

Greetings Starfinders! We’ve received a starship-load of data thanks to your feedback and continued participation in the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest! This exciting evolution in our game’s future includes some of the feedback we’ve received in the surveys that will remain up for submissions and edits until December 31st.

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Tags: Starfinder Starfinder Playtest Starfinder Roleplaying Game Starfinder Second Edition

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Empires Devoured

Hey Starfinders!
It’s been a bit since we checked in, but today we’re excited to provide some further details on the soon-to-be-released Starfinder Second Edition Playtest Adventure: Empires Devoured written by… uh, me! Me being Thurston Hillman, Associate Publisher and creative head for Starfinder.

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Tags: Starfinder Starfinder Playtest Starfinder Roleplaying Game Starfinder Second Edition

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Starfinder Playtest Errata: Wave 2

Greetings Starfinders! I’d like to extend a special thanks to everyone who continues to contribute to the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest! Our team of diligent developers have uncovered a number of rules elements that need fixing to ensure a proper playtest experience, all of which can be found alongside our initial errata on our Starfinder Second Edition Playtest FAQ page. Many of these errata are meant to clarify designer intent and should not heavily impact your playtest experience.

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Tags: Starfinder Starfinder Playtest Starfinder Roleplaying Game Starfinder Second Edition

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Blast Off with the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest Primer Humble Bundle

After all the excitement of Gen Con—including the launch of the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest—we thought we’d remind you we have a new Humble Bundle available now, featuring that very same playtest! With the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest Primer Bundle, you can get everything you need to participate in the playtest, as well as a ton of Starfinder First Edition material to help set the stage for the new edition! The bundle also includes accompanying assets in Hero Lab Online, all while helping a worthy cause: Girls Who Code!

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Tags: Humble Bundle Starfinder Starfinder Playtest Starfinder Roleplaying Game Starfinder Second Edition

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Starfinder Gen Con Follow-Up

Wow! What a Gen Con!

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Tags: Starfinder Starfinder Playtest Starfinder Roleplaying Game Starfinder Second Edition

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Starfinder Playtest Errata

The Starfinder Second Edition Playtest is finally here! This labor of love wouldn’t be possible without the dedicated work of an incredible team here at Paizo and the feedback we’ve received during the Field Test stage as we conduct the most open playtest process in Paizo’s history! Check out our playtest scenarios and learn how to playtest blogs, download the freeStarfinder Second Edition Playtest Rulebook, and start playing Starfinder Second Edition today!

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Tags: Errata Starfinder Starfinder Playtest Starfinder Roleplaying Game Starfinder Second Edition

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Starfinder Second Edition Setting Updates

Everyone on the Starfinder team agrees that the setting is our favorite part of the game. As stewards of Starfinder, we’re more interested in preserving and expanding lore than we are in reinventing it, but a new edition is the perfect time to update our beloved setting. Here are a few exciting changes you can look forward to in Starfinder Second Edition!

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Tags: Starfinder Starfinder Playtest Starfinder Roleplaying Game Starfinder Second Edition

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Starfinder Playtesting Overview

The Starfinder Playtest and the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest Rulebook are coming soon! On behalf of the entire Starfinder team, we’d like to thank you for your time, dedication, and enthusiasm for the next edition of the Starfinder Roleplaying Game. The upcoming playtest is a vital part of making sure Starfinder Second Edition will be the best possible game it can be! Your feedback is indispensable to our process, and we literally couldn’t do it without you!

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Tags: Starfinder Starfinder Playtest Starfinder Roleplaying Game Starfinder Second Edition

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Starfinder Playtest: Demos, Pregens, and Playtest Scenarios!

<Incoming transmission from the Starfinder team… >

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Tags: Starfinder Starfinder Playtest Starfinder Roleplaying Game Starfinder Second Edition

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Happy Cosmic Birthday!

It’s time to celebrate! Starfinder Second Edition Playtest Adventure: A Cosmic Birthday is the first full-length playtest module for Starfinder Second Edition, and it tells the story of a disastrous surge of eldritch energy that disrupts Absalom Station and threatens to throw a community into chaos! The player characters are going about their typical adventuring lives when they suddenly find themselves shunted to the Ghost Levels, a strange dimension filled with occult threats and mysteries. Can they find other survivors and escape the Ghost Levels? And, if they manage it, what will they find once they return to Absalom Station? Things aren’t going so well for the people of the Little Akiton district. The PCs have a lot of work ahead of them if they want to help the community back on its feet, learn the truth behind the strange power surges, and get things back to normal!

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Tags: Starfinder Starfinder Playtest Starfinder Roleplaying Game Starfinder Second Edition

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Starfinder Playtest Preview: Witchwarper

Hello again from the Starfinder team! With the launch of the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest right around the corner, it won’t be long until you can dive in, build characters, and try the new classes for yourself. Still, we couldn’t resist one last, brief glimpse into the sixth class from the Playtest Rulebook: we’re talking, of course, about the witchwarper!

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Tags: Starfinder Starfinder Playtest Starfinder Roleplaying Game Starfinder Second Edition

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Starfinder Playtest Preview: Solarian

Hello everyone! Starfinder team here and ready to give you a sneak peek into Starfinder Second Edition by giving you a preview of the solarian class! We’re sure you can’t wait to playtest it yourself once the Starfinder Playtest Rulebookreleases this August, but in the meantime, read on!

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Tags: Starfinder Starfinder Playtest Starfinder Roleplaying Game Starfinder Second Edition

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Starfinder Society Second Edition Playtest

The Starfinder Second Edition Playtest is set to launch midsummer at GenCon 2024! Full details about this open playtest, which is focused on the Starfinder Playtest Rulebook, will be announced in July 2024. Six Starfinder Second Edition adventures will be released to support the playtest, including two softcover adventures* and four short digital-only scenarios**.

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Tags: Organized Play Starfinder Starfinder Playtest Starfinder Roleplaying Game Starfinder Second Edition Starfinder Society

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Field Test #5: Starfinder Encounters of the Second Edition Kind!

Welcome to the fifth Starfinder Second Edition Field Test!

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Tags: Starfinder Starfinder Playtest Starfinder Roleplaying Game Starfinder Second Edition

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Field Test #4: Team Up with an Envoy!

Welcome to the fourth Starfinder Second Edition Field Test!

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Tags: Starfinder Starfinder Playtest Starfinder Roleplaying Game Starfinder Second Edition

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Starfinder Playtest Product Announcements!

Hello everyone! As some astute fans have already noticed, we’ve uploaded the first products related to the upcoming Starfinder Second Edition Playtest. For those of you who’d like to learn more, the team thought it wise to provide additional context on what to expect!

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Tags: Starfinder Starfinder Playtest Starfinder Roleplaying Game Starfinder Second Edition

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Reports from the Field Part 3

Hiya, it’s me Jenny Jarzabski (Senior Developer) reporting in from the field! I got to spread some Veskmas cheer by running the playtest demo at Pax Unplugged, and I’m here to tell you all about it! This playtest is an encounter designed to test out some of the basic rules of Starfinder Second Edition. Reading on might spoil the demo’s content, so for those of you planning to attend Owlcon (in February) or Norwescon (in March) where some Starfinder team members might be running this demo, you’ve been warned!

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Tags: Conventions Starfinder Starfinder Playtest Starfinder Roleplaying Game Starfinder Second Edition

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Field Test #3: That Cantina Feel

Happy New Year! Welcome to the exciting reveal of our third Starfinder Second Edition Field Test.

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Tags: Starfinder Starfinder Playtest Starfinder Roleplaying Game Starfinder Second Edition

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Field Test #3 Survey Extreme!

Howdy, everyone! It’s the Starfinder team reporting in. We got a lot of great data from our recently streamed playtest as well as from comments you’ve sent in on our past Field Tests. We’ve enjoyed sharing these experiences with you. Right now, we need your help to decide the content for our third Starfinder Second Edition Field Test.

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Tags: Starfinder Starfinder Playtest Starfinder Roleplaying Game Starfinder Second Edition

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Field Test #2: Putting the Fantasy in Science-Fantasy

Starfinder releases its second Field Test!
Hey everyone! Welcome to the exciting reveal of our second Starfinder Second Edition Field Test.

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Tags: Starfinder Starfinder Playtest Starfinder Roleplaying Game Starfinder Second Edition

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Reports from the Field Part 2

Welcome to the second blog following up on the recent announcement of Starfinder Second Edition. You can read the first blog here!

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Tags: Starfinder Starfinder Playtest Starfinder Roleplaying Game Starfinder Second Edition

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Reports from the Field: Starfinder Second Edition Playtests

Welcome to one of our first blogs following up on the recent announcement of Starfinder Second Edition! For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Thurston Hillman, the Managing Creative Director for Starfinder. Basically, that means that I guide the creative vision for the Starfinder brand, while also managing the great folks who work on the Starfinder Roleplaying Game. Today, as we continue our open playtest experience, I wanted to give you a behind-the-scenes look at some of the internal playtesting we’ve been doing here at Paizo!

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Tags: Starfinder Starfinder Playtest Starfinder Roleplaying Game Starfinder Second Edition

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Starfinder Second Edition is Coming!

Today we’re ecstatic to officially announce that Starfinder Second Edition is happening. Back in 2017 we released Starfinder, a new game system and setting to stand alongside Paizo’s tried and true Pathfinder brand. Today we’re revealing the next evolution in Starfinder as we announce its second edition and lay out our plans for the future.

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Tags: Starfinder Starfinder Playtest Starfinder Roleplaying Game Starfinder Second Edition

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Starfinder Evolutionist Playtest Wrap-Up!

With the close of the Starfinder evolutionist playtest, we want to thank everyone who participated whether by filling out a survey or sharing thoughts on our forum or another venue.

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Tags: Playtest Starfinder Starfinder Playtest Starfinder Roleplaying Game

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Starfinder Evolutionist Playtest Update

There are just a few weeks left in the open playtest period for Starfinder’s upcoming evolutionist class. If you haven't already downloaded the free playtest PDF and tried out the new class, you still have time! The playtest ends September 24th, and we need your feedback to make this class the best it can be.

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Tags: Playtest Starfinder Starfinder Playtest Starfinder Roleplaying Game

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Starfinder Evolutionist Playtest Launches Today!

The evolutionist is a new class for Starfinder that brings to bear the power of transformation over time. As an evolutionist, you’ll become a fantastical extraplanar being, turn from mere mortal into machine, accept the powers and perils of undeath, or erupt with chimeric potential and vital energy. Whichever path you choose, you’ll have to balance your burgeoning capacity for change with the sometimes-dangerous effects of tapping into such potential.

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Tags: Playtest Starfinder Starfinder Playtest Starfinder Roleplaying Game

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New Starfinder Playtest

Some say the only constant is change—and Starfinder’s newest playtest is all about it! Indeed, it’s time to shake up the galaxy with a new class that demonstrates the power and possibility of transformation.

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Tags: Playtest Starfinder Starfinder Playtest Starfinder Roleplaying Game

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Starfinder Precog Playtest Wrap-Up!

With the close of the Starfinder precog playtest, we want to thank everyone who participated, whether by filling out a survey or sharing thoughts on our forum.

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Tags: Starfinder Starfinder Playtest Starfinder Roleplaying Game Starfinder Society

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Starfinder Precog Playtest Closes Soon!

There are just a few days left in the open playtest period for Starfinder’s upcoming precog class. If you haven't already downloaded the free playtest PDF and tried out the new class, you still have time! The playtest ends December 25, and we need your feedback to make this class the best it can be.

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Tags: Starfinder Starfinder Playtest Starfinder Roleplaying Game Starfinder Society

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Precog Playtest for Starfinder Society

With the release of the Precog Playtest, the Starfinder Society Organized Play Program is also opening its doors to a limited form of playtest, specifically for the Precog class. Since this class won't be for some time, we're looking at allowing players the chance to test out this new during the playtest period.

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Tags: Organized Play Starfinder Starfinder Playtest Starfinder Roleplaying Game Starfinder Society

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Starfinder Precog Playtest Coming Soon!

In less than two weeks, we will be launching a playtest for a new Starfinder spellcaster class—the precog!

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Tags: Starfinder Starfinder Playtest Starfinder Roleplaying Game Starfinder Society

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Starfinder Playtest Wrap-Up!

Now that the dust has settled from our months-long public playtest of Starfinder’s upcoming nanocyte class and mech system, we’d like to leave you with a few final thoughts.

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Tags: Starfinder Starfinder Playtest Starfinder Roleplaying Game

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Starfinder Tech Revolution Playtest Closes Soon!

There are just 11 days (including one weekend) left in the open playtest period for Starfinder’s upcoming nanocyte class and mech system. If you haven't already downloaded the free playtest PDF and tried out the nanocyte or mechs—or both!— you still have time! The playtest ends September 18, and we need your feedback to make these best they can be.

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Starfinder Playtest Launches

This playtest presents two new options: the nanocyte class and the mech combat subsystem. The nanocyte is a cunning combatant who houses a host of nanites in their body. Using their nanite array, they can confound foes, spontaneously create equipment, and reinforce their own bodies, and specialized nanocytes can even stitch wounds, dissolve into nanite swarms, and shred foes with a cloud of microscopic assailants!

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Tags: Playtest Starfinder Starfinder Playtest Starfinder Playtests Starfinder Roleplaying Game

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