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The Rival Academies (Part 1)

The Six Schools’ Convocation approaches with Pathfinder Lost Omens Rival Academies! Before the book releases on March 5th, it’s time to let everyone in on a few school secrets.

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Tags: Lost Omens Pathfinder Pathfinder Remaster Pathfinder Second Edition

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Authors So Divine!

Faith is an important aspect of the Lost Omens setting, as deities of all kind make their mark upon Golarion. With the release of Lost Omens Divine Mysteries last month, you have the opportunity to learn all about the gods, their worshippers, and even gain a bit of divine power for your player characters. Of course, a book as enormous as Divine Mysteries doesn’t just miraculously appear out of nowhere. It has authors! So, we’ve taken some time to let the wonderful authors of this book talk about themselves.

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Tags: Authors Community Lost Omens Pathfinder Pathfinder Remaster Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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Meet the Tian Xia Authors… Again!

Hi, everyone!
It’s hard to believe that the Pathfinder Lost Omens Tian Xia Character Guide releases tomorrow! This book brings Asian-inspired fantasy and folklore—from the ancient to the modern—to your table in a torrent of character options. The book contains six new playable ancestries, tons of new heritages, pages of archetypes and feats, and more to build whatever kind of Tian character captures your imagination, whether that’s a peachchild leshy that fights with a magical lightning familiar, a tanuki in high-tech armor wielding a frost fair glaive, or a yaksha cultivator who follows the heretical path of the bitter scholar.

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Tags: Authors Community Lost Omens Pathfinder Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition Tian Xia

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Meet the Schools of Lost Omens Rival Academies!

During Gen Con, we were finally able to reveal our newest Pathfinder setting book, Pathfinder Lost Omens Rival Academies! This book features Golarion’s most fantastic schools meeting and sharing their secrets in a grand Convocation. Over a dozen schools are attending, with each getting to show off its stories and teachings, but six sponsors are taking the main stage, so we thought we’d introduce them to you here!

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Tags: Lost Omens Pathfinder Pathfinder Remaster Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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Lost Omens Special Recap

Hello Pathfinders! Did you miss our Lost Omens Special stream this past Friday? Worry not—we’ve got all the reveals and surprises for you here on the Paizo blog!

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Tags: Lost Omens Paizo Twitch Pathfinder Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition Tian Xia

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For Sale: Awesome Words by Awesome Authors!

While the writers of our Paizo products are always credited in the front and back of the books, a simple name in a byline doesn’t give readers much information on the people who work to bring the setting to life! We reached out to the authors of Lost Omens Grand Bazaar with the intent of promoting them—as well as any other personal work they would like to share, so that new fans of their work could find other projects, RPG products, websites, livestreams, and more to enjoy!

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Tags: Lost Omens Pathfinder Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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Scrying on Subscriptions: Pathfinder Lost Omens

Do you want to be sure to get the latest and greatest Pathfinder and Starfinder products shipped to you directly from the Paizo warehouse upon release? Of course, you do! When you become an ongoing subscriber to one of Paizo’s many product lines, you'll have that security.

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Tags: Lost Omens Pathfinder Pathfinder Lost Omens Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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Expanding on the Expanse

Since the launch of Pathfinder Second Edition, we’ve released a number of adventures set in the Mwangi Expanse. The upcoming Strength of Thousands Adventure Path might be one of the most anticipated, but we've also explored the Expanse in Age of Ashes, the standalone adventure The Slithering, and multiple Pathfinder Society scenarios. Such a vast and beautiful locale invariably invites exploration beyond what has already been presented, however, and there's no better resource for that than Pathfinder Lost Omens The Mwangi Expanse!

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Tags: Lost Omens Mwangi Expanse Pathfinder Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition Pathfinder Society

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Gods of the Expanse

The Mwangi Expanse is a vast and diverse place. The region’s people hold a variety of beliefs that include gods not seen anywhere else. You can read about a number of these gods, including returning gods like Grandmother Spider and new gods like catfolk god Adanye, in Lost Omens Mwangi Expanse.

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Tags: Lost Omens Mwangi Expanse Pathfinder Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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Authors of Awesome Ancestries (And Heritages)!

While the writers of our Paizo products are always credited in the front and back of the books, a simple name in a byline doesn’t give readers much information on the people who work to bring the setting to life! To wrap up our look at the Lost Omens Ancestry Guide, we reached out to the authors of the book with the intent of promoting them—as well as any other personal work they would like to share, so that new fans of their work could find other projects, RPG products, websites, livestreams, and more to enjoy!

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Tags: Lost Omens Pathfinder Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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February Sanctioning Update - Lost Omens: Ancestry Guide and Bestiary 1.

Do you want to play a character infused with the power of other planes and the magic of genies? What about a shapeshifter: an enigmatic kitsune, or even the beastkin descendant of werecreatures? Or perhaps you’ve always wanted to play a tiny fairy riding around on a corgi? Now you can, with the release of Pathfinder Lost Omens: Ancestry Guide! We’ve just released a flurry of new ancestry boons purchasable by Pathfinder Society Achievement Points, allowing you to unlock access to every new ancestry from this book. You can find your current Achievement point balance and these boons on your My Organized Play page.

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Tags: Lost Omens Organized Play Pathfinder Society

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Adventurers of All Sizes!

We here at Paizo like to keep you up to date on our upcoming releases. Our most recent big release is Lost Omens Ancestry Guide, a book focused on expanding existing ancestries as well as providing you with brand new ancestries and versatile heritages to inspire all manner of adventurer. Let’s take a look at what’s inside.

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Tags: Lost Omens Pathfinder Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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No-Prep Character: Chea

Last week, we shared a no-prep character, Urok, to give you a brief glimpse at the orderly aphorite versatile heritage. We have another NPC this week showcasing another unrevealed aspect from Lost Omens Ancestry Guide. This week we’re going to preview another new versatile heritage: beastkin! I’ll talk a bit more about beastkin after showing you the NPC, but for now, let’s look at our no-prep beastkin, Chea.

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Tags: Lost Omens Pathfinder Pathfinder NPCs Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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No-Prep Character: Urok

Today we’re kicking off a new batch of No-Prep Character blogs, which feature a ready-to-run NPC for busy Game Masters. This time around, Eleanor and I worked together to showcase some of the as-of-yet unrevealed ancestries appearing in Lost Omens Ancestry Guide. Each of these NPCs uses one of the new ancestries or versatile heritages featured in that book, but feature all of the rules information you need to include them in your adventures right away! This week we showcase a new versatile heritage: aphorite! I’ll talk a bit more about aphorites after showing you the NPC, but for now, let’s look at our no-prep aphorite, Urok..

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Tags: Lost Omens Pathfinder Pathfinder NPCs Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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