Rust Monster

Arven's page

14 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


I was about to subscribe to the Starfinder Roleplaying Game Ongoing Subscription when I noticed that the starting product in the cart had been changed from the Core Rulebook to the Alien Archive?

Shouldn't it be possible to start the subscription with the Core Rulebook? If yes, how do I go about it?

If not, why the heck? It's not like the book is out yet.

For me it's a whole or nothing proposition.


After following the Superstar competition my appetite has been whetted and I believe I found a way to start a new group (fellow parents/neighbors who just might be outgoing enough to become good roleplayers ;-)) for some good ole-fashioned D&Ding.

I registered for the Curse of the Crimson Throne Adventure Path and desperately look forward to the first product being shipped (looking forward more to the PDF, shipping to Germany is 4d7+8 days. Duh.).

Now, to start with a new (and relatively inexperienced to newbie group), what AP do you suggest I start with? And if it is CotCT, what besides the AP modules would you suggest I need to go along with it? The amount of Pathfinder materials is getting a bit "unwieldly" (lacking a word for "not easy to keep track off anymore").

Thanks for your help,

Arne Reuter


Sorry this isn't the right place, but there isn't any for this and here it probably does disturb the least amount of readers while still be seen by somebody who can help me ;-).

I have been trying to reach Erik Mona, Jason Buhlman and a few others in charge of the Pathfinder/GameMastery product lines (via the e-mail links posted on this site). I even tried to call but the automated answering machine eventually led me to a dead end.

In here I cannot find any way to send PMs, so it's to open posting :(.

How can I best contact either Jason or Erik in a way that I actually get a response?

Thanks for your help!

Arne Reuter, Germany
reuter at phoenix-interactive dot de