About Cedryk
Ranger: 1
Human, Male
21 years old
Prime Attribute: STR 13+ (XP Bonus 5%)
XP: 0/2500
Base Movement Rate: 12
STR: 17 (+2 to hit,+2 Damage, open doors 1-4, carry +30)
DEX: 09 (+0 to hit, +0 AC)
CON: 15 (+1 hp, 100% survival)
INT: 12 (+3 max languages)
WIS: 12 (N/A)
CHA: 08 (3 max hirelings)
HP: 18
AC: 5/14
Saving Throw: 14
Charity: Other than whatever is needed for food and shelter, a Ranger must donate all treasure to charities or temples associated with the Lawful alignment. This restriction is lifted when the character becomes a Ranger-Knight.
Tracking: Rangers are able to track down other creatures in the wild, in cities, and even through underground passages.
• Outdoor Tracking. Outdoors, the basic chance for successful tracking (on a day-to-day basis) is 90%, modified by a –10% for each day old the tracks are, and modified by –10% (for the entire effort thereafter) for each day of rain (or snow) that has fallen on the trail.
• Underground and City Tracking. Tracking in the city (any urban or populated area) or underground, makes it considerably harder to find and follow a trail.
First, the beginning of the trail must be no more than an hour old. The base chance to track is still 90%, but each time the trail changes (as described below), there is a chance for the Ranger to lose the trail and be unable to track it further; that is, the Ranger cannot pick up the trail even by circling the area where the trail was lost. The circumstances under which the prey can “lose” the Ranger are as follows:
Turns down a side passage: 25%
Goes through a door: 35%
Goes up or down through a trap door or ladder: 40%
Climbs a wall up or down (including pits and shafts): 50%
Alertness: A party containing a Ranger is unlikely to be surprised, with only a 1 in 6 chance.
Magic Items: Rangers can use any magic items that can normally be used by Fighters.
Giants and Goblin-types: Rangers are well-trained to deal with giants, trolls, ogres, orcs, goblins, and kobolds. Against any of these sorts of monsters, Rangers gain +1 damage per level with a successful attack roll.
---- EQUIPMENT ----
Longsword 1d8 15gp
Longbow 1d6 rate: 2/1, range 70ft 60gp
.. Arrows x40 4gp
Ringmail Armor and Shield AC-5/14
Backpack 5gp
..Bedroll 0.2gp
..Flint & steel 1gp
..Sack x2 (30# each) 4gp
..Torch x10 0.1gp
..Trail ration x10 5gp