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The Abomination Arsenal: Part 7

Victory and Total Party Kill!
We have a saying in the Order: We don’t start campaigns, we finish them. Yet, no matter how many times we find ourselves at the end of an Adventure Path, it still feels nostalgic and we never take it for granted. Having played more than 160 published adventures to date, we’re extremely fortunate to have seen the bottom of so many dungeons, the end of so many stories, and we always make sure to toast when we reach the final encounter. Our headquarters in New Jersey has a shelf with champagne bottles that read “Giantslayer,” “Strange Aeons,” “Ruins of Azlant,” and more.

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Tags: Community Order of the Amber Die Pathfinder Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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The Abomination Arsenal: Part 6

Check out this guest blog submitted from our friends at the Order of the Amber Die! This is part 6 in their adventures in the Abomination Vaults. Find previous entries in the links below.

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Tags: Community Order of the Amber Die Pathfinder Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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The Abomination Arsenal: Part 5

The Deep Levels!
We’ve delved a lot of dungeons throughout Order of the Amber Die’s history. We’ve delved a few megadungeons too. There is this cool thing that happens when you pass the two-thirds mark of a megadungeon; in 2014, it happened when we reached the eleventh level of The Emerald Spire. In our earlier years, it happened when we reached the third poster map of the Ruins of Undermountain. It happened again during this marathon, when we landed on the eighth level of the Abomination Vaults. You’re close to the end. You can feel the immensity of the megadungeon above you, instead of below you. Barring teleportation, it takes longer and longer each time you trek back up to the surface. Everything is a bit more serious—the pressure to succeed is greater. You’re in what we call “the deep levels” of a megadungeon. Just reaching the deep levels is enough for hand-slaps and hugs around the table, but in the back of your mind is what awaits at the bottom.

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Tags: Community Order of the Amber Die Pathfinder Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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The Abomination Arsenal: Part 4

The Black Powder Cadre took a hit in this marathon, and lost one of its founding members. Like we said in our last report, author Vanessa Hoskins will surprise you. No finger-pointing amongst the team here—we got surprised—plain and simple. Before we get to what happened, this daring all-gunslingers project has lasted longer than many of us expected, so get caught up if you need to:

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Tags: Community Order of the Amber Die Pathfinder Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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The Abomination Arsenal: Part 3


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Tags: Community Order of the Amber Die Pathfinder Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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The Abomination Arsenal: Part 2

Our second marathon is a wrap, so let’s get to it! In case you haven’t caught up on the first report, our party of gunslingers succeeded in delving the top level of the Abomination Vaults, but at a cost. We fared much better on this marathon: we started to click more as a party and improved on some of the combat strategies needed to pump lead into every monster in a megadungeon. It’s hard to say at this point, but if we play as well through the remaining marathons as we did here, we might just gun down the entire Abomination Vaults.

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Tags: Community Order of the Amber Die Pathfinder Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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The Abomination Arsenal: Part 1

Our first marathon is in the books, and it’s time to report out! We knew when we started this project that it wasn’t going to go down like a typical dungeon crawl—or megadungeon for that matter. Instead, this campaign shot off with an excessively violent bang (series of them, actually) that left a character dead and a level full of face-down mitflits. We’ve played a lot of dungeons over the years, but we’ve never riddled one with ricochet marks. In short: Gunslingers are a great time, everyone should try four!

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Tags: Community Order of the Amber Die Pathfinder Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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The Abomination Arsenal

Order of the Amber Die here, back with our eighth project since 2014! In case you aren’t familiar with our work from past projects, we’ll give you the staccato version. We only play published adventures. We use the complete rules set. We’ve had the same GM since our founding: 1987. We like to push the envelope of tabletop roleplaying. We only play marathon sessions—days at a time. We’ll play on location. Our GM isn’t afraid to kill characters or TPK us; he’ll do it in front of the community, too. Imagine us like a roleplaying team, complete with a captain to help the players. We revere one d20 above all others, and that is the Amber Die. It doesn’t roll more 20s than it should, but it chains them when it does, and doubters have always been converted. After more than 150 adventures, we’ve even gotten rid of RPG absolutes: yeah, we’ll split the party.

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Tags: Community Order of the Amber Die Pathfinder Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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Order of the Amber Die: The Slithering Salve: Part 2

Our first project of Pathfinder 2nd Edition—The Slithering Salve—is complete! That's right, last month we assembled the Order for another marathon session of Ron Lundeen's module, The Slithering. The August humidity in New Jersey was enough to curl even the sturdiest character sheet, but we embraced it as part of our Mwangi experience and came out alive (mostly, see below).

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Tags: Community Order of the Amber Die Pathfinder Pathfinder Roleplaying Game The Slithering

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Order of the Amber Die: The Slithering Salve Part 1

In case you're new to our projects or what Order of the Amber Die is all about, here's a quick rundown: We have been dedicated to pushing the envelope of tabletop role-playing since 1987. After more than five years on the Paizo blog, including three full Adventure Paths and the Pathfinder Playtest, we were looking for a new project, and our first one in Pathfinder 2nd Edition no less. We had never presented anything from Paizo's modules line, but just a few minutes after scanning the options, a new project was born: The Slithering Salve! Over the years, author Ron Lundeen has shown up as one of the more frequent names from the adventures we've played, and The Slithering will mark the fourth adventure of his that the Order has taken on.

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Tags: Community Order of the Amber Die Pathfinder Pathfinder Roleplaying Game The Slithering

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Order of the Amber Die: Beyond the Veiled Past

Let's get this out right away: It's an awesome feeling to complete an Adventure Path. As we all know, you don't have to scan the message boards very hard to find stories of how many groups almost made it to volume six of an AP. Not too long before the historic events of 2020, we assembled for exactly that: one final marathon of Ruins of Azlant. Our odyssey was at its conclusion, and what made this marathon equally nostalgic was that it was our last adventure of the Pathfinder 1st Edition era.

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Tags: Community Order of the Amber Die Pathfinder Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ruins of Azlant

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Order of the Amber Die—The Azlant Odyssey, Part 5

It’s been a while since we’ve heard from our friends at the Order of the Amber Die, but they’re still at it! There were some scheduling complications and their tackling of Doomsday Dawn for the playtest, but they’ve recently finished their marathon of Pathfinder Adventure Path #125: Tower of the Drowned Dead and sent me their report. I also got a chance to talk with GM Adam Smith at Gen Con a couple of weeks ago, and he let me know that they have more amazing things to share with us once they wrap up the Ruins of Azlant Adventure Path—so stay tuned! Also, keep in mind that this blog contains spoilers for the adventure and Adventure Path, so be careful if you’re playing this one!

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Tags: Community Order of the Amber Die Pathfinder Adventure Path Ruins of Azlant

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Order of the Amber Die—Doomsday Dawn Playtest: Wrap Up!

Before letting the folks from the Order of the Amber Die get their final thoughts regarding the Playtest out there, I want to thank them for the heroic effort they made in getting this material to all of us. It was great not only hearing about the play experience and seeing the thorough data, but it was also amazing to gaze at the gorgeous pictures. So, thanks to the Order of the Amber Die! Take it away, y'all!

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Tags: Community Order of the Amber Die Pathfinder Playtest

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Order of the Amber Die—Doomsday Dawn Playtest, Part 7

They've reached the end of Doomsday Dawn! The Order of the Amber Die is here to give a report of their experiences with the last chapter of the Playtest adventure after an exciting run through the whole thing. Did they survive or perish? Read below to find out. But! If you want to avoid spoilers, read this a bit later after you're done with the adventure.

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Tags: Community Order of the Amber Die Pathfinder Playtest

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Order of the Amber Die—Doomsday Dawn Playtest, Part 6

Closing in on the end of Doomsday Dawn, the guys from the Order of the Amber Die are here with their report on Part 6—"Red Flags"! Keep in mind that there are spoilers in this report, so if you haven't played through the adventure and don't want to know any secrets, come back after you're done.

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Tags: Order of the Amber Die Pathfinder Playtest

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Order of the Amber Die—Doomsday Dawn Playtest, Part 5

It's time for another report from the Order of the Amber Die! This time they give us a peek at their table as they ran through Part 5 of Doomsday Dawn, "The Heroes of Undarin"! As usual with these blogs, if you haven't played or read this and don't want to see any spoilers, turn away now!

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Tags: Community Order of the Amber Die Pathfinder Playtest

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Order of the Amber Die—Doomsday Dawn Playtest, Part 4

They keep going and going! The folks from the Order of the Amber Die have crossed the halfway mark in DoomsdayDawn finishing "The Mirrored Moon." I just got their report from that session and wanted to share it with the rest of you. Keep in mind that there will be spoilers, so if you haven't played through this one yet, read this blog later!

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Tags: Community Order of the Amber Die Pathfinder Playtest

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Order of the Amber Die—Doomsday Dawn Playtest, Part 3

It's time to get spooky! Those Order of the Amber Die folks delivered their report from the third chapter of Doomsday Dawn, and now y'all can read about how it went for them (and see the pretty pictures they took of their experience. If you intend of playing through this adventure, maybe wait to read this blog after you're done so that you don't run into any spoilers!

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Tags: Community Order of the Amber Die Pathfinder Playtest

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Order of the Amber Die—Doomsday Dawn Playtest, Part 2

The folks from the Order of the Amber Die are churning through the Pathfinder Playtest. Here is the next report from their table as they play through the second chapter of Doomsday Dawn! If you intend on playing through this adventure, maybe wait to read this part after you're done, because there are spoilers aplenty in this blog post!

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Tags: Community Order of the Amber Die Pathfinder Playtest

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Order of the Amber Die—Doomsday Dawn Playtest, Part 1

You've heard their tales of marathon Adventure Path sessions, now the folks from the Order of the Amber Die are eagerly leaping into the Pathfinder Playtest. Below is the first report from their table as they play through the first portion of Doomsday Dawn! Beware spoilers if you intend on playing through this adventure!

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Tags: Order of the Amber Die Pathfinder Playtest

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Order of the Amber Die—The Azlant Odyssey, Part 4

The folks from Order of the Amber Die are back again! Get ready to dive into adventure with a new report from their latest marathon session running through Pathfinder Adventure Path #124: City in the Deep! Be forewarned, though! There are spoilers aplenty in this report. (Maybe just look at the awesome pictures if you're playing through this.)

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Tags: Community Order of the Amber Die Pathfinder Adventure Path Ruins of Azlant

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Order of the Amber Die—The Azlant Odyssey, Part 3

Those Adventure Path marathoners from the Order of the Amber Die are back again with a report from their play through of Pathfinder Adventure Path #123: The Flooded Cathedral! If you've missed the first two installments, check them out here: Part 1 and Part 2. As usual, there be spoilers! Read the following at your own risk!

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Tags: Community Order of the Amber Die Pathfinder Adventure Path Ruins of Azlant

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Order of the Amber Die—The Azlant Odyssey, Part 2

Those Adventure Path marathoners from the Order of the Amber Die are back again with a report from their play through of Pathfinder Adventure Path #122: Into the Shattered Continent! As usual, there be spoilers! Read the following at your own risk!

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Tags: Community Order of the Amber Die Pathfinder Adventure Path Ruins of Azlant

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Order of the Amber Die—The Azlant Odyssey, Part 1

The Order of the Amber Die is back with another marathon run through an Adventure Path, and this time they've picked the Ruins of Azlant Adventure Path. I'm not going to spend too much time introducing this blog, but I do want to warn readers that there are some spoilers in here. If you're a player or just want to be surprised when you read The Lost Outpost, read at your own risk!

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Tags: Community Order of the Amber Die Pathfinder Adventure Path Ruins of Azlant

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Order of the Amber Die—The Strange Aeons Experiment, Part 6

"It was all the same dream, a dream that you had inside a locked room, a dream about being a person. And like a lot of dreams, there's a monster at the end of it."—Rust Cohle

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Tags: Community Order of the Amber Die Pathfinder Adventure Path Strange Aeons

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Order of the Amber Die—The Strange Aeons Experiment, Part 5

They made it off the map! Well, off the map of the Inner Sea and deep into parts unknown. The folks from the Order of the Amber Die recently completed their fifth marathon session of running the delightfully creepy Strange Aeons Adventure Path. I'm going to keep this introduction short and let all of you dive right into the action as the Order of the Amber Die recaps their experiences with Pathfinder Adventure Path #113: What Grows Within.

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Tags: Community Order of the Amber Die Pathfinder Adventure Path Strange Aeons

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Order of the Amber Die—The Strange Aeons Experiment, Part 4

On the trail of the person who condemned them to an asylum with no memory of their former selves, the Order of the Amber Die tackles the fourth adventure of the Strange Aeons Adventure Path. It looks like they had a great time (as usual), and this time around it was great to read the live tweeting from the Order's newest member—former Paizo intern Savannah Broadway.

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Tags: Community Order of the Amber Die Pathfinder Adventure Path Strange Aeons

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Order of the Amber Die—The Strange Aeons Experiment, Part 3

Despite waking from the nightmare of what sounded like a tough but exciting marathon session, the Order of the Amber Die folks bring up a report from their experience with the third adventure in the Strange Aeons Adventure Path, Pathfinder Adventure Path #111: Dreams of the Yellow King. This adventure promised to bring the weird and surreal into the campaign, and from what I've heard from the Order of the Amber Die, it succeeded.

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Tags: Community Order of the Amber Die Pathfinder Adventure Path Strange Aeons

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Order of the Amber Die—The Strange Aeons Experiment, Part 2

After what seems to be some harrowing experiences, the Order of the Amber Die completed the second adventure, Pathfinder Adventure Path #110: The Thrushmoor Terror, in the Strange Aeons Adventure Path in yet another marathon session. I'm going to keep this short and let them tell their tales. Be sure to check out the links at the bottom of this post to read more about their experience with this Adventure Path. Beware, players! Spoilers below!

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Tags: Community Order of the Amber Die Pathfinder Adventure Path Strange Aeons

See Also: