Starfinder 2nd Edition Playtest FAQ

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  • Page 13 (Ancestry Feats): Manifold Evolution can only select ancestry feats you qualify for of 13th level or lower.

  • Page 23 (Ancestry Feats): Uncanny Awareness has the Fortune trait.

  • Page 25 (Ancestry Feats): Add the following to Opportunistic Hug: “Special: If you have the Titan Wrestler skill feat, you can use Opportunistic Hug against creatures up to two sizes larger than you, or up to three sizes larger than you if you’re legendary in Athletics.”

  • Page 47 (Ancestry Feats): Remove "and it treats its space as difficult terrain" from Underfoot.

  • Page 67-68 (Envoy): Effortless Influencer is an 18th level class feature.

  • Page 70 (Envoy Feats): Change the last sentence of Distant Feint to read “If you do, your Feint gains the emotion trait.”

  • Page 76 (Mystic): Change the first sentence of the second paragraph under Mystic Bond to read: “You always know the general distance and direction toward other bonded creatures, their Hit Point totals, and if they are conscious, unconscious, dying, or dead."

  • Page 76 (Mystic): Change the last sentence of Vitality Network to read: “When you Refocus, your vitality network regains all its Hit Points.”

  • Page 76 (Mystic): Add the following sentence to Transfer Vitality: “This ability works on creatures with void healing as though this action had the void trait.”

  • Page 78 (Mystic): At 11th level, the mystic gains the Perception Expertise class feature with: “You remain alert to threats around you. Your proficiency rank for Perception increases to expert.”

  • Page 77 (Mystic): Group Chat no longer grants the Force Connection ability. It instead grants the Network Spell ability that functions as the 1st level Mystic feat on page 81, except change the first two sentences to read: “You channel your spell to manifest from one of your allies instead of yourself. If the next action you use is to Cast a Spell with an area, range, or target, the spell manifests from one of your bonded allies instead of yourself. Use the ally’s space to determine the spell’s source, range, and area of effect, but line of sight and line of effect must be met from both you and your ally when the spell is cast.”

  • Page 81 (Mystic Feats): Add the following sentence to shadow connection's harmony: “Even creatures with darkvision (but not greater darkvision) can barely see through the darkness and they treat targets seen through the darkness as concealed.”

  • Page 82 (Mystic Feats): Add Network Connection as a 2nd level mystic feat with the same text as the ability from page 77. It has the mystic trait.

  • Page 82 (Mystic Feats): Add the following to Adaptive Defense: “Transfer Cost: 2”

  • Page 82 (Mystic Feats): Mental Inteference has the mental trait.

  • Page 239-240 (Mystic Focus Spells): Change elemental weapon to create a tactical grade weapon instead of a commercial grade weapon. Change elemental weapon’s 2nd rank heighten entries to the following: “Heightened (2nd): advanced”. Remove its 3rd-rank and 4th-rank heightened entries.

  • Page 87 (Operative): The operative begins Expert in Will.

  • Page 89 (Operative): Replace the first sentence of the Sniper’s exploit with: “You ignore the unwieldy and volley trait of guns you wield.”

  • Page 89 (Operative): The benefits of the Striker Exploit apply to melee unarmed attacks, including the increase in proficiency, benefits of Aim, and ability to use operative feats. Replace the second paragraph of the exploit with: “You can use one-handed melee weapons with the agile trait and melee unarmed attacks with the agile trait to Aim and to satisfy requirements and use operative feats and features that require a ranged Strike or gun.”

  • Page 92 (Operative Feats): Change the Trigger of Hair Trigger to the following: “The last creature you aimed at since the start of your last turn uses a manipulate action or a move action, makes a ranged attack, or leaves a square during a move action.”

  • Page 93 (Operative Feats): Double Draw is now called Twin Draw. It now takes one action to use and has the following text: “You have practiced dual wielding and smoothly drawing and taking aim with your weapons. Draw up to two one-handed weapons and Aim.”

  • Page 94 (Operative Feats): Replace the prerequisites of Twin Shooter with Twin Draw.

  • Page 97 (Operative Feats): Replace the text of Relentless Aim with: "When determining if you have line of effect to a target you've aimed at, you can choose one solid surface within your weapon's first range increment to ricochet your shot to hit your target. You must be aware of the target and its position, and do not need to attempt a flat check to affect a hidden creature. If the creature is undetected, the GM still rolls a flat check in secret to see if you missed, but the flat check becomes DC 5."

  • Page 100 (Solarian): Your photon-attuned solar weapon has the light trait and sheds magical light.

  • Page 100 (Solarian): Change the last sentence of the first paragraph of Solar Weapon with the following: “Alternatively, you can select the reach or two-hand 1d10 trait for your weapon instead of selecting two of the following traits.”

  • Page 102 (Solarian): At 9th level, the solarian gains the Solarian Expertise feature with the following: “Your proficiency rank for your solarian class DC increases to expert.” Remove this text from the Solarian Weapon Mastery feature.

  • Page 102 (Solarian): At 17th level, the solarian gains the Solarian Mastery feature with the following: “Your proficiency rank for your solarian class DC increases to master.” Remove this text from the Solar Paradigm feature.

  • Page 102 (Solarian): Remove the last sentence of Armor Expertise for the Solarian. Solarians do not get armor specialization effects.

  • Page 103-104 (Solarian): Remove the cycle trait from Black Hole and Supernova.

  • Page 112 (Soldier): Change the text of Primary Target from the third sentence and onward to the following: “Before resolving the area of effect attack, make a ranged Strike using your weapon against the selected target. Ignore the unwieldy trait on your weapon when using this action. If two or more creatures are equidistant or closest, you can choose which one is your primary target. If you successfully hit your primary target with this Strike and the target rolls a success against your Area Fire or Auto-Fire action, they get a failure instead. This Strike doesn’t count toward your multiple attack penalty.”

  • Page 113 (Soldier): Replace the second sentence of Soldier Weapon Expert to the following: “Your proficiency ranks for simple weapons, martial weapons, and unarmed attacks increases to expert.”

  • Page 118 (Soldier Feats): Change the last sentence of Run Hot to say: "After you use this action, your weapon needs to cool off and cannot be used until after your next turn or until you take any amount of cold damage."

  • Page 119 (Soldier Feats): Replace the third sentence of Hammer the Nail with: “In addition, on a critical success, the target is knocked prone after being Shoved.”

  • Page 128 (Witchwarper): Replace the effect of Restorative Recollection with the following: “There is a part of your mind in another reality always processing your situation. You can Recall Knowledge with any skill you are trained in. Decrease your stunned value by 2 or slowed value by 1. If you lost an action this turn due to the stunned or slowed condition, you can use Restorative Recollection as a free action.”

  • Page 130 (Witchwarper): Change Quantum Pulse to be a class feature that you gain at 1st-level.

  • Page 133 (Witchwarper): Replace the second sentence of Infinite Magic with the following: "Twice per day, you can cast a 9th-rank or lower spell after you've run out of spell slots of the appropriate spell rank; the two spells you cast with this feat must of different spell ranks."

  • Page 172 (Hands): Add the following to the rules for multi-armed characters: Multi-armed characters can Climb using non-active hands.

  • Page 181-182 (Weapons): Neural lash has the analog trait. Force needle has 1 upgrade slot. Crossbolter is in the crossbow group.

  • Page 188 (Armor Upgrades): Instead of a bonus to Reflex saves, the explosive defense unit grants "Resistance 2 to area damage (acid, cold, electricity, and fire damage only)."

  • Page 191 (Upgrades): Remove "Once per round" on advanced tripod.

  • Page 198 (Augmentations): Remove the Avoid action of the cardiac accelerator. Change the price to 1,300 credits.

  • Page 200 (Augmentations): The speed suspension augmentation provides an item bonus to land speed.

  • Page 214 (Medical Items): Elite Hypopen should cost 3,500 credits and be level 12. Ultimate Hypopen shoulder cost 9,000 credits and be level 14.

  • Page 220 (Spells): Remove "Defense basic Reflex" from adhere. Change target to "1 held or unattended object or 5-foot-square surface"

  • Page 220 (Spells): Akashic revival is not a 3-action spell. Add “Casting Time: 10 Minutes".

  • Page 221 (Spells): Analyze target should provide a status bonus, not a circumstance bonus.

  • Page 221 (Spells): Change the Defense of atomic blast to basic Reflex and the Critical Success to say "the target is unaffected by the initial damage." Change the text to say "exposed to extreme radiation (page 252) that uses your Spellcasting DC as the Fortitude DC for Radiation Sickness incurred by exposure to this radiation."

  • Page 236 (Spells): Remove "once per round" from the failure entry of void whispers.

  • Page 236 (Spells): Remove the incapacitation trait from vibe check.

  • Page 12 (Ancestry): The base speed of the Barathu is 5 feet.

  • Page 22 & 39 (Ancestry Feats): Change the text of the Kasatha and Skittermander ancestry feat Double Draw to: "You Interact to draw, stow, or swap items you have up to twice."

  • Page 44 (Ancestry): Change the text of the ysoki Sharp Teeth ancestry feature to read: “Your prominent incisors offer an alternative to the fists other humanoids bring to a fight. You have a jaws unarmed attack that deals 1d4 piercing damage, is in the brawling group, and has the agile and finesse traits.”

  • Page 46 (Ancestry): Replace the text of the ysoki's Tinkering Fingers feat to say: “You’re trained in Crafting. If you are trained in Crafting from another source (from your background or class, for example), you instead become trained in a skill of your choice. You can Repair an item without using a repair toolkit without taking the –2 circumstance penalty, improvising tools from whatever you have at hand. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Crafting checks to Repair an item when you have a repair toolkit.”

  • Page 46 (Ancestry): Replace the text of the Vicious Incisors feat to say: “Your jaws unarmed attack deals 1d6 piercing damage instead of 1d4, and gains the backstabber trait. You can file down your teeth and regrow them later on, enabling you to select this feat at any level, and to retrain into and out of this feat.”

  • Page 79 (Mystic): At level 13 the Mystic gains the Weapon Specialization class feature with the following text: "You deal 2 additional damage with weapons and unarmed attacks in which you are an expert. This damage increases to 3 if you’re a master, and 4 if you’re legendary."

  • Page 82 (Mystic): In the mystic's xenodruid feat, replace the 5th-rank spell for Viral Order with toxic cloud.

  • Page 88 (Operative): Replace the ghost operative's exploit's second and third sentence with: "You can Aim at targets your undetected by as a free action. If you successfully Strike a target you are undetected by, or has an attitude of friendly towards you, they become slowed 1 for 1 round."

  • Page 89 (Operative): Replace the text of the sniper operative's enhanced exploit with: "If you fail your first ranged Strike against your mark using a sniper rifle, you can automatically reload your sniper rifle as a free action and you ignore your sniper rifle’s unwieldy trait until the end of your turn."

  • Page 115 (Soldier): Add the following sentence to Whirling Swipe: "If you have the Primary Target class feature, the follow-up Strike to a Whirling Swipe is a melee Strike."

  • Page 117 (Soldier): Add the following sentence to Offensive Defense: "If you have the Primary Target class feature, the follow-up Strike to Offensive Defense uses your forcefield or shield."

  • Page 126 (Witchwarper): At level 11 the Witchwarper gains the Weapon Expertise class feature with the following text: "Your proficiency rank for simple weapons and unarmed attacks increases to expert."

  • Page 163 (Environmental Protections/Armor): Change the first sentence of the activation and duration section of environmental protections to: "A suit of armor's environmental protections last for a number of days equal to its item level (minimum 1 day)."

  • Page 166 (Armor Improvements): Change the traits in the following grades of armor improvements to the following: Tactical: -, Superior: Resilient: +1, Ultimate: Resilient +2

  • Page 169 (Shields): The hefty value of the Mobile Bulwark Shield is +2

  • Page 173 (Weapon Traits): Replace the text of the deadly weapon trait to read: " On a critical hit, the weapon adds an additional weapon damage die of the listed size. Roll this after doubling the weapon’s damage. The damage from this trait increases to 2 dice for elite- and ultimate-grade weapons and 3 dice for paragon-grade weapons. For instance, an elite nano-edge rapier deals an additional 2d8 piercing damage on a critical hit. An ability that changes the size of the weapon’s normal damage dice doesn’t change the size of its deadly die."

  • Page 175 (Weapon Traits): Replace the professional weapon trait's third sentence with the following: "For purposes of proficiency, you can choose to treat this martial weapon as a simple weapon or this advanced weapon as a martial weapon, up to your proficiency with the listed skill."

  • Page 179 (Weapons): The painglaive is a martial weapon, not an advanced melee weapon. Add the boost 1d4 trait to the painglaive.

  • Page 180 (Weapons): The Bone Scepter does 1d6 Modular damage

  • Page 180 (Weapons): Remove the unwieldy trait from the Doshko.

  • Page 180 (Weapons): The Boom Pistol, Screamer, Street Sweeper, and Sonic Rifle does sonic damage (So), not slashing damage (S).

  • Page 181 (Weapons): Seeker rifle is in the sniper group, has the volley (60 feet) trait, and magazine size of 1 projectile.

  • Page 182 (Weapons): Change the magazine size of the magnetar rifle to 20 projectiles.

  • Page 183 (Weapons): Replace “Projectile Ammo (1)” with “Projectile Ammunition (10)”. The price remains the same.

  • Page 184 (Grenades): An advanced and superior grenade launcher have 1 upgrade slot. An elite and ultimate grenade launcher have 2 upgrade slots. A paragon Grenade Launcher has 3 upgrade slots.

  • Page 192 (Weapon Upgrades): The flaming module, frost module, and loudener weapon upgrades deal the additional damage on a hit, allowing them to work with area attacks.

  • Page 193 (Weapon Upgrades): Add the following to the effect of Adjust Sight on the sniper's scope: “This does not increase the size of area attacks.”

  • Page 196 (Augmentations): Add to the end of Implant Limit: "Apex augmentations never count against your implant limit."

  • Page 201 (Augmentations): Add after the list of colors: "Moodskin does not count against your implant limit."

  • Page 223 (Spells): Remove the incapacitation trait from carcinization.

  • Page 232 (Spells): Selective invisibility has the illusion, manipulate, and subtle traits. Remove the concentrate trait.

  • Page 233 (Spells): Share pain has the mental trait.

  • Page 242 (Focus Spells): Quantum negation is a 2-action spell.

  • Page 256 (Conditions): The suppressed condition gives a creature a -10-foot status penalty to Speeds, not a –5-foot penalty.

  • Page 57 (Backgrounds) Change the last line of the Disciple background to “You gain the Holy Talisman skill feat without meeting the feat's prerequisites.”

  • Page 67 (Envoy): Add the following line to the trait definition sidebar entry for Directive: “This action has the auditory or visual trait depending on how you inspire your allies.”

  • Page 76 (Mystic): Change the text of Transfer Vitality to be “You can transfer one or more of Hit Points from your vitality network into yourself or a bonded creature you can see within 60 feet.”

  • Page 82 (Mystic): Add the Transfer trait to Spot Healing.

  • Page 89 (Operative): Change the first line of the striker’s exploit to read: “You have expert proficiency with unarmed and one-handed melee weapons with the agile trait instead of with martial guns."

  • Page 114 (Soldier): Update the text for the Pin Down feat to be: “You can suppress creatures in your blast zone by pinpointing a shot to impact near them. Select one creature that was in the area of effect of your prior attack. That creature must attempt a save against your attack again, as though it were in the area of effect from the prior attack. This effect suppresses the target, but doesn’t deal damage or create any of your attack’s normal effects.”

  • Page 117 (Soldier): Add the following line to Intimidating Taunt: “This action has the auditory trait or visual trait, depending on how you taunt your enemy.”

  • Page 119 (Soldier): Remove the last line of the Bullet Hell feat as it is extraneous.

  • Page 148/152 (Feats): Change the Hologram Skeptic feat to be Feat 1.

  • Page 169 (Shields): Remove the “Upgrades” header and associated text. This was from a prior build and the content was not added to the playtest.

  • Page 169 (Shields): Remove the “Upgrades” columns from shields and shield improvements. This was from a prior build and the content was not added to the playtest.

  • Page 172 (Weapons): Change the third line in Magazine to: “Weapons listed with charges represent battery-powered weapons and can use batteries up to the same grade as the weapon (so a tactical weapon can use a commercial or tactical battery).”

  • Page 173 (Weapons): Change the boost trait to read: “You can charge up a weapon with this special property with an Interact action by spending 1 expend of the weapon’s magazine. If the boost trait lists one or more traits, apply the traits listed to the next attack you make with this weapon. If the boost trait lists a value, increase the weapon’s damage by the listed amount for each weapon die on the next attack you make with the weapon. This increases the weapon’s damage and is multiplied on a critical hit. Boosting this weapon more than once before firing it doesn’t have any extra effect, and the extra charge dissipates if the weapon is not fired by the end of your next turn.

  • Page 180 (Weapons): Move the painglaive to be a martial weapon.

  • Page 181 (Weapons): The Zero Pistol was given the later stats of the Machine Gun. It is supposed to have 30 ft. range, 1 reload, 1 bulk, 1 hand, 10 charges magazine, 2 expend, Cryo group, and the tech trait.

  • Page 181 (Weapons): Change damage type on the Sonic Rifle and Boom Pistol from S to So.

  • Page 181 (Weapons): Add “30 ft.” to the end of the Assassin Rifle’s volley trait.

  • Page 181 (Weapons): Add the tech trait to the Aeon Rifle, Card Slinger, Singing Coil, and Starfall Pistol weapons.

  • Page 182 (Weapons): Add “30 ft.” to the end of the Injection Rifle and Shirren-Eye Rifle’s volley trait.

  • Page 182 (Weapons): Change damage type on the Screamer and Streetsweeper from S to So.

  • Page 234 (Spells): Change “quantum aura” reference in Subjective Reality to “quantum field”.

When we released Starfinder back in 2017, we built it upon the framework of Pathfinder’s first edition with mechanical innovations and new systems for people to explore. Today, Pathfinder is well into its Second Edition, with the core remaster series of books now released. This has put us in the strange position of fighting our own success, as players across the world enjoy the new mechanics  in the latest iterations of Pathfinder, such as the beloved three-action economy. We want to take a moment to take all the things we’ve learned since Starfinder began, as well as lessons from the success of Pathfinder’s latest edition, and synthesize those together into a new and better version of Starfinder.

As the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest Rulebook  is released, the Starfinder brand celebrates its seventh anniversary. It’s going to take another full year for us to release the final rules, bringing us up to an eight-year edition cycle for a game that was heavily based on rules from an edition of Pathfinder that had lasted well over 10 years. We’ve learned a lot since we released our original books, and we want to take that knowledge and put it into play by providing better products with what we know will be a better version of the game.

You don’t have to! We’ve made the deliberate decision not to release the dreaded nanite swarms that enter your home and consume your First Edition books. At least, for now…

In all seriousness, we want First Edition games to continue! Everyone here at Paizo has touched Starfinder in some way, and we’re all incredibly proud of the game and our work on it. Just because we’re updating the edition doesn’t mean that we’re invalidating your home games or preventing you from continuing that Adventure Path you’ve been playing for the past three years. Like we did with Pathfinder’s First Edition, we’ll continue printing Starfinder books if the demand is there.

Yes, Starfinder’s Second Edition is going to be entirely compatible with the ORC license.

The Starfinder Second Edition Playtest is going to be Paizo’s most open playtest process to date. It’s our plan to release regular updates on the process, including a look into our internal design and writing processes, as well as extra content in the form of blogs, videos and content drops.

The Starfinder Team really wants to make this playtest process as open as we can, so announcing it early was essential. We also want people to know what the future of Starfinder holds, since it takes time to create a new edition.

The key to the playtest is the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest Rulebook, which can be downloaded for free or purchased as a softcover book. We’re releasing four playtest scenarios that each take roughly 2 hours to complete: Starfinder Playtest Scenario #1: Shards of the Glass Planet by Mike Kimmel, Starfinder Playtest Scenario #2: It Came from the Vast! by Jessica Catalan, Starfinder Playtest Scenario #3: Wheel of Monsters by Dustin Knight, and Starfinder Playtest Scenario #4: Rescue at Shimmerstone Mine by Jenny Jarzabski. We also have two longer playtest adventures: Starfinder Second Edition Playtest Adventure: A Cosmic Birthday by Jenny Jarzabski, and Starfinder Second Edition Playtest Adventure: Empires Devoured by Thurston Hillman, which will likely take several 2-4 hour gaming sessions to complete. You can also use Pathfinder Second Edition adventures and monsters to create your own home game and test Starfinder’s compatibility!

Charging for these adventures gave us the resources to produce a premium product that can be enjoyed for years to come. These are full and canon adventures that will not require significant changes after the playtest process. You can play our scenarios at local or online Organized Play lodges and conventions around the world, and use existing Pathfinder Second Edition resources to run your own adventures!

The Field Tests were PDFs that contained snippets of the work the Starfinder team was doing at Paizo to create the new edition. Unlike our other playtest documents, these were not intended to be fully working playtests, but instead are small segments of the game at different stages of development to show what we were working on. Much of the content in these files have been changed as we developed the game, and characters or adventures built using the Field Tests should be updated to include any and all changes made to that content in the later released playtest documents.

The playtest focuses on what we see as key components to Starfinder. Since the game will be fully compatible with Pathfinder Second Edition, we know the game engine is tried and tested. This leaves us free to focus on a few critical elements: classes, an item level-based equipment system, new core skills, updated relevant rules across the game, and a general testing of the gameplay experience. All of this, along with the usual stable of new ancestries, feats, spells, and more! You can read an overview of the playtesting process here.

Your best bet is to pick up a copy of Pathfinder Player Core and Pathfinder GM Core, which provide all the core Remaster rules that we’ll be using in Starfinder’s new edition. This includes the popular three-action economy system that streamlines combat. Other changes include 10 ranks of spellcasting for all spellcasting classes (Starfinder will no longer limit players to 6 ranks), inclusion of versatile heritages so you can now play mixed ancestry characters (like an angelkin vesk or a semi-undeadt borai pahtra), and the three modes of play that allow the game to be split into encounter/exploration/downtime.

Our focus right now is on the core gameplay experience: player characters exploring alien worlds and overcoming science-fantasy threats. We know that starship combat (as well as mechs and vehicles) are integral to the Starfinder experience, and we want to make sure we get these rules right. We’ll announce more about our plans for these rules in future updates.

Absolutely. Starfinder Second Edition is going to use the same rules engine as Pathfinder, but that doesn’t mean that the games will have the same assumed baseline or feel the same in play. Technology is prevalent in Starfinder, and we’ll be including all manner of bespoke tech gear, personal augmentations (like cybernetics or biotech), as well as tech upgrades for armor and weapons. Ranged weapons are far more plentiful, and many of them have the capacity to fire multiple times in a row without reloading or can unleash area attacks. We’ll also be looking to open ancestries in ways that don’t fit as well into Pathfinder’s assumptions: like access to innate flight for species who naturally fly, and more.

Classes in Starfinder are their own bespoke classes that operate alongside the existing set of Pathfinder classes. The soldier is different from a fighter or champion, as it usesConstitution as a primary attribute and focuses on wielding large area-of-effect weapons and wearing bulky armor. Similarly, the mystic creates a bond between them and their closest allies, operating differently than classes like cleric or oracle. Check out the playtest rules for more information!

100% yes.

Yes. Starfinder Second Edition is intentionally designed using the Player Core and GM Core books as a baseline rules system. This means the games will work together, so you can easily sprinkle some fantasy or science-fantasy elements into either game as you desire.

Again, yes! One of the exciting elements of this compatibility change is that it allows us to do some fun things like include Starfinder creatures in Pathfinder products (and vice-versa), or even sprinkle in some fun equipment between the game systems as unique and interesting rewards. For example, most of our skill feats and spells function just fine in a Pathfinder game—but make sure they don’t require holding a comm unit! 

The mechanics in first edition products are not compatible with this new edition. However, while the core rules and mechanics have changed, Starfinder’s setting and story go on mostly unchanged.

The Starfinder setting is moving forward alongside its mechanics. For the most part, this evolution includes moving forward with storylines that fans have been invested in for years. This is also an opportunity for us to change elements of the setting that we want to bring into the  spotlight. One example of this is adding several new deities to the game’s core pantheon. This doesn’t mean the old deities are gone, but instead, we’re spotlighting other deities as part of the new edition. We’ve already mentioned Zon-Shelyn (god of transmuting pain into art, reunion, and creative expression)is a deity worshiped by Chk Chk, our iconic mystic, but stay tuned for more!

As always, future books will be inline with the current year at the time of their release, with the intent of keeping future releases moving the setting timeline forward. One change here is that we’ll be introducing some canonical changes to the setting based on the result of the various Starfinder Adventure Paths and Starfinder Society scenario results, as well as some other updates based on storylines we’ve had brewing since Starfinder’s inception.

Yes. Quite literally in fact. You can play through an adventure featuring the explosion of planet Aucturn in our Starfinder Second Edition Playtest Adventure: A Cosmic Birthday!

No, but maybe we’ll see what's happening with Golarion’s moon.

We’re  introducing two new iconics, Dae and Chk Chk, as part of the edition change.  You can read about our new iconic mystic in Meet the Iconics: Chk Chk and solarian in Meet the Iconics: Dae. Some classic iconic characters are retiring,, while others are getting a “glow up.”. Obozaya is feeling the sting of age and has decided to shift her focus to heavy weapons and protective armor instead of solving all her problems with her axe-like doshko—don’t worry, she keeps the doshko as a backup!

When the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest launches, visit and download the Starfinder Playtest Tracking Sheet. Each time you play one of the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest Adventures or Starfinder Second Edition Playtest Scenarios listed on this sheet, check off the associated box. By checking off these boxes, you’ll unlock rewards in our Organized Play campaigns! Earn Achievement Points in Starfinder Society (first edition), gain access to exciting alien ancestries from the wider galaxy in Starfinder Society (first edition) and Pathfinder Society (second edition), and gain access to campaign-exclusive backgrounds themed to the events of these adventures in Starfinder Society (second edition). No need to select which rewards you want most—you get them all!

For the purpose of Starfinder Society (first edition), these adventures are considered repeatable, meaning players and GMs will earn Achievement Points every time they play or run them. Characters do not earn in-game rewards such as credits or XP for these adventures.

The current season of the Starfinder Society (the Year of Era’s End) concludes in May 2025. A short break follows, and the new edition of the Starfinder Society Organized Play program will begin in August 2025 at Gen Con.

Newly elected  First Seeker Sarmak’s presence will shape the Year of Era’s End storyline, as well as future Starfinder stories. Many of these scenarios establish setting changes for the new edition, including some major events which will happen on-screen. Additionally, we’re wrapping up several ongoing storylines that fans have enjoyed since that start of the Starfinder Society.

There will be a new program for the new edition. The exact changes for this program are still being worked on, and we’ll post more information closer to the release.

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