Empires Devoured

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The Second Playtest Adventure

Hey Starfinders!
It’s been a bit since we checked in, but today we’re excited to provide some further details on the soon-to-be-released Starfinder Second Edition Playtest Adventure: Empires Devoured written by… uh, me! Me being Thurston Hillman, Associate Publisher and creative head for Starfinder.

There’s going to be some spoilers ahead, so BUCKLE UP! (Also, have some cool art.)

Art by Ivan Koritarev: starfinder iconics surounded by large fires and explosions

Illustration by Ivan Koritarev

Empires Devoured is our mid–high level adventure that starts at 10th level and places the PCs right at the signing of a peace treaty between the Azlanti Star Empire and the Veskarium on the conflicted world of Kehtaria in the city of Atuity (somewhere showcased in Starfinder Ports of Call). It’s a historic moment, with the PCs arriving in system on the acclaimed Sunrise Maiden starship to act as observers from the Pact Worlds. Everything is going great… until it’s not.

See, there’s been some upheaval in the Star Empire, and as the adventure progresses, the PCs quickly learn about a new Azlanti leader. This leader (a fellow we’ve previewed on the Starfinder GMCore cover) doesn’t quite have intergalactic peace as part of their grand vision, and they unleash their armada and armies to put an end to the peace treaty. It’s up to the PCs—well, when is it not up to them, really?—to step up and protect Atuity from attackers.

Some diehard Pathfinder First Edition fans might notice some similarities between a particular creature summoned by the Azlanti and a divine herald confronted long ago during a notable Pathfinder Society Scenario. What can I say, I love a good lore deep cut.

An alien with a humanoid torso, snake-like body, a jet pack shaped like wings, holding a small canon-like weapon

Illustration by Renan Maurilio

Of course, protecting a world from the nascent war of two interstellar powers isn’t enough. No, there’s a lot more going behind the scenes that the PCs are going to need to suss out and then confront head on. That threat might want to explode a chain of suns, so it’s a BIG deal.

However, along the way, there may be casualties… pour one out for everyone’s favorite starship.

Art by Ridell Apellanes: an adventurer falls to their knees as they watch a ship explode

Illustration by Ridell Apellanes

That covers it for big spoilers for the adventure. StarfinderEmpires Devoured is about setting up the future for Starfinder in Second Edition, as well as giving the players a chance to be “big damn heroes” during a major galactic event.

As part of the playtest period, this adventure is also a chance for us to get more people playtesting Starfinder Second Edition. Speaking of which, stay tuned for tomorrow, when the Starfinder team will be unleashing the next wave of errata, along with more extensive updates focused around some of the classes—can you say, hello two-handed weapon solarians?

Thanks all! I really hope you enjoy this monumental adventure that I got to write.

Thurston Hillman
Associate Publisher

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Tags: Starfinder Starfinder Playtest Starfinder Roleplaying Game Starfinder Second Edition

Errata tomorrow? But I want it now!

Back on topic, I love the art with Dae center stage. Fantastic.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

After thoroughly enjoying some of Thursty's various nasties from Rotgrind, I'm really excited to get absolutely wrecked by whatever lurks in this adventure. Let's rock.


Atuity is one of my favorite cities in Ports of Call! I Can't wait for the PDF to come out!

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I am *absolutely* hyped for this and cannot wait.


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Atuity??? Solarian diversification??? The SUNRISE MAIDEN??? Be still, my racing solar panels!

Nooo! Not the ship I never got to use because I never got to finish the Dead Suns adventure path.

Errata hurray!

Also looking forward to the Azlanti and Veskarian baddies in this adventure; that'll be fun.

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Pathfinder Adventure, LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Can we say Hello Solar Crystal Flare Solarians and Flare being a proper weapon instead of the weird pseudo-blast it is?

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I can't wait to play this adventure at the end of the month, it sounds so cool!!! AND ERRATA TOMORROW?? This month is so much HYPE!

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Kurshu the Undying is back from dead and looks less scaley than before?

Man I thought that was because she was snek lady, but I guess it was just really bad case of rash. Joking aside cool call back, but I do prefer old look better, let snake women have scales! xD

Anyhoo, does this mean that Twin Imperators are dead or in political exile? I do kinda hope they have survived for more internal conflict in star empire but guess we'll find out soon xD

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
PMSchulz wrote:
Nooo! Not the ship I never got to use because I never got to finish the Dead Suns adventure path.

I'm sad of our iconic spaceship getting blown up x'D (I wonder if we are going to have new iconic spaceship in 2e)

Silver Crusade

Very promising, already build a group for Empires Deveoured, and of course errata is always welcome.

Scarab Sages

CorvusMask wrote:

Kurshu the Undying is back from dead and looks less scaley than before?

Man I thought that was because she was snek lady, but I guess it was just really bad case of rash. Joking aside cool call back, but I do prefer old look better, let snake women have scales! xD

Anyhoo, does this mean that Twin Imperators are dead or in political exile? I do kinda hope they have survived for more internal conflict in star empire but guess we'll find out soon xD

Can Krune be far behind?

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*Refreshes the blog page for the fifteenth time*

2 people marked this as a favorite.
CorvusMask wrote:

Kurshu the Undying is back from dead and looks less scaley than before?

Man I thought that was because she was snek lady, but I guess it was just really bad case of rash. Joking aside cool call back, but I do prefer old look better, let snake women have scales! xD

Anyhoo, does this mean that Twin Imperators are dead or in political exile? I do kinda hope they have survived for more internal conflict in star empire but guess we'll find out soon xD

Wasn't there an image that came out of someone sitting on a throne with two bodies on the ground?

Silver Crusade

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VerBeeker wrote:
CorvusMask wrote:

Kurshu the Undying is back from dead and looks less scaley than before?

Man I thought that was because she was snek lady, but I guess it was just really bad case of rash. Joking aside cool call back, but I do prefer old look better, let snake women have scales! xD

Anyhoo, does this mean that Twin Imperators are dead or in political exile? I do kinda hope they have survived for more internal conflict in star empire but guess we'll find out soon xD

Wasn't there an image that came out of someone sitting on a throne with two bodies on the ground?

Blog with pic

When making 10th level PCs for this, would we use the PF2e Treasure for New Characters (table 10-10) to determine gear or another method?

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I'm actually hoping we'll get more of the Great Beyond in Starfinder in the coming months and even into next year. Like, what's been going on in Heaven, Hell, Axis (etc etc) since interstellar Empires have risen and fallen and Golarion still remains vanished and missing?

Have the Fiends decided to finally incorporate an advanced form of cybernetics and technology into their armies? What possible moves have the Celestials and Monitors done to counter such a threat? Maybe we could get new outsiders augumented by and/or wielding technology?

Also what about the powers that rule the Great Beyond? Have Demon Lords, Archdevils, Empyreal Lords (etc etc) remained static or have there been massive shake ups in the power structures of the Multiverse that possibly threaten to cause massive upheaval to the Material Plane?

So genuine question why the hell would the Veskarium and Azlanti want to be at peace? one empire has a highly militaristic warrior culture and the other to be blunt are space nazis (that's how I've always viewed the Azlanti Star Empire anyhow) and the PC's are helping the peace deal go down feels really off and weird, if someone could supply some insight that I might be missing that would be appreciated.

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For the belligerents:

The cost of the ongoing war has proven to be far too expensive and, while they may very well believe the other side are a bunch of worthless apes/lizards unfit to hold what territory they have managed to claim through sheer dumb luck, the drain on resources might prove disastrous for other imperial holdings. The Vesk have already lost Pulonis to an opportunistic rebellion, for instance.

For the PCs:

Two of the largest space empires going to war is going to have major effects on everyone else. Neither the Azlanti nor the Vesk strike me as the sorts to resist the temptation to use horribly devastating weapons when the need arises no matter who might be caught in the crossfire. What's more, I doubt either are all that diplomatically nuanced in their dealings and anyone not immediately siding with them would very likely be counted as an enemy for all intents and purposes.


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Adding to the belligerents motive, the sudden appearance of the drift lanes connecting the Veskarium and Azlanti after the drift crisis was not expected so both sides were not ready for a new all-out war, diplomacy for one or both sides was likely just a delay tactic.

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Isn't vesk diplomacy just reloading?


2 people marked this as a favorite.
BigNorseWolf wrote:
Isn't vesk diplomacy just reloading?

Not with the limits on magazine size and cost of ammo, vesk diplomacy is now don't make me waste ammo. Actually, I'm using that line a lot when playing Obozaya in Shards of the Glass Planet, it's a fun way to give Obozaya a good in-character reason to do some skill checks before pulling the trigger. But of course, when there is a good reason to waste ammo Obozaya is happy to waste it all. When deciding when to waste ammo or not I think of this.

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot - Javelin Scene.

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber


*falls to knees and begins shaking fists skyward in impotent rage*


Zendrak wrote:
So genuine question why the hell would the Veskarium and Azlanti want to be at peace? one empire has a highly militaristic warrior culture and the other to be blunt are space nazis (that's how I've always viewed the Azlanti Star Empire anyhow) and the PC's are helping the peace deal go down feels really off and weird, if someone could supply some insight that I might be missing that would be appreciated.

Probably because both empires are pretty strong and to go into a war would be a serious undertaking for both. It looks like the vesk lost one world that joined the pact worlds already. It is not that they would not like the conquer the other it is more that you do it when you think you have the other side weaker and vulnerable. My understanding the conflict popped off once the cosmic birthday threw everything for a loop.

BigNorseWolf wrote:
Isn't vesk diplomacy just reloading?

It is a similar situation of the vesk and pact world relations. Both powers are too strong to really punch out or take over without causing massive damage to your own home system. So after duking it out in proxy fights both chose diplomacy.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

And don't forget the Swarm is still hanging around out there, as well as the Dominion of the Black...

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

I'm getting ready to GM this, and the adventure background makes it clear that the "Atuity Accords" aren't a formal, over-arching peace between the Azlanti Star Empire and the Veskarium. Rather, it's a ceasefire, and blueprint for shared governance, taxation, citizenry, etc., in Atuity. That's it. It's reach doesn't extend any farther than Kehtaria. And it's mostly the actors in Atuity that are pushing for it - the Veskarium captain and Azlanti commander that are stationed there, and have formed a sort of camaraderie in the two years since the Drift Crisis. Like, this isn't the Star Imperators and the High Despot converging to exchange formalities.

The other thing to remember, is - Kehtaria is the link in the Conqueror's Path, the two new Drift Lanes from from Vesk-4 to Kehtaria, and Kehtaria to Oyojii in the Azlanti Star Empire’s Oyoya system. So all of a sudden, both empires have a brand new galactic highway dropped on them. Creating a sort of buffer / neutral zone where those two drift lanes meet is a good idea to prevent border friction, and allow some modest commerce and cultural exchange to take place in a way that is controlled, monitored, and taxed, by both empires.

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