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Authors So Divine!

Faith is an important aspect of the Lost Omens setting, as deities of all kind make their mark upon Golarion. With the release of Lost Omens Divine Mysteries last month, you have the opportunity to learn all about the gods, their worshippers, and even gain a bit of divine power for your player characters. Of course, a book as enormous as Divine Mysteries doesn’t just miraculously appear out of nowhere. It has authors! So, we’ve taken some time to let the wonderful authors of this book talk about themselves.

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Tags: Authors Community Lost Omens Pathfinder Pathfinder Remaster Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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Celebrating Native American Heritage Month

Héébe, ’Finders! Koonííni'ííni? (Hello, ’Finders! How’re things?)

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Tags: Authors Community

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Meet the Authors!

With War of Immortals product page flowing out into folks’ hands, it’s a great time to introduce you to some of the fantastic people who worked on the goodies inside. While the writers of our products are always credited in the books themselves, that’s rarely enough information for people to know whose stories and experiences are shaping our world!

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Tags: Authors Community Pathfinder Pathfinder Remaster Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition War of Immortals

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¡Feliz Mes de la Herencia Hispana!

Greetings, ‘Finders! We’re excited to join our Latine contributors in celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month, which runs from September 15th – October 15th here in the United States of America! Since 1988, this cultural heritage month has celebrated Hispanic and Latine contributions to culture, science, history, and art!

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Tags: Authors Community Paizo

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Meet the Authors of the Year of Unfettered Exploration

Hello, players! Today we want to shine the spotlight on the authors who contributed to Year 5 of Pathfinder Society. The Year of Unfettered Exploration may be over, but the adventures continue on!

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Tags: Authors Community Organized Play Pathfinder Society

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Meet the Tian Xia Authors… Again!

Hi, everyone!
It’s hard to believe that the Pathfinder Lost Omens Tian Xia Character Guide releases tomorrow! This book brings Asian-inspired fantasy and folklore—from the ancient to the modern—to your table in a torrent of character options. The book contains six new playable ancestries, tons of new heritages, pages of archetypes and feats, and more to build whatever kind of Tian character captures your imagination, whether that’s a peachchild leshy that fights with a magical lightning familiar, a tanuki in high-tech armor wielding a frost fair glaive, or a yaksha cultivator who follows the heretical path of the bitter scholar.

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Tags: Authors Community Lost Omens Pathfinder Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition Tian Xia

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Reflect. Empower. Unite. – Pride Community Blog

Happy Pride, ‘Finders!
Each year, the United States celebrates LGBTQ+ Pride Month in June in honor of the protests that took place at the Stonewall Inn, a queer club in NYC. The first Pride was a riot, and every Pride going forward is a protest. We’re here, we’re queer, we have always existed, and we will always exist.

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Tags: Authors Community Paizo Pride

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Meet the Authors: Starfinder Society’s Year of Fortune’s Fall

Greetings, players! In today’s blog we’d like to recognize the talented freelance authors who contributed to our most recent slate of Starfinder Society adventures. Some of these authors have been writing for us for years, while others saw their names in print for the very first time!

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Tags: Authors Organized Play Starfinder Society Starfinder Society Scenarios

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Explorers and Scientists: Meet the Howl of the Wild Authors!

Hello, explorers!
Pathfinder Howl of the Wild is now officially out! I hope everyone’s been having fun making new characters, whether they’re minotaur druids, centaur wild mimics, or awakened koi witches with the Ripple in the Deep patron who navigate on land in enchanted supramarine chairs that double as their cauldrons! I hope, too, that you’re enjoying some new animals to throw at your PCs, or just having fun reading the tale of Baranthet and the Zoetrope’s crew as they fly about Golarion!

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Tags: Authors Community Howl of the Wild Pathfinder Pathfinder Roleplaying Game

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Meet the Tian Xia Authors!

Hello everyone,
James, Eleanor, and Ianara here, your leads for the Tian Xia project. As of yesterday, the Pathfinder Lost Omens Tian Xia World Guide is officially out! This is a region of our setting that we know many of you (not to mention us at Paizo as well!) have been looking forward to for some time, and it’s great to be able to share this look into the continent with you. Tian Xia takes inspiration from Asian fantasy and folklore, and we knew that we wouldn’t be able to bring this vast range of stories to life without an all-star team of writers and designers, many of whom also worked on the Pathfinder Lost Omens Tian Xia Character Guide, which releases in August. Get to know some of them below!

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Tags: Authors Community Pathfinder Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Tian Xia

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Celebrating Black History Month 2024!

Hail and well met, Pathfinders and Starfinders!
February is recognized in the United States of America as Black History Month, a time when we honor the contributions of Black people to culture, cuisine, science, history, and more. The theme of this year’s Black History Month is African Americans and the Arts, focusing on art as a vehicle for empowerment and a way to preserve history and community.

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Tags: Authors Community Paizo

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Out of This World: Meet the Authors of Starfinder Enhanced!

It’s time to celebrate the release of the incredible Starfinder Enhanced! This book gives so many awesome options to any and every class in our game, and none of it would be possible without a squadron of fantastic authors. I’m personally honored to have helped develop their work following the legendary developers John Compton and Joe Pasini, who went above and beyond bringing this incredible book to life. Without further ado, let’s give our amazing authors the opportunity to show us all the awesome projects they have and help celebrate the release of their wonderful work. If you liked a section, consider letting them know in the comments and following them on social media!

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Tags: Authors Community Starfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game

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Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month 2023!

September 15th through October 15th is recognized in the United States as Hispanic Heritage Month, recognizing the independence dates of many Latin American countries, including Mexico, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Chile. Since 1988, the United States has celebrated Hispanic and Latine contributions to American culture during this month.

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Tags: Authors Community Pathfinder Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Starfinder Roleplaying Game

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Rosh Hashanah Jewish Contributors Blog

September 15th at sundown marks the beginning of Rosh Hashanah, the beginning of a new year, and the beginning of the High Holy Days for Jewish people. In celebration of the new year, we’ve gathered submissions from some of our Jewish employees and community members!

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Tags: Authors Community Pathfinder Roleplaying Game

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Pathfinder Rage of Elements

The Ragin’ Writers

Hello, elementonauts! Pathfinder Rage of Elements has been out for a while now, and we hope you’ve been having a great time with your kineticists, elementals, travels to the elemental planes, and all sorts of new spells, items, and monsters. We wanted to take this chance to recognize the great authors who came together to make this project special.

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Tags: Authors Community Paizo Staff Pathfinder Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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Meet the Authors: Pathfinder Society’s Year of Boundless Wonder

Hello, players! Like the blog from earlier today, we want to shine the spotlight on the authors who contributed to Year 4 of Pathfinder Society. The Year of Boundless Wonder may be over, but that doesn’t mean these adventures are going anywhere!

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Tags: Authors Organized Play Pathfinder Society Pathfinder Society Scenarios

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Pathfinder Lost Omens: Highhelm

Digging Up Some Highhelm Authors!

Though Lost Omens Highhelm has been out for some time now, we wanted to take one last look at the book and the authors who made it possible. Dwarves are known for their fine crafts and the work these authors put into Highhelm would make any dwarf proud to display this book next to their finest blades and armor. As these authors share a bit about them and their work, consider letting them know if you like their work in the comments or following them on social media!

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Tags: Authors Community Pathfinder Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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Paizo Pride 2023

Pride month is a time to celebrate queer joy, a time to be out and proud about our existence. Pride is a protest and always has been. For every victory, like the Respect for Marriage Act or the removal of the ban against gay men donating blood, there are just as many setbacks to equality. States like Florida and Texas pass law after law banning discussion of queer issues in schools and gender-affirming medical care, which whips the outrage machine into a frenzy and leads to Target employees being attacked over the yearly Pride collection. The LGBTQ+ community wonders every day what new attacks on our freedom, our right to simply exist, await us in the news.

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Tags: Authors Community Paizo Paizo Staff Pathfinder Pride Starfinder

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Daring Authors and Rebellious Writers!

Pathfinder Lost Omens Firebrands is here! Just like with any rebellion, there were a lot of people that put in work to make this book possible. Among them are the wonderful authors for Firebrands. We wanted to give them a chance to share their excitement for the book, as well as some information about themselves and their projects. If you’ve enjoyed these authors’ work, let them know in the comments below or by following them on social media!

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Tags: Authors Community Pathfinder Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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Meet the Rules & Lore Team!

Toward the end of last year, Paizo went through several departmental reorganizations to more accurately reflect the types of products we create and allow various subject matter experts to work more closely with the peers whose efforts mirror or complement their own. We’ve also had some new additions to the team (and more to come, so stick around through the end of this blog) whose names we’d like you to know. I’ll let everyone, including me, introduce themselves in their own words!

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Tags: Authors Community Paizo Staff Pathfinder Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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Architects of the Vault!

I’m Michael Sayre, the design manager here at Paizo and one of the cover authors for Pathfinder Treasure Vault alongside Mark Seifter and Kendra Leigh Speedling. I was the voice for both the plucky kobold Purepurin and the mighty dragon Valashinaz, as well as the writer for the new base weapons, story-based crafting, and a wide variety of other items scattered throughout the book, like the new thrower’s bandolier previewed in the “Varmints in the Vaults” blog.

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Tags: Authors Community Pathfinder Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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Uplifting voices for Black History Month 2023

We’re in the heart of Black History Month! In honor of Black excellence in the tabletop industry and beyond, here are some wonderful creators in our community to introduce themselves and share some of the amazing work they’ve done.

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Tags: Authors Community Paizo Pathfinder Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition Starfinder Roleplaying Game

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On the Other Side of the Gate

Those of you excited for a campaign filled with strange shenanigans have no doubt been paying attention to the Gatewalkers Adventure Path. If you get to play in this one, you’ve probably already picked up your free Gatewalkers Player’s Guide and started coming up with your character. If you’re planning to GM this campaign, you’re probably eagerly awaiting the first volume to hit your local game store’s shelves so you can get to prepping.

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Tags: Authors Community Gatewalkers Pathfinder Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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Many Years Ago...

...I and Wes Schneider took over the big conference room at Paizo and began to work out what Pathfinder Adventure Path was going to do to follow up its first official campaign for the Pathfinder Roleplaying game. We knew we wanted to do a sandbox-based Adventure Path (in part because we were excited by the challenge, and in part because there was a lot of call and request for something like that from Pathfinder gamers at large), and by the end of an afternoon-suddenly-become-evening-without-us-noticing, we’d sketched out Kingmaker, the idea for building a kingdom, the grid-based settlement-construction concept, and the basic ideas for the region in which the campaign would take place. I went on to craft the outline for the Adventure Path and started hiring authors, while Wes focused on writing a detailed gazetteer for the Stolen Lands that would appear in the Guide to the River Kingdoms alongside the launch of Kingmaker itself.

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Tags: Authors Community Kingmaker Pathfinder Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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A Better Author List? Impossible!

Do you know who writes the things you love? While the writers of our Paizo products are always credited in the front and back of the books, a simple name in a byline doesn’t give readers much information on the people who work to bring the setting to life! As a final blog to wrap up our promotion of Pathfinder Lost Omens Impossible Lands, I reached out to the authors of the book with the intent of promoting them, as well as any other personal work they would like to showcase, so that new fans of their work could find other projects, RPG products, websites, livestreams, and more to enjoy!

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Tags: Authors Community Pathfinder Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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Pathfinder Adventure Path #143: Borne by the Sun's Grace (Tyrant's Grasp 5 of 6)

Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month

This Hispanic Heritage Month, we thought it’d be fun to have some of our staff, freelancers, and members of the community write up some magic items inspired by their background and culture to put into your games!

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Tags: Authors Community Paizo Pathfinder Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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Your (Travel) Guide to Great Authors!

The Lost Omens Travel Guide has been out for a few weeks and we wanted to take a break from all our travels throughout the Inner Sea to highlight the authors who made the book possible. There’s been a lot of love for Travel Guide and we wanted to give these authors a chance to share their excitement for the book, as well as some information about themselves and their projects. If you’ve enjoyed these authors’ work, let them know in the comments below or by following them on social media!

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Tags: Authors Community Pathfinder Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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Meet the Authors: Year of the Data Scourge

Greetings, players! Those of you who are avid readers of the Paizo Blog know that when we release hardcovers, we often release author blogs to give our authors a chance to talk about what they wrote for the book. I decided that hardcover authors shouldn’t get to have all the fun, so we’ve got not one, but two author blogs for Organized Play coming your way!

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Tags: Authors Community Organized Play Starfinder Society Starfinder Society Scenarios

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Pathfinder Lost Omens: Knights of Lastwall

Ever Stalwart, Ever Vigilant: Knights of Lastwall Authors!

While Pathfinder Lost Omens Knights of Lastwall has been out for some time now, we wanted to take another look at the book and the authors who made it possible. Much like the Knights of Lastwall put in the effort to further the cause of good, these authors gave their all to create the latest exciting entry in the Lost Omens line of books. As these authors share a bit about themselves and their work, consider letting them know if you like their work in the comments or following them on social media!

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Tags: Authors Community Paizo Paizo Staff Pathfinder Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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Scribes in the Shadows: Meet the Authors of the Dark Archive!

Pathfinder Dark Archive is almost here! This book wouldn’t have been possible without the creativity and skill of the authors who contributed. To celebrate the release, we wanted to turn the blog over to these writers to reflect on their inspirations for the project and let you know what else they’re up to. Without further ado, here are some of the creators responsible for bringing the paranormal to you! If you liked a section, consider letting them know in the comments or following them on social media!

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Tags: Authors Community Dark Archive Pathfinder Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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Authors Of The Drift Crisis

The Drift has broken. Faster-than-light travel is unreliable. The galaxy is in chaos, and opportunists lurk in every star system. Starfinder needs heroes, and with the recent release of Starfinder Drift Crisis, your characters can be part of the action! But this book wouldn’t have happened without heroes of a different kind: the authors who joined our team to tackle a totally new kind of book, all the while with fire in their eyes, passion in their hearts, and in their brains 101 new ways for your PCs to rediscover that in space, nobody can hear you scream. Meet some of the great minds who helped bring you the Drift Crisis!

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Tags: Authors Community Drift Crisis Paizo Paizo Staff Starfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game

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Community Creators Pride Blog

This month, we're celebrating Pride with our co-workers, freelancers, and community content creators. For many of us, Pride isn't just a June event, it's an all day, every day existence. With that in mind, we asked, "What are you proud of in the last year?"

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Tags: Authors Community Paizo Paizo Staff

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Happy Lunar New Year 2022!

This Lunar New Year, we thought it’d be fun to have some of our staff, freelancers, and members of the community write up some magic items inspired by lunar new year to put into your Pathfinder games!

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Tags: Authors Community Paizo Paizo Staff Pathfinder Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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Meet The Authors Of Galactic Magic

Get ready to reboot your spell caches with Starfinder Galactic Magic! This exciting new supplement dives into the most magical parts of the science-fantasy Starfinder setting, with a new class, a wealth of class options, dozens of new spells, and articles on how magic and religion affect day-to-day living in the Pact Worlds and beyond. Of course, none of this would be possible without our talented authors! Let’s learn a little more about some of them and what they worked on for this book in their own words. And if you’re a new (or returning) fan of any of these authors, be sure to check out their other projects, websites, livestreams, and more!

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Tags: Authors Community Paizo Paizo Staff Starfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game

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Pathfinder Lost Omens: Monsters of Myth

Authors of Myth

Let these mythical creatures not be overshadowed! Our freelancers aren't monsters in any sense of the word, but according to the vernacular of today's internet, you could call them absolute beasts! While the writers of our Paizo products are always credited in the front and back of the books, a simple name in a byline doesn’t give readers much information on the people who work to bring the setting to life. Instead, I reached out to the authors with the intent of promoting them—as well as any other personal work they would like to show off, so that new fans could find other projects, RPG products, websites, livestreams, and more to enjoy! If there's a section in the book that you particularly liked, why not check out the author behind it today?

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Tags: Authors Community Paizo Paizo Staff Pathfinder Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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Author Spotlight: Absalom Nights

It’s been a long journey, but Absalom, City of Lost Omens is almost here! That means it’s time for the authors of that book to step forward and take a bow. While the writers of our Paizo products are always credited in the front and back of the books, a simple name in a byline doesn’t give readers much information on the people who work to bring the setting to life! I reached out to the authors with the intent of promoting them—as well as any other personal work they would like to show off, so that new fans of their work could find other projects, RPG products, websites, livestreams, and more to enjoy! If there’s a section in the book that you particularly liked, why not check out the author behind it today?

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Tags: Authors Community Pathfinder Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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Guns and Gears Authors!

Wow, as of the time I’m writing this the last couple weeks have been eventful, to say the least. One event that would be an absolute shame to overlook is this, the Guns & Gears author blog! Below are an array of the freelancers who helped make Guns & Gears possible. I want to note not everyone involved had the time to write or submit an introduction for themselves, so please keep an eye on the credits of the final book to see everyone else who helped make this project possible!

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Tags: Authors Community Pathfinder Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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Shooting Stars: Authors of the Galaxy Exploration Manual

Before we crack open the Starfinder Galaxy Exploration Manual and dig into more of its exciting contents, let’s take a moment to learn about the authors behind the words. We asked our esteemed colleagues to take a moment and introduce themselves to our community, including how they like to be called, their pronouns, a bit about their interests, and where you can find them on social media!

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Tags: Authors Starfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game

A. Merritt

(2 posts)

Adam Daigle

(1 posts)

Amber E. Scott

(7 posts)

Amber Scott

Andrew Penn Romine

(3 posts)

Ari Marmell

(8 posts)

Ben Bova

(1 posts)

Bill Ward

(4 posts)

Brian Cortijo

(1 posts)

C. L. Moore

(3 posts)

Charles Stross

(1 posts)

China Mieville

(4 posts)

Chris A. Jackson

(9 posts)

Chris Carey

(1 posts)

Christine Schneider

(2 posts)

Cory Doctorow

(1 posts)

Daniel Warren

(3 posts)

Dave Gross

(48 posts)

David Brin

(1 posts)

Ed Greenwood

(15 posts)

Edgar Rice Burroughs

(6 posts)

Elaine Cunningham

(14 posts)

Erik Mona

(19 posts)

Erik Scott de Bie

(4 posts)

F. Wesley Schneider

(12 posts)

Gabrielle Harbowy

(1 posts)

Gary Gygax

(11 posts)

Greg Bear

(1 posts)

H. P. Lovecraft

(4 posts)

Henry Kuttner

(6 posts)

Howard Andrew Jones

(22 posts)

Hugh Cook

(3 posts)

Hugh Matthews

(6 posts)

James Jacobs

(8 posts)

James L. Sutter

(19 posts)

James Sutter

(7 posts)

Jason Bulmahn

(4 posts)

Jay Lake

(1 posts)

Jeff Grubb

(1 posts)

Joe Haldeman

(1 posts)

Joe Lansdale

(2 posts)

Joe R. Lansdale

(1 posts)

Joshua J. Frost

(2 posts)

Jules Verne

(1 posts)

Kevin Andrew Murphy

(14 posts)

Kim Stanley Robinson

(1 posts)

Larry Niven

(1 posts)

Leigh Brackett

(8 posts)

Liane Merciel

(14 posts)


(6 posts)

Lucien Soulban

(8 posts)

Manly Wade Wellman

(3 posts)

Mark Moreland

(3 posts)

Matthew Hughes

(3 posts)

Michael A. Stackpole

(2 posts)

Michael Kortes

(1 posts)

Michael Moorcock

(8 posts)

Michael Swanwick

(1 posts)

Monte Cook

(7 posts)

Neal F. Litherland

(4 posts)

Nicholas Logue

(2 posts)

Nicola Griffith

(1 posts)

Otis Adelbert Kline

(10 posts)

Philip Jose Farmer

(1 posts)

Piers Anthony

(3 posts)

R. A. Salvatore

(2 posts)

Rich Baker

(1 posts)

Richard Lee Byers

(11 posts)

Richard Pett

(3 posts)

Rob McCreary

(4 posts)

Robert E. Howard

(2 posts)

Robert Jordan

(1 posts)

Robert Silverberg

(3 posts)

Robin D. Laws

(15 posts)

Sean K Reynolds

(9 posts)

Spider Robinson

(1 posts)

Stephen King

(1 posts)

Stephen Radney-MacFarland

(1 posts)

Steven Savile

(8 posts)

Tim Hitchcock

(3 posts)

Tim Powers

(2 posts)

Tim Pratt

(15 posts)

Wendy N. Wagner

(10 posts)

William Gibson

(1 posts)

See Also: