Rust Monster

Arven's page

14 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


Well, I went through with Order 4219026 and subscribed to both. Both show the wrong starting item - it would be great if you could fix that!

Thank you! I am very much looking forward to Starfinder. :D

Just to be clear - if I order both subscriptions within the next 7 days, my subscriptions (Starfinder Rulebooks and Adventure Path) will start out with the first items, not the 2nd as indicated, correct?

So that means I can't subscribe to it anymore?


I was about to subscribe to the Starfinder Roleplaying Game Ongoing Subscription when I noticed that the starting product in the cart had been changed from the Core Rulebook to the Alien Archive?

Shouldn't it be possible to start the subscription with the Core Rulebook? If yes, how do I go about it?

If not, why the heck? It's not like the book is out yet.

For me it's a whole or nothing proposition.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

As a long-time FG user I am absolutely thrilled that this is happening. My group has dispersed all over, so all actual roleplaying has to be done online and FG does this nearly as good as a regular game table. Mostly played Savage Worlds and Star Wars with it recently, but this will give me a short cut to finally play my favorite Adventure Paths as I don't have the time to convert them by myself.

Nice work, Doug!

AstaSyneri on the FG forums...

Not thrilled. I'd rather have Paizo work with existing VTTs (personally I prefer Fantasy Grounds 2 - that one already has a very nice Pathfinder component, it just the lacks the official nod, apparently).

IMHO right now there are too many offerings on the table, diverting the scarce money in the niche of a niche, so that they all may fall short in the long run.

Thanks guys, all three posts helped!

Helping Kids out? An incentive for three women players, two of them mothers of little kids, their characters all based around an orphan home.

I can't imagine how that could work. ;-) ;-) ;-).

And of course, since we don't have that much time, we can just play the adventure path and adjust XP. What an easy fix.

Last night we had our first session.

* A caravan guard caught up in a scam and left stuck with a charge for murder (by Gaedren)
* An orphan from the orphan house run by nuns of Cayden Cailean who had lost a friend to Gaedren and who is good at sneaking out of the orphan house (well, now they let her anyway)
* Her best friend from the same orphan house, not as good sneaking, but a lot better at covering the tracks with her magic
* A young acolyte from the temple of Cayden Cailean who had duties in the orphan house before and is mad at Gaedren because so many waifs have turned up missing and presumed dead.

They are still in the fishery, with most of the upper level cleared out.

Most memorable moment:

Hookshanks, previously charmed, comes charging out of an obscuring mist into Yargin's room where the acolyte just tackled Yargin into unconsciousness after he messed up dear fighter Gunter. Gunter is standing with the back to the door and clearly is up for some hurting. Marouka the acolyte shouts a warning and lunges for Hookshanks with her rapier, but it gets caught in Gunter's torn shirt and she more or less ends up helplessly in his arms.

I ask whether he'd like to go for something cinematic and he just continues the motion and whirls around, ready to use his club on the gnome (none of the heroes have armor or decent weapons yet, save the acolyte). But that one is already down, having been knocked out by the acolytes whirling feet.


So, we had a great start and pretty much everybody is looking forward to the next session.

Back to my original plight.

Assuming that playing all adventures provided in CotC it will not be enough xp to get up to par with the required levels consistently.

Are there any additional (low-level) adventures that drop nicely into Korvosa without the need for travel?

Ok. When i tried to answer last night the server went away (at least for me).

All of the groups (except my wife) have never touch an RPG before. They are all 30+ and time is at a premium. I _extremely_ appreciate the idea of an adventure path that gives me as the DM _all_ the information I need at my fingertips, including getting the party together and have an overall story arc that gives me memorable climaxes (story-wise ;-)).

That being said I have a feeling that my future players will need story to make them feel at home (by now everybody is used to new style TV series on DVD that allow you to follow an overall story arc).

While I have heard good things about the Kobold adventure, I feel like its stand-alone nature will make it impossible for me to integrate it into any story arc (it might have been easier for Rise of the Runelord, would it?).

So, with that information, what can I do?


After following the Superstar competition my appetite has been whetted and I believe I found a way to start a new group (fellow parents/neighbors who just might be outgoing enough to become good roleplayers ;-)) for some good ole-fashioned D&Ding.

I registered for the Curse of the Crimson Throne Adventure Path and desperately look forward to the first product being shipped (looking forward more to the PDF, shipping to Germany is 4d7+8 days. Duh.).

Now, to start with a new (and relatively inexperienced to newbie group), what AP do you suggest I start with? And if it is CotCT, what besides the AP modules would you suggest I need to go along with it? The amount of Pathfinder materials is getting a bit "unwieldly" (lacking a word for "not easy to keep track off anymore").

Thanks for your help,

Arne Reuter

LeandraChristine wrote:

If you or anybody else, wants to contact me, just write a mail to: leandrachristine at

Hmm. I am not sure my mails came through. If not, please contact me at reuter at

Thanks - you got a mail.

Didn't want to distract too much from the topic at hand - but either I am blind or there simply is no PM system on this messageboard.

LeandraChristine wrote:

Thank you for the praise :P

From the looks of your submissions you deserve that :D. Now go all the way!!!

LeandraChristine wrote:

Hi there!

At first I wanted to avoid posting during the voting time, but I just needed to stop by and say that I (really) enjoy the comments and the discussion they spawned.


Eine Stimme mehr hast Du. Die gleichbleibende Qualitaet ist schon fast unheimlich ;-). Ich druecke Dir die Daumen!

Leider scheint es hier keine Moeglichkeit zu geben, Dich zu kontaktieren. Bist Du auf einem der dt. RPG-Foren aktiv? Wenn ja, auf welchem und unter welchem Namen?

Fantastische Gruesse,

Arne 'Arven' Reuter


Sorry this isn't the right place, but there isn't any for this and here it probably does disturb the least amount of readers while still be seen by somebody who can help me ;-).

I have been trying to reach Erik Mona, Jason Buhlman and a few others in charge of the Pathfinder/GameMastery product lines (via the e-mail links posted on this site). I even tried to call but the automated answering machine eventually led me to a dead end.

In here I cannot find any way to send PMs, so it's to open posting :(.

How can I best contact either Jason or Erik in a way that I actually get a response?

Thanks for your help!

Arne Reuter, Germany
reuter at phoenix-interactive dot de

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Case Unavailable

Brick Out of print

Booster Unavailable

As expected


Hi Everyone this is my 5th Case by now and nothing has changed much.
The Sculpts in this one here are wonderful, except for the Piggy. I have so many NPC and Animal Figures, i had to put them in a seperate Place.

Anyway, the figures are overall well done. In my case there seemed to be a problem with the Elf Archer. 1 was Ok, 1 leaning of his Base and 1 completely broken of.
As always i got a full Set and the Hill Giants will come in Handy during the next King Maker AP.

See you soon :)

Case Unavailable

Brick Discontinued

Booster Unavailable

Nice figures, bad execution


I buy reversed, so this is my third Case i bought from Paizo :)

I'm very satisfied with the figures coming from Legends of Golarion.
if you are playing the Serpent Skull AP this is definitely a nice addition to the campaign.
As this is an older release i find the manufacturing mistakes from the past in this one.
Broken Minis (2 in this one)
The Beatific one is missing an Arm, i believe it never found it's way on to the figure,
The Paint Jobs are 50:50. I cannot fully support the views of other reviewers (my Goblins look fine, my Lini is ok) King Irovetti however is an bad example for a paintjob.

After all, i have to say Paizo has done a lot to improve the transport, the packaging and the control since this release but you have to expect old mistakes if you buy old products.
I like the figures and they really help my AP setting but i'm a little sad seeing my Serpent Demon stabbing itself in the back because a dagger was paintglued to it's back.

Useful Product


Bought this one at our german retailer, it's very Useful in Combat and every other initiative based round.
We used to do all the math and paperwork on a piece of paper but the Combat Pad makes it overall easier to follow and of course much quicker.

I can only say this Product is worth a buy :)

Case Unavailable

Brick Unavailable

Booster Unavailable

a little confused


So this was my second case i got from Paizo.

First of all I can say the packaging got much much better. Like the others mentioned before me, no broken Minis were found in this case :) BIG PLUS.

But i am a little bit confused with the Sets. As I Mentioned some time ago I live in Germany, and the Reign of Winter AP just got released here. If i take a look at the miniatures and then look at the Monsters from the Pawn Box (wich i do not own but look at the lists for assumption of how many figures i need in the play).

I thought the Cases were meant to fit the setting but when i look at the lists from the Pawns i don't see anything that says "Catoblepas or Wolliped". I know that in order to play almost fully with figures i do need to buy the additional Pawns but looking at this set I am left a bit confused of what to do with e.g. 4 Wollipeds in this or another AP.

Subscription Price: 30% Off Our Price

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Unbeatable Price, but not a Bargain


I'm a Subscriber and my second Case is on the way. If you intend to collect the Miniatures or play with them in your adventure Path the subscribtion is the best choice for you if following points seem to fit to you:
1. You have the Money to Spend 1000$ or a little more a year because you have to have in mind that there are 3 to 4 Cases coming out a year.
2. Getting Most of the Miniatures of a Set to below standard prices. Ordering a full case does not guarantee you to get all Miniatures to a set (though i have been lucky concearning that)
3. If you live in Germany....hell yeah ( A Case here costs roughly 700$ that is without the Premium)

After i got my first Case from the Toll collectors i can only advocate the Case Subscription if you are determined to get more than one Case just for fun.

Total Satisfaction


Got this as my first case from my subscription.
I live in Germany so i panicked a bit as the toll collectors called me. Had to pay an additional 62$ for the Pickup in my Country but it's a bargain compared to what the Retailers in Germany take for a full Case.
All in all I paid around 260$ less than i would if i bought them locally.

Now regarding the Case itself :)
I was very Pleased finding 1 miniature for every there is in the set :)
3 of the Figures broke from their base. I can tell 1 wasn't fixed well enough because it simply slipped from its position....the other 2 broke apart because of problems with the packaging density :)...but i'd rather have 1 for every there is instead of everything packed neatly but missing some figures.

Sorry for Spelling Errors, you may keep'em
I will certainly continue my subscription and can't wait for the next shipment :)