Pathfinder Society Scenario #6-06: Rotten Apples

Our Price: $8.99

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A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 3rd- through 6th-level characters.

Deep in the Fangwood Forest in war-torn Nirmathas, sits an isolated leshy village called Compost Watch, surrounded by a sacred leshy graveyard: the Compost Forest. Working in tandem with the Ashfall Lodge, Compost Watch has kept up their vigil and maintenance of the primal space for generations, however after a recent distress signal from the trees of the Fangwood, no one's heard from the little town. It's up to the PCs to enter into the Compost Forest and see what's upsetting the balance of life, death, and nature!

Written by Josh Foster

Scenario tags: None

Map list not yet available.

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Society Scenario Subscription.

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Announced for November! Cover and product description are not final and are subject to change.

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