Paizo Remembers Howard Andrew Jones

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

On Thursday, we received the tragic news of the passing of author Howard Andrew Jones, who contributed four titles to the Pathfinder Tales line between 2011 and 2017. In addition to his contributions to the world of Pathfinder, Howard was a stalwart of the modern sword & sorcery movement. He edited eight collections of literary giant Howard Lamb’s historical fiction as well as the sword & sorcery magazines Black Gateand Tales From the Magician’s Skull. In addition to his myriad accomplishments as an author and editor, Howard was a staple of fantasy and gaming conventions and loved chatting with fans and colleagues alike. A friend to many, Howard will be greatly missed.

Headshot of author Howard Andrew Jones

Howard Andrew Jones in 2023

In celebration of his life, and to help his family in this difficult time, Paizo is discounting the digital editions of his first two Pathfinder Tales novels, Plague of Shadows and Stalking the Beast, through the end of February. All proceeds from these sales will go directly to Howard’s family via a gofundme campaign set up last year when he announced his illness and prognosis. Additionally, two short stories Howard wrote to promote these novels are available for free on “The Walkers from the Crypt” and “Bells for the Dead.” We hope that you enjoy Howard’s work as much as we have, and that through that enjoyment, his memory will live on.

We’ll miss you, Howard. Thanks for the memories and for lending a small part of your talent to our world.

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Tags: Authors Paizo Pathfinder Tales

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May his memory be a blessing.

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Oh no, sorry to hear this, and sympathies to his family! :(

I read Plague of Shadows and Walker from the Crypt just a few months back and would recommend them. I'll pick up Stalking the Beast now.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

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I should also note that Howard's other two novels are currently unavailable as eBooks because we're in the process of reissuing those as Paizo-published editions instead of TOR-licensed titles. We expect them to be available again sometime next month.

Audiobooks of his first three novels are available on Audible (no audiobook was produced for Through the Gate in the Sea).

The discount and 100% gofundme donation only apply to purchases on, however.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

How sad! Plague of Shadows was an awesome read, my first ever into the pathfinder tales. A great artist is lost.
Condolences to the family and friends

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Very sorry to hear of his passing.

I thoroughly enjoyed his work, and encourage anyone who hasn't already to check out his Tales books.

Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Truly sad. Condonlnces to his family and friends. Never had a chance to read his books. Will put them on the list now.

Verdant Wheel

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Oh dang! I enjoyed Jekka and Mirian, and was hoping we'd see more of them with Pathfinder Tales maybe being revitalized.
My condolences to his family and friends.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Gosh, that's sad news and condolences to his family. I've only read his 4 PF books but really enjoyed them. A loss for the community.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I don't recall reading any of his books myself. Nevertheless, he seems to have been a cool dude, and well-liked by many.

Rest in Peace.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

May Howard's memory be for a blessing, and may his work continue to inspire others. I enjoyed reading Plague of Shadows and regret that he is no longer with us.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Mr. Jones was extremely kind to me regarding a story I wrote, even if the magazine did ultimately pass on it. He was a true force and passionate advocate for the genre, and this is no doubt a blow to the community and his family. Godspeed, Mr. Jones.

Sovereign Court

Planet Stories was how I first ran across Howard Andrew Jones. I will be forever grateful. Rest well, Mr Jones. You've earned it.

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