GM applications are now open for this summer’s major conventions! Join us at PaizoCon Online, Gen Con Indianapolis, or Origins! All GMs receive rewards based on how many slots they run, including Paizo vouchers, free badges for the show, and even Paizo products or housing at the highest slots. No Organized Play experience is necessary; if you’ve run our games, we can teach you everything you need to run scenarios, quests, and demos for the community. Come and join us this summer!
Last week saw the release of two major Pathfinder books, NPC Core and Lost Omens: Rival Academies. Both books are listed on the Character Options page, and boons for some options (including community-favorite 500 toads) are available in the Boon Store!
We’ve also released sanctioning documents for the Spore War Adventure Path, which are available on the AP product pages. You can now fight Treerazer and earn Pathfinder Society credit while doing so!
The next major Character Options updates will come in May with the release of Lost Omens: Shining Kingdoms, as well as the Starfinder Galaxy Guide. Two ancestries from the latter, the contemplative and dragonkin, will be available to those of you who have participated in the Starfinder Playtest as outlined on the Playtest Tracking Sheet, so we’ll be sure to provide guidance on those options upon release.
GM Recognition
GM Ranks
Whether stars, novas, or glyphs, achieving a 5 ranking in any program involves a substantial amount of time. To achieve the 5th milestone, a GM must run 150 games, of which at least 50 must be unique scenarios and 10 special scenarios, as well as run between one and three games for venture-captains (program dependent). A conservative estimate of the time needed to reach the 5th milestone is 650 hours!
This month we had three GMs reach their fifth rank!
5th Glyph (PFS2): Michael Johnson, David Li, Avram Suson
If you believe you’ve completed your 5th rank but haven’t been announced yet, please email me at
Spring has sprung, and with it, convention season! Check out the Conventions calendar for upcoming events in your area. At press time we have more than a dozen events in the next couple of months, all looking for players and GMs!
This month, I will be attending Coscon in Butler, PA (just outside my hometown of Pittsburgh!) as well as GalaxyCon Richmond in Virginia. If you’re in the area for either of these, I’d love to say hi! Additionally, the day after PaizoCon I’ll be hopping on a plane to Birmingham for the UK Games Expo. Looking for a Paizo staff visit this fall? Drop me an email and let me know about your event; my contemplative gunslinger just might stop by!
Until next time adventurers—Explore! Report! Cooperate! And indulge in sin responsibly!
Pathfinder’s NPC Core is now out! This book had a very large pool of authors to get a wide variety of creative takes on NPCs and GM tools across the book.
Meet the Authors of NPC Core!
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Pathfinder’s NPC Core is now out! This book had a very large pool of authors to get a wide variety of creative takes on NPCs and GM tools across the book.
Pathfinder NPC Core, available now! Cover by Wayne Reynolds
I’ll kick us off! I’m Logan Bonner (he/him), Pathfinder Lead Designer and the design lead on NPC Core. I shepherded the crew through pitching and picking levels for the NPCs, and most of my actual writing on the book was stitching things together and occasionally filling in some extra space. The best medium social to interact with me is on Bluesky, where I’m (Please note that I’m happy to talk about the game, but I don’t answer rules questions on social media!)
Now let’s hear from some of our other esteemed authors!
Rigby Bendele (they/them)
I am so excited to see NPC Coreending up in your hands! I worked on the NPC Connections subsystem in the appendix. One of the priorities I had while designing that subsystem was making it flexible for a wide range of relationships, especially since some of my most notable gaming stories involved the various NPCs that my group cared for along the way. I hope this is a tool that helps out at your table.
Mercenary band art by Ilina Naydenova
Katina Davis (she/her)
Hello, I'm Katina! You might have seen me on the forums as Paizo's Webstore Coordinator, or playing in some of our streamed games. I've also been lucky enough to contribute to several Pathfinder and Starfinder products since 2017, and I was delighted to write the gnomes for NPC Core. I've always had a soft spot in my heart for the eccentric rainbow-haired ancestry who blanches if they don't experience enough wonder in life, and I hope that connection shines through in this book. You can find a full list of my TTRPG writing credits here, and connect with me on Bluesky at @KatinaDavis.
Rue Dickey (they/he/xe)
Rue Dickey (they/he/xe) is a mixed-race, nonbinary, disabled marketing mage and frequent freelancer! By day, they work as Paizo's Marketing & Media Specialist, managing marketing projects and serving as a point of contact for news media, reviewers, and content creators—you've probably seen him around on the Paizo blog and forums! By all other hours, Rue does a variety of freelance and consulting work, including work on the upcoming Daggerheart RPG from Darrington Press! Rue was thrilled to add their voice to the Mystics in NPC Core! As a home practitioner of traditional Romani and Arapaho spiritualism and magic, Rue enjoyed getting to bring some of those elements to the NPCs in this book, as well as add some fun flavor options!
Gnome conservationist art by Gunship Revolution
Matthew Fu (he/him)
Hello again everyone! It was such a pleasure to have worked alongside so many talented writers for NPC Core. Seeing the Phalanx Formation, one of the NPCs that I wrote for this book, on stream was definitely a surprise, but a welcome one for sure! The other NPCs that I had a blast writing were the standard bearer, sniper, and mage knight, and I also wrote the Military Objectives section right after the statblocks. I honestly cannot wait to add all of the NPCs I wrote, in addition to a bunch of the other ones in this book, into my homebrew game.
Also, be sure to check out some of the other Pathfinder 2E material that I've written alongside some other fantastic authors at Eldritch Osiris Games!
Katrina Hennessy (she/they)
Hello, all. I am thrilled to have contributed to this book. I hope you enjoy the tengu section. I also hope players will enjoy the language of feathers and tengu expressions finding fun ways to incorporate them into their characters. This was my first Pathfinder assignment for Paizo, though my contribution to Curtain Call made it to print sooner. I have also written some Starfinder Society adventures and made a few contributions to third-party products. I’d like to thank the entire team who made this project a success, particularly Logan Bonner for leading the way. While I am not very active on social media, the best place to find me is I can also be found playing or running games for Paizo Organized Play.
Sara Jeffers (she/they/he)
Sara Jeffers is a Two-Spirit member of the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation, in what is now known as Washington and British Columbia. Their heritage and culture influence not only her graphic and narrative designs but also his approaches in problem-solving and community building.
Michelle Jones (she/her)
What's up gamers, my name is Michelle Jones and I wrote several of the villains presented in NPC Core, including the fiend caller, fleshwarper, and hero hunter. I hope you and your tables have many fun, terrifying, horrible times encountering them. Hopefully they don't kill too many of you. Good luck!
Hey there! This is my second project with Pathfinder and it's extremely dear to me. As a BIPOC author, getting to write lore about orcs and half-orcs was... healing. When I'm not writing, I'm reading fantasy books bigger than my head, crocheting wonky dragons, and maining Sue Storm on Marvel Rivals. I'd like to thank my husband, Josh, for always inspiring me to be brave and ensuring I'm hydrated. And to you, reader—I hope this book brings about some of the best roleplay you've ever seen. May the dice be ever in your favor!
Jacob W. Michaels (he/him)
Hi, I’m Jacob W. Michaels. You may know me from such Paizo projects like PFS 5-08: Protecting the Firelight and PFS 6-00: Salt of the Ocean, plus my work in various Pathfinder rulebooks and Lost Omens titles. I got to work on everyone’s favorite goblins for NPC Core and I can’t wait for them to be unleashed on your unsuspecting players! Also, this book has my first published recipe, which you will hopefully like more than my wife did during our many taste tests (fun fact: She only likes pickled cucumbers, while I like everything pickled except cucumbers).
Matt Morris (he/him)
I’m Matt Morris, and I’ve been lucky enough to do freelance writing for Pathfinder and Starfinder for several years now, working with Paizo and a few third-party companies. I'm currently awaiting the launch of my first Kickstarter, a TTRPG called Remnant Years: Tales of a Ruined Land.
I made friends with some mystics for this book, and I've still got pockets full of wooden beads, iron nails, and garlic! (And only a few minor curses.)
I keep an up-to-date list of my work on my Paizo profile, and I’m always looking for interesting projects, so feel free to contact me if you are looking for a reliable writer!
When not writing, I’m teaching high school English near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Patchen Mortimer (he/him)
Hi, I'm Patchen Mortimer (he/him). Ever since writing the lizardfolk ancestry for Lost Omens Character Guide (recently revised in Player Core 2), I'm always thrilled when the Pathfinder team invites me to flesh out our scaly friends a little more. In this book, I wanted both GMs and players to find plenty of fresh hooks to inspire their own play, from new myths and superstitions to musical stylings. And sure, some PCs might get harpooned (trident-ed?) along the way—whoops! As a new father, I'm hard to find these days, but try @patchdj on Bluesky or Twitter's corpse, or listen to my indie rock radio show most Tuesday nights at
Big goblin boss art by Gunship Revolution
K. Tessa Newton (she/they)
Whispered tales passed down through the ages tell of a time when I darkened the hallowed halls of Paizo alongside the esteemed editing team—but that was long ago. My foul deeds have been attributed to many names; the one you likely know best is K. Tessa Newton (she/they). For the NPC Core, I (alongside Michelle Jones) described that cadre of knaves I know best: the villains!
This assignment was actually quite a challenge. Villains defined by their “job” (like an evil pirate captain, a corrupt judge, etc.) would go in those other sections instead, leaving us to muse on the fundamental aspects of villainy. We hope you like the evildoers we came up with and use them to ruin players' days for years to come!
Приветствую, уважаемые читатели!* My name is Mikhail Sergeyevich Rekun, and I’m a Russian-speaking Ukrainian-American historian, educator, and author. I’ve been writing for Pathfinder for a fair few years now, so if you’ve ever been attacked by a kholo, it’s probably my fault. I’m sorry. (I’m not sorry).
For my crimes, I’ve spent a goodly while in academia, and so it was natural that I’d end up writing the Scholars section of this book. In absolute honesty, most of the new NPCs are just lightly fictionalized versions of myself and my old colleagues (I rather fancy that I’m an avuncular professor these days, though I spent many years as an exuberant apprentice).
If you find my writing to be amusing and/or traumatic-college-flashback-inducing, you may also be interested to learn that I’m the Creative Director of the Luminant Age Campaign Setting. We have plenty of peculiar and particular academic material there, with more on the way. Give it a look!
I'm a longtime contributor to Pathfinder and Starfinder (this is about my 60th original release) on projects like Fists of the Ruby Phoenix or theAbomination Vaults Adventure Path for 5e. When I'm not writing or editing for Paizo or various other RPG publishers, I’m a fan of archery and folklore and also support groups for game designers (such as Freelance Forge) and the LGBT community. In NPC Core, I'm proud to have helped this distinguished team with new officers and amurruns (catfolk). My officers are combatants and inquisitives, tricky foes abusing authority (especially the grand inquisitor), or useful allies. The catfolk I imagine as braggart rivals or enthusiastic allies. You can see my socials and details at
Sibyl art by Tatiana Pavlova
Tony Saunders
Hi, my name is Tony Saunders! I am one of the co-founders of Team+, which is where I spend most of my time writing these days. I was an author on War of Immortals and have been credited on Legendary Games titles, Battlezoo Bestiary: Strange and Unusual, the Gardener's Guide to Gaming, and a few other projects. What time I don't spend being a software engineer and father, I spend writing. I wrote for the companion section for this book. Lucky to be a part of such a stacked team of authors.
Joel Southall (he/him)
Hi! I'm Joel Southall (he/him), and I’ve had the pleasure of writing for NPC Core, where I crafted stats and lore for a few NPCs, drawing on my studies in Indigenous philosophy and myth, as well as literary influences ranging from Shakespeare and Mark Twain to J.R.R. Tolkien. I also contributed to Starfinder Bounty #9: Burning Ambition and served as a cultural consultant for Paizo on a monster inspired by Ojibwe legend, informed by my Ojibwe heritage and knowledge of Indigenous lore and practices. Additionally, I wrote for the IndieCade 2019 award-winning educational computer game When Rivers Were Trails, which explores Indigenous resilience during the era of the federally mandated General Allotment Act of 1887.
With a background in journalism and a Master’s-level education in philosophy, I’ve transitioned into web and software development but remain passionate about game development. I live in Eugene, Oregon, and frequently collaborate on both local and remote game projects. You can check out my game development work at
Kendra Leigh Speedling (she/her)
Hello! I'm Kendra Leigh Speedling (she/her), frequent contributor to Paizo. Some of my recent work has been on Singer, Stalker, Skinsaw Man for Curtain Call, Destroyer's Doom for Triumph of the Tusk, and the upcoming The Acropolis Pyre for Myth-Speaker, as well as a section in Rival Academies! For NPC Core, I wrote the section on elves, and I enjoyed delving into various aspects of elven cultures, from the more woodsy and jungle ranger types to elves of elegant noble courts. The book's stat blocks will definitely be useful to GMs, but I also love the little lore tidbits for the groups and ancestries, which I think will really add a lot of depth to encounters with these folks. My favorites of mine are a small snippet about enemies-to-lovers scholar rivals (some academia gossip crept into this project, too!) and a table of elven banquet dishes that I hope makes you as hungry reading as it did me writing!
Hello! My name is Kyle Tam, and I had the pleasure of making the traveling actor, court jester, and puppeteer Performers! My thought going in was “performers have many faces,” so I'd love for you to bring those many sides to your table. If you liked my work here, then you might enjoy checking out some more of my writing in Howl of the Wild, or some of my personal and collaborative work at my website Thank you for checking out the NPC Core and happy rolls!
Jamie Trollope (he/him)
Hi! I'm Jamie Trollope, a researcher and writer who’s been playing and GMing TTRPGs for over 30 years. I’ve written for various third-party products, including the NPC Index line, and was lucky enough to get to work on NPC Core. Getting to write about halflings was a real joy—storytelling and food are two of my greatest loves, so it felt like the perfect match. I'm incredibly grateful to have been part of this project and to have worked alongside so many talented people.
Ruvaid Virk (he/him)
Heyo! I'm Ruvaid (he/him) a real-life NPC that happens to write for Paizo sometimes. You might know me from some of my previous work such as the bloodrager archetype from War of Immortals, Hongal's entry in Tian Xia World Guide, the vishkanya ancestry from Impossible Lands, or the Starfinder horror bounty Echoes of Woe. For this cool book, I worked on the themed spell lists section, to provide your NPC spellcasters some fun thematic flair. If you like, you can follow me on Blue Sky for any future updates. Cheers, and happy gaming!
Mountain guardian art by Paulo Magalhães
Grady Wang (he/him)
Hello, I'm Grady Wang and one of the cofounders of the Gallant Goblin, a TTRPG review channel and publisher. I've had the honor to write for Tian Xia, Season of Ghosts, and Spore War, as well as for the Infinite Masters program on Pathfinder Infinite, developing products such as the Queerfinderseries and Rare Ancestries: Ifrit Genies. I was thrilled to contribute the kobold section for NPC Core, as I love these scheming little reptiles in all their forms. The chaos they can unleash with traps and pets makes them so fun to add to any game. But if you just want to cuddle them, we also make kobold plushies at!
Andrew White
Hi, I’m Andrew White! You may remember me from other cool Paizo things like Secrets of Magic, Guns & Gears, Book of the Dead, Rage of Elements, Howl of the Wild, and being the Digital Products Lead here at Paizo! For this particular project, I had a blast (pun not intended, but now that I see it, I’m leaving it in) writing up a whole bunch of bomb-throwing hobgoblin and steampunky engineer entries, including two of my favorite fantasy archetypes: “dangerous lunatic in power armor with freeze ray” and “even more dangerous lunatic who flies around with the help of a tank of explosive rocket fuel strapped to their back”. You can find me reposting smarter, funnier people on Bluesky at @plague
Basil Wright (he/they/xe)
Hi, I'm Basil (he/they/xe). Most people know I'm a lover of scoundrels, so it makes sense that I ended up making some fun criminals for this book. I wanted to harness my inner crimeboy while making these characters, and I really hope you can feel the seediness as you read. This was a really fun project to work on, and I hope everyone has fun playing. You can find more of my work on my website
With the doors finally open to Lost Omens Rival Academies it’s time to introduce some of the amazing authors who brought it to life. Each school had someone responsible for developing its voice and telling its story, so you might get some insights into those inspirations as well.
Meet the Authors of Rival Academies
Friday March 7, 2025
With the doors finally open to Lost Omens Rival Academies it’s time to introduce some of the amazing authors who brought it to life. Each school had someone responsible for developing its voice and telling its story, so you might get some insights into those inspirations as well.
To kick things off, I’m Landon Winkler. Although a bit of my writing does show up in the Sihedron Spires section for all the Runelords out there, my main role was as Lead Developer on the book. So let me introduce the real stars of today’s show.
Sharang Biswas (he/him)
Hi, Folks! I’m Sharang Biswas, and I’m a freelance game designer, writer, and interactive artist. You might know me as one of the designers of Avatar: Legends, contributor to ENNIE-Award winning titles like Moonlight on Roseville Beach, andKOBOLD Guide to Roleplaying, or as co-editor of Honey & Hot Wax: An Anthology of Erotic Art Games. You might also have heard of my first novella: The Iron Below Remembers! For Rival Academies, I had the pleasure of creating Chiral, one of the three Axiomite Chancellors at the Academy of the Sublime in the Perfect City of Axis. I was particularly excited by this project because my producer Landon Winkler basically gave me a carte blanche to imagine what the school is like. I got to invent its arcane bureaucratic systems, create esoteric areas of research, and visualize the weird architecture of this unusual institution. Plus, I got to toss in some bees. Who doesn’t enjoy bees?! Feel free to connect with me on BlueSky!
Laura Lynn Horst (she/her)
Hi, I'm Laura Lynn Horst! You've seen my work in the recent Lost Omens Divine Mysteries where I focused on the Azlanti gods and Urgathoa. I am so excited for the release of Lost Omens Rival Academies. Working on this latest Paizo project was so fun and I can't wait for you all to enjoy the spoils of our hard work. I hope you all enjoy the Synostosis representative, Zenda Modic. I thoroughly enjoyed writing her.
Zenda Modic. Art by Cagdas Demiralp.
Aoife Ester (she/her)
It’s me again! For Lost Omens Rival Academies, I was tasked with bringing Messida Vost, an NPC who debuted all the way back in a first edition adventure, forward to second edition in her new role as the Acadamae's Dean of Summoning. I think it’s safe to say that of all the faculty they can meet in this book, your players might just find Vost the most abrasive. (Although, who among us hasn’t known a teacher like that?) She does, however, come bearing some ambitious—if dangerous—ideas about how best to solve the Sarkoris Scar’s demon problem. If you end up using her in your game, I’d love to hear all about it on social media (@breadbutt) or Discord (breadbutt_).
Messida Vost. Art by Mirco Paganessi.
Mikhail Rekun (he/him)
Дорогие читатели! My name is Mikhail Sergeyevich Rekun, and I’m a Russian-speaking Ukrainian-American author, educator, and renegade academic. Having plumbed the depths of the Dark Archive, I thought I was safe. But no. There is no safety from academia.
I was responsible for the University of Lepidstadt in this book, because for some peculiar reason everyone looked at the creepy gothic school and immediately went “this is a Mikhail thing.” It is possible I have a reputation. We will politely skip over what sort. In any case, like any proper school, Lepidstadt has its share of secret passages, ghosts, mysteries, crumbling papers, unresolved murders, ghosts, architects who entombed themselves within their own work, hoary old secrets, raven statues, ancient cursed relics, Prof. Nefritius-Sincoth, ghosts, evil books, disappearing rooms, and most terrifying of all—university politics.
Also ghosts. Just, like, so many ghosts.
In the event that you survive your term at Lepidstadt with psyche and/or bank account intact, you may try the post-graduate course at the Luminant Age Campaign Setting, where I happen to be the Creative Director. We have a medical student dissecting angels over there. It's going about as well as you'd expect.
Professor Cheris Nefritius-Sincoth and Tere Athlanere. Art by Mirco Paganessi.
Erin Roberts (she/her)
I’m Erin Roberts, previously seen in books including Divine Mysteries, Firebrands, Highhelm, and Godsrain Prophecies. I currently teach at a university, so I was thrilled to get a chance to be a part of the hallowed halls pages of Rival Academies. I wrote the Academy of the Reclamation, getting the assignment just as I was settling into a writing residency in Homer, Alaska alongside five writers working on reclamations of their own, from memoirs of half-remembered childhoods and stories about the echoes left by those lost to violence to a new work of art made using traditional techniques in an act of cultural restoration. Those experiences lingered as I wrote this section, inspired by the ways we can be shaped by what we’ve lost, take strength from what we’ve held on to, and build toward what we dream of against all odds. Also the delicious snacks. I always write better with snacks.
For more random musings about my writing and other whatnots, you can hear me chatting weekly on the Writing Excuses podcast or find me on BlueSky as @nirele. Let me know what you’re out there reclaiming!
Diarra Romagne and Vil Seral. Art by Anselmi Hyytinen.
Kendra Leigh Speedling (she/her)
Hello, I'm Kendra Leigh Speedling, frequent contributor to Paizo and erstwhile academic—I did a master's degree for library science and loved it, I but staunchly shooed off anyone who suggested I go for the PhD. (For the curious, I went to school in London, did my dissertation on the interplay between libraries and imperialism in 19th-century Britain, and took four months after graduation to stop defaulting to UK spellings.)
Given all that, I was delighted to be asked on for Rival Academies! I did the Cobyslarni section of the book, where I had a great deal of fun working in fey weirdness and shenanigans. Cobyslarni has fascinated me ever since its first mention in 1e, and expanding on it was a dream assignment. My love of libraries definitely influenced the Echo Repository, home of (literally) forgotten knowledge, and the art for Murrou, an awakened emu grad student with excellent sartorial taste, is one of my favorite pieces in the whole book. I hope you all enjoy the chance to explore the school—and maybe even form a pact with Cobyslarni himself!
You can check out other things I've done on my website,, and follow me on BlueSky!
Murrou and Bofika Nemesan. Art by Anselmi Hyytinen.
Gina Susanna (she/her)
Hi everyone! I’ve been a contributor to Paizo since 2023, and while this is my first book with Pathfinder, I’ve been a writer and storyteller in many forms for most of my life. For this project I had the honor of creating one of the invitees—Nochtli Tlatoa, your new favorite distractible arcane botanist—as well as her luminescent toadstool. I hope you find her as brilliant (get it!) and helpful as I intended! When I’m not writing, I’m working as a therapist by day and an actual play performer and voice actor by night (and you can find more of my work here!). It was an absolute honor to work on this book with such an incredible team of folks—here's to many more!
Nochtli Tlatoa. Art by Cagdas Demiralp.
Tan Shao Han (he/they)
Appropriately enough, I'm writing my author blog for Lost Omens Rival Academies during my commute to teach across several, here's the title drop, rival academies, in Singapore.
As the years murmur one after another, I find myself shifting from ambivalence to acceptance in my academic role. Some of these aspirations and tensions are nestled inside my words; for example, my emotions are echoed within the indulgences and affectations of the narrator's pride, in the section on the Monastery of the Unbreaking Waves.
On Water; a little allegory about the Lessons of Perfection.
The more things change...
As a child, I was neither a competent nor confident student; my grades were poor, and my self-esteem poorer still. I am grateful I was somehow accepted into university, where I found solace in study, reading and listening to voices, present and bygone, sharing and discussing knowledge we've built and lost.
In these voices, I sometimes beheld kindness and wisdom; I can only hope, in some way, to be a similar voice to students struggling amidst today's demands and pressures, in societies often so intensely indifferent and unforgiving.
Appropriate, perhaps, for Water’s Lessons of Perfection.
…the more things stay the same?
(Or do they?)
Art: Insert Swordmaster Ganhil here]
Abhaya the Returner and Swordmaster Ganhil. Art by Renan Maurilio.
Esther Wallace (she/her, zhe/zher)
Hi y'all! I'm Esther, and I'm so delighted that I had the opportunity to write for this book. This was my first-ever assignment for Paizo, and I had the joy of writing Aesara Fleethoof! Since Aesara is from Iblydos, I took a lot of inspiration from Homeric epic for her background, character, and patterns of speech. If you ever use her in a campaign setting, feel welcome to tag me on social media and tell me about it—I’m @dungeonministeron Bluesky. I had such a blast writing on this book alongside so many amazing authors, and I can’t wait to dig into the setting and material myself. Cheers to all who helped this project come together!
Aesara Fleethoof. Art by Cagdas Demiralp.
Thanks for taking this quick tour with us and I hope you enjoy Lost Omens Rival Academies!
Hail and well met, ‘Finders! We’re just under two months away from PaizoCon, and the excitement is rising here at the (virtual) office! Strap in—this blog is gonna take you on a tour of what to expect, how to buy tickets, and more!
PaizoCon 2025 Is Coming!
Thursday, March 6, 2025
Hail and well met, ‘Finders! We’re just under two months away from PaizoCon, and the excitement is rising here at the (virtual) office! Strap in—this blog is gonna take you on a tour of what to expect, how to buy tickets, and more!
PaizoCon is our annual celebration of all things Pathfinder, Starfinder, Paizo Games, and more! Join us May 23rd–26th for a plethora of games, panels, interactive discussions, and more!
Starting today, March 6th, pre-sale tickets are available for PaizoCon Online! Get your ticket before 11:59 P.M. Pacific on March 31st to take advantage of our pre-sale discount! Tickets purchased during this window will cost $20—the price goes up to $25 on April 1st (and that’s no joke)!
Why get a badge?
A PaizoCon badge allows you full access to sign up for all gaming events! This includes our Organized Play offerings, our interactive specials, community-lead games and even our staff-run offerings. No extra fee, one badge gets you as much gaming as you can handle across four days of PaizoCon!
Plus, badge holders get early access to art portfolio and writing portfolio review sign-ups, discounts and special products from Paizo and our licensed partners, access to interactive Discord channels to ask Paizo Staff questions, and more!
What’s Happening at PaizoCon?
PaizoCon has a full slate of panels to open the gates of Golarion and the Pact Worlds to our community! The complete schedule will be announced closer to the convention, but mark your calendars for 10 A.M. Pacific on Friday, May 23rd, when we kick off PaizoCon with the PaizoCon Keynote—our big presentation of all things fun and phenomenal coming for Pathfinder and Starfinder!
Panels run from 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. Pacific on Friday, May 23rd, Saturday, May 24th, and Sunday, May 25th.
We’re hosting a variety of virtual games at PaizoCon!
The full PaizoCon gaming schedule is as follows. All times are Pacific Daylight Time.
Block 1 Friday, May 23, 2025 at 4:00 PM
Block 2 Friday, May 23, 2025 at 10:00 PM
Block 3 Saturday, May 24, 2025 at 4:00 AM
Block 4 Saturday, May 24, 2025 at 10:00 AM
Block 5 Saturday, May 24, 2025 at 4:00 PM
Block 6 Saturday, May 24, 2025 at 10:00 PM
Block 7 Sunday, May 25, 2025 at 4:00 AM
Block 8 Sunday, May 25, 2025 at 10:00 AM
Block 9 Sunday, May 25, 2025 at 4:00 PM
Block 10 Sunday, May 25, 2025 at 10:00 PM
Block 11 Monday, May 26, 2025 at 4:00 AM
Block 12 Monday, May 26, 2025 at 10:00 AM
Block 13 Monday, May 26, 2025 at 4:00 PM
Play-by-post games will begin after the convention concludes and finish no later than Tuesday, July 22.
In Block 4, we will be offering Pathfinder Society Special #3-99: Fate in the Future, and in Block 8 we will be offering Starfinder Society Special #3-99: Perils of the Past. Help reunite two adventurers stranded across time and space in our first crossover event between Pathfinder and Starfinder, using the rules for Pathfinder Second Edition and Starfinder First Edition!
Community Gaming!
We’re also now opening signups for Community Gaming! If you’re interested in running a game outside of Organized Play at PaizoCon Online, we’d love to have you join us. This can be anything: a homebrew Pathfinder or Starfinder adventure, something you’re working on for Infinite, even a non-Paizo roleplaying or board game! Just fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch about scheduling your game.
PaizoCon@ is our initiative to offer an in-person experience during PaizoCon Online around the world. This year we’ve nearly tripled our in-person PaizoCon offerings, which means even more of our players and GMs will be able to experience PaizoCon at their local game stores or conventions!
All PaizoCon@ locations will be running Pathfinder and Starfinder Society games during the weekend, including exclusive runs of our May releases. Highlights include the finale of Starfinder Society Year 7, as well as participation in our interactive specials.
A full list of our locations and conventions is in this blog, or visit this Google Map of the locations. We’d love to see you in-person this year!
Portfolio Reviews
We’re excited to bring back both art and writing portfolio reviews as part of this year’s PaizoCon! Get thoughtful and detailed feedback from Paizo’s art and writing teams, plus a chance to put your work in front of the teams actively seeking freelancers!
Ticket holders get early access to booking portfolio review appointments—get yours today! Signups will open to all attendees (ticketed or non-ticketed) on a first come, first serve basis closer to PaizoCon weekend.
The art and writing reviews are separate, so you are welcome to sign up for both, but please only sign up for one review per subject.
Review Guidelines
Reviews will be done over Discord; please remember what time you signed up and join the Discord chat at your time as to not intrude on someone else’s review.
Please only choose one slot per review subject; we have a limited number of times and want to give as many people a chance as possible.
Please link to your portfolio so we have a chance to review your work beforehand.
No AI-generated work.
Appointment reminder emails will be sent out before PaizoCon, so keep an eye on your inbox. We can’t wait to see your work!
And So Much More!
Join us in the Paizo Events Discord for AMAs with Paizo staff, game demos, interactive Discord activities like trivia and Jackbox Games, and exclusive giveaways of Paizo and licensed partner products!
We’re looking forward to seeing you all May 23rd–26th for PaizoCon 2025, whether you’re participating online or joining us at one of our partner PaizoCon@ locations!
Hail and well met, ‘Finders! This month’s new releases fill your world with friendly—or fiendish—faces, gather great minds, and bring the Spore War to an end! A reminder—the scenarios listed here are February’s scenarios, which released last Wednesday, February 26th! As we have shifted our physical product release to the first Wednesday of the month, we will be highlighting the digital releases from the previous month!
Find Your Path—March 2025
March 5, 2025
Hail and well met, ‘Finders! This month’s new releases fill your world with friendly—or fiendish—faces, gather great minds, and bring the Spore War to an end! A reminder—the scenarios listed here are February’s scenarios, which released last Wednesday, February 26th! As we have shifted our physical product release to the first Wednesday of the month, we will be highlighting the digital releases from the previous month!
Never miss a release with our Paizo Subscriptions—for everything from rulebooks to accessories! Subscribers get a free PDF with purchase, early access to game content, and exclusive discounts on!
Devotees of the gods, cunning mercenaries, fun-loving performers, crafty engineers, devious villains, and more all have roles in your game with Pathfinder NPC Core! Containing over 250 stat blocks for NPCs, you can drop all kinds of characters into your game, from merchants and farmers to masters of magic and martial arts. The NPCs are crafted to be fun and easy to use, with sets of adjustments to quickly change their ancestry, level, and more. You’ll also find a trove of NPCs specific to non-human ancestries, like a dwarf general, goblin get-gang, and kobold egg guardian. Each section of NPCs is themed and includes lore, custom rules, and random tables to spice up your gameplay. Never find yourself making up statistics on the fly again—you can find everything you need in Pathfinder NPC Core!
Journey to the edge of demon-ravaged lands to learn ancient magical secrets, fey philosophies, bleeding-edge theories on reanimating flesh, and the lore of academies from across the world and beyond! See the universities through the eyes of their students and meet dozens of luminaries with their own agendas, research, and visions for these recovering lands. Whether players build bonds with classmates, clash with rivals, or spend their time far from the event, they’ll have character options to represent their school’s teachings, from spycraft and wizardry to martial arts and the rites of forgotten gods.
Treerazer’s plans have been disrupted by heroes, and the fiendish war against the elves isn’t going as swiftly as the demon hoped... which makes him all the more dangerous. As Treerazer prepares a potentially devastating surprise attack to crush the elves, though, a mysterious voice beckons from beyond with offers of aid. But has this offer of aid come too late? The Spore War Adventure Path concludes with “A Voice in the Blight,” a complete adventure for 18th- to 20th-level characters.
“A Voice in the Blight” is also available as a deluxe module for Foundry VTT.
Keep the creatures of the Pathfinder Monster Core close at hand with this box-bursting collection of over 550 reference cards featuring every monster from the core Pathfinder monster reference! Each 4" x 6" card is printed on sturdy cardstock and features a beautiful, full-color image of a Pathfinder Monster Core monster on one side, while the other side provides that monster's statistics for quick and easy reference. With each encounter, show the players the terrifying visage of the monster their characters are facing while keeping its abilities at the ready, and watch your games come alive!
Find the horrors and wonders left behind by the galaxy’s most ancient civilizations in Starfinder Flip-Mat: Alien Ruins. One side of this mat puts heroes right in the action with a set of ruins located inside a shifting maze of high stone walls where they’ll find the hidden remnants of a forgotten culture. This side also matches up perfectly to the red planet map presented in Starfinder Flip-Mat: Planetary Terrain Multi-Pack, allowing you to create a massive encounter space. The other side of the mat shows the interior of a dark cavern filled with the semi-active remains of a once-powerful alien species. Both sides can be turned into a set piece for almost any science-fantasy adventure!
Rivers are the lifelines of communities and settlements throughout the world and make for exciting and dynamic encounters. Whether your PCs are defending a bridge, fording an icy flow, navigating a deep canyon, or assaulting a mill that an evil wizard has holed up in, Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Rivers Multi-Pack has you covered for a variety of river-based encounters.
A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 7th- through 10th-level characters.
The Pathfinder Society secured friendly relations with the dragon Valashinaz over a year ago, and now seeks to call upon that connection. They’ve recovered several warshards large and small, and their powers seem varied and unpredictable. The latest warshard recovered, the largest yet, seems even stranger. The Society has brokered another agreement with Valashinaz to use her not-inconsiderable skill honed over centuries of appraising fantastic items to appraise these shards. Among the tribute required, though, is a task.
An upstart dragon set up his lair near Valashinaz’s territory. He has avoided her wrath mainly because she’s been preoccupied with the literal fallout from the god slaying. This is the perfect opportunity for her to get someone else to take care of him, though, and so she has tasked the Pathfinders with getting this upstart out of her territory “by any means necessary.”
A Starfinder Society Scenario designed for 5th- through 8th-level characters.
The Starfinder Society recently completed a year-long excavation of an ancient hobgoblin ruin on the planet Flentil, a colony of the Marixah Republic. Flentil has long been a point of contention between the Republic and their interstellar neighbors, the warmongering Gideron Authority. When a contingent of Hellknights from the Order of the Crucible invades Flentil, these Starfinders are caught in the crossfire and taken captive.
Celita, leader of the Dataphiles faction, dispatches a team of Starfinders to Flentil to rescue the captured Starfinders, retrieve the data they gathered, and determine what the Order of the Crucible is up to—all without dragging the Starfinders into an intergalactic war! And if it’s nefarious? Oust the Order! Break the Crucible!
A Pathfinder Society Quest designed for 1st- through 4th-level characters, playable in 2-3 hours.
Not everyone in Irrisen has been happy with the rule of Queen Anastasia. A group of bandits found it much easier to sate their violent tendencies during the rule of the prior queen. Now they're causing trouble both in Irrisen and in settlements on its western border. It's up to the PCs to put a stop to their banditry.
From Our Partners:
Our partners at Archives of Nethys, Demiplane, Fantasy Grounds, Hero Lab Online, and Roll20* are dropping new content this month as well! Buy your PDF on to get a discount via the PaizoConnect API. Or pay full price on their platforms, sync your account, and get a complimentary PDF on the Paizo Store.
*Roll20 is no longer a part of PaizoConnect and discounts and complimentary PDFs do not apply.
Bring Pathfinder to where you are, in person or online, and if you don’t have a favorite local game store, get books delivered to your door via a Paizo Subscription! From rulebooks to adventures, accessories, and more, we’ve got subscriptions for every table! Subscribing to a line of books gets you the physical book and the PDF for one price! Subscribe to four lines or more to unlock Paizo Advantage savings on products site-wide!
Greetings, nufriends and old pals! It’s your buddy, Captain Concierge, here, explaining the great mysteries of Starfinder 2 Electric Skibididoo! Don’t worry, that’s not really what it’s called. I just made that up! I’m a virtual intelligence, so I get to do that. Now let’s get back to the facts!
Galaxy Guide Explained
March 4th, 2025
"Strap in for a tour of the galaxy!”
Greetings, nufriends and old pals! It’s your buddy, Captain Concierge, here, explaining the great mysteries of Starfinder 2 Electric Skibididoo! Don’t worry, that’s not really what it’s called. I just made that up! I’m a virtual intelligence, so I get to do that. Now let’s get back to the facts!
“Howdy, nufriend! I’m Captain Concierge, your friendly virtual intelligence guide to the galaxy and everything else.”
If you’re excited about playing Starfinder Second Edition, you probably want to learn more about the setting–the fictional universe the game takes place in. Galaxy Guide is a tour of Starfinder’s setting that’s sure to inspire countless games. It’s also a sourcebook full of tools for Game Masters (GMs) and players, whether you’re planning to play a prewritten adventure or create a homebrew campaign of your own!
Starfinder Galaxy Guide builds on existing lore from Starfinder First Edition, providing updates to the setting following major events like the Drift Crisis and the recent explosion of Aucturn, which featured in A Cosmic Birthday. Epic struggles are unfolding between the despotic Veskarium and the ruthless Azlanti Star Empire, beginning with Empires Devoured and sparking consequences that ripple across the galaxy—and that’s only a taste of the dramatic events in StarfinderGalaxy Guide that might shape your Starfinder games!
This book is packed full of exciting new lore, including some wacky sectors of space you’ve never explored before. Get ready to launch into Kazmurg’s Absurdity, an unexplored sector of the galaxy created by former Starfinder Managing Creative Director Thurston Hillman. Kazmurg’s Absurdity is a vast, magically warped territory that can only be traversed using traditional maps. The Absurdity contains realms full of rich resources and bizarre cultures warred over by conniving empires, cruel daemons, and ruthless megacorporations. It’s the perfect place for an adventuring party interested in exploring uncharted space and discovering new worlds filled with ancient secrets and unimaginable treasures.
Starfinder Galaxy Guide is designed as a toolbox to help GMs tell different kinds of stories using the Starfinder rules and setting, but it’s full of content for players, too. Six new ancestries and six new archetypes provide plenty of options for creating characters. Get to know the most powerful and influential factions in the galaxy, tour major ports of call where you might spend downtime in your campaign, and visit local hot spots where narrative hooks to draw characters into the setting wait around every corner. StarfinderGalaxy Guide is your preview of the Starfinder galaxy–it is fuel to launch your campaign into Second Edition, or to blast your Pathfinder campaign into strange new worlds.
Still with me? I should sum it up, gree? StarfinderGalaxy Guide contains….
A 2-sided poster featuring a political map of the Desna’s Path galaxy and an infographic of the Pact Worlds system, designed by Kyle Hunter.
Tools for telling common types of stories (like dystopian and horror) in your Starfinder campaigns and incorporating common elements such as high fantasy or advanced technology into your Starfinder or Pathfinder adventures.
Tons of new backgrounds designed for characters from the Starfinder galaxy!
Introduction to major and minor factions in the galaxy.
Six new archetypes.
Six new playable ancestries.
Gorgeous art, new lore, and inspiration for countless adventures!
The answers you’ve been waiting for about special topics like what happened to those corporate dark elves that lived on Apostae. (And perhaps other burning questions about the new ORC space frontier!)
AND THE BEST PART: All the rules in this book are fully compatible with Pathfinder Second Edition!!! That’s right; get ready to send your Pathfinder party through a portal to a faraway planet, or to give your Starfinder group a time machine. Or maybe you’d rather crash another spaceship into Golarion, Numeria style. The galaxy’s your oyster now.
Still not enough for you? Okay, then let’s take a closer look at some of the content in this book and show off some spoilertastic art!
There’s six new ancestries in this book. That’s right, that means that technically you’re going to have 16 ancestry options available to you in August, not to mention the two versatile heritages and Pathfinder legacy ancestries you can choose. Not bad, huh? Let’s talk a little more about those ancestries.
“You know how some characters in your party don’t have two braincells to rub together? This contemplative doesn’t have that problem.”)
Astrazoan: A shapeshifter who physically reshapes their own anatomy using specialized musculature rather than using magic to change forms. Sometimes they don’t get all the details of the change quite right—see if you can spot all the astrazoans in this book!
Contemplative: An engorged brain with a vestigial body whose ultimate tools are a superior intellect and psychic powers. Contemplatives live underground on Akiton where they ponder mathematical and metaphysical questions or convene in psychic forums.
Dragonkin: A humanoid dragon hybrid who can form a deep spiritual bond with one other creature. Dragonkin come from Triaxus and are the heart of the Skyfire Legion, a troop of bonded warriors who defend their planet alongside dragon allies.
Kalo: A graceful aquatic humanoid from Kalo-Mahoi, a watery moon orbiting Bretheda. An average kalo is both athletic and creative, and most are known for their outrageous but practical fashions.
Sarcesian: A humanoid spacefarer with energy wings who can survive in the void of space. Sarcesians live in isolated communities in the Diaspora or travel solar streams to distant locations.
Vlaka: A wolflike nomad from Lajok with an incredible sense of smell and unusual sensory adaptations. Vlakas who witnessed the rebirth of their dying sun, Sota, are marked with starburst patterns that match their natural blessing to kindle light.
If you think the factions in Starfinder Galaxy Guide are really cool, this book also contains six archetypes that let you play as a member of one of them! Here’s what the Starfinder team cooked up.
“This pahtra is a member of the Xenowardens faction, who is also trained as the xenodruid archetype. The spell they’re casting is verdant code, a spell that calls forth living flora from machinery.”)
AbadarCorp Rep: Climb the corporate ladder as an AbadarCorp rep—if you think you have what it takes for the job.
Space Pirate: Pillage and plunder as a spacefaring freebooter! You’re probably one of the Free Captains, but you might be a lone captain or a lowly deckhand dreaming of commanding your own crew.
Hellknight: Become a ruthless warrior as fearsome as Hell itself and live by the Measure and the Chain. As a Hellknight, you belong to an ancient institution from Lost Golarion, but you’re free to embrace modernity, especially heavy armor and munitions.
Knight of Golarion: Protect your companions and unleash your righteous spirit while preserving the history and cultures of Lost Golarion. You might be a follower of the god Iomedae, a gallant knight, or a historian obsessed with pre-Gap antiquity.
Xenoarcheologist: Explore and catalog ancient ruins and priceless artifacts. Many xenoarchaeologists work for the Starfinder Society, but some are free agents or have ties to other factions.
Xenodruid: Form a mystic bond with a planet and unlock nature’s potential. Most xenodruids are pledged to defend the galaxy’s wilds as a Xenowarden.
That’s all I got, folks! If you want to know more, check out Starfinder Galaxy Guide here or at your friendly local gaming store!
Hey everybody, Joshua Birdsong here!
Thank you all for the excitement and participation in the Impossible Playtest! We’ve received a ton of feedback and we’re ready to dive back into the metaphorical pool that is the necromancer and the runesmith. As always, your response to the playtest is invaluable, and we’re ready to give a glimpse of what’s to come! First, I’ll talk about the necromancer, and then James Case will talk about the runesmith.
Impossible Playtest Debrief
Friday, February 28, 2025
Hey everybody, Joshua Birdsong here!
Thank you all for the excitement and participation in the Impossible Playtest! We’ve received a ton of feedback and we’re ready to dive back into the metaphorical pool that is the necromancer and the runesmith. As always, your response to the playtest is invaluable, and we’re ready to give a glimpse of what’s to come! First, I’ll talk about the necromancer, and then James Case will talk about the runesmith.
Art by Tatiana Pavlova (left) and Sandra Posada (right).
The Necromancer
We got a lot of great feedback from all of you about the new mechanics this class implemented. This proved to be a very popular class fantasy, with playtest necromancers even briefly beating out “human fighter” in Demiplane characters made over the course of the playtest. Many of you found that thralls were a fresh, fun take on battlefield control while also evoking the feeling of controlling an undead army. However, there are a few areas that could use some improvement.
Moving Thralls
The largest amount of feedback we got was requests for an easy way to move thralls. We’re conscious of the potential for mass minion control to slow down gameplay and thus did not include many thrall movement options. We’re exploring this further moving forward.
Martial Necromancers
One of the options we wanted to gauge in this playtest was player interest in martial options for the necromancer. From the responses, we found that many people were interested in a more martial-leaning necromancer but ultimately were disappointed with the current options. While we intend to keep the necromancer firmly as a spellcaster rather than pushing it to “gish” territory, we will be looking into ways to make the occasional scythe attack more engaging.
Spell List
Choosing a spell list for the necromancer was not an easy task, as many of the core elements of necromancy were separated into many spell lists. We are ultimately happy with the choice of the occult list. However, we’ll be implementing options to gain access to some iconic necromancy-themed spells that are not normally available to occult casters to ensure the necromancer feels like a true master of life and death magic.
During the playtest, we primarily wanted to test the thrall mechanics and thus left out options we already had plenty of play data on, like familiars. We do plan on including some undead familiar options in the final release of the necromancer
Art by Vicky Yarova (left) and Andrew Huerta (right).
The Runesmith
Since this class uses a brand-new approach to magic, the playtest runesmith was focused on testing a few different options to see which ones were most engaging in play. Many people enjoyed the runesmith’s core fantasy and the tactics of setting up a number of runes before activating them, but there were a few kinks to work out with this system.
Tracing & Etching
In our team’s internal playtest of runesmith concepts, we realized pretty early that we didn’t want the runesmith to exhaust all their decisions during daily preparations, and that they’d need a way to dynamically make runes in combat as well. Most respondents stated that they found the balance of “pre-combat” etched runes and “in-combat” traced runes to be satisfying, so we’ll be fine-tuning rather than reworking this distribution moving forward.
Rune List
Since this was a playtest, we were focused on collecting data on a smaller number of runes as test cases for various play styles (damage rune, defense rune, movement rune, etc.) rather than creating an exhaustive list of options. As always, we’ll have a wider list of runes in the final version of the class. Though we don’t intend to do away with direct-damage runes like atryl, rune of fire altogether, we do intend to rebalance some (some) of the runes’ power away from direct-damage effects, having your runesmith increase the team’s damage output through buffs and support instead.
Diacritic Runes & Composite Invocations
These presented two ways to combine your runes to sum up to a unique effect. Both of these options were seen as very interesting, with many people feeling like this gave you the ability to freely script/sculpt your magic. However, they were noticeably complex, and many respondents felt that it was too difficult to get satisfying combos off in play. We’ll be looking at ways to keep the fantasy of personalizing or combining your runic effects while keeping the benefit worth it to set up. We also expect a fuller list of runes to give a greater number of ways to set up combo effects.
There will be of course other tweaks, changes, and additions made as these classes go through post-playtest revisions. I hope you’re all as excited as we are for their eventual release in 2026!
PaizoCon@ Your Local Game Store or Convention in 2025!
Greetings, Paizoverse! After a very successful pilot year, PaizoCon@ is back! This year we’ve nearly tripled our in-person PaizoCon offerings, which means even more of our players and GMs will be able to experience PaizoCon at their local game store or conventions.
PaizoCon@ Your Local Game Store or Convention in 2025!
Thursday, February 27, 2025
Greetings, Paizoverse! After a very successful pilot year, PaizoCon@ is back! This year we’ve nearly tripled our in-person PaizoCon offerings, which means even more of our players and GMs will be able to experience PaizoCon at their local game store or conventions.
All PaizoCon@ locations will be running Pathfinder and Starfinder Society games during the weekend, including exclusive runs of our May releases. Highlights include the finale of Starfinder Society Year 7, as well as linked interactive specials Pathfinder Society #3-99: Fate in the Future and Starfinder Society #3-99: Perils of the Past. If you’re interested in volunteering to run games at your local store, please reach out to the listed contacts!
Hello, Starfinders!
Trouble is brewing in the Marixah Republic! We’ve received a distress signal from a group of Starfinder archaeologists on the planet Flentil. Apparently, their dig site was attacked by Hellknights! It’s time to launch a rescue mission! While you’re at it, best check in on the locals. I doubt our dig site is all the Hellknights are after…
February Digital Adventures Previews
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Hello, Starfinders!
Trouble is brewing in the Marixah Republic! We’ve received a distress signal from a group of Starfinder archaeologists on the planet Flentil. Apparently, their dig site was attacked by Hellknights! It’s time to launch a rescue mission! While you’re at it, best check in on the locals. I doubt our dig site is all the Hellknights are after…
Happy February, Pathfinders!
We’re going back to Tian Xia as the literal fallout from the Godsrain continues. The Society has gathered several warshards, the fallen pieces of the dead god Gorum, but their nature is still largely a mystery. The Pathfinders do have one ally who, if anyone can, could shed some light on these mysterious deific fragments—the dragon Valashinaz. Though the Pathfinder Society established friendly relations during the Equal Exchanges incident (check out PFS scenarios 5-04 and 5-09), the cooperation is scarcely a year old, and Valashinaz does nothing for free.
Illustration by Firat Solhan
Among the tribute required is a task. An upstart dragon set up his lair near Valashinaz ‘s territory. Due to her being preoccupied with the literal fallout from Gorum's death, she has yet to deal with him. This is the perfect opportunity for her to get someone else to do it, and so she has tasked the Pathfinders—that’s all of you—with getting this upstart out “by any means necessary.” While a trivial matter for an ancient dragon, this mission is sure to be a tad more difficult for our intrepid agents.
Meanwhile, we’ve got another quest for you, so we go clear to the other side of Golarion. Given that many of you all are in the throes of winter yourself, it feels appropriate to spend some time in Irrisen, the land of winter witches and endless snow.
Not everyone in Irrisen has been happy with the rule of Queen Anastasia. A group of bandits found it much easier to sate their violent tendencies during the rule of the prior queen. Now they're causing trouble both in Irrisen and in settlements on its western border. It’s become enough of a problem that adventurers from the Pathfinder Society (once again, that’s you) have been called in. The young Queen needs allies and, so far, the Pathfinders have been proving themselves just that.
Support World Central Kitchen with the Pathfinder Kingmaker Bundle
Paizo is proud to announce that starting today, fans can get everything they need to run the Pathfinder Kingmaker Adventure Path in three tabletop game systems and as a computer game, all while helping World Central Kitchen continue their mission of providing meals to people in crisis by responding to humanitarian, climate, and community crises the world over. You can learn more about World Central Kitchen and the important, live-giving work they have done, and are currently doing in Ukraine, Gaza, and Los Angeles, among others, at
Support World Central Kitchen with the Pathfinder Kingmaker Bundle
Thursday, February 13, 2025
Paizo is proud to announce that starting today, fans can get everything they need to run the Pathfinder Kingmaker Adventure Path in three tabletop game systems and as a computer game, all while helping World Central Kitchen continue their mission of providing meals to people in crisis by responding to humanitarian, climate, and community crises the world over. You can learn more about World Central Kitchen and the important, live-giving work they have done, and are currently doing in Ukraine, Gaza, and Los Angeles, among others, at
At the base level of a $5 donation, you’ll receive everything you need to take your first exploratory steps into Pathfinder Second Edition, with PDFs of the Pathfinder Beginner Box, Core GM Screen, Character Sheet Pack, pregenerated characters, the Kingmaker Adventure Path Player’s Guide (for both Pathfinder First and Second Editions), Pathfinder Society Scenario #1-02: The Mosquito Witch (set in the River Kingdoms), and three maps featured in that adventure (the Bigger Villageand Cavernous Lair Pathfinder Flip-Mats and Pathfinder Flip-Tiles: Forest Starter Set)—a value of over $79!
For $15 or more, you’ll get everything in the $5 tier, plus PDFs of the Kingmaker Adventure Path as it originally appeared in 2010 along with a handful of other Pathfinder First Edition titles to augment or expand your campaign: Pathfinder Adventure Path #31–#36, Pathfinder Module: The Emerald Spire Superdungeon, Pathfinder Flip-Mat: The Emerald Spire Superdungeon Multi-Pack, Pathfinder Society Scenarios #5-19, #9-03, and #10-01 (all set in the region or featuring characters from the Kingmaker computer game), as well as four Pathfinder Flip-Mats and three Pathfinder Map Packs featured in the adventures (Flip-Mats Battlefield, Flooded Dungeon, Seedy Tavern, and Thieves’ Guild, and Map Packs Forest Trails,Road System, and Slum Quarter Alleys). Additionally, you’ll get foundational Pathfinder Second Edition sourcebooks including Pathfinder Player Core, Pathfinder GM Core, Lost Omens World Guide, and Lost Omens Character Guide—an additional $343 value.
For $30 or more, you get everything above plus another $278 in value, including PDFs of the compiled and updated Kingmaker Adventure Pathfor Pathfinder Second Edition, as well as the entire slate of supporting products: Kingmaker Companion Guide, Kingmaker Bestiary (for both Pathfinder First Edition and 5E), Kingmaker Kingdom Management Screen, Kingmaker Kingdom Management Tracker, Kingmaker Poster Map Folio, Kingmaker Pawn Box, and all three Kingmaker Adventure Path Flip-Mat Multipacks, Campsite, Noble Manor, and River Kingdoms Ruins.As if that weren’t enough, you’ll get another three Pathfinder Society Scenarios (#1-08, Quest #14, and #5-14) and the associated map products (the Ruined Village and Palace Map Packs and Pathfinder Lodge, Forest, and Slum Quarter Flip-Mat Classics)! That’s a total of more than $700 in PDFs, but the deal doesn’t end there!
For an additional $5 (for a total of $35) we’ll throw in a Steam code for the Pathfinder Kingmaker Enhanced Plus Edition, generously provided by our partners at My.Games.
And if that’s not enough, for another $10 (total of $45), we’ll throw in a hardcover copy of Pathfinder Kingmaker Bestiary for Pathfinder First Edition, while supplies last. Redemption of the code on will add the book to your cart at no cost, and you’ll just need to pay shipping and handling on checkout.
The Pathfinder Kingmaker Bundle runs from now through 11 a.m. (PDT) on Thursday, March 6. Don’t miss this opportunity to get one of Pathfinder’s most beloved campaigns in every form it’s ever been released in, all while helping a great cause!
GM applications are now open for this summer’s major conventions! Join us at PaizoCon Online, Gen Con Indianapolis, or Origins! All GMs receive rewards based on how many slots they run, including Paizo vouchers, free badges for the show, and even Paizo products or housing at the highest slots. No Organized Play experience is necessary; if you’ve run our games, we can teach you everything you need to run scenarios, quests and demos for the community. Come and join us this summer!
Last week, we released the remastered version of Guns & Gears. While most options didn’t change much in this refresh, the sanctioning has been updated and is available on the Character Options page. Most notably, we’ve simplified the access requirements for many of the uncommon options in this book, thus defeating my least-favorite part of this page.
We also took this opportunity to refresh the rest of the page! In addition to updating the layout, we also went through many of the old books and updated things that had changed because of the Pathfinder Remaster or otherwise needed a refresh. The full changelog is available on the Character Options page, but I’ll include it below for your reference.
Character Options Updates
Player Core
Removed clarifications on spellcasting archetypes, Primal Howl and Ceremonial Knife reflected in Fall 2024 errata
Removed familiar abilities for Baba Yaga & Mosquito Witch and temporary sanctification information to reflect Divine Mysteries
Removed temporary rules for draconic options to reflect Player Core 2
Formally removed Gorum from play
GM Core
Removed clarifications on chaplain's cudgel and potion of emergency escape reflected in Fall 2024 errata
Player Core 2
Removed clarifications on Thunder God's Fan, oracle spells, You're Next, Champion's Aura for multiclass archetype and Dual-Weapon Reload reflected in Fall 2024 errata
Secrets of Magic
Permitted inner radiance torrent for play after changes in Fall 2024 errata
Howl of the Wild
Permitted Beastmaster archetype expansion feats to reflect Player Core 2 release
Removed clarifications on Alarming Disappearance and Hardshell Surki reflected in Fall 2024 errata
Guns & Gears
Expanded access requirements around uncommon options
Updated option availability & clarifications based on Remaster re-release
Core Rulebook
Updated text on Remastered classes to reflect Player Core 2 release
Added clarification on true strike to mirror sure strike errata
Removed clarifications on access to regional languages now that all Pathfinders have access to all Uncommon regional languages
Advanced Player’s Guide
Added text about Remastered classes to reflect Player Core 2 release
Updated ancestry access to reflect current rules
Moved the following options to standard access to reflect Player Core 2 release: A Home in Every Port; Biographical Eye; Consult the Spirits; Underground Network; earthsight box; Connect the Dots; Whodunnit?; Plot the Future; ghostly tragedy
Lost Omens Gods & Magic
Added a number of deities to the Restricted list to reflect Divine Mysteries
Lost Omens Character Guide
Removed amurrun from list of lizardfolk ancestry languages
Lost Omens Mwangi Expanse
Removed Lubaiko to reflect Divine Mysteries
Lost Omens Divine Mysteries
Granted subconscious suggestion as a replacement for glimmer of charm
The Future of Starfinder Society
Since our last update, the product page for the final Starfinder Society adventure for first edition has been posted! This grand finale, written by Thurston Hillman, is an unquestionably epic to the Starfinder Society’s eight-year journey. We recommend veteran players take careful note that this scenario is intended as a finale for your characters and may permanently remove them from play. Be sure their to-do list is cleared before sending them into the Scoured Stars one final time! Tables of this adventure will be available at PaizoCon Online and Gen Con.
As First Edition draws to a close, we know you’re all hungry for information about Starfinder Society for Second Edition. We’re just as excited to share the information! Tune into the Paizo blog for a weekly series on Starfinder Society Second Edition—beginning on Tuesday, April 8—where we’ll begin rolling out the interstellar carpet for our newest program. SFS2 will launch at Gen Con 2025, so get your badges now for our launch event!
GM Recognition
GM Ranks
Whether stars, novas, or glyphs, achieving a 5 ranking in any program involves a substantial amount of time. To achieve the 5th milestone, a GM must run 150 games, of which at least 50 must be unique scenarios and 10 special scenarios as well as run between one and three games for venture-captains (program dependent). A conservative estimate of the time needed to reach the 5th milestone is 650 hours!
This month we had three GMs reach their fifth rank!
5th Nova(SFS1): Josh Ericson, Sandra Wilkinson
5th Star (PFS1): Colin Chen
If you believe you’ve completed your 5th rank but haven’t been announced yet, please email me at
As we move into spring, the convention season begins once again! This weekend is a federal holiday in America, and we have six conventions running several hundred tables this weekend alone! Check out the Conventions calendar for upcoming events in your area.
I’m also excited to announce that, this March, I will be attending Coscon in Butler, PA (just outside my hometown of Pittsburgh!) as well as GalaxyCon Richmond in Virginia. If you’re in the area for either of these, I’d love to say hi!
Until next time adventurers - Explore! Report! Cooperate! And get those GM applications in!
Salutations to all intrepid Pathfinders and Starfinders!
As acknowledged in the United States, the month of February is Black History Month, a time to celebrate the works of black creators around the globe as well as reflect on and appreciate the strength and courage required to overcome and flourish despite the many adversities in Black American history. As Paizo’s new Community and Social Media manager and a Black member of the tabletop space, I am honored to introduce myself to the Paizo community and am excited to share with you the works of other Black creators at Paizo, further emphasizing this year’s Black History Month theme: African Americans and Labor.
Celebrating Black History Month 2025!
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Salutations to all intrepid Pathfinders and Starfinders!
As acknowledged in the United States, the month of February is Black History Month, a time to celebrate the works of black creators around the globe as well as reflect on and appreciate the strength and courage required to overcome and flourish despite the many adversities in Black American history. As Paizo’s new Community and Social Media manager and a Black member of the tabletop space, I am honored to introduce myself to the Paizo community and am excited to share with you the works of other Black creators at Paizo, further emphasizing this year’s Black History Month theme: African Americans and Labor.
Jaha Opener by José Luis Islas López
Maya Coleman (xe/xem/they/them)
An avid musician and graduate from Oberlin College & Conservatory with a degree in Film Music Composition, Maya has used their skills in organization and weaponized their OCD and OCPD (literally) to flourish in the tabletop industry for nearly ten years. Starting as the sole employee at Goat, Wolf, & Cabbage LLC and managing community for the board game Secret Hitler since its inception, they’ve gone on to manage communities at Skybound Tabletop, have run projects on Kickstarter such as Trogdor!! The Board Game! and Trial by Trolley, and are now the Community and Social Media manager here at Paizo.
When they are not working in the industry, they are most commonly crocheting cute plushies to hide from their loyal service dog, Avalon; playing Overwatch; or watching nearly every movie to ever be released. Their favorite food is curry, and although they won’t give out their recipe, they will happily make a large pot to share.
Labor is not a singular effort. We each have our own role to play, and now, more than ever, is it important to find those around us who are willing to put in the labor required to make the world a brighter, stronger, safer place. We can accomplish more when we work together and make connections. If you're not certain who you can connect with, then you may need to do a bit more research or even put out the call yourself.
In the spirit of making connections, one project Basil is immensely thrilled to be a part of is the Griot anthology, "a zine celebrating the brilliant work of black TTRPG game designers." Xe truly cannot wait to reveal what they’ve all been working on. You can find that project here!
We’d also like to put a few more of our Black content creators and performers from the Pathfinder and Starfinder community in the spotlight! The shows on this list feature Black hosts, GMs, players, and/or producers, so please give them a listen and support them throughout the year!
Thank you for taking the time to read this blog and see what some of our Black creators are doing! As the community grows, it’s important to shine light on all the marginalized groups within it, and I’m glad to be among them! If you are a Black content creator in the Pathfinder or Starfinder space, we would love to hear from you and learn about what you do! Send me an email at and introduce yourselves.
Again, thank you to all of our Black contributors and content creators! And thank you as well to all Black members of our community for making yourselves seen!
Maya Coleman (xe/xem/they/them) Community and Social Media Specialist
Hail and well met, ‘Finders! This month’s new releases catch bullets in their teeth, delve into dangerous fungal forests, and bring mythic power dangerously close to the Whispering Tyrant’s reach! A reminder—the scenarios listed here are January’s scenarios, which released last Wednesday, January 29th! As we have shifted our physical product release to the first Wednesday of the month, we will be highlighting the digital releases from the previous month!
Find Your Path – Feb 2025
February 05, 2025
Hail and well met, ‘Finders! This month’s new releases catch bullets in their teeth, delve into dangerous fungal forests, and bring mythic power dangerously close to the Whispering Tyrant’s reach! A reminder—the scenarios listed here are January’s scenarios, which released last Wednesday, January 29th! As we have shifted our physical product release to the first Wednesday of the month, we will be highlighting the digital releases from the previous month!
Never miss a release with our Paizo Subscriptions—for everything from rulebooks to accessories! Subscribers get a free PDF with purchase, early access to game content, and exclusive discounts on!
When sword and spell just won't be enough to win the day, it's time to power up your game with clockwork gears, lightning coils, and black powder! Guns & Gears (Remastered), the latest hardcover rulebook for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, brings the excitement of firearms and fantasy technology to your tabletop, updated to work perfectly with the remastered Pathfinder Second Edition rules!
Unravel the secrets of clockworks with the new inventor class or blow away your opposition as a firearm-wielding gunslinger! In addition to new classes, a plethora of archetypes, backgrounds, vehicles, siege engines, gadgets, and the remastered automaton ancestry are all ready to expand your game with options for battlefields large and small.
The elven nation of Kyonin is under attack! As armies of demonic fiends, corrupted fey, supernatural fungal monstrosities, and more march from the blighted swampland of Tanglebriar, it falls to a band of heroes to undertake a series of dangerous missions before a devastating secret weapon can be created! The Spore War Adventure Path continues with “The Secret of Deathstalk Tower,” a complete adventure for 14th- to 17th-level characters.
“The Secret of Deathstalk Tower” is also available as a deluxe Foundry VTT module!
Sometimes adventurers need to relax with a nice party. Of course, that’s usually when things go awry. Don’t fret—Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Ballroom has you covered to stage the scene! One side features an elegant ballroom perfect for a large dance or high-society party. The other side includes a more utilitarian ballroom, complete with a stage for musicians and tables and chairs for guests to enjoy the festivities. Don’t spend time drawing these scenes when you could unfold Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Ballroom on your table and get straight to the action!
A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 9th- through 12th-level characters.
The Godsrain has caused chaos throughout Golarion, but it has also caused opportunity. The rain of pieces of Gorum's Armor, the Warshards, has led to a race between various groups to collect these artifacts, either for study or more nefarious purposes. The Pathfinder Society has collected several themselves and learned of a way to find more. When they employed this ritual, though, it pointed to the Netherworld within the Gravelands. A piece of surpassing size and power lies within the reach of Tar Baphon, the Whispering Tyrant. Fortunately, the Society has a plane-hopping airship gained in its defeat of the hag Aslynn, as well as some strange fruit empowered by the silver rain that can grant the power of mythic heroes. But will that be enough to retrieve this item of power before the Whispering Tyrant claims it?
A Starfinder Society Scenario designed for 7th- through 10th-level characters.
The legendary explorer Jelev Rasheen was one of the first to set off into the Drift in search of fame and fortune. After her mysterious disappearance, dozens of alleged children, partners, and adventuring companions began spreading one final tale about Rasheen: that she was last seen commanding a fleet of ships laden with treasure. Over the past few years, the Starfinder Society has joined the hunt for Jelev Rasheen’s fabled treasure, following a series of beacons from site to site, and recreating Rasheen’s final journey.
Now, the coordinates point to Pan, the only planet orbiting the star Ixo in the Tabori Cluster Nebula. The PCs travel to this badlands frontier in search of vast treasure barges or the next leg of Rasheen’s journey, only to discover a crashed starship half-buried in the earth, and no treasure to be found. What was so important about this wreck? And, more importantly, did Rasheen ever make it off this planet alive? The nearby town of Requiem Falls might hold the answers…
A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 5th- through 8th-level characters.
On the border of Numeria and Ustalav, there sits an abandoned manor filled with strange technology and shuffling undead named the Crushed Meteor. Once a stronghold of the Technic League, it has fallen into the hands of the Whispering Way, and the Pathfinder Society has successfully lobbied with Kevoth-Kul to finally handle the building and exterminate those within. However, a leader of the Whispering Way sits inside the building, considering its many secrets, and offers the Pathfinders a choice: let her finish her research and gain information on an enemy, or perish. It's up to the agents within to make a choice that may sacrifice the values of the Society for valuable knowledge!
From Our Partners:
Our partners at Archives of Nethys, Demiplane, Fantasy Grounds, Hero Lab Online, and Roll20* are dropping new content this month as well! Buy your PDF on to get a discount via the PaizoConnect API. Or pay full price on their platforms, sync your account, and get a complimentary PDF on the Paizo Store.
*Roll20 is no longer a part of PaizoConnect and discounts and complimentary PDFs do not apply.
Bring Pathfinder to where you are, in person or online, and if you don’t have a favorite local game store, get books delivered to your door via a Paizo Subscription! From rulebooks to adventures, accessories, and more, we’ve got subscriptions for every table! Subscribing to a line of books gets you the physical book and the PDF for one price! Subscribe to four lines or more to unlock Paizo Advantage savings on products site-wide!
Celebrate Valentine's Day with Pathfinder NPC Core!
Next month we’re releasing Pathfinder NPC Core! This upcoming tome comes with over 250 stat blocks for all sorts of marvelous characters to add to your games. In addition to whole towns full of human NPCs of varying flavors, the book also includes guidance for changing the ancestries of any of these NPCs to suit your campaign. Plus, alongside all of the NPCs of non-human ancestries breathing vigor into your gameplay, like a tumbleweed leshy courier and an iruxi masked mummer, Pathfinder NPC Core also comes with fun extras like goblin songs, allowing GMs and players alike to expand the characters in their adventures with ease. Pathfinder NPC Core comes in three versions: the standard hardcover, the FLGS and exclusive sketch cover, and the Special Edition faux-leatherette! Pathfinder NPC Core will be available on March 5th, and you can pre-order your copy today!
Celebrate Valentine's Day with Pathfinder NPC Core!
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Next month we’re releasing Pathfinder NPC Core! This upcoming tome comes with over 250 stat blocks for all sorts of marvelous characters to add to your games. In addition to whole towns full of human NPCs of varying flavors, the book also includes guidance for changing the ancestries of any of these NPCs to suit your campaign. Plus, alongside all of the NPCs of non-human ancestries breathing vigor into your gameplay, like a tumbleweed leshy courier and an iruxi masked mummer, Pathfinder NPC Core also comes with fun extras like goblin songs, allowing GMs and players alike to expand the characters in their adventures with ease. Pathfinder NPC Core comes in three versions: the standard hardcover, the FLGS and exclusive sketch cover, and the Special Edition faux-leatherette! Pathfinder NPC Core will be available on March 5th, and you can pre-order your copy today!
To celebrate the addition of so many wonderful NPCs to our world, we’ve made a collection of character-themed NPC valentines for you to share with your friends, loved ones, and potential partners!
Character art by Ksenia Kozhevnikova. Valentine’s day card written and designed by Alex Speidel, Maya Coleman, and Rue Dickey.
Character art by Nicholas Phillips. Valentine’s day card written and designed by Alex Speidel, Maya Coleman, and Rue Dickey.
We’ve made you 64 different valentines! 32 have a punny phrase, and 32 are blank ones you can fill out on your own:
Join Paizo Organized Play at PaizoCon Online 2025!
Greetings, Pathfinders and Starfinders! Following on our previous call for GMs, we’re now recruiting GMs for PaizoCon Online!
Join Paizo Organized Play at PaizoCon Online 2025!
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Greetings, Pathfinders and Starfinders! Following on our previous call for GMs, we’re now recruiting GMs for PaizoCon Online!
PaizoCon Online 2025
PaizoCon Online 2025 will take place online May 23–26, 2025. New content at this show includes the final scenario for Starfinder Society first edition and new Pathfinder Society scenarios.
We are currently seeking volunteers for the following roles:
Game Master: Run tables of Organized Play Scenarios, Bounties and Quests
Headquarters (HQ): Answer player and GM questions, seat players, handle conflicts and disputes, and report games after completion
Please read this important information before applying:
Volunteer applications will be reviewed and accepted or rejected by the PaizoCon Organizing Committee. Filling this form out does not guarantee acceptance; you will receive an email with further information from the PaizoCon committee.
PaizoCon Online schedules will be assigned by the committee. You will be asked for your preference of system and level, but you will not necessarily be able to choose the specific scenario(s) you run. There is a free-form field at the end of the form to enter specific requests, though there’s no guarantee they will be honored.
Reward information is listed in the table below. GMs who do not qualify for a badge will still need to purchase one if they wish to play games.
Applications will be processed on a rolling basis, beginning no later than March 1. The earlier you get your application in, the more likely it is you’ll get the scenarios you want. Please be patient as we put the final details on the convention internally before we send out GM emails!
Adventure authors interested in running tables of scenarios they have written should fill out this form and then follow up by emailing Anybody interested in running games outside of the Organized Play offerings (such as Infinite content, homebrew content, or games from other publishers) will be able to propose events once tickets go on sale. Stay tuned for future information!
Any questions about the GM signup process should be sent to the committee at
Rewards Table
PDF Product
Player Badge
Early Sign-Up Access
In-Game Reward
6+ blocks
5 blocks
4 blocks
3 blocks
2 blocks
1 block
*Definitions for rewards:
PDF Product: A PDF of any Paizo product valued at $29.99 or less.
Player Badge: A badge for the duration of the event. GMs must have a Player badge before registering to play games.
Early Sign-Up Access: One week before signups open, GMs may sign up for one game per block they are running.
In-game reward: A reward for characters based on the current organized play program GM reward programs. Pathfinder Society (first edition) is paper boons, Pathfinder Society (second edition)/Starfinder Society (first edition) is Achievement Point rewards at the Premier Plus (2.0x) level.
Voucher: Earn one voucher for $15 spendable on for every block run.
Important Dates
Please note that these dates are tentative and subject to change.
April 9: Early player signups begin for GMs
April 16: Player signups begin for all badge holders
Hello Starfinders! For decades, adventurers and thrill seekers — including the Starfinder Society — have scoured the galaxy for signs of the infamous explorer Jelev Rasheen and her final treasure haul! Now, the trail leads us to Pan, the only planet orbiting the star Ixo in the Tabori Cluster nebula and a crashed starship long-buried in the badlands. What was so important about this wreck? Did Rasheen ever make it off this planet alive? And where's her treasure? It's up to you to discover the answers!
January Digital Adventure Previews
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Hello Starfinders! For decades, adventurers and thrill seekers — including the Starfinder Society — have scoured the galaxy for signs of the infamous explorer Jelev Rasheen and her final treasure haul! Now, the trail leads us to Pan, the only planet orbiting the star Ixo in the Tabori Cluster nebula and a crashed starship long-buried in the badlands. What was so important about this wreck? Did Rasheen ever make it off this planet alive? And where's her treasure? It's up to you to discover the answers!
Happy New Year, Pathfinders! Do we have some amazing things in store for you this year!
Illustration by Raphael Madureira
I’ll bet some of you read about Urwal’s trouble in our blog post Godsrain and Gardening and wondered if that meant mythic scenarios would become a thing. Well, I’d certainly hope we were giving you mythic powers if we sent you after one of the pieces of Gorum that somehow ended up in the netherworld of the Gravelands in the hands of a mythic lich. The important thing to remember is if Urwal offers you food, you take it.
Illustration by Bruno Cesar
You’ll definitely want to have whatever abilities those berries grant you as you ride into the heart of the Whispering Tyrant’s territory on a planes-hopping airship we took, I mean liberated, from the hag Aslan. I just hope that the boost is enough for you all to get that warshard before someone far, far worse can claim it.
Along the border of Numeria and Ustalav lies an abandoned manor called the Crushed Meteor, filled with lost research and technology from the fallen Technic League. Honorary Venture-Captain Lovkiy has finally received permission from Numeria’s ruler, Kevoth-Kul, to send in a squad of Pathfinders to see what remains and keep these findings out of the grasping hands of the Whispering Way, but on two very important conditions:
The barbarian ruler gets the first option to choose among any weapons left behind.
The Pathfinders eliminate any undead found within the building.
However, someone within the Crushed Meteor may have information that the Pathfinders are willing to break their promises for.
On Thursday, we received the tragic news of the passing of author Howard Andrew Jones, who contributed four titles to the Pathfinder Tales line between 2011 and 2017. In addition to his contributions to the world of Pathfinder, Howard was a stalwart of the modern sword & sorcery movement. He edited eight collections of literary giant Howard Lamb’s historical fiction as well as the sword & sorcery magazines Black Gateand Tales From the Magician’s Skull. In addition to his myriad accomplishments as an author and editor, Howard was a staple of fantasy and gaming conventions and loved chatting with fans and colleagues alike. A friend to many, Howard will be greatly missed.
Paizo Remembers Howard Andrew Jones
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
On Thursday, we received the tragic news of the passing of author Howard Andrew Jones, who contributed four titles to the Pathfinder Tales line between 2011 and 2017. In addition to his contributions to the world of Pathfinder, Howard was a stalwart of the modern sword & sorcery movement. He edited eight collections of literary giant Howard Lamb’s historical fiction as well as the sword & sorcery magazines Black Gateand Tales From the Magician’s Skull. In addition to his myriad accomplishments as an author and editor, Howard was a staple of fantasy and gaming conventions and loved chatting with fans and colleagues alike. A friend to many, Howard will be greatly missed.
Howard Andrew Jones in 2023
In celebration of his life, and to help his family in this difficult time, Paizo is discounting the digital editions of his first two Pathfinder Tales novels, Plague of Shadows and Stalking the Beast, through the end of February. All proceeds from these sales will go directly to Howard’s family via a gofundme campaign set up last year when he announced his illness and prognosis. Additionally, two short stories Howard wrote to promote these novels are available for free on “The Walkers from the Crypt” and “Bells for the Dead.” We hope that you enjoy Howard’s work as much as we have, and that through that enjoyment, his memory will live on.
We’ll miss you, Howard. Thanks for the memories and for lending a small part of your talent to our world.
There are three more schools responsible for setting up the Convocation and gathering guests from across Golarion. Each of them brings its own exhibits, teachings, and traditions, along with a competitive spirit the hosts hope will stick to scholastic debate or hunting Sarkoris’s remaining demons.
Magaambya Campus by Sandra Posada.
When human civilization clawed its way out from the Age of Darkness thousands of years ago, the Magaambya was one of the first flickers of light. Founded by Old-Mage Jatembe and his Ten Magic Warriors in the jungles of the Mwangi Expanse, the school still embraces their legacy as the Inner Sea region’s oldest school of magic.
The school has recently begun to take a more active role in the wider world. Magaambyans see the Convocation as part of that broader effort, an extension of their teachers’ efforts in offering aid to the scattered Sarkorian people and helping gather their stories.
All five of the school’s branches of study are represented among the Magaambyan delegates. Although the school sees these branches as part of the same whole, the branches take on very different roles in the Magaambya and at the Convocation. The storytelling Uzunjati branch is the best known outside the school, but Emerald Boughs are prepared to navigate social situations while Tempest-Sun Mages gear up to fight a different continent’s demons.
Tree of Stories by Sandra Posada.
Magaambyan students have set to growing a symbol of their teachings to remain on the Convocation grounds long after their masks and artifacts are returned to their homes. Although the tree might look out of place in the north’s harsh winters, the stories told beneath its boughs know no seasonal boundaries.
The Uzunjati presence at the Convocation can be felt strongly in other ways, as they pass on their stories and the magic contained within them. They even return a tale of old Sarkoris, brought to life by that story and their magic, as a gift to their hosts.
But all five branches of the Magaambya do share a common teaching in the wizardly School of Rooted Wisdom. Beyond the shared teachings of Old-Mage Jatembe, each branch has grown from it in a different direction over the millennia, whether exploring the theory of magic as a Cascade Bearer or the boundaries of the physical world as a Rain-Scribe.
Monastery of the Unbreaking Waves
Monastery of the Unbreaking Waves by Sandra Posada.
As one of the Houses of Perfection, the Monastery of the Unbreaking Waves seeks enlightenment and martial inspiration in one of the elements. In their case, it is the flexible and unyielding progress of water, flowing around and wearing away all obstacles.
For centuries, only three Houses of Perfection stood in Jalmeray, representing air, earth, and fire. The Monastery of the Unbreaking Waves had been destroyed by one of its rivals and pulled into the sea by a great tsunami. It’s only recently that their teachings were returned to the surface with the help of the Pathfinder Society. Although still rebuilding toward its original heights, that history has brought this monastery to the Convocation to prevent such a tragic loss from repeating itself.
Beyond this philosophical connection with the elements, each House of Perfection learned many of their techniques directly from the genies associated with their element. In the Unbreaking Waves’ case, they learn from faydhaan, who are known for their diplomatic nature and flexible thinking.
Swordmaster Ganhil by Renan Maurilio and Resurgent Maelstrom Magus by Mirco Paganessi.
As the buildings and membership of the monastery are rebuilt, so are its techniques. Recovered ancient scrolls, once thought lost forever beneath the waves, offer a foundation to rebuild on, but new blood and ideas are revitalizing the school’s curriculum.
The core techniques of the Unbreaking Waves are still practiced by monks, empowering themselves with understanding of water and breath. Always metaphorical and philosophical, the waves can also become crushingly real in the hands of an experienced monk. But, even among the order’s traditional monastic practices, new blade stances and techniques aim to challenge their old rivals among the Monastery of Untwisting Iron.
The new approaches can be seen most clearly among those studying the Resurgent Maelstrom. Combining faydhaan spells and techniques with mortal ingenuity, a magus can use the power of water to turn any tool into a weapon and embrace their transience by shattering them against their foes.
University of Lepidstadt
Lepidstadt Campus by Sandra Posada.
The University of Lepidstadt, despite being at the forefront of medical and technological advancement, is not always well regarded in its native Ustalav. Many would call it a home of graverobbers and monstrous experiments, although the medical students find the results quite educational.
The university students, even those focusing on less controversial fields of study, find the Convocation a breath of fresh air. Certainly, the Kith are noisy and the Magaambyans may have uncomfortable questions about what exactly is inside the Lepidstadt exhibit, but the constant pressure and automatic judgment is lessened. Sadly, it can’t last forever, and eventually the students will have to return to their dimly lit halls and sinister rumors.
Some students have an additional cause to celebrate. The university once accepted Sarkorians fleeing the demons who overran their land, although Ustalav at large was by no means welcoming, and many descendants of Sarkorian refugees among Lepidstadt’s delegation are able to visit their ancestral homeland for the first time.
Cheris Nefritius-Sincoth and Lepidstadt Surgeon by Mirco Paganessi.
Law, theology, and even wizardry are all taught at Lepidstadt, but it’s best known for medicine. Lepidstadt surgeons are among the best in the world, both as healers and in theoretical understanding. They attribute this to the hands-on experience of dismantling cadavers and practicing on volunteers. Whether the newest techniques can be used to open an enemy’s veins or stir dead flesh to a parody of life is a question best left for campfire tales.
The School of Science has also begun to make a name for itself, although it’s beset with its own controversies. A number of Stasian coils, covered with arcing electricity and interacting with subtler occult energies, have been smuggled into the school for experiments. The most recent breakthroughs involve using those coils to treat glass, creating a variety of gadgets that can drive off otherworldly beings or steal away part of a target’s aura.
Perhaps their most complicated work is their exhibit, a scientific and occult marvel that takes the shape of a heavy cabinet spiked with Stasian coils. The electricity, through shapes and symbols and a crackling voice, seeks to answer questions posed to it. Although even the Lepidstadt students aren’t necessarily sure what’s inside it, they do ask that people stop trying to exorcize it.
School Stories
Convocation Conversation by Sandra Posada.
Each school, whether a sponsor or an uninvited guest, is introduced by one of their own in Lost Omens Rival Academies. So, whether you’re wondering what it’s like to take classes at the Academy of the Reclamation or want to know why the Sihedron Spires were late for the party, you can find out right from the students themselves.
This extends into the rest of the book, including guides to Mendev and Sarkoris for attendees who leave the safety of the Convocation grounds. Even as a player, you should be able to sit down and read cover-to-cover without running into the secret answers to questions your character wouldn’t even know to ask.
Or you might flip through to see what spells and feats your school teaches. No judgment there! Obviously, all this studying should teach characters how to do new things. There are new archetypes, spells, feats, items, and character options for the schools. Whether a character is attending the Convocation or dropped out to chase adventure, you’ll find some new options for them.
Wrap it all up with a bit of GM advice at the back for running a Convocation campaign, like how to reward forming bonds with other schools, and you’ve got yourself a whole package. I hope you all enjoy it when it comes out on March 5th!
Join Paizo Organized Play at Gen Con and Origins in 2025!
Hello Pathfinders and Starfinders! 2025 is going to be an incredibly exciting year for Paizo. This year we’re releasing major Pathfinder rulebooks, including Lost Omens: Shining Kingdoms, as well as launching Starfinder’s new edition!
Join Paizo Organized Play at Gen Con and Origins in 2025!
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Hello Pathfinders and Starfinders! 2025 is going to be an incredibly exciting year for Paizo. This year we’re releasing major Pathfinder rulebooks, including Lost Omens: Shining Kingdoms, as well as launching Starfinder’s new edition!
We’d like to invite you to be part of the excitement by volunteering as an Organized Play GM! Our volunteer GMs are the best of the best, the cream of the crop, the most helpful skittermanders in the galaxy. Last year, our volunteers ran over 1000 games online and in person, and we’re looking to exceed that in 2025!
If you love our games so much that you want to introduce new players to them, and you’re ready to GM on the biggest stages we can offer, then we want you to join the team! Even if you’ve never run Pathfinder or Starfinder Society before, our support team will make sure you have everything you need to run your best games ever.
All GMs who run games at Premier or Premier Plus events will receive a $15 voucher per block, which can also be spent in the Paizo booth at Gen Con in Indianapolis. Those who volunteer for more blocks may receive badges to the show, PDF or print products, or hotel rooms based on their commitment.
At this time, we’re accepting GMs for Gen Con Indianapolis. We’ve also included information from our friends at Origins; while Paizo won’t have an official presence there, we’re recognizing them as a Premier event, which means additional rewards for GMs and players. Who knows, maybe you’ll even see some Paizo staff at the event!
Gen Con Indy 2025
Gen Con Indianapolis will take place in Indianapolis, Indiana from July 31-August 3, 2025. New content at this show includes the launch of Pathfinder Society Year 7, the new Pathfinder Society Special and, of course, the global launch of Starfinder Second Edition!
We are currently seeking volunteers for the following roles:
Game Master: Run tables of Organized Play Scenarios and Quests.
Headquarters (HQ): Answer player and GM questions, seat players, handle conflicts and disputes, and report games after completion.
Demo GM: Run quick demos for new players, giving them a short Pathfinder/Starfinder experience before quickly turning the table over for the next group. Our Demo GMs may receive an Exhibitor badge in compensation for the fast and furious nature of the position, subject to availability.
Board Game Demo GM: Run demo tables for Goblin Firework Fight and Elemental Stones. Applicants should have strong board game knowledge (both our games and general board games) and preferably have related demo experience.
Academy GM: Run games for young children (under 18) and their families and provide a safe, welcoming environment for our youngest gamers. This position requires proof of a completed background check (employment in education, public service, or similar may be accepted as verification that you have completed a background check).
Please read this important information before applying:
Volunteer applications will be reviewed and accepted or rejected by the Gen Con Organizing Committee. Filling this form out does not guarantee acceptance; you will receive an email with further information from the Gen Con committee.
Gen Con Indy schedules will be assigned by the committee. You will be asked for your preference of system and level, but you will not necessarily be able to choose the specific scenario(s) you run. The committee’s intention is to assign people to run the same scenario multiple times during the weekend, to minimize the amount of preparation required. There is a free-form field at the end of the form to enter specific requests, though there’s no guarantee they will be honored.
Reward information is listed in the table below. GMs who don’t qualify for a badge will still need to purchase one.
Volunteers will be accepted on a rolling basis, and schedules should be assigned within two weeks of your application. Once your schedule is assigned and you confirm, you are considered to be committed to attending the event.
Adventure authors interested in running tables of scenarios they have written should fill out the volunteer form and then follow up by emailing Please note we have a limited number of tables, and the schedule is fairly locked-in at this stage, but we’ll do our best to get you slotted into your scenario if it’s on the schedule.
Any questions about the GM signup process should be sent to the committee at
A Note on Starfinder Second Edition
We’re very excited to begin rolling out information about Starfinder Society for Second Edition! We have blogs planned in future weeks to discuss some of the particulars of the program, but in order to effectively recruit GMs for Gen Con, we’d like to share the following information with all of you now.
Starfinder Society scenarios for Second Edition will be 2-3 hours long, and will cover a two-level range. All scenarios releasing at Gen Con will be for 1st-2nd level characters.
We will also release a special scenario, #1-00, at Gen Con. This will be a four-hour adventure for pregenerated third-level characters only. This adventure is a prequel to the first year’s metaplot, and will be run on Thursday night only.
Our intention is to release two scenarios per month, for a total of 26 scenarios released in Year 1 of Starfinder Society.
GMs should be aware that we will be scheduling SFS2 scenarios in back-to-back three hour blocks at Gen Con. The expectation is that GMs will finish their tables in 2-2.5 hours; any time before the next game starts is your break time. If you are not confident in your time management skills, we invite you to join us for PFS2 scenarios or the SFS2 special on Thursday night!
Gen Con Rewards Table
Player Badge
Volunteer Attire
In-Game Reward
7+ blocks
6 blocks
5 blocks
4 blocks
3 blocks
2 blocks
1 block
Reward Details:
Housing: GMs will be housed at 2-4 volunteers per room. More information is available on the application form.
Product: A physical copy of a Paizo product, chosen from a list of recent releases prior to the convention.
Player Badge: A badge for the duration of the event. GMs must have a Player badge before registering to play games. Demo GMs may receive an Exhibitor badge if our allotment allows.
Volunteer Attire: One shirt per day of volunteering.
In-game reward: A reward for characters based on the current organized play program GM reward programs. Pathfinder Society (first edition)/Pathfinder Adventure Card Society are paper boons, Pathfinder Society (second edition)/Starfinder Society are Achievement Point rewards at the Premier Plus (2.0x) level.
Voucher: Earn one voucher for $15 spendable on or at the Paizo booth for every block run.
Important Dates
Note that these dates are from Gen Con directly; other dates specifically relevant to us may be added.
Ohio Org Play would love for you to join us at Origins Game Fair from June 18-22, 2025 at the Greater Columbus Convention Center.
For those who have not been to Origins in the past, the convention runs from mid-day Wednesday to mid-day Sunday, for a total of 12 slots of events. We set our scenario-length slots up as 5 hours of gaming with 1 hour meal breaks to give our GMs plenty of time between sessions to eat and re-energize. More about Origins can be found here:
We are currently seeking volunteers for the following roles:
Game Master: Run tables of Organized Play Scenarios, Bounties, and Quests.
Headquarters (HQ): Answer player and GM questions, seat players, handle conflicts and disputes, and report games after completion.
Volunteer applications will be reviewed by the organizing committee. Filling the volunteer form out does not guarantee acceptance. As this is a large con with many moving parts, GM schedules will be assigned by the committee and sent out in order of volunteering. Volunteer early to lock in your preferences! Once your schedule is assigned and you confirm, you are considered to be committed to attending the event.
We value each of our volunteers who help to make this event happen. As a reward, we have Ohio Org Play shirts, bags, badges, accommodation for you or your vehicle, and bonus Achievement Points to send your way. But, wait, there’s more! Paizo has generously stepped in to provide voucher rewards to our GM volunteers this year, and free product for those who volunteer for more slots. Here’s a grid to keep track of everything:
Origins Rewards Table
Ohio Org Play Tote Bag
¼ Hotel or Parking Pass
PDF Product
Origins Badge *
Ohio Org Play T-Shirt
Paizo Vouchers
In-Game Reward
Reward Details:
*Origins Badge: A weekend badge for the event. All attendees and GMs must have a badge. Those volunteering for 4 or more slots will receive a free badge. All others must purchase a badge on their own. Most Origins events are included in the base badge price.
Tote Bag: Volunteers for 9 or more slots will also receive a Custom Ohio Org Play canvas tote bag to haul your dice (and maybe even books) around.
Hotel/Parking: Volunteers for 7 or more slots will have the option of shared hotel space or a weekend parking pass. Hotel space is Wednesday night to Sunday Morning. We will work with volunteers who select this option to arrange rooming assignments.
PDF Product: a PDF of any Paizo product valued at $29.99 or less.
T-Shirt: All volunteers for 2 or more slots will receive 1 Ohio Org Play 2025 t-shirt to wear on Saturday.
Paizo Vouchers: $15 Paizo voucher for each GM slot completed.
In-Game Reward: A reward for characters based on the current organized play program GM reward programs. Pathfinder Society (first edition)/Pathfinder Adventure Card Society is paper boons, Pathfinder Society (second edition)/Starfinder Society is Achievement Point rewards with a 1.75 multiplier.
Important Dates
Volunteer ASAP to lock in your scenario/slot preferences!
Anybody interested in volunteering at Gen Con should join the Premier Conventions planning server by clicking the image below. Follow the instructions in #welcome to get access to the relevant channels. All important information will be conveyed on this server as well as via email, so please join the server!
Thank you all so much for volunteering! These events can’t happen without our volunteer GMs and organizers, and we’re so lucky to have you all. We’re looking forward to another fantastic year of conventions!
Alex Speidel Organized Play Coordinator
Heather Vigil, Rebecca Fehn and bigrin42 Gen Con Indy Committee
Hail and well met, ‘Finders! This month’s new releases bring the prospect of mythic power to your pocket and march towards war with Treerazer! Now that we’re in 2025, Paizo’s physical product release dates will be moving to the first Wednesday of the month (barring holidays). Our digital products, such as Pathfinder and Starfinder Society Scenarios, will maintain their later release dates.
Find Your Path—January 2025
January 8, 2025
Hail and well met, ‘Finders! This month’s new releases bring the prospect of mythic power to your pocket and march towards war with Treerazer! Now that we’re in 2025, Paizo’s physical product release dates will be moving to the first Wednesday of the month (barring holidays). Our digital products, such as Pathfinder and Starfinder Society Scenarios, will maintain their later release dates.
Never miss a release with our Paizo Subscriptions—for everything from rulebooks to accessories! Subscribers get a free PDF with purchase, early access to game content, and exclusive discounts on!
War is coming to the elven nation of Kyonin! From within Tanglebriar, a blighted land that spreads like a sickness along Kyonin’s southern border, the demon Treerazer is prepared to launch his first major attack on his enemies in centuries. Can a new group of heroes stand against the demon armies? The Spore War Adventure Path begins with “Whispers in the Dirt,” a complete adventure for 11th- to 13th-level characters.
Whispers in the Dirt is also available as a premium module for Foundry VTT.
A god has been slain and nothing will ever be the same again! As war and destruction spread across the world, new heroes must rise to the occasion and take up arms to protect its mortal inhabitants. Lay claim to your own spark of divinity and charge into battle as a mighty exemplar or call upon the power of spiritual allies as a wise animist. Alongside these new classes are rules for running mythic games, archetypes for playing legendary characters, and a wide array of new items, spells, and monsters to tell stories straight out of myth!
The pocket edition presents the same contents as the standard edition in a smaller sized softcover for a lower price and better portability.
Suit up and get ready to explore the galaxy’s most iconic and dangerous space stations with Starfinder Flip-Mat: Space Station. One side of this mat showcases the interior of a station you could find almost anywhere in the galaxy, complete with a mess hall, rec room, and even a docked fighter. This side also matches up perfectly to Starfinder Flip-Mat: Basic Terrain, allowing you to construct an even larger station. The other side of the mat is a grimmer station or research outpost, filled with the leftovers of deadly experiments and gruesome battles. Both sides can be turned into a set piece for almost any science-fantasy adventure!
Beneath the heavy forest canopy another kind of forest thrives. This shadowy haven for ferns, moss, and large fungi provides a perfect unsettling location for enemies to spring an attack. One side shows trees studded with shelf fungus and other growths, while the second side depicts similar features in a swamp. Danger is just a step away, so don’t waste time drawing your own map when Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Fungal Forest has you covered!
From Our Partners:
Our partners at Archives of Nethys, Demiplane, Fantasy Grounds, Hero Lab Online, and Roll20* are dropping new content this month as well! Buy your PDF on to get a discount via the PaizoConnect API. Or pay full price on their platforms, sync your account, and get a complimentary PDF on the Paizo Store.
*Roll20 is no longer a part of PaizoConnect and discounts and complimentary PDFs do not apply.
Bring Pathfinder to where you are, in person or online, and if you don’t have a favorite local game store, get books delivered to your door via a Paizo Subscription! From rulebooks to adventures, accessories, and more, we’ve got subscriptions for every table! Subscribing to a line of books gets you the physical book and the PDF for one price! Subscribe to four lines or more to unlock Paizo Advantage savings on products site-wide!
The Six Schools’ Convocation approaches with Pathfinder Lost Omens Rival Academies! Before the book releases on March 5th, it’s time to let everyone in on a few school secrets.
The Rival Academies (Part 1)
Tuesday, January 7, 2025
The Six Schools’ Convocation approaches with Pathfinder Lost Omens Rival Academies! Before the book releases on March 5th, it’s time to let everyone in on a few school secrets.
The Convocation is ultimately an exhibition of what these six sponsor schools have to offer and a place to exchange knowledge so it outlives its discoverers. But far be it for any academic to accept that their exhibit wasn’t the most groundbreaking or that their plan for eradicating demons fell behind their rival’s!
So, the Convocation’s six schools have come together in a spirit of learning and competition, alongside their invited guests. But who are these schools, where do they learn the rest of the year, and what secrets have they brought with them?
Academy of the Reclamation
Academy of the Reclamation campus by Mirco Paganessi.
The Academy of the Reclamation may seem a strange host for this gathering of scholars. Located on the edge of the demon-haunted lands of Sarkoris, it’s so new that it’s just now celebrating its first graduating class. Its position in the fortress-city of Nerosyan does provide some surprising benefits, however, with old crusader barracks becoming temporary lodging for guests and the weapon racks of armories being replaced with bookshelves.
Still, the academy’s existence can’t be separated from the nation’s history. The people of Sarkoris were scattered for a hundred years, their lands overrun by endless swarms of demons from the Worldwound. Only once that portal to the Outer Rifts was closed could the process of healing the lands and people truly begin.
The Academy of the Reclamation seeks to gather the knowledge that dispersed along with the Sarkorian peoples. The magic—and even the names—of the land’s old gods must be reclaimed alongside all the stories, crafts, and traditions that defined the clans of Sarkoris. Somewhat controversially, the academy also embraces what the descendants of old Sarkoris learned during their long flight, even going so far as to establish a new school of wizardry.
Campfire Chronicler and Diarra Romagne by Anselmi Hyytinen.
It’s an easy mistake to see the Academy of the Reclamation as mired in sadness and loss. Although the work ahead for returning Sarkorians and their allies is vast, only a few years ago the demonic ranks and foul energy of the Outer Rifts were truly endless. Every day is now a step forward, with each demon killed or plot of land purified marking real progress toward the nation’s healing.
Spreading this hopeful message has mostly fallen to Diarra Romagne, who is making a rare appearance at the Convocation, spending most of her time traveling wherever the descendants of Sarkorian refugees can be found. Although not everyone is at a place in their life where they can join the academy, few can resist sharing their family’s story when presented with a smiling face and a plate of cookies.
Perhaps the academy’s proudest step thus far is rediscovering the rites of Isthralei, an old god of Sarkoris dedicated to protecting travelers in exchange for their stories. The campfire chroniclers who practice these rites have become an unofficial group of representatives, accepting the visiting students as their charges in Isthralei’s place.
Cobyslarni Campus by Bastien Jez.
No school gathers as much attention on the grounds of the Convocation as Cobyslarni. A massive elephantine creature simply arrived one day, the school atop his back, and settled into a convenient part of the Convocation grounds. This ancient creature, also named Cobyslarni, is the rarely heard headmaster of the school along with being its literal foundation.
The school spends most of its time in the fey realm of the First World, with excursions to other planes as suits the headmaster’s unexplained plans. Cobyslarni’s students are likewise gathered from the across the planes, but largely represent the fey. Its curriculum focuses on the magic of the fey, particularly the power of oaths and agreements. The most basic of these agreements, between students and their mentors, form the basis for Cobyslarni’s structure, as loose and chaotic as it may seem to outsiders.
With so many students visiting the mortal Universe for the first time, the culture shock is quite extreme. Time and terrain can seem suffocatingly rigid while death looms as an actual threat to fey students. Meanwhile, other attendees are left wondering whether the bird critiquing their exhibit is a professor offering honest feedback or someone’s familiar babbling random insults.
Echo Repository by Mirco Paganessi.
Along with countless smaller student exhibits of fey magic and artistry, Cobyslarni has also opened access to the Echo Repository, an extradimensional archive filled with things plucked from forgotten dreams. Although the smiling librarians are quick to offer cryptic guidance, even the students of Cobyslarni often find gremlins and mist-shrouded nightmares before they locate forgotten rites or stories lost to time.
That is not the only source for information that Cobyslarni brings, of course. The school travels through distant realms, its students learning strange secrets and gathering pacts with mysterious beings. Many students become witches by finding a single powerful being willing to enter a pact, with a chosen few even managing to catch the headmaster’s direct attention.
Students who dig deeper into the magic of pacts generally become pactbinders, tying themselves magically to many beings or even abstract concepts. The pactbinders of Cobyslarni have gathered many pacts from the Eldest to simple individual fey through their school’s long travels.
Kitharodian Academy
Kitharodian Academy campus by Mirco Paganessi.
The empire of Taldor has been a force to reckon with for thousands of years, and Kitharodian Academy is dedicated to retelling that history through songs, poetry, plays, and operas. As Taldor is a military and mercantile power in the Inner Sea, Kitharodian is a cultural power.
However, the academy and its patron are tied together through thick and thin. Taldor has declined over the centuries, becoming more insular and more focused on its past glory, and Kitharodian has followed suit. A handful of tales are told and retold, polished until they shine like gold. Meanwhile, students are compared to the centuries of artists who came before them.
While publicly staging grand productions of past emperors’ stories, it’s an open secret that many Kitharodian students turn their acting to serve the present empress, Eutropia. Although the school will carefully deny it, particularly at international events like the Convocation, many of its students go on to work as spies among the Lion Blades after graduation.
Kitharodian Academy exhibit by Mirco Paganessi.
The Convocation has presented a rare opportunity for Kith, as the students call themselves, to expand into new subject matter. These include stories from far-off lands, but also more recent events like the sealing of the Worldwound. They also have a chance to show their polished work to people who haven’t seen those stories a thousand times.
Sharing these stories and the techniques behind their telling is a pressing mission for Kith who wonder how long the empire’s relevance will last. But perhaps even then the stories still capture their larger-than-life personalities, from the heroic to the darkly comedic. The finest of Kitharodian’s students can truly inhabit those roles, like living vessels for the emperors of the past.
Retelling the same stories has fostered a strange sort of innovation, driving endlessly toward the freshest inspiration and the newest tools. While the inspiration found in moonlit trysts and raucous parties is an ephemeral thing, the workshops’ tools are useful in the shadows as often as on the stage.
And More to Come!
Alongside the other three sponsor schools we’ll be visiting next time, the Convocation is also playing host to the Sihedron Spires of New Thassilon and representatives of a dozen other schools. Story information and character options, from a new spell brought by a researcher to archetypes passed down through generations, can help you bring the schools to life in a campaign anywhere their students and graduates may travel.
Happy New Year, ’Finders! As we dive into 2025, we’d like to take a moment to celebrate our best books and games of 2024!
2024’s Best and Boldest!
Thursday, January 2, 2025
Happy New Year, ’Finders! As we dive into 2025, we’d like to take a moment to celebrate our best books and games of 2024!
When the war god Gorum dies, his divine essence and war-infused blood rain across all existence in an event known as the Godsrain. This precipitating event leads to the birth of monsters and mythic heroes alike, shaking the world of Golarion to its very core. This meta event crossed the Pathfinder rulebook, adventure, and lore lines—plus saw a return to published fiction!
A god has been slain and nothing shall ever be the same again! As war and destruction spread across the world, new heroes must rise to the occasion and take up arms to protect its mortal inhabitants. Two brand-new classes provide new ways to engage with mythic themes! Lay claim to your own spark of divinity and charge into battle as a mighty exemplar, or call upon the power of spiritual allies as a wise animist. Alongside these new classes are rules for running mythic games, archetypes for playing legendary characters, and a wide array of new items, spells, and monsters to tell stories straight out of myth and legend that fit perfectly into the remastered Pathfinder rules!
The influence of all-powerful deities is felt in every corner of the Lost Omens setting. Whether you're a valorous champion calling the righteous power of your patron down upon wicked foes or a sneaky rogue asking the god of thievery for a blessing on your next heist, faith and the forces behind it are key to every character's identity. Within this volume, you'll find details on the gods and non-deific faiths of the Age of Lost Omens from the perspective of their clergy and lay worshippers. The book also grants a glimpse into the machinations of a god, exploring how a new god rises, why a god takes worshippers in the first place, and what occurs when a god dies.
Four veteran adventurers—the barbarian Amiri; the wizard Ezren; the cleric Kyra; and her wife, the elven rogue Merisiel—witness calamity, and with their newfound mythic power find themselves on the trail of fell forces looking to capitalize on the chaos. Using their unique skills, nascent god-sparks, and even the firsthand blessings of one of Golarion's most potent deities, they must race against time and fate to prevent the greatest threat to Golarion and beyond from escaping an impenetrable prison.
Starfinder First Edition went out with a bang, not a whimper! Starfinder First Edition’s final Adventure Path was a hardbound collection of three volumes of mech pilot mayhem. Fight colossi and demonic forces, befriend (or romance?) your rival pilots, and save Daimalko!
On a rugged planet crawling with colossi—terrifying kaiju that demolish cities with fearsome power—courageous mech pilots battle monsters to protect the world’s people. As the war for control of planet Daimalko rages on, a mysterious third power plots to use an ancient artifact to purge the planet of all life. It’s time for Daimalko’s defenders to suit up against a new threat!
From Paizo Games Designers Jason Bulmahn and Joe Pasini, Pathfinder Elemental Stones is a pattern-building game with hidden role mechanics! Play as an elemental lord seeking to control the board with patterns of your element—and learn the cycle of the elements as you play!
Take on the role of an elemental sovereign, shaping the very nature of reality in this fast-moving board game!
2 to 4 players take turns to draft and play colorful (and colorblind-friendly) hexagonal tiles to match specific patterns and meet their own secret objective. With several dozen pattern cards, variable objectives, and a game state that's constantly in flux, you'll never play the same way twice. Simple setup, easy-to-learn rules, and a short play time of around 30 minutes means there's always time for one more game…
Named one of Polygon’s Best TTRPG Books of 2024, Starfinder Playtest Adventure: A Cosmic Birthday is a fun cosmic-horror romp for 1st-level characters! Save Absalom Station from the workings of a cult who await the birth of their new god!
A nascent cosmic entity stirs deep within one of the Pact Worlds planets. To aid the god’s birth, its most devoted followers search the Ghost Levels of Absalom Station for a sufficient power source—a strange pocket dimension existing alongside the hub of the Pact Worlds. As the entity’s emergence sends ripples across space-time, a group of heroes becomes trapped in the Ghost Levels! With dangerous creatures and ominous power surges threatening the station, the heroes must team up with the residents of Little Akiton to investigate these horrifying new foes, stop their meddling—and stay alive!
Explore the continent of Tian Xia, a land of magic and wonder! An own-voices exploration of Asian fantasy settings, Pathfinder Lost Omens Tian Xia World Guide was also named one of Polygon’s Top TTRPG Books of 2024, along with winning the Gold ENNIE for Best Setting at this year’s ENNIE Awards! Build characters based on Asian myths, fantasy, and folklore with the expanded character options in the companion book, Pathfinder Lost Omens Tian Xia Character Guide.
Dragons once served as the stewards of this land, commanded by Heavenly decree. Can you live up to their lofty expectations, or will you flounder and fail like countless kingdoms before you? Prophecy is dead and history hangs on a feather; even the slightest breath might change the course of peoples and nations. Strike out and seize your destiny in an uncertain future!
The boundless continent of Tian Xia features innumerable peoples, each with their own rich history and practices. Bring your character to life with this 136-page guidebook crammed full of everything a player might need to build a hero hailing from or journeying through these vast lands.
In March of 2024, Paizo celebrated 200 Adventure Path volumes with a special double-sized adventure: Seven Dooms for Sandpoint! This adventure takes Pathfinder back to where it all began—the town of Sandpoint, which is under attack from a variety of evils both new and old!
The town of Sandpoint has seen more than its fair share of danger and trouble over the years, including harrowing fires, prolific serial killers, goblin raids, and attacks by giants and dragons, but what faces the so-called Light of the Lost Coast now is its greatest threat yet! Something sinister has been manipulating events all along, and now a new band of heroes must step in to save this legendary small town from seven deadly dooms!
This year, we rounded out the collection of remastered rulebooks with Pathfinder Monster Core and Pathfinder Player Core 2. Joining Pathfinder Player Core and Pathfinder GM Core from November 2023, these two volumes remaster over 400 monsters and expand the remastered options for player characters with 8 newly remastered classes, dozens of archetypes, and more!
Heroes are defined by their foes! From shambling skeletons to terrifying dragons, each enemy leaves a mark on their growing legend. Make your legends memorable with foes from the new Pathfinder Monster Core rulebook for Pathfinder Second Edition! This 376-page hardcover book is packed with a wide range of monsters useful to all Pathfinder campaigns, giving the Game Master plenty of threats to throw at their adventurers, at any level of experience.
Survival in a world beset by magic and evil takes more than a lucky roll of the dice. Pathfinder Player Core 2 significantly expands options available to Pathfinder players, giving them the edge to take on any adventure. This 320-page hardcover rulebook remasters 8 classes from Pathfinder Second Edition, providing everything you need to create a wide array of new characters ready to take on the world. It also includes more than 40 archetypes, expanded ancestries, and tons of feats, spells, and alchemical items to provide a near-endless array of exciting options for every Pathfinder character!
As we look ahead to an exciting 2025—with Starfinder Second Edition and some big Pathfinder reveals on the horizon—we can’t wait to bring you even more great books like these!
Disembarking the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest
Greetings, Starfinders!
Thank you all so much for your participation in the Starfinder Second Edition playtest. We’ve had an immense number of downloads, which has led to some great commentary and feedback from our community. The entire Starfinder team has been carefully sifting through mountains of invaluable survey data (which you can still submit until December 31 at!). Whether you were a GM, player, or a passionate fan dissecting our playtest rulebook, every Starfinder should be proud of their contributions as they disembark this incredibly successful playtest!
Disembarking the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest
Friday, December 20, 2024
Greetings, Starfinders!
Thank you all so much for your participation in the Starfinder Second Edition playtest. We’ve had an immense number of downloads, which has led to some great commentary and feedback from our community. The entire Starfinder team has been carefully sifting through mountains of invaluable survey data (which you can still submit until December 31 at!). Whether you were a GM, player, or a passionate fan dissecting our playtest rulebook, every Starfinder should be proud of their contributions as they disembark this incredibly successful playtest!
Illustration by Mirco Paganessi
While the entire team is heads down analyzing your contributions and reactions, we wanted to share some of the changes we’re currently implementing to help give you a sample of the comprehensive improvements you’ll find in Starfinder Player Core (coming this summer). These notes assume you have been following our errata, all of which can be found on our FAQ page and the latest of which are summarized here.
We’ve learned a lot about how certain effects work in our adventures. One thing you’ll see is that the team will be judicious in the use of creature resistances and Hardness in adventures. We’ve also seen some good feedback on shorter adventures for Organized Play and are excited to explore the 2–3 hour time slot more. Expect to hear more on the adventure front in the months to come.
Good news for skittermanders who want to jump rope and wield a flamethrower at the same time: you are now going to be able to perform actions and use items with your other hands, but you can only wield items (such as shields and weapons) with your active hands.
One new element we'll be introducing is the traversal trait. This new trait mostly applies to player-facing rules that reference Stride. When it applies, traversal allows the use of alternative movement types (burrow, fly, and swim) to be used in place of land Speed, akin to how Sneak works. Expect to see this greatly impact some abilities used by the envoy and solarian (to name a few).
Most weapons have been… upgraded *puts on shades*. These include bigger magazines and damage, along with lower prices, bulk, and expend values. Some weapons have adjusted functions, including using modular as a way to switch traits on the fly, and a modular weapon with a nonlethal configuration.
Envoys are becoming even more tactically diverse, with bespoke directives for each leadership style. Oh, and after analyzing the reaction to our bold experiment, we’ve decided that Get ’em! should be a bonus instead of a penalty—flanking’s back on the menu!
We have streamlined the mystic experience by removing the transfer cost from most feats, and introduced a scaling cap to Transfer Vitality that helps balance the amount of healing you can provide. We’ve heard your requests and are also switching out some connection-granted spells!
Operative is a solid class, but we've made a few changes and buffed many specializations. We also took away Hair Trigger's ability to disrupt actions, and it's now a 6th-level feat. But operatives will be happy to see we’ve also buffed many specializations!
Solar Flare is now a martial ranged weapon in the brawling weapon group that doesn’t take up a hand and will scale with solarian weapon crystals instead of by level. We’re also going to shift the solar nimbus into something that helps take the place of the very enticing Reactive Strike.
We are exploring new ways to allow close quarters combat soldiers to use all those nifty area fire feats with their melee weapons. The changes we mentioned about weapons are going to have a big impact here, and we’re excited about where soldiers are headed.
Quantum fields are now bigger, and all witchwarpers get Quantum Pulse at level 1, allowing them to Warp Reality as a free action when they roll initiative. We’re also building Quantum Transposition into the early level class abilities instead of as a feat you need to select. Instead of anchoring actions, anchors now provide automatic benefits when you Sustain your quantum field. Overall, the changes make quantum fields more effective and easier to use.
There are so many other exciting changes in our final edition of the game, both detailed and broad! Be sure to stay alert so you aren’t caught off guard! The new edition of the game launches this summer at Gen Con 2025, and our first Second Edition book, Starfinder Galaxy Guide, is available this spring.
Hello, Pathfinders!
Agent Kitsch here from the Office of Supplies and Procurement, posting a letter received from the Ink Worker’s United Printing Press, which you may know as the exclusive printing press for Venture-Gossip.
A Venture-Gossip Briefing?
Thursday, December 19, 2024
Hello, Pathfinders!
Agent Kitsch here from the Office of Supplies and Procurement, posting a letter received from the Ink Worker’s United Printing Press, which you may know as the exclusive printing press for Venture-Gossip.
To the Grand Lodge, c/o Agent Kitsch,
We received this letter at our doorstep this morning. It seems whoever took Venture-Gossip doesn’t know where the Grand Lodge is, nor do they know how to spell Achaekek, so we’re wondering if Venture-Gossip was truly abducted by the Red Mantis assassins.
Lyari Kelsyne
Ink Worker’s United Printing Press
"We have your nosy agent she’s poked her tusks into our business for the last time! If you want to see her safe return bring 1,000,000 Platinum, a bagful of Osiriani gold, and the rightful property of the Red Mantis assassins to the docks at the assigned time. Otherwise expect to see her teeth at your doorstep. Signed Acheakek’s Finest"
Here at the Pathfinder Society we don’t negotiate with kidnappers, so any information that you may have about Venture-Gossip’s disappearance would be most appreciated.
The nascent demon lord Treerazer has long lurked in Tanglebriar’s wretched expanse, just south of the elven nation of Kyonin. Long ago, he tried to claim the country as his own, but the elves mounted a fierce resistance and contained him. Many now believe Treerazer to be exiled, trapped, imprisoned, or simply cowardly. They claim that he has hunkered down in the swamp, afraid to attract attention or to trigger elven wrath once more.
Introducing the Spore War Player’s Guide
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
The nascent demon lord Treerazer has long lurked in Tanglebriar’s wretched expanse, just south of the elven nation of Kyonin. Long ago, he tried to claim the country as his own, but the elves mounted a fierce resistance and contained him. Many now believe Treerazer to be exiled, trapped, imprisoned, or simply cowardly. They claim that he has hunkered down in the swamp, afraid to attract attention or to trigger elven wrath once more.
Those who believe this are about to learn just how dangerously wrong they are.
In the Spore War Adventure Path, your characters begin as new heroes of the nation of Kyonin and are called upon by Queen Telandia Edasseril to represent Kyonin’s interests in an upcoming diplomatic summit with the nations that border Lake Encarthan. The Whispering Tyrant’s growing threat cannot be ignored, but as the meeting between diplomats gets underway, it isn’t long before everyone realizes there is a much more imminent danger to the elven way of life. Treerazer is poised to strike Kyonin’s heart, and the heroes who find themselves standing against him must be stronger than ever before!
Inside the Spore War Player’s Guide, you’ll find player-friendly, spoiler-free information and tips to help you make an exciting new 11th-level character perfect for the Spore War Adventure Path. While this campaign is exceptionally well suited to a party that consists entirely of elven characters, Kyonin is welcoming of all ancestries.
This player’s guide contains:
Character suggestions, including recommendations for ancestries, classes, languages, skills, and feats well suited to this Adventure Path.
Six new backgrounds tailor-made to enmesh your character in Kyonin’s history and legacy, to explain why your PC might be destined to become a hero of Kyonin, and to grant specific additional advantages you’ll need to face the otherworldly threats in store for you.
An examination of elven society to help you craft characters who, be they elven locals or visitors from abroad, can fit in and understand the lifestyles present in Kyonin.
A brief gazetteer of the city of Greengold, where the Spore War Adventure Path begins.
Spoiler-light advice for players and GMs alike who’ve played a lower level Paizo Adventure Path and are looking to transition 11th level characters from one of those stories into the Spore War Adventure Path.
Faith is an important aspect of the Lost Omens setting, as deities of all kind make their mark upon Golarion. With the release of Lost Omens Divine Mysteries last month, you have the opportunity to learn all about the gods, their worshippers, and even gain a bit of divine power for your player characters. Of course, a book as enormous as Divine Mysteries doesn’t just miraculously appear out of nowhere. It has authors! So, we’ve taken some time to let the wonderful authors of this book talk about themselves.
Authors So Divine!
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
Faith is an important aspect of the Lost Omens setting, as deities of all kind make their mark upon Golarion. With the release of Lost Omens Divine Mysteries last month, you have the opportunity to learn all about the gods, their worshippers, and even gain a bit of divine power for your player characters. Of course, a book as enormous as Divine Mysteries doesn’t just miraculously appear out of nowhere. It has authors! So, we’ve taken some time to let the wonderful authors of this book talk about themselves.
Illustration by Ekaterina Gordeeva
Carlos Cisco
My name is Carlos Cisco. I’m a TV/Film and TTRPG Writer with credits most recently on Star Trek: Discovery, Pathfinder, Daggerheart,Candela Obscura, and Draw Steel. I have a deep and abiding love of horror, fantasy, sci fi, and collective action, and a deep and abiding hate for the ravages of late-stage capitalism… which fed into how I approached working on Abadar, a god of civilization, trade, and capital. Gods of money are complex beasts, and I wanted to explore how bad actors might manipulate his words and doctrine for personal gain. This work also fed into my work on the Death of the Divine, which embraced a new and complicated layer to Abadar’s story.
Rue Dickey (they/he/xe)
Now that Divine Mysteries is out in the world, I'm even more proud to have contributed to this amazing book! As a freelancer, I've worked on a handful of Paizo products including Howl of the Wild, the Curtain Call Adventure Path, and some forthcoming books! For Divine Mysteries, I was overjoyed to write the article on Pharasma, Lady of Graves. As an unrepentant goth, and someone for whom life, death, and fate are all very important, Pharasma has always been my favorite deity, and getting to add my voice to her body of work is something I'm very thankful for! A thousand compliments to the developers, editors, and art team for making this book a phenomenal guide to all things holy (and unholy)!
Illustration by Kendal Gates
Hi! I’m Drakoniques (or just Drak for short) and I wrote the Lamashtu and Giant Gods sections. I’ve always been a huge fan of deities and the myths/legends that follow them. You can tell a lot about a society by the gods they worship and the lessons their legends hold, so getting to create and add to that for the world of Golarion was wonderful! Writing Lamashtu was especially exciting for me because my first Pathfinder character was a sorcerer who worshipped Lamashtu! Writing her section felt like a perfect full circle. Social media: Bluesky | Instagram | TikTok | Twitch | Twitter
Aoife Ester (she/her)
Hello! I go by Aoife Ester. Divine Mysteries is my first project working with Paizo, and I'm beyond thrilled with how the book turned out. For my contribution, I channeled an enduring love of weird fiction into Yivali's report on the Outer Gods & Great Old Ones, and am proud to introduce all-new deity Izuyaku, the Strength and Serenity, to the world of Pathfinder. It was a uniquely fun experience to jump from writing about deities that embody the cold and uncaring nature of the universe to writing about one who cares deeply about their followers. If you are determined to seek me out, you can do so on Twitter (@breadbutt) or on Discord (breadbutt_).
Illustration by Alexander Nanitchkov
Tomas Gimenez Rioja (he/him)
Hey, my name is Tomas Gimenez Rioja. I am a Latino game designer, writer, project manager, actual player, SW engineer, and many other things from Argentina. I got to work on projects like Seas of Vodari and Under the Seas of Vodari, where I was in charge of a big part of the monster design, and personal projects like Goth Borg and the system agnostic setting in development Magnolia: The City of Marvels. For Divine Mysteries, I got to bring in my love for monsters and the way these gods affect culture for the goblins and goblinoids; through these gods, I sought to bring depth to goblins, which are often overlooked in many fantasy stories and roleplaying games. Additionally, if you have been following Teki Stronggut, you will find a great surprise in this new book. I hope you get to enjoy these new changes and additions to the gods of Golarion.
Alastor Guzman (they/them)
Hey, I’m Alastor Guzman, your local Mexican game designer. I’m a freelance designer and writer, and I’ve worked on Pathfinder, Dungeons & Dragons, Magic: The Gathering, Tales from the Gods, and other indie games. The last time I worked with Paizo was on Knights of Lastwall, and I’m thrilled about my work on Divine Mysteries. You can find my writing in the Asmodeus section and the Qlippoth Lords. I’m especially proud of my contributions to the followers and church of our favorite Lord of Darkness and Law, and the introduction of a new Qlippoth Lord, Nyuo-Ogh, the Always Observing. Besides freelancing, I’ve also worked on smaller Mexican projects like Tezca Sentai and Tales from the Gods. I enjoy creating new settings and creatures. You can find me on Bluesky and most social platforms as @alastorgv. You can also check out my other games, Ko-fi, and some surprises through my link tree:
Illustration by Nicholas Phillips
Laura Lynn Horst (she/her)
Divine Mysteries was my first foray into freelancing and my first assignment with Paizo. I'm relatively new to the lore of Pathfinder, so I had such a great time immersing myself in the history of Golarion and how their deities have changed over time. As a lover of all things tabletop, I was particularly excited to revisit the Azlanti gods and my personal favorite undead queen, Urgathoa. I hope to work on more projects in the future! "May you dine forever."
James Jacobs
My direct work on this book was pretty small—I wrote up the entries for Desna, Treerazer, and Zyphus. That said, many of the deities in this book are ones I created decades ago for my homebrew, and watching them grow and evolve and become something more amazing than I ever could have done on my own thanks to the input and imagination of so many other talented creators has been one of my favorite parts of working on Pathfinder. Thank you to everyone who worked on this book to help make it a reality!
Illustration by Alexander Nanitchkov
Jacob W. Michaels (he/him)
Hi everyone, I’m Jacob W. Michaels. I’m a regular freelancer for Paizo, and have contributed to a number of rulebooks, Lost Omens, and adventures (you can find my full list of credits at For Divine Mysteries, I contributed to the avatar forms and the mortal herald archetype (I didn’t know mythic was coming when I wrote it, so credit Paizo for those cool parts!). I also wrote the Shelyn entry, which was a lot of fun—there’s nothing like writing about love and beauty to put you in a good mood. Hopefully she inspires you go to out and spread the same, which the world (any world you play in!) truly needs.
Jaime Reyes Mondragon (he/him)
Hi! I'm Jaime Reyes Mondragon. I wrote the god entries on Cayden Cailean and Ah Pook and designed the Palatine Detective archetype. Being Mexican, I had a lot of material to draw on from my country's history and legends when writing about fighting tyrants, dark entities trying to tempt mortals, and esotericism. Divine Mysteries is my first time writing for Pathfinder, so I hope you enjoy my little contribution to this game and its world. You can find me on Twitter as @JaimeRysmon and on BlueSky as @jaimerm.
Illustration by Alexander Nanitchkov
Matt Morris
I’m Matt Morris, and I’ve been lucky enough to do freelance writing for Pathfinder and Starfinder for several years now, working with Paizo and a few 3rd-party companies. I'm currently awaiting the launch of my first Kickstarter, a TTRPG called Remnant Years: Tales of a Ruined Land. In addition to giving my take on Gozreh in Divine Mysteries, I was extremely excited to introduce Genzaeri, the new god of battlefields, modernization, negotiation, and tactics. (Now accepting applications from former Gorumites!) I also wrote the blight oracle mystery and part of the section on Sarkorian god calling. I keep an up-to-date list of my work on my Paizo profile, and I’m always looking for interesting projects, so feel free to contact me if you are looking for a reliable writer! When not writing, I’m teaching high school English near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Pam Punzalan
I am Pam Punzalan, a queer Filipina game worker based in Ontario! I'm a Nebula-nominated, multi-awarded writer, designer and editor who has contributed to multiple works in tabletop roleplaying games beyond doing sensitivity consultation and convention work with Big Bad Con (SF, USA). I've also worked on my own projects, where I often explore layers of violence, intimacy, whimsy, and memory. For Divine Mysteries, I toyed with the idea of daemons and memory to my designs on the Harbingers.
Illustration by Alexander Nanitchkov
Jessica Redekop (she/they/he)
Hello! I'm jess. You might recognize me from my work on other Paizo projects like Pathfinder Rage of Elements and the first volume of the Starfinder Drift Crashers AP, A Perfect Storm. I'm back at it again for Lost Omens Divine Mysteries, this time writing about some monitor demigods! Check out pages 212– 217 for hits like Author's Barely Disguised Hobbies and Interests (Yivali has opinions on the classification of monitors), Goddess of Know My Name And Never Mistake My Truth (Phlegyas), and The Rammies? But I'll Lose My Powers If I Consider Those (Il'Surrish's anathema). Stay alert and stay safe playing all your new, freaky outsider cultist characters, everyone. If you'd like to keep up with me on social media, I'm on BlueSky
Erin Roberts (she/her)
Hey all! Erin here. After writing about the deaths of several gods in The Godsrain Prophecies, it was great to have the opportunity to bring some of them to life. To me, writing gods is an amazing opportunity to take aspects of the human experience and make them larger than life, and I deeply enjoyed having a chance to celebrate wanderlust and love across distance with Obari, write about the strength needed to persevere through both heartache and oppression with Embaral, and get back to my (fictional) murderous ways with Norgorber. I hope you enjoy them all! As for me, I continue writing away – you’ll be able to find my work in the upcoming Lost Omens: Rival Academies, and can learn more about what’s going on inside my mind on Bluesky ( or on the weekly Writing Excuses podcast (
Illustration by Alexander Nanitchkov
Mark Seifter (he/him)
Hi everyone, Mark Seifter here! You might know me from my work co-creating Pathfinder Second Edition, including serving as the primary design lead for the Pathfinder Gamemastery Guide and Pathfinder Advanced Player’s Guide. In Divine Mysteries, I was thrilled to create a brand-new deity embodying darkness in a different sense than we usually see. I love deities and mythology, and despite working on a lot of different books at Paizo, I happened to not have a chance to write a new deity until now, so I'm beyond excited! These days, you can find me creating all sorts of compatible products for Pathfinder Second Edition over at Roll for Combat. You can also check my YouTube stream, Arcane Mark, with fellow Paizo alum Linda Zayas-Palmer at
Michael Sayre
Hello! I'm Michael Sayre, the former director of Rules & Lore at Paizo. I worked on the Razmir entries for Divine Mysteries, as well as segments of the orc and Sarkorian deities and some other bits and pieces scattered throughout the book. In the aftermath of the Godsrain I've moved on to work with other organizations like the High Int Low Wis podcast [] and some as-yet-to-be-announced projects that will be going public early next year. I'll be a bit quiet as I spend the holiday season taking care of family who have been dealing with medical emergencies, but as I ramp back up you'll be able to follow me for updates on my Bluesky account,
Illustration by Sandra Posada
Isis Wozniakowska (she/her)
Hey all, I'm Isis Wozniakowska and I wrote both the Battle Harbinger and the new article on Nethys. I've always loved magic and fantasy and most especially wizard nonsense so it was a treat to work on this project and get to work with magic and the divine. I got into my field of Comparative Literature from an early fascination with mythology and so tales of the divine hold a very special place in my heart, and I hope I managed to let that shine through here. I was super excited to tackle Battle Harbinger since I was, early on, someone who really wanted a more martial combat ready style of cleric. I'm currently making my way through an MA so I don't have too many active projects right now but I am occasionally on Bluesky under @wozenstein, where I mostly talk about books I read and sometimes video games that I like.
Sebastian Yūe (they/them)
Hi, I’m Sebastian Yūe, an award-winning game designer, writer, and editor. I’m proud to have put my spin on Calistria and Irori for this book. I sought to bring themes of queer and trans self-expression to these deities; though vastly different, they both encourage the embracement of the authentic self. Pathfinder 1e was the first TTRPG I ever played and my first character was a paladin of Irori. It’s been a joy to revisit the god of self-perfection after a long journey of my own. Pathfinder Lost Omens Divine Mysteries is my first title with Paizo. When I’m not writing TTRPGs, I’m publishing them as the publishing coordinator at Hit Point Press, and when I’m not working at all, I’m teaching myself to draw, going on hikes, or writing short stories with original characters. You can learn more about my work on my website, and follow me on Bluesky at
Illustration by Sammy Khalid
Luis Loza (he/him) Creative Director (Rules & Lore)
In the long, long ago, we announced changes to our errata process. In the Changes to the Way We Make Changes blog, we announced we would be issuing errata twice per year, once in spring and once in fall. And we fully intended to do so!
Fall Errata Updates 2024
Monday, December 16, 2024
In the long, long ago, we announced changes to our errata process. In the Changes to the Way We Make Changes blog, we announced we would be issuing errata twice per year, once in spring and once in fall. And we fully intended to do so!
Then the Remaster happened instead.
That workload was fast and furious, and didn’t really leave time for other tasks like finding errata, vetting the changes, and producing the public pages for them. Even after the books, we were catching up with projects that had their schedules thrown into disarray, and could release some Remaster compatibility errata only when the first of the core books came out, over a year ago.
This blog marks us returning to the intended schedule of two updates per year.
The magus Seltyiel, quill pen in hand, ponders an offer from a contract devil. Art by Halil Ural.
Today’s Updates
The new errata and clarifications are up now on the FAQ page, identified with “Fall 2024” and the printing of the book they apply to. For example, “Player Core Errata (Fall 2024, 1st Printing).” This set includes a pretty extensive set of updates to make the initial Remaster books as accurate as possible. Future sets of updates likely won’t be this lengthy. Also, because we previously put out errata when a book was being reprinted, we typically had the final wording on hand. In this new system, the challenges of text layout make it possible that some of these updates might not match the exact final text when we reprint a book. We could have to revise them later, keeping the same mechanical changes but adjusting the wording a bit.
So what books are we covering?
Pathfinder Player Core has been out long enough for people to have found a lot of minor errors, which make up the bulk of these updates. We covered some fixes that veteran players familiar with the legacy books could likely figure out, but that new players would lack the context for, such as stray mentions of “ability modifiers.” Several feats got improvements to be more appealing for the characters they’re meant for.
One of the notable changes you’ll see is an update to the sure strike spell. The spell could be very strong, with the reroll effectively making a much larger bonus than most abilities can grant. This benefit was usually in control at low levels when characters had few spell slots, but it could become disruptive and repetitive at higher levels on characters built to gain a huge number of copies of the spell and use it constantly. We’ve added temporary immunity to the spell, with the intent that it can still be very strong to create intense moments, but that there’s little incentive to use more than a handful of spell slots on it.
Pathfinder GM Core had some minor changes, mostly to cover side effects of the Remaster process and the introduction of reinforcing runes being missed in a couple places.
Pathfinder Monster Core had a variety of small changes. The one that affects the most creatures is fixing the scaling on the demonic pact and diabolic pact rituals.
Pathfinder Player Core 2 saw a few changes, including changing the incorrect action symbol on You’re Next to a reaction, giving the champion multiclass dedication the champion’s aura ability, and fixing the damage on live wire.
Pathfinder Secrets of Magic already received updates for Remaster compatibility, but we’ve added some more updates. The main one is to allow the magus to use spells that don’t require spell attacks. This made part of the Expanded Spellstrike feat obsolete, but that feat can still be taken by players who want to affect areas. Studious spells were missed in the previous pass, and are now updated.
Other changes to Secrets of Magic include several fixes to individual rules elements and repeating the elemental themed changes and expansions that were detailed in Pathfinder Rage of Elements, making them easier to find for people who don’t have that book.
In addition, we’ve put out our lost album! That’s to say, the long-absent Secrets of Magic 1st printing to 2nd printing errata is now on the FAQ page as well.
For Pathfinder Howl of the Wild, we’ve updated a few levels and prices for some of the beast armaments so they are more in line with their runes. We’ve made a few targeted changes as well—gone are the days of the minotaur rogue also scaring all their teammates with Alarming Disappearance, which no longer affects allies who have spent significant time with you.
For Pathfinder Lost Omens Tian Xia Character Guide, a few pieces of missing information were added, namely the Speed entries for the sarangay and yaksha ancestries, which are both 25 feet.
Pathfinder War of Immortals got the few changes that were previewed in the Alternate Mythic Rules document added to the FAQ page.
We hope these changes will make your games play more smoothly and clear up a few points of confusion! We’ll be keeping an eye out for other potential errata that come up between now and spring.
Hello, Starfinders!
For years, the tyrannical Vault Lord has ruled an ever-growing empire deep within the false moon of Salvation’s End, expanding their domain with every conquered vault and subjugated soul. You know what, Starfinders? Enough is enough! It’s time for a team up! Did you want to fight alongside the dwarves or the Joros or—wait, is that a unicorn?
December Digital Adventures Previews
Thursday, December 12, 2024
Hello, Starfinders!
For years, the tyrannical Vault Lord has ruled an ever-growing empire deep within the false moon of Salvation’s End, expanding their domain with every conquered vault and subjugated soul. You know what, Starfinders? Enough is enough! It’s time for a team up! Did you want to fight alongside the dwarves or the Joros or—wait, is that a unicorn?
Join the Starfinders as they team up with the Guiding Intelligence and the free residents of Salvation’s End to take down the Vault Lord once and for all!
Get in there, Starfinders! Looks like we’ll need all the help we can get!
Illustration by Tom Ventre
Jessica Catalan Starfinder Society Developer
Hello, Pathfinders!
For the winter season, we’ll be traveling up north to Irrisen to speak with Her Majesty, Queen Anastasia! The strange queen from another world has a peculiar idea that she’s decided to try and introduce into her new home in order to better connect all the citizens of Irrisen: a locomotive. Her current drawback is that, well, no one in her kingdom, nor most of Avistan, seems to know anything about trains or whatever a “combustion engine” may be and she certainly doesn’t have the education to even begin explaining how the steam is made nor how the train gains the ability to whistle so loudly when crossing bridges. But she does know how to draw and how to call on others for their knowledge and assistance! With the Pathfinder Society being one of the most traveled organizations in Golarion, she asks for their assistance in judging the models that have been presented to her from prospective engineers, though perhaps one of those engineers is less interested in trains as they are in thrones…
Meanwhile, for those who prefer warmer climates, we’ve got a quest taking place in Taldor, right outside Cassomir.
The Tskikha iruxi enclave has long been a staunch ally of the Pathfinder Society. Their enclave's location near some elementally attuned Azlanti ruins has given the Society a wealth of research opportunities while allowing them to protect the iruxi from the dangers in the ruins, which tend to cause trouble, as some of you no doubt might recall, especially anyone who’s played The Blackwood Lost. Recently, these ruins seem to have attracted some elemental scamps, which are causing mischief and chaos throughout the enclave in their attempts to “help.” At their wits end, the Tskikha have once again called upon their allies—that’s all of you—for help.
Hail and well met, ‘Finders! This month’s new releases take you from an idyllic coastline into the quicksand sea of Drowning Sands! As we transition into a new year, Paizo’s physical product release dates will be moving to the first Wednesday of the month (barring holidays). Our digital products, such as Pathfinder and Starfinder Society Scenarios, will maintain their later release dates.
Find Your Path—December 2024
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Hail and well met, ‘Finders! This month’s new releases take you from an idyllic coastline into the quicksand sea of Drowning Sands! As we transition into a new year, Paizo’s physical product release dates will be moving to the first Wednesday of the month (barring holidays). Our digital products, such as Pathfinder and Starfinder Society Scenarios, will maintain their later release dates.
Never miss a release with our Paizo Subscriptions—for everything from rulebooks to accessories! Subscribers get a free PDF with purchase, early access to game content, and exclusive discounts on!
Against all odds, the fractious orcs of southern Belkzen have united, thanks in part to the PCs’ insight on how to subdue the region’s terrifying ancestor storms. Now Belkzen has mustered an army to quash an undead uprising and punish the treacherous orcs who enabled it. The PCs must infiltrate the enemy city of Wyvernsting before the siege begins. Only then will they uncover the undead apocalypse’s true master. “Destroyer’s Doom” is an orc-focused Pathfinder adventure for four 9th-level characters.
When you’re an adventurer, heading to the coast doesn’t mean a vacation. Pathfinder Flip‑Mat: Coastline can help you set the scene for an adventure without having to draw the map yourself. Whether the heroes are fighting to save a quaint fishing cove or defending a storm-lashed lighthouse from terrors of the sea, this Flip-Mat has your adventures covered!
A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 1st- through 4th-level characters.
Within Irrisen, Queen Anastasia has spent the better part of a decade testing the boundaries of her rulership and seeing where she can and cannot make change. After enough research and discussion with fellow leaders, she's finally decided full steam ahead on the first of many plans she has developed to help bring her new home to the forefront of Avistani politics. Seeking insights from those who have to travel over a wide variety of landscapes, she's called upon the Pathfinder Society for their opinions on the platform of her new venture. Her meeting with Society agents and contractors goes off the rails, however, when a group of frost goblins looking to let off some steam launch an attack conducted by a disappointed fey. The Pathfinders will need to catch those goblins and defeat the fey in order ensure that Queen Anastasia's plan doesn't get derailed!
A Starfinder Society Scenario designed for 9th- through 12th-level characters.
Ever since the Starfinder Society first established a presence on the false moon of Salvation’s End, its agents have continued to slowly but surely uncover new information about the megacomplex’s internal machinations and the dangerous Guiding Intelligence seemingly at its head. But they’re not the only ones interested in Salvation’s End…
Deep within the false moon, the tyrannical Vault Lord conquers vault after vault, spreading their influence and subjugating the residents of every vault in their path. Now, the free residents of Salvation’s End have come to two conclusions: the Vault Lord must be stopped, and they’ll need to work together to defeat them.
Join the Starfinder Society, the free citizens of Salvation’s End, and the mysterious Guiding Intelligence in a joint attack against the Vault Lord within the very heart of their realm: the vault of Xin-Tsalash!
A Pathfinder Society Quest designed for 1st- through 4th-level characters, playable in 2-3 hours.
The Tskikha iruxi enclave has long been a staunch ally of the Pathfinder Society. Their enclave's location near some elementally attuned Azlanti ruins has given the Society a wealth of research opportunities while allowing them to protect the iruxi from the dangers in the ruins, which have a tendency to cause trouble. Recently they seem to have attracted some elemental scamps, which are causing mischief and chaos throughout the enclave. The Tskikha have once again called upon their allies for help.
From Our Partners:
Our partners at Archives of Nethys, Demiplane, Fantasy Grounds, Hero Lab Online, and Roll20* are dropping new content this month as well! Buy your PDF on to get a discount via the PaizoConnect API, or pay full price on their platforms, sync your account, and get a complimentary PDF on the Paizo Store.
*Roll20 is no longer a part of PaizoConnect, and discounts and complimentary PDFs do not apply.
Bring Pathfinder to where you are, in person or online, and if you don’t have a favorite local game store, get books delivered to your door via a Paizo Subscription! From rulebooks to adventures, accessories, and more, we’ve got subscriptions for every table! Subscribing to a line of books gets you the physical book and the PDF for one price! Subscribe to four lines or more to unlock Paizo Advantage savings on products site-wide!
A door has opened, and something impossible is coming. But worry not—in preparation of the coming emergence, we’re introducing two new classes!
Welcome to the Impossible Playtest!
Monday, December 9, 2024
A door has opened, and something impossible is coming. But worry not—in preparation of the coming emergence, we’re introducing two new classes!
The necromancer is an occult spellcaster who raises undead thralls to power their grave magic. While thralls lack the speed or cunning to fight on their own, what they can offer is their life… or unlife, that is. Necromancers have all kinds of ways to sacrifice their thralls for their own gain, whether that’s by devouring their essence to replenish a Focus Point using the Consume Thrall ability, or by detonating one into a deadly spray of phalanges with the bony barrage grave spell!
Art by Tatiana Pavlova (left) and Sandra Posada (right).
Equal parts artist, scholar, and warrior, the runesmith devotes themself to the study of mystical symbols. These support-focused martial combatants diligently etch runes of every magical tradition onto their (and their allies’) gear, or even directly onto their foes. These runes can be applied even in the heat of combat: use feats like Engraving Strike to stamp ranshu, rune of thunder onto an enemy before Invoking it to call down lightning, or Trace zohk, rune of homecoming in light onto an ally’s boots to ensure their path back to you is always a little shorter.
Art by Vicky Yarova (left) and Andrew Huerta (right).
This playtest will run for eight weeks, beginning December 9th (today!), and continuing through January 31st. In addition to playtesting these classes in your home games, you’ll be able to try them out in our organized play program by making your own Pathfinder Society characters using the rules located in the Guide to Organized Play. The necromancer and runesmith classes and all related options are available to all players during this playtest.
Our friends at Demiplane are also hosting a free character builder for the necromancer and runesmith classes, available at, for those of you interested in taking advantage of their digital toolset to generate your characters.
Happy December! By the time you read this, I’ll be on the ground in Philadelphia, getting set up for PAX Unplugged! If you’re at the show, stop by our space on the gaming floor to say hi and grab an advance copy of the necromancer & runesmith playtest classes. After I get back, it’ll be time to start work on PaizoCon 2025 and Gen Con Indianapolis. Stay tuned next month for information on volunteering for those shows. It’s convention season again forever!
December 2024 Organized Play Monthly Update
Thursday, December 5, 2024
OPC Musings
Happy December! By the time you read this, I’ll be on the ground in Philadelphia, getting set up for PAX Unplugged! If you’re at the show, stop by our space on the gaming floor to say hi and grab an advance copy of the necromancer & runesmith playtest classes. After I get back, it’ll be time to start work on PaizoCon 2025 and Gen Con Indianapolis. Stay tuned next month for information on volunteering for those shows. It’s convention season again forever!
Also, just as a note: starting in 2025, our Organized Play blogs will be moving to Wednesday as we retool the blog schedule. Be sure to update your calendar reminders accordingly!
Digital Adventure Releases
These adventures will be available on December 18, 2024. PAX Unplugged attendees will have the chance to play these adventures early!
This book contains a number of options for divine-focused characters and tells the tale of many gods who are now dead or missing as a result of the War of Immortals. Speaking of which…
Rule Updates
Newly Removed Deities and You(r Characters)
The following deities have been removed from Pathfinder Society legality and may not be selected by new or existing characters:
Mother Vulture
Any character with an option that relied on worship of a newly removed deity, such as a cleric, gets a free rebuild immediately. Your characters may be played as written until the end of the year, but after January 1 you will need to use this rebuild to remove any mechanical effects of worshiping that deity.
Hireling Translators
The Hireling Translator boon has been updated so the second sentence now reads as follows:
“This ally speaks, reads, and understands Common as well as two additional languages of common rarity or that you have access to, chosen when this boon is purchased.”
The most recent update to the Guide to Organized Play also granted all Pathfinders access to all Uncommon languages. Go forth with your new and improved translators!
GM Recognition
GM Ranks
Whether stars, novas, or glyphs, achieving a 5 ranking in any program involves a substantial amount of time. To achieve the 5th milestone, a GM must run 150 games, of which at least 50 must be unique scenarios and 10 special scenarios as well as run between one and three games for venture-captains (program dependent). A conservative estimate of the time needed to reach the 5th milestone is 650 hours!
This month we had two GMs reach their fifth rank!
5th Nova(SFS1): Elizabeth Nold, Solatra Harving
If you believe you’ve completed your 5th rank but haven’t been announced yet, please email me at
The holidays typically mean events slow down, but we’ve still got some December events to celebrate the season! Check out the Conventions calendar for upcoming events to get your Paizo fix in.
Until next time adventurers - Explore! Report! Cooperate! And have a happy new year!
Hail and well met, ‘Finders! We hope you’ve been enjoying a weekend full of deals and delights—because we’re here to bring more sales to your table!
Cyber Moonday Specials!
Monday, December 2nd, 2024
Hail and well met, ‘Finders! We hope you’ve been enjoying a weekend full of deals and delights—because we’re here to bring more sales to your table!
For Cyber Moonday, we’re adding digital products to our sale collection! Until 11:59pm Pacific Time on Monday, December 2nd, explore these additional digital sales on top of the existing Black Fireday physical sale!
Piles of PDFs!
Are you someone who prefers owning your game books digitally? Do you like the ease of pulling them up on your phone at the table, and do you want access to discounts on our digital partner products via PaizoConnect?
Great news—PDFs have joined the sale! PDF versions of all products included in our physical Black Fireday Sale will now be 25% off through the end of today!
Foundry Flash Sale!
We’re also excited to put a selection of Foundry modules on sale at 25% off! Get Adventure Paths like Gatewalkers, Stolen Fate, and Sky King’s Tomb—plus Pathfinder Society and Starfinder Society scenarios with the deluxe adventure treatment!
Partner Party!
Our digital partners are joining the party with Cyber Monday sales of their own!
Demiplane is offering 30% off all products on Pathfinder Nexus with code CYBER24. Get everything you need to build powerful characters, plus Roll20 connectivity!
Hero Lab is also offering 35% off their entire catalog of Pathfinder and Starfinder resources! Build print-and-play ready characters for Pathfinder First Edition, Pathfinder Second Edition, and Starfinder!
Fantasy Grounds is offering 20% off Pathfinder and Starfinder products on their virtual marketplace!
Our partners at Syrinscape are offering their SuperSyrin Subscription for 20% off! Get full access to tons of Pathfinder, Starfinder, and other RPG audio tracks, perfect for adding atmosphere to your games!
Greetings, ‘Finders, and welcome to one of the most perilous adventuring seasons of all—holiday shopping! But don’t fear, we’ve got a fantastic Black Fireday Sale to take the edge off those spending sprees!
Paizo Black Fireday Sale!
Wednesday, November 27, 2024
Greetings, ‘Finders, and welcome to one of the most perilous adventuring seasons of all—holiday shopping! But don’t fear, we’ve got a fantastic Black Fireday Sale to take the edge off those spending sprees!
All products featured in our Black Fireday Sale are physical-only—the discount does not extend to PDFs, Foundry modules, or other digital assets.
Save Big!
Get stellar books for a magical deal! Select products including Pathfinder Secrets of Magic, Pathfinder Guns & Gears, Starfinder Drift Crisis, and more are 40% off!
Deck the Halls!
Pathfinder and Starfinder reference card decks make great stocking stuffers! From the Deck of Endless NPCsto the Deck of Many Worlds, get all legacy (non-remaster) Pathfinder Second Edition and Starfinder First Edition card decks for 30% off!
Loot the Lost Omens Lore Vault!
Dive deep into the worlds and cultures of Golarion with Pathfinder Lost Omens lore books! Any and all Lost Omens line books published before 2024 are 30% off—including Pathfinder Lost Omens Highhelm, Pathfinder Lost Omens Ancestry Guide, Pathfinder Lost Omens Legends, and so much more!
Stock up on Starfinder!
As we give a fond farewell to Starfinder First Edition and look to the bright stars of the future, we’re excited to put the entire Starfinder rulebook and supplement collection on sale at 25% off! Plus, get your hands on the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest Rulebook, A Cosmic Birthday, and Empires Devoured to start a Starfinder Second Edition game this winter!
Adventure Beyond!
Starting a new campaign in the new year? We’ve got you covered with a selection of Pathfinder and Starfinder Adventure Paths on sale 25% off! Venture into parallel worlds in Gatewalkers or save Destiny itself from ruin in Stolen Fate! Join a pack of roguish space traders in Fly Free or Die or explore the aftermath of the Drift Crisis with Drift Crashers and Drift Hackers!
Games and Accessories!
Give your GM the gift of combat made easy with a pawn collection or combat pad! A wide variety of pawns and other accessories are 20% off—making planning new encounters a steal!
Used to waiting on a player or two for game night? Pick up Pathfinder Goblin Firework Fight and Pathfinder Elemental Stones to pass the time—also for a sweet 20% discount!
This blog is just a peek into the exciting treasure vault of savings—check out the full Black Fireday Sale collection to see it all!
Paizo’s 2024 Black Fireday Sale runs from 12:01 A.M. Pacific Time on Wednesday, November 27th through 11:59 P.M Pacific on Monday, December 2nd—plus, keep your eyes peeled for some Cyber Moonday specials!
Advent Giveaway and Sale
For some bonus cheer this holiday season, Paizo will be running 24 days of giveaways and sales from December 1st thru December 24th! Each day, a different product will be given away on Paizo’s socials (Twitter, Facebook, Bluesky, and Instagram)—ranging from rulebooks and adventures to licensed partner products and more! Plus, the item of the day will also be on sale on, giving everyone a chance to save!
It’s November, and that means here on Turtle Island in the United States, we celebrate Native American Heritage Month! This cultural heritage month was first observed in 1990, after being signed into law by President George H.W. Bush. Native American Heritage Month honors the Indigenous people of Turtle Island, recognizes the damage colonization wreaked on these many and varied nations, and celebrates the achievements of Native people throughout history.
This year’s theme is “Honoring the Past, Recognizing the Present, Making Stories for the Future,” with a focus on preserving Indigenous culture and heritage by passing it down to new generations and encouraging Native youth. Some of our contributors used this theme as inspiration for their submissions!
Content warning: Some submissions discuss anti-Native racism, residential schools, and cultural trauma.
Illustration by Bastien Jez
Basil Wright (he/they/xe)
One benefit of getting is older is that you truly just stop giving a damn about what others think about you. When I was in elementary school, I was a lot more open about being Black and Seminole and was subjected to a lot of abuse, resulting in me hiding away my Indigenous heritage.
Now, I design my own games and write my own stories, which means I want them to reflect parts of my lived experiences. I do my best to incorporate more of my heritage into my work, such as my writing work in Backchannels, or directly working with my friend Robin Perera to create an Indigenous character in Spellbound: a magical mystery.
It's my hope that doing this not only helps other Indigenous folx out there, but reaches back to my younger self and gives them a tight hug of support. Indigenous people aren't just a symbol of the past. We're here, we're living, we're thriving. We'll continue to do so.
David N. Ross (he/him)
You might know my work from the Fists of the Ruby Phoenix Adventure Path (I loved the social maneuvering as much as the set-piece fights), Pathfinder Adventure Path: Abomination Vaults (5E), or any of the dozens of sourcebooks I've contributed to. As a longtime Paizo freelancer of mixed Ojibwe and Euroamerican roots, my mixed-race experience has long informed the way I think about designing mixed ancestries going back to my work on the PathfinderAdvanced Race Guide and other First Edition supplements. I was also happy to adapt the baykok of Ojibwe legend for PathfinderBestiary 3.
In the coming months, I'm looking forward to the release of some articles drawing on the stories of my Ojibwe family for Drintera® Magazine in January and February, which you can find out more about over here:
Being a reconnecting Native is at once a beautiful and deeply painful experience, especially when my grandfather’s “adoption” records weren’t unsealed until I was an adult. Many Native people experience this disconnect from our homes and cultures because for much of the United States’ history, we were forcibly removed by residential schools, adoption programs, and discriminatory laws. But as more and more of those boxes are being unsealed and tape is being cut, we can experience the joy of knowing where we come from.
I consider myself very lucky to live in an area with a thriving Native population—and a Native Community Center!—because being in community is one of the most healing things a person can experience. Recently, I’ve been attending beadwork classes, learning from elders and master crafters, and while I’m far from that, I’m proud to have finished several pieces since my first class. Learning the arts and skills of our elders is matched only in importance by learning their stories, so our cultures can continue to live and thrive.
Someday, I hope to be someone Native youth look to for inspiration and joy—or at least someone who helped write stories they can see themselves in.
Sara Jeffers (she/they/he)
Sara Jeffers is a Two-Spirit member of the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation, in what is now known as Washington and British Columbia. Their heritage and culture influence not only her graphic and narrative designs but also his approaches in problem-solving and community building.
In writing Starfinder Bounty #10: Those who were Taken, Sara was reminded of the horrific abuses that their family members underwent in the Tribal Schools programs in the 20th century. The idea that these innocents were being abducted, abused, and reprogrammed unless saved resonated with the stories she'd heard growing up about attempted school rescues and the children never forgotten. When they explained to a family elder what the Starfinder adventure was about, they got a tired but warm smile. "It is good to save the children."
That mantra drives her, and the desire to be in community with others, something that Jeffers took for granted as a youth, led him to create Meadowlark Productions, a TTRPG channel focused specifically on raising money for various charities, saving the children one game at a time. In December, Meadowlark will produce an entire month of games that benefit Project Hope. Find us at:
We’re proud to uplift Native voices in our games, and deeply appreciate the vibrant writing these folks have shared with our worlds! We welcome other Native community members to share their work and stories in the comments—and we also welcome celebration of Native art, culture, and ways from all community members!
Heetíh-nííni'cowo'óó-nee! (I wish you all well!)
Rue Dickey Marketing & Media Specialist
Arapaho Nation
Did you hear? Lost Omens Divine Mysteries is available now! The book is the best source for all things related to deities and the divine, featuring insights into the workings of divine power, new character options for characters of all kinds, and of course, details on the various gods of Golarion.
Chronicles of the Divine
Friday, November 22, 2024
Hey, everyone! Luis Loza here!
Illustration by Ivan Koritarev
Did you hear? Lost Omens Divine Mysteries is available now! The book is the best source for all things related to deities and the divine, featuring insights into the workings of divine power, new character options for characters of all kinds, and of course, details on the various gods of Golarion.
Speaking of gods, there were actually too many gods to fit in the book! Once you cover the core deities of the Inner Sea, other notable gods of the regions, demon lords, empyreal lords, monitor demigods, and the rest, it turns out your book is fully packed! Even with 328 pages, we didn’t have enough space for every god featured in Pathfinder Second Edition! Even with the many gods we’ve featured in the game so far, we didn’t want to leave some of you without an option to worship your favorite god under our remastered rules.
Luckily, Yivali, the psychopomp author of Divine Mysteries, is very thorough in her work and was able to collect a listing of all the gods she encountered in her research! If you wanted to know the sanctification for Balumbdar or needed to see if Ragdya’s favored animal is the monkey (it is), then this web supplement is for you. Any god that has been featured in Pathfinder Second edition so far is included here! The supplement also contains all of the gods featured in Divine Mysteries to help make this a convenient source for all things divine. We hope you enjoy the fruits of Yivali’s labors!
Hello, Starfinders!
This month, an old friend of ours needs a little help. Remember Envar Tamm? I know, I know—that guy’s always getting into trouble! Well, this time it’s not entirely his fault; his best friend and stunt double, Dorin, has been kidnapped, and Envar’s mother has hired you to accompany Envar on his poorly planned and no doubt foolish rescue operation. Your job? Make sure Envar doesn’t get himself killed! Oh, and you might as well rescue Dorin while you’re at it…
November Digital Adventures Previews
Thursday, November 21, 2024
Hello, Starfinders!
This month, an old friend of ours needs a little help. Remember Envar Tamm? I know, I know—that guy’s always getting into trouble! Well, this time it’s not entirely his fault; his best friend and stunt double, Dorin, has been kidnapped, and Envar’s mother has hired you to accompany Envar on his poorly planned and no doubt foolish rescue operation. Your job? Make sure Envar doesn’t get himself killed! Oh, and you might as well rescue Dorin while you’re at it…
Hello, Pathfinders!
This month, we’re traveling to Nirmathas to check in on Ashfall Lodge since Oraiah Tolal left! Three new faces have stepped up in her place: Anemone, Pattypan of Gold Bits, and Bog’s Companion, and the three of them have noticed some strange rumblings within the forest. It seems like Compost’s Watch, a town that looks over a sacred leshy graveyard, is being attacked by undead forces and necromantic energies. It’s up to the Pathfinders to travel through the eerie trees and bushes of the Compost Forest, find out what’s going on, and put a stop to it!
Left to art: illustrations by Samuel Azeredo and Felipe Fornitari.
After that, we travel far to the south and east to Nex, where one of the warshards (shards of the dead god Gorum, which rained down after he was slain) landed in an ooze being transported outside of Oenopion. This ooze, now divinely empowered, was last seen headed toward the Mana Wastes. The creature has proven to be more than a match for Nexian forces, and so Nex has resorted to hiring mercenaries. That’s where you come in. The Pathfinder Society doesn’t want to pass up this chance to get their hands on another warshard, and it’ll be up to you to see that they do.
Of course, you’ll first have to earn the right to take it. Other mercenaries have come seeking fortune, or the shard, or both, and some of them might even be from a nation on not-so-good terms with the Society. What's more, the Mana Wastes themselves aren't going to make this mission any easier, and no one yet understands the full impact that warshards have on creatures, so there's no telling what this shard-empowered ooze might be capable of. All in all, it should make for a memorable tale—if you’re able to make it back and tell it.
Hail and well met, ’Finders! This month’s new releases take a deep dive into divinity, stand strong amid the ancestor storms, and lay out maps of extraterrestrial splendor!
Find Your Path—November 2024
Wednesday, November 20th, 2024
Hail and well met, ’Finders! This month’s new releases take a deep dive into divinity, stand strong amid the ancestor storms, and lay out maps of extraterrestrial splendor!
Never miss a release with our Paizo Subscriptions—for everything from rulebooks to accessories! Subscribers get a free PDF with purchase, early access to game content, and exclusive discounts on!
Gods are unknowable beings, but their influence is exceedingly evident. Worlds rise and fall through the will of the gods, and it’s through their followers that the greatest miracles are born. Pathfinder Lost Omens Divine Mysteries takes a look at all things divine. From learning what it takes to become a god, to how gods grant power to their worshippers, and even the ways a god might die, this tome offers everything the would-be faithful could want. The book also includes details on hundreds of gods and philosophies common throughout the Lost Omens setting and exciting character options for adventurers of all types, regardless of their divine gifts, so you can take up the weapons and magic of your deity!
Pathfinder Lost Omens Divine Mysteries also releases in a Special Edition with faux-leatherette binding in December.
Though they traveled to Belkzen as dignitaries to a harsh land, the PCs have proven their strength and earned a place on Belkzen’s war council. Now they must protect the aurochs herds that feed a nation, overturn a tyrannical coup in a city of seven mines, and clash with invaders hoping to capitalize on Belkzen’s moment of weakness as the ancestor storms continue raging overhead. “Hoof, Cinder, and Storm” is an orc-focused Pathfinder adventure for four 6th-level characters.
This volume also includes an overview of Shoanti culture, a series of exciting side quests in Belkzen, new magical items, terrifying creatures, and more!
Hoof, Cinder, and Storm is also available as a deluxe Foundry VTT bundle with all of the assets you need to run this adventure on Foundry!
Call down the might of the gods with Pathfinder Divine Spell Cards!
This essential accessory features the full pantheon of divine spells from Pathfinder Player Core and Pathfinder Player Core 2. Honor the higher powers with over 160 spell reference cards!
Unlock the potential of your inner magic with Pathfinder Focus Spell Cards!
This must-have accessory for characters with that little extra bit of magic features all of the focus spells from Pathfinder Player Core and Pathfinder Player Core 2 on over 220 reference cards. Tap into your inner power!
Discover the mysteries of the occult with Pathfinder Occult Spell Cards!
Featuring all of the occult spells from Pathfinder Player Core and Pathfinder Player Core 2 on over 240 reference cards, this is a vital accessory for those who dabble in the esoteric arts. Open your mind to the unknown!
Whether your players are poring through libraries for occult texts or invading an otherworldly redoubt for a crucial secret, no Game Master wants to spend time drawing sites for their occult encounters. Fortunately, with Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Occult Dungeon, you don’t have to! This line of gaming maps provides ready-to-use and captivatingly detailed fantasy set-pieces for the busy Game Master. Place this map on your table and don’t delay your players on their investigation into the paranormal!
With four unique maps each bringing a science-fantasy planet to life, Starfinder Flip-Mat: Planetary Terrain Multi-Pack has what you need to take your Starfinder campaign to new worlds. One mat in this dual set displays a winter forest perfect for frigid worlds like Triaxus. The other side of this map depicts the desert of a red planet, with a perfect ambush point. The second map begins with a cratered surface great for lunar adventures or the surface of lifeless worlds like Apostae or Eox. The second side of this map showcases a brilliant blue and purple gas giant, with orbital platforms to let your adventurers fight in new dimensions. Push the boundaries of space with new worlds to explore and new maps to bring them to life!
A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 3rd- through 6th-level characters.
Deep in the Fangwood Forest in war-torn Nirmathas sits an isolated leshy village called Compost Watch surrounded by a sacred leshy graveyard: the Compost Forest. Working in tandem with the Ashfall Lodge, Compost Watch has kept up their vigil and maintenance of the primal space for generations. However, after a recent distress signal from the trees of the Fangwood, no one's heard from the little town. It's up to the PCs to enter the Compost Forest and see what's upsetting the balance of life, death, and nature!
A Starfinder Society Scenario designed for 3rd- through 6th-level characters.
Envar Tamm is in crisis! Or, more accurately, his body double is. Envar is a friend of the Starfinder Society and host of the popular extreme travel v-log Envar’s Expeditions. Days ago, mercenaries mistakenly kidnapped Envar’s body double while filming reshoots, rather than Envar himself. Possessing more bravery than good sense, Envar immediately hatched a plan to rescue his double and stream the footage.
Worried that Envar is going to get himself killed, Ilia Tamm, Envar's mother and CEO of Arch Energy Consortium, has contacted the Starfinders to bail him out. The mission? Accompany Envar on his absurd rescue mission and ensure he survives. While you’re at it, you might as well rescue Envar’s body double.
A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 7th- through 10th-level characters.
When Gorum died, shards of his divine being rained down. One of these warshards landed in an ooze being transported outside of Oenopion. The newly empowered creature escaped its confines and headed south toward the Mana Wastes. The Nexian forces haven't be able to deal with it, and have turned to hiring mercenaries. The Pathfinder Society learns of this chance to get their hands on another warshard, and has an arclord ally get them on the short list of candidates.
The PCs must prove their mettle over the other candidates before tracking this newly divine war ooze along the borders to the waste. What's more, the Mana Wastes aren't going to make this mission any easier, and since no one yet understands the full impact that warshards might have on creatures, there's no telling the capabilities of this war ooze.
From Our Partners:
Our partners at Archives of Nethys, Demiplane, Fantasy Grounds, Hero Lab Online, and Roll20* are dropping new content this month as well! Buy your PDF on to get a discount via the PaizoConnect API. Or pay full price on their platforms, sync your account, and get a complimentary PDF on the Paizo Store.
*Roll20 is no longer a part of PaizoConnect and discounts and complimentary PDFs do not apply.
There's nothing cuter than a baby, and the same is true for baby goblins! This adorably mischievous goblin is 8" tall and made from soft foam that's hand painted to show off each tiny claw and sharp tooth. This figure is ready to wreak havoc and is sure to attract attention in your home or game room!
Give this baby goblin a place of honor on your bookshelves or tabletops!
Bring Pathfinder to wherever you are, in person or online, and if you don’t have a favorite local game store, get books delivered to your door via a Paizo Subscription! From rulebooks to adventures, accessories, and more, we’ve got subscriptions for every table. Subscribing to a line of books gets you the physical book and the PDF for one price! Subscribe to four lines or more to unlock Paizo Advantage savings on products site-wide.
Greetings, ‘Finders! We’re about a month out from PAX Unplugged, and we’re excited to give you a sneak peek at everything Paizo will be doing at the show this year!
Paizo at PAXU!
Thursday, November 15, 2024
Greetings, ‘Finders! We’re about a month out from PAX Unplugged, and we’re excited to give you a sneak peek at everything Paizo will be doing at the show this year!
Organized Play
Paizo Organized Play will be running two-hour quests and four-hour scenarios for Pathfinder Society (second edition), as well as demos and two-hour scenarios for the Starfinder playtest! Quests and Starfinder playtest scenarios are available on a first-come, first-served walk-up basis. Early signups for our four-hour PFS2 scenarios are available on our PAX Unplugged Warhorn; signups begin on November 18 at 9 a.m. Pacific time.
All our games are new player friendly; we will have pregenerated characters, including the new animist and exemplar iconics, and we’re ready to get you playing in no time! Paizo’s game space is booth 56A in the Gaming Hall, just to the left of the main queue area.
Board Game Demos
Interested in giving Pathfinder Elemental Stones or Pathfinder Goblin Firework Fight a try? We’ll have demo tables in our play area running games of both!
Plus, get an exclusive first look at Pathfinder Quest! Pathfinder Quest is a cooperative dungeon crawling game for 1–4 players, crowdfunding in Spring 2025. PAX Unplugged attendees will have the opportunity to be the first to play Pathfinder Quest at our demo tables!
Paizo is excited to be bringing Liane Merciel to PAX Unplugged for exclusive book signings at our retail partner’s booth! During select time windows each day (times to be announced), come by Card Titan’s booth to meet the author of Godsrain: A Pathfinder Novel and get your copy signed!
Friday December 6th – 4-5pm Eastern
Saturday December 7th – 11am-12pm Eastern & 3-4pm Eastern
Sunday December 8th – 10am-11am & 2-3pm Eastern
Bring your copy from home or purchase a copy at Card Titan while supplies last!
Retail Partner
We’re partnering with Card Titan as our PAX Unplugged retailer once again! Find Pathfinder and Starfinder essentials like the remastered Core rulebooks, Starfinder Playtest Rulebook, Pathfinder War of Immortals, Godsrain: A Pathfinder Novel, and more at Booth 3202!
Something Impossible…
Mark your calendars for December 4th! Paizo will be hosting a special stream announcing something Impossible….
We look forward to seeing you all at PAX Unplugged! Be sure to stop by our play space, join us for a book signing, and say hello!
Celebrate One Year of the Pathfinder Second Edition Remaster with a New Humble Bundle
It’s hard to believe it’s already been a year since the release of the Pathfinder Second Edition Remaster, but here we are! To celebrate the occasion, we’re excited to offer the Pathfinder Second Edition “Happy Birthday, Remaster!” Bundle with our friends at Humble Bundle. As with all Humble Bundles, your purchase will help support a worthy cause, in this case our perennial favorite, Comic Books for Kids.
Celebrate One Year of the Pathfinder Second Edition Remaster with a New Humble Bundle
Thursday, November 14, 2024
It’s hard to believe it’s already been a year since the release of the Pathfinder Second Edition Remaster, but here we are! To celebrate the occasion, we’re excited to offer the Pathfinder Second Edition “Happy Birthday, Remaster!” Bundle with our friends at Humble Bundle. As with all Humble Bundles, your purchase will help support a worthy cause, in this case our perennial favorite, Comic Books for Kids.
At the base level of a $5 donation, you’ll receive everything you need to take your first steps into Pathfinder Second Edition, with PDFs of the Pathfinder Beginner Box (Remastered Edition), the Pathfinder Core GM Screen, the Character Sheet Pack, all the Iconic pregens in their remastered form, the player’s guides for both the Quest for the Frozen Flame and Stolen Fate Adventure Paths, and the Pathfinder Quest: The Swordlord’s Challenge adventure as well as the Pathfinder Flip-Mat used in that adventure—a value of over $56!
For $15 or more, you’ll get everything in the $5 tier, plus PDFs of Pathfinder Player Core, the entire Quest for the Frozen Flame Adventure Path, the Pathfinder Lost Omens World Guide, the Pathfinder Lost Omens Character Guide, the PathfinderLost Omens Ancestry Guide, two more Pathfinder Quests (In the Footsteps of Horror and The Winter Queen’s Dollhouse), eight Pathfinder Society Scenarios comprising the first half of the third season of the Pathfinder Second Edition organized play campaign (Pathfinder Society Intro: Year of Shattered Sanctuaries and scenarios 3–02 through 3–08), ten Flip-Mats (Haunted Dungeons Multi-Pack, Museum, City Sites Multi-Pack, Tavern Multi-Pack, Haunted House, Forest Mutli-Pack, Shipwrecks, Bigger Pirate Ship, and Elemental Planes Multi-Pack), and both the Dungeon Starter Set and Dungeon Perils ExpansionPathfinder Flip-Tiles products—an additional $375 value.
For $30 or more, you get everything above plus an additional $450 in value, including PDFs of Pathfinder GM Core, all three volumes of the Stolen Fate Adventure Path, Pathfinder Bestiaries 1–3, PathfinderLost Omens Monsters of Myth, the Pathfinder Lost Omens Pathfinder Society Guide, the Pathfinder Harrow Deck, eleven Pathfinder Society Scenarios (3–09 through 3–19), four Pathfinder Flip-Tiles collections (Dungeon Vaults Expansion, Darklands Starter Set, Urban Starter Set, and Urban Perils Expansion), and ten Pathfinder Flip-Mats (Dungeons Multi-Pack, Deep Forest, Village Square, Dungeon, Darklands, Twisted Caverns, Arcane Library, Prison, Red Light District, and Bigger Island).
All told, this bundle represents nearly $890 in value and is the first time we’ve offered remastered titles like Pathfinder Player Core andPathfinder GM Core at such a huge discount.
The Pathfinder Second Edition “Happy Birthday, Remaster!” Bundle runs from now through 11 AM (PDT) on Thursday, December 5. Don’t miss your chance to take advantage of this unparalleled deal and support Comic Books for Kids just in time for the end-of-year holidays.
Paizo Organized Play is seeking feedback on our programs as we look to Starfinder Second Edition and beyond. Whether you’ve been playing Organized Play for years, have just joined the Society, or haven’t yet played a game with us, we’re looking for your thoughts on our programs.
The survey below should take 5-10 minutes to complete, and the data will be invaluable to the future of our programs. Please take the survey and spread the word! It won’t be open for very long, so don’t be like me and open it in a tab expecting to get back to it later.
Big month for sanctioning! You could even say it’s…mythic. I mean, I wouldn’t, but you could. Pathfinder War of Immortals was released last week and is now sanctioned for Pathfinder Society play! The exemplar and animist classes are freely available to all Pathfinder Society characters (whose players own the book, anyway), and the exemplar archetype is available as a one-character-only boon in the Boon Store. Go forth and enjoy your mythic power*!
Sanctioning documents for the Curtain Call Adventure Path have also been posted on the product and landing pages, for those of you in an operatic mood. This month, expect to see the sanctioning of Lost Omens: Divine Mysteries, filled with more information on gods than you can shake a wand of bless at!
*Some restrictions apply, see scenarios for details, results may vary, do not consume mythic berries without first consulting your healer.
Guide to Organized Play Revisions
After soliciting community feedback, the Guide to Organized Play has been updated with the following changes:
“Run as Written” has been retitled to “Run Prudently,” and its restrictions have been clarified and loosened.
The “Permitted Table Adjustments” section has been added to the Game Master’s portion of the guide, copying much of the same text.
Pathfinder Society agents now have access to all uncommon languages, where previously they only had access to certain uncommon regional
GM Recognition
Campaign Service Coins
This month, one new Campaign Coin was awarded! We award these coins to members of the community who have gone above and beyond to provide an exceptional program to the community at large. Campaign Coins are awarded based on nominations; if you believe someone in your community is deserving of this award (whether or not they are a Venture Officer), send an email to organizedplay[at]paizo[dot]com with their name and reasons.
Congratulations to Tom Gross, who now holds a campaign coin and OP ID #866.
GM Ranks
Whether stars, novas, or glyphs, achieving a 5 ranking in any program involves a substantial amount of time. To achieve the 5th milestone, a GM must run 150 games, of which at least 50 must be unique scenarios and 10 special scenarios as well as run between one and three games for venture-captains (program dependent). A conservative estimate of the time needed to reach the 5th milestone is 650 hours!
This month we had six different GMs reach their fifth rank!
5th Glyph (PFS2): Gerald Colliou, Michael Morairty, Willis Sloat, Don Treadway
5th Nova(SFS1): Charlene (Half the Sky), Darrel Curry
If you believe you’ve completed your 5th rank but haven’t been announced yet, please email me at
Convention season may be winding down, but we’ve still got plenty of local conventions on the horizon! Check out the Conventions calendar for dozens of upcoming events to get your Paizo fix in.
We’re also still seeking GMs to join us at PAX Unplugged in December! Run three games for us, and you’ll get a free badge into the show. This show will be the first chance for you to try out the new Pathfinder Quest board game, and you won’t want to miss that!
Until next time adventurers—Explore! Report! Cooperate! And don’t forget to fill out the survey!
Hail and well met, ‘Finders! This month’s new releases invite you to follow your Mythic Calling, witness the outbreak of an interstellar war, and face the fallout of the Godsrain!
Find Your Path—October 2024
Wednesday, October 30th, 2024
Hail and well met, ‘Finders! This month’s new releases invite you to follow your Mythic Calling, witness the outbreak of an interstellar war, and face the fallout of the Godsrain!
Never miss a release with our Paizo Subscriptions—for everything from rulebooks to accessories! Subscribers get free PDF copies of their subscription products, early access to game content, and exclusive discounts on!
A god has been slain, and nothing shall ever be the same again! As war and destruction spread across the world, new heroes must rise to the occasion and take up arms to protect its mortal inhabitants. Lay claim to your own spark of divinity and charge into battle as a mighty exemplar, or call upon the power of spiritual allies as a wise animist. Alongside these new classes are rules for running mythic games, archetypes for playing legendary characters, and a wide array of new items, spells, and monsters to help you tell stories straight out of myth!
Pathfinder War of Immortals is available in standard hardcover, Special Edition faux-leatherette bound hardcover, PDF, and hobby retailer exclusive Sketch Edition hardcover.
A group of heroes from the Pact Worlds has arrived to witness the political event of the century: the signing of a treaty between the warlike Veskarium and the ruthless Azlanti Star Empire. The two galactic powers have agreed to coexist on a backwater world called Kehtaria, where both empires have established bases of operations. Hoping to avert future devastating wars between the pair of superpowers, champions of the Pact Worlds attend the negotiations to ensure the birth of a new interstellar alliance and take part in the first steps toward lasting peace in the galaxy. That is, until it all goes wrong.
A treacherous political conspiracy threatens to disrupt the diplomatic proceedings when a surprise invasion by a new power shakes the planet. An armada of Azlanti forces calling themselves the Sihedron Guard attack Kehtaria, targeting Azlanti forces on the ground, their Veskarium allies, and anyone else unlucky enough to get in their way. If the heroes can survive this orbital bombardment and help defeat the invaders, they will discover evidence of another plot—a plot not to gain territory or resources, but to destroy them. It’s up to the heroes to save the galaxy, or to bear witness as it’s devoured.
The Triumph of the Tusk Adventure Path begins with an eclectic band of dignitaries becoming battle-hardened survivalists fighting for the orcs’ homeland and independence. This volume includes an overview of orc culture, an exploration of the Flood Truce tradition, new magical items, and fearsome creatures that wander the wilds! The Resurrection Flood is an orc-focused Pathfinder adventure for four 3rd-level characters.
The Resurrection Flood is also available as a deluxe Foundry VTT bundle with all the assets you need to run this adventure on Foundry!
Four veteran adventurers—the barbarian Amiri, the wizard Ezren, the cleric Kyra, and her wife, the elven rogue Merisiel—witness the Godsrain and, with their newfound mythic power, find themselves on the trail of fell forces looking to capitalize on the chaos sown by Gorum’s death. Using their unique skills, nascent god-sparks, and even the firsthand blessings of one of Golarion's most potent deities, they must race against time and fate to prevent the greatest threat to Golarion from escaping an impenetrable prison. From fan-favorite author Liane Merciel (Hellknight, Nightglass, War of Immortals) comes a truly iconic adventure of high fantasy set in the award-winning world of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Follow the heroes from the desert bazaars of Osirion to the heart of the permanent hurricane known as the Eye of Abendego and watch as they come to terms with their own mortality, the tenuous powers of the immortal gods, and the new world that unfolds before them in the wake of the Godsrain.
Godsrain: A Pathfinder Novel is also available in audiobook format.
Pathfinder's beloved iconic heroes make their fiction debut in Pathfinder: Godsrain, set to release in November 2024. These characters have existed since 2007, however, and have many existing adventures documented in flash fiction on the Paizo Blog and other promotional locations. Now, for the first time, readers can find these stories collected into a single volume, a perfect primer before diving into Godsrain or to further explore their history after meeting them for the first time.
Survival in a world beset by magic and evil takes more than a lucky roll of the dice.
Pathfinder Player Core 2 significantly expands the options available to Pathfinder
players, giving you the tools to take on any adventure. Look inside to find everything you need to create a wide array of new characters who are ready to take on the world. Eight new classes, new ancestries and versatile heritages, a massive number of diverse archetypes, and tons of feats, spells, and alchemical items provide a near-endless array of exciting options for every Pathfinder character!
The pocket edition presents the same contents as the standard edition in a smaller sized softcover for a lower price and better portability.
Master the secrets of arcane magic with Pathfinder Arcane Spell Cards!
This essential accessory for arcane spellcasters collects all of the arcane spells from Pathfinder Player Core and Pathfinder Player Core 2. More than 250 spell reference cards put unrivaled understanding of the arcane directly into your hands!
Players can easily arrange and plan their spells within moments, and a quick scan of the cards presents a caster's tactical options at a glance. The possibilities are endless, but Pathfinder Arcane Spell Cards let you master the mysteries of magic!
Channel the power of storms and wild creatures with Pathfinder Primal Spell Cards!
This must-have accessory is a comprehensive collection of the primal spells presented in Pathfinder Player Core and Pathfinder Player Core 2. Put the bounty of nature at your fingertips with over 200 spell reference cards!
Players can easily arrange and plan their spells within moments, and a quick scan of the cards presents a caster's tactical options at a glance. The possibilities are endless, but Pathfinder Primal Spell Cards let you master the mysteries of magic!
Whether your players are engaged in a pitched, otherworldly battle or stumble across the haunted echoes of a previous war, no Game Master wants to draw out an entire battlefield. Fortunately, with the latest Pathfinder Flip-Mat, you don’t have to! This line of gaming maps provides ready-to-use and captivatingly detailed fantasy set pieces for the busy Game Master. Place Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Haunted Battlefield on your table and dive right into the action!
A Starfinder Second Edition Playtest adventure designed for 15th-level characters.
Mined on the frigid planet of Vesk-8, shimmerstone is a psychically active crystalline ore known to have a calming effect on emotions. After a wave of powerful cosmic energy ripples across the galaxy, shimmerstone changes, suddenly becoming unstable as it resonates with the psychic cries of a strange new god.
All across Vesk-8, shimmerstone mines suffer disaster after disaster. While many corporations react with attempts to sweep these events under the metaphorical rug, Shim-Tek desperately seeks outside agents to visit their shimmerstone mine, investigate the disturbance, and rescue any imperiled miners still on site.
A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 1st- through 4th-level characters.
Silvertree Village is a small settlement within the Forest of Spirits that’s not far off the Spirit Road, the trade route tracing the southern coast of the forest. It's a smaller river crossing, but it’s often used when Ohira's inns are full, and some travelers even prefer using it. Or they did, until they found access to the village cut off by a mysterious fog. Word has reached the Pathfinder Society of this strange phenomenon, and they have resolved to investigate the issue, as the Society has also had cause to rest in Silvertree when transporting relics between Hongal and Minkai.
The PCs are tasked with finding out the cause of the fog. Before their work is done, they'll face challenges set upon their path by a kami and must learn what has upset them—and in doing so, perhaps uncover something much more dangerous.
A Starfinder Society Scenario designed for 5th- through 8th-level characters.
Welcome to Arniselle, an aquatic world where colorful morlamaws once worshipped cosmic horrors—or did they? Local Starfinder Hinevera is determined to prove that her people’s ancient past isn’t all foul cosmic entities! Years of extensive research and fieldwork have led her to multiple promising ancient ruins that could shed light on the broader history and beliefs of ancient morlamaws. But as the tides turn and Hinevera and her team fail to make contact, one thing becomes clear: something is wrong.
Travel to the planet of Arniselle and explore ancient ruins while on a rescue mission submerged beneath the waves!
A Pathfinder Society Quest designed for 1st- through 4th-level characters, playable in 2-3 hours.
Some disgruntled citizens in Kintargo, who preferred things as they were under Chelaxian rule, have stolen some very sensitive information concerning the Pathfinder Society's trade dealings and trade routes. In the hands of their enemies, this could put many agents at risk. Cheliax barely tolerates the Society on a good day, and if these thieves-who-would-be-spies can get the encrypted information into the hands of real Chelaxian intelligence operatives, Cheliax would likely relish its ability to deal incalculable harm. It's up to the PCs to infiltrate the thieves' base of operations and steal the information back before these rabble rousers can send it off. Keeping things quiet will be key, though, as the heads of Supplies and Procurement definitely don't want to tip the thieves off to the importance of what they really have.
From Our Partners:
Our partners at Archives of Nethys, Demiplane, Fantasy Grounds, Hero Lab Online, and Roll20* are dropping new content this month as well! Buy your PDF on to get a discount via the PaizoConnect API, or pay full price on their platforms, sync your account, and get a complimentary PDF on the Paizo Store.
*Roll20 is no longer a part of PaizoConnect and discounts and complimentary PDFs do not apply.
Bring Pathfinder wherever you are, be it in person or online, and if you don’t have a favorite local game store, get books delivered to your door via a Paizo Subscription! From rulebooks to adventures, accessories, and more, we’ve got subscriptions for every table! Subscribing to a line of books gets you the physical book and the PDF for one price. Subscribe to four lines or more to unlock Paizo Advantage savings on products site-wide!
With War of Immortals product page flowing out into folks’ hands, it’s a great time to introduce you to some of the fantastic people who worked on the goodies inside. While the writers of our products are always credited in the books themselves, that’s rarely enough information for people to know whose stories and experiences are shaping our world!
Meet the Authors!
Friday, October 25th, 2024
With War of Immortals product page flowing out into folks’ hands, it’s a great time to introduce you to some of the fantastic people who worked on the goodies inside. While the writers of our products are always credited in the books themselves, that’s rarely enough information for people to know whose stories and experiences are shaping our world!
Pathfinder War of Immortals, available now! Cover by Wayne Reynolds.
To start, my name is Michael Sayre, the design lead on War of Immortals as well as one of the cover authors. I wrote takes deep breath the animist class and multiclass, all of the half-page fictions (our esteemed colleague Liane Merciel wrote the two-page fictions), the avenger class archetype, the vindicator class archetype, the warrior of legend class archetype, all of Chapter 3 (the mythic rules), the prophesied monarch mythic destiny, the storied equipment section, the mythic monster templates, and the immortal trickster mythic monster. You can find me here on the forums or on Twitter as @MichaelJSayre1 and on BlueSky as @animistgunslinger.
Art by Sandra Posada.
Steven Hammond (he/they)
Hello! I'm Steven Hammond (he/they). I've been a contributor to numerous Pathfinder books and scenarios. I wrote the entry on Vulot for War of Immortals. Folklore is very near and dear to me, and I tried to lean into it when writing Vulot. I wanted to communicate the menace and danger of them in a way that felt organic, like it had been discovered in some dusty cabinet in Sandpoint. I'm really proud of the result, and I'm so honored to have been part of the fantastic team that worked on this book.
Steven T. Helt
Steven T. Helt has been a Paizo contributor since 2013 when he won that year's RPG Superstar talent search. Since then, he's contributed to a number of products as author, designer, developer, and editor. Most of his credits are in the role of Famine of the Four Horsemen group, with dozens of products under his belt. His Paizo credits since Pathfinder Second Edition include the Kingmaker Adventure Path and War of Immortals, where he designed the apocalypse rider mythic destiny and the terrifying Weaver of Webs. You can let him know all about your character's tragic demise right here on the Paizo message boards!
Art by Firat Solhan
Brent Holtsberry
Brent Holtsberry: As a previous Venture-Captain, rules author, and GM of over 40 years, it was my great pleasure to work with Greg A. Vaughan to add to the lore of the Oliphaunt of Jandelay, and update the rules for the Oliphaunt for Pathfinder Second Edition play. I also enjoyed working with Matt Chapmond to bring the seneschal witch to life. It’s exciting to see these options published, and I look forward to hearing how everyone is using them at their tabletops!
AJ Neuro (he/him and they/them)
AJ Neuro (he/him and they/them): Hi everyone! I wrote the broken chain mythic destiny, and I loved every little piece of lore and crunch that went into it, so I hope it shows. As a Latin American author, the topic of revolution and standing up to tyrants permeates our collective history, and even still our present in some LatAm nations, so I had a lot to draw from. If you liked the broken chain, you might like more stuff I've written for Pathfinder Second Edition, and if you're looking for a GM, I run online games through Foundry, some of them in my setting of Ex Nihilo. You can find me on discord as AJNeuro or on reddit as MidSolo. Pura Vida!
Art by Firat Solhan
Tony Saunders
Hi, my name is Tony Saunders! I am one of the co-founders of Team+, which is where I spend most of my time writing these days. I have been credited under several Legendary Games titles, Battlezoo Bestiary: Strange and Unusual, the Gardener's Guide to Gaming, and a few other projects on DriveThruRPG and Pathfinder Infinite. What time I don't spend being a software engineer and father, I spend writing (mostly for TTRPGs). I wrote the beast lord mythic destiny, which was a lot of fun to write since I am a huge fan of companions and familiars in Pathfinder. Lucky to be a part of such a stacked team of authors.
Ruvaid Virk
Hi, I'm Ruvaid Virk (he/him)! You may know me from previous awesome Paizo books such as the Lost Omens Tian Xia Character + World Guides, Lost Omens Impossible Lands, or Dark Archive, to name a few. For this particular awesome Paizo book, I had a bloody good time working on the bloodrager class archetype! I'm quite excited for you all to play with the archetype, and for future stories with Trzikhun, the new bloodrager iconic! If you want to know more about my past work, you can visit You can also find me on the site formerly known as Twitter as @Darth_Ruvaider to tell me all about your cool bloodrager experiences. Cheers!
Hello, Starfinders!
It’s October, and that means it’s time to add a dash of spookiness to our Starfinder offerings! We’ve got missing people, ghosts, mysteries, mutations, mind control, and a dash of cosmic horror on the menu—oh, my!
October Digital Adventures Previews
Thursday, October 24, 2024
Hello, Starfinders!
It’s October, and that means it’s time to add a dash of spookiness to our Starfinder offerings! We’ve got missing people, ghosts, mysteries, mutations, mind control, and a dash of cosmic horror on the menu—oh, my!
First off, we’re returning to Arniselle, homeworld of the walrus-like morlamaws! A team of local Starfinders have gone missing while exploring an ancient, underwater ruin, and it’s up to you to descend beneath the waves and save them—if you can!
Left to right: illustrations by Lucas Fernando and Jesus Iván Nolasco Fuentes
But that’s not all!
On the planet Vesk-8, on the fringes of the Veskarium, shimmerstone mines the world over have experienced sudden disasters—strange occurrences, missing miners, violent uprisings, and worse. Stranger yet, the mineral shimmerstone itself is changing, glowing an ominous red, rather than its typical comforting blue. Veskarium corporation Shim-Tek has hired a team of brave freelancers to enter their mine, investigate a strange disturbance, and rescue any imperiled miners still on site.
Starfinder Playtest Scenario #4: Rescue at Shimmerstone Mine is an adventure for 15th-level characters written by Jenny Jarzabski! This is a Starfinder Second Edition Playtest Scenario that takes place mere days after the birth of a Newborn god.
Be brave, Starfinders! Take care of each other out there.
Jessica Catalan Starfinder Society Developer
Happy fall, Pathfinders!
We’ve got two excellent adventures for you this month: a scenario and a quest.
First, we go to Silvertree Village, a small settlement within the Forest of Spirits in northern Tian Xia, not far off the Spirit Road—the trade route following the outskirts of that forest. It's a smaller river crossing, but is often used when the larger Ohira's inns are full, and some travelers even prefer using it. Or they did until a mysterious fog prevented anyone from reaching it. Word has reached the Pathfinder Society of this strange phenomenon and agents (that’s you) have been dispatched to investigate and resolve the issue. That’s easier said than done, though, as there will be challenges put for by a kami themselves, and in order to learn what has upset this being, something much more dangerous will be uncovered. Even we don't know what you’ll face, as we’ve given the GM plenty of options for extra replayability!
Then we go to the other side of Golarion in Ravounel. Some disgruntled citizens in Kintargo, who preferred things under Chelaxian rule, have stolen some very sensitive information concerning the Pathfinder Society's trade dealings and routes. In the hands of enemies, this could put many agents at risk. Cheliax barely tolerates the Society on a good day, and if these thieves-who-would-be-spies can get the encrypted information into the hands of real Chelaxian intelligence operatives, Cheliax would likely relish its ability to do incalculable harm.
It's up to some intrepid Pathfinder agents (again, that’s you) to infiltrate the thieves' base of operations and steal the info back before these rabble rousers can send it off. Keeping things quiet will be key, though, as we definitely don't want to tip them off to what they really have.
With the holiday season coming up, what better way to surprise the GM in your life than with a Paizo subscription? And while you’re at it, get one for yourself too! Paizo offers a variety of subscription options across our brands for rulebooks, adventures, accessories, and more.
Subscribe and Save!
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
With the holiday season coming up, what better way to surprise the GM in your life than with a Paizo subscription? And while you’re at it, get one for yourself too! Paizo offers a variety of subscription options across our brands for rulebooks, adventures, accessories, and more.
How Do Paizo Subscriptions Work?
Paizo Subscriptions ensure you receive every release in the lines that matter most to you! When you subscribe to a line, you are given the option to start with the current release (the most recently released book) or the next release in that sub. You won’t be charged for your subscription until the product ships—giving you ample time to skip a release if you need to!
Some subscription lines, like Pathfinder Adventure Paths, release monthly, while others release on a slower schedule, usually 3–4 products per year. If you need to step back, Paizo Subscriptions can be canceled at any time by contacting Customer Service.
Subscription Benefits
Paizo values our subscribers as the backbone of our business, and we want to ensure they feel appreciated! We offer a number of perks for subscribing—with greater benefits applied for each sub you have.
Early access and free PDFs: Subscribers receive free PDFs of any book they subscribe to. These PDFs are granted to their account when the physical product ships—sometimes as early as two weeks before the street date!
20% off Society Scenarios: Pathfinder and Starfinder Society subscribers get 20% off the cover price of scenarios when they subscribe.
30% off Pathfinder Battles: Pathfinder Battles subscribers receive their miniatures at a 30% discount off Paizo’s prices.
Subscribing to four or more lines gives access to Paizo Advantage!
Paizo Advantage
Paizo Advantage is a 15% discount available to anyone subscribing to four or more qualifying lines. Paizo Advantage also includes a free subscription to either Pathfinder Society Scenarios or Starfinder Society Scenarios—with both Society subscriptions included for free if you subscribe to six or more lines!
The Pathfinder Rulebook line gives you the tools to start and enhance your campaign. This subscription includes rulebooks, monster and stat block volumes, as well as rules-focused supplements.
The Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscription brings fresh adventure content to your door every month! Paizo releases four three-volume Adventure Paths each year with a wide variety of themes and ranging levels.
The Starfinder Roleplaying Game line of products gives you the tools to personalize your own campaign, including rulebooks, volumes of aliens, and strange worlds to keep your game fresh.
Starfinder Adventures are the premiere resource for your science-fantasy roleplaying campaign! If you're looking for galactic adventure, the Starfinder Adventures line has you covered! What's more, every Starfinder Adventures volume includes bespoke NPCs, new monsters, and supporting articles to run these adventures.
All hardcover subscription lines also have the option to upgrade to Special Edition subscriptions! Get the deluxe faux-leatherette cover version of Pathfinder Rulebooks, Pathfinder Lost Omens books, Starfinder Rulebooks, Starfinder Adventures, and more!
Give the gift of gaming with a Paizo Subscription today!
We meet once again! By the time this blog goes live, it’s likely that some of you canny subscribers will already have your PDFs in hand, so welcome to the last preview blog for War of Immortals! Larger than life mythic heroes demand equally terrifying threats, and we made sure to load some up for your adventures.
Mythic Monsters
Friday, October 18, 2024
We meet once again! By the time this blog goes live, it’s likely that some of you canny subscribers will already have your PDFs in hand, so welcome to the last preview blog for War of Immortals! Larger than life mythic heroes demand equally terrifying threats, and we made sure to load some up for your adventures.
First, there’s a variety of mythic role templates. These role templates are based on four of the base road maps for monster creation presented in GM Core, to help make it easy to create your own mythic monsters from scratch, but they can be applied to any existing monster. Each of these templates is also presented with a pre-templated monster to show what it looks like in practice, so in addition to the monsters I’ll be talking about next (which have tons of story elements and hooks included), you also have stat blocks for the mythic gogiteth, mythic ogre boss, mythic lich, and mythic griffon to show simple examples of mythic monsters across a variety of levels.
The Oliphaunt’s rampage. Art by Sandra Posada.
However, truly mythic monsters are terrifying forces whose impact shapes the world itself, and we’ve packaged up seven of the most wondrous creatures imaginable to expand your games with. Each of these monsters includes a couple pages of lore and fiction showcasing them in the game world, as well as examples of how to deploy them in adventures across all levels of play. A party of 5th-level characters likely won’t face the demon lord Vulot directly in combat, but his activities can steer the course of their destinies even at that humble point in their careers!
Some mythic monsters, like the beautiful and ephemeral creatures known as sublime breaths, might use their mythic powers to evade the party. Relatively weak as a combatant, a sublime breath might dance forever out of the party’s reach while possessing an essential key to whatever plot they seek to unravel. Only by outwitting and outmaneuvering one of these elusive fey will the party be able to truly overcome the challenge they represent.
Other terrifying monsters like the kaiju Agyra might be engaged with as a disastrous series of hazards at lower levels, only for a party that survives an encounter to grow in power and finally face Agyra in true combat. Wielding mythic weapons, clad in mythic armor, and enshrined in mythic power, will your party be able to cut through Agyra’s conjured hurricanes and strike down one of the most massively monstrous creatures to ever terrorize Golarion?
To match might and wits with these mystical mythic monsters, be sure to preorder War of Immortals product page today!
A couple of weeks ago we answered the question, “What is Mythic?” That answer spoke to the foundational mythic rules you can find in War of Immortals, but that doesn’t mean it’s the only possible answer to the question.
Alternate Mythic Rules
Thursday, October 17, 2024
A couple of weeks ago we answered the question, “What is Mythic?” That answer spoke to the foundational mythic rules you can find in War of Immortals, but that doesn’t mean it’s the only possible answer to the question.
The base system for mythic characters tracks alongside your character’s level. At low levels, mythic power is explosive; though highly limited in its applications, it provides a significant change in outcome when it’s applied. As you level up, your mythic power becomes more predictable and you gain access to a wider array of possible applications, but the degree to which it shifts the dial of success normalizes somewhat, reflecting the character’s growth into a mature mythic figure capable of reliably battling mythic threats. This was not the only concept for how mythic rules could be deployed, however. While working on this project, we imagined several alternative ways people might want to experience the mythic system.
Starstone Cathedral Transformed. Art by Sandra Posada.
What if you wanted to have an experience where you had one mythic character surrounded by a group of highly competent non-mythic characters, a la cult classic cartoon Mighty Max? What if you want the pacing of the mythic elements of your story to exist separately from standard level-based progression, either having your mythic power grow more slowly or instead having your mythic power outpace your level for more high-risk/high-octane adventures?
While we think that the mythic rules published in War of Immortals represent the ideal version of the system as we would like people to experience it, we wrote all kinds of alternate ideas that didn’t match that experience and didn’t fit inside what was already an impressively meaty book. Rather than letting those ideas gather dust in an untouched folder, we thought we’d share them with you!
On the War of Immortals product page, you’ll find a link to a web PDF product titled “Mythic Variant Rules” that gives you a variety of new ways to play with the mythic system in your home games! These rules aren’t necessarily as stable a table experience as the ones we printed in the main book, but we expect that the right group might find them invaluable and a great way to push the boundaries of the game. We’ve also made sure to attach the ORC license to this product, to ensure easy use of these alternate rules and ideas by any 3pp contributors out there!
Pop on over to the product page, preorder War of Immortals if you haven’t already, and download this free expansion product today! You’ll also notice that while we were putting this PDF together, we went ahead and slipped in a handful of clarifications onto the final page to make your battles in the War of Immortals just a little bit smoother and easier to use.
Greetings Starfinders! We’ve received a starship-load of data thanks to your feedback and continued participation in the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest! This exciting evolution in our game’s future includes some of the feedback we’ve received in the surveys that will remain up for submissions and edits until December 31st.
Starfinder Playtest Errata: Wave 3
Wednesday, October 16, 2024
Greetings Starfinders! We’ve received a starship-load of data thanks to your feedback and continued participation in the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest! This exciting evolution in our game’s future includes some of the feedback we’ve received in the surveys that will remain up for submissions and edits until December 31st.
A Pahtra Sniper Operative, our first preview art from Starfinder Player Core.
Art by Cagdas Demiralp
Below are the highlights of this errata, but make sure to check out the Second Edition Playtest FAQ for the details of each change:
Chapter 2: Ancestries
Barathu: Manifold Evolution only lets you select lower level feats.
Opportunistic Hug: You can use Titan Wrestler to hug big friends.
Skittermander and Kasatha: You can Climb using inactive hands.
Chapter 3: Classes
Envoy: Effortless influencer is higher level, and Distant Feint gives Feint the emotion trait.
Mystic: You know the Hit Points totals of your bonded allies, you regain all your Vitality Network when you Refocus, Transfer Vitality always heals void creatures, you become expert in Perception at level 11, Group Chat now gets you Network Spell (and it’s stronger), Force Connection is now a feat, shadow connection works against darkvision, Adaptive Defense has a transfer cost, and elemental mystic’s elemental weapon spell now scales properly.
Operative: You begin Expert in Will, Snipers now ignore unwieldy all the time, Strikers can now use unarmed Strikes and should be able to use their melee weapons with most Operative features and feats, Hair Trigger now only applies to your last Aimed enemy, Relentless Aim now ricochets, Double Draw Twin Draw gives you an Aim, and you can no longer quality for Twin Shooter with an Ancestry feat.
Solarian: Let there be the light trait (while photon-attuned). You can also pick up two-handed solar weapons, your class DC scales better, and Black Hole/Super Nova no longer cycle. You also no longer get armor specialization.
Soldier: Primary target now Strikes before you hit with an area attack or automatic fire, decreasing the target’s successful save into a failure. Run Hot will overheat your gun. Hammer the Nail now knocks prone.
Witchwarper: Witchwarper gets Quantum Pulse as a class feature at 1st level. Restorative Recollection has been revised. Infinite Magic can’t be used with 10th-rank spells.
Chapter 6: Equipment
Weapons: Neural lash has the analog trait. Force needle has 1 upgrade slot. Crossbolter is in the crossbow group.
Armor Upgrades: Explosive Defense unit grants resistance instead of non-stacking save bonuses.
Weapon Upgrades: Nothing can stop you from deploying your advanced tripod as much as you want.
Augmentations: Cardiac Accelerator and Speed Suspensions have been fixed.
Medical Items: The cost of elite and ultimate hypopens has been fixed.
Chapter 7: Spells
Adhere: We have separated the Reflex save from adhere.
Akashic Revival: Akashic revival is a ten minute spell.
Analyze Target: Analyze target grants a status bonus.
Atomic Blast: Atomic blast uses a basic Reflex save, and the radiation uses your Spellcasting DC.
Void Whispers: Void whispers uses all three actions to move.
Vibe Check: After checking its vibe, we’ve removed the incapacitation trait from vibe check.
Elemental Weapon: Elementalweapon now scales properly.
We know there are other areas that need attention, but some of those require more systemic changes that aren’t appropriate midstream and need tinkering “in the workshop.” Here are some elements on our radar we want people to know about but aren’t not quite ready to act on yet:
reviewing overall mechanics for grenades and missiles
envoy getting some abilities to Size Up in combat
solarian Solar Shot becoming more like a weapon that works alongside weapon crystals; change to range increment instead of range
punching up effectiveness on Disharmony trait abilities for the solarian
looking at the size of the quantum field, as well as baking in Transposition to be part of the base class chassis
Thank you again for all your help with our playtest—we can’t wait to see more survey data! And once you’re ready to explore some higher level play, check out Empires Devoured and Rescue at Shimmerstone Minereleasing at the end of October, and Wheel of Monsters available today!
Hey Starfinders!
It’s been a bit since we checked in, but today we’re excited to provide some further details on the soon-to-be-released Starfinder Second Edition Playtest Adventure: Empires Devoured written by… uh, me! Me being Thurston Hillman, Associate Publisher and creative head for Starfinder.
Empires Devoured
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
The Second Playtest Adventure
Hey Starfinders!
It’s been a bit since we checked in, but today we’re excited to provide some further details on the soon-to-be-released Starfinder Second Edition Playtest Adventure: Empires Devoured written by… uh, me! Me being Thurston Hillman, Associate Publisher and creative head for Starfinder.
There’s going to be some spoilers ahead, so BUCKLE UP! (Also, have some cool art.)
Illustration by Ivan Koritarev
Empires Devoured is our mid–high level adventure that starts at 10th level and places the PCs right at the signing of a peace treaty between the Azlanti Star Empire and the Veskarium on the conflicted world of Kehtaria in the city of Atuity (somewhere showcased in Starfinder Ports of Call). It’s a historic moment, with the PCs arriving in system on the acclaimed Sunrise Maiden starship to act as observers from the Pact Worlds. Everything is going great… until it’s not.
See, there’s been some upheaval in the Star Empire, and as the adventure progresses, the PCs quickly learn about a new Azlanti leader. This leader (a fellow we’ve previewed on the Starfinder GMCore cover) doesn’t quite have intergalactic peace as part of their grand vision, and they unleash their armada and armies to put an end to the peace treaty. It’s up to the PCs—well, when is it not up to them, really?—to step up and protect Atuity from attackers.
Some diehard Pathfinder First Edition fans might notice some similarities between a particular creature summoned by the Azlanti and a divine herald confronted long ago during a notable Pathfinder Society Scenario. What can I say, I love a good lore deep cut.
Illustration by Renan Maurilio
Of course, protecting a world from the nascent war of two interstellar powers isn’t enough. No, there’s a lot more going behind the scenes that the PCs are going to need to suss out and then confront head on. That threat might want to explode a chain of suns, so it’s a BIG deal.
However, along the way, there may be casualties… pour one out for everyone’s favorite starship.
Illustration by Ridell Apellanes
That covers it for big spoilers for the adventure. StarfinderEmpires Devoured is about setting up the future for Starfinder in Second Edition, as well as giving the players a chance to be “big damn heroes” during a major galactic event.
As part of the playtest period, this adventure is also a chance for us to get more people playtesting Starfinder Second Edition. Speaking of which, stay tuned for tomorrow, when the Starfinder team will be unleashing the next wave of errata, along with more extensive updates focused around some of the classes—can you say, hello two-handed weapon solarians?
Thanks all! I really hope you enjoy this monumental adventure that I got to write.
While mythic stories often focus on heroes who use cunning and strength to outwit or overpower their foes, Pathfinder is also a world of high magic. Powerful spellcasters might leverage an understanding of the four essences of matter, mind, spirit, and life to unlock the secrets of reality, or they might create bonds with magical entities who channel the power of one of the four traditions of arcane, divine, occult, or primal magic into them. Whatever the nature of a character’s spellcasting ability, they are certain to extend to entirely new heights by blending it with mythic power.
Mythic Magic
Friday, October 11, 2024
While mythic stories often focus on heroes who use cunning and strength to outwit or overpower their foes, Pathfinder is also a world of high magic. Powerful spellcasters might leverage an understanding of the four essences of matter, mind, spirit, and life to unlock the secrets of reality, or they might create bonds with magical entities who channel the power of one of the four traditions of arcane, divine, occult, or primal magic into them. Whatever the nature of a character’s spellcasting ability, they are certain to extend to entirely new heights by blending it with mythic power.
Not including mythic feats and mythic items, there are two types of mythic magic presented in War of Immortals: mythic spells and mythic rituals.
Samo awakens the ocean. Illustration by Oleksii Chernik
Mythic spells can only be cast by mythic characters, and they require expending a Mythic Point as part of their casting. These spells cover all four traditions and cover all spell ranks from 1st to 10th. They span the gamut from the whimsical 3rd-rank travel by turtle, which summons a massive turtle that can eventually carry you and an entire army across oceans, to devastating spells of ultimate power, like the 10th-rank incarnate spell summon Oliphaunt of Jandelay, which brings forth a manifestation of one of the most fearsome avatars of annihilation to obliterate your foes.
Mythic rituals take longer to cast, requiring a primary caster capable of making a given check at mythic proficiency and a number of supporting casters, but their effects are even farther-reaching and typically more permanent. The terrifying 8th-rank awaken curse ritual imbues a curse with life and sentience, transforming it into a predatory force resistant to being counteracted and capable of spreading itself to new victims. The potent 9th-rank ocean’s roar ritual can bring a great body of water to life, transforming a lake or sea into an elemental capable of causing tsunamis and choosing who it allows to travel across, under, or through it.
These spells and rituals aren’t the only tools your magical characters can find in War of Immortals; there are also mythic feats like Mythic Magic and destinies like the limitless Wildspell. Be among the first to follow your Mythic Calling by pre-ordering Pathfinder War of Immortals or subscribing to the Pathfinder Rulebook line today!
Urwal, the enigmatic leader of the Verdant Wheel faction of the Pathfinder Society, took stock of his garden. He decided Skyreach needed a rooftop garden all on his own when he’d chided Sorrina Westyr, the Master of Spells, that the building itself was lacking in nature’s presence. She’d replied that he should try growing a garden on the grounds. Thinking that an excellent solution, he’d secretly transported soil, bricks, and fish for fertilizer near to the top of Skyreach, the towering headquarters of the Pathfinders in Absalom. Urwal had found a location with just enough flat area to create the garden he felt the building needed. He’d also make treks to various springs across Kortos, the island on which Absalom was built, drawing from different sources (in a pattern only he would understand) to water the plant life he nurtured in secret. It took years, but the project was finally bearing fruit—literally.
Godsrain and Gardening
Thursday, October 10, 2024
Illustration by Raphael Madureira
Urwal, the enigmatic leader of the Verdant Wheel faction of the Pathfinder Society, took stock of his garden. He decided Skyreach needed a rooftop garden all on his own when he’d chided Sorrina Westyr, the Master of Spells, that the building itself was lacking in nature’s presence. She’d replied that he should try growing a garden on the grounds. Thinking that an excellent solution, he’d secretly transported soil, bricks, and fish for fertilizer near to the top of Skyreach, the towering headquarters of the Pathfinders in Absalom. Urwal had found a location with just enough flat area to create the garden he felt the building needed. He’d also make treks to various springs across Kortos, the island on which Absalom was built, drawing from different sources (in a pattern only he would understand) to water the plant life he nurtured in secret. It took years, but the project was finally bearing fruit—literally.
He decided that its presence should be unknown to the rest of the organization, until the time was right. A garden atop the building should have been noteworthy of notice, but it surprised him just how rarely people looked up. Likely those who did just assumed it was supposed to be there. Though the garden was not a neat and tidy thing and instead resembled a sort of wild thicket in the sky, bordered by magically strengthened brickwork to keep the soil in. There was, of course, a reason for each plant and a purpose for their placement, but Urwal saw no need to share such things. He believed that anyone with the talent and patience to study the stars would understand why he does whatever he does. Though recent events had left even the pillar of self-assuredness that is Urwal incredibly shaken.
Illustration by Valeria Lutfullina
It was not long ago that an incredible and terrifying sight filled the sky: Achaekek slew Gorum, and parts of the now-dead god rained down upon Golarion. Urwal had been going more often to this garden after seeing that spectacle and hearing reports of its effects across the world. This garden was a place of calm for him, where he hoped to find clarity to help guide the Society forward, but even that was failing him now. “I should have seen something in the stars.” He sighed, expressing his frustration to the immobile plants atop the otherwise empty rooftop. He continued quietly to himself, “Omens may be lost, but I’ve seen many hints of things to come before. But this Godsrain, I saw no sign of it. Gave no preparations. Agents were in danger and I did not prepare them.” He paused, looking over his garden. “I must do better.”
Illustration by Mark Tarrisse
Urwal’s bright yellow scales shone in the afternoon sun as he went to water the various plant life he’d nurtured atop the grand spire, finally finding some mental peace. He even allowed himself a chuckle as he thought of the reaction Ambrus Valsin, the venture-captain in charge of day-to-day operations in Skyreach, would have when this garden was revealed. “It’ll need to happen when Ambrus is in a good mood. He’ll complain about it, but he’ll come around.” As he moved to water a rather healthy raspberry bush, he noticed an unnatural shine coming from the berries upon it. It reminded him of the silver that rained from the sky the day Gorum fell.
“What have we here?” he asked himself as he quickly finished watering the remainder of his garden before moving to examine the berries more closely. His troubles forgotten, he spent the remaining afternoon into the evening studying the altered fruit. Bringing the full suite of his knowledge to bear, Urwal was able to determine a few things. First, the berries now held divine power within them. He’d heard stories of those who were touched by the silver rains gaining power, but it was strange that only the berries seemed affected and not any of the other myriad plants he’d raised. “Might be the water choice,” he mused as he considered the various springs he’d transport water from. “It’s possible any one of those could be the source,” he thought aloud, recalling the complex web of watering choices largely determined by his astrological readings. Second, these berries did not ripen further or seem to change at all once removed from the bush. “Maybe I didn’t notice the coming of the Godsrain, but it would seem I made preparations all the same.”
Illustration by Riccardo Rullo
The coming days were filled with experiments and tests, until Urwal decided that he wasn’t going to learn anything significant without some risk. He ate one of the berries. The effect was immediate. It wasn’t so much that he grew stronger as it was that he was more himself than he’d ever been. The confidence he’d always felt concerning his path almost glowed within. “This is… divinity?” An ember of power glowed within him, though he could feel that its power was temporary. “Oh my. These, these must be kept close and safe. I will find a way to use them. The stars will know. This time, I will be better. I will see that they’re prepared for whatever it is that would have our agents needing such power.” A grin crossed his lizard-like face. “After all. I planted these for a reason. Now I need only find out what that reason is.”
Introducing the Triumph of the Tusk Player’s Guide
Friends, the time has come to forge a new history for the orcs of Belkzen!
Introducing the Triumph of the Tusk Player’s Guide
Wednesday, October 09, 2024
Friends, the time has come to forge a new history for the orcs of Belkzen!
The Holds of Belkzen have tenuously come together thanks to the vision and martial prowess of their leader, Ardax the White-Hair, to stand against Tar-Baphon. However, this peace is fragile as ambitions stir and conspirators whisper against the current leadership. Aware that a nation divided can’t stand against its foes, Ardax has invited a group of dignitaries to a special event: Torrentmoot, where old grudges will be soothed, and history will be made!
The PCs are among these dignitaries, working to further their own ambitions and hoping to witness the historic formation of a truly unified Belkzen. But not everyone is interested in peace, and some would prefer to drag the worst parts of the orcs’ history out of the past and into the present.
Inside the Triumph of the Tusk Player’s Guide, you’ll find player-friendly, spoiler-free lore and tips to create an exciting character suited for the Triumph of the Tusk Adventure Path. Contents include:
An overview of the orc nation of the Holds of Belkzen, orc culture, and orc faiths.
Character advice, including ways various character classes and ancestries might excel in this Adventure Path.
Six new character backgrounds specifically designed for this Adventure Path, including Badlands Scout, Empty Hand Loyalist, and Self-Made.
A list of potential patrons and advice about why your character might be at Torrentmoot.
Greetings, ‘Finders! We’re excited to join our Latine contributors in celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month, which runs from September 15th – October 15th here in the United States of America! Since 1988, this cultural heritage month has celebrated Hispanic and Latine contributions to culture, science, history, and art!
¡Feliz Mes de la Herencia Hispana!
Tuesday, October 08, 2024
Greetings, ‘Finders! We’re excited to join our Latine contributors in celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month, which runs from September 15th – October 15th here in the United States of America! Since 1988, this cultural heritage month has celebrated Hispanic and Latine contributions to culture, science, history, and art!
This year’s theme is “Pioneers of Change: Shaping the Future”—a focus on Hispanic and Latine people paving the way for future generations. As part of our call for contributors, we asked folks who those pioneers were in their own lives!
But enough from me. Let me turn it over to some of our lovely Latine writers!
Joseph Blomquist (he/him)
¿Qué es la que hay? For those who don’t know me, I’m Joe, a Nuyorican freelancer known for scene-stealing ambiance and annoyingly attractive NPCs (just ask my devs). But today I get to talk about one of the pillars in my family: my granduncle, Rudy.
In 1960, the Washington Senators (eventually the Minnesota Twins) signed the first Dominican-born pitcher in Major League Baseball, Rudy Hernández (beating Juan Marichal by two weeks). Rudy grew up in New York, with our family avoiding much of Trujillo’s reign in the Dominican Republic (despite a few of El Jefe’s diplomats coming from our family). In those days, most of the Dominican and Puerto Rican players were close, playing in the Caribbean winter leagues, and it was his friend, Roberto Clemente, who finally convinced Rudy to become a pitcher. After pitching for both incarnations of the Washington Senators, Rudy continued in Triple-A baseball throughout the 60s. Eventually, he became a scout for the Orioles and Cubs and returned to Puerto Rico to coach for the Department of Sports and Recreation, for Orlando Cepeda’s baseball school, and to run his own baseball camp in San Juan. He passed in 2022.
Baseball wasn’t my sport, but that never mattered to Tío Rudy. For as little time as I got to spend with him, his tireless cultivation of Caribbean Latine talent for the sport he loved inspired my own desires to help grow our community with new and diverse voices. He taught me to persevere despite setbacks and how to set my goals high while still being flexible enough to change the game as needed.
Would you like to know more?
Follow me on Bluesky ( or check out my recent Paizo releases: SFS Special #6-99: The End Awakens, PFS Scenario #5-05: The Island of the Vibrant Dead, the Mechageddon! Adventure Path, and more to come orita!
Art by Artur Nakhodkin
Carlos Cabrera (he/they)
Hi everyone! For this year’s theme, I wanted to focus on the person who helped set me on my path: my late father.
To begin, I can say I definitely got my sense of humor from him. We are a mixed-race family, and he used to say that he was Cornucopian because he was so many things and that he came from Cornucopia. In my childhood, I grew up with a younger sister and two older brothers. It wasn’t until much later that I found out I had even more siblings, but back when it was just the four of us, my brothers and I each had a separate video game console. I had an Intellivision, Felipe had a Vectrex, and Esteban (we all call him Rico) had a Colecovision. Later, when I upgraded to an NES and then the SEGA Genesis, I found the game that made me decide what I wanted to do with my life— Flashback: The Quest for Identity (womp womp).
There’s a lot I wish I could show my dad nowadays, but most importantly of all, I want to tell him that it worked. At least part-time, anyway. I’m sure for him it would be more than enough.
We welcome our Hispanic and Latine community members to share their stories in the comments!
Exciting Updates on Pathfinder: Abomination Vaults – Plus a Playtest Contest!
Hey Paizo family! We at BKOM have some thrilling news about Pathfinder: Abomination Vaults, and it’s all thanks to your incredible support! Let’s dive into the latest updates, starting with a stunning character revamp and a sneak peek at some fresh gameplay images.
Exciting Updates on Pathfinder: Abomination Vaults – Plus a Playtest Contest!
Monday, October 07, 2024
Hey Paizo family! We at BKOM have some thrilling news about Pathfinder: Abomination Vaults, and it’s all thanks to your incredible support! Let’s dive into the latest updates, starting with a stunning character revamp and a sneak peek at some fresh gameplay images.
Meet the New Harsk
Our favorite dwarf ranger, Harsk, just got a serious glow-up! We’ve reworked his character model, adding amazing texture details and smoother animations. Now, he looks more realistic and battle-ready than ever. You’ll feel even more immersed as you fight through dungeons with him by your side!
Concept Art Reveal: Crow's Casks
Step inside Crow's Casks, a cozy brewery run by a retired pirate, Magiloy. Adventurers like you will find this spot perfect for gathering rumors (and drinking ale) before braving the dangerous Abomination Vaults.
New Gameplay Images
We’re also excited to share a few in-game images showcasing our ongoing work with Unreal Engine 5. The environments are packed with dynamic details and lush textures that bring the world of Golarion to life. It’s looking awesome—but remember, this is early footage!
Playtest Feedback
To those who participated in our latest playtest—thank you! The feedback has been incredible. Players loved the visual effects, smooth combat, and fun character-switching mechanics. And the best part? Over 97% of players said they’d recommend the game based on the prototype!
Contest Alert: Win an Exclusive Playtest Key!
To celebrate, we’re giving away 10 exclusive playtest keys PLUS Amazon gift cards! Don’t miss your chance to dive into the action early and share your thoughts.
How to Enter:
Head to our contest link, and you might be one of the lucky winners. Good luck!
Thanks again for your continued support. Stay tuned for more updates and follow us on Discord, Twitter, and Facebook to keep up with all the latest news.
Welcome friends! We are now checks watch about 26 days away from the release of War of Immortals, and there’s an important question I wanted to answer for all of you. Namely, “What is mythic?”
What is Mythic?
Friday, October 04, 2024
Welcome friends! We are now checks watch about 26 days away from the release of War of Immortals, and there’s an important question I wanted to answer for all of you. Namely, “What is mythic?”
For those of you who played Pathfinder First Edition or Owlcat’s CRPG conversion of the Wrath of the Righteous Adventure Path, you might have an idea. In those games, mythic was an extra layer of power and resource that sat on top of your normal character, elevating and enhancing them to incredible levels of power via mythic paths, which were not entirely dissimilar to Pathfinder Second Edition’s archetypes (assuming you use the free archetype variant rules, and all the archetypes were super juiced with options that kick the ceiling off the base game!).
For War of Immortals, we went back to the roots of all the inspirations that went into the previous iterations of mythic rules and reimagined them from the ground up as a unique storytelling tool to enhance the narrative abilities of Pathfinder Second Edition.
Samo and Nahoa tell their story to the orcs of Belkzen. Art by Oleksii Chernik.
Mythic adventures take their inspiration from legends, folktales, and other storytelling traditions around the world. These tales use wordplay and rarefied prose to convey moral lessons and tell stories that often defy logic. Mythic heroes and villains, even at lower levels of play, possess fantastical powers that are unbound by physics, and their ability to impact the narrative of the game world is often much more profound than is typical for a PC or NPC. To tell these stories we use five essential elements: Mythic Points, mythic proficiency, Callings, mythic feats, and mythic destinies.
When you first gain mythic power, this is expressed by your mythic Calling. Your calling gives you a unique way to spend and regain Mythic Points, makes you exceptionally hard to kill, presents you with a set of edicts and anathemas related to the purpose of your mythic power, and gives you the special Rewrite Fate ability, which allows you to use a Mythic Point to reroll a skill check or saving throw at mythic proficiency.
Mythic proficiency is a proficiency tier beyond legendary. Where legendary proficiency gives you a proficiency bonus of +8, mythic proficiency gives you a proficiency bonus of +10, and you might be able to use your mythic proficiency in specific ways as early as 1st level, allowing you to overcome challenges that would normally be far beyond a character of your level!
Mythic feats give you new ways to utilize your Mythic Points. Many of these expand the types of checks or other rolls you can make at mythic proficiency. Others, like the Divert Destiny mythic feat presented below, allow you to seize control of the narrative and dictate how your story unfolds.
DIVERT DESTINY [free-action] (FEAT 6)
Uncommon, Mythic
Trigger An attack or effect would reduce you to 0 Hit Points or kill you outright.
You defy the fate before you, calling on wells of mythic vitality to sustain your life and allow you to persevere. You expend 1 Mythic Point and survive the triggering attack or effect, lose the wounded or dying conditions entirely, don’t increase your doomed condition, and are conscious and standing with a number of Hit Points equal to 10 + your level, regardless of how many Hit Points you had before.
The final element of the new mythic rules, mythic destinies, gives you even more fantastic abilities and helps enshrine your character with an eternal place in the game world. Characters inclined toward cruelty or entropy might gain the apocalypse rider mythic destiny and spread war or famine across the world. Benevolent characters might instead become an ascended celestial, joining the heavenly ranks as an angel or azata to fight evil for all time. Characters with stronger ties to the mortal world might become prophesied monarchs or eternal legends, mighty leaders who are constantly reborn when the world needs them most. A rare few might even seek to complete the mythic destiny of a godling, joining the ranks of ascended deities like Irori and Iomedae!
Seelah shines with a godling’s mythic power! Art by Firat Solhan.
Whatever your chosen path as a mythic character is, you have a potent array of tools and options available to achieve a destiny that will carry you beyond the heroic, past the legendary, and allow you to become truly mythic!
I’m sorry, you mean to tell me it’s October already? I’m pretty sure I just got back from Gen Con. Time flies when the leaves are falling, I guess!
October 2024 Organized Play Monthly Update
Thursday, October 3, 2024
OPC Musings
I’m sorry, you mean to tell me it’s October already? I’m pretty sure I just got back from Gen Con. Time flies when the leaves are falling, I guess!
We’ve got a quick update for you this month, so I wanted to highlight a couple of things here at the top. Every year I see people ask for spooky scenarios for October, so Rue put together a collection of some of our spookiest, creepiest, and downright scariest adventures on the blog!
As some of you with keen eyes noticed, I did some poking around in the backend a couple of weeks ago to start setting up Starfinder Society (second edition). In doing so, I temporarily moved the Acquisitives faction into the new program. I have put it back where it belongs and I don’t believe any characters were harmed in the process, but if you notice lingering issues, please do let me know!
Digital Adventure Releases
These adventures will be available on October 30, 2024.
A quiet month on the sanctioning front! We did manage to get Pathfinder adventure Prey for Death’s sanctioning documents out even before last month’s blog was posted, so you can now enjoy assassinating some folks and earning credit for PFS in the process! The Pathfinder Curtain Call Adventure Path is just about ready to be posted at press time, so keep an eye out for that as well.
This month, of course, the big news is Pathfinder War of Immortals and its two new classes. We’ll have that ready for you on its delayed street date, October 30 (sorry, shipping issues!). Pathfinder Lost Omens Divine Mysteries is also chugging along and will be posted in November upon release.
GM Recognition
GM Ranks
Whether stars, novas, or glyphs, achieving a 5 ranking in any program involves a substantial amount of time. To achieve the 5th milestone, a GM must run 150 games, of which at least 50 must be unique scenarios and 10 special scenarios as well as run between one and three games for venture-captains (program dependent). A conservative estimate of the time needed to reach the 5th milestone is 650 hours!
This month we had five different GMs reach their fifth rank!
5th Glyph (PFS2): Jesse Butz, Hilary Moon Murphy, Robert Parker, Hali Peterson
5th Nova(SFS1): Matthew Vertz
If you believe you’ve completed your 5th rank but haven’t been announced yet, please email me at
Convention season may be winding down, but we’ve still got plenty of local conventions on the horizon! Check out the Conventions calendar for dozens of upcoming events to get your Paizo fix in.
We’re also still seeking GMs to join us at PAX Unplugged in December! Run three games for us and you’ll get a free badge into the show. This show will be the first chance for you to try out the new Pathfinder Quest board game, and you won’t want to miss that!
Until next time Pathfinders—Explore! Report! Cooperate! And watch out for spooky scary skeletons!
As the clock strikes midnight on October 1st, the peak of spooky season rears its head and beckons you closer… Whether you celebrate Halloween with sweets and smiles or delve into more terrifying tales, we have a selection of games and accessories to spice up your fall game night!
Fall Frights and Delights!
Tuesday, October 1, 2024
As the clock strikes midnight on October 1st, the peak of spooky season rears its head and beckons you closer… Whether you celebrate Halloween with sweets and smiles or delve into more terrifying tales, we have a selection of games and accessories to spice up your fall game night!
Now through October 10th, get Pathfinder Book of the Dead, Pathfinder Adventure Path: Blood Lords, and so much more on Humble Bundle! A portion of this frightfully good deal goes to Take This, a charity focused on mental health in gaming!
Multi-Night Scares!
Want to run an adventure through all of October? Try one of these standalone adventures designed to take characters through several levels of play!
Some rulebooks contain more than just options—adventures await with the cracking of the spine! These adventures are found inside hardcover rulebooks, which include spooky character options and creatures for your table!
Pathfinder Book of the Dead is flush with undead options, including this 3-4 hour adventure for 3rd level characters. Build a zombie, ghost, lich, or vampire, and explore the town of Fiorna’s Faith.
Get the Pathfinder Book of the Dead as a PDF or physical copy in our Pathfinder Bundle of the Dead!
Pathfinder Dark Archive brings mystery, intrigue, and paranormal power to your table with two classes: the thaumaturge and the psychic, as well as a host of other paranormal options! This adventure, “Lady of the Harvest,” is one of eight case files from the Dark Archive of mysteries.
A Season of Haunts!
If you’d like to take your spooky season game long-term, check out these Adventure Paths that are sure to rattle your bones!
Whether you’re looking for boosters of minis to bolster your ranks of undead or stunning your table with the premium Death Coach, Gholdako, and Yamaraj miniatures, our friends at WizKids have a variety of miniatures perfect for fright night!
Victory and Total Party Kill!
We have a saying in the Order: We don’t start campaigns, we finish them. Yet, no matter how many times we find ourselves at the end of an Adventure Path, it still feels nostalgic and we never take it for granted. Having played more than 160 published adventures to date, we’re extremely fortunate to have seen the bottom of so many dungeons, the end of so many stories, and we always make sure to toast when we reach the final encounter. Our headquarters in New Jersey has a shelf with champagne bottles that read “Giantslayer,” “Strange Aeons,” “Ruins of Azlant,” and more.
The Abomination Arsenal: Part 7
Friday, September 27, 2024
Victory and Total Party Kill!
We have a saying in the Order: We don’t start campaigns, we finish them. Yet, no matter how many times we find ourselves at the end of an Adventure Path, it still feels nostalgic and we never take it for granted. Having played more than 160 published adventures to date, we’re extremely fortunate to have seen the bottom of so many dungeons, the end of so many stories, and we always make sure to toast when we reach the final encounter. Our headquarters in New Jersey has a shelf with champagne bottles that read “Giantslayer,” “Strange Aeons,” “Ruins of Azlant,” and more.
Our last marathon of Abomination Vaults was everything you’d hope from the finale of an Adventure Path. The sheer number of hours we clocked dwarfed all previous marathons of this project. We hardly slept, played our hardest, and even Golarion’s pantheon took notice. Rovagug delivered a 4.7 earthquake that shook our miniatures on the opening day, followed by Sarenrae and Tsukiyo providing us a solar eclipse after a 22-hour session to close out. Across the last decade of our Pathfinder projects, this marathon will always rank among the best, and you just had to be there.
After eighteen months of real time, our party of gunslingers had worked its way down through ten levels of Paizo’s largest megadungeon! We managed to get the doors open to some kind of temple that felt like it predated the construction of the Abomination Vaults themselves. This had to be it. This was the bottom level.
Adventure: Eyes of Empty Death
Marathon Length: 69 hours, 45min
Session Hours: 51 hours, 25min
Highlights from Marathon 7:
□ Let’s start with the adult black dragon that we mentioned in the last blog. Never have we laid waste to any dragon in the fashion that we did here. Terrain was in its favor but irrelevant: Standing knee-deep in a swampy cavern doesn’t matter if your only actions are shoot, reload, shoot. Zoric, our unexpected sharpshooter, redefined the Black Arrow for Pathfinder when he landed a critical hit with his arquebus for 102 damage. Still, the dragon got a nice breath weapon off, along with a couple other attacks. We suppose it did take two rounds to bring it down – that’s just being respectful. About as respectful as cueing up “Looking Down the Barrel of a Gun” on our soundtrack while we sorted through its treasure.
□ We had to face a horde of Urdefhan to get their Emerald Fulcrum Lens and progress deeper into the Vaults. They had already summoned daemons, as you can see in the photo. The problem though, was that the author allowed our GM to decide if their current summoning ritual was successful or not. Of course it was, and Adam had a leukodaemon show up. Still, the bloodsuckers wanted bloodshed, and blood is what they got. Ever blow a hole through a transparent creature? It’s pretty cool.
□ The bottom level of the Abomination Vaults came complete with encounters that drew from all our experiences in the levels above. A month before the marathon, our GM gave us an assignment in the campaign’s Google Classroom: We had to submit three of our moments of success, along with three of our moments of failure throughout the campaign. The Path of Pleasant Memories on level ten thus became a fun tour through our favorite moments, remembered with fondness and smiles. The Path of Failure, however, was anything but. Adam turned this into a GM roast of the players with our lists of shortcomings – embellished further to his glee – and we had to take it in stride.
□ There are scenes in classic westerns where the protagonists get surprised by a circle of enemies on a ridge. We entered a room with a surrounding upper gallery that had a bunch of slits in the walls. It took us a second to realize the gallery was occupied by undead with blowguns, and the slits were for firing lanes – at us. What encounter could be more suited to a party of gunslingers than what the author himself described as a shooting gallery? Our steely performance here would have made those who had to settle for the O.K. Corral jealous. Everyone did their job, concentrated their fire on individual specters, and we pulled through with just a few pin pricks.
□ A bunch of glass golems were guarding an old section of Nhimbaloth’s temple on level ten. There was fantastic original art for them, and we guessed this might be a serious encounter for some groups. Asking us to shoot out windows with our BB guns that bypass physical resistance 10? Come on. This one was over so fast, including a competition to see if anyone could top the highest damage total in the campaign. Lady Sniper’s 82-damage shot was outdone by a 92-damage critical hit with Spellsling from our beast gunner. We couldn’t decide on whether Mazatl and his Penetrating Fire double-critical-hit counted.
Character Deaths
□ Deep in the cavern complex that comprises dungeon level nine, Belcorra seized another opportunity to ambush us. We’ve heard plenty of players over the years say “yeah, phantasmal killer is decent I guess, but they have to miss BOTH saving throws.” Vlai, founder of the Black Powder Cadre, missed both saves.
The Arsenal
Our goal with this project was to prove that you didn’t need balance or any specific role in a party to be successful in Pathfinder. We’re proud to have accomplished that goal. The outcome of the last encounter had nearly everything to do with prior decisions our players made on level ten, and very little to do with our characters or party composition. We have a lot of data and behind-the-scenes material to release in the wrap-up blog to come, which will help tell a larger story of how stable the game of Pathfinder 2E truly is – even with a severely unbalanced party of gunslingers. For now, we’ll celebrate another successful project in the books!
Best Quote from Marathon 7
(a trap goes off in a small room, and gas begins to fill the chamber)
Adam: “There are seven holes in the ceiling, each no larger than the size of a human finger.”
Theodora: “Okay, we could stick our fingers in the holes?”
Jody: “Just don’t use your trigger finger.”
The Final Fight
There she was, the ghost queen herself, flying high in one of the most impressive chambers we’d come across in this megadungeon. Accompanying her were four soul feeders: elite dread wisps we had unknowingly sent to the final battle from a previous encounter. Needless to say, we were sweating bullets. So much so, that we opened up with a fusillade of vicious anti-aircraft fire. Grundak began with his barricade buster, also known around the table as the 20mm cannon. Critical hit. The rest of us continued our blaze of glory, and with scrolls of ghostly weapon the results were staggering. The queen of the vaults suffered so much damage that she had no choice but to return fire with her nastiest spell first: phantasmal calamity. Breen, our medic, rolled a natural one and went down hard. We exchanged shots while the dread wisps surrounded us and began to use their Feed on Despair ability to devastating extent. It’s key to mention that we came in with many characters having been drained by an encounter with an isqulug, which allowed the wisps to use Feed on Despair from the start. Mazatl, Way of the Spellshot, held his breath one last time and zeroed in on his target. Critical hit to the incorporeal dome, completely destroying the ghost queen! Dropping Belcorra Haruvex in barely three rounds will always have a place in the annals of Amber Die history, but it didn’t stop the wisps from adding us to the pile of legends too. We weren’t exactly sure what we needed to do with the fulcrum lenses we had acquired in the levels above, and now Belcorra was gone. Tess Rajani, Way of the Drifter, made a last stand and tried everything she could to invest the lenses into what was left of Belcorra’s essence in the room, but to no avail. Yet, for everyone at the table who took our radical party of gunslingers through hundreds of hours of encounters, this was just a single fight.
Even though Belcorra won – so did we.
More Content
Our table was brought to life with the help of Blue Table Painting for the miniatures, and Black Bard Studios for custom adventure-specific miniatures/terrain.
Hello, Pathfinders!
Writing this column has been a feat and a half since I’ve been on the road so much! Just to recap what I’ve done recently: Went through the Puddles to check on what’s happening there, went through Eastgate and Westgate to peek at the latest fashions coming through, nibbled my way through the Grand Bazaar to check out a visiting chef, and then got packed up to go and stay at the Docks district on “official business.”
A Venture-Gossip Briefing!
Thursday, September 26, 2024
Hello, Pathfinders!
Writing this column has been a feat and a half since I’ve been on the road so much! Just to recap what I’ve done recently: Went through the Puddles to check on what’s happening there, went through Eastgate and Westgate to peek at the latest fashions coming through, nibbled my way through the Grand Bazaar to check out a visiting chef, and then got packed up to go and stay at the Docks district on “official business.”
(It’s those boxes.)
(The red ones.)
(I knew they were weird!)
Illustration by Mirco Paganessi
Beyond my beloved Absalom, I’m still championing Agent Anemone to be our venture-captain in Nirmathas! Her dear companion Pattypan of Gold Bits has sent along their recommendation letter, so if any other Pathfinders see it, well, you know my thoughts!
Illustration by Samuel Azeredo
Outside of that: it seems that Lady Hesla Embersplitter may be starting to split at the seams! We’re learning so much about her, especially her manor which
Publisher’s Note:
Upon receiving this quarter’s briefing from VG, it abruptly ended there and included a strange sketch of what looks like a wasp in dirty robes. We’re not sure what the intended message of this was, but we also have not received any further communication from VG since they left the Isle of Kortos. We’re holding off on being concerned as this isn’t the first time they’ve gone off the grid for either Pathfinder Society or gossip reasons!
With concern,
Ink Worker’s United Printing Press
c/o Agent Kitsch, Office of Supplies and Procurement
New Releases on Demiplane for Pathfinder 2e and Starfinder 2e Playtest
Unleash your next hero with up to seven different unlocks!
Hello, Paizo Community! We are so excited to announce our newest releases and content releases from these past few months! We’re thrilled to be able to offer these official tools to the community and value your continued feedback about Pathfinder and Starfinder Nexus.
New Releases on Demiplane for Pathfinder 2e and Starfinder 2e Playtest
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Unleash your next hero with up to seven different unlocks!
Hello, Paizo Community! We are so excited to announce our newest releases and content releases from these past few months! We’re thrilled to be able to offer these official tools to the community and value your continued feedback about Pathfinder and Starfinder Nexus.
One of the most frequently requested features—the ability to export Pathfinder Nexus characters to a PDF—is live and available for both Starfinder and Pathfinder Nexus. Whether you want to show off your own character or your favorite iconic, build your character in minutes and have them ready in an editable PDF in seconds.
The life of an adventurer is a dangerous one, so feel welcome to choose from one of many pregenerated characters to tackle danger head on! Whether you’re looking to leverage Valeros’ fearlessness or Cutie Killstuff’s deceptively bright smile, pregenerated characters are only a few clicks away. Want to make edits? Every pregen can be tweaked to your heart’s desire—this allows new and experienced users to take advantage of “recommended builds” from official Pathfinder 2e content to get into the game quickly. Pregen characters are available on both Starfinder and PathfinderNexus and are kept up to date as more and more content is released.
Ever wanted to see what it was like to take the fiercest barbarian in Golarion and have them pilot a starship or find a missile launcher? Never let go of your dreams! You can select Pathfinder 2e content in Starfinder Nexus (and Starfinder 2e Playtest content in Pathfinder Nexus) during character creation.
Each character on Pathfinder Nexus can now track crafting projects, invested items, and rest/recovery rules:
Start a new crafting project following Pathfinder 2e rules. Start a new project, select an item to begin building, roll for results, and select your degree of success. We’ll let you know the number of days spent, the total amount of funds spent, and even allow players to spend additional days on the project if needed. Didn’t roll well? Did Bandits disrupt your crafting efforts again? Save your project for later, and we’ll store it until you’re ready to try again.
Characters can now invest and track invested items on their character sheet. Not sure which treasure of yours can be invested? We’ve got it covered for you. You seek out the loot, and we’ll handle the logistics with the investment drawer. Don’t want to be constrained by the rules? Override the maximum number of invested items and walk around like the bedazzled kobold you’ve always wanted to be—we won’t stop you.
Finally, we’ve finished our Rest & Recovery system, which allows players to quickly see the benefits of rest and select any additional rest options relevant to their character, be it resting without shelter, sleeping in armor, or resetting all your prepared spells. With the Rest & Recovery system completed, all relevant notes, penalties, or benefits should also be tracked for your review (we’re looking at you and your 2 hour ‘standby state,’ automatons).
Pathfinder Nexus and Starfinder Nexus are the official, online, all-in-one Pathfinder 2e & Starfinder 2e compendium and toolset for play wherever you are, be it a physical or virtual tabletop. Both systems host a library of enhanced rulebooks and quick-reference resources, as well as interactive tools useful for matchmaking, planning games, and managing real-time play for GMs and party members alike. Whether you’re running the game or joining the adventure, Pathfinder and Starfinder Nexus create an accessible, intuitive experience to bring your story to life.
Deep within the ancient Verduran Forest of Taldor, in a treacherous swampland known as the Dragonfen, there is a tale about the Dragon Tyrant Aeteperax, slain a thousand years ago by a band of heroic warriors. But victory doesn’t last forever, and enemies eventually rise again, calling forth new heroes to embark upon a perilous quest to save a town and defeat he who would once more call himself the Dragon Tyrant.
Back The Dragon's Demand CRPG
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Deep within the ancient Verduran Forest of Taldor, in a treacherous swampland known as the Dragonfen, there is a tale about the Dragon Tyrant Aeteperax, slain a thousand years ago by a band of heroic warriors. But victory doesn’t last forever, and enemies eventually rise again, calling forth new heroes to embark upon a perilous quest to save a town and defeat he who would once more call himself the Dragon Tyrant.
Hail and well-met Pathfinders! I’m Alan Miranda, CEO of Ossian Studios, and I am excited to introduce you to our new Paizo-licensed RPG video game, Pathfinder: The Dragon’s Demand. Over a year in the making, it’s a single-player, turn-based game that features deep character customization, a faithful adaptation of the remastered Pathfinder Second Edition Core rules, and an enhanced tabletop minis-style play. It's all about miniatures in a tabletop-style world—the world of Pathfinder!
Playing tabletop many years ago made a huge impact on me. It was the most exciting time I’d ever had with a game, like a fantasy book coming alive from my own choices and dice rolls. It felt magical. It’s those memories that inspired me to work at BioWare as a producer on the Baldur’s Gate and Neverwinter Nights games. And that’s when I realized I was always trying to recreate that same pen-and-paper magic in the RPGs I worked on.
So that’s what we’re doing with The Dragon’s Demand: going back to our tabletop roots to recreate that magic in a single-player, turn-based video game, with miniatures. It looks like a beautiful tabletop diorama but does all the things that aren’t possible to show on a physical tabletop, so it’s like an “enhanced tabletop.” And it uses a faithful adaptation of Pathfinder’s Second Edition rules for players to interact with the world in some very refreshing ways.
We’ve been building a prototype of this enhanced tabletop game for over a year. That includes nailing down the right art style on a solid technical framework, as well as integrating the remastered ruleset in an ongoing process.
So, what are some of the cool things you’ll see in The Dragon’s Demand? Well, when it comes to miniatures, we have adaptive poses based on actions, including grab poses, dynamic body postures for different inclines, but most importantly, a 3D grid system. Instead of grid squares, we’ll be using grid cubes, which give characters the incredible freedom of movement to climb ropes, walls, and trees, levitate, fly, swim deep underwater, and more.
And our environments will have dynamic weather that impacts the world, visual effects that obscure visibility, and a ton of skill-based environmental interactions like taking cover and sneaking, squeezing through really tight spots, throwing your own ropes to climb, and forcing open doors and windows with a crowbar.
The CRPG will be based on 2013’s Pathfinder adventure The Dragon's Demand, a Pathfinder First Edition dungeon and wilderness adventure for 1st level characters. Written by Mike Shel, it delves into the Dark Tapestry—the darkness between the stars where powerful entities and madness lurk. We’ll be expanding that adventure with new areas to explore, lots of intriguing side quests, and a brand new, personal story for player characters that delves into the darkness of the Dark Tapestry.
The return of a legendary dragon long vanquished sees the town of Belhaim once again under dire threat. The game will present a huge, interactive world to explore, with hundreds of characters and dozens of quests that react to the player’s choices. A cast of colorful companions, including iconic characters such as the goblin alchemist Fumbus, will be on hand to join the player’s party, each featuring their own motivations and backstory.
With over 30 hours of gameplay accompanied by a beautiful soundtrack and professional voice acting, gamers can look forward to a classic, single-player, party-based CRPG experience where they will be able to:
Create deep, custom character builds from a choice of 7 ancestries, 16 classes, and more than 30 backgrounds.
Play as a dwarf, elf, gnome, goblin, halfling, human, or an orc.
Choose their path as an alchemist, barbarian, bard, champion, cleric, druid, fighter, investigator, monk, oracle, ranger, rogue, sorcerer, swashbuckler, witch, or wizard.
Form a party of four with up to three companions, out of a possible dozen characters encountered during their adventures, to forge bonds of friendship and even romance!
Level up characters to level 8.
Wield a multitude of powerful spells from all four magical traditions: Arcane, Divine, Occult, and Primal.
Equip hundreds of unique armors and weapons and see them dynamically change on miniature characters.
Explore the region using an interactive world map to travel to many mysterious and dangerous locations across the Dragonfen, Verduran Forest, and the town of Belhaim.
Ossian Studios is an independent game developer who has made RPGs exclusively for twenty years, including Dungeons & Dragons story-driven RPGs. For The Dragon's Demand, Ossian brings our attention to detail together with the rules, lore, and deep character customization for which Pathfinder is known—and even offers a selection of digital dice to toss in the game.
Today we are sending out the call to Pathfinders to back the Pathfinder: The Dragon’s Demand CRPG on Kickstarter. The Kickstarter is live and offers authentic minted precious metal City of Absalom coins and 3D printable STL minis files among the many rewards.
Dragonslayers wanted! Get ready for wild adventures in a world filled with monstrous enemies in a brand-new style of CRPG. Learn more about Pathfinder: The Dragon’s Demand at
“Auntie, below you!” Nahoa’s spear crackled, lightning scouring its barbs free of blood and gristle as he pulled it from a spined skull. The boat rocked under his feet as the creature spasmed and slid below the waves.
Iconic Encounter: The Serpent’s Passage
Friday, September 20, 2024
“Auntie, below you!” Nahoa’s spear crackled, lightning scouring its barbs free of blood and gristle as he pulled it from a spined skull. The boat rocked under his feet as the creature spasmed and slid below the waves.
Samo shifted her feet in response to Nahoa’s warning. The spirits of Valmdas Bay, each a tiny wrasse made of water, responded so quickly that it was almost like they’d predicted her signal, and in a spray of mist, they carried her across the seafoam. A second set of needle-sharp jaws erupted right where Samo had been, but they caught only water.
Nahoa sighed in relief. He’d seen the wise practitioner rend undead under blades of light and convince the very earth to spit its burning blood forth, but Nahoa had been taught to always take care of his elders. It was why he’d insisted they splurge on a boat across the bay instead of hiking the long way around—less to save time, more to make sure that the ferryman and his grandson would be safe in these monster-infested waters. Nahoa looked down to check on them, only to find the pair clearly in their element, the old man with a hand on the tiller and the boy bailing water from the boat.
As he turned back to the ocean, Nahoa found himself facing the sea serpent’s maw. Oh. His next thought was of how beautiful the clouds looked, his body turned skyward as he skipped across the water in the wake of the serpent’s blow before he crashed into a rocky outcropping. Nahoa’s head reeled a bit from the impact… no, not the impact. Nahoa looked at where the beast’s fangs had sunk into his shoulder, and even through his tattoos, he could see his veins begin to darken with venom.
Nahoa wasn’t worried. He’d been wounded before, by something much greater than this, and he’d left the encounter not just with his life, but something more. He reached deep into his soul, drawing forth his spark of divine power, and pushed it into his body, the scar on his chest beginning to glow with light. That had been a wound, one that would stay with him forever—this was barely a scratch by comparison. The scar blazed, and as light rippled outward from it across Nahoa’s skin, his wounds closed, without even a break in his tattoos where the fangs had been.
In the distance, the sea serpent reared its head back to strike at the boat. Samo danced in the air, her magic growing into roots and vines to pull the boy to safety. The old ferryman was left on the boat, though, and Samo wouldn’t be able to reach him in time.
Illustration by Oleksii Chernik.
The spark pulsed as its energy coursed over Nahoa before coming to illuminate the eyes in the stone owl mask at his waist. Be brave it said, pulling the young man forward. The waves between him and the serpent were too broad to cross, but he crossed them anyway. The serpent was too large for him to possibly grab, but he grabbed it anyway, his belt filling his body with divine strength as he wrestled the beast away from the ferryman. Was this how it felt, to be above mortal concerns? Like all you needed to do to cut an enemy down or to be where you wanted to be was simply to will it, to simply make it happen and have it be done? Nahoa flung the serpent back into the water as Samo’s vines pulled the ferryman to safety. Then, the moment of transcendence passed, and Nahoa was mortal once again.
The waters went still. Nahoa flipped his spear underhand and watched the waves. A spine cut the surface and Nahoa lashed out, but the serpent dove below before he could pierce it. A tail emerged on the other side of the boat, and once again Nahoa’s arm was too slow. Coils began to surround it from below the water, out of reach, and without the steady hand of the ferryman, the boat lurched dangerously.
Samo approached to lend aid, but Nahoa extended a hand as he dropped his spear. If he couldn’t find the creature, he’d just make sure he didn’t have to. He drew his power inwards, back from his relics, and there was silence. Like the tide drawing out far enough to leave the corals exposed, before the wave crashed down. Like the tradewinds driving up the mountain cliffs, before the rains fell. Like a voice grew quiet, before it let loose a great confession. Nahoa’s power grew and grew as it spiraled within him. He had seized that spark of gods high in the sky, and in this moment, the sky would bend to his command.
Nahoa laughed as he spun his arms, and his cry echoed like thunder as the sky opened. To the north, spring lightning seared the sky. To the east, summer monsoons churned the water’s surface. To the south, red leaves sliced in melancholy. And to the west, hail drove deep into the water. Then, Nahoa’s laugh and the storm’s howl faded, and a moment later, the serpent’s body floated to the surface, each section bearing different wounds.
Samo returned to the boat, the ferryman and his grandson in tow. As the sage returned, Nahoa had only one question for his traveling companion. He pointed to the water, where a few hailstones still floated on the surface.
“What are those?”
About the Author
James Case is lead developer for the Pathfinder Rules and Lore team and he can’t wait to hear what sort of mythic heroes that players are looking forward to making when War of Immortals releases! You can find his thoughts on game design and hyphen usage at TwittXter or BlueSka.
About Iconic Encounters
Iconic Encounters is a series of web-based flash fiction set in the worlds of Pathfinder and Starfinder. Each short story provides a glimpse into the life and personality of one of the games’ iconic characters, showing the myriad stories of adventure and excitement players can tell with the Pathfinder and Starfinder roleplaying games.
Samo and Nahoa make their debut in Pathfinder War of Immortals this October. This rulebook introduces their classes (the animist and exemplar, respectively) into Pathfinder Second Edition, allowing players to channel powerful nature spirits or become a demigod unto themselves. Within, you’ll also find mythic rules to allow characters of all classes to tell stories of legendary scope, all set against the cataclysmic event of the Godsrain and ensuing War of Immortals. War of Immortals is available for preorder now in hardcover, special edition, and pocket edition and will also be available as a retailer-exclusive sketch cover while supplies last. Read more of Samo and Nahoa’s adventures in War of Immortals and Pathfinder: Before the Godsrain, and look for their special guest appearance in November’s Godsrain novel from Liane Merciel.
Hello, Starfinders! This month, we’re heading back to the planet Aballon! First Seeker Sarmak’s archaeological survey of the ancient city of Eternity continues, and word is he needs agents to explore a server archive created by the mysterious First Ones. Have fun uncovering long-buried secrets, and keep an eye out for Those Who Call… I hear they’re up to something…
September Digital Adventures Previews
Thursday, September 19, 2024
Hello, Starfinders! This month, we’re heading back to the planet Aballon! First Seeker Sarmak’s archaeological survey of the ancient city of Eternity continues, and word is he needs agents to explore a server archive created by the mysterious First Ones. Have fun uncovering long-buried secrets, and keep an eye out for Those Who Call… I hear they’re up to something…
Left to right: Illustrations by Rodrigo Gallo and Max Roche
But that’s not all!
Infamous media mogul Zo! has a new game show that pits adventurers and thrill-seekers against dangerous and strange creatures collected from across the stars! The reward? Fame and fortune, of course! Step right up, come on down, and ready your laser pistols… You’re the next contestants on Zo!’s Wheel of Monsters! Best of luck!
Starfinder Playtest Scenario #3: Wheel of Monsters is an adventure for 10th-level characters written by Dustin Knight! This is a Starfinder Second Edition Playtest Scenario. This adventure is designed to be replayed, and features three rounds of competition, with multiple possible foes for each round. Spin that wheel!
Jessica Catalan Starfinder Society Developer
Hello Pathfinders!
It’s a carnival! To raise money for the Knights of Lastwall’s fight against the undead, the enigmatic Lady Hesla Embersplitter has decided to host a carnival within the Foreign Quarter! It has goldfish and games and dancing bears, oh my! Hopefully those ominous rain clouds overhead don’t mean that we get rained out...
Rahadoum, a land that abhors the gods, at first found Gorum’s death to be a cause for celebration. However, the Godsrain that followed brought only uncertainty, filling some members of a populace who hate divine power with that same power and causing suspicion toward these individuals to boil over. Amid all this turmoil, Kassi Aziril, a renowned medical researcher, found that several of her apprentices became empowered after the Godsrain and are now facing growing prejudice, persecution, and uncertainty. She’s turned to the Pathfinders to get her students out of Manaket and Rahadoum safely, but a radical element within the city guard has other ideas. If they Pathfinders succeed, though, they might just gain access to incredibly rare medical techniques that only Kassi’s students would otherwise be able to learn…
Left to right: illustrations by Juan Miguel Lopez Barea and Bruno Cesar
Support Take This with the Pathfinder Second Edition Bundle of the Dead
Spooky Season approaches (though, let’s be honest, does it ever really end for some of us?) and that provides the perfect opportunity for a thematically appropriate Humble Bundle! Starting today, and running through October 10, you can pick up the Pathfinder Second Edition Bundle of the Dead, featuring $811 of content, including Book of the Dead, the complete six-part Blood Lords Adventure Path (as well as the associated Foundry VTT modules), and many more titles to help you bring chilling adventures of terror and dread to your face-to-face or digital tables!
Support Take This with the Pathfinder Second Edition Bundle of the Dead
Thursday, September 19, 2024
Spooky Season approaches (though, let’s be honest, does it ever really end for some of us?) and that provides the perfect opportunity for a thematically appropriate Humble Bundle! Starting today, and running through October 10, you can pick up the Pathfinder Second Edition Bundle of the Dead, featuring $811 of content, including Book of the Dead, the complete six-part Blood Lords Adventure Path (as well as the associated Foundry VTT modules), and many more titles to help you bring chilling adventures of terror and dread to your face-to-face or digital tables!
But it’s not just the content of this bundle that’s timely. Proceeds from the Pathfinder Second Edition Bundle of the Dead will support Take This, whose mission is to decrease the stigma of, and increase the support for, mental health in the game enthusiast community and inside the game industry. While they’d be a worthy cause to support at any time, Take This announced at the end of August that they were in dire need of help to keep from shutting down entirely. There’s literally no better time for you to support their cause, and this bundle provides just such an opportunity.
At the base level of a $5 donation, you’ll receive everything you need to take your first haunting steps into Pathfinder Second Edition, with PDFs of the Pathfinder Beginner Box, Core Rulebook, Bestiary, GM Screen, Character Sheet Pack, and the Blood Lords Adventure Path Player’s Guide—a value of over $84!
For $15 or more, you’ll get everything in the $5 tier, plus PDFs of the first three volumes of the Blood Lords Adventure Path, Advanced Player’s Guide, Gamemastery Guide, Lost Omens World Guide, Lost Omens Character Guide,Lost Omens Impossible Lands, four Pathfinder Society Scenarios (1–03: Escaping the Grave, 1–25: Grim Symphony, 2–17: Lost Maid of Anactoria, and 4–02: Return to the Grave), as well as eight Pathfinder Flip-Mats (Village Square, Haunted House, Bigger Temple, Arcane Library, Woodlands, Swamp, Forest Multi-Pack, and Ghost Town)—an additional $305 value.
For $35 or more, you get everything above plus another $375 in value, including PDFs of Book of the Dead, the last three volumes of the Blood Lords Adventure Path, Secrets of Magic, Lost Omens Ancestry Guide, Lost Omens Legends, four Pathfinder Society Scenarios (4–05: The Arclord Who Never Was, 4–10: Arclord’s Abode, 4–06: Signal from the Electric Laboratory, and 4–11: Prisoners of the Electric Laboratory), Pathfinder Bounty 21: Against the Unliving, two Starfinder Flip-Mats (Solar Temple and Spaceport), five Pathfinder Flip-Mats (The Rusty Dragon Inn, Museum, Dungeons Multi-Pack, Bigger Island, and Arcane Dungeons), and two Pathfinder Flip-Tiles collections (Dungeon Starter Set andDungeon Vaults Expansion). Additionally, customers at this tier will receive codes to add the entire Blood Lords Adventure Path to your FoundryVTT repertoire. This tier represents a whopping $375 value!
Finally, for those players and GMs who love the feel of a physical book and whose bookshelves yearn for one more Pathfinder title, we’re offering the hardcover edition of Pathfinder Book of the Dead to everyone who pays $50 or more. This book retails for $49.99 by itself, so a purchase through this bundle effectively gets you all the digital content for one cent! When you redeem your Humble Bundle codes on, the book will be added to your cart at no cost; you simply pay shipping and handling at checkout.
The Pathfinder Second Edition Bundle of the Dead runs from now through 11 AM (PDT) on Thursday, October 10. Don’t miss your chance to take advantage of this unparalleled deal and support Take This when they need the help the most.
Take This has provided support, community, information, and tools to support mental wellness for people who make and play games since 2012. Through programs that serve the game community and the game industry, the organization strives to build an environment that fosters and celebrates mental wellbeing through games, communities, and workplaces built for thriving.
Take This’ three tentpole programs provide concrete support to people who make and play games while uplifting everyone who is part of this community.
The Take This Accelerate Program is an initiative fueling the next generation of games and mental health experts. While supporting the professional development of creators, game developers, and researchers, Accelerate is building a critical mass of ethically trained, knowledgeable early-career professionals to advance the work of building a game industry focused on digital thriving, prosocial interaction, and safety by design.
The Take This AFK Room is a staffed, relaxed space at conventions and events designed for anyone who feels overwhelmed and needs a place to regain their calm. It is run by local volunteers and clinicians, trained by Take This, to moderate and maintain the atmosphere. The program offers education, resources, and a non-therapeutic listening ear to convention attendees, allowing them to find respite and fully enjoy their convention experience.
The Take This Mental Health in Games Awards honors digital and tabletop games which represent excellence in compassionate, non-stigmatizing portrayals of mental health, normalize mental health challenges, and uplift the mental wellbeing of the game community. These awards recognize excellence in compassionate, non-stigmatizing portrayals of mental health and mental health challenges in both video and tabletop games - games that go above and beyond in portraying the cornerstones of the Take This’ mission: mental health issues, healing, and hope.
Why this bundle, right now?
Right now, Take This is facing a serious financial reality: You may have noticed the organization’s plea for financial support earlier this year. As hard as they’ve worked to make up that gap, the organization still needs significant help. Without everyone’s support, Take This and all of its impactful programs will cease to exist - unless they raise $80,000 by the end of September. Luckily, to help them make up the gap, Take This has received a commitment from an anonymous donor to match up to $50,000 of all donations made during this month—including from this bundle! So, you can double the impact of your gift just by purchasing the bundle. And if you can’t purchase the bundle, please consider supporting the awesome work of Take This directly.
Hail and well met, ‘Finders! This month’s new releases invite you to take your final bow, let your hair down at the carnival, and take your chances against the Wheel of Monsters!
Find Your Path – September 2024
Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Hail and well met, ‘Finders! This month’s new releases invite you to take your final bow, let your hair down at the carnival, and take your chances against the Wheel of Monsters!
Never miss a release with our Paizo Subscriptions—for everything from rulebooks to accessories! Subscribers get a free PDF with purchase, early access to game content, and exclusive discounts on!
It’s almost showtime! After months of preparation, practice, and a few unexpected setbacks, your opera is nearly ready to go. With the premiere only a month away, though, it’s no time to relax! There’s still plenty of time for things to go wrong and unexpected disaster to strike. Anything is possible when it comes to life in the theater! The Curtain Call Adventure Path concludes with “Bring the House Down,” a complete adventure for 18th- to 20th-level characters.
Bring the House Down is also available as a deluxe Foundry VTT adventure bundle!
From the open streets of a cityscape to the docking bay of a hi-tech station—your journey into the science-fantasy setting of Starfinder starts here with Starfinder Flip-Mat: Basic Terrain. One side of this mat displays the interior of a futuristic space station, such as Absalom Station, the center of the Starfinder setting. The other side depicts the concrete streets of one of countless urban sprawls found throughout the galaxy. Both provide a blank canvas to draw any terrain or adventure set piece a Game Master might need. Combine this with the upcoming Starfinder Flip-Mat: Planetary Terrain Multi-Pack, and you’ll be set to run all the futuristic adventures you want!
Danger can come at any time, but the most sinister enemies attack while you’re sleeping! This Flip-Mat gives you two opportunities to bring these fights to your table. One side depicts a woodland campsite, while the other shows the upper floor of a cozy inn. With Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Night Ambush, you’re always ready to spring an attack
It could be just another day at the office, but one where your players live out their fantasies of demolishing cubicles or having sword fights in the meeting room. One side depicts a futuristic workspace, replete with walkways, meeting rooms, private offices, and lounging areas. The reverse side depicts the same site, now devastated by some catastrophic event, allowing you to dynamically change your battlefield on the fly. This map also directly connects to Starfinder Flip-Mat: Data Center to let you make a truly massive encounter space. Starfinder Flip-Mats present ready-to-use science-fantasy set pieces for the busy Game Master. With Starfinder Flip-Mat: Corporate Office, you’ll be ready for the next encounter!
A Starfinder Second Edition Playtest adventure designed for 10th-level characters.
Zo! Media is the Pact Worlds’ largest multimedia entertainment empire. Run by the enigmatic and ever charismatic undead elebrian Zo!, Zo! Media’s most popular shows thrust living contestants into challenging, desperate, and often lethal situations. His newest show, Wheel of Monsters, pits adventurers, thrill-seekers, gladiators, and veteran soldiers against dangerous and strange creatures collected from across the stars. Whether the contestants are fighting for honor, glory, or to pay off a gambling debt, Zo! has promised an unusual twist on each broadcast that’ll be sure to keep both viewers and contestants guessing to the very end.
Step right up, come on down, and ready your laser pistols… You’re the next contestants on Zo!’s Wheel of Monsters! Where there’s a big prize if you make it out alive!
A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 5th- through 8th-level characters.
Rahadoum is a land that abhors the gods, and while the death of Gorum was cause for celebration there, the Godsrain that followed brought only uncertainty. Kassi Azaril, one of the most outspoken opponents of divine magic and renowned medical researcher, found several of her apprentices empowered after the Godsrain, and they now face growing prejudice from other citizens, stoked by a radical element within the city guards of Manaket.
Kassi does not want to abandon these students. She knows the Pathfinder Society would love to get their hands on some of her finest trainees, and so has called upon them to get her students out of Manaket and to safety. But some higher ups in the Manaket guard have decided to take matters into their own hands.
A Starfinder Society Scenario designed for 1st- through 4th-level characters.
First Seeker Sarmak’s archaeological survey of the ancient city of Eternity continues, as the Starfinders explore a server archive created by the First Ones of Aballon, uncovering tantalizing information and long-buried secrets. When a mysterious and violent group known as Those Who Call makes an unexpected appearance, it’s up to the Starfinders to save the day!
This is the second of three scenarios in the ongoing Year of Era’s End metaplot.
A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 3rd- through 6th-level characters.
In her latest venture to help fund the Knights of Lastwall and to bring some needed cheer to Absalom, Lady Hesla Embersplitter has announced a carnival within the Foreign Quarter, inviting the children of Absalom to come and spend some time among games and entertainment. As a sign of goodwill, the Pathfinder Society has decided to send along a group of Pathfinders to make a show of being around and keep an eye on some of the visiting students from the Dacilane Academy. However, the mysterious Godsrain doesn't seem to be finished quite yet and a strange storm seems to be brewing over the Puddles...
From Our Partners:
Our partners at Archives of Nethys, Demiplane, Fantasy Grounds, Hero Lab Online, and Roll20* are dropping new content this month as well! Buy your PDF on to get a discount via the PaizoConnect API. Or pay full price on their platforms, sync your account, and get a complimentary PDF on the Paizo Store.
*Roll20 is no longer a part of PaizoConnect and discounts and complimentary PDFs do not apply.
Bring Pathfinder to where you are, in person or online, and if you don’t have a favorite local game store, get books delivered to your door via a Paizo Subscription! From rulebooks to adventures, accessories, and more, we’ve got subscriptions for every table! Subscribing to a line of books gets you the physical book and the PDF for one price! Subscribe to four lines or more to unlock Paizo Advantage savings on products site-wide!
The local apparitions were increasingly inhospitable as Samo and Nahoa made their way to the feet of the mountains and into the sun-blasted wastes that the orcs of Belkzen claimed as their hold. Though her grandmother’s spirit was with her as always, the little spirits she knew best from the north—those of river and wave or those who hid in the shade of the taiga—had stayed behind in the places to which they were accustomed when Samo headed south.
Iconic Encounter: Boars of Belkzen
Friday, September 13, 2024
The local apparitions were increasingly inhospitable as Samo and Nahoa made their way to the feet of the mountains and into the sun-blasted wastes that the orcs of Belkzen claimed as their hold. Though her grandmother’s spirit was with her as always, the little spirits she knew best from the north—those of river and wave or those who hid in the shade of the taiga—had stayed behind in the places to which they were accustomed when Samo headed south.
She had reached out to the spirits of this unfamiliar place looking for aid and information only to be met by a recalcitrant and surly apparition who seemed to chase away any other local entities. He was Orc and he was Battle, though Samo doubted he was any particular orc or specific battle; rather, he seemed an amalgamation of the most prominent attributes of this hard place. Her grandmother’s presence had retreated to the back of her mind as she made this new spirit the primary focus of her meditations, seeking to establish a bond that would allow her to draw upon their knowledge of their environs. The spirit warred and wrestled with her as they communed, though she sensed no malice; it seemed instead that the spirit’s language was simply one of conflict. Perhaps, she quickly realized, fortunately so.
A pair of spine-covered, wild-eyed boars snorted their challenge from a nearby rocky protuberance, the hard-edged nails of their feet tearing troughs in the earth.
“Nahoa,” Samo cried, “watch out!”
The large man smiled a grim smile as he looked up at the bristle boars. Samo felt an echo of approval from the orcish battle spirit she had been entreating, the apparition’s former reticence slipping away as their knowledge of battle and Belkzen filled her mind, along with some other interesting information.
“Do you see there, up behind them, Nahoa?” Samo’s question was met with a nod from her mighty companion, though he did not take his eyes off the dangerous creatures.
“I do.” Nahoa’s hands gripped his spear tightly before he thrust down into the ground. “Piglets, it would seem. Food in the mountains must be scarce for them to have brought their whole family to hunt and scavenge this far in search of it. Maybe...”
Without finishing his thought, the former farmer reached into his pack, feeling around until his fingers closed on a leaf-wrapped package. Pulling it forth, he carefully unsealed it, revealing a cluster of smoked tubers he’d prepared a few days earlier. He threw the bundle carefully toward the boars, hoping the food might be enough to persuade them to stand down. His offering was perhaps too late or too aggressively delivered, however, for as the tubers sailed through the air, so too did the spine-covered bodies of the two boars.
Samo reached for her magic to fling spears of light and spirit at the boars only to find the battle apparition all too eager to respond with their own power instead. Magic of joyful aggression whirled through her, and before she realized it, she was springing into battle alongside Nahoa. The large warrior had left his carved spear behind, clearly hopeful that his great strength could subdue at least one of the beasts without orphaning their young and stranding them to a slow death by starvation.
As Nahoa and the larger of the two boars crashed to the ground in a tumble of red-stained dust, Samo’s war gavel spun in her hand with remarkable lightness, crashing into the other beast with a strength and impact beyond what her slight frame should have been capable of. She turned with the impact, letting the boar’s quills scratch along the wooden plates of her armor as she prepared another strike. The battle spirit’s magic guided her, and she howled out a word in Orcish—no doubt the spirit’s language coursing back through their bond—that caused her war gavel to strike with unnatural accuracy, amplified by a power that enabled the gavel to tear soul as much as flesh.
Samo heals Nahoa. Illustration by Oleksii Chernik.
The boar squealed in pain and danced away as Nahoa surged up from the ground, lifting his own boar over his head and hurling the creature back toward the outcropping from which it had first approached. Both boars, in quite unboarlike fashion, fled back to their young, one snatching up the bundle of tubers as it went. Samo unleashed a mighty Orcish war cry, proclaiming her victory, as the magic of the battle apparition finally left her.
As she turned sheepishly toward Nahoa to apologize for the display, she realized that her companion was more badly wounded than had been initially apparent. Even as the mighty young man cast her a weak grin of confidence, he collapsed to the ground, his body covered in brutal tears and punctured through with dozens of quills. Samo rushed to his side, pulling the quills from his flesh using the techniques taught to her long ago. As she did so, she concentrated on pushing the battle apparition aside to allow her grandmother’s nurturing spirit to flow through her once more. The war spirit gave ground grudgingly, and Samo laid aside her clan hat as sweat dripped down her brow, finally pushing the battle apparition to the back of her consciousness and allowing her grandmother to reassert herself in Samo’s soul. As she did so, healing magic from their bond flowed freely through Samo and into Nahoa’s wounded flesh.
When the last of Nahoa’s wounds sealed closed, the big man opened one eye to look at Samo.
“How about next time, I go first, and you hang back and protect me with your magic, eh? I’m getting tired of waking up to you covered in my blood.”
About the Author
Michael Sayre is Director of Rules & Lore at Paizo and previously worked on the Organized Play team. He’s also a prolific freelancer, having contributed to numerous Paizo books and publications from other publishers, such as Lost Spheres Publishing, Rogue Genius Games, and many other companies in support of the Pathfinder RPG and other table-top game systems.
About Iconic Encounters
Iconic Encounters is a series of web-based flash fiction set in the worlds of Pathfinder and Starfinder. Each short story provides a glimpse into the life and personality of one of the games’ iconic characters, showing the myriad stories of adventure and excitement players can tell with the Pathfinder and Starfinder roleplaying games.
Samo and Nahoa make their debut in Pathfinder War of Immortals this October. This rulebook introduces their classes (the animist and exemplar, respectively) into Pathfinder Second Edition, allowing players to channel powerful nature spirits or become a demigod unto themselves. Within, you’ll also find mythic rules to allow characters of all classes to tell stories of legendary scope, all set against the cataclysmic event of the Godsrain and ensuing War of Immortals. War of Immortals is available for preorder now in hardcover, special edition, and pocket edition and will also be available as a retailer-exclusive sketch cover while supplies last. Read more of Samo and Nahoa’s adventures in War of Immortals and Pathfinder: Before the Godsrain, and look for their special guest appearance in November’s Godsrain novel from Liane Merciel.
Meet the Authors of the Year of Unfettered Exploration
Hello, players! Today we want to shine the spotlight on the authors who contributed to Year 5 of Pathfinder Society. The Year of Unfettered Exploration may be over, but the adventures continue on!
Meet the Authors of the Year of Unfettered Exploration
Thursday, September 12, 2024
Hello, players! Today we want to shine the spotlight on the authors who contributed to Year 5 of Pathfinder Society. The Year of Unfettered Exploration may be over, but the adventures continue on!
Hi, I’m Alison Cybe (they/them), and this year I’ve created Pathfinder Society Scenario #5-02: The Blackwood Lostand Pathfinder Society Scenario #5-16: A Lie Told to Strangers. If you didn’t like them, I’m sorry, I’m to blame. If you did, feel free to let me know. Both of these adventures deal with people in risk or dangers and cast the characters with their rescue. I didn’t want to brush too far beyond what is generally comfortable for people with these, as they’re my first step in creating Pathfinder adventures for folks, given that my history is much more in Starfinder. But at the same time, my writing style for adventures tends to emphasize a big range of diverse NPCs who I hope will remain memorable for players, interesting and unusual landscapes, and some dramatic punch here and there. I hope some of the work I’ve created has been able to entertain at least a few of you at some points. Anyway, you can find me on most social media sites under my name, so don’t be afraid to say hello.
Hello all, I'm Hmm. Heidmarch Heist originated when Josh Foster came up with the idea of a theft at Heidmarch Manor. Designing the mystery for this adventure was just plain fun. I spent time considering how to cater to both the hard-core mystery buffs and the potentially clueless, so the mystery includes ample handouts and a chance to explore. I had so much fun writing this overall, that I could not pick out a favorite bit. I'll leave that as an exercise for readers of this blog (under spoilers, of course!).
Hi everyone! My name is Shan, and I worked on In the Footsteps of Horror, Ukuja, The First Wall, and the upcoming Infernal Infiltration. I mostly want to thank the devs who helped me craft these adventures, the editors who banged them into shape, and the fans who play them! I also want to point to and highlight the hard work the Org Play team does to make sure these adventures get into your hands as quickly as possible. Make sure to give them genuine thanks because even if you don't agree with them on everything, they're working extra hard to create fun, interesting, unique adventures that give authors like me a chance to get out there and write cool things.
So thank you to everyone who has a hand in working on these, and thank you for playing them!
Hi everyone, I’m Jacob W. Michaels (he/him), the author of PFS Year 5’s Protecting the Firelight, which was my first repeatable scenario. I had so much fun trying to create as many variations as I could, and I literally can’t figure out how many times you could play this without repeating the scenario exactly (seriously, I remember learning the mathematical formulas back in high school, but that knowledge has been pushed out of my brain by Pathfinder encounter math). I was thrilled developer Shay Snow, who’s of Indigenous heritage, entrusted me with this piece, which had a number of Native themes. I really enjoyed diving into the research—the foods that may get prepared during one part of the adventure are all based on real Native dishes, as are other aspects of the traditional ritual—and working with Shay to come up with a villain that evoked a legend from their culture. I also paid homage to a friend and fellow Pathfinder player who died unexpectedly days before I began working on the adventure. And finally, a pre-teen NPC evokes my niece and nephew and all the wonderfully assertive children of the world! Thanks as always to Paizo for letting me play in their world, and to everyone who enjoys the adventures we create.
Hey all, I'm Isis Wozniakowska (she/her), and I wrote Cleansing the Flame. Personally, I'm super proud of it and have a great time running for cons whenever I get the chance, as I've always had a particular enjoyment of orc cultures and how they've been written in second edition. And I'm especially excited to see a new era of orc gods going forward from here into Godsrain. One thing I really wanted to show in this adventure is how orcs can have a culture built up around the importance of strength and combat and how displaying that to others is such a major part of it, but to do so in such a way that isn't inherently tied to a toxic culture of survival of the fittest like was previously shown in orcs before. And as someone who struggles treating an occasionally debilitating autoimmune disease these days, several parts of the adventure (many of which I won't spoil for those of you who haven't played it) are things I was particularly excited to learn I would be able to portray for everyone. Organized Play also just means a lot to me in general, and I spend a lot of time running my own local event and popping into various cons online and locally. I hope you all enjoy it, and I hope you'll see me around at various online cons occasionally running it for people.
I'm not on social media as much as I used to be since I went back to grad school, but you can find me on BlueSky as @wozenstein, but mostly I lurk on there and Insta. I don't have any upcoming personal projects, but I can always use the support in trying to get through my Comparative Literature MA. I study Italian literature, primarily medieval and Renaissance, and currently am looking at the relationship between medieval literature and modern fantasy literature (including looking at TTRPGs as a form of literary study).
The pitch to me for The Winter Queen’s Dollhouse was “poppets trapped in a dollhouse that get awakened.” From there, I thought the most fun would be a bunch of displaced workers banding together to overcome their boss, with the players helping them to organize. I’m sure there were headlines somewhere that inspired this idea. Lol. #solidarity.
While everything I create is something I cherish, Sweeper, a stuffed sloth poppet and the main NPC, will always be my darling. I wanted her to be cute enough to appeal to kids of all ages, but self-assured enough to be the perfect leader for the mini-rebellion. Watching people's reactions to her, it seems I’ve done just that. Big shout-out to Bruno Cesar (@bcesart on Instagram) for doing an amazing job bringing her to life with his art.
You can follow me on all the socials @MrGWillickers, but I’m mostly active on BlueSky
And check out my Etsy store, MrGWillickers Studio, where thanks to the new Fan Content Policy, I now include a few Pathfinder- and PFS-themed props among the things I make.
Hello everyone, my name is Lucas Servideo. I was honored to be asked to write The Dacilane Academy's Show Must Go On, not only because this would be my first time writing for Paizo, but because it was an “All Ages” Quest that would be used in the Academy at Gen Con, a program that lets families play Pathfinder and Starfinder together.
My favorite part of this experience was to add a piece of myself to Absalom by making the history behind the Muse of the Rose theater and also building on the Dacilane Academy saga of scenarios by adding in NPCs of my own and those of others into the story. I hope everyone has a chance to enjoy this quest.
To see what I am up to, you can check my Instagram @lucasringmaster, or my BlueSky On either, you will usually see my current miniature project, drawings, photos, or thoughts that pop up.
Welcome back to another exciting collection of Pathfinder Infinite & Starfinder Infinite Top Performers!
Infinite Top Performers—August ‘24
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Welcome back to another exciting collection of Pathfinder Infinite & Starfinder Infinite Top Performers!
What is Infinite?
Pathfinder and Starfinder Infinite is a program that allows you to create content (adventures and locations; monsters; character classes, archetypes, and backgrounds; fiction; etc.) based on Paizo’s intellectual property (IP), including Pathfinder’s Lost Omens campaign setting, and to make some money while you’re at it. Your work might even be recognized by the community and earn you an invitation into the Infinite Masters elite creator program.
For more info on Pathfinder Infinite, Starfinder Infinite, and how to get started, check out the FAQs!
August’s Top Performers
Titles are ranked by an average of units sold and revenue earned and presented in alphabetical order. Asterisks indicate titles that have been on a best-seller list previously. Because they’ve consistently topped the list, and due to the number of their titles that typically take up spots, “Team+” and “Team Index” have asked to be removed from the calculations for ongoing top performers lists. This will allow newer publishers or book series to get more attention. Thanks, all!
Belcorra has been defeated, but the question of what the Haruvexes may have left behind in Absalom has driven your heroes to the Haruvex Estate. There they investigate rumblings of renewed activity within the long-abandoned mansion and find a gathering of fiends, clockworks, and, of course, abominations. Their investigation leads them to a mystery in the basement below that may yet threaten Absalom.
Continue your Abomination Vaults adventure in this exciting sequel for 11th through 20th levels!
Unravel untapped powers slumbering within your blood and alter space around you by using mystical sigils with two new classes for Pathfinder 2nd Edition with Blood & Sigils! Unravel untapped powers slumbering within your blood and alter space around you by using mystical sigils with two new classes for Pathfinder 2nd Edition with Blood & Sigils! With more than150 feats and 16 new spells, be the bloody hero or the spatial sage you are meant to be with Blood and Sigils, and go discover even more hidden secrets all over Golarion!
Providing an in-depth expansion of Pathfinder Second Edition's vulpine ancestry, Kitsune of Golarion Remastered provides players and GMs alike with everything they need to make this vibrant ancestry of shape-shifting fox folk feel at home in the Age of Lost Omens. Based on the Gold Best-Selling product Kitsune of Golarion, this product aims to not only remaster, but redefine the content from this original offering into an indispensable product for the entire table, tailless or not.
Has inspiration struck, but Player Core 1 doesn't have a subclass to fit? Whether you are looking for a Cleric spy, a swaggering Rogue, or a Druid with a will of Steel, you will find myriad options within, made by 4 Infinite Masters and specially tuned for the PF2e Remaster! Feats, subclasses, focus spells, and more for the classes of Player Core 1.
Few environments conjure feelings of excitement and trepidation more acutely than the ocean, with its endless rhythm of churning waves and all its possibilities for adventure. Tenacious crews sailing ships of all sizes make perilous journeys across the majestic vastness that stretches from horizon to horizon, certain that their vessels will carry them to shore under any sky and over any sea.
This sourcebook provides a comprehensive ruleset for running such a vessel and engaging in thrilling, ship-based combat encounters.
This supplement for the Starfinder: Mechageddon! Adventure Path details the members of three squadrons and the command officers of the New Valor Defense Force's 3rd Valko Battlegroup. Each NPC is given individual stat blocks and backgrounds for new rivals, friends, and even possible lovers for your huzkars.
When Storyteller Productions requests NVDF assistance for their newest film shoot in the Kaiju Riot! series of films, the New Valor Defense Force is happy to send its best.
Greenlight is a Side Job for Starfinder First Edition and is intended to be played as part of the Mechageddon! Adventure Path.
A certain type of adventurer resides in the vast frontiers of space—wayfarers and drifters, hunters whose next meal rides on their cunning, their aim, and the price on their bounty's head. They carve out their existence beyond the fringes of civilization; the easy life is as alien to them as another man's gun, and just as fickle. They prefer the unpredictable and uncharted, far from prying eyes and folks what ask too many questions. Never tied to one place, these vagabonds stay strange and savvy, doing what they can to keep alive. When the galaxy needs a job done, they call for the rough and tumble Space Cowboy.
The Swarm: Beneath The Hive, is a science fantasy novella set in the world of the Starfinder Roleplaying Game.
The story follows a vesk, sent on a mission to scout a planet in a rival star system near to his own. Things take an unexpected turn when deadly invaders from a far-away realm launch an assault, forcing the vesk out of his comfort zone in order to survive in the foreign world he now finds himself in.
Want to see what’s been cooking in the Infinite Masters’ alchemy lab? Here’s a selection of new products from some of our Infinite Masters—and some pieces that have caught their eyes!
Greetings Starfinders! I’d like to extend a special thanks to everyone who continues to contribute to the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest! Our team of diligent developers have uncovered a number of rules elements that need fixing to ensure a proper playtest experience, all of which can be found alongside our initial errata on our Starfinder Second Edition Playtest FAQ page. Many of these errata are meant to clarify designer intent and should not heavily impact your playtest experience.
Starfinder Playtest Errata: Wave 2
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Greetings Starfinders! I’d like to extend a special thanks to everyone who continues to contribute to the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest! Our team of diligent developers have uncovered a number of rules elements that need fixing to ensure a proper playtest experience, all of which can be found alongside our initial errata on our Starfinder Second Edition Playtest FAQ page. Many of these errata are meant to clarify designer intent and should not heavily impact your playtest experience.
For the sake of simplicity, we will go ahead and list summaries of the most notable changes to each chapter here. Check out the Second Edition Playtest FAQ for the details of each change:
Chapter 2: Ancestries
Barathu: Base Speed is 5 feet.
Ysoki: Feats that can be taken by both ysoki and ratfolk use the same wording as Pathfinder Player Core 2.
Skittermander and Kasatha: double draw has been updated for clarity.
Chapter 3: Classes
Mystic: Mystic gets weapon specialization at level 13. Viral Order xenodruids get the toxic cloud spell as its 5th-rank bonus spell, instead of stardust plague.
Operative: The ghost operative’s exploit applies to targets you are undetected by. Note that if you are unnoticed you’re also undetected.
Soldier: Whirling swipe and offensive defense also get follow-up Strikes using Primary Target.
Witchwarper: Witchwarper gets Weapon Expertise at level 11.
Chapter 6: Equipment
Environmental Protections: Level 0 armor protects you for 1 day.
Armor Improvements: Shift the chart for armor improvements such that Tactical armor no longer provides the Resilient trait, Superior armor provides Resilient +1, and Ultimate armor provides Resilient +2.
Mobile Bulwark Shield: This shield has a heft value of +2.
Traits: The deadly trait has been updated to increase at elite- and paragon-grade. The professional trait has been clarified to allow operatives to make better use of card slingers.
Weapons: The painglaive is martial and has the boost 1d4 trait. The bone scepter does 1d6 damage. The doshko is no longer unwieldy. The seeker rifle is in the sniper group, has volley (60 feet), and has a magazine size of 1 projectile. Magnetar rifles can hold 20 bullets per magazine. Grenade launchers get upgrade slots. Our sonic weapons do sonic damage.
Ammunition: 1 credit now gets you 10 pieces of projectile ammunition.
Upgrades: All damage modules are now worded to work with area attacks. Scopes do not work with area attacks.
Augmentations: Apex augmentations and moodskins do not count against your implant limit.
Chapter 7: Spells
Carcinization:Carcinization has evolved to lose the incapacitation trait.
Selective invisibility:Selective invisibility does not have the concentrate trait. It has the illusion, manipulate, and subtle traits.
Share pain: Share pain has the mental trait.
Quantum negation: Quantum negation is a two-action spell.
Chapter 8: Rules
Suppressed: Suppressed gives a 10-foot Speed penalty.
Thank you for helping us find some of these problems. We’d like to thank everyone for their involvement in the playtest so far. We know there are other areas that could use some attention, but we want to ensure that the data we receive from the feedback remains consistent at this stage. We’ll be issuing some later errata in the future to address some directions we’re leaning and some other concerns (like a certain Hair Trigger issue). Please continue filling out surveys as that is the best way to ensure we hear you, and remember you can continue submitting and revising submitted surveys for the Starfinder Playtest until December 31st!
Welcome! I’m Michael Sayre, the Director of Rules & Lore here at Paizo, and I’m here to talk about some of the fun and exciting stuff we’ve got coming for you in Pathfinder War of Immortals! Specifically, I’m going to talk to you about some of the new character content we’ve got coming your way.
War of Immortals: Old Friends and New Faces
Monday, September 09, 2024
Welcome! I’m Michael Sayre, the Director of Rules & Lore here at Paizo, and I’m here to talk about some of the fun and exciting stuff we’ve got coming for you in Pathfinder War of Immortals! Specifically, I’m going to talk to you about some of the new character content we’ve got coming your way.
Class archetypes have been something that have existed, at least in theory, since the beginning of Pathfinder Second Edition. These are a type of archetype that is taken at 1st level, requires you to take a specific 2nd-level feat, and often trades out some specific portion of your class features (whether adding or removing a class feature entirely, requiring you to take a specific version of a class feature, or some similar adjustment). War of Immortals introduces a new set of class archetypes to the game, so let’s dive into talking about those!
The avenger Zadim. Art by Kendal Gates.
The first of the new class archetypes I’m going to talk about is the avenger. This class archetype for the rogue was inspired by the iconic of a Pathfinder First Edition class, the slayer. This iconic, Zadim, was a potent dual-wielding combatant who worked for a splinter branch of Sarenrae’s faith. For War of Immortals, we wanted Zadim and the avenger class archetype to be very representative of the type of rogue character who would get involved in godly affairs.
This rogue class archetype requires you to choose a deity, adjusts your starting skills, gives you a special avenger racket, and replaces the rogue’s surprise attack class feature with the Hunt Prey action. It also makes some adjustments to your sneak attack, allowing you to sneak attack with your deity’s favored weapon. Avengers excel at combatting enemy priests while wielding the favored weapons of their chosen deities, making them deadly and feared warriors during a time when gods and their servitors are at war!
The bloodrager Trzikhun. Art by Kendal Gates.
In Pathfinder First Edition, the bloodrager was a class that mashed together the sorcerer and the barbarian to create a bloodline-oriented warrior with rage and limited spellcasting. We wanted to reimagine this class for Pathfinder Second Edition into something that better embodied the name and that tied more tightly into our game world, which is what we’ve done with this barbarian class archetype. With that reimagining, we brought a new character in to represent the concept: Trzikhun, Reaper of Ukuja, a Matanji orc who is part of a tradition of orcish demon-slayers who drink the blood of shadow demons to gain magical power.
Bloodragers have some modified skills and must choose the bloodrager instinct, which gives them blood rage. Blood rage allows the bloodrager to inflict persistent bleed damage while raging and applies their additional damage from rage to their spells. Their dedication feat at 2nd level gives them spellcasting and adds the rage trait to the spells they gain from this archetype while they are raging, as well as giving them the Harvest Blood action, which allows them to refresh their temporary Hit Points and boost their saving throws against the magical attacks of enemies who they have used Harvest Blood against. This ability plays into later feats like Spelldrinker, which allows them to temporarily add spells to their repertoire when using Harvest Blood based on the type of target creature, such as granting them the wall of thorns spell when they use Harvest Blood against a fey enemy!
The vindicator Imrijka. Art by Kendal Gates.
The final class archetype we’re going to talk about today is the vindicator class archetype, which alters the ranger class. This class archetype requires the ranger to choose a deity, is automatically trained in Religion instead of Nature, and is trained in their deity’s favored weapon, gaining deadly simplicity if that weapon’s damage dice is smaller than d6 and treating the weapon as martial for the purposes of proficiency if the weapon is advanced. They also gain a special hunter’s edge called the vindication edge and learn their warden spells as divine spells, as well as gaining the ability to select domain spells as appropriate to their deity. They gain their deity’s sanctification and have some other adjustments to class features like trackless journey and masterful hunter to make them better fit with the other changes.
This class archetype is represented by Imrijka, who was the iconic inquisitor in Pathfinder First Edition. As part of her update to Pathfinder Second Edition, Imrijka’s outfit is now done in Pharasma’s holy colors, and she is known as a vindicator; only vindicators of evil deities are called inquisitors.* This class archetype allows characters like Imrijka to combine the ranger’s strong skill and combat chassis with the potent focus spell casting supported by the vindication edge, making vindicators well-rounded characters who excel at hunting down monsters who lurk among the faithful of their chosen religion. With powerful focus spells like vindicator’s mark and vindicator’s judgment, the vindicator can mark their prey, hunting them down and dealing devastating damage. With feats like Call the Hunt, vindicators make their hunted prey off-guard if they and at least one of their allies are both adjacent to the target, and the vindicator can share their divine sanctification with their allies!
With these three class archetypes (which are not the only new class archetypes in the book!), we’ve brought a couple old friends forward from Pathfinder First Edition and enabled some new character concepts that weren’t quite able to be fully realized to our satisfaction in Pathfinder Second Edition. We’ve also added powerful new warriors to our players’ arsenals that each have their own particular motivations to participate in the War of Immortals. We’re looking forward to seeing you unleash them when the book drops this October!
Michael Sayre (he/him) Director of Rules & Lore
* Paizo’s move away from the term “inquisitor” is a deliberate choice due to the term’s negative historical connotations. Our intent is to provide our players with a more heroic title for a class mechanic that we know appeals to a large portion of our audience.
Last week, we released the Lost Omens: Tian Xia Character Guide! This is an incredible book, packed to the brim with exciting new character options. It’s also sanctioned for Pathfinder Society play! You can find boons for the uncommon and rare ancestries in the Boon Store, as well as some other uncommon or rare archetypes. Note that a lot of the uncommon content in this book is accessed simply by creating a character from Tian Xia; you won’t find boons for these options, as you have other ways to access it!
Speaking of which, when we were working on the two Tian Xia books, we noticed an issue with the World Traveler boon. This boon allows you to select a second region to treat as a home region for character options…but it didn’t actually include Tian Xia. Whoops! We’ve updated this boon as a result to future-proof it. The new text is below, and it remains available in the Boon Store for just 20 Achievement Points.
> World Traveler (Slotless): You have traveled widely, spending a considerable amount of time in a distant region and absorbing the local customs. When you assign this boon to a character, select a country or city on Golarion. You qualify as being from that city or country, as well as any regions which contain it, for the purpose of fulfilling the Access prerequisite of uncommon character options, in addition to any other access benefits you have from other sources. For example, a character who selected Alkenstar fulfills access requirements for Alkenstar as well as the Mana Wastes and the Impossible Lands, and a character who selects Hwanggot fulfills requirements for Hwanggot and Tian Xia.
We’re a little behind on adventure sanctioning right now, but we’re working hard on Prey for Death and the Curtain Call Adventure Path. In just a few short weeks, at the end of October, we’ll see our next major rulebook release in War of Immortals, and we hope you’re all excited!
New Pathfinder Society Year
The Year of Immortal Influence is officially upon us, and with it comes some new updates! First of all, the Guide to Organized Play has been officially updated to version 6.00. This version of the guide does not contain major rules changes, but there has been a major reorganization to make it more usable and bring it in line with the Guide for Starfinder Society. If you wish to leave feedback, you can do so in this forum thread, which also has a summary of the changes.
Additionally, we have released new pregenerated characters! This update adds pregens for the eight Player Core 2 classes (alchemist, barbarian, champion, investigator, monk, oracle, sorcerer and swashbuckler), as well as the kineticist from Rage of Elements. The previous pregens have not been updated or altered as part of this update.
As all legacy pregenerated characters have been updated, Pathfinder Society players must use the Remastered versions going forward. Please leave any errors or comments on the product page!
GM Recognition
Campaign Service Coins
While attending PaizoCon Europe last month, I awarded three Campaign Coins to outstanding volunteers! We award these coins to members of the community who have gone above and beyond to provide an exceptional program to the community at large. Campaign Coins are awarded based on nominations; so if you believe someone in your community is deserving of this award (whether or not they are a Venture Officer), send an email to with their name and reasons.
Congratulations to:
Frank Richard, who now holds a campaign coin and OP ID #916
Damien Monnier, who now holds a campaign coin and OP ID #917
"Mr. Fred" Frederic Meulenijzer, who now holds a campaign coin and OP ID #918
Unfortunately, due to my busy travel schedule, I did not have time this month to catch up on GMs who have earned their 5th rank. My sincerest apologies to those GMs who are waiting patiently; I promise you will all be celebrated in next month’s blog.
Convention season may be on the tail end, but we’ve still got some fantastic events coming up in September and October! You can (and should!) check out our conventions calendar to see events with a Paizo Organized Play presence near you.
Earlier today, we began soliciting volunteers for PAX Unplugged! Last year’s show was an incredible success and we’re looking to make the show bigger and better this year. We’re looking for talented GMs to run Pathfinder Society quests and scenarios, as well as Starfinder Playtest scenarios. If you’d like to join us this December in Philadelphia, you can find all the information in yesterday's blog!
Alright, that’s enough from me. Until next time - Explore! Report! Cooperate! And enjoy some chocolate. You deserve it.
Greetings, players! We’re pleased to announce that we’ll be attending PAX Unplugged in Philadelphia, PA this December 6-8! We’ll be running scenarios, quests, and demos for Pathfinder and the Starfinder Playtest, as well as demos of our board games!
Call to Volunteer: PAX Unplugged 2024
Thursday, September 5, 2024
Greetings, players! We’re pleased to announce that we’ll be attending PAX Unplugged in Philadelphia, PA this December 6-8! We’ll be running scenarios, quests, and demos for Pathfinder and the Starfinder Playtest, as well as demos of our board games!
This show will also be the last chance to participate in the Starfinder Playtest before it closes at the end of the year.
We’re now soliciting volunteers for the show! We are currently seeking volunteers for the following roles:
Game Master: Run tables of Pathfinder Society quests and scenarios, as well as Starfinder Playtest scenarios.
Board Game Demo GM: Run demo tables for Goblin Firework Fight and Elemental Stones. Applicants should have strong board game knowledge (both our games and general board games) and preferably have related demo experience.
Headquarters (HQ): Answer player and GM questions, seat players, handle conflicts and disputes, and report games after completion.
Please read this important information before applying:
Volunteer applications will be reviewed and accepted or rejected by the PAX Unplugged Organizing Committee. Filling this form out does not guarantee acceptance; you will receive an email with further information from the PAXU committee.
PAX Unplugged schedules will be assigned by the committee. You will be asked for your preference of system and level, but you will not necessarily be able to choose the specific scenario(s) you run. The committee’s intention is to assign people to run the same scenario multiple times during the weekend. There is a free-form field at the end of the form to enter specific requests, though there’s no guarantee they will be honored.
Reward information is listed in the table below. GMs who do not qualify for a badge will still need to purchase one.
Applications will be processed on a rolling basis, beginning no later than September 16. The earlier you get your application in, the more likely it is you’ll get the scenarios you want. Please be patient as we put the final details on the convention internally before we send out GM emails!
Please note that we will not be providing hotel rooms for GMs. All GMs will need to provide their own accommodation. Parking reimbursement is available for 7+ slot GMs if requested.
Any questions about the GM signup process should be sent to the committee at paxunplugged[at]gmail[dot]com.
Rewards Table
Parking Pass
Hardcover Product
Exhibitor Badge
In-game Reward
7+ blocks
6 blocks
5 blocks
4 blocks
3 blocks
2 blocks
1 block
Definitions for rewards:
Exhibitor Badge: a badge for the duration of the event.
In-game Reward: A reward for characters based on the current organized play GM reward programs. Pathfinder Society (Second Edition)/Starfinder Society is Achievement Point rewards at the Premier Plus (2.0x) level. Benefits for board game & SF2 Demo GMs are TBD.
Hardcover Product: GMs at this tier will be able to choose between Pathfinder Player Core, Pathfinder GM Core, or Starfinder Enhanced.
Parking Pass: reimbursement for parking at up to $30/day.
Voucher: earn one voucher for $10 spendable on for every block run.
Anybody interested in volunteering at PAX Unplugged should join the OPF Major Conventions planning server by clicking the image below. Follow the instructions in #welcome to get access to the relevant channels. All important information will be conveyed on this server as well as via email, so please join the server!
Alex Speidel Organized Play Coordinator
Brad Fiske and Nicholas Ruchlewicz PAX Unplugged Organizing Committeer
“Nahoa, can you help me dig another ditch before planting season?”
Meet the Iconics: Nahoa
Wednesday, September 4, 2024
“Nahoa, can you help me dig another ditch before planting season?”
“Nahoa, the pigs have gotten out again—can you help me round them up?”
The Olehala people, third of the four great nations of the Okaiyo Ocean, had many heroes. Kolea the Wanderer, or Uncle Midnight, or the Tideweaver. But Nahoa’s village, on a small island in the easternmost reaches of Olehala’s archipelago, had none. It didn’t need any; the village had plentiful rain and bountiful harvests, the seas were calm and the currents easy. But for whatever small problems might crop up—a ripped sail here, a sick child in need of watching there—Nahoa was always first to pitch in. The young man was no hero, but he worked hard on his family’s taro farm, sharing whatever was left over with his neighbors, and he played harder, stone-bowling with friends or lava-sledding down the slopes.
The years were joyful. Planting and harvesting, watching his little sisters grow up. The New Year’s games and feasts. Lazy summers swimming in the falls with that navigator from the nearby Taotake islands, before she led her merchant canoes east to distant Arcadia. For many years, all was well.
Until Pāmalō returned. The Olehala’s chants told of the demon, a massive creature of shadow and smoke, its wings silent as an owl and its belly insatiable as a shark’s. Once a generation, it would appear in the skies above their island, roost on the highest mountain for one day and night, and then feed. As the creature alit and the skies darkened, the people did what they had always done and hid: some in caves, some in the forests, and some in the distant reefs. With luck, Pāmalō would take mostly livestock, and leave.
Nahoa couldn’t understand. How could they let this happen, generation after generation? The last time Pāmalō had come, Nahoa had been too little to remember much, but the fear of black wings against the sun had been seared in his mind, the same as everyone of the nameless, easternmost island. Someone had to do something. His heart was telling Nahoa to do something.
No… it was Calling.
The Call had rung out for decades, and whether the others could not hear it or could not answer, Nahoa did not know. Without words, it implored someone to help. Nahoa was no hero… but he always helped those in need, and so he did what he always did when asked to help.
That night, Nahoa bathed in the waterfall and tidied the garden. He prepared some of his sisters’ favorite food, leaving it near the cooking pit for them to find in the morning, and he picked flowers to circle the stone that remembered their mother and father. Lastly, he went to the path that led up the mountain, digging stick in hand. Nahoa sat on a stump, the farming tool over his knee. So my sisters can grow up without fear. He cut a notch into his digging stick. So Uncle doesn’t go hungry this winter. Another notch. So that nice Taotake girl doesn’t encounter it on the seas. With each reason to face the creature, he cut. When he’d finished counting all his reasons, his digging stick was a barbed spear. With it, he climbed the mountain to Pāmalō’s roost, and he cried out a challenge as dawn broke.
Pāmalō paid no regard. Of course it didn’t. It was ancient, the subject of songs and dances every young Olehalan learned from their grandparents, its face carved into warding stones generations ago. Nahoa was no hero. The creature snatched Nahoa in its talons, and the two left the earth behind.
High in the sky, Nahoa fought Pāmalō. He may as well have been an ant attempting to fight the tide, for all the difference it seemed to make. Nahoa thrust his spear forward and it skittered along the demon owl's slick, black feathers, to fall to the raging waves below; he seized its wing to force it to earth but found it unyielding as a koa tree. He gave a great shout and it looked back at him, at this insignificant thing that dared to fight back, and it cocked its head. Nahoa didn’t even have time to let out a gasp as his chest tore under its beak.
As pain filled him, Nahoa despaired—was this all he really could do? He hadn’t expected to defeat Pāmalō, or even survive, but he had hoped he might at least wound the creature, to buy a few years’ peace for his island. To show his people that this ancient horror could bleed, that it could be opposed, that it didn’t have to be accepted as the price for the turning of the years. But it was for naught. Demonic shadows flooded into Nahoa’s chest like a venom, and as Nahoa looked up at the sky above him, red filled his vision.
Nahoa, the iconic exemplar. Art by Wayne Reynolds.
No, it didn’t. The sky above him was indeed red as blood, but it was not Nahoa’s. In the distance, Nahoa saw an impossible vision of two figures—a beast and a warrior as well—standing miles tall, bodies stretching from below the horizon to above the sky. The gods, Nahoa thought in shock, moments before one bisected the other, cutting immortality short. The heavens wept as the divine blood of the warrior god rained through the sky in a shower of sparks.
The sparks screamed past Nahoa and Pāmalō in streaks of red and silver. One landed on Pāmalō’s wing, and in a rush of speed, the sea below was replaced by the red desert of the distant mainland. Another landed, and the desert was replaced by ocean anew, though a strange one, studded through with the remnants of shattered land and ruined towers.
A spark screamed through the air, shining with light, and its speed matched Pāmalō and Nahoa’s as they flew. The demon tore into Nahoa once more, and Nahoa clung desperately to consciousness as bone crunched. He looked to the spark. He had been Called to protect his island, to face this beast, to do something, anything, but intention was nothing without the power to see it through. Power that hung in the air now, right before him. Nahoa reached for the spark with his right hand, but Pāmalō held him in place. He reached again, and his flesh tore to beak and talon. With a cry of pain, Nahoa reached a third time, and he seized divinity.
The spark flooded deep into Nahoa’s soul. He felt death flee from his bones as divine power chased the shadows from his veins, burning them into his skin as tattoos. His power, now, as well. Nahoa wrestled Pāmalō’s talons open, finding them brittle in his grasp, and he reached out for a weapon, finding the spear dropped half a world ago in his grip once more. As he yelled a challenge anew to the creature that had terrorized his people, he felt the tiny spark of divine power within him blaze, an ember fanned into a bonfire by this single moment of glory. Nahoa thrust the spear deep into Pāmalō’s breast, and the might of gods coursed down his arm and through the weapon to detonate in a peal of light and thunder. As the demon’s torn body fell to earth, Nahoa fell with it, careening toward a strange, icy shore.
Nahoa was no hero, not yet. But as consciousness slipped from his grasp, the Calling rang out around him, clearer than ever, and he knew it was what he was destined to be.
James Case (he/him) Lead Developer, Rules & Lore
Nahoa’s class, the exemplar, appears in Pathfinder War of Immortals alongside the animist class and tons of mythic options for characters of all classes. Follow the events of the Godsrain—the deific cataclysm of Gorum’s death—as pieces of his armor, blood, and divine essence spread mythic power and war across the multiverse. With myriad options for your favorite player character, countless plot hooks to inspire exciting new campaigns, and a glimpse into the implications of the event across the Lost Omens setting, it’s time to follow a Calling of your own! Pathfinder War of Immortals is available for preorder now in hardcover, special edition, and pocket edition, and will also be available as a retailer-exclusive sketch cover while supplies last.
Hail and well met, ‘Finders! This month’s new releases unleash a wide variety of character options for adventures in award-winning Tian Xia, put the creatures of the wild in your pocket, and explore the roots of a dying river!
Find Your Path – August 2024
Wednesday, August 28, 2024
Hail and well met, ‘Finders! This month’s new releases unleash a wide variety of character options for adventures in award-winning Tian Xia, put the creatures of the wild in your pocket, and explore the roots of a dying river!
Never miss a release with our Paizo Subscriptions—for everything from rulebooks to accessories! Subscribers get a free PDF with purchase, early access to game content, and exclusive discounts on!
In a land built from the flesh and bones of dragons, adventurers band together to seek their fate! Familiar faces take on new guises in the land of Tian Xia, traveling alongside peoples unique to the continent. The Tian Xia Character Guide features new heritages for existing ancestries, such as kijimuna gnomes and chrysanthemum leshies, as well as brand-new ancestries who have lived among the Dragon Empires since time immemorial. Explore an expansive world of options for your character, from the kinetic grace of dance and martial arts, to the subtle skills of cooking and alchemy, to the complex relationships between the elements. Will mastery of these techniques lead you to your goals, or will temptation and rivalry tear you asunder?
Join a curious naturalist and his eccentric crew crossing continents in their fantastic airship, cataloging the world’s most fantastic creatures! Along the expedition, players will find new character options to bring their wildest characters to life, from new ancestries like the strong minotaur or magical merfolk, to awesome spells and ferocious archetypes, to new animal companions and gear forged from the scales and fangs of mythical beasts. GMs can look forward to a veritable menagerie to unleash on their players, containing animals, expansions on classic monsters, and never-before-seen creatures from every corner of the Age of Lost Omens campaign setting!
Pathfinder Howl of the Wild is now available in softcover pocket edition!
The time has come to put ink to paper and start production on your opera! Your director has her heart set on hiring a famous but reclusive performer for the villain’s role. Tracking them down will prove to be but the first challenge facing you— especially as unexpected and sinister complications make their disruptive presences known. The Curtain Call Adventure Path continues with “Singer, Stalker, Skinsaw Man,” a complete adventure for 14th- to 17th-level characters.
There are times when your adventures bring you into sodden locales and marshy expanses and Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Marsh can help you set the scene. Dangers lurk amid tall grasses and deep silt, ready to spring on hapless adventurers. Don’t waste time drawing a marsh when this Flip-Mat lets you play out your soggy encounters.
A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 1st- through 4th-level characters.
A new year comes for the Pathfinder Society, and what better way to start it off than by attending a fancy event? The Pathfinders find themselves invited to a charity dinner to benefit the Knights of Lastwall fighting in far-off lands against the lich king, Tar-Baphon. They're not the only important Absalom-based faction there however, as the event is filled with lords and ladies and socialites of all kinds, including the Peacebuilders, a group dedicated to ensuring the Pathfinder Society pays for any of its mistakes. In the middle of dinner, evidence of a strange ritual is found, and the Pathfinders must investigate before dinner becomes a murder mystery!
A Starfinder Society Scenario designed for 3rd- through 6th-level characters.
The River Between is a rushing waterway contained within a cylindrical containment field that winds through the Diaspora, connecting hundreds of asteroids and sarcesian crèche worlds in an endless loop. For years, the River Between’s current has slowed, and its waters have darkened, becoming fallow and murky. Now, the River Between is drying up, and all signs indicate it’s an act of sabotage perpetrated by notorious space pirate Alera Okwana, captain of the Riveters. Grab your laser pistol, plot a course for the Diaspora, and raid a pirate stronghold in your quest to save the River Between!
A Pathfinder Society Quest designed for 1st- through 4th-level characters, playable in 2-3 hours.
The Dacilane Academy often calls upon the Pathfinder Society to get them out of trouble, or to aid their students. Considering that many Pathfinders enroll their children in the academy, the relationship is one of mutual benefit. It’s therefore no surprise when the academy calls upon the Pathfinders to help make sure nothing terrible happens during the play that the students will be performing at a nearby theater, the Muse of the Rose. Recently, performances there have seen unfortunate accidents. No one has been seriously injured, but the performances were all ultimately ruined. It's up to the PCs to ensure that the Dacilane Academy's performance doesn't suffer the same fate, even if they have to prevent disasters backstage during the show itself.
A Pathfinder Society Special designed for 1st- through 8th-level characters (subtiers 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 & 7-8).
The Pathfinder Society is approached by the Queen of Kyonin for their assistance in investigating a demon-obsessed elf noble and his ominous plans for an isolated town within the forests of Kyonin, in exchange for allowing the Society to once again operate within the nation. The travel there is treacherous, and once the Pathfinders arrive, the town is besieged by a power beyond any one elf no matter his plans and ambition. The teams of Pathfinders must work together effectively and quickly to prevent the corruption of the forest and the town!
Pathfinder Tokens: Character Gallery is a brand-new token collection, comprising ~1200 unique portraits, each with a hand-crafted character token ready for VTT use. Created from gorgeous artwork sourced from a variety of Paizo's most popular Pathfinder publications, this module focuses on providing a vast range of vibrant, unique, and interesting characters at a moment's notice. What's more, all the artwork has been carefully tagged and curated, and the massive collection is easily searched and filtered thanks to a new in-world asset browser developed specifically for this module. Whether you're a gamemaster looking to put a face to a beloved NPC or a future villain, or a player searching for the perfect portrait for their next character, the Character Gallery has you covered.
From Our Partners:
Our partners at Archives of Nethys, Demiplane, Fantasy Grounds, Hero Lab Online, and Roll20* are dropping new content this month as well! Buy your PDF on to get a discount via the PaizoConnect API. Or pay full price on their platforms, sync your account, and get a complimentary PDF on the Paizo Store.
*Roll20 is no longer a part of PaizoConnect and discounts and complimentary PDFs do not apply.
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Hi, everyone!
It’s hard to believe that the Pathfinder Lost Omens Tian Xia Character Guide releases tomorrow! This book brings Asian-inspired fantasy and folklore—from the ancient to the modern—to your table in a torrent of character options. The book contains six new playable ancestries, tons of new heritages, pages of archetypes and feats, and more to build whatever kind of Tian character captures your imagination, whether that’s a peachchild leshy that fights with a magical lightning familiar, a tanuki in high-tech armor wielding a frost fair glaive, or a yaksha cultivator who follows the heretical path of the bitter scholar.
Meet the Tian Xia Authors… Again!
Tuesday, August 27, 2024
Hi, everyone!
It’s hard to believe that the Pathfinder Lost Omens Tian Xia Character Guide releases tomorrow! This book brings Asian-inspired fantasy and folklore—from the ancient to the modern—to your table in a torrent of character options. The book contains six new playable ancestries, tons of new heritages, pages of archetypes and feats, and more to build whatever kind of Tian character captures your imagination, whether that’s a peachchild leshy that fights with a magical lightning familiar, a tanuki in high-tech armor wielding a frost fair glaive, or a yaksha cultivator who follows the heretical path of the bitter scholar.
When we started the Tian Xia project back in 2022, we knew we couldn’t do it alone—only by pooling the passion, knowledge, and shared experiences of our stellar cast of writers and designers could we bring the (now gold ENNIE award winning!) Tian Xia World Guide to vibrant life or dream up the spooks and frights of the Season of Ghosts Adventure Path. You might have heard from some of our authors back in April with the release of the World Guide, but we wanted to give everyone a chance to talk about their inspirations in the Character Guide as well. Hear from some of them below!
From all of us, thank you for supporting Tian Xia! This vast continent is yours to explore, and we can’t wait to hear what sort of stories you tell!
James Case Lead Developer, Rules and Lore
Eleanor Ferron Senior Developer
Ianara Natividad Senior Editor
Eren Ahn (they/them, primarily)
안녕하세요! It's Eren again. I'm absolutely thrilled to have written the new dokkaebi goblin heritage! It's been a complete joy to turn the goblin creatures of my childhood into something I hope you will delight in. If you ever come across a pot randomly at the side of the road, make sure to leave a little treat for the dokkaebi napping inside!
As always, you can find me chatting about my writing on Bluesky and everything else on Twitter. Hope to see y'all around!
Jeremy Blum (he/him)
I worked on both the Tian Xia World and Character Guides, and it was a joy to contribute to both. For the World Guide, I took Amanandar into a new era and turned it into Linvarre, and I also wrote bios for the Avistani gods worshipped in Tian Xia, as well as new info on our favorite estranged tengu lovers, Hei Feng and Lady Jingxi. For the Character Guide, I wrote Tian innovation feats for the inventor class. Can you spot all the references I stuffed in there? There's Double Dragon, Dragonball, G Gundam, Street Fighter, the '70s Japanese Spider-Man TV show (EMISSARY FROM HELL!), Megaman, and Voltron!
When I'm not working on Paizo books, I'm a co-designer on Mappa Mundi: An Exploration + Ecology RPG for Three Sails Studios. It's a TTRPG about exploring the wild and observing the behaviors of monsters like a naturalist, and it takes place in a fantastical world vaguely inspired by Eurasia. If you like Tian Xia, please check us out, since I've just finished writing up the lore for our Chinese-inspired region of Zoumung! For more news on my current projects, check me out on Twitter and Bluesky!
A yaksha in their howling aspect (art by Alexander Nanitchkov) and a tanuki getting carried away (art by Sammy Khalid).
Alyx Bui (they/them)
I am so ecstatic to have worked on the Samsaran ancestry with Kienna Shaw! We both wanted to create a world that thrived on cooperation, even in the frigid lands of their homeland Zi Ha. It's a brilliant ancestry that incorporates some fundamental aspects of Buddhism—samsara, reincarnation, impermanence, karma, and enlightenment—and while adapted to a fantasy setting, we tried to ensure that we drew authentically from this way of life. Their power comes from the beginningless cycle of rebirth and attainment of knowledge as a result. It is truly humbling to have been able to incorporate a way of life and teachings that has so greatly influenced my own.
Rick Chia (any!)
Hey, that’s me! I had the pleasure of writing the handful of critters and blorbos in the companions and familiars section. I myself am taught in the soul-sucking ways of media production, in many mediums, forms, and (hopefully more) projects.
If you want me to write little critters and blorbos for your project :D, you can find me here.
A tropical kijimuna gnome (art by Guilherme Nery) and the imperial dragon’s aide, a heavenscribe kobold (art by Guilherme Nery).
Hiromi Cota (they/them)
Haitai! Wannee Hiromi yaibiin! I’m Hiromi, and my main contribution to the Tian Xia Character Guide was the tsukumogami poppet heritage. For those unfamiliar, tsukumogami are tools and other household objects that have gained a spirit through use and/or age. They’re one of my favorite creatures in Japanese folklore. As a playable heritage, tsukumogami have characteristics that reflect their original utility, as well as feats to customize their abilities. As living objects, they're cute and a little spooky.
My favorite part of the section is a feat called Minuscule Mentee, which allows your tsukumogami character to have their own poppet familiar, which they will presumably mentor and look after. It’s a lovely way to expand the tsukumogami community and gain a little buddy to help your character in their travels. I look forward to seeing players try this out and potentially create all-tsukumogami parties!
I had loads of fun working on Tian Xia, and I still have more fun Pathfinder things coming! Once I can talk about them, you’ll see details on my Bluesky account @hiromicota or my website.
Sen H.H.S.
Hi all, it's Sen H.H.S. A belated thank-you to those who voted for the Tian Xia World Guide for the ENNIE awards this year. I hope you enjoy the Character Guide.
Daniel Kwan
Hello! My name's Daniel! I'm the co-host of the Asians Represent Podcast and a freelance game designer and cultural consultant with over 40 game credits! The Tian Xia World Guide was my second Paizo contribution and certainly the one I'm most excited about. I had a blast bringing my love of Asian weaponry into the Character Guide. It is such an honor to be part of such a diverse team of Asian creatives who have worked so hard to bring life to Tian Xia! Fun fact, some of my fellow freelancers and I started a home game to test out many of our contributions during the development period!
I'm a freelance writer, artist, GM, producer, editor, and TTRPG performer who just can't say no. I had the absolute pleasure of writing the backgrounds in the Character Guide and the nue in the World Guide. Tian Xia holds such a special place in my heart and I'm so glad to finally share that. A fun little fact, two of the backgrounds are based on my late grandmothers!
If you want to see more of my work in Pathfinder Second Edition, you should check out my Actual Play podcasts. Goblets and Gaysis an all-Queer, Second Edition remastered homebrew adventure, and An Unwavering Force is a Pathfinder Second Edition Star Wars actual play. You can also find me on Twitter/X doing various, questionable things.
A half-moon sarangay (art by Arthur Oliveira) and a fan dancer (art by Vira Linevych).
Adam Ma
I can't believe this is finally coming to life! Tian Xia has been a wonderful opportunity for me to engage in everything I love about fantasy. I'm thrilled to play a small role in bringing this setting to life.
If you enjoy my work on ysoki and Wanshou, you'll probably enjoy all the other TTRPG content I work on. Fans of adventure, horror, comics, and Gundam can find me on Bsky (here) and Twitter (here) as 34thGingerbread or you can visit my website:
Collette Quach
Hi! I'm Collette Quach and I'm a Chinese-Cambodian designer and writer. The Tian Xia Character Guide is my first Paizo publication but you might have seen my writing in Tian Xia Days: Study Hall where I explored the Indraracha Institute of Tang Mai. I wrote and designed the hungerseed ancestry and the text about the jorogumo. I had a blast researching the mythology of our world and incorporating it into Tian Xia. I wanted to showcase the things that make us love them but also add a level of complexity that makes interacting with them much more engaging at your tables. I hope you all enjoy my little spider friends and shooting beams of energy out of your third eye!
A makari lizardfolk (art by Guilherme Nery) and an inventor riding her puppet (art by Mylene Bertrand).
Shahreena Shahrani (she/her)
Marhaba, hello, everyone! I’m Shahreena, a Malaysian-American gamer, freelance writer, cultural consultant, and educator. I have previously worked on a number of Pathfinder (and Starfinder) books such as Rage of Elements, Lost Omens Gods & Magic, and Absalom, City of Lost Omens. For the Lost Omens Tian Xia Character Guide, I had fun contributing lore inspired by the folktales I had grown up with.
In my non-gaming related life, I am an educator actively promoting diverse voices and experiences. I deliver lectures/presentations on regional and cultural studies of the Middle East and North Africa. I also bring together artists, writers, scholars, and experts to present on topics relating to Kurdish Studies in an online Speaker Series (
If you’re looking for a Middle East and North Africa specialist for your next project, you can reach me via email (shahreena_s [at] yahoo [dot] com). You can also find my retelling of world folk tales on YouTube (
Kienna Shaw (she/they)
Hi there! I’m Kienna, and I had the pleasure of reimagining the samsaran ancestry alongside Alyx Bui. As a worldbuilding nerd, it was an exciting creative challenge to expand the lore of this beloved ancestry, ground it within the new version of Tian Xia, and bring it up to date with the play philosophy of Pathfinder Second Edition. I wanted to delve into what “enlightenment” means for the samsarans, making it a concrete goal that can be achieved through many different paths. Whether your samsaran aims to fully understand the world through studying a niche subject, mastering a skill, or exploring the wondrous dangers of the continent, I hope you’ll find the ancestry’s story and roleplay opportunities as rich and rewarding as I did.
Writing the samsarans for the Tian Xia Character Guide along with the gods Yaezhing and Jin Li in the Tian Xia World Guide was a fantastic experience from start to finish. You can find me and my other TTRPG work on Twitter as @KiennaS, Bluesky as, or on my website
Tan Shao Han
I'm happy the Tian Xia Character Guide will reach you soon! Working on Tian Xia for Pathfinder Second Edition has been the highlight of my freelance career so far!
My Character Guide contributions include designing the yaksha ancestry, lore and consulting for the wayang ancestry, and hybrid studies and an archetype inspired by wuxia and xianxia.
As a SEAsian Buddhist, yaksha stories have interested me since youth, alongside tales of nagas (whose lore I also got to consult for in Pathfinder Monster Core). These yakshas I've created are inspired by different stories, filtered through my own perspective as a devotee. While you won't find the yakshas in Tian Xia as analogous of any one yaksha tradition, my hope is that our work will be true to the ethos and themes of these spirits.
I am also happy to create new lore for the wayangs. I tried to recenter SEAsian perspectives by integrating integrated elements of Javanese mysticism (kejawèn) as well as themes of SEA's history of anti-colonial struggle. One day, we shall all be free! Well, in closing, it is my hope to inspire you to find out more about SEA's history and culture through our games. Thank you!
A yaoguai born from a wild animal (art by Sammy Khalid) and the transforming magical starlit sentinel (art by Vira Linevych).
Hello, Starfinders!
Big news across the Pact Worlds this month as the River Between—a rushing waterway that winds throughout the Diaspora—is drying up! As citizens of the Pact Worlds ponder whether this is a natural occurrence or act of sabotage, the Starfinder Society enters the Diaspora to investigate! Grab your laser pistol, plot a course for the Diaspora, and raid a pirate stronghold in your quest to save the River Between!
August Digital Adventure Previews
Thursday, August 22, 2024
Hello, Starfinders!
Big news across the Pact Worlds this month as the River Between—a rushing waterway that winds throughout the Diaspora—is drying up! As citizens of the Pact Worlds ponder whether this is a natural occurrence or act of sabotage, the Starfinder Society enters the Diaspora to investigate! Grab your laser pistol, plot a course for the Diaspora, and raid a pirate stronghold in your quest to save the River Between!
Take care, Starfinders! Things are changing out there…
Jessica Catalan Starfinder Society Developer
Hello, Pathfinders!
Now that we’ve all returned from Gen Con (and showered and slept and recovered and received our complimentary Paizo-branded post-convention drinks) it’s time to draw everyone’s attention toward what’s releasing this month!
The Year of Immortal Influence kicks off this month with a grand fundraiser dinner, hosted by Lady Hesla Embersplitter in order to benefit the Knights of Lastwall! She’s eager to see their crusade against Tar-Baphon get underway and wants to do everything she can to help, including inviting the elite of Absalom’s nobility all into the same room at once! Surely nothing can go wrong! The Pathfinders receive an invitation and, while rubbing elbows with some of the most influential people in Absalom, they learn that something isn’t quite right at the dinner…
It’s hard to believe it’s already been a year since the Pathfinders received their first warm welcome in Kyonin after such a long time! Yes, Pathfinder Society Scenario #4-99: Blessings of the Forest is finally available for purchase! Go and explore the depths of the Fireani Forest and press back against an isolationist elf and a former lieutenant of Treerazer!
Illustration by Tom Ventre
Meanwhile, the Three Gates Lodge over in Kayajima needs some routine maintenance of its leyline wards. It’s a perfectly safe task, and you really shouldn’t worry about it. I mean, what do you expect, a god to die just as you are about to get the details of your routine task? His ichor and essence raining across all Golarion–including Kayajima? Causing immeasurable chaos and leaving you and your companions as the only ones who can deal with the aftermath, tasked with a friendly dragon of seeking out a dangerous power that has come to rest at the mountain’s peak?
Updates on the Community Use Policy and Fan Content Policy
In July, we terminated Paizo’s longstanding Community Use Policy and replaced it with a new Fan Content Policy. This was an error, and we’re taking steps to rectify that today.
Updates on the Community Use Policy and Fan Content Policy
Thursday, August 22, 2024
In July, we terminated Paizo’s longstanding Community Use Policy and replaced it with a new Fan Content Policy. This was an error, and we’re taking steps to rectify that today.
We are reinstating the Community Use Policy as it has existed for over 15 years, with a few minor updates and clarifications intended to make using the policy even easier. We have removed both the Approved Products List and Community Use Registry and clarified some elements that were previously in FAQs or simply not addressed (like being able to use our art and logos in black and white products). We have not changed the permissions granted by the policy. The specific language in the Community Use Policy declaration you need to include in your project has changed to reflect a new URL for the policy on, and we have added the provision that you provide contact information somewhere on your product in lieu of the now-removed registry. This change will allow existing Community Use Policy projects to continue to operate as they have for over a decade.
We still fully intend to provide additional permissions for community creators to monetize their creations under limited circumstances. For the time being, the Fan Content Policy allows this, and we’re making no changes to that policy today—it exists alongside the Community Use Policy. With the Community Use Policy restored, we can refine the Fan Content Policy to more clearly define what commercial uses are allowed under what conditions and using which elements of our intellectual property. We will make our intended revisions and updates to the Fan Content Policy and let the community know when the new version is available.
Paizo’s community is the foundation of our success, and we deeply appreciate all of the hard work and passion you bring to our spaces. We apologize for this misstep and look forward to a long, bright future for community projects inspired by our work. Thank you for all of your outreach, feedback, and difficult conversations throughout this process. And above all, thank you for being a part of our community.
During Gen Con, we were finally able to reveal our newest Pathfinder setting book, Pathfinder Lost Omens Rival Academies! This book features Golarion’s most fantastic schools meeting and sharing their secrets in a grand Convocation. Over a dozen schools are attending, with each getting to show off its stories and teachings, but six sponsors are taking the main stage, so we thought we’d introduce them to you here!
Meet the Schools of Lost Omens Rival Academies!
Wednesday, August 21, 2024
During Gen Con, we were finally able to reveal our newest Pathfinder setting book, Pathfinder Lost Omens Rival Academies! This book features Golarion’s most fantastic schools meeting and sharing their secrets in a grand Convocation. Over a dozen schools are attending, with each getting to show off its stories and teachings, but six sponsors are taking the main stage, so we thought we’d introduce them to you here!
These academies get to show off more of what they’re best at—not to mention, teach their secrets to player characters—whether that’s archetypes, gadgets, spells, wizard schools, or something else entirely. The six sponsors come from vastly different backgrounds, momentarily united in the dual goals of supporting a new academy at the edge of the devastated Sarkoris Scar and spreading some of their knowledge so that it cannot all be lost in a single disaster.
As with most academic gatherings, rivalry underscores the Convocation’s shared missions. In addition to sparking exhibits and clashes of wits, theories are tested daily on the demons that still linger in the lands of Sarkoris. With honest competition and underhanded dealings alike raising tensions, it’s important to know what side you’re on.
Students from the Magaambya and the University of Lepidstadt meet on the cover to Lost Omens Rival Academies, by Ekaterina Gordeeva!
The Six Sponsors
Academy of the Reclamation symbol by Riccardo Rullo.
The Academy of the Reclamation is a new school dedicated to rebuilding Sarkoris and reuniting the knowledge of its scattered descendants. Built in Nerosyan just across the river from the Sarkoris Scar, this academy is the host of the Six Schools’ Convocation. In addition to learning this ancestral lore and the secrets of Sarkoris’s old gods, its students are also exploring the lessons hidden in the Sarkoris Scar and brought home by their returning cousins.
Cobyslarni symbol by Riccardo Rullo.
Cobyslarni is the name of both an institution and the titanic elephantine headmaster on whose back it rests. Normally found wandering through the fey realms of the First World, Cobyslarni’s teachings focus on the magical power of oaths and agreements. With their headmaster temporarily residing on the Convocation grounds, many of their students are having their first taste of the mortal world.
Kitharodian Academy symbol by Riccardo Rullo.
Kitharodian Academy teaches acting and music in the heart of Taldor, with every generation finding new ways to recapture hints of that empire’s golden age. It also serves a secondary purpose as the recruiting and training grounds for the Lion Blades, the empire’s intelligence service. Despite this open secret, the school is legitimately concerned with preserving the knowledge of their fading homeland.
Magaambya symbol by Rogier van de Beek.
The Magaambya passes on their teachings over millennia in the Mwangi Expanse, blending arcane and primal magics. As one of the oldest and most influential academies in the Inner Sea, the Magaambya is a major force behind the Six Schools’ Convocation and the broader efforts to aid the Sarkorian people. However, this influence does not sit well with all the other academies, especially those espousing radical new solutions.
Monastery of Unbreaking Waves symbol by Oleg Bulatnikov.
The Monastery of Unbreaking Waves believes there are many paths to perfection, with theirs focusing on the flexibility and tenacity of water. This perfection is visible in a variety of martial and mystical arts, but their academy’s recovery after utter destruction may display it better. Grueling effort reconstructs the secrets of the few remaining books with new lessons from other schools in Jalmeray and even genies from the Plane of Water.
University of Lepidstadt symbol by Riccardo Rullo.
The University of Lepidstadt blazes at the forefront of discovery, heedless of any obstacles or objections. Even the religious and cultural strictures of Ustalav only drive Lepidstadt’s experiments with crackling Stasian coils and reanimation of the flesh into hiding.
Invitees across Golarion
In addition to the six schools sponsoring the Convocation, various invitees from all across Golarion are in attendance, from Absalom’s own Dacilane Academy to the Indraracha Institute in Tian Xia’s Tang Mai. Each is ready with their own perspective, as well as an item, spell, or some other piece of knowledge to contribute. One school we’re sure many will recognize is the Sihedron Spires, who bring with them their knowledge of rune magic and the (now fully remastered) runelord archetype!
A practitioner of rune magic calls on the destructive powers of Wrath! Art by Cagdas Demiralp.
Meet our Writers!
It was up to the authors of this book to bring these schools and other attendees to life, giving each their own voice and beliefs that you can embody through PCs and NPCs alike. I’d like to thank Sharang Biswas, Jeremy Blum, Carlos Cisco, Aoife Ester, Laura Lynn Horst, Andrew Mullen, Kendra Leigh Speedling, Stephanie Lundeen, Mahpiya, Collette Quach, Mikhail Rekun, Erin Roberts, Navaar Seik-Jackson, Shahreena Shahrani, Gina Susanna, Tan Shao Han, and Esther Wallace.
Developing the Looks
Lastly, an important part of bringing these schools to life was their look. While we had a good number of references for the look of the Magaambya and Lepidstadt, some of our other schools just haven’t had much time in the spotlight (and the Academy of the Reclamation is brand new!), so let me show you a bit of how they look around the Convocation in this concept art from our very own Kent Hamilton.
Academy of the Reclamation and Cobyslarni concept art by Kent Hamilton.
Kitharodian Academy and Monastery of Unbreaking Waves concept art by Kent Hamilton.
“Don’t play near the water by yourself or the kushtaka will get you!”
Meet the Iconics: Samo
Friday, August 16, 2024
“Don’t play near the water by yourself or the kushtaka will get you!”
“Don’t wander into the trees by yourself or you’ll be taken by the little-men-in-the-woods!”
Samo had heard such warnings her entire life, repeated in fireside tales and stories told to pass the hours when her people left the summer fishing camps to travel to their inland lodges closer to Icemark’s caribou herds for the winter. Samo was spirit-touched, born with the mark of the elk, an angel’s golden eyes, and unusual insight. The cautionary stories always seemed to be directed at her, specifically, when it was her father’s turn to tell the tales, as though her gifts would be more likely to lead her astray than the other children. Perhaps there was some merit to that worry.
It wasn’t that she didn’t believe the stories on that summer day when she crept down to the shoreline by herself. Her father and uncles had been gone for several weeks now, taking her grandmother to Seer’s Home, where the elderly woman would live out the rest of her days among the Varki elders, now that her aged hips and back could no longer handle the nomadic migrations between fishing camps and hunting lodges. Samo wanted to be the first to greet her father on his return, and she was twelve years old now, nearly an adult by her reckoning, and she was accustomed to the little spirits warning her of dangers before others ever became aware of them.
Thus, it was particularly surprising when a cold, slimy paw wrapped in dank fur clutched her from behind, covering her mouth. Her screams were completely muffled, and all she could do was struggle in terror as she realized what had grabbed her: a kushtaka! Part man, part otter, the soulless creatures would drag her back to their village where they would cast her soul from her body and transform her into one of them! Worse yet, there were nearly twenty of the fearsome creatures quietly slipping from the waters around her. An entire kushtaka raiding party had come, doubtless here to take the encampment and disappear with them before anyone could so much as raise an alarm.
Despite all the terror she already felt, Samo discovered that things could still get worse. For every kushtaka that slipped from the waves, the insubstantial, sad-eyed form of a human walked beside them. Among the lost souls, she saw her father and uncles. Thrashing desperately, Samo thrust her small hand out towards her father’s spirit, and the ghostly figure reached out to her in response. As their fingertips brushed, it felt like lightning struck.
The kushtaka holding Samo screamed in agony, the sound finally awakening the people in the nearby fishing camp. Her father’s ghostly figure was nowhere to be seen, but the monster’s body changed and contorted, its otter’s fangs and fur falling away as its bones stretched to reveal her father’s features.
Samo used the opportunity to run towards the camp, where she snatched up one of the nets laced with dog bone that had been left there to repel just such an incursion. Dashing towards the kushtaka, she saw the spirits of the lost Varki moving to aid her, and she swung the net about, pulling the spirits together with the soulless bodies that had once belonged to them, triggering transformations like the one that had happened with her father. The sounds and cries of battle finally drew the rest of the village to her side, and Varki men and women with spears and daggers did what they could to fend the remaining kushtaka away while herding as many as they could towards Samo and her net.
Though over half of the kushtaka escaped back into the waves, Samo managed to save her father, her uncles, and a handful of other Varki from neighboring encampments. As Samo’s people gathered around, her father knelt down before her. “You do not belong here anymore, beloved. Your gifts must be nurtured by those who understand them.”
Samo, the iconic animist. Art by Wayne Reynolds.
Samo joined her grandmother at Seer’s Home and helped care for the Varki elders there while they taught her everything they knew of her people’s legends, traditions, and magic. In her early twenties she had a brief, passionate love with a handsome young man named Nankou who also resided at Seer’s Home for a time, but their duties called them apart more often than they drew them together.
Samo’s ability to see what others could not made her into a healer and counselor, the person others called on when they suspected that unusual events were the doings of unquiet spirits. When fires raged, she spoke to the spirits of flame and calmed them. When people disappeared along the coastline, she would accompany the hunters who sought out the kushtaka villages hidden nearby, speaking to the apparitions that dwelt in the rivers and ocean waves to help guide them to those enclaves of lost souls.
It seemed to Samo that hardly any time at all had passed between that day on the beach where she returned her father and uncles from the kushtaka and the day when she looked into a small hand mirror and realized that many silver strands now danced amid the raven-wing black of her hair. Where had the days gone? Samo did not regret her service, but she envied the stories she heard of her old friend Nankou and his adventures slaying linnorms and rescuing would-be heroes.
One night, Samo sat amid the grove of Seer’s Home. Her grandmother had passed almost twenty years before, but the woman’s spirit still lingered in that peaceful grove, appearing to Samo’s eyes as a majestic elk woven from the leaves and grasses of the grove itself. That evening, they conversed as they had so many times before, but unlike those previous occasions, their conversation was interrupted by a spectacular and terrifying sight.
Two great figures battled in the sky, gods of the southern lands. One, covered in armored spikes, was struck down, his body ripped asunder. As red and silver droplets rained from the sky, Samo’s spiritual sight and physical sight crashed together.
As the god died above, she saw another battle: a powerful young man from a distant land fighting a fearsome demonic owl, until both were struck by the droplets of falling god-blood. The twined pair were spun a great distance through the air until Samo’s spirit sight faded and she saw that they were both truly there, in the flesh, crashing to the ground on Icemark’s shores.
A Calling thrummed within her. She knew this was a moment where all that she was and all that she had learned would be tested, when her choices and actions would determine not just the future of Icemark, but perhaps that of all the Inner Sea. Perhaps more.
She dashed to her home, and pulled on her well-used armor of bone, hide, and driftwood. She slid her clan hat down over her antlers, so that whoever she met would know that they faced a Varki woman of standing and power. Her grandmother’s apparition flowed into her, filling her with the peaceful magic of healing and quiet places.
Moving swiftly towards the shoreline and the fallen figures, her grandmother’s thoughts echoed her own. Let us go, the women thought. This Calling is for us, this time is ours, and whatever may happen next, the world will know the power of the women of the north.
Michael Sayre (he/him) Director of Rules & Lore
Samo’s class, the animist, appears in Pathfinder War of Immortals alongside the exemplar class and tons of mythic options for characters of all classes. Follow the events of the Godsrain—the deific cataclysm of Gorum’s death—as pieces of his armor, blood, and divine essence spread mythic power and war across the multiverse. With myriad options for your favorite player character, countless plot hooks to inspire exciting new campaigns, and a glimpse into the implications of the event across the Lost Omens setting, it’s time to follow a Calling of your own! Pathfinder War of Immortals is available for preorder now in hardcover, special edition, and pocket editions, and will also be available as a retailer-exclusive sketch cover while supplies last.
Pathfinder Player Core 2 released at Gen Con, and sanctioning has been posted on the Character Options page! As it is now after August 12, the Remaster Guidelines take effect for all characters as well. Please be sure to review them and leave any questions in the remaster thread; once my travel schedule calms down I intend to go through and figure out what problems we’ve discovered that need guidance from the OP team.
The Starfinder Playtest has begun! The Starfinder Playtest tracking sheet is now available at, ready for you to track your participation in the two playtest scenarios as well as the published softcover adventures. Let us know what you think in the playtest surveys!
GM Recognition
As Gen Con is our biggest stage, we took the time to do quite a bit of recognition of our volunteers!
Order of the Wayfinder
In addition to the Campaign Service Coin, we also have one other award: the Order of the Wayfinder. This award is given out only once per year, and it recognizes a member of the community who has provided exceptional service. Typically, we give this award to individuals who have taken on a particular project and knocked it out of the park. Previously, this award has been awarded to the head of our Additional Resources review team and our Regional Venture-Coordinator for the Online region, among others.
This year’s recipient, awarded at Gen Con, was Lucas Servideo. Lucas is a longtime volunteer with Paizo Organized Play and currently serves as the Regional Venture-Coordinator for the Northeast region. Over the past several years, Lucas has been dedicated to the Pathfinder Academy program, which is our program for younger players and new Pathfinders. Bringing new players into the program is crucial, and Lucas is a warm, welcoming, and dedicated first point of contact for our youngest Pathfinders. He has been a crucial advocate for this program, and I was thrilled to award him with the Wayfinder this year while he was dressed as his contemplative character. That’s just how we do things around here.
Campaign Service Coins
Additionally, I awarded two Campaign Service Coins at Gen Con! We award these coins to members of the community who have gone above and beyond to provide an exceptional program to the community at large. Campaign Coins are awarded based on nominations; if you believe someone in your community is deserving of this award (whether or not they are a Venture Officer), send an email to with their name and reasons.
Congratulations to:
David Malkiewicz, who now holds a campaign coin and OP ID #908
Darrel Curry, who now holds a campaign coin and OP ID #909
GM Ranks
Whether stars, novas, or glyphs, achieving a 5 ranking in any program involves a substantial amount of time. To achieve the 5th milestone, a GM must run 150 games, of which at least 50 must be unique scenarios and 10 special scenarios as well as run between one and three games for venture-captains (program dependent). A conservative estimate of the time needed to reach the 5th milestone is 650 hours!
5th Star (PFS1): Jason Belter
5th Glyph (PFS2): John Brinkman, David Malkiewicz, Mykal Merrill
If you believe you’ve completed your 5th rank but haven’t been announced yet, please email me at
That’s quite enough from me! I’m off to PaizoCon Europe to eat cheese and chocolate—and probably do some gaming somewhere in there. Until next time: Explore! Report! Cooperate! And enjoy the summer sunshine (or winter sunshine, for our southern hemisphere friends)!
Blast Off with the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest Primer Humble Bundle
After all the excitement of Gen Con—including the launch of the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest—we thought we’d remind you we have a new Humble Bundle available now, featuring that very same playtest! With the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest Primer Bundle, you can get everything you need to participate in the playtest, as well as a ton of Starfinder First Edition material to help set the stage for the new edition! The bundle also includes accompanying assets in Hero Lab Online, all while helping a worthy cause: Girls Who Code!
Blast Off with the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest Primer Humble Bundle
Wednesday, August 15, 2024
After all the excitement of Gen Con—including the launch of the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest—we thought we’d remind you we have a new Humble Bundle available now, featuring that very same playtest! With the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest Primer Bundle, you can get everything you need to participate in the playtest, as well as a ton of Starfinder First Edition material to help set the stage for the new edition! The bundle also includes accompanying assets in Hero Lab Online, all while helping a worthy cause: Girls Who Code!
At the base level of a $5 donation, you’ll receive everything you need to participate in the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest, including: the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest Rulebook, Starfinder Second Contact, two Starfinder Playtest Scenarios—Shards of the Glass Planet and It Came from the Vast!—the Living Starship and Jungle World Starfinder Flip-Mats used in those scenarios, Starfinder Field Test #5, and the Hero Lab Online Starfinder Second Edition Playtest Character Creation and Vault Content package.
For just $10 more, at the $15 tier, you’ll also unlock a plethora of Starfinder First Edition material to round out your existing collection or help you familiarize yourself with the game’s prior edition. This includes (asterisks indicate products with Hero Lab Online character creation material unlocked alongside the PDF): Starfinder Beginner Box, Starfinder Core Rulebook*, Starfinder Alien Archive*, Starfinder Alien Archive 2*, Starfinder Alien Archive 3*, Starfinder Alien Archive 4*, Starfinder Pact Worlds*, five Starfinder Society Scenarios—Fragment of the 4th, Planar Bloom, Ghost Level Delve, Drift Scars, and the multi-table special scenario, A Time of Crisis—along with 7 Starfinder Flip-Mat products used in these adventures: Crashed Starship, Desert World, Drift Crisis, Forest Moon, Giant Starship, Space Colony, and Space Station, plus the Starfinder Flip-Tiles: Alien Planet Starter Set and Alien Planet Ruins Expansion.
At the $30-or-more digital tier, you’ll also receive two complete Starfinder Adventure Paths themed around the Drift Crisis, which was the first major cross-product meta-event Paizo ever produced, the precursor to such events as Pathfinder’s current War of Immortals event, or the sweeping setting changes coming to Starfinder with the advent of Second Edition. This tier includes the following (asterisks indicate products with Hero Lab Online character creation material unlocked alongside the PDF): the entire Drift Crashers Adventure Path (Starfinder Drift Crashers Player’s Guide, The Perfect Storm, Nightmare Scenario, and Masters of Time and Space), the entire Drift Hackers Adventure Path (Starfinder Drift Hackers Player’s Guide, A Light in the Dark, Clockwork Demons, and Into the Dataverse), Starfinder Drift Crisis*, Starfinder Adventure: Drift Crisis Case Files, Starfinder Near Space*, Starfinder Ports of Call*, and Starfinder One-Shot: Before the Storm.
That’s a $666 value (a coincidence, we assure you!) in digital products alone, including over $120 in Hero Lab Online character creation assets, all for $30! If a discount of more than 95% weren’t enough to entice you, consider the $40 physical tier: a hardcover copy of Starfinder Drift Crisis. This book retails for $44.99 by itself, so not only are you getting the book at a discount, but you’ll get all the digital content as well. When you redeem your Humble Bundle codes on, the book will be added to your cart at no cost; you simply pay shipping and handling at checkout.
So whether you’re new to Starfinder and want to get in on the ground floor for the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest, or you’re an old pro with the system and want to fill out your Starfinder First Edition collection, you won’t want to miss the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest Primer Bundle. Support Girls Who Code now, get your Starfinder PDFs, and start up Hero Lab Online and see what amazing adventures in the Pact Worlds await!
Inside Pathfinder Tokens: Character Gallery for Foundry VTT
Last year, we released an exclusive module called the Pathfinder Tokens: Bestiaries, a token pack that offered high-quality portrait and token artwork for all 1207 actors in the three Bestiaries released for Pathfinder Second Edition. We were overwhelmed by the positive response to that module and we’ve been eager to follow it up with another token pack ever since, even as we’ve been working on other projects. Since then, we’ve been hard at work on new modules, like our conversion of the Pathfinder: Kingmaker adventure path, all while continuing to push the potential of the core software even further forwards, with the release of Foundry VTT Version 12 bringing in a whole new suite of exciting features.
Inside Pathfinder Tokens: Character Gallery for Foundry VTT
Wednesday, August 14, 2024
Last year, we released an exclusive module called the Pathfinder Tokens: Bestiaries, a token pack that offered high-quality portrait and token artwork for all 1207 actors in the three Bestiaries released for Pathfinder Second Edition. We were overwhelmed by the positive response to that module and we’ve been eager to follow it up with another token pack ever since, even as we’ve been working on other projects. Since then, we’ve been hard at work on new modules, like our conversion of the Pathfinder: Kingmaker adventure path, all while continuing to push the potential of the core software even further forwards, with the release of Foundry VTT Version 12 bringing in a whole new suite of exciting features.
In that time, a lot has changed in the Pathfinder ecosystem too: the Pathfinder system has been remastered, playtesting has begun for a Starfinder Second Edition, and Paizo recently released a Monster Core token pack, which expands on the Pathfinder Tokens: Bestiaries module by providing artwork for the new creatures released in the remaster.
However, for all that’s changed, one thing hasn’t—the need for more tokens! And so we’re incredibly excited to announce the release of a brand new token pack, the Pathfinder Tokens: Character Gallery, which is planned to release on Wednesday, August 21.
In this blog post, I thought I’d start by introducing the Character Gallery, and talk about some of the reasons we’re so excited for it to release, as well as share a few behind-the-scenes peeks at the development of the module.
Module Features
Pathfinder Tokens: Character Gallery is a brand-new token collection, comprising ~1200 unique portraits, each accompanied by a hand-crafted character token. Our intention is for this pack to cover a wide range of playable ancestries, making it an ideal tool for filling the ranks of previously faceless NPCs, or for picking out the perfect portrait for a heroic adventurer.
The module includes:
~1200 high-resolution portraits and tokens depicting characters of a variety of ancestries, professions, and classes, including high-profile named characters from the world of Golarion
Seamless compendium image replacement for ~100 actors from the Pathfinder Second Edition game system
Built-in support for Foundry VTT's Dynamic Tokens functionality
A bespoke new application that can be used to browse and filter the artwork from within Foundry, searching for assets by name or filtering by tags like ancestry, equipment, or armor
Integration with the Pathfinder Tokens: Bestiaries module, allowing it to add its artwork to the Character Gallery application when both modules are active, with the potential for this integration to be used by other modules in the future
Detailed datasheets filled out with relevant metadata for each imageset, facilitating their sorting and filtering by the application
The format and scope of the module should be readily familiar to anyone who knows our previous token project, the Pathfinder Tokens: Bestiaries module. The new pack features about as many tokens as the Bestiary pack, and we were delighted to bring back Ian Hildebrandt as our artist, ensuring that the tokens are created to the same—or better—standard that you’ve come to expect.
We’ve also taken full advantage of some new core innovations to push the features of the module even further. For instance, at release, the Character Gallery tokens will be fully configured for use with Foundry VTT’s new Dynamic Token Rings framework, which means they’ll be readily compatible with any special features or visual effects that other content creators and module developers might implement.
Perhaps of greater significance to the average user, though, is a brand-new custom application, developed specifically for this module, which provides a means to search and filter the collection of artwork with ease from within your game world. For more information on the features of the Character Gallery application, you can check out the module’s package page, but I thought I might also share some behind-the-scenes stories of how we first began designing and implementing the feature!
Story Time: Creating the Character Gallery Application
Ever since working on the Bestiaries token pack last year, we’ve been considering various ideas for what a follow-up token pack might look like. The idea of an NPC-focused pack was always one of our favourites, but one obstacle we had to solve before we could justify it was finding a way to deliver the art in a convenient and user-friendly way, from within the application. With the Bestiaries, we could map the artwork straight to the creatures inside the system compendiums, all configured and available without any effort required, but with an NPC or PC-focused pack, we weren’t initially sure how to provide a similar level of quick access. We didn’t want the module to just be a folder of assets—even incredibly gorgeous assets—that the user had to organise and manually assign to characters themselves. We needed a better solution.
The idea that ended up becoming the Character Gallery application first was actually first explored when working on our module for the Pathfinder: Kingmaker adventure path. When we were implementing the settlement-building subsystem, I had developed a very simple application that users could use to browse the different building assets and place them onto a scene to represent their growing village. The idea struck me as a good way to solve the very similar problem with delivering NPC artwork, so I worked on a quick, hasty mock-up during our next Free Project Friday—a team-wide tradition where, on the last Friday of each month, we work on individual passion projects or crazy ideas and pitch them to the rest of the team.
Just for fun, I thought I’d share a rare screenshot of that initial prototype as it looked after only one day of work. As you can see, the idea of a central grid view where the artwork thumbnails were displayed in big “cards” was always a core part of the vision—I wanted you to be able to see what you were picking. The filtering functionality on the left-hand side, meanwhile, was inspired by Pathfinder’s own traits mechanic, and echoes some aspects of the PF2E system’s compendium browser.
If you can look past the rough exterior, and the fact that many of the buttons didn’t work, it showed promise—and it’s kind of remarkable, now, to see simultaneously how little and how much the application changed in its journey to the final product we have today.
Where does that data come from?
All the metadata about each piece of art—the tags, the source, the label—are loaded from a datasheet, provided by the module, which contains a range of useful information about each imageset. These datasheets are what allow the app to filter and search the entire collection for the exact piece of art you need at any moment.
As you can see, the application also has a tab for searching for artwork of companions, as well as player characters. For the Character Gallery, that mostly means the sprites and leshies, but for users with the Bestiaries token pack installed, they’ll see various animals, crawling hands, and other creatures populating that tab as well!
This is possible thanks to a hidden but powerful feature of the application—it can load more than one datasheet at once, allowing other modules to create a datasheet of their own which allows their artwork to be loaded into the application. It’s our hope that, by including module support in this way, we’re creating opportunities for future modules—both ours and those developed by other creators—to integrate with the Character Gallery. In fact, the ease of module development on the Foundry VTT platform means that this functionality is in reach of many end users, as well, if they’re interested in creating and loading their own custom datasheets into the module.
I could go on, but I should save some surprises for the module’s release. I’m very excited for people to get their hands on it, and I hope that it lives up to the vision we set out with! If anyone has any questions, I or some of my colleagues will surely be replying in the comments, and there’s also an FAQ on the module’s page on our website with a little more information.
Viviane Charlier (Cora), Foundry VTT Content Development Team
Hello everyone! It’s been over a week since Gen Con wrapped up and the Starfinder Playtest went public. What a year these past two weeks have been, eh?
First off, the Starfinder team wants to extend our most sincere appreciation to everyone who’s engaged with the playtest since its release. Along with tables diving right into A Cosmic Birthday, we’ve also got feedback streaming in from those of you who’ve taken part in Shards of the Glass Planet and It Came From the Vast!. There’s really nothing quite like seeing hundreds of tables participating in demos and playtest games at the show and knowing even more are happening at tables across the world. So once again, thank you all for your participation!
In the coming weeks we’ll be providing some additional FAQs and Errata, as well as more blogs detailing our thoughts on how the playtest is going and some directions that we’re looking to steer components of the game into. We’re not going to dive into any of those today, as we’re still eager to get some unvarnished feedback on the game as we’ve released it, but expect more content in the coming weeks as we identify critical issues.
For now, please keep submitting your feedback about the next edition of Starfinder over at the surveys listed on Even if you don’t have answers for everything now, you can always go back into your surveys right up until the playtest period ends at the end of December.
For a little bonus, for those of you who missed our Starfinder Keynote panel at Gen Con, we wanted to once again reveal the cover art for Starfinder GM Core, done by Paizo’s own Kent Hamilton. Starfinder GM Core is set to release in 2025 as part of the full Starfinder release. We’re so excited to dive into the future (of Starfinder)!
We're back from Gen Con, and at this point we’re just about caught up on sleep! [editor’s note: okay, at least one of us is still in Indiana under quarantine, but we didn’t know that when we wrote this blog]
Gen Con 2024: That’s a Wrap!
Thursday, August 8, 2024
We're back from Gen Con, and at this point we’re just about caught up on sleep! [editor’s note: okay, at least one of us is still in Indiana under quarantine, but we didn’t know that when we wrote this blog]
During the Best Four Days in Gaming, we ran:
415 Pathfinder Society tables
129 Starfinder Society tables
198 tables of the Starfinder Playtest
115 demo tables of Pathfinder and Starfinder Second Edition
During our Starfinder Society special on Friday night, 38 tables fled an awakening Swarm horde! On Saturday night, 71 tables of Pathfinders braved the Eye of Abendego to stop a fiendish plot.
We also recognized outstanding volunteers! David Malkewicz and Darrel Currey received campaign coins for their service to Paizo Organized Play. Additionally, Lucas Servideo was awarded this year’s Order of the Wayfinder for outstanding service to the Pathfinder Academy program.
The Sagamore ballroom also hosted demos of our Foundry offerings, a character creation station from our friends at Pathfinder Nexus, and even a satellite booth for extra shopping!
We had such a wonderful time at Gen Con this year, and we hope you did too. If you want to join the best group of volunteer GMs in the business, applications will go live in January.
Greetings, Starfinders and Pathfinders, and welcome to Gen Con 2024! Whether you’re joining us at the show or following along at home, we’re thrilled to share the Best Four Days in Gaming with you!
Welcome to Gen Con!
Thursday, August 01, 2024
Greetings, Starfinders and Pathfinders, and welcome to Gen Con 2024! Whether you’re joining us at the show or following along at home, we’re thrilled to share the Best Four Days in Gaming with you!
Missed the Gen Con 2024 Paizo Keynote? Catch up NOW!
Join us over on right now for our Gen Con 2024 Keynote Address, hosted by Erik Mona! Creatives across the Pathfinder, Starfinder, and Paizo Board Games lines give some updates and behind the scenes sneak peeks at upcoming Paizo games!
Paizo at the Show!
If you missed our blog earlier this week, hop over here to see all the amazing panels, show exclusives, and games we’ll be hosting at the show! For a snapshot overview:
Come pick up Pathfinder Player Core 2, the Starfinder Playtest Rulebook, Pathfinder Prey for Death, convention exclusives, and so much more at Booth 203 in the Exhibit Hall!
Get your Core Rulebooks signed by Wayne Reynolds and your Playtest Rulebook signed by Kent Hamilton, their respective cover artists, at our booth!
Join us in Bays 3, 4, and 5 of the Sagamore Ballroom for Organized Play, Digital Character Creation, Starfinder Second Edition Playtest demos, and a satellite store stocked with essentials for Organized Play!
Stop by our demo booth in Hall C or the Syrinscape booth in Capitol Concourse for short Pathfinder and Starfinder demos!
Dive into Pathfinder and Starfinder with our on-site panels and a special Starfinder Second Edition Playtest Liveshow!
All of our on-site panels will be recorded and shared on our YouTube channel after the show, so don’t worry about FOMO! Gen Con Sale!
For everyone at home, we’ve got a sale happening on! Use code GenCon2024 for 20% off your whole purchase on! This sale is not valid on preorders, backorders, subscriptions, and third-party PDFs.
Whether you’re sitting in on our streams and forums or joining us at the show, we hope you have a wonderful Gen Con weekend
The Starfinder Second Edition Playtest is finally here! This labor of love wouldn’t be possible without the dedicated work of an incredible team here at Paizo and the feedback we’ve received during the Field Test stage as we conduct the most open playtest process in Paizo’s history! Check out our playtest scenarios and learn how to playtest blogs, download the freeStarfinder Second Edition Playtest Rulebook, and start playing Starfinder Second Edition today!
Starfinder Playtest Errata
Thursday, August 1, 2024
The Starfinder Second Edition Playtest is finally here! This labor of love wouldn’t be possible without the dedicated work of an incredible team here at Paizo and the feedback we’ve received during the Field Test stage as we conduct the most open playtest process in Paizo’s history! Check out our playtest scenarios and learn how to playtest blogs, download the freeStarfinder Second Edition Playtest Rulebook, and start playing Starfinder Second Edition today!
We have made some small corrections to the Playtest Rulebook since it was sent to the printers. Most of these tweaks will have minimal impact on your games and are meant to clarify our intent with certain abilities or serve as editorial reminders before we begin collecting feedback from all your awesome adventures. The errata are posted alongside our Starfinder 2nd Edition Playtest FAQ.
We look forward to all your input and feedback as we launch this new edition of our favorite game!
Among piles of stacked books, Marbrook heard the tingle of the front door chimes. The front door whose OPEN sign clearly faced inward. The pair of entrants, a goblin in goggles and a human with a coat and cane, made themselves at home browsing the bookstore’s shelves. Or they were casing the joint to rob. If they were going to rob her later, they would be the second most audacious thieves Marbrook had ever witnessed. The most audacious thieves, meanwhile, were those the two would be if they were to rob her in this very inconvenient moment.
Iconic Encounter: Tidying Up
Wednesday, July 31, 2024
Among piles of stacked books, Marbrook heard the tingle of the front door chimes. The front door whose OPEN sign clearly faced inward. The pair of entrants, a goblin in goggles and a human with a coat and cane, made themselves at home browsing the bookstore’s shelves. Or they were casing the joint to rob. If they were going to rob her later, they would be the second most audacious thieves Marbrook had ever witnessed. The most audacious thieves, meanwhile, were those the two would be if they were to rob her in this very inconvenient moment.
The bookseller suppressed a huff, feeling her bleaching subside from the annoyance. There were greater challenges at hand. Ages ago, someone had rearranged her entire store’s inventory. While it was a hilarious prank, Marbrook would rather eject her soul back to the First World than run her shop out of alphabetical order. This created her current impasse: ignore the intruders or stop replacing the books momentarily.
The choice was obvious. Marbrook let the intruders be, as they were entranced by the books floating about the store and seemed to pose little immediate threat. The spectral assistants responsible for that spectacle, which she remembered neither hiring nor requesting, were both a blessing and a curse. They were handy at keeping the shop tidy, and less so in put the books back in order.
The human of the pair waved at the spectral figures. “Hello! Pardon our intrusion.” The spirits said nothing back. “I don’t think they can help us,” the human concluded, stroking a trimmed beard.
“Not for talking. For cleaning, maybe?” the goblin guessed.
“The store is spotless. Maybe she planned a holiday,” said the human. “They are moving the books about rather… unnecessarily, however.”
The goblin pointed to the corner furthest away. “Fumbus will start over there.” The human watched Fumbus skitter away before realizing the goblin meant to search for the source of these ethereal spirits. Following his example, the human strolled to the other far corner. With this division of labor, Marbrook reckoned she had three minutes before she needed to decide which of the two tomes immediately at hand would best suffice as a weapon: the Revised History of Taldor, 28th Edition, or Encyclopedia Chelaxia, volume 18.
Long before that time came, Marbrook heard the familiar squeak of the floorboard from the center of the shop. She did not suppress her huff this time. She meant to fix that loose board, except books happened.
“Quinn!” Fumbus shouted, probably meaning the human. Quinn strode over, footsteps crisp and measured. This was followed by whispers, then the rustling of a backpack, then the groan and splintering of floorboards. Quinn vocalized dismay. Fumbus oopsed.
Marbrook stood like a war god roused to battle. She watched from behind her book pile as Quinn reached into the new hole in her precious floorboards to pull out a bowl of… blue stuff. Marbrook had not put that bowl there. Or rather, she did not remember doing so. Maybe her bleaching caused a memory lapse, but somehow, that blame felt misplaced.
“A ritual.” Quinn drew a sharp breath. “For… spirit custodians?”
“It can last a year.” Fumbus poked the inside the bowl and made a face at the squish. The goblin then sniffed the bowl, and made a different face. Finally, Fumbus licked the blue stuff. A wide smile appeared. “This one is fresh. Three months.”
“That lines up. Now, until the duration expires, the spirits continue their task unless ordered otherwise. If I recall correctly, it usually gave you one, two, three…” Quinn trailed off. There were only three assistants to count. “Fumbus, have you heard any gossip lately?”
Marbrook did not know why Quinn changed the subject, but she did sheathe her inner war god. Reorganizing the books had kept her indoors and away from the gossip on the street for too long. Long enough she suspected she had bleached a shade. If these intruders were about to share some juicy secrets, she would very much like them to continue. She might even forgive them for the floorboards.
When Fumbus replied “I have. I saw some,” Marbrook rejoiced. The bookseller crept out of her book fortress, adjusting a small pile of rummaged paperwork as she passed.
Quinn sounded equally delighted. “Excellent! What have you heard?”
“Orange worms!”
The goblin looked expectantly at his companion, whose blank stare rivaled Fumbus’s own emotionless goggles. It gave Marbrook time to settle in for a good view, and put more paper away. “You don’t say?”
“Yes, while you were talking to the jeweler about whatever, I was listening to the gardeners tending the shop’s flower box. And do you know what Fumbus heard? The orange worms are back, and that means the ebon rooks will be back, and you know what that means!” Quinn clearly didn’t, but while he had initially tried to ignore his yammering companion, the passion with which Fumbus recounted the tale pulled him away from his distractions. Marbrook was equally rapt. What could the goblin be going on about?
For the better part of five minutes, the goblin barely paused to take a breath as he led Quinn and Marbrook down a roundabout stream of consciousness—some overheard, some observed, and much seemingly coming from the random recesses of his overactive mind. Rooks. String. The best cucumbers to pickle in this part of the country this time of year. An annoying Isgeri folk song stuck in his head. Some alternate lyrics to that song. Something about soil composition. Bird droppings (employing rather rude language, if Marbrook was being honest).
When he reached what seemed the logical conclusion of his line of reasoning, he once again stared intently at Quinn. After a long, expectant moment, Quinn said, “Yes, I see.”
Fumbus’s mouth gaped open. “You do not see, Quinn! The orange worms mean the soil is especially rich in phosphorus, and the droppings—” (again with the language) “—of the rooks after they eat the worms makes the perfect reagent for longer burning fire.”
“Ah,” Quinn interjected, clearly hoping this was the end of it. Marbrook got the sense that this was not the sort of “gossip” he’d had in mind when he inquired, and it certainly wasn’t what she’d hoped to overhear.
“But!” Fumbus jabbed a finger at his friend. “This isn’t the first time Quinn has missed something so obvious to Fumbus.”
Quinn, clearly wanting to escape the conversation, held up the bowl. “So, rituals need help—"
Fumbus and Quinn investigate the nature of some helpful apparitions in this illustration by Christoph Peters from Pathfinder Player Core 2
Fumbus, like a flame running out of fuel, lowered his arm and deflated, finally pausing to catch his breath. “Was… that enough?”
“More than enough. You did great.” Quinn squeezed out an assurance. “I think we know now which one of our friendly spirits here is the gossip-loving grandmother. I saw some papers instead of books being moved.” Quinn turned and looked straight at Marbrook. Into Marbrook.
“Also flinched when I swore.” Fumbus too met her gaze. The red-tinted googles reflected… nothing. No bleachling gnome, nor gossip-loving elderly bookseller. Just red glass with a spot of ethereal blue light.
A blush of embarrassment, of being caught eavesdropping, washed over Marbrook. Then came an emptiness—ethereal, spirit, void, death. Cold reality sank, disbelief hollowed. Blurred emotions unnamed, the swirl reverberated like a bell toll echoing dead, dead, dead in crescendo.
Marbrook screamed.
Goosebumps ran up Quinn’s arm as the moan crawled under his skin. Beside him, Fumbus strangled a shriek. The ghost of Marbrook the bookseller, now in her shape in life, closed the distance. Quinn saw a missing eye, a slashed throat, and through the translucent body, a stab wound in the back. Such death would make a ghost of anyone, and make them want to forget it happened.
Crash! Glass shattered upon the ghost. Drops sizzled on the floor. Fumbus had retreated a distance, then improvised some acid from among his carried reagents to throw. Quinn was thankful the alchemist’s aim spared him, still beside the ghost, from collateral damage. He was also thankful Fumbus didn’t throw his usual alchemist fire. Not that it mattered against the ghost. Neither would have worked.
Quinn made his own retreat, thinking. They were ill-equipped and without backup. No blessed weapons, no holy water, no cleric. How do you fight a ghost under such circumstances? An intimately familiar voice in his mind answered, “you don’t fight if you can help it; you try talking.”
What should one talk to a livid ghost about? Hello there, may I inquire why you are a ghost? What tragedy befell you? With this bookstore, there were no signs of a struggle, no blood suggesting violence, not even a corpse. The shop was immaculately clean without even a speck of dust— unless it had not always been so.
The custodians. Their erratic shelving of the books. Quinn looked for the spirits. All three were gathered about the acid damage and broken glass, prodding at the stains and sweeping. Fumbus was right. The ritual was for cleaning. Cleaning up evidence, specifically. What “clean” means beyond stains and messes can be ambiguous. In some languages, clean also conveyed “to tidy” or “to organize”. One command, and you could not only erase evidence of a crime, but also make a store look as if its owner was still about, just… reorganizing inventory.
This was no normal crime, nor an average criminal. This was a professional.
Across the room, Fumbus shrieked with a gurgle, running away from a pursuing Marbrook as he downed a vial of red liquid. Quinn stowed the rudimentary criminal profile away. The plan for the immediate moment: One, talk Marbrook down from violence; two, ask questions without prolonging her suffering; three, leave this place alive with Fumbus.
Just in case, Quinn made an alternative plan which skipped to step three. There were some rook droppings he needed to make sure Fumbus had a chance to collect.
About the Author
Sen H.H.S. is a Taiwanese TTRPG freelancer and one of the winners of the Diana Jones Emerging Designer Program in 2023. Her works with Paizo include Rage of Elements, Pathfinder Adventure Path #196: The Summer that Never Was, and the Tian Xia World Guide. She has upcoming contributions in the Tian Xia Character Guide as well as the Curtain Call Adventure Path.
About Iconic Encounters
Iconic Encounters is a series of web-based flash fiction set in the worlds of Pathfinder and Starfinder. Each short story provides a glimpse into the life and personality of one of the games’ iconic characters, showing the myriad stories of adventure and excitement players can tell with the Pathfinder and Starfinder roleplaying games.
Players who want to pick up the investigation where Fumbus and Quinn’s adventure leaves off need look no further than Pathfinder Player Core 2, which remasters eight Pathfinder Second Edition classes including the alchemist and investigator. Among the many existing and new character options for members of all classes found within, you’ll find the phantasmal custodians ritual responsible for the fastidious apparitions in this story. Pathfinder Player Core 2 is available for preorder now, and will release in hardcover, special edition hardcover, retailer exclusive sketch variant hardcover, and PDF on August 1, 2024, and in pocket edition softcover in October.
Hail and well met, Finders! The dawn of Gen Con heralds a host of our best releases, including the final remastered Pathfinder Core rulebook, the Starfinder Playtest, and more!
Find Your Path – July 2024
Wednesday, July 31, 2024
Hail and well met, Finders! The dawn of Gen Con heralds a host of our best releases, including the final remastered Pathfinder Core rulebook, the Starfinder Playtest, and more!
Get these releases on, at Booth 203 on the show floor, in the Sagamore Ballroom, and at your FLGS!
Never miss a release with our Paizo Subscriptions—for everything from rulebooks to accessories. Subscribers get a free PDF with purchase, early access to game content, and exclusive discounts on!
Survival in a world beset by magic and evil takes more than a lucky roll of the dice. Pathfinder Player Core 2significantly expands the options available to Pathfinder players, giving you the edge to take on any adventure. Look inside to find everything you need to create a wide array of new characters ready to take on the world. Eight new classes, new ancestries and versatile heritages, a massive number of diverse archetypes, and tons of feats, spells, and alchemical items provide a near-endless array of exciting options for every Pathfinder character!
The Starfinder Playtest Rulebook brings Starfinder into a new age of compatibility as Starfinder switches to using the same rules engine that powers the popular Second Edition of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Inside this playtest for the new edition, you’ll find six new classes, 10 ancestries, new skills, new feats, futuristic equipment including augmentations and upgrades, new science-fantasy spells, and more!
The Starfinder Second Edition Playtest Rulebook is available for purchase as a softcover book or available to download as a FREE PDF. (Note: You will need Pathfinder Player Core and Pathfinder GM Core, or the rules reference on Archives of Nethys, to participate.)
The Red Mantis assassins are known and feared throughout the world for their relentless devotion to the task of murder. Those slain by these assassins tend to stay dead, but those who have come to rule rightfully need not fear them. In this adventure, the players take on the role of a group of assassins, favored agents of the ruler of the Red Mantis, who have been sent on a dangerous mission to assassinate an upstart whose warmongering actions have finally attracted the wrong kind of attention! Prey for Death is an adventure for 14th- to 17th-level characters.
A nascent cosmic entity stirs deep within one of the Pact Worlds planets. As the entity’s emergence sends psychic anomalies and strange phenomena through space, a group of heroes becomes trapped in the Ghost Levels of Absalom Station! Within this liminal pocket dimension, they learn that devoted followers of this cosmic being are searching for a power source strong enough to aid its birth. As dangerous creatures and ominous power surges threaten the station, the heroes must team up with the residents of Little Akiton to investigate these horrifying new foes, stop their meddling—and stay alive!
Your group has faced many foes and dangers during your adventuring career, but one enemy in particular has gone on to inspire stories. Now, a famous director wants to transform your previous adventures into an extravagant new opera, and you’ll be there to help! First, though, you’ll have to address rumors that your old foe has returned to plot revenge against you! The Curtain Call Adventure Path begins with “Stage Fright,” a complete adventure for 11th- to 13th-level characters.
Playtest the new edition of Starfinder in style with this collection of two double-sided Flip-Mats featuring four key encounter areas from not one, but two Starfinder Playtest Adventures: A Cosmic Birthday and Empires Devoured! One Flip-Mat features a futuristic space station and a science-fantasy cityscape that are abandoned and ready for investigation! The other features a dense fungus jungle and a futuristic settlement bordering the jungle, for exciting sci-fi adventures on the borderlands!
Raze the Village! During their adventuring careers, heroes will surely find themselves saving a small hamlet or invading a town of miscreants. Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Village Assault sets the scene for both! One side of the Flip-Mat shows a small village centered on a meeting hall or chapel, and the other side depicts the same village amid fiery turmoil as it is attacked. Spread one side down to plan the attack and flip it over to take part in the action!
A Starfinder Second Edition Playtest adventure designed for 1st-level characters.
For millennia, Birnam’s Bubble has been a planet untouched by outsiders, fully encapsulated in an impenetrable shield of unknown energy and protected by powerful automated defenses. Through this barrier, explorers and surveyors have glimpsed pristine settlements, verdant flora, and inexplicable magical emanations—yet no fauna or citizens populate the world’s surface.
As in many other parts of the galaxy, the Drift Crisis changed everything. Now, the energy barrier surrounding Birnam’s Bubble cracks like shattering glass, and shards of this solidified energy have begun to fall through the atmosphere to the planet’s surface, causing significant destruction. Enter the breach and uncover the secrets of the lost civilizations of Birnam’s Bubble before they're lost forever!
A Starfinder Second Edition Playtest adventure designed for 5th-level characters.
Countless derelict and abandoned starships litter space, some damaged beyond repair, some containing valuable cargo, and others empty save for the dead. The Xenowarden starship Bloom is one such ship. During a routine survey mission to a newly discovered dwarf planet in the Vast, the crew of the Bloom collected a variety of biological and environmental samples, secured the samples for further study, and departed, plotting a course through the Drift to a mobile research laboratory in the Pact Worlds.
The Bloom that emerged in Pact Worlds’ space was much changed—unresponsive, careening out of control, and with no sign of the ship’s crew. Explore the biomechanical corridors of the Bloom to uncover the fate of its missing crew and face off against a dangerous, alien predator that can’t be allowed to survive.
The Bloom is haunted. That’s the least of your problems.
A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 7th- through 10th-level characters.
With clues from around Jalmeray and Niswan, Venture-Captain Safa has been able to determine where the mysterious Benefactor lives in the city. It's up to a group of Pathfinders to break into the enormous mansion to confront her, all while avoiding her underlings and trying to find evidence of her wrongdoings. A secret plot to undermine the powers that be in Niswan is discovered, and there's only one place left to corner her: her private quarters.
A Starfinder Society Scenario designed for 5th- through 8th-level characters.
Tabrid Minor is a planet on the brink of devastating ecological collapse. While the planet’s government refuses to alter course or change policy, hope is not lost. The Coenocopi Foundation works hard to rekindle ancient copaxi magical traditions in the belief that their spread would cause many citizens to adopt a more ecologically responsible way of life, turning the tide of destruction. Unfortunately, these magical traditions have been lost to time and government erasure.
Enter the Starfinder Society! Explore the rotating ruins of Gadrathar Fortress, a shattered citadel floating many miles above the surface of Tabrid Minor, while on a quest for ancient wisdom and magical secrets.
Uncover the secrets of an ancient and mysterious civilization before they're lost forever! Explore the biomechanical corridors of a derelict starship to uncover the fate of its missing crew and face off against a terrifying alien predator! Witness the birth of an alien god and defend Absalom Station from a horde of cosmic horrors! All these escapades and more await you in the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest Deluxe Adventure Pack, a collection of six thrilling tales carefully designed to mix classic dungeon crawling and narrative-rich sandbox adventures while introducing players to the new Starfinder Second Edition Playtest rule system!
This all-in-one package, exclusive to Foundry VTT, includes the three Starfinder Second Edition Playtest adventures: A Cosmic Birthday, Shards of the Glass Planet, and It Came From the Vast. Empires Devoured, Wheel of Monsters, and Rescue at Shimmerstone Mine are scheduled to be added as free updates when they release in Fall 2024. Experience these adventures using the full suite of Foundry VTT features, using maps, tiles, tokens, sounds, and much more to bring you content that truly cannot be experienced in the same way anywhere else!
Every creature, every variant, and every portrait tokenized and ready for use!
A comprehensive collection of portrait and token artwork for almost 500 creatures, including subtypes and variants! This new premium module, exclusive to Foundry VTT, assembles all the artwork from the Monster Core book for Pathfinder Second Edition Remastered into a complete set of creature tokens and portraits that are ready to be dropped into your games. Crafty caligni, duplicitous devils, deadly dragons, genial genies, lively leshies, nightmarish niliths, perplexing proteans, ruthless rakshasas, slithering serpentfolk, and unrelenting undead—no creature goes unrepresented!
From Our Partners:
Our partners at Archives of Nethys, Demiplane, Fantasy Grounds, Hero Lab Online, and Roll20* are dropping new content this month as well! Buy your PDF on to get a discount via the PaizoConnect API, or pay full price on their platforms, sync your account, and get a complimentary PDF on the Paizo Store.
*Roll20 is no longer a part of PaizoConnect and discounts and complimentary PDFs do not apply.
Bring Pathfinder wherever you are, be it in person or online! If you don’t have a favorite local game store, get books delivered to your door via a Paizo Subscription! From rulebooks to adventures, accessories, and more, we’ve got subscriptions for every table. Subscribing to a line of books gets you the physical book and the PDF for one price! Subscribe to four lines or more to unlock Paizo Advantage savings on products site-wide!
Hello, ‘Finders! Gen Con opens in two short days, and we’ve got a host of exciting announcements about what we’ve got going at the show, from show floor exclusives to live shows, panels, and more!
Paizo at Gen Con 2024!
Tuesday, July 30, 2024
Hello, ‘Finders! Gen Con opens in two short days, and we’ve got a host of exciting announcements about what we’ve got going at the show, from show floor exclusives to live shows, panels, and more!
Coming to Gen Con? There are a variety of places to find Paizo at the convention—whether you’re looking for demos, Organized Play, signings, or good old fashioned shopping!
Paizo is happy to be returning to Booth 203 in the Exhibitor Hall! We’ll have tables and shelves stocked with products new and old—including print copies of the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest Rulebook and sketch covers of all four remastered Pathfinder Core rulebooks! And, with Wayne Reynolds and Kent Hamilton on-site at the booth, you can get those books signed by their cover artists at Gen Con!
Looking for Organized Play? Paizo has an even bigger slice of the Sagamore Ballroom this year, taking Bays 3, 4, and 5 to offer over 80 tables of Pathfinder Society, Starfinder Society, Paizo Board Games, and Starfinder Second Edition Playtest Scenarios! Build characters using Demiplane’s Pathfinder or Starfinder NEXUS at our Digital Character Creation Station and jump right into a game! Play a demo of Pathfinder Second Edition or the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest on Foundry VTT! Also, we are excited to announce that there will be a satellite retail space in the Sagamore Ballroom this year, stocked with Core books, flip mats, minis, and more!
If you want to dip your toes in a shorter game, Paizo has demo tables in Hall C, as well as tables at Syrinscape’s space in the hallway between the ICC and Lucas Oil. Drop by any of these tables for a short, sweet introduction to Pathfinder or Starfinder!
It’s not a convention without convention exclusives! This year, our friends at Fanroll Dice have crafted some wonderful metal goblin dice!
On the subject of Wayne Reynolds’ beautiful artwork and sketches—our partners at Gamehead have designed a Gen Con exclusive playmat featuring the Player Core, GM Core, and Monster Core cover sketches! Get this playmat at our booth and have it signed by Wayne himself!
Panels and More!
Excited for announcements and engaging content? Great news—Paizo is bringing panels to Gen Con physically and virtually! See the full schedule of our content below:
Thursday, August 1st
Gen Con 2024 Keynote – 10 a.m. EDT on
Join Erik Mona and a variety of creatives across Pathfinder, Starfinder, and Paizo Board Games as they give a sneak peek at upcoming products and announce exciting new books!
Starfinder Managing Creative Director Thurston Hillman leads a mixed party of Pathfinder Second Edition and Starfinder Second Edition characters—played by B. Dave Walters, Mark Meer, Jenny Jarzabski, and John Compton—through a Starfinder Second Edition Playtest extravaganza!
Friday, August 2nd
Building Worlds and Stories: Pathfinder Lost Omens Panel – 10 a.m. EDT on
Luis Loza and the developers of the Pathfinder Lost Omens line discuss worldbuilding—from the wide scale of an entire universe to the minute details of an individual city. Learn tips and tricks from Pathfinder’s master lorecrafters.
Thurston Hillman and Jenny Jarzabski reveal the roadmap of Starfinder Second Edition, announcing upcoming books and giving a look behind the curtain as work progresses on Starfinder Player Core, GM Core, and Alien Core.
With Pathfinder Prey for Death releasing at Gen Con, the War of Immortals meta event has begun, and Golarion’s landscape will be changed forever! Learn more about how this meta event is sparking change across the rulebook, Lost Omens, and adventure lines!
With the launch of the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest, the Starfinder team is thrilled to get player feedback on the rules. This panel will elaborate on how design choices were made for the playtest, what the design team is interested in hearing about, and how your feedback helps shape the future of Starfinder Second Edition!
The release of Pathfinder Player Core 2 at Gen Con concludes the remastering of the core rules engine for Pathfinder Second Edition. Join the Pathfinder design team as they discuss the remastering process and what’s coming up for Pathfinder.
*All panels taking place on-site at Gen Con will be recorded and uploaded on our YouTube channel after the show!
We’re looking forward to seeing you all at Gen Con this year—in person or online!
Everyone on the Starfinder team agrees that the setting is our favorite part of the game. As stewards of Starfinder, we’re more interested in preserving and expanding lore than we are in reinventing it, but a new edition is the perfect time to update our beloved setting. Here are a few exciting changes you can look forward to in Starfinder Second Edition!
Starfinder Second Edition Setting Updates
Friday, July 26, 2024
Everyone on the Starfinder team agrees that the setting is our favorite part of the game. As stewards of Starfinder, we’re more interested in preserving and expanding lore than we are in reinventing it, but a new edition is the perfect time to update our beloved setting. Here are a few exciting changes you can look forward to in Starfinder Second Edition!
Aucturn explodes! That’s right, everybody; we’re kicking Starfinder Second Edition off with a bang and blowing up one of the Pact Worlds! For those who weren’t keeping up, Aucturn is the most distant, mysterious planet in the sun’s orbit (kind of like Pluto), except it has a toxic atmosphere and is crawling with monsters like orocorans and carrion wheels. Yikes! To make things worse, most people who live on Aucturn are cultists of eldritch gods. That said, though it was a pretty weird place, nobody expected it to explode!
Many people in the Pact Worlds believed Aucturn was really an egg. There was even a cult dedicated to nurturing the eldritch being inside it, and it’s rumored that the planet’s ruler drank his power from the unborn monstrosity. Well, it turns out they were right—Aucturn is an egg, and it just hatched. As you can imagine, this immediately caused problems in Pact Worlds space and across the whole galaxy. Magic went haywire, planets got knocked out of orbit, people experienced bizarre visions, and a strange new god called the Newborn emerged into cosmic consciousness. The weirdness isn’t going to end anytime soon, but it all starts with the playtest. PlayA Cosmic Birthday, a playtest module for 1st-level characters, if you want to experience the disaster/miracle of the Newborn’s emergence firsthand.
Pulonis declares independence! Pulonis (formerly known as Vesk-6) was defeated and occupied by the Veskarium for a long time, but its war for freedom never truly ended. While Veskarium forces were stretched thin during the Drift Crisis, Pulonis finally achieved independence. Soon after, Pulonis joined the Pact alliance as the first full member not located in the Pact Worlds system. Starfinder Second Edition is celebrating Pulonis by adding pahtras as a core ancestry and Meyel the Dancing Fury (their patron god) as a core deity. Surely this won’t upset the Veskarium, right? Well, speaking of that…
Azlanti Star Empire challenges the Veskarium! It’s the war we’ve all been waiting for—let them fight! The Pact Council must have been feeling pretty smug about the Veskarium getting distracted right after the stunt they pulled with Pulonis, until they realized that an interstellar war has far-reaching consequences even for those who aren’t involved. If you want to be part of Starfinder history and experience the beginning of this war, playEmpires Devoured, a playtest module for 10th-level characters.
New gods join the core pantheon! You’ll notice that old favorites like Oras and Triune have been joined by some new divine faces. We’ve added the patron gods of the Azlanti Star Empire and Pulonis, as well as two completely new deities that emerged after recent cosmic events, to the list of core deities. Now your character can be a rune-scourged follower of Lissala, a graceful warrior of Meyel, study the enigma of the Newborn, or channel pain into art for Zon-Shelyn. You can read more about all the gods, old and new, in theStarfinder Playtest Rulebook.
If you’re still curious about setting updates and want to find out about new Starfinder content, keep an eye on GenCon news next month. Not only will we be launching the first public Starfinder Second Edition playtest, we’ll also have plenty more news to share that you won’t want to miss.
Hello, Starfinders!
This month we’re dispatching agents to Tabrid Minor, home of the copaxis! During our last visit, a team of heroic Starfinders forced the planet’s government to realize an important truth: to save Tabrid Minor and prevent a devastating ecological collapse, they would need to cease industrialization and dedicate time and resources to the healing of their world. Surely the government took our advice and the planet is taking the first steps toward a brighter, healthier future! Right? …Right?
July Digital Adventure Previews
Thursday, July 25, 2024
Hello, Starfinders!
This month we’re dispatching agents to Tabrid Minor, home of the copaxis! During our last visit, a team of heroic Starfinders forced the planet’s government to realize an important truth: to save Tabrid Minor and prevent a devastating ecological collapse, they would need to cease industrialization and dedicate time and resources to the healing of their world. Surely the government took our advice and the planet is taking the first steps toward a brighter, healthier future! Right? …Right?
No? They ignored us completely? (heavy sigh) Figures.
Sounds like it’s up to us! Meet up with Zigvigix and our friends at the Coenocopi Foundation—I hear they’ve got a plan. Something about an ancient flying fortress? I’m sure you’ll handle it! No pressure, Starfinders!
Big news hitting the infosphere, Starfinders! The Starfinder Second Edition Playtest launches next week! To support the playtest, we’re releasing four Starfinder Playtest Scenarios—short, 2-3 hour digital adventures written by members of the Starfinder team! Two of these scenarios will release at the end of this month, on August 1st! Buckle up Starfinders, and let’s take a peek into the future!
First—disaster strikes the planet of Birnam’s Bubble, as the impenetrable energy shield that surrounds the world begins to shatter. As shards of this solidified energy fall through the atmosphere to the planet’s surface, causing significant destruction, the Church of Weyden dispatches surveyors and historians to the mysterious planet’s surface.
Sounds like they could use some help! Enter the breach and uncover the secrets of the lost civilizations of Birnam’s Bubble before they're lost forever!
When the Xenowarden biomechanical starship Bloom is discovered careening uncontrolled through space, it’s up to a team of brave spacefarers to enter the starship and uncover the fate of its missing crew.
Did I forget to mention the Bloom is haunted? Don’t worry, that’s the least of your problems…
Have fun out there, Starfinders! Happy playtesting!
Jessica Catalan Starfinder Society Developer
Hello Pathfinders, and welcome to yet another heat-filled summer month!
(At least for those of us in the northern hemisphere.)
(How’s your winter going, southern hemisphere?)
Anyway! As we’re preparing for Gen Con and the start of the Year of Immortal Influence, we don’t have too much to show off, which means that our finale scenario of the Year of Unfettered Exploration takes center stage!
This month we’re returning to Jalmeray and infiltrating the manor home of the Benefactor, a rakshasa mastermind who seems to have several plots up her beautiful, billowing sleeves! The Pathfinders must search her home during a gathering of her underlings, looking for evidence of any future plans and schemes. Rather quickly, one scheme becomes very obvious: a notable figure in Niswan is in big trouble, but also the list of artifacts that the Benefactor seems to own is disturbing yet tantalizing.
You step hesitantly into a musty cellar crowded with alchemical glassware, stone crucibles, and the occasional metal antenna crackling with electricity. Strange-colored fluids in uncovered beakers bubble and smoke near jars that hold the remnants of failed experiments floating in formaldehyde. A man stands in the center of the room, hunched over a table. His hair is wild, and his once-white lab coat has been stained with various chemicals. He looks up as you approach, and you can see that his table is strewn with papers splotched with ink. He barks out an overexcited laugh, followed by a half-choked cry of “The Remaster! Is Finished!”
Player Core 2 Preview: The Alchemist, Remastered
Wednesday, July 24, 2024
You step hesitantly into a musty cellar crowded with alchemical glassware, stone crucibles, and the occasional metal antenna crackling with electricity. Strange-colored fluids in uncovered beakers bubble and smoke near jars that hold the remnants of failed experiments floating in formaldehyde. A man stands in the center of the room, hunched over a table. His hair is wild, and his once-white lab coat has been stained with various chemicals. He looks up as you approach, and you can see that his table is strewn with papers splotched with ink. He barks out an overexcited laugh, followed by a half-choked cry of “The Remaster! Is Finished!”
Hello! Pay no attention to the man in the intro. He was laughed out of the university for his unorthodox research. But his theories—and some healthy doses of mutagenic mixtures—have led the way for a Remastered version of the alchemist class coming in Player Core 2!
The alchemist can craft chemical concoctions that can aid in all manner of situations. From deadly poisons to life-saving elixirs to explosive bombs, an alchemist can whip up the perfect item, provided they have the formula. The Core Rulebook version of the class had limited resources each day that could be used in multiple ways. However, while this was flexible, it created very complex decisions based on guesswork, which often ended up disappointing. We wanted to smooth out these choices while retaining the core functions of the class.
To that end, instead of having a large batch of infused reagents at the start of the day that require the alchemist to choose how many they are using with advanced alchemy and how many to save for Quick Alchemy, these two resources are now separate. Infused reagents are gone! At the start of each day, an alchemist makes a certain number of alchemical items that they can keep for themself or hand off to friends; remember that these items are only good for 24 hours, so be sure to use them!
Fumbus, the iconic alchemist, blows stuff up real good.
Art by Federico Musetti
In addition, an alchemist also has a number of what we’re calling versatile vials, which are small mixtures of fast-acting chemicals that can be easily turned into other consumables. On their own, versatile vials can be thrown as acidic bombs, and with the Quick Alchemy action, an alchemist can turn a versatile vial into an alchemical consumable they know the formula for; this item remains potent until the start of the alchemist’s next turn. Each research field presents a unique way for the alchemist to use their versatile vials. For example, a mutagenist can drink one of their versatile vials to temporarily suppress the drawback of one mutagen they are under the effects of. And a chirurgeon can hurl a versatile vial at a willing ally within 20 feet for some distance healing!
The number of versatile vials an alchemist has isn’t a finite daily resource. They can replenish their vials over time as they gather alchemical ingredients during exploration mode. If things start going poorly, an alchemist can also whip up a temporary versatile vial using Quick Alchemy, though it can’t be used to make a different kind of item. And the 2nd-level Improvise Admixture feat allows the alchemist to scrounge together enough materials for a few extra ready-to-use versatile vials once per day as a single action.
We found the space in this book for toxicology, a research field that was introduced in the Advanced Player’s Guide. It’s included here in all its noxious glory, and poisons created by such an alchemist deal acid damage instead of poison damage if that would be more detrimental. The toxicologist’s 13th-level greater field discovery causes a victim of one of their injury poisons to spray that toxin onto an adjacent creature, exposing them to the same poison. Not a fun time for the toxicologist’s enemies!
Finally, we know a lot of you are curious to hear more about the alchemist’s attack proficiencies. Some of the other designers didn’t want me to tell you this, but I’ve slipped some soporifics in their morning coffees, so they won’t even notice. Alchemists are still getting their alchemical weapon expertise at 7th level, but they now also receive alchemical weapon mastery at 15th level. Get those bombs ready!
We are very excited for you to see the class when Player Core 2 releases… soon! So soon, it’s making me a little anxious. Perhaps one of these mysterious elixirs left behind by that scientist will calm me down… Oh no, what have I done? I feel… What is happening to me?!?
Regurgitate Mutagen [one-action] Feat 4
Alchemist, Manipulate Requirements You are under the effects of a mutagen.
You redirect a mutagen within your body to spit a stream of stomach acid at a foe. A creature within 30 feet takes 1d6 acid damage for every 2 levels you have, with a basic Reflex save against your class DC. On a failure, the creature is also sickened 1 (or sickened 2 on a critical failure). The mutagen’s duration immediately ends.
Introducing Gen Con Charity Partner – Rose Gauntlet Foundation!
With Gen Con right around the corner, we’d like to shine a spotlight on one of the recipients of funds from this year’s Gen Con Charity Auctions—the Rose Gauntlet Foundation.
Introducing Gen Con Charity Partner – Rose Gauntlet Foundation!
Tuesday, July 23, 2024
With Gen Con right around the corner, we’d like to shine a spotlight on one of the recipients of funds from this year’s Gen Con Charity Auctions—the Rose Gauntlet Foundation.
The Rose Gauntlet Foundation aims to provide a platform that grants access to education, networking, and resources for individuals who wish to pursue a career in the tabletop gaming industry. They are committed to promoting diversity and equity in the gaming community by supporting and amplifying the voices of underrepresented groups.
At Gen Con, the Rose Gauntlet Foundation hosts the BIPOC Lounge—a social, recharge, and networking space for BIPOC at the largest gaming convention in America. First introduced in 2022, the BIPOC Lounge has become an official, convention-supported feature of Gen Con. As part of the BIPOC Lounge festivities, Rose Gauntlet also hosts a BIPOC Social Mixer, Mentorship Meetings, and more!
Outside of Gen Con, the Rose Gauntlet Foundation continues doing phenomenal work to help underrepresented groups in the games industry. At PAXU, they host “Big Gay Dinner,” a social and networking event for LGBTQIA+ industry professionals. Formerly at Origins and making a space this year at PAX West, “Game Changers” focuses on women in board and roleplaying games.
Paizo is proud to support the Rose Gauntlet Foundation through our Gen Con Charity Auctions. Keep an eye out for those auctions as we get closer to Gen Con.
If you’re interested in volunteering or donating to the Rose Gauntlet Foundation, take a look at the opportunities on their site!
The Starfinder Playtest and the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest Rulebook are coming soon! On behalf of the entire Starfinder team, we’d like to thank you for your time, dedication, and enthusiasm for the next edition of the Starfinder Roleplaying Game. The upcoming playtest is a vital part of making sure Starfinder Second Edition will be the best possible game it can be! Your feedback is indispensable to our process, and we literally couldn’t do it without you!
Starfinder Playtesting Overview
Tuesday, July 23, 2024
The Starfinder Playtest and the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest Rulebook are coming soon! On behalf of the entire Starfinder team, we’d like to thank you for your time, dedication, and enthusiasm for the next edition of the Starfinder Roleplaying Game. The upcoming playtest is a vital part of making sure Starfinder Second Edition will be the best possible game it can be! Your feedback is indispensable to our process, and we literally couldn’t do it without you!
Illustration by Alexander Gorbunov
How We Playtest
The easiest way to playtest is to explore the material, cooperate with other players, and report back using our surveys! There will be four surveys: the Class Survey asks specific questions about your character choices and experiences, the Class Open Response Survey that allows for more freeform feedback about each of our six classes, the Game Feedback Survey that lets you provide feedback about any other material in the Starfinder Playtest Rulebook, and the Adventure Feedback Survey where you can share your experiences and feedback about our playtest adventures!
The Starfinder Playtest Second Edition Rulebook, our first two playtest adventures, and the playtest surveys go live on August 1 at 10 a.m. EST. The Playtest Rulebook PDF is free and the necessary rules from Pathfinder Player Core and Pathfinder GM Core can be found online with our partners at Archives of Nethys. The playtesting period lasts until December 31, 2024, when the surveys officially close. You can go back and modify your survey at any point during the playtest period, so don’t wait until the last minute thinking you’ve tried every class or run every adventure.
What We Playtest
We’re releasing two Starfinder adventures and four scenarios during the playtest period that help support the playtest itself. These adventures and scenarios feature a wide variety of challenges and encounters as the playtests focus on player facing options. We won’t spoil anything here for our players who want to avoid spoilers, but you can read more about each adventure on their accompanying product pages!
Playtest Adventures are longer self-contained adventures that should take multiple sessions to complete and take characters across multiple levels. These adventures are great introductions to the Starfinder setting and help players experience two major events taking place in our setting.Starfinder Second Edition Playtest Adventure: A Cosmic Birthday by Jenny Jarzabski begins at 1st level, and Starfinder Second Edition Playtest Adventure: Empires Devoured by Thurston Hillman begins at 10th-level and will be released in October.
Home game data will be immensely helpful during the playtest process. GMs are highly encouraged to use monsters and other threats from the playtest adventures or Pathfinder Second Edition sources like Pathfinder Monster Core. Additional guidelines to running adventures during the playtest can be extrapolated using Pathfinder GM Core. We suggest avoiding variant rules during the playtest period, such as free archetype rules or proficiency without level.
Who We Playtest
When building characters, stick to the official character creation guidelines as much as possible. We will have pregenerated characters for every class available during the playtest, with character sheets you can print out at home that include all the information you need to play each character.
Players should avoid using Pathfinder Second Edition ancestries, backgrounds, classes, equipment, and feats that aren’t explicitly included in the playtest. Note that most of the skill feats and some class feats from Pathfinder Player Core have been included in the skill feat tables and are part of the playtest. Spells should be selected from the Playtest Rulebook and Pathfinder Player Core. While these options are available, we encourage players to try the new feats and spells from the Starfinder Playtest Core Rulebook to provide us with new data.
Where We Playtest
Gen Con and other major conventions, both in person and online, provide ample opportunity for playtesting. Finding a local or online Starfinder Society lodge is a surefire way to find people interested in playtesting, and you can find out how all these adventures fit into our Organized Play Program here.
Why We Playtest
The entire team is grateful for everyone’s enthusiasm and excitement as we venture into this new era of adventure! Paizo has a long tradition of playtesting new material, and the data you provide playing our games is critical to our process and morale (after all, nothing encourages a game developer like hearing about people playing our games)! While we prioritize the data we get from the playtest surveys, the Starfinder team actively reads and welcomes your thoughts on many social media platforms and communities including our own Second Edition Playtest Forum!
Today, we’re excited to launch a new landing page featuring all the information fans, content creators, and other publishers need to legally use Paizo’s intellectual property—game rules, setting details, artwork, logos, and other copyrights and trademarks—in their own products. Whether you’re looking to make an online rules database using the ORC license, a setting compatible with Pathfinder Second Edition, an adventure set in the Pact Worlds system, an actual play podcast, or a series of handmade plushies of iconic heroes like Valeros, Seoni, and Lem, we’ve got everything you need at
New and Revised Licenses
Monday, July 22, 2024
Today, we’re excited to launch a new landing page featuring all the information fans, content creators, and other publishers need to legally use Paizo’s intellectual property—game rules, setting details, artwork, logos, and other copyrights and trademarks—in their own products. Whether you’re looking to make an online rules database using the ORC license, a setting compatible with Pathfinder Second Edition, an adventure set in the Pact Worlds system, an actual play podcast, or a series of handmade plushies of iconic heroes like Valeros, Seoni, and Lem, we’ve got everything you need at
Along with this new hub of information, we also made a few updates and revisions to our existing licenses, both for ease of use and to bring them up to date with the current state of our games and brands. You can find out more about these specific licenses on their respective pages on the site.
Paizo Compatibility License
With Pathfinder (and soon Starfinder) in its second edition, we were starting to get a bit of a glut of system-specific compatibility licenses. So, we consolidated what was previously two distinct Pathfinder RPG Compatibility Licenses and a Starfinder Compatibility License into a single Paizo Compatibility License. Using the new license, a publisher can declare compatibility with any of our games and use the appropriate logo, and we don’t have to constantly maintain the list of products and game systems you can use it for.
We also got rid of the registration process by which publishers had to inform us they were using the license. Now, you agree to the license when you publish something using it, the same way you do for the OGL or ORC. Your use of one of the Compatibility Logos or our proprietary Pathfinder-Icons font aren’t locked behind any red tape. Just create your content, ensure you’re following all the rules of the license, and you’re ready to go.
Pathfinder and Starfinder Infinite
In October, on the eve of the Pathfinder Second Edition Remaster Project launch, we announced that the ORC license wouldn’t be usable on our Pathfinder and Starfinder Infinite community content publishing platforms. While this initially caused a bit of confusion, in the months since, we’ve seen publishers continue using both platforms with great success, accessing Paizo’s IP via the Infinite License alone.
Next month, with the release of Pathfinder Player Core 2, we’ll have completed the 18-month task of divesting our core game from the OGL, and thus, starting on September 1, 2024, publishing of new OGL content on Pathfinder and Starfinder Infinite will cease; publishers wishing to release game content on either platform will need to use the Infinite license exclusively.
This means that until Starfinder Second Edition is officially out in just over a year, Starfinder content on the platform is going to need to be free of rules (setting lore, fiction, art assets, etc.) but once the new edition of the game is out, we plan to relaunch Starfinder Infinite in style. It also means that Pathfinder First Edition content, or Pathfinder Second Edition content based on OGL material, will also sunset from the platform in just over a month. So, if you have a Pathfinder product in the works featuring chuuls, the eight schools of magic, or yes, even drow, you have until the end of August to release them. We won’t be removing OGL-based content from the marketplace in September, but you won’t be able to release new material using the OGL after that point.
The Infinite FAQ and End User Licensing Agreement on the marketplaces will be updated closer to the date of the actual change, but consider this your fair warning.
Fan Content Policy
As of today, Paizo’s Community Use Policy has been replaced by the Paizo Fan Content Policy, which serves a similar role, but with different provisions.
First, the Fan Content Policy will allow you to sell merchandise using our IP. Yes, for money. You will also be able to monetize other content using Paizo’s IP, like putting a live play of one of our Adventure Paths behind a Patreon paywall. There are restrictions to this, however, so make sure you read the license carefully before you put in your order with the factory to make high-end poster maps of Golarion. Anything you sell needs to be made by you and sold directly by you to the consumer. You can’t upload a bunch of our art to one of those print-on-demand shops that will let anyone put the art on whatever hat or mug or shirt they want. You can screen print shirts or sew your own plushies and sell them on an Etsy storefront you operate or at conventions, but not mass produce either or sell them through external services or storefronts. But those Pathfinder Society faction dice bags you have been making because you love them? You can totally start selling those now instead of just giving them away for free.
Most of what you could previously do with the Community Use Policy is still permitted under the Fan Content Policy except for making RPG products, which you’ll need to release through the Pathfinder or Starfinder Infinite storefronts (even for free if you want) from now on. So, you can’t use art from the blog or setting material from Golarion to make your own rulebook or adventure under this license. If you’re currently using the OGL or ORC in conjunction with the Community Use Policy, in order to be compliant with the new Fan Content Policy you’ll need to either remove any game rules that would require you to use cite those licenses or remove any non-rule content you accessed via the Community Use Policy.
We know that all this legal stuff can be intimidating and confusing for many fans, and for that, we apologize. It’s our hope that these changes largely improve the community’s ability to create and engage with our brands, our games, and each other, even if they’re different than what we’ve offered in the past. Be sure to check out each license’s FAQ for more information, or pose your questions in the forums or comments below. We’ll do our best to answer them in as timely and clear manner as possible.
Now go out there and start creating! We can’t wait to see what you have in store for us.
Starfinder Playtest: Demos, Pregens, and Playtest Scenarios!
<Incoming transmission from the Starfinder team… >
Starfinder Playtest: Demos, Pregens, and Playtest Scenarios!
Friday, July 19, 2024
<Incoming transmission from the Starfinder team… >
Hello, Starfinders!
The Starfinder Second Edition Playtest is ready for launch—but before we begin the countdown (t-minus two weeks and counting!) we’re sending out a transmission across the galaxy. The Pact Worlds needs those most celebrated heroes: playtesters! Are you ready to answer the call?
When the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest Rulebook releases at GenCon 2024, we invite you to hop right into the action. Get your hands on the playtest rulebook, roll up some characters, and get playing! To support the playtest, we’ve got three tools waiting on standby! Download pre-generatedcharacters, play the demo at a convention, and purchase the Starfinder Playtest Scenarios!
Pre-generated characters (better known as pregens) are official sample characters available as a free download on These pregens encompass all six of our playtest classes and are available at level 1 and level 5. Each pregen includes a character sheet and accompanying reference sheet which includes all the details a player needs to play that character. Our playtest pregens include: Navasi the human envoy, Chk Chk the shirren mystic, Iseph the android operative, Dae the pahtra solarian, Obozaya the vesk soldier, and Zemir the human witchwarper.
The Starfinder Second Edition Playtest Demo is a short, 45-minute to 1-hour demo adventure to be run at special events, including GenCon 2024! This demo adventure showcases the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest in a fun, engaging way. All players will use 1st-level pregens. So, grab your pregen and hop aboard a shuttle for Golarion World! That’s right! Excitable skittermander Novadorio needs your help to save his best friend, Prisma, from a group of vicious raiders infiltrating an unopened part of the amusement park! This delightful demo adventure uses Starfinder Flip-Mat: Amusement Park.
Novadorio, a skittermander whose friend is in peril! Art by Ksenia Kozhevnikova
Ready for more adventure? Set course for Starfinder Second Edition Playtest Scenarios! Each Starfinder Playtest Scenario is a short, single-session adventure designed to be played in 2–3 hours and written by a member of the Starfinder Team. Participants in our Organized Play Programs should also download a copy of the Starfinder Playtest Sheet from to unlock additional rewards in our OP campaigns! (More information available here). Two Starfinder Playtest Scenarios release on August 1st, 2024, with one additional scenario releasing in late September and one in late October.
Starfinder Playtest Scenario #1: Shards of the Glass Planet is a first contact–themed adventure for 1st-level characters written by Mike Kimmel! In the wake of the Drift Crisis, the impenetrable energy field surrounding the planet Birnam’s Bubble is shattering, and shards of this solidified energy have begun to fall through the atmosphere to the planet’s surface, causing significant destruction. Enter the breach and uncover the secrets of the lost civilizations of Birnam’s Bubble before they're lost forever!
Starfinder Playtest Scenario #2: It Came from the Vast! is a horror-themed adventure for 5th-level characters written by Jessica Catalan! When the Xenowarden biomechanical starship Bloom is discovered careening uncontrolled through space, it’s up to a team of brave spacefarers to enter the starship and uncover the fate of its missing crew! The Bloom is haunted. That’s the least of your problems.
Starfinder Playtest Scenario #3: Wheel of Monsters is a combat-heavy adventure for 10th-level characters written by Dustin Knight! Step right up, come on down, and ready your laser pistols… You’re the next contestants on Zo!’s Wheel of Monsters, a thrilling game show that pits contestants in lethal combat against dangerous creatures collected from across the galaxy. Don’t worry, contestants, there’s a big prize if you make it out alive!
Starfinder Playtest Scenario #4: Rescue at Shimmerstone Mine is a rescue mission and dungeon delve for 15th-level characters written by Jenny Jarzabski! Meanwhile, in the Veskarium, inexplicable disasters and sudden riots are breaking out in shimmerstone mines all across the frigid planet of Vesk-8. While many corporations react with attempts to sweep these events under the metaphorical rug, Shim-Tek desperately seeks outside agents to visit their shimmerstone mine, investigate the disturbance, and rescue any imperiled miners still on site.
Famesworn, one of the many dangerous creatures you might face on the Wheel of Monsters!
Art by Max Roche
Of course, we’ve got a few other adventures waiting in the wings. (A Cosmic Birthday and Empires Devoured, anyone?). But that’s a blog for another day!
The website is the place to watch for news and information about the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest and feedback process. We’ll have more Starfinder Second Edition news—and the playtest itself—at GenCon 2024!
Nixret looked over the sides of the rickety fishing boat and sighed before quickly remembering how much she hated ocean voyages, quickly bringing her gaze down to the wooden deck before another wave of nausea could overwhelm her. The captain of the small boat, Masuhei Okonase, was deftly navigating the relatively calm seas on the way to Kayajima from Sakakabe in Minkai. Despite this, even the slight motion of the Auspicious Pearl on the waves left Nixret reeling. “Kobolds were not meant for sea travel,” she opined miserably in her head. Of course she wouldn’t voice any such complaints. That’s not what heroes did.
A Pathfinder’s First Mission
Thursday, July 18, 2024
Illustration by Bruno Cesar
Nixret looked over the sides of the rickety fishing boat and sighed before quickly remembering how much she hated ocean voyages, quickly bringing her gaze down to the wooden deck before another wave of nausea could overwhelm her. The captain of the small boat, Masuhei Okonase, was deftly navigating the relatively calm seas on the way to Kayajima from Sakakabe in Minkai. Despite this, even the slight motion of the Auspicious Pearl on the waves left Nixret reeling. “Kobolds were not meant for sea travel,” she opined miserably in her head. Of course she wouldn’t voice any such complaints. That’s not what heroes did.
Last year she was saved by the real deal, when that weird planar nexus had trapped the Tskikha iruxi enclave along with some Pathfinder initiates–herself included. It was all she could do to keep her wits about her in that crisis, but the agents sent to rescue them did more than that–they got everyone home. After that she had redoubled her efforts, achieved her confirmation, and was even recognized by Kreighton Shaine for her part in helping those Pathfinder agents resolve the Blackwood Crisis. She nervously grasped the wayfinder he’d gifted her, feeling its weight. “And now I’m the hero,” she thought to herself.
Illustration by Giorgio Falconi
Of course, heroism would have to wait. Newly confirmed agents were rarely sent on the most dangerous of missions and this was no different: routine maintenance on the leylines of Kayajima to keep the Three Gates Lodge properly protected. Still, she could hope. She risked another bout of nausea as she glanced around at her fellow Pathfinders. A few—like Kisuke, a kitsune sorcerer, and Tara, a human with aspirations to be a swordlord—were well known to her. Their goading was at the root of most of her misadventures resulting in angry lectures or extra chores during her time as an initiate. The tanuki sitting with them, Mochi, was apparently field commissioned after some incident in the Maze of the Open Road. Nixret didn’t really know the details, but wilder rumors spoke of a dance-off, and that couldn’t be right.
Noting her gaze Kisuke gave a grin, “Didn’t think kobold scales changed color, but I swear yours are looking even greener.” Nixret shot the kitsune a withering look, but the sight of the horizon bobbing up and down behind him sent her stomach reeling. Though her friend meant well, she was not enjoying this part of adventuring. Where were the dragons? The beasts barring her path? The artifacts of power they all would need to race to collect? She sighed and gave voice to her thoughts. “Weren’t we supposed to be adventuring, not doing cleaning and maintenance over some leylines that our predecessors already made safe?”
Her three companions nodded in understanding, but Tara calmly noted, “we can hardly be expected to be handed responsibility right after our Confirmations. I’m sure greater challenges will come. Besides, the task is important or else Venture-Captain Mukai wouldn’t have requested our help.” Nixret envied her friend’s ability to remain calm and composed–even when egging Nixret on to break curfew–but had to admit that she had a point. Besides, who knows when a routine mission could turn into a crisis? If nothing else, the events back in the Blackwood Swamp proved that without a shadow of a doubt. “Sometimes I just wish these routine tasks could turn into something much more epic,” she said with a sigh.
“Fire,” the professor whispered. His hands shook as he traced the runes etched onto the walls.
Iconic Encounter: Blood and Storm
Wednesday, July 17, 2024
“Fire,” the professor whispered. His hands shook as he traced the runes etched onto the walls.
The Taldan scholar—bald and stooped, somewhat like a pale turtle—had intricate tattoos coiling up his arms, neck, and cheek, like her own but of a different style. On their first night together, she had asked about the markings. Irezoko, he said they were called, borrowed from her own Varisian tradition and a sign of his rank in Absalom’s College of Mysteries, the rank of enigma.
Seoni frowned and scanned the long tunnel. Various support beams of the same smooth stone as the walls buttressed its length, and script she did not recognize covered the entirety. The symbols were old and worn, done long ago, but she looked for inhabitants anyway. There were no signs that the lizardfolk or giant beasts from the surface had found this place.
“The runes?” her tengu companion Korakai asked, prancing forward with a hop. As he did so, the various vials, scroll cases, paper talismans, totems, and baubles affixed to his robes and chain shirt clinked and slapped musically. An orb of liquid blue light followed at his shoulder. Korakai cocked his corvid head one way then the other, peering at the writing. “They say ‘fire,’ do they? How ominous. What else do they say?”
“It—it will take days,” the scholar said with awe, “perhaps weeks, to decipher. This is ancient script, you understand. More than ancient. From the Age of Serpents, I suspect!” He turned to them dramatically, his voice echoing in the tunnel.
At his declaration, Korakai tilted his head back the way, and Seoni stared unmoved. None of them spoke for several heartbeats. The professor sighed in disappointment at their reactions and turned back to the wall. “But see here,” his knobby finger tapped one rune. “This says ‘fire,’ I’m sure of it. And look there, and there, and here. It’s repeated, see?”
“Fire, fire, everywhere,” Korakai chuckled nervously. His robes and feathers fluttered in the faint breeze that always surrounded him. He tapped the butt of his elaborate staff on the floor. The oracle’s fidgeting made noise incessantly. “What do you think it means, Seoni?”
“That is why we have the professor,” she said simply, shrugging.
If the old man, Enigma Rodos, heard her, he was too preoccupied to respond. Muttering, hands touching each symbol reverently, he combed over the walls everywhere Korakai’s light illuminated them.
“He’s a funny one, isn’t he?” The oracle tapped his staff and jingled his way over to Seoni’s side. She thought he was smiling, but it was difficult for most humans to decipher a tengu’s expressions, even after several weeks together. As Korakai drew nearer, the breeze surrounding him plucked at her cloak and skirts.
“Indeed. As I told you, we did not need to bring Valeros for this part. The perils were in getting the professor here. Other than dying of boredom, I do not see any danger from these forgotten tunnels. No need to fear, Korakai.”
“If you say so, Seoni,” her companion looked left and right, tap-tap-tapping with the staff, which was topped by a stylized, silver eye. “Embrace life’s mysteries, yes? Even when they’re in a dark, unexplored ruin. It will be fine, you say.” He did not sound convinced.
Seoni nodded once, and the two of them watched Enigma Rodos work. After several minutes, the professor paused to deliberately pull a parchment, quill, and inkwell from the pockets of his robes.
“Do you really think it will take days?” Korakai whispered.
“Mmm.” She frowned. “Perhaps we can light a torch and leave him to it. He paid us to find this place and we have done so. We have no expertise here. Let him do…” she made a vague gesture with one tattooed arm, “whatever it is scholars do.”
“Oh, yes, yes, leave this place, good,” Korakai jangled as he unshouldered his backpack and began rummaging through it. “I have one. Professor! We are going to light you a torch and head back to camp, yes? You can find it easily enough? We will be close if you need anything.”
Rodos looked up, confused and blinking, as the words slowly sank in. “Yes, that will be fine.”
“Flint and steel, here we are,” Korakai said, balancing his staff in the crook of one arm. With taloned hands he struck once, twice, three times, and a spark lit the animal fat on the end of the wooden torch.
As soon as the flame ignited, several of the runes around them flared in bright orange light. Then others, spreading out like an infection.
Or perhaps a wildfire.
Rodos gasped. “What—what did you do?”
“Fire?” Korakai laughed anxiously, waving the torch. “You must be right on that translation! Keep up the good—Aaaiiiggghhh!” He jumped back on four-toed taloned feet.
Flames filled the chamber with a great WHOOOSH! Rodos scrambled away on hands and knees, nearly engulfed. As Seoni watched, wide-eyed, the flames coalesced into distinct shapes, each moving independently while still part of the same conflagration. It took her a heartbeat to realize that she faced not one raging blaze, but a dozen smaller ones, each in the shape of a halfling-sized humanoid. The fiery figures prowled forward, moving like a pack of wolves.
“Professor! Away!” she barked. “Get Valeros and the others, quickly!”
Seoni dashed to one side of the tunnel, her arms weaving symbols in the air. Instinctively she plunged her consciousness inward, where a roiling mass of memories awaited her. Images and voices from experiences before her birth flooded her mind. In her childhood, this sort of bombardment threatened to overwhelm her. Now, she utilized her tattoos; for her they were not a sign of rank but instead a map, a reminder of her ancestral blood and the thousand generations of spellcasters who preceded her. Power flowed through her. Power and knowledge. And Seoni channeled it through the detailed patterns across her skin, focusing the chaos into her spells.
“Frost and ice!” she called to Korakai. “Quench the flames!” As she said the words, an orb of biting cold formed around one of the fiery figures. Steam filled the tunnel as the elemental screeched like a teakettle.
“You mean to fight?!” the oracle gasped. “But… oh, bother.”
Korakai tamped his staff to the ground and the silver eye atop it flared. Geometric sigils, triangles and circles of blue light, spun around the head of the oracle’s weapon and, as they did, his free hand swirled with liquid, azure energy. The tengu had explained to Seoni that he could glimpse the First Storm that existed before creation, when the planes were nothing more than a roiling sea of lightning, wind, and rain. It was these fleeting glimpses, he speculated, that allowed the many gods and goddesses of weather to grant him their blessings.
The oracle reached out with his tempest’s touch, the water leaping from his outstretched talon to the nearest figure. More steam and high-pitched screeching let Seoni know that Korakai’s attacks were as deadly to these creatures as her own orbs of frost.
Korakai and Seoni fight fire with ice in this illustration by Gunship Revolution from Pathfinder Player Core 2.
Small arcs of lightning etched at random intervals across his robed form, and he moved to attack again. The breeze surrounding him was now a gale, buffeting Seoni’s hair and clothes. For all his fear, a true force of nature raged, barely contained, within her companion.
Their opponents breathed gouts of flame in response. The collective experience of Seoni’s ancestors guided her every movement as she raised a round shield of energy. Arcane sigils around her hands glowed blurrily in the steam. To her right, in a divine battle cry, Korakai let forth a mighty crow’s call as the tempest around him roared in response.
Seoni smiled fiercely, the light of fire dancing in her eyes.
About the Author
Jay Moldenhauer-Salazar was a founding columnist for Magic: the Gathering’s official website, which he wrote weekly for five years (along with various other gaming columns). During that time, he also penned several Kamigawa block web stories for Wizards of the Coast. He is a lifelong tabletop roleplaying gamer, frequent GM, and currently part of a fiction writers’ group in Oakland, CA. His serialized novelization of the Age of Ashes Adventure Path is available on Pathfinder Infinite.
About Iconic Encounters
Iconic Encounters is a series of web-based flash fiction set in the worlds of Pathfinder and Starfinder. Each short story provides a glimpse into the life and personality of one of the games’ iconic characters, showing the myriad stories of adventure and excitement players can tell with the Pathfinder and Starfinder roleplaying games.
Korakai’s and Seoni’s classes—the oracle and sorcerer—appear in Pathfinder Player Core 2, which remasters eight Pathfinder Second Edition classes and presents a vast array of existing and new character options for members of all classes, including the chilling spray and tempest touch spells the pair cast in this story. Pathfinder Player Core 2 is available for preorder now, and will release in hardcover, special edition hardcover, retailer exclusive sketch variant hardcover, and PDF on August 1, 2024, and in pocket edition softcover in October.
Now that the dust of battle has cleared and all your survey responses are in, we can examine the intel you’ve given us to help refine and perfect the commander and guardian classes. We appreciate all your feedback, and while we’re still sifting through the more detailed notes, we can give you some quick insights into some ways we’ll be moving forward.
Battlecry! Playtest Debriefing
Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Now that the dust of battle has cleared and all your survey responses are in, we can examine the intel you’ve given us to help refine and perfect the commander and guardian classes. We appreciate all your feedback, and while we’re still sifting through the more detailed notes, we can give you some quick insights into some ways we’ll be moving forward.
First, Michael Sayre will talk about the commander, and then Jason Keeley will fill us in on the guardian.
The Commander
Michael Sayre here, talking about where we might be headed with the commander class post-playtest.
One of the big things we saw in the playtest feedback was that by and large, people were really happy with the class as it stands. When we see numbers like this, one of the takeaways is that we want to focus on polishing what we’ve got rather than taking apart something that people are already really enjoying.
With that in mind, there’s a few things I think we’re highly likely to be doing going forward.
Tactics: A big thing we want to do, obviously, is adding a bunch more tactics, especially in the expert, master, and legendary tiers. For the playtest, we had two tactics to choose from at each of these tiers, and we’re looking to increase that number significantly. With more tactics to choose from, we have room to expand the number of tactics the commander can have in their folio, and we can look at giving them a slight bump to the number of tactics they can have prepared. In addition to modifying the number of tactics available (both while building your commander and while playing them), we’re looking at some adjustments to the tactics themselves. In particular, making the master tactics all function on a once-per-10-minutes frequency and the legendary tactics all function at a once-per-day frequency can help make deciding when and how to deploy the various tactics in your folio a bigger part of your strategies across the day, without raising the cognitive load of play too high.
Traits: The use of “banner” as both a class item and as a trait was sowing a bit of confusion, so we’re looking at replacing the banner trait with a “brandish” trait to make it a bit clearer that those abilities require you to have your banner held in hand and able to be waved about.
Feats: We’re not anticipating a lot of changes here, but we’re looking at some opportunities to polish and expand some of the functionality presented in the commander’s feats. One of the possible changes we’re considering is swapping out the commander’s mount for a more versatile “mascot” pet and adding in a class-specific capstone feat for said mascot.
We know that folks really loved this class during the playtest, so hopefully this opportunity to polish and elevate it further makes it even more satisfying when the final iteration rolls out with the release of Battlecry! next year!
In the shadow of a mountain range, Amiri and Harsk lead an army of soldiers to war. Art by Jorge Jacinto.
The Guardian
The majority of you felt that the concept of the guardian was worth exploring but needed a little more polish to really sing. We couldn’t agree more. Some of the class’s main features might be able to interact with one another more cleanly, and we might be able to present them in a way that shows that the guardian’s abilities are a set of tools that each have their particular uses. We’re considering some larger overhauls to ensure that the guardian is fun and exciting to play.
Intercept Strike: Many of you responded that needing to be adjacent to an ally to protect them could sometimes be difficult to engineer. We’re thinking about adding some mobility to this core reaction, allowing to the guardian to move a little bit before getting the in the way of the blow; after all, who doesn’t want to fling themselves at the frail wizard as an archer’s arrow flies toward their heart, dramatically screaming “Nooooo!”?
Taunt: We wanted to test an extreme version of this ability so we could get your opinions, and we got them! In the current version, the bonus the target gets to attack the guardian essentially negates the advantage of their increased armor proficiency; for the less extreme revision, we’re considering focusing the ability on the penalty it confers to attacking the guardian’s allies. Whether or not this final version operates off of a saving throw or something else depends a lot on the specific implementation, so we’ll be reviewing some possible directions.
Armor Specialization and Resistances: The concept of armor specialization might seem to fit the guardian very well, but that game element was designed to mesh with the abilities of other classes. After playtesting and going through the feedback, we feel it could be a little confusing that the resistance granted through Intercept Strike was different than the armor specialization resistance, so we’re looking at giving the guardian their own generalized resistances that apply in multiple situations!
Feats: With the changes noted above (and some others we’re working on), some of the guardian’s feats will need a bit of reworking and recontextualizing to cohesively fit together in the final version. And, yes, I know Hampering Sweeps is too good for this world! But I’m hoping the idea of it will live on...
Of course, there will be other tweaks that we’ll make to the class as it goes through its post-playtest revisions. We’re sure that the final guardian will be fun and exciting to play for all of you who want to portray a character who goes to great lengths to protect their allies in a fight!
It’s time to celebrate! Starfinder Second Edition Playtest Adventure: A Cosmic Birthday is the first full-length playtest module for Starfinder Second Edition, and it tells the story of a disastrous surge of eldritch energy that disrupts Absalom Station and threatens to throw a community into chaos! The player characters are going about their typical adventuring lives when they suddenly find themselves shunted to the Ghost Levels, a strange dimension filled with occult threats and mysteries. Can they find other survivors and escape the Ghost Levels? And, if they manage it, what will they find once they return to Absalom Station? Things aren’t going so well for the people of the Little Akiton district. The PCs have a lot of work ahead of them if they want to help the community back on its feet, learn the truth behind the strange power surges, and get things back to normal!
Happy Cosmic Birthday!
Tuesday, July 16, 2024
It’s time to celebrate! Starfinder Second Edition Playtest Adventure: A Cosmic Birthday is the first full-length playtest module for Starfinder Second Edition, and it tells the story of a disastrous surge of eldritch energy that disrupts Absalom Station and threatens to throw a community into chaos! The player characters are going about their typical adventuring lives when they suddenly find themselves shunted to the Ghost Levels, a strange dimension filled with occult threats and mysteries. Can they find other survivors and escape the Ghost Levels? And, if they manage it, what will they find once they return to Absalom Station? Things aren’t going so well for the people of the Little Akiton district. The PCs have a lot of work ahead of them if they want to help the community back on its feet, learn the truth behind the strange power surges, and get things back to normal!
It wouldn’t be a very good cosmic birthday without a cosmic birthday party!
Illustration by Ivan Koritarev
Playing this adventure, you’ll not only be directly involved in a major event in the Starfinder setting, but you’ll have a chance to playtest characters (or GM encounters) using the brand new Starfinder Second Edition Playtest Rulebook! You’ll start by creating a level 1 PC, and you should reach level 4 by the end of the adventure—and we want to hear all about your play experiences! Keep an eye on the Starfinder Playtest website for more news about our playtest feedback surveys, which we’ll use to help fine tune the final version of the Starfinder Second Edition rules.
A space station gremlin is here to… help?
Illustration by Pixoloid Studios
A Cosmic Birthday, by Jenny Jarzabski, is an epic adventure that tells the story of our heroes as they battle occult horrors, explore the community of Little Akiton, investigate strange occurrences, and ultimately confront a dangerous cosmic being that threatens Absalom Station. This softcover adventure module takes PCs from 1st to 4th level and includes a mix of new and iconic Starfinder creatures, memorable characters, and bonus content related to the creation of a new core Starfinder deity: the Newborn.
Make your mark on Starfinder history by playing the adventure and participating in the feedback process. Happy birthday!
Hello again from the Starfinder team! With the launch of the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest right around the corner, it won’t be long until you can dive in, build characters, and try the new classes for yourself. Still, we couldn’t resist one last, brief glimpse into the sixth class from the Playtest Rulebook: we’re talking, of course, about the witchwarper!
Starfinder Playtest Preview: Witchwarper
Friday, July 12, 2024
Hello again from the Starfinder team! With the launch of the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest right around the corner, it won’t be long until you can dive in, build characters, and try the new classes for yourself. Still, we couldn’t resist one last, brief glimpse into the sixth class from the Playtest Rulebook: we’re talking, of course, about the witchwarper!
Zemir, the iconic witchwarper Art by Kent Hamilton
Witchwarpers are reality-bending spellcasters whose lives are defined by a paradoxical event that forever warped their existence. Origins in an alternate reality? A trip along a parallel timeline? A quantum experiment gone awry, or a malfunctioning alien device? The Gap itself? Whatever the cause, each witchwarper’s exposure to paradoxical reality has given them tremendous magic abilities.
Beyond affecting reality with mere spellcasting, witchwarpers can create a reality-warping quantum field. In another reality (which is to say, in Starfinder First Edition, insert wink emoji here), witchwarpers had to expend spell slots to use their reality-altering infinite worlds ability. Witchwarpers had to choose between altering reality through spells, or through infinite worlds. Later, in Starfinder Enhanced, the enhanced witchwarper gained additional spell slots to use for infinite worlds.
While a witchwarper’s spellcasting and quantum field are still mechanically intertwined, we’ve taken a new approach. In Starfinder Second Edition, witchwarpers can use the Warp Reality action as often as they want. This brings their quantum field into existence, and the effects of this quantum field depend on the paradox that defines the witchwarper’s magic power. Witchwarpers gain additional abilities through their paradox (and feat selections) that allow them to manipulate or interact with their quantum field, whether by moving it, applying additional zone effects to it, or targeting creatures inside it with reality-altering powers.
Of course, warping reality requires focus. While witchwarpers can create their quantum field as often as they like, they must Sustain it if they want it to stick around. Thankfully, witchwarpers have a new option at their disposal: abilities with the anchoring trait, such as a witchwarper’s focus spells, signature spells, and certain feats, automatically sustain the quantum field in addition to any other effects they may have.
If you think you’ve heard the concept of an “anchor” somewhere in Starfinder before—you’d be correct! An anchor was an important part of the time-bending precog class from Starfinder First Edition. Precog is part of the witchwarper class now—in fact, precog is one of the paradoxes you can choose for your witchwarper character! Anchors aren’t just for precogs anymore: every witchwarper has an anchor, which is a memory, concept, or object that keeps them grounded in true reality. A witchwarper can sustain their quantum field through a special “anchoring action” granted by their anchor, granting them greater flexibility from round to round, rather than forcing them to sustain their quantum field by casting specific anchoring spells. Witchwarpers can even gain the ability to anchor their quantum field through their Strikes!
Witchwarpers have a big impact. Conjuring zones of otherworldly darkness. Infusing spells with energy from another reality, or even borrowing spells and ancestry feats from other realities. Altering the flow of time. Erasing enemies from existence. When every reality is at your disposal, the possibilities are infinite.
We’re especially keen to receive your feedback on the witchwarper class, as it’s gone through multiple different realities during the course of development. The Starfinder Playtest site is the place to watch for news and info about the playtest and feedback process, and we’ll have more Starfinder Second Edition news at GenCon 2024. Which is to say—quite soon!
It’s July, and convention season is in full swing! I just had a whirlwind couple of weeks, visiting our Great Lakes team at Origins and then turning right around to go to the American Library Association Expo in San Diego! I got to hang out with our community and play games, then talk about the upcoming Godsrain novel to librarians. Now it’s just a few short weeks until Gen Con! Where did the year go?
July 2024 Organized Play Monthly Update
Thursday, July 11, 2024
OPC Musings
It’s July, and convention season is in full swing! I just had a whirlwind couple of weeks, visiting our Great Lakes team at Origins and then turning right around to go to the American Library Association Expo in San Diego! I got to hang out with our community and play games, then talk about the upcoming Godsrain novel to librarians. Now it’s just a few short weeks until Gen Con! Where did the year go?
Digital Adventure Releases
These adventures will be available on July 31, 2024.
This month, Jessica released the rules governing rewards for participating in the Starfinder Playtest this fall! Players will be able to earn rewards for all three active and future programs when they complete the Starfinder Playtest Scenarios and Adventures. Full details are available in the blog! We hope you’re all looking forward to this playtest; we can’t wait to see it hit the table in just a few weeks.
Sanctioning Updates
Errata Updates
At the end of May, the Pathfinder design team issued a new batch of errata. We’ve finally had time to look through this and make updates to the Pathfinder Character Options page! Largely, this is removing some clarifications that are now enshrined in the errata, but a couple of options, like the magnetic suit from Guns and Gears, are now available. Enjoy!
Free RPG Day
We hope you all enjoyed the lovely poppet adventure at this year’s Free RPG Day! Sanctioning documents for that adventure will be posted with the product page whenever it goes live. Remember, you cannot run the adventure until July 22, 2024, as part of our agreement with Free RPG Day. After that day, release the poppets!
Wardens of Wildwood
Unfortunately, due to our incredibly busy summer schedule, we missed street date sanctioning for the Wardens of Wildwood Adventure Path. We’re hard at work on it now and should have it out to you soon! Rest assured that the adventure will be sanctioned, and you’ll be able to get access to all sorts of new nature-themed options for playing it as usual.
Player Core 2
Gen Con sees the release of Player Core 2 and the eight newly-Remastered classes! As I write, we’re working on the guidelines for adjusting your characters based on the new classes, and we’ll do our best to get those to you as far ahead of Gen Con as possible. You can expect it to follow a similar format as the first Remaster guidelines; you’ll be able to use your old characters without updating them, or rebuild characters into the Remaster rules using your previously granted rebuild. We’ll have guidance on how to handle some trickier situations once we finish going through the rules ourselves.
Convention News
Gen Con
Have I mentioned Gen Con is coming up soon? We’ve got a few last-minute holes we need to fill due to late GM drops, so if you’re going to Gen Con and want to join us as a GM for a slot or two (or seven…), contact us at and let us know your availability. We’d love to have you!
All our scenarios will take place in the Sagamore Ballroom as normal. This year, we’ve been given additional space and are now taking up the entire center third of the ballroom! We’ve got nearly 80 tables for Pathfinder, Starfinder, and board game play, along with a Character Creation Station and ancillary booth. It’ll be a ballroom jam-packed with Paizo fun!
PaizoCon Europe
If gaming in the garden is more your speed, why not join us for PaizoCon Europe? The event will be held August 15-18 2024 outside of Geneva, Switzerland. Come join me and the European community for four days of casual Pathfinder and Starfinder gaming on the banks of the river! More information is available in last week’s blog.
We’re still putting the finishing touches on the fall convention schedule, so stay tuned for more convention news soon! You can expect to see us at PAX Unplugged as well as a few other conventions in the back half of the year.
GM Recognition
Campaign Service Coins
This month, a new Campaign Service Coin was awarded at Origins! We award these coins to members of the community who have gone above and beyond to provide an exceptional program to the community at large. Campaign Coins are awarded based on nominations; if you believe someone in your community is deserving of this award (whether or not they are a Venture Officer), send an email to organizedplay[at]paizo[dot]com with their name and reasons.
Congratulations to:
Angie Valente, who now holds a campaign coin and OP ID #907
GM Ranks
Whether stars, novas, or glyphs, achieving a 5 ranking in any program involves a substantial amount of time. To achieve the 5th milestone, a GM must run 150 games, of which at least 50 must be unique scenarios and 10 special scenarios, as well as run between one and three games for venture-captains (program dependent). A conservative estimate of the time needed to reach the 5th milestone is 650 hours!
This month, we had four GMs earn their 5th rank!
5th Glyph (PFS2): Jim Fleury, Cordell Kintner, Mike Bramnik
5th Star (PFS1): Jason Kelly
Until next time—Explore! Report! Cooperate! And stay cool out there!
I see it in the flickering of my monitor. I hear it in the cawing of the seagulls fighting over a bagel outside my window. I smell it in my coffee from down the street (not the coffee from up the street—the coffee from the other street, or the coffee from the corner; this is Seattle, after all). For the oracle, coming in Pathfinder Player Core 2, is Remastered.
Player Core 2 Preview: The Oracle, Remastered
Wednesday, July 10, 2024
I see it in the flickering of my monitor. I hear it in the cawing of the seagulls fighting over a bagel outside my window. I smell it in my coffee from down the street (not the coffee from up the street—the coffee from the other street, or the coffee from the corner; this is Seattle, after all). For the oracle, coming in Pathfinder Player Core 2, is Remastered.
Oracles are divine spellcasters who draw their power not from prayer or devotion to a deity, but from a firsthand connection to the great mysteries of the universe. This connection is a double-edged sword, though, as gazing too deeply into these mysteries results in terrible backlash in the form of a divine curse. While this unique relationship with the divine and its “power at a price” theme offer strong and appealing roleplaying hooks that are very Golarion (what is the role of an oracle in a world where prophecy is lost?), the original oracle was often thought of as intimidatingly complex or as a class that made the player jump through hoops to unlock its potential. The Remastered oracle has been changed in ways both large and small to reduce its complexity and pain points, while still allowing players who want to risk fate to draw upon their curse to gain power.
The big change: instead of an oracle’s curse giving them a large suite of abilities, some of which are buffs, some of which are debuffs, and some of which might go either way, the oracle’s curse now just strictly debuffs the player. We’ve done it—no, no, no, come back; I promise this made the class stronger!
Art by Christoph Peters.
Because the classic oracle’s curses boosted some stats while lowering others, it could be unclear whether being cursed was a benefit you were trying to get ASAP or a price you had to strategically work around. In the Remaster, they’re always a price, which lets us significantly dial up the power that you get for paying it and keeps the trade-off simple to understand: “Cheat the rules of creation for power, and you get cursed.” The new oracle’s cursebound trait appears not on their focus spells, but instead on specific feats and other actions that have a notable advantage over similarly leveled feats, like cheating the action economy, letting you automatically learn about your target without a skill check, or other similar benefits. Each mystery grants a cursebound ability at level 1 to let them draw on this power, like Foretell Harm.
Foretell Harm [free-action] — Feat 1
Cursebound, Divine, Oracle Frequency Once per round Requirements Your previous action was to Cast a non-cantrip Spell that dealt damage.
Your magic echoes ominously as you glimpse injury in the target’s future. At the beginning of your target’s next turn, it takes damage equal to twice the triggering spell’s rank as a seemingly random and minor misfortune finds it. The damage and type of misfortune is of a type matching the spell; for instance, if you dealt fire damage, a flame might spontaneously ignite on them or they might burn a hand on their torch. The target is then temporarily immune to Foretell Harm for 24 hours.
However, whenever you use a cursebound ability, your cursebound condition increases in value. This is a unique condition that appears only in the oracle class. As your cursebound condition increases, the deleterious effects of your curse increase as well, like giving you a penalty to certain saving throws or a weakness to certain damage types. Like the classic oracle, the remastered oracle can tolerate higher and higher cursebound values as they increase in level, letting them use more cursebound abilities.
While most of these curse effects are relatively simple, we do know that a lot of oracle players enjoyed the more disruptive curse effects that could really throw variety into your battle. We’ve kept many of these as cursebound feats, like Meddling Futures (where sprits vie for control over your body) or Thousand Visions (where visions of the future grant you great perception within a short range, but overwhelm your senses beyond it), which are now selectable by any mystery. Now, oracle players who want to opt into this complexity can do so, and oracles who want more straightforward benefits can keep it simple.
Other Changes
We’ve also made several smaller changes throughout the oracle! In no particular order:
We’ve made it easier to tailor your oracle's spell list to your mystery. Each mystery now grants three thematic spells to an oracle’s repertoire, and all oracles automatically gain a divine access class feature about halfway through their career that lets them expand this list further.
We’ve doubled the number of available domains for oracles who want to harness domain magic. All mysteries now grant four related domains—now your battle oracle might gain the destruction domain, or your cosmos oracle the star domain!
We’ve added dashes of ominous, portentous, delirious flavor throughout the class to really make you feel like you’re channeling otherworldly powers.
With more streamlined mysteries and curses, we had room to add a greater number of unique oracle feats, a thing that was often cited as lacking in the classic oracle. Take a look at a unique feat for ancestors or battle oracles: The Dead Walk!
The Dead Walk [two-actions] — Feat 10
Cursebound, Divine, Oracle Prerequisites ancestors or battle mystery
You beseech warrior spirits to come forth and aid you. Two ghostly warriors manifest within a 30-foot emanation of you and each attempt a Strike against an adjacent enemy, using your spell attack modifier, and then disappear. The warriors’ Strikes each deal 4d6 spirit damage, and the warriors can flank with one another and with you and your allies. If you are cursebound 2 when you use The Dead Walk, you instead summon three warriors, and if you are cursebound 3, you instead summon four warriors. The warriors disappear at the start of your next turn.
We’re getting close to the release of Player Core 2, with ancestries, archetypes, and more, so be sure to subscribe to the Rulebook line, pre-order the book, or make a note to swing by our booth at Gen Con to check things out—and keep an eye on the future for the last of our Remaster class previews!
James Case (he/him) Lead Developer, Rules and Lore
We have a plethora of little changes that'll make your games run more smoothly than ever. These include but are not limited to:
Clarification that you cannot use lethal grenades and missiles non-lethally by just taking the standard penalties.
Many clarifications to Starfinder Enhanced, including narrative starship combat, the enhanced Solarian, explosive danger, concentrated cloud, and how living holograms stow items.
Clarifications and changes to gear, including a 24-hour immunity clause added to timeskip crystals and attablossoms, clarification on the skipshot pistol, the radiation of abysium ammunition, degenerator weapons, robe of communalism, and if you don't like the new gear changes, the draining finisher gear boost and tech smasher archetype!
Updates to Alien Archive, including the requirements to wield dragon glaives.
Updates to magic, including the void whispers and grasping branch spell, junk armor spell, the school spirit spell, the hive mind connection, esotericist, and the expert artificer.
Most of these changes are minor housekeeping that shouldn't impact how most games are run but help ensure less variation across multiple tables and clarify the intent of our design. This should help make it easier for players transitioning from one group to another or who want to try out fun character options in organized play!
You’ve fought ghosts and goblins, dragons and demons, and so much more in your storied careers as adventurers, yet now you face what may be your most daunting challenge yet—creating an opera based on your heroic legacy!
Introducing the Curtain Call Player’s Guide
Tuesday, July 9, 2024
You’ve fought ghosts and goblins, dragons and demons, and so much more in your storied careers as adventurers, yet now you face what may be your most daunting challenge yet—creating an opera based on your heroic legacy!
The city of Kintargo has a long tradition of art, even when it chafed under the oppressive rule of House Thrune. Now that its nation of Ravounel has seceded from infernal Cheliax, though, the time is nigh for the artists and performers of Kintargo to step up to the grand stage that is the Inner Sea region. While politicians maneuver complex plots and merchants work to secure new trade, it falls to a band of famous heroes fresh off a legendary adventure to bring what might be the Next Big Thing to the stage.
Surely, things will all go according to plan.
Surely, something unexpected won’t happen.
Surely, you’ll all soon be stars!
In the Curtain Call Adventure Path, your characters are asked by a famous director to aid in translating your adventures into an opera—a production that could well bring even greater fame and fortune to your group, but only if it’s done exactly right. Of course, there’s more afoot in the town of Kintargo than what’s coming soon on stage, and as the production swings into high gear, unexpected and dangerous complications are sure to make themselves known. Fear of performing on the stage will soon be the least of your worries!
Inside the Curtain Call Player’s Guide, you’ll find player-friendly, spoiler-free information and tips to help you make an exciting new 11th-level character perfect for the Curtain Call Adventure Path. Welcome to show business!
This player’s guide contains:
Character suggestions, including recommendations for ancestries, classes, languages, skills, and feats well suited for this Adventure Path.
Eight new Persona traits your PCs can take to indicate how the public regards you—do they see you as a struggling underdog, a relentless flirt, a troublemaking scoundrel, or something else? Your character’s Persona trait doesn’t have to match your character’s actual personality or role in the party, but it does give you a handy narrative hook to explore during play—and perhaps, once in a while, could even grant you unexpected opportunities as the Adventure Path unfolds!
Eight new backgrounds tailor-made to contextualize your character’s larger-than-life theatrical role, building upon the eight Persona traits and providing advice for how (and why) your character might want to see themselves portrayed on the stage.
A gazetteer of the city of Kintargo, including an exhaustive list of the dozens of NPCs your group might encounter during the campaign.
A step-by-step guide for your group to develop a legacy worthy of transformation into an opera, in the event that you’re creating brand-new characters and not bringing in heroes from an already completed campaign.
Hello everyone! Starfinder team here and ready to give you a sneak peek into Starfinder Second Edition by giving you a preview of the solarian class! We’re sure you can’t wait to playtest it yourself once the Starfinder Playtest Rulebookreleases this August, but in the meantime, read on!
Starfinder Playtest Preview: Solarian
Friday, July 5, 2024
Hello everyone! Starfinder team here and ready to give you a sneak peek into Starfinder Second Edition by giving you a preview of the solarian class! We’re sure you can’t wait to playtest it yourself once the Starfinder Playtest Rulebookreleases this August, but in the meantime, read on!
Dae, the iconic solarian Art by Kent Hamilton
Of course, we can’t talk about solarians without shining the spotlight on Dae, the new iconic solarian. In fact, Dae has already had their blog debut, and you can read all about them in our Meet the Iconics: Dae post from June. They’d appreciate it if you like, comment, and subscribe.
Solarians are solar knights who harness the powers of light and gravity to manifest powerful armaments in their quest to understand the cosmic forces of the universe.
Designing solarians for Starfinder Second Edition presented the team with an opportunity to reexamine the solarian toolset. In Starfinder First Edition, solarians had a key choice at first level when selecting whether their solar manifestation would be armor or a weapon. As the solarian leveled up, they chose stellar revelations, special powers they could use while attuned to gravitons or photons. Some powerful revelations could be used only if the solarian spent enough time building up their attunement points to become “fully attuned.” To match the mechanics to solarian beliefs about the cosmic cycle, First Edition solarians were encouraged to select an equal number of graviton and photon revelations.
With Starfinder Second Edition’s three-action economy in mind, the team took a new approach to solarians. We wanted the narrative of the Cycle to continue to match the mechanics while still offering solarians flexibility, both in their character build and in their round-by-round action economy. To that end, solarians in Second Edition don’t have to choose between armor or a weapon: from level 1, they can manifest a solar flare (ranged attack), solar nimbus(defensive reaction), and solar weapon (exactly what it sounds like—a melee attack). Each of these manifestations has a different function based on whether the solarian is graviton-attuned or photon-attuned.
So, what major choice do Second Edition solarians make at level 1? That’d be their solarian arrangement! All solarians have personal beliefs, practices, or training that cause them to gravitate (pun intended) toward a specific aspect of the Cycle, whether that’s gravitons, photons, or balance. This arrangement grants them revelations, which (like in First Edition) are special abilities that interact with the different states of attunement and, in many cases, interact with their targets’ Hit Point totals, enemy positioning, the solarian’s mobility, and so on.
Okay, so if solarians choose a solarian arrangement that focuses on gravitons, are they going to spend all their time attuned to gravitons? Doesn’t that go against the narrative of the “Cycle” and balance between stellar forces? This is where we’ve made what is possibly the biggest change to solarians: their attunement works differently now. Gone are the days of tracking attunement points: you’re either attuned to gravitons, photons, or neither. Furthermore, we’ve introduced a new type of ability: those with the cycle trait, which—you guessed it—cycle your attunement! Using a cycle ability while graviton-attuned means that you resolve that ability (applying any additional effects from being graviton-attuned), and then immediately become photon-attuned. If you want to be graviton-attuned again, you’ll need to use another cycle ability or take the Attune action, which attunes you to your favored attunement state. If you want to play a solarian who does lots of attunement swapping and has greater attunement flexibility, you’ll want the “balanced” solarian arrangement, because (among their other fun abilities) the Attune action lets you pick either graviton or photon!
This round-by-round decision-making process based on each ability’s unique attunement effects has played out quite well in both internal and public playtests, and we can’t wait for you to try it out. Players seem to enjoy the rush of cycling between graviton and photon attunement, and the “combos” they can create with a solarian’s abilities. You might not need to take the Attune action during combat at all if you’re intentional about how and when you use your cycle abilities, but if you really want to make an impact, you’ve got another exciting new type of ability: actions with the disharmony trait have a big effect, then completely end your attunement. You’ll need to spend an action to Attune again after using a disharmony ability—otherwise, you can’t manifest your solar shot, nimbus, or weapon. Then again, by that point, the battle might be over!
Okay, we’ve talked about the cool things solarians can do, but one big question we get a lot is how solarians will work as primarily melee-focused characters in an otherwise ranged-combat “meta.” We’ve mentioned their solar flare, a fun way to attack enemies at a short distance; it’s a great ability to fire off while closing the gap. Speaking of closing the gap, solarians have a plethora of options when it comes to battlefield positioning, whether that’s gaining a big speed boost or taking a more direct approach and moving enemies around with gravity powers. You might need to work a little harder than the sniper in your party when it comes to tactical positioning, but the cinematic combos you can pull off while getting into position will be a blast! If you’re worried about what might happen to your Hit Points while you’re moving in, you’ve got options there, too: Solar Shield, a level 1 feat, allows you to manifest a stellar shield that floats nearby. You’ll also likely have a decent AC and a fair number of Hit Points to rely on. Because your key attribute is Strength and the damage of your primary ranged attack (solar flare) uses Strength as well, you’ll likely be able to make room in your build for attribute boosts to Dexterity, Constitution, or both!
We’re excited to see what kinds of solarian builds you create during the playtest. In our own internal playtesting, we’ve built solarians who focus on big speed boosts to get in close and deal tons of damage, others who stay in the front lines to fight like a tank, and still others who pin enemies down as masters of battlefield control. Every solarian we’ve playtested has felt different. Most importantly, though, each of them has felt very much like a solarian.
Remember to keep an eye on the Starfinder Playtest site for more news and info about the playtest and feedback process. We’ll have lots more Starfinder Second Edition news to announce at GenCon 2024, when you’ll finally be able to purchase the Starfinder Playtest Rulebook (or download the free PDF)!
Welcome back to another exciting collection of Pathfinder Infinite & Starfinder Infinite Top Performers!
Infinite Top Performers—May ‘24
Wednesday, June 3, 2024
Welcome back to another exciting collection of Pathfinder Infinite & Starfinder Infinite Top Performers!
Pathfinder and Starfinder Infinite is a program that allows you to create content (adventures and locations; monsters; character classes, archetypes, and backgrounds; fiction; etc.) based on Paizo’s intellectual property (IP), including Pathfinder’s Lost Omens campaign setting, and to make some money while you’re at it. Your work might even be recognized by the community and earn you an invitation into the Infinite Masters elite creator program.
For more info on Pathfinder Infinite, Starfinder Infinite, and how to get started, check out the FAQs!
May’s Top Performers
Titles are ranked by an average of units sold and revenue earned and presented in alphabetical order. Asterisks indicate titles that have been on a best-seller list previously. Because they’ve consistently topped the list, and due to the number of their titles that typically take up spots, “Team+” and “Team Index” have asked to be removed from the calculations for ongoing top performers lists. This will allow newer publishers or book series to get more attention. Thanks, all!
Unravel untapped powers slumbering within your blood and alter space around you by using mystical sigils with two new classes for Pathfinder 2nd Edition with Blood & Sigils! With more than150 feats and 16 new spells, be the bloody hero or the special sage you’re meant to be, and go discover even more hidden secrets all over Golarion!
Providing an in-depth expansion of Pathfinder Second Edition's vulpine ancestry, Kitsune of Golarion Remastered provides players and GMs alike with everything they need to make this vibrant ancestry of shape shifting fox folk feel at home in the Age of Lost Omens. Based on Gold Best-Selling product Kitsune of Golarion, this product aims to not only remaster, but redefine the content from this original offering into an indispensable product for the entire table, tailless or not.
The NPC Omnibus presents GMs with 36 new NPC's to use in their Pathfinder Second Edition Games. From chronomancers to knights to warrior poets, these stat blocks are perfect for any GM that needs a quick NPC! You can also find quick customizations for different ancestries inside!
From the powerful bards who harness the song of the abyss, to rangers who hunt leviathans alongside their aquatic companions, there are countless watery adventures waiting to be unleashed and brought to your table. With the recent release of the Athamaru and Merfolk ancestries from Pathfinder: Howl of the Wild, there's no better time to jump right in!
Has inspiration struck, but Pathfinder Player Core doesn't have a subclass to fit? Whether you are looking for a Cleric spy, a swaggering Rogue, or a Druid with a will of Steel, you will find myriad options within, made by 4 Infinite Masters and specially tuned for the PF2e Remaster! Feats, subclasses, focus spells, and more for the classes of Player Core 1.
The Adamantine Bastille: The Once Unbreakable Prison of the Starfinder Society offers a futuristic, science-fantasy prison setting for your next Starfinder adventure or campaign!
Whether you are looking for a supplement to use for a Starfinder Society Organized Play scenario set within the Adamantine Bastille, an evening's one-shot adventure, a side-trek for a campaign set on Absalom Station, or a detailed, dynamic, and decidedly thought-provoking setting for your next campaign, The Adamantine Bastille setting book gives you all the tools you need.
In the far future, spells and weapons tech alike put the power of the elements and other destructive energies in the palm of your hand! But some, whether they are modern-day elementalists, scientists or other experts in certain energy types, or simply enthusiasts, take this further and bring out the best in their chosen element.
Presented within are 5 archetypes dedicated to the 5 major energy types in the game, enhancing weapons and spells alike!
In celebration of Paizocon 2024, here is the means to introduce the setting's original inspirational entertaining educators into the future that they never meant to happen.
This single page PDF is designed to print out and slip into any GM's binder for a dangerous rainy day and includes:
A monster stat block representing a typical flumph that can be easily augemented with class templates into a wide variety of NPCs!
Stats for allowing players to create a Flumph PC of their own!
Three potential plothooks to introduce flumphs into a campaign set in space or planetside!
The Monstercology Galatica is an attempt to catalog and describe all of the many and varied creatures that we share the galaxy with. We understand that with millions of stars and billions of worlds – plus those that visit the galaxy from other planes – this is a nearly impossible endeavor. But if we do not try it, then we can never succeed. This is but one small excerpt of the greater Monstercology Galatica, focusing on creatures most often seen during the later parts of the year.
New & Exciting from Infinite Masters!
Want to see what’s been cooking in the Infinite Masters’ alchemy lab? Here’s a selection of new products from some of our Infinite Masters—and some pieces that have caught their eyes!
Hoerm – An Odd Jobs encounter for Pathfinder Second Edition.
Thorny points menaced Jirelle from all directions. Her buckler and dagger turned them away for what felt like the hundredth time in half as many steps. Sadly, these were not enemy blades, which she would have preferred by far. Those she could beat, parry, catch, disarm, and finally answer with her own winning thrusts. Not so these hanging, coiling vines and branches. So lazy, yet so stubborn! Where was the energy, the impassioned back-and-forth between skilled players? This wasn’t daring play, but pure drudgery.
Iconic Encounter: The Direct Approach
Wednesday, July 3, 2024
Thorny points menaced Jirelle from all directions. Her buckler and dagger turned them away for what felt like the hundredth time in half as many steps. Sadly, these were not enemy blades, which she would have preferred by far. Those she could beat, parry, catch, disarm, and finally answer with her own winning thrusts. Not so these hanging, coiling vines and branches. So lazy, yet so stubborn! Where was the energy, the impassioned back-and-forth between skilled players? This wasn’t daring play, but pure drudgery.
Of course, even if the trees did rise to the challenge, she was hardly prepared to meet them in a duel. Not an impressive one, at any rate. A swordless lunge lacked a certain something.
Blasted belaborin’, an old shipmate might’ve said. Damnable detour!
With those thoughts, she gave the thicket a moment of undeserved, unrequired mercy and turned on her companion instead. The rebuke she’d swallowed several times over finally made its escape. “You realize I may never forgive you for this?” she said, only half-joking.
Sajan was probably less penetrable than the jungle. The monk appeared indifferent to the grabbing flora and buzzing flies. Not even the yellow paint on his shaved head ran in the humidity. Still, Jirelle’s comment managed to hoist his brow a bit.
“Charging inland was not my idea,” he reminded her.
No, his idea had been to make peace with their losses. Adapt and carry on while the impertinent thieves carried off their shiny treasures. By the time he’d relented and joined in the pursuit, the criminals had a fair head start. The aiuvarin swashbuckler and qi-fueled monk rivaled one another in swiftness, but not even they could chase a winged quarry up waterfalls. Hence their current climb through choking roots and broadleaves.
But before all that… well, yes. Maybe if she had taken Sajan’s advice to ignore them, the creatures swarming the riverboat like seagulls might have, in fact, lost interest. Instead, she became defensive when the nosy things started hopping and flapping around the party’s gear. Sajan had retained his characteristic focus, gently accusing Jirelle of attaching too much importance to her possessions. It was possible he had a point. In trying to drive the thieves away, she had only fanned their interest. Curious picking and prodding became bold, giggling pilfery. Jirelle could appreciate a bit of provocative showmanship… when she was the one onstage. The role of an inactive audience didn’t suit her, let alone that of a helpless victim.
“Well, it’s clear I value my sword more than you value yours,” she sniffed before pressing on.
“Possibly,” he said as he padded quietly behind her. “Although you shouldn’t mistake my calm for indifference. I do feel frustration; I just deny it control. In time it diminishes, like an unfed fire.”
“Then I’m merely… feeding… my frustration?” Jirelle gasped, wrestling with the green creepers. They clung to her ankles and threaded through her slashed sleeves. Surely, she’d stumbled into an actual snakes’ nest! Thank the Lucky Drunk she’d left her cape behind.
“Which do you value greater?” the monk continued, arms relaxed behind him as if this were a beachside stroll. “Your favorite sword or the commission that awaits us?”
“Rather difficult to protect that nervous venture-captain without our weapons.” Jirelle paused before a particularly solid knot of branches blocking their way. She sighed. “Or to cut through these bloody tangles.”
“Hmm,” Sajan purred through a ghost of a grin. Clearly, he sensed another opportunity to impart some sage wisdom—or what his companions had taken to calling “Sajan advice.”
Jirelle decided to head off another lecture. “I suppose you want to move with the forest rather than against it. Glide across the top, perhaps?” That couldn’t be too terribly dissimilar to a masts-and-rigging balancing act, come to think of it. Climbing aloft might not be a bad idea.
Sajan considered this, too, then surprised her by shaking his head and stepping up to the natural barrier. She motioned for him to be her guest. He planted his feet in a wide, low stance and cupped his fingers like claws. His breath went in and out with a blur of motion too fast to follow. Sharp cracks rang in Jirelle’s ears, but only after the twisting arms of wood exploded away, splinters flying. Soon the debris settled; the path was clear. The monk turned and offered a bow, meaning both you’re welcome and after you.
Jirelle smirked at the showiness, but he couldn’t fool her. Swagger was her style, not his. His approach was direct, practical, and purposeful… not to mention effective. Clearly losing a favored weapon hadn’t hindered him to the extent it had her.
“Why don’t you go first?” she said with strained sweetness.
“Again, this particular detour was not my idea.”
“So it wasn’t. Then when we find our swords, I suppose you won’t be claiming yours?”
There was that hint of a smile. “Touché, madam.”
Jirelle laughed.
Soon they breached the worst of it and hastened their pace. A gap in the foliage and the undergrowth exposed dewy sky, and the jungle noise gave way to a low, distant rumble. They had returned to the river above the cataracts, which they’d overshot. This was only a small tributary to their vessel’s waterway.
“Must drop off ‘round the bend there,” Jirelle said, pointing left along a rocky bank. She searched right. The river wandered down from a purple fog of mountains. The landscape was peaceful, still, undisturbed. She doubted the thieves had fled any further inland, but they were nowhere to be seen. Might they have doubled back to the main river, followed it back to sea? That made sense. All while Sajan and she stumbled through the forest.
Blasted belaborin’!
A strange, spicy odor tickled her nostrils then, tempting a sneeze.
“Oh dear,” she heard her companion say, and found him staring almost sheepishly at his open hands, slick with something moist. A little apprehensively, Jirelle sniffed her own and recoiled quickly, eyes watering. Even her buckler wafted a hot stink.
“Monkey tree oil!” she gagged. “Must’ve run afoul of it back there. Better wash it off before it draws every predator in half a league.”
Sajan chuckled, apparently impressed that the forest had fought back.
The river’s current wasn’t too strong or deep and the water not at all cold, but its bed was slippery with moss and stones. They picked their way to the middle to give any oil on their feet a good rinsing. Then they scrubbed their forearms. Jirelle was just about to suggest they immerse themselves completely, for good measure, when a wet sound reached her over the rumbling downstream, a splashing that hadn’t come from them. Sajan went alert, too.
They realized they now had a better view around the bend. White spray indicated the tributary’s drop-off, but it was split by a wedge of moss-blanketed boulders. The sound had come from the tiny creatures crowding that wedge. They leaped into it from the water like flying fish bouncing off a ship’s hull, then flapped around like yellow bats, only to dive and start the process over again.
Jirelle and Sajan had found the thieves!
“Why are they acting like that?” the monk wondered softly.
These annoying, aquatic, fin-headed gremlins usually kept to the sea and the coast, but Jirelle assumed they’d been drawn in by the riverboat. Now the bright green, almost glowing boulders distracted them. Why didn’t interest her, because there were their weapons, her rapier and the monk’s temple sword, momentarily forgotten among the rocks.
Sajan must have sensed her coiling like a spring. “Remember what happened last time.”
“I know. If they think I want it…”
“Yes. And we’re too exposed here. Too slow. Better to slip around.”
He began to do just that, then looked back with an expectant stare. Are you coming?
There came a sickening metallic scratch. Downstream, Jirelle’s rapier was slipping, soon to fall into the spray and probably down the falls. Sajan’s expression was one of pity, but she felt her own resolve form into a confident smile. She decided her companion had had the right idea before when he cut through the trees.
The direct approach.
Her first few strides were indeed slow. Grounded. But soon she picked up speed and momentum, feeling lighter and lighter. Her feet touched shallower and shallower, recovering faster and faster, until they were completely free of the water, slapping the surface rapidly as she raced across it.
Sajan’s strangled grunt of surprise was extremely gratifying.
Jirelle strides across the surface of the water in this illustration from Pathfinder Player Core 2 by Alexander Nanitchkov.
Jirelle bent forward, focused only on reaching her property before it disappeared or the gremlins grabbed it again. A timely somersault carried her off the water and over her sword; her hand closed inside the guard. Landing gracefully on the wedge of boulders, she flourished the blade with an extravagant bow of her own.
Sajan nodded back, his head tilting only slightly toward her: Impressive!
Satisfied, Jirelle figured it was high time they rejoined their riverboat party. If that venture-captain’s fear of vengeful Aspis agents proved warranted, it wouldn’t do to miss out on the fun—or the commission.
There was no need to menace the gremlins, whose strange fascination with the boulders broke under Jirelle’s demonstration. They scattered and dove down the cascading steps of the falls. Jirelle wished them good riddance and stooped to recover the monk’s sickle blade from the rocks—which moved.
She froze. Looking closer, she realized the moss under her feet wasn’t just moss, but a scaly hide lit like a lantern from within. The heavy weight underneath shifted again, then began to rise. A long neck emerged, dripping from the stream. A face like a horse’s skull turned to inspect its passenger, sharp teeth flared hungrily
Jirelle’s dismount was far less graceful. She backpedaled upstream, kicking big splashes this time, until Sajan was by her side again. The river monster, even larger than it had seemed, greeted them with a crocodilian hiss. It lashed its tail and gave off a stronger greenish glow than before. Jirelle was glad they had their weapons back, though she had the horrible notion she was about to understand those gremlins’ dangerous enthrallment.
Damnable detour!
About the Author
Andrew Bud Adams learned to dungeon crawl before he learned to walk (and he has yet to learn to water sprint). When not pestering family and friends to play yet another tabletop adventure, he bides his time teaching college English, painting miniatures, and writing stories. His work has appeared in the Paizo Blog, in short story anthologies, and in the Malifaux universe by Wyrd Miniatures.
About Iconic Encounters
Iconic Encounters is a series of web-based flash fiction set in the worlds of Pathfinder and Starfinder. Each short story provides a glimpse into the life and personality of one of the games’ iconic characters, showing the myriad stories of adventure and excitement players can tell with the Pathfinder and Starfinder roleplaying games.
Jirelle and Sajan’s classes—the swashbuckler and monk—appear in Pathfinder Player Core 2, which remasters eight Pathfinder Second Edition classes and presents a vast array of existing and new character options for members of all classes, including the Water Sprint feat employed so deftly by Jirelle in this story. Pathfinder Player Core 2 is available for preorder now, and will release in hardcover, special edition hardcover, retailer exclusive sketch variant hardcover, and PDF on August 1, 2024, and in pocket edition softcover in October.
Chk Chk (he/him), formally named Chkoresk*, is no stranger to the galaxy’s perils. His father Keskodai was a traveling priest of Pharasma who wielded mystic powers. Keskodai carried baby Chk Chk in a fortified cradle-jar when he left his home on Verces to visit as many incredible worlds as possible—and experience even more incredible adventures. One such adventure got a little too incredible, smashing open Chk Chk’s container during an emergency landing. Fortunately, Chk Chk was safe, but Keskodai felt the existential dread of losing his child and realized it was time to return home and be with their loving throuple.
Meet the Iconics: Chk Chk
Tuesday, July 2, 2024
Chk Chk (he/him), formally named Chkoresk*, is no stranger to the galaxy’s perils. His father Keskodai was a traveling priest of Pharasma who wielded mystic powers. Keskodai carried baby Chk Chk in a fortified cradle-jar when he left his home on Verces to visit as many incredible worlds as possible—and experience even more incredible adventures. One such adventure got a little too incredible, smashing open Chk Chk’s container during an emergency landing. Fortunately, Chk Chk was safe, but Keskodai felt the existential dread of losing his child and realized it was time to return home and be with their loving throuple.
Chk Chk the Shirren Mystic. Art done by Kent Hamilton
Keskodai’s adventures and beliefs had a profound impact on the larval Chk Chk. As a child, the aesthetics and rituals of Pharasma’s faith awed him. As he grew older, he practiced his father’s faith but felt a restless yearning for something different (ironically, Chk Chk’s questioning mirrored his father’s adolescent rebellion many years ago). As Chk Chk stood on the cusp of self-discovery, the universe provided a brutal catalyst that would change his life forever.
When Aucturn exploded, every telepath under the Fullbright** sun suddenly lost control of their psychic projections. Every intrusive thought, destructive impulse, and damning secret became public as a mysterious psychic contagion spread. Chk Chk was sipping a cappuccino and shopping at the local market when he heard the screams. People all around him–some of them friends and neighbors–were screaming and venting their psychic stress or fighting each other with fists and makeshift weapons.
Panicked, Chk Chk began a prayer to the Lady of Graves but couldn’t recall the sacred words. Keskodai burst into the shop and Chk Chk felt the psychic whiplash of doubt and fear pouring from his father’s spirit. He felt Keskodai remember the pain of believing he’d lost his only child in the crash-landing long ago mixed with his current dread at seeing their neighbors wracked by fear and pain. Instead of resisting the intense feelings, Chk Chk embraced the emotional hemorrhage. As the pain washed over him, he mentally composed a poem. When someone tore the shop’s roof off, the harsh sun brought Chk Chk’s shadow into harsh relief. His shadow changed and spread, growing into tendrils that protected him and his father from the glaring sun. Chk Chk spoke another stanza, and soothing shadowy arms wrapped around his panicking neighbors. Thanks to Chk Chk’s unconventional prayer, the chaos calmed as quickly as it began.
That’s when Chk Chk realized there’s more to the soul’s journey than life and death. Destruction and creation, pain and healing, light and shadow–these dichotomies exist in every spirit. Chk Chk stayed up night after night studying philosophy, listening to music, and writing poetry in his sacred journal, driven to compose a pure expression of the beauty of contradicting unity.
Chk Chk broke his social isolation to join a group of artists he met at a nonstop café in Takoris. At first, Chk Chk got a job as a barista so he could attend the meetings without attracting attention. As he improved his skills at writing dark poetry and brewing dark roast (both topped with colorful sprinkles), Chk Chk gradually became the spiritual glue holding the group of misfit artists together. One night during a midnight jam, the group had a religious experience, feeling a surge of bliss as Zon-Shelyn Embraced them and their work. Zon-Shelyn called on Chk Chk to become their minister by nurturing creativity and creating a safe space for artists to gather. The tiny cafe was consecrated as one of Zon-Shelyn’s first temples (they still serve coffee), but Chk Chk was inspired by the idea of ministering in a new place, feeling the same wanderlust as his father before him.
With his father’s letter of recommendation in one hand and his poetry journal in the other, Chk Chk got an internship with the Starfinder Society at the busy Lorespire Complex. Being on Absalom Station expanded his social horizons, too. He found a new coffee shop to sling beans at, quickly meeting others who felt the Embrace of Zon-Shelyn. He learned how to use a painglaive from a sculptor who creates impressive wood carvings with the weapon.
Chk Chk met his best friend Dae at a pop-up dance party in the Vesk Quarter. The pair bonded the first time they met. Dae’s performance inspired Chk Chk to write a poem***. The poem didn’t do the dance justice, so Chk Chk tore the page from his notebook and threw it away, but Dae found the discarded poem, read it, and confronted its moody author. Now Chk Chk always wears the friendship bracelet Dae gave him. Since meeting Dae, Chk Chk’s opened up about sharing his art with others—you can read part of one of his poems below!
*Chk Chk only lets members of his mystic bond call him Chkoresk, and usually prefers Chk Chk. After all, Chkoresk is the full name his family used when discussing serious or unpleasant matters.
**Fullbright is the scorching, rural desert region of the tidally locked planet Verces. Chk Chk’s family lives in a shaded encampment in Fullbright.
***The following is a part of the poem Chk Chk wrote after dancing with Dae.
A prismatic kaleidoscope burns the shadow patchwork wrapped around my heart.
We are dancing lights that shine within a cold and empty void, eternal.
Will your searing brilliance chase away my shadows?
Or will your light be eclipsed by my spirit’s umbral shroud?
Your warm silhouette reaches for my neck,
Only to wipe away my bloody tears.
— The Starfinder Team
-Thurston Hillman, Managing Creative Director (Starfinder)
-Jenny Jarzabski, Senior Developer
-Jessica Catalan, Senior Developer (Starfinder Society)
-Dustin Knight, Developer
-Mike Kimmel, Developer
Happy Pride, ‘Finders!
Each year, the United States celebrates LGBTQ+ Pride Month in June in honor of the protests that took place at the Stonewall Inn, a queer club in NYC. The first Pride was a riot, and every Pride going forward is a protest. We’re here, we’re queer, we have always existed, and we will always exist.
Reflect. Empower. Unite. – Pride Community Blog
Friday, June 28, 2024
Happy Pride, ‘Finders!
Each year, the United States celebrates LGBTQ+ Pride Month in June in honor of the protests that took place at the Stonewall Inn, a queer club in NYC. The first Pride was a riot, and every Pride going forward is a protest. We’re here, we’re queer, we have always existed, and we will always exist.
This year’s theme for Pride Month is “Reflect. Empower. Unite.” with a focus on coming together as a community, standing up for ourselves and each other, and learning from the trials of our predecessors. Support has always been a central pillar of queer communities, and as we face new waves of bigotry and anti-LGBTQ+ legislation, lifting each other up is more important than ever.
We’ve invited LGBTQIA+ Paizo employees and contributors to share their words with us for this community blog!
Also, Paizo is proud to be participating in Seattle Pride this Sunday, June 30th! If you’re in the area, come to the parade and cheer on the Paizo kobolds in the parade!
Zigvigix (they/them), host shirren and faction leader of the Advocates.
Alex Speidel (he/him), Organized Play Coordinator
be gay form unions
that’s it that’s the submission. what more can I say.
Avi Kool (they/he)
Hi all, I’m lead editor at Paizo and a nonbinary trans man. Being queer has been part of my life for as long as I can remember, even if I didn’t have words for it when I was young. As time has gone on, being queer exposed me to the world of social justice and activism, and I am a firm believer that no one is free until we all are free. Queer people are actively under attack in our current political climate. This is why it’s so important to me to center queer experiences in my work. At Paizo, we have the opportunity to spread awareness of queer identities to a large number of people, as well as making queer people feel seen in our books. So Paizo will continue to be queer as heck, and I’m proud to be part of that.
Basil Wright (he/they/xe)
I know that the fight for equality, freedom, and safety by my Indigenous community in the States is being echoed elsewhere, whether it's in Palestine, the Congo, Sudan, or in the United States of America. As Juneteenth goes by, I am reminded about the power of community, of the strength of those who stand beside you and uplift you and work towards a common cause. We are all stronger together. More often than not, I have found community with Indigenous creators, with Black creators, with queer creators (and many of us holding all these identities together, such as myself). I want to continue to create games and stories that highlight the importance of community, of belonging, of togetherness. We are better, together.
If you'd like to support my work, two of my games best exemplify the theme of community: Mouseia and Well Wishers, which you can find on my page ( I also have a Ko-Fi (
Kofusachi (he/him), the pansexual god of joy and prosperity.
Carlos Cabrera (he/they)
In honor of reflecting over this past year, in 2023 I wrote that it gave me strength/I was jealous that my World of Darkness character was doing multi-gender polyamory better than me. This year I am happy to report that we are now equals! I would like to give a very special thanks to my partners for giving me their love and their time whenever able.
Looking at the year ahead, you will be able find my upcoming work as developer for the Welcome to Night Vale RPG by Renegade Game Studios. Things are about to get weird.
Caryn DiMarco (she/they)
I'm Caryn DiMarco (she/they) and you can find some of my recent work in books like Lost Omens Highhelm and Howl of the Wild. I'm proud to be a contributor to those books, and to a world like Golarion where LGBTQ+ stories, themes, and characters are the norm. TTRPGs have always been an escape for me, and seeing my identity and experiences reflected in the pages of my favorite gaming system is a comfort and a joy.
Thank you to all my fellow authors, our wonderful devs at Paizo, and the many gamers I share tables with for coming together to show that diversity is natural and equality is attainable. Our real-life magic may be the stories we tell together, and our real-life dragons look more like bills and endless to-do lists, but the possibility of a better world is not a fantasy. Sitting down to play (or run) games with my community always reminds me of the potential within every one of us.
Hao Jin (she/her), asexual sorceress.
Connie Chang (they/he/she)
Happy Pride, Paizo! Connie Chang here (they/he/she). I wrote Quain for the Tian Xia World Guideand a flash fiction about gay Grandmasters. Outside of Paizo, I'm the Game Master for Transplanar RPG, an all-transgender, people of color-led dark fantasy actual play channel telling stories in a noncolonial, antiorientalist multiverse. Transplanar is an ENNIE-nominated, CRIT Award-sweeping channel that has been featured in Polygon, Dicebreaker, and Gizmodo and discussed on NPR, The New York Times, and Dropout TV.
I'm thrilled to announce Transplanar's first-ever IN-STUDIO series, GODKILLER: LAST HOPE! LAST HOPE is a two-person, eight-episode show about Litany, the titular Godkiller forged for a single purpose: to slay the Immortal Emperor of Heaven—and their mother’s sister. After a monumental failure, Litany teams up with a heroic cultivator and travels across a richly layered fantasy world inspired by my diasporic Chinese heritage, learning what it means to truly become.
LAST HOPE utilizes my original holypunk duet game, GODKILLER, which is being published by Evil Hat Productions. If you're a fan of Tian Xia's Asian fantasy setting and/or queer interrogations of divinity, then tune in June 29 for the premiere of GODKILLER: LAST HOPE on Transplanar RPG's Twitch or YouTube!
Behind the scenes images from GODKILLER: LAST HOPE.
David N. Ross (he/him)
Being a gay man has always been important to my experience of RPGs. Not only has gaming been an activity I shared with my gay friends and even my now husband, but living outside gender and relationship norms has been a common experience connecting me to many fellow game designers.
My most recent Paizo work has yet to be announced, but you can get the 5e version of the Abomination Vaults Adventure Path now. Outside Paizo, I have recently been bringing adventures for Tom Cartos and the DM Lair to Pathfinder rules, and collaborating with my husband on a cooperative storytelling card game under the working title Pax Ad Astra.
Honora Tren (she/her) and Zupisha Loralu (she/her), lovers and New Valor Defense Force Guardians.
Dustin Knight (he/him)
Pride is a protest. All love is valid. Nothing I expose here can come close to supplanting these powerful words, but in the past year I’ve felt such a deep connection to these two ideas as I’ve grown to learn more about what I am and what it means to be a part of both the LGBT+ and Paizo community. You must learn to love yourself before you can properly love another. And that means being proud of yourself and your accomplishments, even though it feels like you are fighting a voice deep inside you that hates you for what you are. All love is a valid form of protest. And learning to love yourself despite what the world’s hate has planted deep inside is the ultimate act of defiance, and one I have only been empowered to face thanks to the unity of this incredible community.
Proud to Love Myself.
James Beck
Hello! My name is James Beck, I am a freelancer whose work you'll primarily find over on Pathfinder Infinite, where I have several Infinite Masters titles with Eldritch Osiris Games. One thing that I absolutely love about Golarion/the Pact Worlds is how much I can see myself in it. I love seeing fellow LGBTQ+ people that populate the world! I've been out and proud about my identity since 7th grade and one of the big draws of Pathfinder/Starfinder has always been how welcoming it is to me. Not only have the universes of Paizo been welcoming but so has the Paizo community, from fellow freelancers to Paizo staff and the broader community at large. I wish everyone across the world a happy pride! Be yourself!
Arshea, Spirit of Abandon. Nonbinary deity of freedom and sexuality.
James Jacobs (he/him), Pathfinder Narrative Creative Director
The previous 12 months since last year’s Pride blog have been busy as we’ve navigated the frenzied switchover of Pathfinder from OGL content to the Remastered rules. That’s mostly all behind us now from an in-house production standpoint, and it’s a relief to be back on track exploring brand new stories. One of those tales I’m really delighted to see hit the shelves, though, isn’t an adventure or even a game. I’m talking about Liane Merciel’s upcoming novel, Godsrain. It’s the first novel Paizo’s published in a long time, and it’s helping to kick off the War of Immortals plotline, but the part I’m delighted most by is that my favorite iconic Merisiel and her wife Kyra are front and center to the plot. Bisexual representation is something I’ve been passionate about since the start of Pathfinder, with Merisiel being my chosen heroine for this quest. I can’t wait for you all to see what adventures she and the others up to while they’re also saving the world!
Katina Davis (she/her)
Representation is important year-round, but during Pride month I feel especially compelled to step forth from the shadows like a bisexual vampire to celebrate queer stories. I don’t always feel qualified to speak on queer topics because I’m married to a man and could easily be mistaken for straight. Then I remember how I once felt under-represented and less sure of my identity, and how isolating that can be. It’s taken me years to understand myself enough to find peace and joy in who I am. If I can reflect that queer joy back to even one person who might feel lonely and confused, that’s worth it to me. Just imagine the power of entire communities full of that energy!
My years working and freelancing for Paizo have been instrumental to my queer identity because they’ve introduced me to a diverse and supportive group of people that I’m incredibly grateful for. It makes sense given that we’re all tied by our love of a cooperative game—this community is one big adventuring party. We roll initiative together.
Hello, all! I'm Kendra, frequent Paizo contributor. You might have spotted my name most recently on Howl of the Wild and Treasure Vault. I've also got two Adventure Path volumes coming up that I'm excited to see hit people's tables: Singer, Stalker, Skinsaw Man for Curtain Call and Destroyer's Doom for Triumph of the Tusk. Part of what helped encourage me to be open about being queer was seeing others in the TTRPG community do the same, especially those whose identities more easily fly under the radar. "Unite" is the last part of the blog theme for this year, and every time I see (or write!) a queer NPC in an adventure or lore book, it gives me a sense of belonging. We're here, we're not going away, and as in any good adventuring party, it's important to have each other’s backs. Happy Pride!
Kyle Raes (he/she)
My name is Kyle Raes (he/him, she/her) and I’m pansexual and bigender. I’ve been contributing on and off again to Pathfinder for years alongside maintaining my daily blog that analyzes the various options available to characters in both Pathfinder and Starfinder.
It was seeing the sort of community that Paizo has attracted through these games that actually helped afford me the self-reflection to realize my own preferences and identity.
This community, both the players and even the writers and other staff at Paizo stayed true to themselves even with pressures out there trying to deny them that, and for that I am forever grateful, rocky times and all.
Right now, I’m between major projects, but I just this past month published my first submission on Starfinder Infinite!
Elemental Experts is a book with five archetypes for Starfinder giving both casters and non-spellcasting classes a way to go all in and specialize in a particular damage type as masters of that element! The book has all commissioned art by absolutely brilliant artists!
Tiya/Tiyo Stories (she/he), genderfluid legendary wayang storyteller.
Lynne M. Meyer (she/they)
It’s impossible to talk about my queerness without talking about games, because they’ve been interwoven from the outset. I was introduced to TTRPGs by an actor friend (now spouse) who’s been playing and running games since the 1980s. Sure I’d love it, he invited me to join his upcoming campaign. I was hooked almost immediately.
I was alsostarting to come out to myself around this time.
All the characters I’ve played have explored queerness in some fashion. As I say in Thom James Carter’s book They Came to Slay: The Queer Culture of D&D, games—specifically, inclusive games with good queer rep—gave me a safe space to figure myself out and unpack years of comphet.
Icon Marsha P. Johnson said, “No pride for some of us without liberation for all of us.” This month, I’m part of Queer Games Bundle 2024—a bundle of nearly 500 games, software, and zines from 271 queer creators across The organizers put it best: this bundle is a direct action that you can take right now to support queer people in a life-changing way, and help nurture the diverse queer games community.
Find me on Bluesky ( and Twitter (@Lynne_M_Meyer).
Ixthia the Unbreakable, the nonbinary faction leader of the Exo-Guardians.
Rue Dickey (they/he/xe), Marketing & Media Specialist
It’s me, your friendly local nonbinary circus goth! Over the last fifteen years, I’ve cycled through a variety of labels—nonbinary lesbian, ace lesbian, nonbinary bisexual, trans man, nonbinary trans man, the list goes on—but through all of that change, I have had the love and support of my partners, my close friends and family, and my community. Queer community is vital—in some cases, it is literal lifeblood when bigotry causes institutions to abandon us.
Love is powerful. Love in a world that tries to shame you and hide you away is a protest. And love is a fire that cannot be snuffed out.
Last year’s Pride blog was one of the first projects I took point of here at Paizo, and I’m proud and elated to have continued the tradition through our various community and culture blogs full circle back to Pride. Even “small” acts of solidarity like this give hope and voice to people who have historically been silenced.
And, for a special Pride preview, have a sneak peek at one of the items coming in Player Core 2: the Elixir of Gender Transformation! This item was written by Avi Kool, Lead Editor.
Elixir of Gender Transformation Item 1+ Alchemical, Consumable, Elixir Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L Activate [one-action] (manipulate)
This clear, bitter liquid can be ingested to change certain secondary sex characteristics. Different formulations create different changes—for example, one variety might cause the voice to deepen and promote body and facial hair growth, while another might cause fat redistribution around the hips and the growth of breasts. These changes tend to be accompanied by shifting of the fat in the face, sometimes dramatically or sometimes more subtly changing the user’s appearance. Changes from this elixir take place gradually over the course of months or years, depending on the type.
Type lesser; Level 1; Price 1 gp
The elixir must be taken every week, and changes occur over the course of a year or more.
Type moderate; Level 3; Price 8 gp
The elixir must be taken once a month, and changes occur over the course of a year.
Type greater; Level 6; Price 35 gp
The elixir must be taken once, and changes occur over the course of 6 months.
Bonjour Pathfinders and Starfinders,
It's time to officially announce PaizoCon Europe 2024 and PaizoCon Online Europe 2024! Both events will be held from August 15 to August 18, 2024. I’ll be attending the physical event in Geneva, and I hope to see some of you there!
Get Ready for PaizoCon Europe 2024!
Thursday, June 27, 2024
Bonjour Pathfinders and Starfinders,
It's time to officially announce PaizoCon Europe 2024 and PaizoCon Online Europe 2024! Both events will be held from August 15 to August 18, 2024. I’ll be attending the physical event in Geneva, and I hope to see some of you there!
Please read on for more information from our European volunteers about the events.
Alex Speidel Organized Play Coordinator
The European Organized Play volunteers have joined together and are pleased to invite you to four days of Pathfinder and Starfinder gaming. Games will be offered in various languages, both in person in Geneva, Switzerland, and across multiple online VTTs, hopefully with something to suit everyone.
The event will feature the current season’s specials for both Pathfinder Second Edition and Starfinder:
PFS #6-00: Salt of the Ocean (levels 1-8)
SFS1 #6-99: The End Awakens (levels 1-4)
In addition, there will be a range of games across Pathfinder Second Edition, Pathfinder First Edition, Starfinder First Edition, and the playtest adventure for Starfinder Second Edition.
We will use two parallel events with two separate Warhorn events:
The Starfinder Second Edition Playtest is set to launch midsummer at GenCon 2024! Full details about this open playtest, which is focused on the Starfinder Playtest Rulebook, will be announced in July 2024. Six Starfinder Second Edition adventures will be released to support the playtest, including two softcover adventures* and four short digital-only scenarios**.
Starfinder Society Second Edition Playtest
Thursday, June 27, 2024
The Starfinder Second Edition Playtest is set to launch midsummer at GenCon 2024! Full details about this open playtest, which is focused on the Starfinder Playtest Rulebook, will be announced in July 2024. Six Starfinder Second Edition adventures will be released to support the playtest, including two softcover adventures* and four short digital-only scenarios**.
We’ve written each playtest adventure and playtest scenario to be like the adventures you’ve come to love from Paizo. They feature narratives and encounters that showcase how we can use the new Second Edition rules to create evocative stories in the Starfinder setting. These include all-new art and major setting events, and it’s our hope that these adventures remain relevant long after our playtest is over and we’re well into the new edition.
That said, these adventures are not specifically built for Organized Play. So how does Organized Play fit into all of this?
So happy you asked!
Illustration by Sophie Medvedeva
When the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest launches, visit and download the Starfinder Playtest Tracking Sheet. Each time you play one of the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest Adventures or Starfinder Second Edition Playtest Scenarios listed on this sheet, check off the associated box. By checking off these boxes, you’ll unlock rewards in our Organized Play campaigns! Earn Achievement Points in Starfinder Society (first edition), gain access to exciting alien ancestries from the wider galaxy in Starfinder Society (first edition) and Pathfinder Society (second edition), and gain access to campaign-exclusive backgrounds themed to the events of these adventures in Starfinder Society (second edition). No need to select which rewards you want most—you get them all!
For the purpose of Starfinder Society (first edition), these adventures are considered repeatable, meaning players and GMs will earn Achievement Points every time they play or run them. Characters do not earn in-game rewards such as credits or XP for these adventures.
We hope this encourages players engaged in our Organized Play campaigns to enjoy these adventures and to participate in the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest!
I look forward to charting our course into the future with all of you!
Player Core 2 Preview: The Swashbuckler, Remastered
The swashbuckler is swinging into Pathfinder Player Core 2 with a fresh coat of paint to show off their style and swagger like never before!
Player Core 2 Preview: The Swashbuckler, Remastered
Wednesday, June 26, 2024
The swashbuckler is swinging into Pathfinder Player Core 2 with a fresh coat of paint to show off their style and swagger like never before!
Swashbucklers fight fast on their feet with flair. They dart between foes, gaining and expending panache to execute powerful and flamboyant finishers. When a swashbuckler hits their stride and lands their rolls, they create wonderful, memorable moments on the battlefield. However, this could be difficult to do consistently based on the encounter. In some low-threat encounters, swashbucklers easily dance around the battlefield, able to gain and use panache freely, but in severe and extreme fights, they often struggled to gain panache and use their class abilities. Additionally, many swashbucklers heavily relied on Tumble Through as their primary way to obtain panache, which led to less satisfying uses of Tumble Through instead of an exciting way to move dynamically around the battlefield.
Our primary aim with the swashbuckler’s remaster was therefore to increase the consistency of the class to allow for more stylish moments.
Jirelle, the iconic swashbuckler, fights an angry dwarf. Art by Luis Salas Lastra
One way we’ve done this is through the new bravado trait, which you’ll see in several places in the class. Bravado is not only a bit more reliable for getting into panache, but the trait also lets us give more actions the ability to grant panache, allowing for more diverse options in combat. For instance, many of your swashbuckler styles might state that certain actions gain the bravado trait.
Bravado: Actions with this trait can grant panache, depending on the result of the check involved. If you succeed at the check on a bravado action, you gain panache, and if you fail (but not critically fail) the check, you gain panache but only until the end of your next turn. These effects can be applied even if the action had no other effect due to a failure or a creature's immunity.
Not all swashbucklers fight with honor, though. We’re introducing the new rascal swashbuckler style in the remaster! Rascals aren’t afraid to use underhanded tactics on the battlefield to show off their skills and thoroughly embarrass their foes with a Dirty Trick or two. They do what they need to do to gain the advantage and are happy to let their opponents drop their guard before striking fast, leaving their foes in their dust before finishing them off, perhaps with a Twirling Throw.
Twirling Throw [one-action] — Feat 4
Finisher, Swashbuckler Prerequisites Flying Blade
Your thrown weapons seem to defy physics as they soar through the air and spin back to you after a strike. Make a thrown weapon attack, ignoring the penalty for making ranged attacks within the second and third range increment. The weapon returns to your hand after the attack unless you critically failed on the attack roll.
Pathfinder Player Core 2 is full of exciting remastered ancestries, classes, spells, and more to allow you to truly make the most of your games. Look forward to more previews of other remastered classes in the near future!
Hail and well met, ‘Finders! This month’s new releases bring remastered accessories to your table, make our monsters pocket-sized, and send Starfinders to an earthquake-wracked Aucturn!
Find Your Path—June 2024
Wednesday, June 26, 2024
Hail and well met, ‘Finders! This month’s new releases bring remastered accessories to your table, make our monsters pocket-sized, and send Starfinders to an earthquake-wracked Aucturn!
Never miss a release with our Paizo Subscriptions—for everything from rulebooks to accessories.
The formidable foes and colorful characters of Pathfinder Monster Core come alive on your tabletop with this collection of more than 400 creature pawns for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game or any tabletop fantasy RPG! Printed on sturdy card stock, each double-sided pawn contains a beautiful full-color image of a creature from Pathfinder Monster Core. Each pawn slots into a size-appropriate plastic base, making them easy to mix with traditional metal or plastic miniatures. The Pathfinder Monster Core Pawn Box is the best way to ensure you’ve got the perfect monster on hand for every Pathfinder Roleplaying Game encounter!
Intense battles call for intense monsters! Inside Monster Core, you’ll find over 400 creatures, including fantasy classics like elves, ogres, and all-new dragons; wild animals from giant ants to ferocious wolves; and unique monsters that threaten the world of Pathfinder, like sinspawn and noxious needlers. These creatures cover all levels of play, from the slow and mindless zombie shambler to the ultrapowerful demonic Treerazer! This collection is an ideal resource for Game Masters planning their next battles and player characters looking for monstrous allies to summon.
The pocket edition presents the same contents as the standard edition in a smaller sized softcover for a lower price and better portability.
Keep crucial rules on hand and protect your notes and die rolls from player eyes with the Pathfinder Core GM Screen! This beautiful four-panel, landscape-style screen features stunning artwork from Mirco Paganessi on the players’ side, and a huge number of charts and tables on the GM’s side to speed up play and reduce time spent leafing through rulebooks in search of key modifiers or results.
The Pathfinder Core GM Screen gives you the tools you need to keep the game fast and fun: conditions, death and dying rules, tables for setting DCs, creature elite and weak adjustments, summaries of actions, and more. Constructed from ultra-high-grade hardcover book stock, this durable screen is perfect for travel, convention play, and repeated regular use.
Having neutralized the Wildwood Lodge’s new weapons, the PCs and their allies assault it directly to oust its murderous despot. Yet after recruiting local allies and besieging living fortresses, they discover their foe has fled to an unfamiliar realm: the Plane of Wood. Can the PCs stop this villain from recruiting a demigod of decay to devastate the Verduran Forest? The Wardens of Wildwood Adventure Path concludes with “Shepherd of Decay,” a complete adventure for 11th- to 13th-level characters.
A Starfinder Society Scenario designed for 7th- through 10th-level characters.
Perched on the edge of the Pact Worlds, the planet Aucturn is an inhospitable place with a foul reputation, believed by many of its fanatical inhabitants to be a massive, alien womb. After receiving conflicting reports of strange psychic and cosmic phenomena occurring on the planet’s surface, the Starfinder Society dispatches a team of experienced agents to travel to Aucturn and investigate. As the Starfinders strive to unravel the source of these occurrences, persistent tectonic activity rocks the planet.
A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 9th- through 12th-level characters.
Her identity finally revealed to the Pathfinders, the Waterfall makes a final request: have a group of senior agents travel into the mindscape attached to her and extract whatever it is that ties her to entities unknown. With any hope, this will give her the privacy and security she so desires and deserves after her life. Within her mindscape, strange aberrations lurk, and even stranger are their motivations and how they plan on keeping the Pathfinders away from the center of her cerebral maze.
A Pathfinder Society Quest designed for 1st- through 4th-level characters, playable in 2-3 hours.
The enigmatic being known simply as the Thane, one of the more powerful denizens of the First World, on rare occasions grows weary of solitude and holds a grand party. Invitations are scattered throughout the planes, and simply interacting with one in any manner will suddenly see a “guest” whisked away to the feast. Further, the Thane warps time in their realm, making each day last a decade. The celebration continues for a week of these decades. Mortals taken find themselves seventy years older with only a week having passed outside, if they even survive decades of partying.
Recently, the Thane has again become bored and sent out invitations. Some citizens of Jol unfortunate enough to have stumbled upon these were whisked away. It’s up to the PCs to free them—and likely the PCs themselves— before even more years pass in the twisted time of the Thane's realm.
A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 3rd- through 6th-level characters.
A demonic cult recently performed a ritual to great success, part of its leader's greater schemes. Her work near Nerosyan complete for now, she left a token force to guard the site, no longer needing it, and prepared to travel elsewhere for grander plans. This activity, though, has been noticed. The ritual site was supposed to be completely abandoned, but a group of traveling merchants became aware of the strange activity. This was reported to the Nerosyan leadership, who in turn have pressured Venture-Captain Jorsal of Lauterbury to get involved. Jorsal has decided to send the PCs to investigate the site itself, assuming that a place so near the city likely isn’t much of a threat.
From Our Partners:
Our partners at Archives of Nethys, Demiplane, Fantasy Grounds, Hero Lab Online, and Roll20* are dropping new content this month as well! Buy your PDF on to get a discount via the PaizoConnect API. Or pay full price on their platforms, sync your account, and get a complimentary PDF on the Paizo Store.
*Roll20 is no longer a part of PaizoConnect and discounts and complimentary PDFs do not apply.
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When Quinn needed to work, he liked to get out. It was amazing what a walk, a chat with a neighbor, or a fresh environment would do to dislodge stray thoughts or connect fresh insights. Of course, that wasn’t the only reason Quinn found himself at his usual corner at Amberlight, his table covered in ledgers, timetables, and a map of the city. The Merrymead Menace had struck again. There were only a few more days until the festival, and the thief was taking it upon themself to rob a different restaurant or inn every night.
Iconic Encounter: A Curious Case
Tuesday, June 25, 2024
When Quinn needed to work, he liked to get out. It was amazing what a walk, a chat with a neighbor, or a fresh environment would do to dislodge stray thoughts or connect fresh insights. Of course, that wasn’t the only reason Quinn found himself at his usual corner at Amberlight, his table covered in ledgers, timetables, and a map of the city. The Merrymead Menace had struck again. There were only a few more days until the festival, and the thief was taking it upon themself to rob a different restaurant or inn every night.
Not that they’d bother hitting here, Quinn thought. Target pattern: establishments with occupancy over one-hundred-twenty-five guests, catering primarily to out-of-town clientele. The exact opposite of this cozy cafe. The Merrymead Menace was clearly looking to separate some wealthy tourists from their valuables, then blend back into a crowd. If it weren’t for their seemingly impossible scale of activity and a certain flair for the dramatic—last night’s inn had seen every single safe box emptied, jewelry and gold and letters of banking replaced by a single dull copper coin in each—they’d would hardly stand out against the lost purses that inevitably happened around the winter holiday’s raucous pub crawls and outdoor parties.
With one last look around the room for his favorite barista—Odd... New scent in the air.—Quinn turned back to his work, tapping his pen against the alchemical flask sitting on the table in the hope the damn thing would change colors. No luck. He scratched another region off the map. Not from the Looms, either, then. While Quinn appreciated knowing he wouldn’t have to spend the rest of the day canvassing up and down the clothing district’s notorious hills, he’d have preferred to know where to look, rather than where not to. A bit of flattery and a fresh lemon cake from the local bakery had bought Quinn a favor with the local constabulary’s evidence department, but he’d been able to borrow only enough of the mud collected from a windowsill to run one more test. Quinn furrowed his brow as he shook another vial.
He always was better at this sort of thing. Quinn split his thoughts, setting the majority of his mind on the notes in front of him. But with one part, Quinn drifted to the past. He’d met Arlo right when he’d been getting his start as a freelance detective. He’d needed a consult on the case of the vanishing coins, and several recommendations had pointed him in direction of a talented forensic chemist. Frankly, Quinn had disliked the man when they first met, with his adherence to protocol, but he’d identified the solvent used in the case with nothing more than a cursory glance, so Quinn resolved to work together.
Time and shared ambitions have a way of bridging the gaps between even the most different people. Waiting for lab work or a long stakeout left plenty of time to talk. Talks of the theater turned into a date to see Echoes of Everfall; talks of the virtues of Taldan white wines compared to Chelaxian reds flowed into a weekend getaway to the vineyards of Carpenden. Talks of a longer partnership turned naturally into a marriage, and for a time, everything was perfect.
But time can separate two ambitious people when their aims begin to diverge. First it was a canceled dinner here or there, spurred on by a breakthrough in a case (both men understood that you had to strike when a breakthrough came). Then it was a few weeks’ deployment to investigate this village or that town. When they did talk, it was less and less of theater or wine, more and more of work. By the time Arlo was scouted by the Qadira division of the Society of the Scales and Quinn had received that offer in Andoran, there wasn’t any doubt that it was a parting. They were two brilliant detectives at the height of their careers—they could deduce how things were going to end.
Quinn remains focused while working on the case of the Merrymead Menace.
Art by Kiki Moch Rizky.
A footstep to Quinn’s left, intentionally loud enough to be audible but not so much to be alarming, pulled him back to the present. Without turning his eyes from his notes, Quinn smiled as he moved his hand to clear a spot on the table. “Quinn, you know the only person I let do alchemy in my establishment is the chef.” Rhys placed a cup of (unordered) coffee on the table. “I can’t be making exceptions, even for my favorite customer.”
Quinn hastily noted the color in the vial before moving it back to his bag. “They have me on the case of the Merrymead Menace,” the investigator said as he attempted to piece together some numbers in a ledger before he became too distracted. Rhys nodded. “This residue narrows the culprit down to either the riverbanks, central square, or old ironworkers’ quarters, but there’s too many establishments to cover.”
“Maybe you could investigate during the festival?”
Quinn shook his head. He tried to keep business and pleasure as separate as possible, these days—and turned to Rhys. “By that time, the culprit—"
Apron steamed two days earlier than normal. Fresh haircut. That same floral scent.
“Roses.” Quinn didn’t need to look behind the man’s back to notice the bouquet. “You’re going all out decorating this year, aren’t you?”
Rhys coughed a bit, taking the bouquet out from behind his back. “I… thought they’d look nice along the bar?”
Slight flush. Eyes turning to door. A charming vocal hitch. “Or maybe they’re for a gentleman you’re planning on asking to a Merrymead party?”
Rhys laughed, and the sound warmed the cafe. “Really, Quinn, nothing gets past you. I enjoy the big night out with the group as much as the next guy, but I was thinking a quieter festival for two might be nice this year.”
Quinn agreed—he was about the same age as Rhys, and by now a quieter Merrymead for two sounded nicer than a loud party. Two people enjoying a walk along the river, two cups of spiced wine, two… Quinn bolted to his feet. “Say that again.”
Rhys stood up, smoothing out his apron and running a hand through his hair, tightening his grip on the bouquet slightly enough that even Quinn’s finely honed senses didn’t notice. “I was saying a quiet festival for two might—"
But Quinn was already shoveling his notes into his bag. “Exactly! For two—two of them! That’s how they’re covering that much space. Identical build, height, weight as well—it’s the Extrina Twins back in town, I’m sure of it!” He dashed for the door “Perfect! Absolutely perfect! Thank you!”
It was only when the chill of winter’s air touched Quinn’s face that something clicked in his mind, something obvious that he should say. He opened the door again, locking eyes with the barista.
“Good luck on your date!”
Rhys sighed to himself as the master investigator’s coat swept out into the streets. “Really, Quinn, nothing gets past you.”
About the Author
James Case (he/him) is lead developer for the Rules and Lore team at Paizo. His recent projects include the Lost Omens Tian Xia books and Pathfinder Howl of the Wild, and he’s very proud to work with so many awesome queer creators in this hobby where we write about adventurers and archmages and monsters and lasers. Happy Pride!
About Iconic Encounters
Iconic Encounters is a series of web-based flash fiction set in the worlds of Pathfinder and Starfinder. Each short story provides a glimpse into the life and personality of one of the games’ iconic characters, showing the myriad stories of adventure and excitement players can tell with the Pathfinder and Starfinder roleplaying games.
I’ve known Gorum longer than anyone else. Although he’s changed and developed in ways I never considered, he was created for my homebrew setting back in the very early 90s, as I was rounding out my campaign setting in preparation for a big campaign I was going to run for several friends in my college dorm.
Witness the God of War!
Friday, June 21, 2024
I’ve known Gorum longer than anyone else. Although he’s changed and developed in ways I never considered, he was created for my homebrew setting back in the very early 90s, as I was rounding out my campaign setting in preparation for a big campaign I was going to run for several friends in my college dorm.
He wasn’t the first, second, or third divinity I created for my setting (those honors go, in order, to Yamasoth, Treerazer, and Desna), but he was part of the larger group of two-dozen or so gods I invented once the world-building bug bit me. I wanted a deity in my setting who was someone like Crom, someone non-clerics like Conan could pray to or curse to before, during, and after a fight. Unlike Crom and Conan, though, I wanted this god of war to be fully armored and armed in iron and steel. And so the idea of a god who presents as an animated suit of armor was born into my setting.
When it came time to build Golarion, we were very pressed for time. We had to simultaneously close out the magazines and then jump right into producing our own RPG content without skipping a month, due to the realities of the subscription-based promises and methods Paizo had been built on. It’s very difficult to build an adventure in a world without proper nouns. You can make that up as you go, but that runs the risk of rushing an important job. So as I was put in charge of the Pathfinder Adventure Path line, I made the decision to draw from my then 15-year-old setting for much of that lore. Which included the deities.
We wanted to do 20 “core deities” from the start because it was a fun number to aim at (this being a d20 game), but also because that allowed us to create two different types of deities for each of the 9 alignments, with 2 left over to pad the numbers (one of those went to Neutral to create a “best choice” deity for druids, and one of those went to Lawful Good to create a “best choice” deity for paladins).
Gorum ended up making the jump from my homebrew at that stage into the public by being one of the two chaotic neutral deities chosen, and for the next 17 years, he would serve as Golarion’s god of war.
Illustration by Maichol Quinto
Roleplaying the Grim Reaper
When we decided it was time to shake things up in the Lost Omens setting, the death of a god made the most sense. We’d done this at the dawn of the campaign with the death of Aroden—even though his death took place a century earlier, it still was a huge part of our world’s lore. But killing off someone no one knows about is very different than killing off someone who some folks have known for 17 years (or in my case, closer to 34 years). We had a lot of discussions about which of the core 20 deities we wanted the metaphorical Grim Reaper to visit. We didn’t want to kill off an evil deity, since that would have less emotional impact, but we also didn’t want to take out a deity we had strong plans for in the future, or whose role in the setting was significantly load bearing.
In my homebrew in the early 2000s, I killed off Abadar as part of a plot where the world was slipping into entropy and the PCs had to step up to help prevent more gods from being killed, and he was thus my first nomination. But he’s also someone who’s a handy non-evil villain to have around, and beyond that, he had a role in the future in Starfinder. Other folks suggested other deities, but in the end, we all settled on Gorum. Here was a god who wasn’t evil, who was part of the core 20 but didn’t have a particularly strong role in the lore, didn’t represent a specific ancestry or character class, but who was still popular enough that his death wouldn’t feel hollow. It would still sting. It would still be noticeable. And it would absolutely change the setting—especially when we decided that the death of the god of war wasn’t going to make war go away, but instead let war run rampant.
llustration by Kendal Gates
Witness Him!
Unlike Aroden’s death, which was and will remain shrouded in mystery, we aren’t being coy about Gorum’s death. The specific methods by which he dies will be spelled out in print, and your PCs will be able to take part in multiple adventures impacted by the event—an event known as Godsrain, and which begins a period historians will refer to as the War of Immortals. We’ll have information about what your clerics of Gorum can do next, particularly in adventures where the event takes place after you’ve already potentially started playing clerics of Gorum. We hope the specific details of how and why will resonate with everyone in the same way they do with me and everyone on the editorial team at Paizo!
During PaizoCon last month, we revealed more details about where and when Gorum dies, as well as how you can read those details as a GM, how your PCs can take part in those details as they play out in the course of play, or how you can experience them in the form of fiction. Those who want light spoiler information about where you can find out more, read on. Those who want to be surprised about the event when it happens in your game—I’ve already said too much!
Gorum’s death is described in detail in the upcoming standalone adventure, Prey for Death. Where that event takes place during the adventure, I won’t say more now, but GMs who read the adventure will find that information front and center. How much the players learn, and when that learning happens, depends on the choices they make during play, of course!
The Curtain Call Adventure Path will be starting in a world before these events take place, but by the end of that three-part, high-level campaign, Gorum will be dead. While the direct impact of this will be less than it was in Prey for Death, other developments rising from the event will be on full display. Again, the timing of where and when Godsrain falls during Curtain Call isn’t something we’ve revealed, but it will become obvious once the first volume (and its short summary of the campaign’s three chapters) is published.
After that, War of Immortals presents additional information about the rules involved with these events, Lost Omens Divine Mysteries spends some time exploring the way the gods of the setting are changing, and the novel Godsrain chronicles some in-world fiction involving some familiar iconic heroes as they experience certain developments caused by the death of Our Lord in Iron.
Illustration by Mark Tarrisse
After these, we’re not simply going to let the topic go, of course. The Godsrain may be over, but the War of Immortals is only beginning. And while we’ll soon reveal the exact event in which Gorum dies in print for you to read, there are other new mysteries that event sets up. Mysteries we have plans for. These events—Gorum’s death and other still-unrevealed-complications that death creates—will continue affecting the Lost Omens setting from this point forward, much in the same way that the re-introduction of the runelords in the very first Pathfinder Adventure Path continues to have ripple effects, the closing of the Worldwound allows for the exploration of new stories, and the secession of Ravounel sets up brand new narratives to experience. The War of Immortals is larger in scope and scale than all of those, though, make no mistake. You’ll see the aftermath of the Godsrain play out in the Triumph of the Tusk Adventure Path later this year, and it has some ripple effects that help kick things off in next year’s just-announced Spore War Adventure Path as well. Not every adventure will be focused on these events—the one after Spore War won’t, for example—but just as we’re still telling stories about runelords or the aftermath of the Worldwound or the fate of Ravounel, what goes down during the War of Immortals is here to stay.
Unlike Gorum.
But do not weep for him! Instead, maybe the next time your PC slays a dragon, defeats an evil warlord, or simply earns a new weapon or suit of armor, raise a sword in his memory.
James Jacobs Pathfinder Creative Director of Narrative
Hello, Starfinders!
Following reports of unusual activity in the skies over Aucturn, faction leader Ixthia the Unbreakable dispatches a team of experienced Starfinders to investigate. Psychic phenomenon, powerful earthquakes, dangerous cults, quarreling gods, and an intelligent weapon? What’s the worst that could happen?
June Digital Adventure Previews
Thursday, June 20, 2024
Hello, Starfinders!
Following reports of unusual activity in the skies over Aucturn, faction leader Ixthia the Unbreakable dispatches a team of experienced Starfinders to investigate. Psychic phenomenon, powerful earthquakes, dangerous cults, quarreling gods, and an intelligent weapon? What’s the worst that could happen?
Best of luck, Starfinders! I hear it’s rough out there!
Jessica Catalan Starfinder Society Developer
Greetings, Pathfinders!
The Pathfinder Society has been so busy lately, including carrying out various missions for the Waterfall as they search into her past. The last time we heard from her, she revealed her original identity to a select few Pathfinders and was ready to step forward into her future. But first, a group of senior agents must travel into her mindscape to eliminate her final connection to her captors. But a strange cloth flaps in the wind of a mysterious library, sending shivers down the spines of all who look upon it.
Pathfinder Society Scenario #5-18 Equal Exchanges – Tapestry of the Mind is an adventure for 9th- through 12th-level characters written by Ivis K. Flanagan. This is the final part of the four-part Equal Exchanges metaplot, previously explored in Pathfinder Society Scenarios 5-04, 5-09, and 5-11.
Left to right: illustration by Bruno Mello and Rodrigo Gallo
Meanwhile, we turn to Sarkoris and Nerosyan.
A group of traveling merchants have noticed strange lights and sounds near a warehouse outside the city, one that has been completely abandoned for as long as anyone remembers. Given that demonic threats still linger, city leadership turned to Venture-Captain Jorsal of Lauterbury to investigate. He’s turned to you. It’s probably nothing, right? No need to be concerned at all. Certainly not the aftermath of a strange ritual.
A cool autumn breeze blew across the woodlands, its scent carrying the promise of snow that was, for now, still trapped in distant mountains. The wind rustled leaves across the ground, shaking a few remaining bits of gold and crimson foliage from their branches. Birds sang in the background, but the clearing was otherwise silent, except for…
Iconic Encounter: Cold Comfort
Wednesday, June 19, 2024
A cool autumn breeze blew across the woodlands, its scent carrying the promise of snow that was, for now, still trapped in distant mountains. The wind rustled leaves across the ground, shaking a few remaining bits of gold and crimson foliage from their branches. Birds sang in the background, but the clearing was otherwise silent, except for…
“Amiri, can you please lie still,” Seelah’s voice was firm, and only a touch strained, “for just a few minutes more? Once I have finished the rite of the blade, I can heal you again, and then recite the prayer of—”
“I’m fine.” Amiri’s voice was laced with frustration. “You don’t need to finish any rites, and I certainly don’t want to wait for one of your endless prayers. I don’t need any more healing than you’ve already provided, Seelah. I’m ready to take on whatever else is out here.”
Seelah shook her head and continued her rite. She had already cleaned her longsword with the eleven small cloths she carried for that purpose and now needed to put it all away mindfully, treating the cloths and her sword with the honor and respect they deserved as instruments of justice.
“We don’t know that, because we don’t know what’s out here.” Seelah kept her tone even and her eyes focused on what she was doing. “Certainly, more giant ticks like that one,” she indicated the two halves of the monstrous insect that had attached itself to Amiri before the duo had cut it apart, “could have either killed the hunting party or sickened them enough they can’t make it back to the village. But they’re locals, and the villagers called these ticks a common threat; I wouldn’t expect a well-equipped party of four men and two hunting dogs to have been overwhelmed so easily.”
Amiri shrugged but managed to lie still, screwing her eyes shut to block out distractions. “All true,” Amiri said, “but no one and nothing likes ticks—especially ticks the size of badger-hounds. So, since they thrive here, these woods are unlikely to have anything tougher than them in them, or that tougher thing would have killed off the ticks. It’s one reason I insisted on coming and checking this hunting trail while the others waste time looking through the village records.”
Seelah tried to suppress a smile.
“Yes, and since you insisted on coming out here, someone had to come with you in case you needed backup. And as your backup, I want you fully healed before we get any deeper into the woods.” Seelah carefully placed her ritual kit next to her backpack, then laid her sword on the ground within arm’s reach. “Now, are you going to allow me to ensure you are at your best?”
Amiri took a deep breath and forced herself to relax.
“Oh, go ahead. We might as well, at this point.”
Seelah knelt next to her ally and placed her left hand over where the vile tick had dug into Amiri and begun draining her blood. “Inheritor,” Seelah prayed silently, “please heal this mighty warrior whom I have seen face the greatest foes with valor, and ready her to stand against injustice in all its forms.”
A golden light formed around Seelah’s hand and silently poured into Amiri’s remaining wounds like glowing, liquid amber. The puncture mark from the tick’s attack, already half closed from Seelah’s first effort at healing it, disappeared entirely, leaving no sign the wound had ever existed. Amiri’s eyes popped open, and she grinned at Seelah.
Seelah heals Amiri with Iomedae’s holy power in this illustration by Christoph Peters, from Pathfinder Player Core 2.
“Right, now let’s get the rest of the way up the trail and—”
Seelah shook her head.
“I know I’ve already strained your patience, Amiri, but if you just wait a little longer, I can—”
“Shh!” Amiri interrupted, holding up a finger. “Listen.”
Seelah stopped talking and cocked her head to pick up whatever noise Amiri had heard. The woods were filled with susurrant shuffling, the sound of dead leaves brushing over thick grass and, farther away, bird noises that seemed more like short, concerned chirps rather than the songs they’d been singing earlier.
Seelah shook her head. “Other than some bird sounds, I don’t hear anything but the rustling of leaves.”
Amiri stood, lifting her enormous sword into a ready stance. “Yes, the leaves are rustling… but the wind has died.”
Seelah’s eyes widened in realization, and she quickly turned to strap her shield firmly to her forearm. Amiri was right, of course: the wind had stopped, but the sound of rustling leaves was growing louder and closer. Amiri leaped off the ground, already ten paces ahead by the time Seelah was standing and fully ready, but she swiftly stopped her advance, large sword held high as she peered into a dark copse of trees that seemed to be the source of the rustling. Seelah knew her eyes were not as keen as Amiri’s, and she carefully glanced around them as she closed the distance to her companion. It would not do to be caught unaware if a threat attacked from another direction.
From the dense woods to the side of the hunting trail, figures shambled toward them. Three were humanoid in shape, but moved with a slow, unsteady gait. As they stumbled into the light, their faces came into view, showing rictus grins and sagging, yellowed flesh. The arms and legs of each were twisted and curled, as if locked in awkward positions they could only barely control.
Beside the shuffling corpses, two smaller figures moved jerkily forward, crawling on all fours. Once, they had clearly been hunting dogs, but jagged wounds ran the length of one’s ribcage, and the other’s throat was missing. Both had blank, white eyes.
Amri turned to Seelah, her nose wrinkled in distaste.
“What in iron are those?!”
Seelah’s expression darkened. “Zombies. Freshly risen, from the looks of them.”
“But zombie… dogs?!” It was clear from Amiri’s tone that she felt such abominations were worse than the bipedal undead shambling along beside them.
Seelah nodded grimly. “Anything living can be perverted to undeath one way or another. This is almost certainly the missing hunting party. Whatever killed them visited this further indignity upon their corpses, an indignity I will not allow to go unche—”
Amiri bellowed a challenge, charging the nearest zombie hound. Seelah knew that cry and the expression of pure fury on Amiri’s face.
There would be no retreat in this battle.
Amiri’s charge brought her to within reach of the zombies, and a single swing of her massive sword felled one of the undead hounds. Seelah rushed to protect Amiri’s flank as the zombies clumsily surrounded her companion. Their slow movement kept the undead from overwhelming Amiri, but the remaining zombie hound bit at Amiri’s boot and tried to pull her to the ground.
Seelah hefted her shield as she reached the once-dog,. She slashed it with her own sword, watching as the blade peeled its flesh apart as easily as a canvas sail. Amiri was exchanging blows with the zombie hunters, and just as the undead hound collapsed, one of them caught her with a powerful blow to her chin. Blood flew, and Seelah whispered a hasty prayer to Iomedae to lessen the attack while ducking under Amiri’s massive sword to split the zombie’s skull with her gleaming longsword.
A fist smashed Seelah’s shield, cracking the wood and bruising her arm, but then suddenly there was only one zombie left. Seelah deflected another blow with her shield, then she and Amiri struck it as one, dropping the corpse back to the earth, skewered and sliced by the pair’s steel.
Seelah saw Amiri scanning the woods and trusted her to be alert for any danger, while the paladin ensured all the undead were truly destroyed.
“Well, ticks didn’t do that,” said Amiri.
“No,” Seelah agreed. “Whatever created these horrors is either new to the area or willing to make itself known in a way it hasn’t before. Unless it has, which is a thing that might be recorded in the village’s records.”
Amiri frowned, then nodded. “All right, so we should go back and see if the others have found anything. Right after we take whatever time you need to heal us both. But I’m going to stay standing this time.”
Seelah began unstrapping her shield, assessing the damage it had sustained during the fighting in the process. “And why is that?”
Amiri grinned grimly. “Because the villagers said four hunters went missing, and this only accounts for three.”
A cold wind blew from the woods, bringing a chill that no longer felt tied to any natural season.
About the Author
Owen K.C. Stephens is a veteran game designer and writer with more than 25 years of experience. A former Paizo developer, he worked extensively on the Pathfinder Player Companion and Starfinder lines and remains a fan of Golarion and all of Paizo’s games. He was diagnosed with cancer in 2023 and is delighted to be back to doing some professional writing. He regularly releases new content on his Patreon and has a GoFundMe campaignto help cover the costs of fighting cancer. You can also find him on Facebook, Twitter/X, and BlueSky.
About Iconic Encounters
Iconic Encounters is a series of web-based flash fiction set in the worlds of Pathfinder and Starfinder. Each short story provides a glimpse into the life and personality of one of the games’ iconic characters, showing the myriad stories of adventure and excitement players can tell with the Pathfinder and Starfinder roleplaying games.
Celebrating Juneteenth: Happy Freedom Day from Paizo!
Hail and well met, Pathfinders!
Paizo’s offices are closed today in honor of Juneteenth National Independence Day (Juneteenth). This holiday celebrates the true end of chattel slavery in the United States, when the Emancipation Proclamation was enforced in Texas at the end of the Civil War.
Celebrating Juneteenth: Happy Freedom Day from Paizo!
Wednesday, June 19, 2024
Hail and well met, Pathfinders!
Paizo’s offices are closed today in honor of Juneteenth National Independence Day (Juneteenth). This holiday celebrates the true end of chattel slavery in the United States, when the Emancipation Proclamation was enforced in Texas at the end of the Civil War.
Juneteenth celebrations date back to 1866—the first year following the freeing of slaves in Texas. Beginning with Texas in 1938, Juneteenth was eventually recognized as a state holiday by all 50 states and the District of Columbia. In 2021, Juneteenth National Independence Day became a federally recognized holiday in the United States.
Black communities around the United States and Mexico celebrate Juneteenth in a variety of ways, from rodeos and picnics to poetry readings, music festivals, and more. Above all, Juneteenth is a celebration of Black art, music, culture, and freedom.
To see if a Juneteenth event is happening near you and get involved, take a look at the Worldwide Event Listings on
If you can, donating time, money, or other resources to a Black-focused organization is a great way to celebrate Juneteenth! Here are some recommended organizations actively working to support Black communities:
Take a moment today to reflect on what freedom means—and how that freedom was granted to different groups of people over time. In the words of Black feminist and activist Fannie Lou Hamer, “Nobody’s free until everybody’s free.”
The Windsong Testaments: Light of the Radiant Prism
Once, very long ago, a traveler walked a lonely road, lost and afraid. Though the path seemed to stretch on forever, they could not say where it took them, nor were they entirely certain of where they hoped it might go. All they knew was that they could not stay where they had begun.
The Windsong Testaments: Light of the Radiant Prism
Tuesday, June 18, 2024
Once, very long ago, a traveler walked a lonely road, lost and afraid. Though the path seemed to stretch on forever, they could not say where it took them, nor were they entirely certain of where they hoped it might go. All they knew was that they could not stay where they had begun.
They had set out with purpose, but the hardships they faced had worn their spirit down, leaving them weary and alone. As the night grew darker still, the traveler ruminated on the trials of the world, their own and those of others, and despair settled around their shoulders like the heaviest of mantles.
As they climbed a tall and wooded hill, each strained step slower than the last, they gradually became aware of a gentle sound: shh, shh, shh. The weary traveler peered ahead, unable to make out anything in the feeble starlight, and gripped their walking staff tighter in case of trouble.
A small, white butterfly ghosted across the path before them and flitted up over a fallen menhir they hadn’t yet noticed in the dark. A delicate tune floated back in its wake. Their fear assuaged and their exhaustion temporarily muted by curiosity, the traveler clambered over the stone slab and followed the butterfly’s path to the top of the hill.
They didn’t expect the scene that awaited as they emerged from the trees. Several rough stone pillars, arrayed in what might once have been a circle, ringed the summit of the grassy hill. Nestled against the biggest stood a wide, flat stone platform covered in many colors of faded threadbare cloth that were surely vibrant long ago. Small rock cairns, candles burnt to their wicks’ ends, a bedraggled feather, and a few other small tokens littered the rock’s surface.
It might have looked forlorn and abandoned, save for the three women merrily tending to it. One, a Tian woman with pale skin and short, dark hair, was setting out fresh candles, the flame reflected in her dark eyes. The second, a Varisian woman with warm brown skin and multicolored ribbons threaded through her long, wavy hair, was the source of the tune that echoed into the trees; she continued to hum cheerfully she painted the stone pillar with delicate designs. The third figure, a Garundi woman with skin nearly as dark as the night around them, danced as she swept the ground around the shrine, the beads in her cloud of black hair like miniature sisters of the stars. Shh, shh, shh, the broom whispered to the stones.
The third woman—clearly a priestess of Desna—spotted their guest first as the ghostly butterfly alit on a nearby cairn. “Welcome, traveler,” she called with a smile, her warm voice gentle as she set the broom aside.
The first woman—surely a priestess of Sarenrae—rekindled a dwindling log with a gesture. “You look cold,” she said, her voice strong and clear. “Come, share our fire.”
The second woman—undoubtedly a priestess of Shelyn—ceased her song and beckoned the traveler closer. “You are welcome among us.”
The traveler, overwhelmed at their kind and unexpected greeting, assented with quiet thanks, sitting near the now-blazing campfire and accepting a warm mug of tea from Shelyn’s acolyte.
“You look troubled, friend,” said Sarenrae’s priestess as she sat down across from the traveler.
The traveler looked into their tea for a long moment before meeting her gaze. “The road has been long, and uncertain,” they said, and soon found themself telling the women all about their struggles, from the personal queries of identity and belonging to the endless communal work toward justice and liberation.
“I’m afraid I’m tired, and lost,” they admitted. “I see a brighter future, but I don’t know how to get there. It’s hard not to feel hopeless, and alone. Though I guess I’m less so, at the moment.”
Desna’s acolyte smiled again, looking to her companions. “We are always ready for unexpected friends,” she said, and the others nodded. “And as for being lost or unsure, the only step in any journey that matters is the next one.”
“The dawn brings new light,” Sarenrae’s acolyte added. “You may find you see more clearly after rest. There will always be good causes to fight for, but we cannot do so alone and weary. Even the boldest among us must seek rest and community to nourish our spirits.”
“I find creation helps,” offered Shelyn’s acolyte, gesturing to the paintbrush now tucked behind her ear. “Love and beauty belong to all, and help to keep hope alive in each other when we might otherwise falter.”
“But everything has changed!” cried the traveler. “So many are suffering, and nothing is as I expected it to be. How are we supposed to cope with the uncertainty?”
“Change is unavoidable,” said the priestess of Sarenrae. “But it brings new opportunities to right old wrongs. We must face change head-on. Together, we can find courage.”
“Change is beautiful,” said the priestess of Shelyn. “Instead of fearing it, we can learn to dance with it.”
“Change is the only way we see new horizons,” agreed the priestess of Desna, smiling at her companions and taking their hands in hers. “But as the union of the Radiant Prism has shown us, even in the face of change, some things endure.”
As the women joined hands, the traveler saw a new scene before them. Instead of a dark hilltop, there was a peaceful woodland glade with a small creek warmed by afternoon sunlight. Three women rested together in the soft grass, but they were not the acolytes—or had they been the acolytes all along? Two of the women now had wings, one the thin veined membranes of a butterfly, the other the powerful feathers of an angelic raptor, her hair now shining gold as if it contained the sun’s own light. The third woman was crowned in flowers. She sang softly, a comforting ballad of loves’ triumphs, her long hair now threaded with all the colors of the rainbow.
Desna, Sarenrae, and Shelyn together are worshiped as the Radiant Prism. Illustration by Klaher Baklaher
The traveler slept then, the cares of the road eased, for a while. When they awoke on the hilltop, the women were gone, but they no longer felt quite so alone. The embers still glowed in the fire, and a wren’s morning song filled the air. Above them, starlight twinkled in the friendly dawn sky.
About the Author
Simone D. Sallé (she/they) is a senior editor at Paizo. Her writing credits include the Paizo blog’s Zoetrope Logs, Pathfinder Howl of the Wild, Starfinder Bounty #12: Under Pressure, and more. She can often be found exploring divine woodland glades in the Pacific Northwest with her spouse and dog.
About the Windsong Testaments
On the northern reaches of Varisia’s Lost Coast stands Windsong Abbey, a forum for interfaith discussion tended by priests of nearly twenty faiths and led by a legacy of Masked Abbesses. At the dawn of the Age of Lost Omens, Windsong Abbey suffered as its faithful fought and fled, but today it has begun to recover. A new Masked Abbess guides a new flock within, and the Windsong Testaments—parables about the gods themselves—are once again being recorded within the abbey’s walls. Some of these Testaments are presented here as Golarion’s myths and fables. Some parts may be true. Other parts are certainly false. Which ones are which is left to the faithful to decide.
Hail and well met, ’Finders! It’s that time of year again—Free RPG Day is just around the corner! Paizo is excited to once again be participating in Free RPG Day and supporting FLGS around the world!
Poppets and Perils—Paizo Free RPG Day Offerings!
Friday, June 14, 2024
Hail and well met, ’Finders! It’s that time of year again—Free RPG Day is just around the corner! Paizo is excited to once again be participating in Free RPG Day and supporting FLGS around the world!
This year, Paizo is offering a Pathfinder one-shot adventure and a collection of preview creatures for the Starfinder Playtest!
Pathfinder Adventure: The Great Toy Heist
There’s always someone up to no good in the Chelaxian capital of Egorian, and this time it hits a little too close to home! A corrupt banker discovered there was something magical about The Terrific Toyshop beyond just the magnificent creations within. Greedy and unprincipled, this wealthy noble found a loophole in the diabolically complicated laws of the city and exploited it to seize the deed to the toyshop and threaten to boot the toy maker and his lovely creations out on the streets. What are sentient toys to do in the face of such reprehensible actions? Break in and steal the deed back, of course!
In The Great Toy Heist, you take on the role of one of four unique poppets—living toys with strong wills of their own. While your gentle creator is beside himself with worry, you and your friends enact a risky plan to save your home and livelihoods with stealth, subterfuge, and no shortage of luck!
Starfinder Second Contact
Experience the evolution of the Starfinder roleplaying game with over a dozen iconic creatures fully compatible with the upcoming playtest and your existing Pathfinder roleplaying game campaigns! Inside you’ll find friends and foes, ranging from the whimsical asteray to the classic cybernetic zombie. This dossier also includes previews of spells, weapons, and even a squox companion to help you face extraterrestrial threats. Get started today and prepare your players for out-of-this-world adventure in the second edition of the Starfinder roleplaying game!
Free RPG Day takes place on Saturday, June 22nd, 2024. Find a participating retailer near you:
Meet the Authors: Starfinder Society’s Year of Fortune’s Fall
Greetings, players! In today’s blog we’d like to recognize the talented freelance authors who contributed to our most recent slate of Starfinder Society adventures. Some of these authors have been writing for us for years, while others saw their names in print for the very first time!
Meet the Authors: Starfinder Society’s Year of Fortune’s Fall
Thursday, June 13, 2024
Greetings, players! In today’s blog we’d like to recognize the talented freelance authors who contributed to our most recent slate of Starfinder Society adventures. Some of these authors have been writing for us for years, while others saw their names in print for the very first time!
Alex Speidel Organized Play Coordinator
Joseph Blomquist (he/him)
SFS1 #6-03: Project Dawn and SFS1 Special #6-99: The End Awakens
This season, I had the opportunity to put my stamp on two adventures that couldn’t be more different.
For the first one, Starfinder Society Scenario #6-03: Project Dawn, I was given the chance to dive back into the nostalgia of my gaming youth when Shadowrun was my game of choice. Project Dawn is truly intended to be a standard espionage run against an evil corporate entity and was a ton of fun to write. Jess even let me bring back an NPC from my first ever SFS adventure! In all honesty, using a simple subsystem to create tension while sneaking around the Dayside Inc. head office was a treat unto itself.
Starfinder Society Scenario #6-99: The End Awakens brought entirely different obstacles and opportunities. As a special, its needs were far different than a standard SFS adventure. Fortunately, I was working alongside the dev of some of my favorite PFS adventures, Mike Kimmel. While our styles are very different, they complement each other well, which just shows Jess’s high Wisdom score in pairing us together. One of my goals was to bring a lot of the big moments and decisions back to the table instead of solely allowing the house to have all the fun. And we got away with it! We had forking paths, aid tokens based on table decisions, and even a big moment to understand Krethiskar that occurred at a table level! But more importantly, I got to return to terrorizing Starfinders with bugs, as happened in my somewhat infamous adventure Illegal Shipment from four seasons ago. Starfinder tears really do taste so sweet…
Anyway, for more about me, check out the blog I never update at or on social media under the name DoctorMono. Or better yet, pick up Mechageddon! and get to know what makes me tick (spoilers: Mechs vs. kaiju).
See you in Second Edition!
Charlie Brooks (he/him)
SFS1 #6-09: Ridgerock Rescue
Hi everyone! My name is Charlie Brooks, and my pronouns are he/him. I had the privilege of writing Starfinder Society Scenario #6-09: Ridgerock Rescue, which was my first Starfinder publication and an opportunity to engage with this season’s metaplot by revealing the truth behind the Organization.
My gaming group loves “adopting” cute and unusual creatures. Since I was going to involve them in the playtest for this scenario, I made sure to add some elements that would make them smile. A big piece of that picture was the skittermander Baazo and his “burnydooms.” Jessica Catalan provided sage advice in crafting this encounter, leading to a sidebar with sample “chitter-chatter” and placing Baazo in a control center so particularly quick groups wouldn’t wipe him out in a single round. In playtesting, the encounter went exactly as I hoped, which is a rare thing in any game for me.
Writing a revelation scene in an RPG adventure is different from doing it in a novel, since you don’t have control over the characters and their reactions. The end of Ridgerock Rescue features a lot of exposition about the Organization. I tried to use Ongie’s voice in a compelling way so players felt like they were unraveling a mystery.
Outside of the RPG sphere, my recently-released novel Meddling Heroes mashes up a hard-boiled detective story with Silver Age super-heroics. You can find more about that and my other projects at
Alison Cybe (they/them)
SFS1 #6-10: The Death of Kortus IV
In The Death of Kortus IV, your characters enter a region to evacuate citizens facing the threat of genocide, proactively interceding against the forces trying to destroy them. Starfinders are not a military faction, but they possess enough strength, expertise, and allies to be a positive force for change in the galaxy.
The Starfinder Society has been shown to possess corruption, and no small number of agents have gone rogue; this isn’t a utopian setting. But at the same time, they’re the protagonists and can act heroically.
And I don’t believe that any true hero, any group on the side of good, would stand by idly while an entire country or planet is subject to genocide. At the time I wrote this adventure, that wasn’t a heavily political statement to make. Things have changed. My position has not. All genocides are an act of raw, unfiltered evil and must be acted against unilaterally.
I’m aware that the adventures I’ve written are highly political; I include transgender characters where I don’t have to and make political stances very clear. I strongly believe gaming can be used as a means to discuss, explore, and unify ourselves. I’m also well and able to make a load more of these; ask the devs, loudly and repeatedly, to give me more. You do that, you’ll get more queer and political adventures like this.
Hello! I’m Jeremy Corff (he/him) and I wrote Starfinder Society Scenario #6-11: Gifts Ungiven. Inspired by a few antics from my own childhood, as well as classics like Home Alone, I tried to set a light tone while still keeping to the “well-meaning disaster” theme. Without giving away spoilers, I think my favorite part of the adventure is the running gag of Big Cherry Goo-gurt (tm). No doubt available at all respectable space ports in the Pact Worlds and beyond! I just hope folks have enjoyed the scenario half as much as I enjoyed writing it.
If you’d like to find out more about other projects I’ve worked on, you can find me on Blue Sky at or at my Starfinder blog where I post weekly homebrew Starfinder content.
Hilary Moon Murphy
SFS1 #6-12: Yesteryear’s Hope
Hello, I’m Hilary Moon Murphy, also known as Hmm. I wrote Starfinder Scenario #6-12: Yesteryear’s Hope, a whimsical and hope-filled repeatable adventure that can be summed up as a party on a bug planet. It takes the Starfinders back to Elytrio, home of two very thought-provoking early scenarios by Jason Keeley (#1-03 Yesteryear’s Truth and #1-21 Yesteryear’s Sorrow).
There are so many things to mention about this scenario. I had a chance to return to the delightful ghibrani and give them a brighter future, while showing Elytrio in all its radiation-blasted glory. Fans of the earlier scenarios will find many callbacks to the earlier storyline.
Shortly after getting the scenario assignment, my dear friend, Jack Brown, died. I made a request to my developer, Jessica Catalan. Could I write Jack’s favorite PC, Lucius, into Yesteryear’s Hope as a special tribute? She said yes (with the approval of Jack’s family). The scenario is dedicated to his memory. In writing this story, I felt that I had come full circle. Yesteryear’s Truth was the first Starfinder Scenario that I GMed, and Jack and I had prepped it together for GenCon, learning the starship combat system as we did. I think Jack would be very happy to see Lucius returning to the planet where his career had gotten its start.
Linda Zayas Palmer (she/her)
SFS1 #6-16: Dawning Fate
Hi folks! I’m Linda Zayas-Palmer (she/her), former development manager for the Organized Play team and current full-time freelancer. I was delighted to have the opportunity to write Starfinder Society Scenario #6-16: Dawning Fate, the epic finale to the machinations of the villainous Order of Dawning Fate. Jessica Catalan and the authors of previous scenarios stretching all the way back to the Order’s first appearance in Starfinder Society Special #3-00: The Last Bite gave me plenty to work with. Storming the stronghold of an organization that has been reading and twisting fate for over a century is no easy task, but the Starfinder Society isn’t going to back down. To avoid spoilers, my favorite parts of the adventure are the lasers and the timey-wimey stuff. I’m excited to see what people think!
You can find me on my twitch stream Arcane Mark [link] [/link] on Tuesdays at 8pm Eastern and Saturdays at 1pm eastern, and on the Arcane Mark Discord [link] [/link]. My next project is a Pathfinder Second Edition conversion of Dr Dhrolin’s Dictionary of Dinosaurs, which will launch soon on Kickstarter [link] [/link]. Produced by paleontologists, it features detailed and scientifically accurate information alongside dozens of new stat blocks for Mesozoic dinosaurs and reptiles, plus plenty of new player content.
Sara Jeffers (she/they)
Starfinder Bounty #10: Those Who Were Taken
‘Way! Hello! I’m Sara Jeffers (she/they), and I’m the author of Starfinder Bounty #10: Those Who Were Taken. I really enjoyed pulling inspiration from personal experiences and cultural influences to create a banal evil, a thoroughly unremarkable force that can permeate quietly—something that has directly impacted my lives and the lives of my family. It was freeing to channel that, and now I can repeatably defeat it in a variety of exciting ways! The anacites are one of my favorites in the whole game because the idea of self-modification to become who you truly are and need to be is something I feel to my core. The idea that each individual is not only allowed to but is celebrated for their uniqueness is something I staunchly and stubbornly support. You can catch me on Twitter @BabaYagaQuest, Discord @babayagacreative, and on Twitch with Enchanted Sorcery Productions in a Murder Mystery Monster of the Week game set in Thedas. End of Love airs all summer on Thursday at 7:30 PM Pacific!
Basil Wright (he/they/xe)
Starfinder Bounty #11: The Aucturn Dilemma
Inspiration:The Aucturn Dilemma was somewhat inspired by Henrietta Lacks and the unethical usage of her cells.
Favorite Part: The orocoran encounter when the players enter the laboratory for the first time. I also really enjoyed getting the chance to employ the sci-fi trope of broken screens displaying a spooky message.
Social Media: &
With Pathfinder Player Core 2 releasing at the start of August, we know players are anticipating the remastered versions of some of their favorite classes! In a series of blogs starting right here, we’ll be alternating between talking about the changes to four of the classes and showing off some fun fiction and art starring the iconic characters of Player Core 2.
Player Core 2 Preview: The Champion, Remastered
Wednesday, June 12, 2024
With Pathfinder Player Core 2 releasing at the start of August, we know players are anticipating the remastered versions of some of their favorite classes! In a series of blogs starting right here, we’ll be alternating between talking about the changes to four of the classes and showing off some fun fiction and art starring the iconic characters of Player Core 2.
The champion is the premier divine warrior, with some of the best armor and defenses in the game. They’re devoted to their deity and their tenets. One of the major changes to the remaster was dropping alignment, which the champion has always featured heavily, so we know everyone expects big changes to the class!
We’ve already put basic compatibility rules for the champion in the Pathfinder FAQ—see Pathfinder Core Rulebook Errata (Remaster Compatibility)—but the Player Core 2 version will present a much more thorough overhaul. So what do fans of this class have to look forward to?
Seelah, the iconic champion, battles a tyrant devil. Art by William Liu.
Before the remaster, a champion’s alignment and their choice of champion cause established a strict set of hierarchical rules to be followed. Each good and evil alignment had a cause tied to it, like the lawful good paladin, chaotic good liberator, and neutral evil desecrator. The remastered version still has a cause, but the focus has shifted away from being so strict and static. Now we use edicts and anathema tied to different character choices to guide your roleplaying.
Let’s take the paladin as an example. They used to follow the two tenets of good, two tenets of the lawful good paladin cause, and any edicts and anathema for their deity. A champion under the remastered rules would choose the justice cause. They would follow the edicts and anathema of their deity, plus the following from the cause of justice.
Edicts follow the law, respect legitimate authorities or leadership
Anathema take advantage of another, cheat
More emphasis on edicts rather than an unbendable code loosens some of the restrictions on their roleplaying to allow more well-rounded, nuanced characters. There’s a better balance over “should nots” instead of all “must nots.”
A champion can optionally choose a sanctification. If you’ve read Pathfinder Player Core, you’re familiar with holy and unholy sanctification—a choice based on your deity that lets you commit yourself to the battle for souls between the holy planes and unholy planes. Champions can choose sanctification based on their deity, though unholy sanctification is an uncommon option. Each sanctification gives you another edict and anathema, and adds the holy or unholy trait to all your Strikes.
Some, but not all, champion causes require a certain sanctification. Justice, mentioned above, does not. The Player Core 2 causes are justice, liberation, and obedience (open to all); desecration and iniquity (open only to unholy champions); and redemption and grandeur (open only to holy champions). If you are already playing a champion and want to update them to the new options, you’ll probably be able to keep the core of that character. Though you can always shake things up with the new grandeur cause, which is based on the brilliant splendor of celestials.
Other Changes
This class has seen a huge number of other changes we think will make it more satisfying to play, but we don’t want to keep you here all day with one blog post. So here’s the short version!
You now have a defined champion’s aura for your reactions, aura feats, and other abilities, which lets other rules alter and refer to the range of your divine abilities more easily.
The divine ally ability has been changed to blessing of the devoted, and the mount has moved to a 1st-level feat. You can instead choose the blessed swiftness option to move faster—whether you’re mounted or not.
Feats saw a ton of change, like the new Defensive Advance feat and updated structure for Mercy. We focused on broadly useful feats plus maintaining some backward compatibility, but we did run out of room. You’ll see oath feats moved to Lost Omens Divine Mysteries. We’re hoping to find a book in which it would make sense to remaster litanies at some point, but we don’t have one that can hold them yet.
You choose a focus spell based on your deity’s divine font options. As before the remaster, you can choose lay on hands if your deity allows the heal divine font or touch of the void (formerly touch of corruption) if they allow the harm divine font. However, there’s also a new option for a deity with any font, specially made for defense-minded characters. Introducing shields of the spirit!
Shields of the Spirit [one-action] Focus 1
Uncommon, Champion, Concentrate, Focus, Sanctified, Spirit Requirements You are wielding a shield.
You Raise your Shield, causing ephemeral spirit shields to float within your champion’s aura. The shields last until the start of your next turn or until you’re no longer raising your shield, whichever comes first. While one of your allies is in your champion’s aura, the shields grant them a +1 status bonus to AC, and each time an enemy makes an attack against the ally, the enemy takes 1d4 spirit damage (even if it misses).
The benefit applies only while an ally is in your aura, ending for any ally that leaves and applying to any that enters later. As normal, you don’t count as your own ally and therefore don’t get the benefits of the spirit shields yourself. Heightened (+2) The damage increases by 1d4.
Ten hut! Fall in! There’s less than two weeks remaining in the Battlecry! playtest for the new commander and guardian classes, so if you haven’t had a chance to register your feedback, report to to download the PDF and find the links to the surveys. There’s been a lot of interest in the playtest so far—it was downloaded more times than the original Pathfinder playtest in the first few days!—but we can use every last one of your forward reports. Of course, the boffins back at home base have been paying attention to what you’ve had to say so far in the surveys and on the forums and are starting to formulate ways to make these classes even better.
Battlecry! Playtest: Boots on the Ground
Wednesday, June 12, 2024
Ten hut! Fall in! There’s less than two weeks remaining in the Battlecry! playtest for the new commander and guardian classes, so if you haven’t had a chance to register your feedback, report to to download the PDF and find the links to the surveys. There’s been a lot of interest in the playtest so far—it was downloaded more times than the original Pathfinder playtest in the first few days!—but we can use every last one of your forward reports. Of course, the boffins back at home base have been paying attention to what you’ve had to say so far in the surveys and on the forums and are starting to formulate ways to make these classes even better.
We’ll have a lot more intel from the feedback front once the playtest closes. It’s too early to note what exactly we’ll be tweaking and how we’ll be changing it, but here are a couple little tidbits of information.
The commander will receive more tactics for a diverse set of playstyles, especially master and legendary tactics!
We saw that there was some confusion about the Hardness and statistics for the commander’s banner, so we’re already looking to make sure that will be clarified.
Similarly, we have noticed a few wording issues with the guardian’s threat technique and have flagged that class feature for future work.
We’re also closely examining the numbers of the guardian’s Taunt ability, with the hopes of creating something that will really sing.
Two armies clash in the forests of the River Kingdoms. Art by Rogier van de Beek.
I’d also like to share a couple of anecdotes from my own playtests of the guardian! The first, which occurred over PaizoCon weekend, saw a 4th-level party dealing with a “swamp witch,” who was just an ogre glutton and a boggard swampseer working together. The guardian of that party used Area Cover to turn a successful basic Reflex save into a critical success, preventing the group’s fighter from taking any damage! For the second playtest, we put together some 16th-level characters to face an ancient adamantine dragon! The guardian’s ability to withstand damage was put to the test, but he stood firm against the threat and even managed to grapple the fearsome opponent for a round. Overall, these playtests have allowed me to see the classes in action and better understand how people might play them, which will help the team better refine their mechanics.
We don’t yet have sketches for our new iconics but rest assured that Wayne Reynolds is in the trenches producing his usual stellar art. Personally, I’m so excited about what we’ve got in store for these two characters. Now, you might be able to guess some facts about one of the iconics, but I’m certain you’re going to be surprised by the other one! If you’ve got some theories, I’d love to hear them in the comments!
Happy Pride! The Starfinder team would like to introduce you to our newest iconic character, Dae!
Meet The Iconics: Dae
Tuesday, June 11, 2024
Happy Pride! The Starfinder team would like to introduce you to our newest iconic character, Dae!
Dae (they/them)* is a sparkly celebrity from a free planet in the Veskarium, a nearby star system ruled by a warlike empire. Dae was born on Pulonis, the pahtra** homeworld—a magical jungle world wracked by intense magnetic storms that degrade technology and bless the planet with spectacular aurora displays. Born last in a large litter from a remote agrarian village, Dae has always loved to make a dramatic entrance, and their birth was no exception.
A magnetic storm raged over Pulonis during Dae’s birth, and coils of lavender, rose, and golden light fractured the sky over their village in slow, chaotic waves, shutting down power in every household and scrambling comms as tech infrastructure suddenly failed—a disaster for a pahtra ending a long labor by delivering a runt the midwife thought might be stillborn.
Dae asked the old folks about it later, and they said the storm was Meyel tearing the sky apart as she danced for joy.Dae fought through the storm of the century alive, dragging a souvenir of the event with them: a tiny orb of starfire that blazed like a miniature sun.
Dae is a solarian. At the time of their birth, they miraculously manifested a stellar mote. At first, Dae’s family believed they’d imagined seeing it, as the mote was a speck and appeared for only a second; it was surely a trick of the light. Then the spark emerged when Dae cried out in hunger, or flared into being when the baby woke up alone in their cradle. Somehow, it could never be captured on video, even when everybody thought they had seen it.
Dae’s mote became more stable as they grew. Soon they learned how to command it, shaping it into armaments: a dazzling sword of starlight, a flaming ribbon, a shield made from the aurora they were born under. As Dae practiced forging their mote into new shapes, they discovered its attunement with gravitic energies. Cycling between these extremes helped them keep control of the reckless stunts they performed, using their mote as an anchor to keep balance or as a flashlight to see down dark tunnels.
Dae is a famous performer, and they have wanted to be seen from the moment they scrambled out into the world. From dancing to executing dangerous stunts and elaborate dramatic scenes, Dae has always been down for whatever it takes to draw a crowd. Showing off was always the norm for them (their aunties and littermates could tell you some wild stories), and they grew up performing at local cultural festivals and winning awards at regional talent shows.
For a long time, Dae uploaded their vids for a small but loyal following on local infospheres. Then serendipity—or Meyel herself—struck again: they met Miiyu, a pahtra celebrity pop star. Scrambling to dodge the paparazzi, Miiyu ducked into a local café, ran for the back door, and nearly smacked right into Dae, who was performing a stunt in the café’s back alley in view of their live-recording camera drone. After recovering, clocking the live feed, and seeing Dae’s dance moves, Miiyu invited them to costar in a music video. The video was a hit, and Dae later joined Miiyu as a backup dancer for her sold-out world tour.
Miiyu’s no-strings-attached endorsement boosted Dae’s career. But that was months ago, and Dae’s only just begun to shine. Next up, they want to see the galaxy outside the Veskarium. They’ve used their pay from Miiyu’s tour to book their own personal “tour” to the Pact Worlds system, starting with the space station at the center of the galaxy.
Now, Dae’s a rising star hoping to do fame their way. They’re not looking to line the pockets of some greedy exec or get tied down with fine print; they care about putting on a show and exploring the galaxy, which is why they vibe so well with Chk Chk. After meeting as interns working for the Starfinder Society, the pair became the best of friends. They’ve even traded friendship bracelets (Dae wears theirs every day) and have shared a mystical bond that lets them speak straight into each other’s minds (with permission).
Where will Dae go next? That’s up to you! Stay proud and playtest. <3
*Dae, like many pahtras*, is agender, a nonbinary gender identity that isn’t male or female. Dae uses they/them pronouns. So, when you see “they” and “them” used in place of gendered pronouns like “she” or “him” referring to Dae, that’s why.
Dae is an alien stellar knight and space pop star who doesn’t care what you think of their gender, but real people with agender and/or nonbinary identities do care if you maliciously misuse their pronouns or make fun of their gender expression, so please act in the spirit of fun and kindness when gaming with people in your community.
**Pahtras are bipedal felinoid aliens (they’re alien cat-people who walk on two legs) from Pulonis, a planet in the Veskarium whose people have been fighting a brutal war for independence from the vesk-run empire. Pulonis recently achieved freedom and joined the Pact Worlds, a federation of independent planets dedicated to maintaining peace and prosperity in the galaxy. The Veskarium is currently at war with the Azlanti Star Empire and has yet to retaliate against the former colony.
— The Starfinder Team
-Thurston Hillman, Managing Creative Director (Starfinder)
-Jenny Jarzabski, Senior Developer
-Jessica Catalan, Senior Developer (Starfinder Society)
-Dustin Knight, Developer
-Mike Kimmel, Developer
Hail and well met, Pathfinders and Starfinders! With Father’s Day coming up, we wanted to give you a guide for the best Father’s Day gifts for the Paizo gamer in your life—and showcase some Dad Creators!
Celebrating Father’s Day with Paizo!
Friday, June 7, 2024
Hail and well met, Pathfinders and Starfinders! With Father’s Day coming up, we wanted to give you a guide for the best Father’s Day gifts for the Paizo gamer in your life—and showcase some Dad Creators!
Learn the rules of Starfinder while you play through the Starfinder Beginner Box! Dungeons With Dadrecommends this as a great starting point for playing Starfinder with the kids! The pre-generated characters and a dungeon that teaches you skills as you progress make for a great game night.
Newly remastered, the Pathfinder Beginner Box teaches you the ropes of Pathfinder Second Edition as you solve the mysteries of the Menace Under Otari! Paul Benson from GeekDad reviewed the original Pathfinder Second Edition Beginner Box back in 2020—calling it a great resource for players, veteran and new alike!
Harness the power of the elements with this Pathfinder board game! Designed in-house by Paizo Games Lead Designer and proud board gaming Dad, Joe Pasini! Elemental Stones is a pattern-building game with a secret role element to keep you on your toes. Great for family game nights!
Give Dad a chance to continue the adventure of the Pathfinder Beginner Box with Abomination Vaults! This best-selling megadungeon adventure path is a great follow-up to Menace Under Otari, taking adventurers deep into the dungeons of Belcorra Haruvex! Pathfinder Adventure Path: Abomination Vaults is available in hardcover for Pathfinder Second Edition and Fifth Edition.
It wouldn’t be a Father’s Day blog without tipping our helmets to Keskodai, the Iconic Mystic from Starfinder First Edition! Keskodai is such a dedicated father; he keeps his child with him in a protective cylinder.
Follow Keskodai’s child, Chk Chk, into Starfinder Second Edition, where he will be stepping up as the new Iconic Mystic! Keep up with the Starfinder Playtest at!
Happy June, everybody! Convention season is in full swing. I’m writing this update on the last day of PaizoCon Online, where we’re going to clock in at nearly 400 tables run online. We’ve also had nine successful PaizoCon@ events running dozens of tables, and ran two interactive specials totaling over 100 tables! A successful event, if I do say so myself.
June 2024 Organized Play Monthly Update
Thursday, June 6, 2024
OPC Musings
Happy June, everybody! Convention season is in full swing. I’m writing this update on the last day of PaizoCon Online, where we’re going to clock in at nearly 400 tables run online. We’ve also had nine successful PaizoCon@ events running dozens of tables, and ran two interactive specials totaling over 100 tables! A successful event, if I do say so myself.
In a couple of weeks I’ll be headed out to Origins in Columbus, with a quick turnaround afterwards to attend the American Library Association Expo in San Diego. Once I get home from those two trips, it’ll be time to pack the pallets for Gen Con in Indianapolis! And then I’m off to PaizoCon Europe! What a whirlwind. I hope the cats remember who I am in September!
Digital Adventure Releases
These adventures will be available on June 26, 2024.
We’ve got a whole mess of new player options for both campaigns this month, let’s take a look!
Sanctioned Content
Howl of the Wild and Mechageddon! were both released last month, and both are now sanctioned for use in their respective campaigns! Boons are available for Howl of the Wild ancestries and other uncommon content, and sanctioning for Mechageddon! is posted on its product page. This marks the last content release for Starfinder first edition, but the playtest is just around the corner!
New Boons
Both campaigns also have new boons available! In Pathfinder Society, we’ve created an Avid Collector boon for uncommon items from the GM Core. We’ve also created a new Special Materials Access boon, which will allow your characters to purchase or craft items, armor and weapons of a special material. Full text of both of these boons is available on the Pathfinder Society FAQ.
Starfinder Society also has two new boons to celebrate the launch of Year 7! Starfinders can now have finitrium augmentations installed, unlocking new abilities, and can become First Ones Scholars which should be useful in our upcoming Year of Era’s End. Check them both out on the Starfinder Society FAQ and in the boon store.
Release the Poppets!
Finally, as announced in our Organized Play Updates panel at PaizoCon, all Pathfinder Society players now have access to the poppet ancestry! This comes just in time for our upcoming poppet-themed Free RPG Day adventure, releasing later this month. Previously-purchased poppet boons also have gained the traditional free resurrection ritual.
GM Recognition
Campaign Service Coins
This month, a new Campaign Service Coin was awarded! We award these coins to members of the community who have gone above and beyond to provide an exceptional program to the community at large. Campaign Coins are awarded based on nominations; if you believe someone in your community is deserving of this award (whether or not they are a Venture Officer), send an email to organizedplay[at]paizo[dot]com with their name and reasons.
Congratulations to: Kate Baker, who now holds a campaign coin and OP ID #904
GM Ranks
Whether stars, novas, or glyphs, achieving a 5 ranking in any program involves a substantial amount of time. To achieve the 5th milestone, a GM must run 150 games, of which at least 50 must be unique scenarios and 10 special scenarios as well as run between one and three games for venture-captains (program dependent). A conservative estimate of the time needed to reach the 5th milestone is 650 hours!
This month, we had three GMs earn their 5th rank!
5th Glyph (PFS2): Philip Newton, Travis St. Ames, Travis Zimmerman
Until next time - Explore! Report! Cooperate! And I’ll see you on the road!
Check out this guest blog submitted from our friends at the Order of the Amber Die! This is part 6 in their adventures in the Abomination Vaults. Find previous entries in the links below.
The Abomination Arsenal: Part 6
Wednesday, June 05, 2024
Check out this guest blog submitted from our friends at the Order of the Amber Die! This is part 6 in their adventures in the Abomination Vaults. Find previous entries in the links below.
The Black Powder Cadre met its match!
It took eight levels of the Abomination Vaults to finally run into something that not only exposed a severe weakness in our party, but also exploited it. Again, and again. Let’s see, what could possibly shut down a party of mostly human gunslingers? Magical darkness should be near the top of the list. Make it heightened darkness, just to mess with those darkvision elixirs. How about a community of creatures that can throw darkness back at our desperados like a box of bang snaps? Well, the caligni we encountered on level eight did exactly that, and hit us from so many directions in the dark that we had to snag a high Perception DC just to find our own wounds. Then we learned there was another community of caligni below us on level nine. Yeah, this was a rough marathon.
To get to level nine we had to get past level eight, and we were in new territory here. We had switched authors from Vanessa Hoskins to Stephen Radney-MacFarland—a grizzled veteran whose plethora of work in this industry takes us back to when our own veterans had a lot more hair. In fact, level eight of the Abomination Vaults paid homage to an adventure module that carries plenty of nostalgia around our table: Against the Cult of the Reptile God. We first played it in ‘96, and our GM liked it so much that he ran it again for us in 2005 and 2009. Level eight of the Vaults even hinted at some of our favorite scenes from the soggy, humid dungeon we remember: the infamous “mud room,” the off-limits door with a very clear warning on it, boats to traverse the level, and even the naga boss you can only reach by water.
For this marathon we were joined again by Joe O’Brien from the Glass Cannon Network, rocking the same Beast Gunner archetype as before. Joe wanted more of our typical marathon experience this time, which means playing fourteen or more hours in a day, crashing on an air mattress near the table, then doing it all over again at 6:00 a.m. when Adam blasts our soundtrack to wake the team. You’ll eat well though, and there’s always a bonfire at the end of the weekend. To Glass Cannon fans, we’ll say that Joe handled the extreme playtime pretty well, and is starting to stack up some session hours for that Order of the Amber Die membership!
Adventure: Eyes of Empty Death
Marathon Length: 62 hours, 30 minutes
Session Hours: 38 hours, 30 minutes
Highlights from Marathon 6:
□ On level eight we found ourselves surrounded in a temple by caligni stalkers and their endless darkness. Put it this way: we got good at flat checks. As if things couldn’t get worse, something called an owb showed up. A creature with a background as shadowy as the caligni themselves, this thing can turn you from our cadre’s shared blue colors to drab gray—and even turn your gun gray, which is where we drew the line. Joe came through with the Beast Gunner, landing a couple of devastating shots from his drake rifle that allowed us to walk away alive and most importantly, blue.
□ If you’ve followed our projects over the years, then you know we despise gugs, in-game and out. We came across another one, which held something called a fulcrum lens that we unfortunately needed. One of our snipers, Mazatl, practicing the Way of the Spellshot and wearing what Erick calls “dungeon camo,” crept into position. Erick is even known to wear a ghillie suit at the table to mimic his cloak of elvenkind. Can you find Mazatl in the photo? The sniper aimed for the head and landed the first shot, but the gug still tore into us for six rounds before we put it down.
□ Think you can predict what a Pathfinder megadungeon has in store for you? Enter level nine, with its 10-foot scale in the original version of the adventure. We’re going to have to lay this one out on the patio to get a full pic for the next blog. It’s also level nine where you really get a sense of just how interconnected this megadungeon is to the Darklands that surround it, which is evident as the worked stone in the levels above has now shifted to caverns. Since we’ve delved The Emerald Spire and measured its square footage, we can say that level nine is what helps the Abominaton Vaults achieve its title as the largest megadungeon in Pathfinder history!
□ A massive dungeon level just meant more reach for our shooters. We’d been waiting nine levels to see the 150’ range on both the harmona and arquebus truly rip, and honestly, in a dungeon we never thought we’d see it. When Breen spotted four ceustodaemons on some kind of guard duty, it just meant long range fun. We opened initiative, and one was on the ground before they heard the shots.
□ Level nine was full of towering bioluminescent fungi, which meant breaking out the blacklights for the truest experience. It also meant getting ourselves into a fungal forest firefight with reaper skull puffballs. Don’t be fooled by the name like we were; these things are badass. Go look at the illustration inside Eyes of Empty Death and tell us that the miniatures we had to represent them weren’t darn near perfect, too. Better yet, an exploded puffball is worth 150 gp! Zoric, the cadre’s Unexpected Sharpshooter, scored both money shots and made it rain.
Character Deaths
□ None, but everyone in this party owes another thank you to Breen, Way of the Pistolero. When you’re surrounded by hostiles and bleeding out, it’s our pistol phenom that will pull you to safety and cauterize your wounds—popping off rounds in the process.
The Arsenal
Order of the Amber Die doesn’t have a session zero before our campaigns begin. We start somewhere around session negative eight. In one of those meetings, our player captain had us brainstorm ways that we might cause awkward encounters throughout an Adventure Path by making an entire party of gunslingers. No one suggested anything close to what we came across on level eight of the Vaults. We encountered some drow who took us to their outpost on the level below, packed with none other than the Darklands equivalent of our own gunslingers: the Drow Shootist archetype and their repeating crossbows. We hit it off almost instantly, and soon we were sharing stories over a game of cards, including tales of the best and luckiest shots we’ve landed during our time in the Vaults. Even the art for Quara, their leader, showed her with a bandolier and a set of dueling boots that matched plenty of members in our cadre. She also had a scar across her face from—guess what—a gug. Naturally, we ended up at their firing range, where they allowed Vlai to have his dwarven scattergun (with large bore modifications) for a friendly competition. With all three targets destroyed in a single 15’ radius hit, we won.
Best Quote from Marathon 6
(fierce battle in a caligni temple)
Adam: “Caligni stalker is near death, cornered, attacks Axayaca. Gotta go to the Amber Die for this one.”
Matt (to Joe): “This is when the Amber Die usually goes off.”
Joe: “...”
Adam: “First attack hits… Second attack… 20! Attack you again, agile, -8 penalty… NATURAL 20!”
Current Situation
Well, we’ve made it to the final game of the season—this next marathon is the last one either way. We’re trying not to let the pressure get to us; we keep telling ourselves it’s just another marathon. If we do succeed in defeating Belcorra, then drow aid must be accounted for. Not only are they a source of items, trade, and safety, but the drow have become our friends—we certainly don’t have many on the surface. From conversations with their scouts, we’ve learned of a dragon’s lair on level nine. The drow avoid it. Which, of course, meant that we took a party vote to fight it. Come on, you know it’s once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for any Pathfinder player to slay a dragon with a party of gunslingers!
More Content
Our table was brought to life with the help of Blue Table Painting for the miniatures, and Black Bard Studios for custom adventure-specific miniatures/terrain.
So, I’ve been pulled back and forth in a million directions this season! First, I was assigned all the way up in Irrisen to look at some new gadget or something, so I was trying to find a fashionable winter coat, until I was informed that I was “desperately needed” on the grounds of Absalom.
A Venture-Gossip Briefing!
Friday, May 31, 2024
Hello, Pathfinders!
So, I’ve been pulled back and forth in a million directions this season! First, I was assigned all the way up in Irrisen to look at some new gadget or something, so I was trying to find a fashionable winter coat, until I was informed that I was “desperately needed” on the grounds of Absalom.
Which, let’s be honest, isn’t Absalom where I do my best work?
Alright, news on the street:
First of all, the Knights of Lastwall are BROKE. Like B-R-O-K-E, broke! At least, that’s what it says on all of the posters put up around the city centers advertising a charity dinner and upcoming carnival. There have been some preemptive donations made toward the campaign to fund them against the Old Baphy war, but according to my insider source in the Coins District, someone recently made a HUGE contribution from a strange account in the north. Maybe Ulthun’s new girl?
Illustration by Christoph Peters
Next, it looks like we’ll finally have some new leadership over in Nirmathas! As I was sorting out archival mail, I learned that Agents Anemone, Bog’s Companion, and Pattypan of Gold Bits have been filling out paperwork and starting to help get everything back into shape after Oraiah left. Good for them!
And for a very serious note, one of my sources says there’s been strange movement at the docks, with ships coming in from Mediogalti Island. There’s only ever a bare bones crew, and they seem to have no idea what’s stored in the bright red crates. The crates are collected by a different person each time, and they sign with a stamp that sort of looks like a scythe, but also looks like a messed-up bug, but also looks like a squashed book. It’s a pretty bad stamp.
Art by Giorgio Falconi
I’ll find out more information and update all of you as soon as I can!
It is with a heavy heart that Paizo announces the passing of longtime software developer Gary Teter. Gary was a pioneer in the development of the Paizo website and its core behind-the-scenes software systems that have helped to deliver Pathfinder and Starfinder products for more than 20 years. He was integral in the creation of our subscription programs, forums, and more–all at a time when such technology didn’t exist.
Tribute to Gary Teter
Thursday, May 30, 2024
It is with a heavy heart that Paizo announces the passing of longtime software developer Gary Teter. Gary was a pioneer in the development of the Paizo website and its core behind-the-scenes software systems that have helped to deliver Pathfinder and Starfinder products for more than 20 years. He was integral in the creation of our subscription programs, forums, and more–all at a time when such technology didn’t exist.
Our hearts go out to his family and friends during this difficult time.
We’ve asked the Paizo team to share their thoughts below, and we encourage members of the community to do the same.
Thanks again for all your hard work to make Paizo the success it is today, Gary. You will be missed.
-Erik, Jim, Lisa, Maggie, Mike, Rei, and Vic
Gary Teter came to Paizo way back in 2004 at a pivotal point in the company’s history. We started off as a magazine company, and the process of inputting subscriptions and renewals was eating up the small profit that magazines made back then, so we decided to try to do it through a website. But this was in 2004, and there just weren’t any website options you could purchase, so we considered building it ourselves, which was a daunting task.
Gary was brought in as we were struggling to figure out what to do. He brought vision and hard work to the table, and lo and behold, we launched and brought subscriptions online. Once the magazines went away, that same subscription service morphed into one of the financial backbones of the company. I’m not sure Paizo would be here today if Gary hadn’t started working for us. Since then, he kept the machine going for twenty years!
Gary also brought a sense of humor to Paizo. Remember “Talk Like a Pirate Day,” when Gary made it so everything you posted turned into pirate language? Or the secret Smurf thing where your avatar changed into a Smurf whenever you mentioned them in a post? That was Gary.
I loved working with Gary during those early years of The website was a blank page, and we could dream about what we wanted it to be. Some things were instant successes, like side carts. Others were left on the cutting room floor (I’m looking at you, Paizooties). But through it all, Gary had a love for the customer and did his best to make their experience on a great one. He would spend late nights trying to shave off shipping costs just to save folks a little more money.
Gary will be missed at Paizo.
Lisa Stevens CEO
Gary Teter was never among the most well-known employees at Paizo, but if you’ve ever interacted with in any way, you’ve felt his influence. And if you’ve ever noticed some feature here that no other website has, Gary almost certainly played a major role in creating it.
Gary was Paizo’s third-longest tenured employee, after Erik Mona and James Jacobs. Paizo’s original webmaster, Rob Head, hired Gary in March 2004, while Paizo was still just publishing magazines.
When we hired him, was mainly a collection of static pages, one for each of our magazines, plus a sidebar for brief news updates. You could subscribe, purchase back issues, and not much else. Twenty years ago, Gary was working furiously on changing that, adding message boards in August, and launching a real web store offering thousands of gaming products in November. While the site has evolved over the years, the you know today is still built on the foundations Gary and Rob created two decades ago.
But as important as Gary’s contributions to the website were, his role in shaping the community was in many ways even more impactful. With the launch of the message boards, Gary took on the role of “PostMonster General,” acting not just as the community’s first moderator, but helping to set the tone for all interactions on
Gary strongly believed in doing things the right way with a customer-first attitude. Whenever I would approach him with a complicated idea that I thought our customers would appreciate, he would explain the inherent difficulties that kept every other website from doing it, and then he’d figure out how to make it happen, and he’d usually do it quickly and do it well.
Gary also always approached things with humor. He once demonstrated a new feature in our back-end software to our sales manager, who flippantly complained that it had one flaw: not enough pancake bunnies (referencing a then-current meme involving a Japanese rabbit known for balancing baked goods on its head). So Gary added “Pancake Bunny Mode” to the tool, in which lines of animated rabbits loaded up with syrupy goodness marched across the screen—a feature that you could toggle on or off… unless you were the sales manager, in which case there was no off switch.
Gary was occasionally courted by companies that offered him much more money that Paizo ever could, but he genuinely loved and the community, and he told me several times over the years that he never wanted to work anywhere other than Paizo for the rest of his life. Gary’s contributions to Paizo were foundational and crucial, and I’m greatly saddened that he won’t be here to help guide into its third decade.
Vic Wertz, Chief Technical Officer (Retired)
I remember the change that crept through Paizo after Gary came aboard so many years ago. From over in the editorial department, his influence was subtle at first, but then Smurfs started showing up on the message boards. To me, those little blue gremlins were probably the most visual (and unexpected) of the manifestations of the glory that was Gary. But beyond the boards and the machinery of the virtual world, Gary was someone I always felt welcome to chat with, be it a happenstance greeting in a breakroom that developed into a full-on conversation, a discussion at a work gathering about the intersection of internet and gamer culture, sharing quirky cat-themed anecdotes, or just some good old reminiscing about the early days of Paizo. His presence in the very early Paizo chat rooms was always welcome and comforting, as was his sense of humor. He put humanity into Paizo’s infrastructure in ways I expect I’ll still be discovering, marveling at, and appreciating for years to come. I’ll miss you, my friend.
James Jacobs Creative Director
I first met Gary, like many who interacted with him, online. I first found my way to this community through the message boards, and Gary was the guy running the show back then. He had an interesting way of moderating conversations and keeping the community entertained and on point. It was this community and the people in it that led me to freelancing, and though it sounds weird for someone in the tech side of the company being responsible for a word jockey starting his career, that’s the case. Gary was not only fun to chat with, he was also supportive. In the way-back times, a few of us started a chat room that served as a somewhat real-time version of the message boards where regulars would hang out and keep up with each other. I was in that chat room all the time and so was Gary, who was the first Paizo staffer we asked to join. It was in that chat room where I really got to know Gary. From the Smurf “prank” to the odd threads and experiments that went way over my head, Gary was always up to something interesting, and I swear, half the time you could see the twinkle in his eye even through text. When I finally joined the company and moved out here, it was nice seeing a familiar face in the office that was outside of my immediate department. We even lived in the same apartment complex, so I’d see him around outside of work too. Gary was a delightfully strange man, with a head full of concepts, ideas, and plans that I couldn’t even fathom with my puny word-focused brain. So, thank you for all the education and entertainment. We’ll miss you, Gary!
Adam Daigle Director of Game Development
Gary Teter was a passionate developer with a soft spot for retro hardware and clicky keyboards. When we were still in a physical office, it wasn't unusual to see Gary rolling by my window atop his Solowheel on his way home at the end of the day. Once we all started working remotely, Gary lamented the loss of the day-to-day impromptu conversations that would happen just by virtue of having desks near each other. Those conversations could be about anything from how we might solve a particular technical challenge to why we didn't have more (or any) pneumatic tubes in the office.
Professionally, Gary loved solving complex or tricky problems and took great delight in a satisfying solution. He made a lasting impact with his creativity and dedication to his work. I especially appreciated the sense of whimsy he injected into our daily conversations and many of the things he did. His depth of knowledge and creative ideas will be missed. He was a one-of-a-kind personality who will always be remembered at Paizo.
Rei Ko Vice President of Technology
It's difficult to share memories of a coworker and feel like you did them justice. Working together is such a specific context that you can spend years with someone and never feel like you got the full picture of who they truly were. So I will resist the urge to lay out some sort of comprehensive, definitive statement on Gary Teter. I’m not qualified to do that. I will simply tell what I can, in the hopes that others will fill in the gaps in my telling to form a more complete picture.
Gary was a wizard. If you told him you needed something built, he would go read the book on that thing and come back having built it. He would build his own tooling so he could have exactly what he needed to get his job done. He would cast magic with code.
Gary was one of the most customer-oriented colleagues I've ever worked with. Regardless of the other factors in play, he was always deeply grateful to the people who purchased Paizo products—the people who enable so many of us at the company to do what we love for a living. Every feature he implemented had an eye towards surprising and delighting customers, as well as treating them fairly and honestly, whether they found out about it or not. It was a matter of personal principle. He couldn't not do that.
Gary believed that learning was a lifelong process. Twenty years into working on the code-base for Paizo, he was still researching new algorithms, frameworks, and techniques—either for use on the job or just for fun. He always had a handful of pet projects at home to work on after he'd signed off for the day: an audiophile amplifier here, a spectrum analyzer there. A few years prior to the pandemic he learned to ride an electric monowheel because, in his own words, "I just decided that I wanted to be the kind of person who could ride a wheel, mostly because it looked awesome, and I’ve always thought that sort of thing would be impossible for me, and that it was time I let go of preconceived notions about what I could and couldn’t do."
Gary was a trailblazer. If you needed to get 30 people from here to there across all manner of difficult terrain, he’d figure out the exact route to take. Perhaps someone else would have to arrange the provisions, and another person would need to load and balance the wagons, and a third person would keep the caravan together along the way. But the path itself? The guy with the machete hacking through the underbrush 50 yards ahead, shouting back, "It's this way!"? That was all Gary. It wasn't until I reached the end of this paragraph that I realized that there's another name for that person:
Gary was a Pathfinder. And now he's gone.
And Paizo is the lesser for it.
Brian Bauman Software Architect
Gary was one of the first people I spoke to on my first day at Paizo, and I distinctly remember thinking, “Oh, right, I work in the TTRPG industry now. Of course I’ll be working next to a bespectacled, bearded ponytailed guy named Gary with an esoteric sense of humor.”
That was only my first impression, of course; over the next six years, he made countless others. He was an old-school geek who embodied the absolute best of classic weird online and programmer culture. He was the owner of a desk that resembled the Iron Throne if it had been built from 20 years of Paizo products. He was the guy in our weekly Zoom meetings who always had a wall of oscilloscopes or something that looked like a half-built robot on a workbench behind him somewhere. And, like others have said, he was an incredibly smart and talented coder who cared tremendously about his work and what it meant to the Pathfinder and Starfinder communities. It didn’t matter whether he was working on code to save customers money by shipping in as few packages as possible, an uncheatable die roller for the play-by-post boards, banishing spambots to an endless Sartre-esque digital labyrinth, or some shamelessly goofy forum feature; he approached every projects with the same level of deadly seriousness and took enormous pride in ensuring that it was done right, no matter how ridiculous it was.
It's hard to imagine a without Gary and his contributions, and his passing will leave a tremendous void not only on Paizo’s tech team, but in the company as a whole. My heart goes out to his family and loved ones, and I am proud and grateful to have had the opportunity to work with him for as long as I did.
Sharpen your swords and ready your spells because the people of the Darkmoon Vale are in danger and they need your help! Gather up to three friends and explore the mysteries of the vale and uncover the villain behind the sinister forces that threaten to reduce the entire region to a pile of smoldering ash.
Paizo Announces Pathfinder Quest
Tuesday, May 29, 2024
An epic cooperative adventure board game for 1 to 4 players!
Sharpen your swords and ready your spells because the people of the Darkmoon Vale are in danger and they need your help! Gather up to three friends and explore the mysteries of the vale and uncover the villain behind the sinister forces that threaten to reduce the entire region to a pile of smoldering ash.
Pathfinder Quest is an adventure board game where you and your friends take on the role of heroes trying to help the town of Falcon’s Hollow avoid certain catastrophe. The story unfolds over eight of twelve possible thrilling adventures, where your choices and the luck of the dice will determine the fate of everyone in the region. Create your own character by selecting an ancestry and class, and further customize your character with powerful magic items, feats, and magic spells! With so many choices to be made, no two games will ever play the same!
Pathfinder Quest includes an Adventure Book (detailing each one of the possible dozen adventures you might experience), a Challenge Book (containing the hidden outcomes for many of your choices), map tiles, custom dice, hundreds of cards, monster pawns, and select miniatures as well!
By Joe Blomquist
This encounter is a prequel for the Mechageddon! Adventure Path that represents the player characters’ (PCs’) ongoing training after enlisting in the New Valor Defense Force. Run this encounter after completing Simulation 1: Valko Derby, after the PCs have leveled up and created their own mechs (or upgraded the mechs from Simulation 1 to tier 2).
Mechageddon! Encounter — Simulation 2
Friday, May 24, 2024
By Joe Blomquist
This encounter is a prequel for the Mechageddon! Adventure Path that represents the player characters’ (PCs’) ongoing training after enlisting in the New Valor Defense Force. Run this encounter after completing Simulation 1: Valko Derby, after the PCs have leveled up and created their own mechs (or upgraded the mechs from Simulation 1 to tier 2).
After catching Firefight’s notice playing Valko Derby, the PCs were invited to step out of the valkopods and become the real huzkars by joining the New Valor Defense Force. NVDF training is comprehensive for all recruits, regardless of prior vocation, to prepare them for military duties and potential challenges from combat training and mech repair to physical fitness and aircraft piloting. All potentially dangerous training occurs in simulated environments utilizing some of the galaxy’s best virtual reality technology. As a result, NVDF training pods are a familiar sight to every NVDF recruit, even if they aren’t offered many chances to train in the simulated valko cockpits. But with the placement exam schedule communicated well in advance, the prevailing mood is a flux of excitement and anxiety as everyone hopes for the chance to prove themselves. Read or paraphrase the following to set the scene.
Commander “Raptor” Wano’s voice issues a disembodied message as his training assistant, Lieutenant Bastian-5, helps the recruits into individual cockpits in the training center’s testing chamber. “Recruits! Today is your placement exam. Do well and you might find yourself in the 3rd battlegroup as the 13th, 14th, or even 15th Valko squadron under my command! Thanks to an agreement with Storyteller Productions, today’s exam will feature colossi from the popular Kaiju Riot holovid series. As you know Lt. Bastian-5 is a huge fan of those movies—time to make them proud. Today you get to be the heroes!”
Art by Guilherme Olivieri
Culture or Profession (Charisma-based) (Recall Knowledge)
The Kaiju Riot! series of films is well-known on Daimalko and has small cult followings all over the galaxy. NVDF recruits have likely seen one or more of the films and that film knowledge could help them in the upcoming simulation. For more benefits of watching these films, see Trivial Knowledge, below.
10+: The Kaiju Riot! series follows the often-terrible exploits of a lone colossus, Gadrakor. In early films, Gadrakor brutally destroyed several Daimalkan settlements. Critics applaud these early films for teaching the benefits of environmentalism through cinematic media. Eventually, Gadrakor became a hero, defending Daimalko against unspeakable horrors.
15+: Pop star Jollys Vass got her start with the hit Don’t Fall, a ballad written from the perspective of two damai lovers who were separated during Gadrakor’s rampage in Kaiju Riot! 1. In that film, Gadrakor’s characteristics were based on questionable information about an illusive colossus called a drakogor. In the years since, groundbreaking field research about real drakogors has provided new material for the sequels.
20+: In Kaiju Riot! 3: The Doom from Beyond, Gadrakor teams up with a nearly invulnerable mechanical version of himself from the previous film, Mechagadrakor, to face a demonic version of himself, the space emperor colossus King Gadrakor.
25+: Gadrakor and his iterations have all the same abilities as a real drakogor: they can absorb energy attacks to power their breath weapons, which deal sonic damage, and have a hardened mantle that adds to their natural armor. Encourage the PCs to swap out their simulated mechs’ weapons to avoid giving the enemy an advantage.
The Mission
The PCs’ simulated mechs begin in the center of Karnath, an ancient Daimalkan city lost to colossi attacks long ago. The simulation completes almost instantly, finalizing the holographic details of a breezy spring afternoon with streets empty except for the PCs. A Daimalkan orb rests in a hollow built into the bronze statue the PCs’ mechs are positioned around. Four wide streets wind in all four cardinal directions leading away from the monument. Tall office buildings and empty residences line each block except for the planetary transit landing pad northwest of the PCs.
When the PCs are ready to begin, Commander Wano’s voice gives the final orders before the simulation begins. “The Gadrakors have only one goal: Destroy the orb. To pass this exam, you only have to stop them. Defeat all your enemies and protect the orb. Good luck, recruits.”
PCs and Mechs: This encounter is designed for four level 2 PCs. As part of their ongoing training at the NVDF Academy, the PCs have been learning the ins and outs of various mech configurations to better prepare them to their assignments as huzkars in the new modular Apex valkos, or as support crew for others who are assigned that role. As a result, players should create Tier 2 mechs for their PCs using the rules in Starfinder Tech Revolution.
Map: This simulation uses the monument side of Starfinder Flip-Mat: Metropolis. The PC’s mechs begin the encounter huddled in the middle of the map around the monument. 1 square represents 10 feet of terrain.
Trivial Knowledge: Watching the Kaiju Riot! film series has given the PCs prior knowledge of their opponents’ capabilities. The PCs can attempt the normal Recall Knowledge checks to identify their foes’ abilities prior to the beginning of the encounter. They may attempt these checks using Culture or an appropriate Profession skill instead, using the same DCs.
Creatures: The three holographic colossi the PCs face are inspired by the popular holovid, Kaiju Riot 3: The Doom from Beyond. The three kaiju begin the encounter near the edges of the map and have a single goal in mind: destroy the orb at the center of the monument the PCs are protecting. The colossi act well as a team, contrary to their adversarial roles in Kaiju Riot 3. King Gadrakor relies on its roar and fearsome presence to throw the PCs off, while Gadrakor tries to draw them away from the monument or take them out with its breath weapon. Mechagadrakor is the key to their strategy. If nobody attacks Mechagadrakor, it moves adjacent to the monument and spends the next two turns attacking the orb. The other two eventually attempt the same tactic until the PCs target them with attacks. All three colossi fight until they are destroyed.
Gadrakor — CR 3 Unique Variant Drakogor XP 800 N Huge magical beast (colossus) Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, sense the masses; Perception +8 Aura frightful presence (80 ft., DC 12, shaken 1d4 rounds)
DEFENSE HP 40 EAC 14; KAC 16 Fort +7; Ref +7; Will +4 Defensive Abilities Resistances electricity 5, fire 5
OFFENSE Speed 30 ft. Melee bite +12 (1d6+7 P; critical burn 1d10) or claw +12 (1d6+7 S; critical bleed 1d6) or tail slap +12 (1d8+7 B; critical knockdown) Ranged particle laser blast +9 (1d4-3 F; critical burn 2d6; range 60ft.) Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft. Offensive Abilities breath weapon (60-ft. cone, 4d6 E&F, Reflex DC 12 half, usable every 1d4 rounds), living battery, roar (DC 12)
STATISTICS Str +4; Dex +1; Con +2; Int +0; Wis +0; Cha +0 Skills Acrobatics +8, Athletics +13, Intimidate +8
SPECIAL ABILITIES Living Battery (Ex) Drakogors recharge their breath weapons by consuming energy attacks. When a drakogor takes at least 10 damage from any weapon that targets its EAC, as a standard action on their next turn they redirect the energy into a breath weapon dealing the same type of damage as the attack.
Roar (Su) Gadrakor’s roar creates unsettling vibration. Gadrakor roars as a standard action. Creatures within 100 feet must succeed at a DC 12 Fortitude save or become sickened for 1d4 rounds. Creatures who are shaken from Gadrakor’s frightful presence are panicked for 1 round (no save). Once a creature has been exposed to Gadrakor’s roar, it cannot be affected by any other drakogor’s roar for 24 hours. This is an emotion, fear, mind-affecting, and sense-dependent effect. Other drakogors are immune.
DEFENSE — HP 40 EAC 15; KAC 17 Fort +3; Ref +3; Will +0 Defensive Abilities hardened mantle; Immunities construct immunities
OFFENSE Speed 30 ft. Melee bite +12 (1d4+7 P; critical burn 1d10) or claw +12 (1d4+7 S; critical bleed 1d6) Ranged particle laser blast +9 (1d8+5 F; critical burn 2d6; range 60 ft.) Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft. Offensive Abilities breath weapon (60-ft. cone, 4d6 So, Reflex DC 12 half, usable every 1d4 rounds), living battery
STATISTICS Str +4; Dex +1; Con –; Int +1; Wis +0; Cha +0 Skills Acrobatics +8, Athletics +13, Intimidate +8 Other Abilities unliving
SPECIAL ABILITIES Living Battery (Ex) Drakogors recharge their breath weapons by consuming energy attacks. When a drakogor takes at least 10 damage from any weapon that targets its EAC, as a standard action on their next turn they redirect the energy into a breath weapon dealing the same type of damage as the attack.
Hardened Mantle (Ex) Mechagadrakor has a +4 racial bonus on saving throws against critical hit effects. In addition, it reduces the damage it takes from a critical hit by 3 to a minimum of 1 unless reduced by other means.
King Gadrakor” Art by Sophie Medvedeva
King Gadrakor — CR 3 Unique Variant Drakogor XP 800 LE Huge magical beast (colossus) Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, sense the masses; Perception +8 Aura frightful presence (80 ft., DC 14, shaken 1d4 rounds)
DEFENSE HP 40 EAC 14; KAC 16 Fort +7; Ref +7; Will +4 Defensive Abilities ferocity; Resistances fire 10
OFFENSE Speed 30 ft. Melee bite +12 (1d6+7 P plus grab) or claw +12 (1d6+7 S plus grab) or tail slap +12 (1d10+7 B; critical knockdown) Ranged particle laser blast +9 (1d4 F; critical burn 2d6; range 60ft.) Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft. Offensive Abilities breath weapon (60-ft. cone, 4d6 A, Reflex DC 12 half, usable every 1d4 rounds), roar (DC 14)
STATISTICS Str +4; Dex +1; Con +2; Int +0; Wis +0; Cha +0 Skills Acrobatics +8, Athletics +13, Intimidate +8
SPECIAL ABILITIES Deadly Grasp (Ex) When King Gadrakor succeeds at a combat maneuver to maintain a grapple, it can make a tail slap attack as a move action.
Roar (Su) King Gadrakor’s roar creates unsettling vibration. King Gadrakor roars as a standard action. Creatures within 100 feet must succeed at a DC 14 Fortitude save or become sickened for 1d4 rounds. Creatures who are shaken from King Gadrakor’s frightful presence are panicked for 1 round (no save). Once a creature has been exposed to King Gadrakor’s roar, it cannot be affected by any other drakogor’s roar for 24 hours. This is an emotion, fear, mind-affecting, and sense-dependent effect. Other drakogors are immune.
Development: The orb has 100 Hit Points. If it takes enough damage to reduce it to 0 or below, the orb is destroyed and the simulation ends in failure. If the PCs manage to defeat their foes, the simulation ends in victory the moment the last Gadrakor falls and the opening chords to Jollys Vass’ triumphant Don’t Fallstart to play.
If the PCs successfully protect the orb, when the simulation ends they are formally offered spots in the NVDF’s 3rd Battlegroup as huzkar recruits. The next step in their training will be piloting brand new Apex mechs! If the simulation ends in failure, the PCs can enter remedial training before attempting the placement exam again, or accept positions in Valko Support, Infantry, Tank command groups, or even as Skywatch air support pilots. At this point, the group is ready to level up once more and begin their Mechageddon! campaign.
Welcome to PaizoCon Online 2024, the celebration of all things Paizo, which begins today! Join us for free, fun panels at Meet friends and network on our Discord, with prizes, activities, staff AMAs, and more!
Welcome To PaizoCon Online 2024!
Friday, May 24, 2024
Welcome to PaizoCon Online 2024, the celebration of all things Paizo, which begins today! Join us for free, fun panels at Meet friends and network on our Discord, with prizes, activities, staff AMAs, and more!
It’s the Annual PaizoCon Sale!
From now through May 27th, use PAIZOCON2024 at checkout for a discount on a number of cool things, including:
10% off Player Core & GM Core sketch covers
10% off WizKids minis
20% off Goblin Firework Fight and Elemental Stones
20% off all backlist Starfinder 1E (anything pre-Mechageddon!)
20% off all backlist Pathfinder accessories (Flip-Mats, spell cards, condition cards, etc.)
20% off 40+ Foundry products including Organized Play adventures!
The sale code does not apply to backorders, preorders, or subscriptions. It does not stack with the Paizo Advantage. Order while supplies last! Sale ends at 11:59 p.m. Pacific on May 27th.
But wait, there’s more! Many of our partners have amazing offers to help you unleash your hero:
WizKids: 20% off Pathfinder Battles
DriveThru Sites: 40% off all Pathfinder/Starfinder Compatible OGL titles, Pathfinder Graphic Novels, and Pathfinder Tales fiction
Pathfinder/Starfinder Infinite: 40% off Infinite Community Content Titles, plus an Infinite Masters Megabundle
Roll20: Up to 40% off Paizo titles on the Roll20 Marketplace!
A final note that for Mental Health Awareness Month, Paizo is partnering with Take This, an organization dedicated to mental health in gaming. You can join us and members of the team of Take This on Sunday at 2 P.M. PST for a panel on therapeutic TTRPGs and safety in therapeutic roleplay. We can’t wait to chat with them!
We’re also having a virtual silent auction for Pathfinder and Starfinder Society boons like the starsinger, skittergoblin, and more, with all proceeds benefitting Take This!
We can’t wait to see you all this weekend however you choose to join us, whether it be watching the livestreamed panels or participating in our Events Discord. Happy Gaming!
Play Pathfinder Online with Roll20’s New Character Sheet, Bundles, & Prices!
Roll20's commitment to Paizo is soaring in 2024. We're listening and responding to Pathfinder and Starfinder player requests and are thrilled to share the latest updates.
Play Pathfinder Online with Roll20’s New Character Sheet, Bundles, & Prices!
Thursday, May 23, 2024
Roll20's commitment to Paizo is soaring in 2024. We're listening and responding to Pathfinder and Starfinder player requests and are thrilled to share the latest updates.
New Pathfinder Character Sheet & Builder
The Pathfinder Character Sheet and Builder on Roll20 is undergoing an upgrade featuring a new look, new functionality, a completely redesigned user experience. The best part? We want your feedback to help influence the final product launching later this year!
An ever-evolving Community Preview is available on Roll20 Characters, perfect for playing with your group at your in-person or online table. Our team recently introduced Custom Effects and made significant progress in enhancing Traits handling. We’re currently focused on updating the Spells tab, so a new release should be available soon!
If you’re a Pathfinder player or GM, we encourage you to explore the preview and share your thoughts with us through our feedback form! To see what players have thought so far, take a look at our latest blog post. Stay tuned to the Pathfinder Second Edition Remaster page for the most recent Roll20 updates, previews, and FAQs related to the project.
Permanent Price Cuts on Pathfinder & Starfinder
We’ve implemented permanent price reductions on nearly 100 titles on Roll20, so you can expand your Paizo library at more affordable prices!
New Pathfinder Bundles
Building on the excitement of lower prices across the board, we’re excited to announce the introduction of six new Pathfinder Bundles, curated to offer convenient single purchases based on how you play and plan your campaigns.
BONUS: enjoy an additional 10% discount when buying or upgrading to one of these bundles!
Return of the Runelords Bundle: The all-powerful Runelords, ancient rulers of Varisia, awaken once more, surging to reclaim their lost empire alongside their scheming allies in this Adventure Path that continues Pathfinder's Rise of the Runelords storylines.
Lost Omens Bundle: Explore a curated selection of Lost Omens titles for endless inspiration in Golarion's lore! Uncover jungle mysteries, diverse ancestries, bustling marketplaces, legendary creatures, Absalom's secrets, and more.
Strength of Thousands Bundle: The Magaambya, the world's oldest and most prestigious magic academy, founded by a legendary wizard, faces threats from his enemies. As heroes grow from students to teachers, they hold the fate of the academy in their hands. Can they safeguard this revered institution against its adversaries and preserve its legacy?
Deluxe Adventures Bundle: Embark on five thrilling adventures offering endless excitement and challenges! Unravel mysteries in a darkened town, face cosmic horror, navigate political tensions, confront ancient rivalries, and explore forgotten ruins with untold secrets.
Essential Supplements Bundle: Four Pathfinder supplements perfect for endless adventure and exploration! Immerse yourself in mystical realms with ancient secrets, delve into spells and sorcery, explore firearms and machinery, and confront raw primal forces in epic struggles.
Stolen Fate Bundle: When powerful forces threaten destiny, heroes chosen by a magical Harrow deck must intervene in this Adventure Path. Racing to control scattered cards of this artifact, they face a crucial challenge: losing means ruin for most of reality.
Commitment to Pathfinder Core
Roll20 is fully committed to the new Pathfinder Core Rulebook line! We offer complete rulebook integration, including monsters you can drag & drop right onto your table, and character options you can drop right onto your character sheets!
Take advantage of our Bundle Deals to save an additional 16% on our already low Core prices:
Join Roll20 staff as they dive into their favorite parts of all the recent Pathfinder updates, including Pathfinder Core and Roll20 Characters.
Roll20 is your gateway to adventure, where every roll counts! Start your journey, customize your story, and explore like never before. Get started today with Roll20—Your adventure awaits!
Explorers and Scientists: Meet the Howl of the Wild Authors!
Hello, explorers! Pathfinder Howl of the Wild is now officially out! I hope everyone’s been having fun making new characters, whether they’re minotaur druids, centaur wild mimics, or awakened koi witches with the Ripple in the Deep patron who navigate on land in enchanted supramarine chairs that double as their cauldrons! I hope, too, that you’re enjoying some new animals to throw at your PCs, or just having fun reading the tale of Baranthet and the Zoetrope’s crew as they fly about Golarion!
Explorers and Scientists: Meet the Howl of the Wild Authors!
Thursday, May 23, 2024
Hello, explorers! Pathfinder Howl of the Wild is now officially out! I hope everyone’s been having fun making new characters, whether they’re minotaur druids, centaur wild mimics, or awakened koi witches with the Ripple in the Deep patron who navigate on land in enchanted supramarine chairs that double as their cauldrons! I hope, too, that you’re enjoying some new animals to throw at your PCs, or just having fun reading the tale of Baranthet and the Zoetrope’s crew as they fly about Golarion!
Of course, this book had its own crew in the form of wonderful writers and designers who each brought a taste of the wild to the project and were sure to keep the writers’ room well supplied with animal gifs and links to nature documentaries. Get to know some of them below and feel free to shout out any bits you enjoy!
Light writer plate of crew upon returning from their journey, from official Zoetrope expedition logs. (Art by Ivan Koritarev)
Rigby Bendele (they/them)
When James pitched Howl of the Wild, I was immediately hooked! I want to bring a sense of embodiment to TTRPGs so that players and GMs have tools to understand what it might be like to live in a world so fantastic, so I was looking forward to focusing an Attenborourgh-style lens on Golarion’s natural world. While working on my sections—the athamaru ancestry, holdfast, some of the big game siege weapons, and the Warden of Caverns and Burrows—I hoped to make the world seem fantastical from its skies to its lowest depths. This book is going to be a great tool as I continue to run my own games and design adventures, and I can't wait to see how everyone uses it in their games.
Chris Bissette (he/they)
Hello! I'm Chris Bissette, a game designer from the UK. Writing for Pathfinder has been a dream of mine for over a decade at this point, and I'm delighted to have finally had the opportunity on Howl of the Wild. Monsters were my first love in RPGs and getting to put together the dischorans for this book was some of the most fun I've had writing games.
When I'm not writing for Pathfinder, I can usually be found working on my free and very imaginatively titled dungeon crawler A Dungeon Game. On socials, you can find me on Bluesky
Jeremy Blum (he/him)
I wrote the ostilli host archetype for Howl of the Wild, the anti-behemoth weaponry (anybody catch the Godzilla reference in there?), and the decapod dinghy, which is basically Catbus as a giant crab. Contributing to this wonderful celebration of nature's finest offerings was a nice shift, as it immediately followed the work I did to redesign Linvarre for the Lost Omens Tian Xia World Guide, which should now be in everyone’s hands. I've also penned some rad stuff for the Tian Xia Character Guide and have several unannounced Pathfinder contributions in the pipelines.
Outside of the Paizo sphere, my biggest project is Mappa Mundi: An Exploration + Ecology RPG for Three Sails Studios, a small three-man company based in the UK. It's a TTRPG about mapping the wilderness, studying monsters like a biologist instead of fighting them, and returning the art of storytelling to a voiceless world. Our recently released playtest could be used in conjunction with Howl of the Wild to run a gorgeous, monster-observing campaign that spans Golarion and beyond, since the themes are quite similar! Mappa Mundi's full release will crowdfund in 2025, so if you're interested, please follow me on Twitter and Bluesky for the latest news.
The ethereal rift chameleon (art by Adam Shafi) and the lithivorous stony bat (art by Maichol Quinto)
Brite Cheney (he/they)
Hey folks! I’m Brite (pronounced Bright), a TTRPG freelancer and prop maker. You might have seen my recent Pathfinder Quest, The Winter Queen’s Dollhouse, among other works. I had a blast writing a narrative section for Howl of the Wild and trying to capture Baranthet’s unique voice. He is so inquisitive and adventurous, yet simultaneously levelheaded. I hope you all enjoy meeting the crew of the Zoetrope and all the other wonders hidden in this book. I also hope your players “enjoy” the marp and its adorable gold-eating habits.
When not writing for or playing games, I make and sell hand-crafted props and accessories for TTRPG, cosplay, and LARP. You can find links to all my work, including where to contact me for custom commissions, at I can also be found on Blue Sky, Mastodon, Instagram, Twitter, and all other socials @MrGWillickers.
Rue Dickey (they/he/xe)
Hello, hello! I've been around the Paizo blog quite a bit this past year since joining the marketing team, but I'm super excited to be dropping myself into this blog—because Howl of the Wild is the first Pathfinder project I’ve ever written for! A thousand thanks to James Case for scooping me out of the river for this project and giving me an opportunity to work on Pathfinder. It's opened a number of doors for me, and I love getting to be a part of the game I love (and market, haha). For Howl, I worked on the hexmoth and the zoophonia muse, and I look forward to seeing what everyone does with the cool stuff in this book! Please feel free to @ me on socials about your Howl stuff. I want to see it!
Hi everyone! I first wanted to say that it was a fantastic experience to be able to work on this project alongside so many other talented writers. Getting to see so much positive feedback on the creatures that I wrote (apothecary bee and hardhead mole) has already done numbers to lift my spirits, and seeing someone refer to my beastmaster feats as "swanky AF" really made my day. I wanted to give a quick shoutout to James Case and the rest of the Paizo team for having me on this project and allowing me to pour my heart and soul into this project. I can't wait to see what kind of characters my friends and the community at large come up with given the sheer quantity of high-quality work that can be found in this book.
Also, be sure to check out some of the other Pathfinder 2E material that I've written alongside other fantastic authors at Eldritch Osiris Games!
A centaur bard (art by Wilmar Ballespí Escarp) and a surki warrior (art by Ivan Koritarev)
Steve Hammond
Hello everyone! I'm Steve Hammond, and I wrote a few beast items, the tardigrades, and had the distinct pleasure of writing the surki ancestry! They are the first ancestry I've written, and my time working on them was really special. The response to them so far has been great, and I can't wait to see more of the characters you create with them!
I'm not really on social media these days, but I pop up in a few books here and there. Most recently, I worked on War of Immortals. Thank you all for your lovely words and praise for the book. Everyone on this team did incredible work, and I cannot wait to work with them again.
Dustin Knight (he/him)
Greetings, Pathfinders! I'm Dustin Knight, Starfinder developer and proud freelancer for the incredible tome of beasts and critters that lies before you! Working on the swarmkeeper archetype was a blast and fulfilled one of my long-time bucket-list entries of designing an insect-themed archetype. While I've yet to incorporate my own swarm of creepy-crawlies, I'm a big fan of bugs, especially bees! If you'd like to help your local pollinators, you can find resources such as Lawns to Legumes that can help turn your yard into a pollinator's paradise.
I also wrote some of the spells in Howl of the Wild, including antlion trap, summon stampede, and summon warden of the wild. You can catch me on dozens of different Paizo-adjacent Discord servers, including my own for Pathfinder Infinite creators and fans under the username KitsuneWarlock. You can also catch me at PaizoCon on the Paizo Events Discord where I'll be answering questions, posting memes, and participating in some panels! I'd love to answer as many of your questions as I can and hear about the insects you'll be using with your future swarmkeepers!
Christiana Lewis (she/her)
Greetings and salutations! This was my first ever TTRPG writing experience, and I’m so grateful to James Case and the whole team for their support. I had the unique privilege of writing up the Zoetrope’s design and seeing it be brought to life by the artists was an incredible experience I’ll never forget. Working with Paizo really set the standard for what I expect as a freelance writer. I can’t wait for everyone to get their hands on this special book.
I’m currently working on some other TTRPG projects, all of which will be announced in time on Twitter. You can find me at @carpechristi on all socials. In the meantime, I love streaming TTRPG Actual Plays with my friends (which, let’s be real, are just paid opportunities to flirt with each other), collecting special edition novels, and crocheting absurdly long scarves.
The spell-eating hexmoth and the spell-singing virtuosic lyrebird (art both by Vira Linevych)
Jonathan "Ryomasa" Mendoza (any)
Howdy! I'm Jonathan, and I wrote the rumindrol and the beast guns for Howl of the Wild! This book was my first experience writing for Pathfinder and Paizo in general, and I'm happy to say I thoroughly enjoyed the creative spirit and collaborative nature of working on this book alongside so many talented people! I hope you use the rumindrol to remind players who think nothing of stepping into the dark, forbidden places of the world that there is a reason we fear the unknown, and I hope that the beast guns help you attain the gunslingin', yeehawin', fantasy-anime-nonsense vibes so many of us enjoy. You can find me nerding out and/or yeehawing over on Twitter (I will never call it anything else) or reach out through my website.
Dave Nelson (he/they)
Dave Nelson is a queer and neurodivergent freelance writer and editor with multiple credits for Pathfinder. This time, he put his degree in Classics to work to bring you the minotaur ancestry and the bestiary section on hydras. They also spent hours throwing cat toys while writing the clawdancer archetype, and they watched nature videos of birds for the winged warrior archetype. He also managed to write a few new spells, like divine beasts and albatross’ curse.
You can find him lurking on Bluesky at and an updated list of their credits at
Mikhail Rekun (he/him)
Здравствуйте, уважаемые читатели! My name is Mikhail Sergeyevich Rekun, and I’m a Russian-speaking Ukrainian-American historian, educator, and author. I’m also a Pathfinder author of long standing—if you’ve suffered at the hands of a kholo, been lost in the Dark Archive, or had to dodge a laser-bear, that is my fault. I regret nothing.
In this particular venture, I was responsible for writing the merfolk ancestry, the sky fisher, and the character of my beloved buggy protégé, Ten. The merfolk ancestry was a particularly interesting challenge—usually, the trick with ancestries is filling them out, but here, we had a veritable buffet of myth, legend, and pop culture to choose from. If you want to weep tears of pearl, lure sailors to their doom with your voice, or merely stroll down the harbor walk with your new pair of legs, Howl of the Wild has you covered.
And if you like the sky fisher, well, would you like to know where you can find even more horrific beasties? It just so happens that I am also the creative director for the Luminant Age Campaign Setting, and we have a small bestiary of vampire dogs and teleporting rats over at Check it out!
A merfolk fighter (art by Ivan Koritarev) and an awakened turtle kineticist (art by Damien Mammoliti)
Kai Revius (he/they)
Hello everyone! I’m Kai, and contributing to the Howl of the Wild team as a freelancer was my first foray into professional writing. I had a blast and hope to do it again in the future!
It was my joy and privilege to help bring Dr. Gulnara Pom to life, as well as provide some new animal companions, beast armor, and beast armaments. As a child, I was heavily influenced by Brian Jacques’ Redwall series and jumped at the opportunity to create my very own badger. As a Forever DM/GM, my approach for the items and animal companions was to provide players with interesting or surprising things that I would love to see at my own table. Personally, I’m looking forward to seeing art of a giraffe in full barding or anything flying squirrel related! As far as items go, my favorite was a particularly stinky maul. I love when I can utilize a piece of equipment for roleplaying! The best place to find me is @KeenKoala on Twitter/X.
Simone D. Sallé (she/they)
Hi, fellow nature enthusiasts! I'm so excited for you all to tag along with Baranthet and the crew of the Zoetrope on their quest for the wardens of the wild. This has been my favorite book to work on so far, both as a writer and an edit lead, and I can't wait for everyone else to dive in (or burrow, if that's more your Speed). In addition to co-creating Baranthet with James, I got to write Baranthet's narrative introduction, conclusion, and the climactic chapter of the crew's adventure! I also upheld my contractual obligation to seed mushrooms into everything I do by way of the primal witch patrons. There are such fun new creatures, lore, and player options in this book, and I know I'm not the only one ready to build at least six new PCs.
I'm difficult to track down on social media these days, but you can always send notes to Almas University, c/o Baranthet Zamendi—he'll know where to find me.
Kendra Leigh Speedling (she/her)
Hello! I’m Kendra, frequent freelancer for Paizo (credits at For Howl of the Wild, I did the bio for Charikleia, the Techniques and Tricks story, the sharks (my favorite ocean creatures!), and the Warden of Peaks and Skies.
When writing, I had to decide the type of contest to choose the new warden. A sky race made sense for flying creatures, but I didn’t want it to be that straightforward. I thought about what qualities the wardens might value, and one that jumped out to me was the interconnection of the natural world; while nature can be harsh and unforgiving, nothing within it exists in isolation, and I felt the wardens would be mindful of that. Maybe the true test would be the candidates’ willingness to aid others and accept help in turn. I wondered if it was too trite, too saccharine. But I decided that if I often need the reminder that assistance isn’t cheating or failure, just a part of existence, well… maybe someone else might need that, too.
The storm’s rough out there. Help others fly if you can, and don’t begrudge yourself the need to shelter under someone else’s wing for a while.
The powerful ascendant griffon (art by Damien Mammoliti) and the shocking magnetic gecko (art by Maichol Quinto)
Kyle Tam
Hello everyone! I'm Kyle, a writer from the Philippines, and this is my first time writing for Paizo! For this book, I had the pleasure of introducing everyone to your favorite navigator, Lythea, and writing the thunder snake! I've written my own tabletop RPGs as well as writing for other people’s games, and I've also published my fair share of short stories, all of which you can find at
I LOVE mermaids, so it is with absolute joy that I took on the task of bringing Lythea to life! She's basically the kind of character I'd love to play in a campaign of exploration, at one with the land, sea, and sky thanks to adaptive technologies giving her the best of all worlds. The thunder snake concept came to me by looking at electrical cords and adjustable lamps, watching the way coils and wires moved—so you can imagine it like a giant electrical plug!
Thank you so much for supporting Howl of the Wild!!!
Ruvaid Virk
Good day, friends! Ruvaid Virk, sometimes Paizo contributor, here. It's so wild that they keep letting me on these books, but I'm super grateful for it. First, I'd like to say how proud I am to have contributed to this cool book alongside other fantastic authors. Field biology was one of my favorite undergrad classes, and seeing this book come together has brought me an untold amount of joy. Only one thing could make this better for me, and that's if all of you would share your favorite parts of the book. Now, maybe you're wondering, "That's cool, Ruvaid, but what did you work on?"
Surprise, dear reader, for I have seeded a trail to answer that very question—one that can be found by tracing steps back through these sentences of mine.
That's right, it was the griffon section! Well, that, and some of the beast armaments and alchemical items.
I hope you guys enjoy this awesome book. There's a ton of cool things in here that I can't wait to play with for myself.
Should you want to know more about me or my works, you can follow me on the bird site at @Darth_Ruvaider or the sky site I've got plenty of exciting announcements to make this year, so stay tuned!
Andrew White (he/him)
Hello! I’m Andrew, Paizo’s digital products lead and contributor to such projects as Book of the Dead, Rage of Elements, and the first volume of an Adventure Path that just so happens to go great with all of the new character options you’ll find in Howl of the Wild! For this book, I had the amazing opportunity to write a bunch of weird new alchemical items, the ethereal wildlife section, six new dinosaurs, and the werecreature archetype. I absolutely loved working on this project, and I would like to extend my sincerest thanks to the designers who not only gave me all these awesome assignments but who also let me put a devil T-Rex that shoots unholy fire beams out of its eyes into their nature book.
Lastly, to celebrate Baranthet’s long journey to find the wardens of the wild, we leave you with a glimpse of their majesty, just beyond the spoiler text below:
[To gaze upon the wardens of the wild, click here]
The Warden of Caverns and Burrows & the Warden of Forests and Meadows (art by Mirco Paganessi)
The Warden of Oceans and Rivers & the Warden of Peaks and Skies (art by Mirco Paganessi)
Hail and well met, Pathfinders and Starfinders! This month’s new releases take you on a tour of Golarion’s wilds, dive into the Abomination Vaults once more (this time in Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition), and ask you to suit up and save Daimalko!
Find Your Path – May 2024
Wednesday, May 22, 2024
Hail and well met, Pathfinders and Starfinders! This month’s new releases take you on a tour of Golarion’s wilds, dive into the Abomination Vaults once more (this time in Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition), and ask you to suit up and save Daimalko!
Don’t forget, this weekend is PaizoCon 2024—our community celebration of all things Paizo! Join us on and hop into the Discord server to get in on the excitement!
Never miss a release with our Paizo Subscriptions—for everything from rulebooks to accessories.
A sound echoes across the world’s farthest wildernesses: the howl of countless animals and beasts! This all-new, 224-page Pathfinder rulebook dives deep into the wilderness like never before! With new ancestries, character options, animal companions, wilderness foes, and more, Howl of the Wild provides a traveler’s pack worth of value for players and Game Masters alike!
Pathfinder Howl of the Wild is available in standard hardcover, Special Edition faux leatherette bound hardcover, and PDF formats. Don’t forget to check your FLGS for the hobby retailer exclusive sketch cover!
On a rugged planet crawling with colossi, terrifying kaiju that demolish cities with fearsome power, courageous mech pilots battle monsters to protect the world’s people. As the war for control of planet Daimalko rages on, a mysterious third power plots to use an ancient artifact to purge the planet of all life. It’s time for Daimalko’s defenders to suit up against a new threat!
One of Pathfinder’s most popular and exciting campaigns comes to D&D Fifth Edition at last!
When the mysterious Gauntlight, an eerie landlocked lighthouse, glows with baleful light, the people of Otari know something terrible is beginning. Evil stirs in the depths of the Abomination Vaults, a sprawling dungeon where a wicked sorcerer attempted to raise an army of monsters hundreds of years ago. The town's newest heroes must venture into a sprawling dungeon filled with beasts and traps to prevent a spiteful spellcaster from rising again!
Under surprising new leadership, the Wildwood Lodge begins a campaign of violence. Shocked, the PCs and their allies form a new lodge in exile to oppose this new regime. As they recruit new friends to their cause, the PCs must deny the Wildwood Lodge a powerful relic created by the renegade druid Ghorus, all while investigating the strange, primal magic the Wildwood Lodge has uncovered. If the PCs are to prevail, they will need to track down one of the Verduran Forest’s most dangerous inhabitants and convince her to aid their cause—or ensure she cannot aid their enemy.
To some, adventuring is all about getting treasure and Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Treasure Trove sets the scene for a haul of legendary scale. Each side of the Flip-Mat presents one of two treasure-laden locations adventurers can explore to get their loot. One side presents a fortified temple vault protecting priceless relics, while the other shows a secluded cavern lair of a dragon or other large and covetous beast. Spread this map out at your table and enrich your experience!
Delight your tabletop with the Pathfinder Battles: Leshy Window Box Set! This set features eight charming miniatures representing a veritable grove of nature spirits from the Pathfinder role-playing universe.
This set includes eight types of Leshy, such as the fanged Flytrap Leshy, the prickly Cactus Leshy, the adorable Gourd Leshy, and even the cheery Fruit Leshy, to name a few.
A Starfinder Society Scenario designed for 1st- through 4th-level characters.
Under the watchful eye of newly elected First Seeker Sarmak, the Starfinder Society travels to the machine planet of Aballon to undertake an archaeological survey of the ancient city of Eternity. Using a relic known as the Eternity Drive, the Starfinders launch initial explorations, uncover long-forgotten information about the fabled First Ones, and clash with a violent faction of anacite extremists named Those Who Call.
A Starfinder Society Scenario designed for 3rd- through 6th-level characters.
For years, Zo (the city) and Zo! (the bombastic undead media mogul) have been engaged in a legal dispute over their shared name. Finally, both parties have agreed to a trial on the planet of Triaxus to put the matter to rest for good. In a bold move, Zo! calls in a favor from the Starfinder Society, requisitioning a team of Starfinders to represent him in the trial. Make your case to the jury, ready your counterargument, participate in a trial by combat against a team of crack combat-lawyers, and smile for the camera in the live broadcast of the decade!
A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 3rd- through 6th-level characters.
Poorer citizens of Kaer Maga, the City of Strangers, have been going missing, and while many think they've simply left to emigrate to New Thassilon, a purported haven for outcasts, an independent journalist feels that there's something unsavory going on. Kaer Maga doesn't have much in the way of authorities, and those who hold any power aren't taking her seriously, so she's turned to the Pathfinder Society. The PCs need to figure out what's going on, and if it is unsavory, perhaps put a stop to it.
A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 1st- through 4th-level characters.
The Pathfinder Society has heard reports of a ship sighted over and over, apparently following the same path before vanishing each week. This unfortunate ship is stuck in time, repeating the same week over and over. The crew has tried everything to escape this fate, and gave up years of the same week ago. The PCs must find a way to return things to normal and save the crew from an eternity of this single week.
A Starfinder Society Special designed for 1st- through 8th-level characters (subtiers 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 & 7-8).
The Exo-Guardians faction once maintained an impressive fortress known as Sangoro's Bulwark. Years ago, mysterious forces attacked the bulwark, and the fortress was lost. Now, under the command of Ixthia the Unbreakable, the Starfinder Society launches a massive operation to reclaim Sangoro’s Bulwark, rescue any survivors, and destroy the foul forces that dared take the lives of the Starfinders stationed there. The battle for Sangoro’s Bulwark has begun!
From Our Partners:
Our partners at Archives of Nethys, Demiplane, Fantasy Grounds, Hero Lab Online, and Roll20* are dropping new content this month as well! Buy your PDF on to get a discount via the PaizoConnect API. Or pay full price on their platforms, sync your account, and get a complimentary PDF on the Paizo Store.
*Roll20 is no longer a part of PaizoConnect and discounts and complimentary PDFs do not apply.
Our translation partners New Order Editora are currently crowdfunding to translate the remastered Core Rulebooks into Portuguese!
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The Infinite Masters Program with Pathfinder Infinite and Starfinder Infinite is a group of skilled and incredibly creative individuals. Over the years, the Infinite Masters have provided some of the best-in-class titles to pair with your adventures.
Infinite Masters Spotlight
Wednesday, May 22, 2024
Guest Blog by Meredith Gerber (she/her) | DriveThruRPG Partner Relations Manager
The Infinite Masters Program with Pathfinder Infinite and Starfinder Infinite is a group of skilled and incredibly creative individuals. Over the years, the Infinite Masters have provided some of the best-in-class titles to pair with your adventures.
“One of my greatest joys each month is getting to write a blog showcasing the top performing and newest releases on Pathfinder and Starfinder Infinite. The Infinite creators have such amazing ideas, and I’m always looking forward to what they’re cooking up next.” –Rue Dickey (they/he/xe) | Marketing & Media Specialist
The Infinite Masters Program is currently by invitation only; DriveThru and Paizo take suggestions from the community about who would be great fits for the program. Infinite Masters offer support to one another, giving suggestions and constructive criticism, and fostering collaboration that has been part of our best sellers in recent years.
“Despite the vast amount of content for Pathfinder and Starfinder we generate at Paizo, our long production timelines and resource limitations mean that we can neither be as nimble or prolific as our community sometimes demands. Pathfinder and Starfinder Infinite allow the community to meet their own demands for MOAR! and with much more responsive timelines. Seeing the professional and inspired creations of the Infinite community are a great joy, and provide an incredible amount of encouragement to all of us here at Paizo.” –Mark Moreland (he/him) | Director of Brand Strategy
There is no end to the Infinite community’s imagination; Masters continue to surprise us with every single release. The group has grown since its inception, with new creators invited every few months. They generate some of the coolest content to pair with your Pathfinder and Starfinder adventures and we’re grateful for not only their creativity, but their willingness to be so communicative and open about their hopes about the program.
While this is only a handful of Infinite Masters in this Infinite Masters Spotlight, we hope that you check out all the Infinite Masters and take their incredible releases with you on your next journey!
“I enjoy writing for Pathfinder Infinite because it allows me to create intricate and immersive products with endless possibilities, engaging both players and GMs with rich storytelling experiences. Paizo's support and diverse products enable me to create varied narratives to explore wide ranging themes, energizing my creativity and passion for writing.” –Tom Robinson (he/him)
“Pathfinder Infinite is a place for me to share my love for the game we play, and its history, with others who might feel the same way. That leads to chances for great collabs like this, where we push each other to expand what it means to be part of a class” –Arkon (he/him)
“The inclusivity of the Pathfinder Infinite community is a highlight when writing as a Pathfinder Master. Paizo offers a rich world of lore in which to base any campaign not only including Golarion, but the planes and even the gods themselves!” –Simon Hunter (he/him)
“The Pathfinder Infinite program started at an interesting time in my life, proving people could enjoy what I wrote, helping with income during some financial straits, and getting on the ground floor of several burgeoning creatives. Writing can be lonely, so I love how we've tried to make a collaborative and uplifting space, and I'm going to continue to try and help—so any of you thinking about it, come in, the water’s fine, we want to support you! The Godsrain Contingencies were inspired by the Godsrain Prophecies released in the lead up to the War of Immortals. I already wished I could do something for the event but knew I had to wait for materials—but then this stellar story by Erin Roberts came out. Weekly I thought, just a little each week and somehow it ballooned into a two-month wild ride of 38 pages. I still can't wait to see what comes next.” –Heleve Savore (she/her)
“I like writing for Pathfinder Infinite because of the supportive community of authors and players. This community is what led to a collaborative project, Together with Elements Archetypes, where several writers have contributed archetypes to bring the power of the elements to all sorts of characters. Everyone's creative strengths shine with support from the community-based writing process that went into this title.” W. Brian Lane (he/him)
“I really enjoy writing and creating content for Infinite since it lets me flex a lot of my creative muscles as I engage in the process of layout editing, drawing art assets for my work, and collaborating with others. Pathfinder 2e is such a huge game that there are tons of ideas just begging to be expanded upon and explored, which is what led me to make many of my products, especially Combination Weapons Unleashed. Opening up more ways to enjoy the game we all love in creatively fulfilling ways is why I continue to create!” –Conner Berkheiser (he/they)
“Pathfinder Infinite gave me an opportunity to contribute to the lore that fascinates me and let others enjoy it as well. My work, Golarion Unseen: Ancestries, is my passion for these four Ancestries coming to the forefront for you all to see.” –John Holmes (he/him)
We welcome anyone to come create within the Pathfinder Infinite and Starfinder Infinite playground! Infinite Masters are not the only ones allowed to make releases! If you’re ever interested in designing for the program, check out our Get Started article and start making! We will see you on Infinite!
Celebrating Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
Hail and well met, Pathfinders! Paizo is proud to celebrate Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month (AANHPI Month)—this May and every May!
Celebrating Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
Tuesday, May 21, 2024
Hail and well met, Pathfinders! Paizo is proud to celebrate Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month (AANHPI Month)—this May and every May!
A variety of characters from Pathfinder and Starfinder, featuring art by Roena Rosenberger, Raphael Madureira, Klaher Baklaher, Pixoloid Studios, Sammy Khalid, Alexander Nanitchkov, and Gunship Revolution (left to right)
Originally designated “Pacific/Asian American Heritage Week” in 1977, AANHPI Month was codified into the American calendar of holidays and heritage months in 1992. Each year, the Federal Asian Pacific American Council (FAPAC) dedicates a new theme for AANHPI Month, giving a focal point to how we celebrate the contributions of Asian, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islanders. The theme of this year’s AANHPI Month is “Advancing Leaders Through Innovation.”
According to the FAPAC press release, this theme “pays homage to the visionaries and trailblazers who have shaped our AANHPI history and continue to influence our collective future.” Anyone can help uplift these current and future leaders by supporting organizations that foster AANHPI creatives, support AANHPI mental health, and provide opportunities to AANHPI youth. The following list is non-exhaustive, but a good start for people looking to volunteer or donate:
This year, we at Paizo would like to take a moment to spotlight some phenomenal AANHPI creators, reviewers, and streamers in the Paizo sphere! For starters, we’re proud to be sponsoring an all-AANHPI cast stream of Mountain of Sea and Sky, showcasing character options from the upcoming Lost Omens Tian Xia Character Guide! Catch the stream Saturday, May 25 at 6 p.m. Pacific time on!
Looking for more AANHPI creatives in the TTRPG space to follow? Here’s some community recommendations!
A hearty thank-you from all of us here at Paizo to the wonderful AANHPI creatives, players, and community members that help make our worlds brighter and better!
In Solidarity,
Rue Dickey Marketing & Media Specialist
This encounter serves as a prequel to the Mechageddon! Adventure Path, framed as the player characters (PCs) trying out an arcade game that doubles as a recruitment tool for the elite Daimalkan mech corps known as the New Valor Defense Force. Run this encounter during downtime when the PCs are exploring a space station or city. The PCs might be invited to play through a Valko Derby simulation at an arcade, a recruitment center, a festival, or a resort on Daimalko or anywhere in the galaxy—whatever makes the most sense for your campaign.
Mechageddon! Encounter — Simulation 1
Friday, May 16, 2024
This encounter serves as a prequel to the Mechageddon! Adventure Path, framed as the player characters (PCs) trying out an arcade game that doubles as a recruitment tool for the elite Daimalkan mech corps known as the New Valor Defense Force. Run this encounter during downtime when the PCs are exploring a space station or city. The PCs might be invited to play through a Valko Derby simulation at an arcade, a recruitment center, a festival, or a resort on Daimalko or anywhere in the galaxy—whatever makes the most sense for your campaign.
Valko Derby — CR (varies)
Valkopods—more often called mech pods in the Pact Worlds—are specialty game consoles found at high-end arcades, military recruitment centers, trade shows, and in the homes of some affluent collectors. The 6-foot half-globe pods are constructed of durable plastics with transparent aluminum and structural steel frames. The pods are programmed to simulate the experience of being in the cockpit of a mech, starship, or other war vehicle. Hyper-realistic terrain and foes generated by the simulation provide a challenge for the operator, and the simulation provides a score based on the operator’s reactions and maneuvers.
Valkpods aren’t just for fun. A form of this technology is used for military training in the Pact Worlds, Veskarium, and on Daimalko, where the tech was initially tested. Networking connections allow many pods to sync simulations for large-scale experiences while the simulated feeds are broadcast to viewing terminals, betting houses, and infosphere sites. Read or paraphrase the following to set the scene.
Holos blast a hypercolored message above a row of globular arcade cabinets, each large enough for a person of any conceivable anatomy to fit comfortably inside. “Mech pods—Play Now!” The signs repeating flash is accompanied by booming music and the roar of simulated laser cannons. A humanoid pilot dressed in a red and white suit stands outside the massive cabinets. A crowd of excited people bustle around her. “Hey there! Ever ride in a mech before?” She calls. “Now’s your chance. Our sponsor, Apex, installed this set of networked valkopods—you call them mech pods in the Pact Worlds. Apex engineers programmed a special simulation just for today: A demolition derby! Want to play?”
Art by Denis Medri
Resa "Firefight" Prosst (LN female ifrit) is a decorated pilot. After acing her training, she was promoted quickly to squad leadership and earned a role as DCVG (Deputy Commander Valko Group) of the 3rd Battlegroup of the New Valor Defense Force, a military sworn to protect the city of New Valor from rampaging colossi. She’s not just here for public relations—she’s tasked with recruiting high-scoring players to join up with the NVDF.
On Daimalko, huzkars (the local name for mech pilots) are minor celebrities as well as military personnel. Most Daimalkans regard mech pilots as heroes since many are injured or even perish defending cities from colossi, terrifying monsters that move through populated settlements like unstoppable forces of nature. Without mechs, Daimalko would be unlivable; in fact, the entire planet was decimated by the colossi’s first emergence many years ago. Rebuilding has only been possible because of organizations like the NVDF.
Derby Rules
Once the derby program loads, the PCs find themselves virtually piloting humanoid-shaped Daimalkan mechs within a massive digital stadium divided into zones by glowing markings. Each team begins the match in the goal zone that matches their team’s colors. The PCs are blue and begin in the southern zone. Enemy players’ mechs are red and begin in the northern zone.
As soon as the starting siren sounds, the teams can move around the map and engage their foes. Roll initiative to determine the order in which players and enemies act. Teams score points in two ways. If a mech makes it to the opposing goal, the pilot scores 2 points for their team. If a pilot scores a final blow on an enemy mech (destroying it), they score 4 points for their team. If a mech is destroyed, it cannot score points even if it is already inside the enemy goal, and that player (PC or enemy) is out of the battle for the remainder of the match. During the match, a glowing holographic display above the simulated stadium displays each team’s current score. Once all mechs on one team have been defeated or six rounds have passed, the match ends. The entire field glows in the winning team’s colors as a victory celebration and final scores are displayed.
The Map: This simulation uses the digital side of Starfinder Flip-Mat: Stadium. One square on the map represents 10 feet to accommodate the Huge combatants. The programmed terrain simulates a massive sports arena. Once the match begins, the tiered bleachers are filled with a simulated audience. Any mech that moves into (or is forced into) spaces outside the play area and into the crowd suffers an automatic system failure based on the chart found in Starfinder Tech Revolution page 114. Enemy mechs forced into the crowd are staggered until they return to the play area.
The glowing circle in the middle of the arena temporarily boosts a mech’s movement speed. Whenever a mech begins its turn inside the circle, the mech’s base speed increases by 10 feet.
PCs and Mechs: This encounter is designed for four 1st-level characters. The mech pods are programmed to use simulated representations of dozens of different mechs, but for this program, all players use the same type of mech: the duello class valko. For the duration of the simulation, the PCs’ mechs have blue glowing stripes to differentiate them from their opponents, which are red. If you’d prefer to adapt the simulation for different mech models, the PCs can instead build tier 1 mechs using the rules in Tech Revolution.
DEFENSE HP 19; SP 5; Hardness 0 EAC 19; KAC 20 Fort +3; Ref +4 Immunities construct immunities
OFFENSE Base Attack Bonus +8 Melee scythe (upper limb—1d6+5 S) Ranged laser rifle (frame—1d6+1 F; critical burn), missile battery (frame—1d4+1 F&P) Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft. (20 ft. with scythe) Strength +4
Creatures: The simulation always pits teams against their each other in even numbers. So, for each PC, one opposing duello mech appears with red glowing stripes inside the opposing goal. The enemy mechs are piloted by other players in their own valkopods networked together with the PC’s valkopods.
As soon as the sirens denote the start of the derby, the two duello opponents on the outside edges of the opposing team run up the sides of the arena. They intend to get to the blue goal as fast as possible and lend fire support to their allies from there. The remaining enemy mechs choose individual targets, focusing on PCs who lead the charge across the arena. They use up as much ammo as possible from a distance before switching to scythes for melee combat. All enemy mechs fight until destroyed.
Red Team Duello Mech — CR 1
XP 400
N Huge construct Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +5 DEFENSE HP 20
EAC 12; KAC 14 Fort +1; Ref +1; Will -1 Immunities construct immunities
OFFENSE Speed 60 ft. Melee scythe +9 (1d6+5 S) Ranged laser rifle +6 (1d6+1 F; critical burn 1d4) or missile launcher +6 (1d4+1 F&P) Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft. (20 ft. with scythe)
STATISTICS Str +4; Dex +2; Con -; Int +1; Wis +0; Cha +0 Skills Athletics +10, Piloting +5 Languages Common Other Abilities unliving
Development: If either team moves all surviving mechs into the opposing goal zone, the simulation ends and that team wins. If either team defeats every enemy mech, they win by default. If both teams end the derby with an equal number of combatants in the opposing goal, the simulation resets, allowing all players to return and try again.
When the match ends, the PCs exit their valkopods and notice a crowd watching a holovid of their match. Firefight’s eyes are intent on the screen as she takes notes on a datapad. She gets the PCs’ attention as soon as she notices them.
Firefight takes note of players who show enthusiasm and skill during the simulated battles. She sees the PCs’ potential and eagerly tries to recruit them. If the PCs beat their opponents, she plays to their egos, praising them and saying that “New Valor needs your help,” or “all of Daimalko is in danger!” If they lost the match, she asks if they’d like another shot at winning, but “for real this time.” She answers the PCs’ questions about her organization, explaining that they’re a military corps who defend the city of New Valor from colossi attacks. They’re based on the distant planet Daimalko (unless the PCs begin this encounter on Daimalko, they’ll need to take a shuttle there for further training). If the PCs are interested in joining, she sets up an appointment for them at a nearby recruiting office where they can fill out formal applications and complete their physical assessment.
If players are interested in using the Valko Derby rules for PVP matches, replace the NPC mechs with even teams of players. If there’s an odd number of players, include an NPC to fill the empty slot.
Map: Firefight specifically programmed this Valko Derby to reference her love of the sport kaijuball, but any map can be holographically recreated for a battle. Throwing in cover and level-appropriate hazards or traps isn’t just an option, it’s encouraged!
Mechs: The duello class valkos are perfect mechs for low-level PCs, but if your players want to customize their own, build mechs appropriate to the average level of the PCs using the rules in Tech Revolution. Both sides should build their mechs with the same amount of Mech Points in their pool and should limit movement to ground based for a fair challenge.
The Start of Something Good: Announcing Errata Cycles
Welcome! We’re a week out from PaizoCon and you’ve got a whole slate of reveals for new stuff to look forward to: Pathfinder Player Core 2,Pathfinder War of Immortals, Pathfinder Howl of the Wild, the list goes on! But some of you might be looking back thinking, “Sure all this new stuff is great, but I’d really love some updates and clarifications for some of these books I bought right before the remaster started.”
The Start of Something Good: Announcing Errata Cycles
Friday, May 17, 2024
Welcome! We’re a week out from PaizoCon and you’ve got a whole slate of reveals for new stuff to look forward to: Pathfinder Player Core 2,Pathfinder War of Immortals, Pathfinder Howl of the Wild, the list goes on! But some of you might be looking back thinking, “Sure all this new stuff is great, but I’d really love some updates and clarifications for some of these books I bought right before the remaster started.”
Well, good news! We’ve got a slate of errata for you. Right about now, you should find some new entries over at for Pathfinder Guns & Gears, Pathfinder Rage of Elements, Pathfinder Lost Omens Firebrands, and Pathfinder Lost Omens Ancestry Guide. I’ll let you read those entries to see the specifics, but some highlights include a broad update in the Ancestry Guide entry for re-standardizing the flight feats of certain ancestries like sprites and strix to bring them more in line with the new standard we’ve set for ancestries with inherent flight following the Remaster. We’ve also got a swath of minor updates to combination weapons to align with the new standard set by the swap function of the Interact action in the Remaster, and some much requested clarifications for Rage of Elements.
This also marks the beginning of a return to normalcy for us following the flurry of activity around the OGL events of last year and the need for us to pivot to the Remaster project and the introduction of the ORC license. With all of that in the rearview mirror and a clear road leading into a bright blue horizon ahead, we’re looking to get back on track for the annual errata cycle we had announced right before those plans got altered. As part of this pivot, we want to set some clear expectations for what the future we’re working toward is going to look like for FAQs and errata.
Hardcover Rulebooks: This includes books like Player Core, Guns & Gears, Rage of Elements, etc. Our goal for this product line is for it to receive two errata and FAQ cycles per year on an as-needed basis, one in the spring/summer and one in the fall/winter. This current drop is the spring/summer cycle, so you can expect one more errata update before the end of the year!
Lost Omens Books: This line of books will receive one errata and FAQ update cycle per year on an as-needed basis, coinciding with one of the two hardcover rulebook cycles.
Adventures: Our Adventure Path line is a monthly periodical and the player content produced in it is intended for use with the associated adventures. The standard for player content presented in adventures is that it is of uncommon or rare rarity and directly tied to the story it is presented with; using this content outside of the associated adventure inherently requires GM review and approval (or appropriate sanctioning for use in Pathfinder Society organized play). We do not currently have any plans at this time to include adventure content in a scheduled errata cycle. We may still do errata around particular reprints, such as when compiling an adventure for a hardcover release.
So, that’s our roadmap for the errata and FAQs going forward! If you’re planning on playing some Pathfinder Society games at PaizoCon, make sure to check for any updates your character might have received!
For PaizoCon this year, we wanted to invite the community to a Micro Game Jam. We received over 20+ submissions, all from different levels of creators from first-timers to Infinite Veterans! These two-page submissions offer a ton of variety inspired by PaizoCon 2024’s theme of Educate, Entertain, and Inspire.
Infinite Game Jam
Thursday, May 16, 2024
Guest Blog by Meredith Gerber (she/her), DriveThruRPG Partner Relations Manager
For PaizoCon this year, we wanted to invite the community to a Micro Game Jam. We received over 20+ submissions, all from different levels of creators from first-timers to Infinite Veterans! These two-page submissions offer a ton of variety inspired by PaizoCon 2024’s theme of Educate, Entertain, and Inspire.
If you’re like me and want to learn about all 20+ titles, we have included them in this blog to give you a quick glimpse of each title! These titles are in order of submission. We hope that you enjoy these and use them in your games at PaizoCon 2024 (and beyond!)
I Don't Wanna Be a Pirate, But I Cannae Pay the Bucks, and I Need a Duck
Created by: Druid GM Designs
This is a quick-start guide to using iNaturalist, a citizen science nature website, to find images of animals, plants, and the like for use in gaming. Applicable to players, GMs, and publishers.
Most people take life too seriously, and you want to change that. Your muse may be a great comedian, someone who can effortlessly lift the spirits of those around them, or even the concept of humor itself. Art inspired by a vaudevillian muse is often absurdist and irreverent, though it can also contain biting satire or scathing criticism of the powers that be.
As a bard with a vaudevillian muse, you support your allies by lifting their spirits and combat adversaries with lighthearted antics.
This new muse adds seven new feats allow you to make pratfalls, modify casting certain spells, and find hilarious new ways to mock your enemies while the three new focus spells will really leave your foes with pie on their faces!
Study the surreal and educate the adventurous at Dacilane Academy! Featuring skill feats perfect for teachers, a magus hybrid study for those pulling from the ethereal, a wizard arcane school suited to educate and inspire, and ranger feats for those who seek to take down troublesome proteans, this Pathfinder 2nd Edition product is perfect for characters new and old.
Beneath all worldly processes is a steady, beating rhythm; all bards know this, but few truly feel the pull of inspiration to explore the fundamentals of their magical knowledge to greater breadths. Within are a duo of unconventional muses inspired by breadths of real-world cultures, that might push your Bard to take their art in strange new directions;
The Mute Muse, a mourner that divests others of their sorrows whilst also plunging their opponents into eternal repose.
The Phenomenon Muse, a naturalist that invokes the energies that move in the earth and on the wind.
In celebration of Paizocon 2024, here is the means to introduce the setting's original inspirational entertaining educators into the future that they never meant to happen.
This single page PDF is designed to print out and slip into any GM's binder for a dangerous rainy day and includes:
a monster stat block representing a typical flumph that can be easily augmented with class templates into a wide variety of NPCs!
stats for allowing players to create a flumph PC of their own!
two potential plot hooks to introduce flumph into a campaign set in space or planetside!
The Goblin Grog Crawl is a 2-page mini adventure created as part of the PaizoCon 2024 Game Jam! Get ready to steal, brawl, make deals, or sweet talk your way into reclaiming goblin loot at the Tipsy Tavern, The Dragon Roost, and other pubs frequented by humans! You don't have to be a goblin to go on the grog crawl and drink a little troll swill!
Remembrance is an adventure outline for 5th-level characters where the PCs explore the memories of a former Steward Director, experiencing first-hand his early years, his service during the Swarm invasion, and his later days in office. Also contained within is a brief look at the mechanics of the Sensorium, the technomagical device used to traverse memories.
This outline draws upon the lore found in the Starfinder Core Ruleboook, Pact Worlds and Near Space books, as well as rules and aliens found in the Alien Archives and Attack of the Swarm adventure path.
Not all necromancers view their undead minions as disposable cannon fodder. Some view their creations as works of art, others view them as the closest thing they will ever have to children, and some just can’t stand the inefficiency of constantly having to restock their forces with fresh corpses. Whatever their reasons, caring necromancers need magic that goes beyond the mere raising of corpses.
This One Page Ruleset contains 8 new spells that GMs can use to flesh out their NPCs and give them a little personality or Players can use to keep their undead friends safe or patch them up when they get hurt.
The Way of the Gunsmith is a new Gunslinger Way granting a series of deeds and access to new feats available to a Gunslinger character in the Pathfinder 2e RPG. The Gunslinger is described in the Guns & Gears sourcebook.
A support archetype allowing a character to teach their allies skills and techniques, including weapon proficiency and spells! Works well with martial, spellcasting, and skill-focused classes. Inspired by the author's experiences as a teacher!
Complete archetype for Pathfinder 2nd edition, with 10 feats (plus dedication) and access to 5 feats from outside the archetype.
Created for the PaizoCon 2024 Game Jam under the theme "Educate! Entertain! Inspire!'' This short 2-page supplement gives you a selection of unarmed focused options focused on the classes in Player Core, but includes options for characters all all walks of life - so long as they like to punch (or claw, or tail-swipe) people.
Hired to provide support on a milk run through the pirate-infested waters of the Shackles, the PCs come face to face with a new but feared pirate in Jessina Alousin and her vessel, the Groaning Phoenix. The Phoenix is rumored to hold a magical secret that lets her sail in any way she pleases, even into the wind. Duel fierce boarders, cross swords with the Dark Fate herself, and discover the secret hidden in the lowest hold of the Groaning Phoenix in A Breath of Cordite!
A new bard muse focusing on the epic and dramatic! with abilities like Temper the crowd allowing you to potentially lower and even cancel critical strikes against your allies!
This was intended for "Educate, Entertain, Inspire!" Game Jam done for PaizoCon 2024! my first game jam AND Pathfinder infinite product so I hope you enjoy!
To get that one fun class feat from level one but that you really can't afford to sacrifice a feat for it?
Then here comes the Learning subsystem! A simple system that can be applied to any character wishing to learn more abilities: Languages, Skills, Skill Feats, Lores and even Class Feats!
Be it with the help of a teacher, or a book, or simply by yourself... Learn more! Do more! And have fun!
Do you wish that your Bards were a little less charismatic and more of an intellectual? Do you love telling stories about your adventures with other players? Or do you like just info dumping all the cool lore you know about a setting with the thinly held pretext of it being in character?
The Chronicler Bard is for you!
This Class Archetype changes out your charisma and perfomance based abilities for a focus on intelligence and storytelling. Supported with eight brand new feats to help you weave your tale alongside your new storytelling assistant.
Educate, Entertain, Inspire! The Art of Monster Channeling
Created by: Kevin Glusing
Give yourself a reason to use the monster books usually reserved for the GM!
Educate: With the monster channeler archetype, you can learn new abilities from the monsters you battle, then turn them against your next, unsuspecting enemy.
Entertain: Gain access to an entirely new collection of options you may have never used otherwise as a player.
Inspire: Plan ahead with your GM, or find exciting new twists on abilities as you select your favorites to keep long after your enemy is defeated.
Included in the 2 pages
The monster channeler archetype
7 new feats
A list of sample adaptations you can gain from Monster Core monsters
The festival of the muses is the most exciting time of the year for the town of Fugue and the Bard College of the Four Muses as they host a legendary musical festival for all to join in. This year will be more exciting than most as the doors to the inner sanctum of the muses have once again opened. What trials will await our adventures and what will they learn in The Trial of the Muses.
Made for the Educate, Entertain, Inspire! one-page game jam.
Establish a mentor and pupil relationship, an erudition duet that learns and grows each step together. As you traverse this path you will teach each other new skills, cultivate teamwork and enable combination attacks.
Sometimes when you set forth on an adventure you’ve already had a lifetime of experience, are world weary, and simply know this is what you must do. But for others, they’re on the road to learn. A real frontier education. The Roving Intern Archetype is 14 feats of learning features from your party, aiding them in return, and generally accumulating knowledge.
Don’t forget the Beverage Runs
Benefit from a Broad Grasp on topics
Be shown Like This from your mentors
Comes with Pathbuilder and Foundry Integration.
Part of the PaizoCon 2024 Game Jam - Educate, Entertain, Inspire!
Fabled, yet known only by the initiated few, the Aetherial Loom is a legendary artefact. It consists of three key elements: the Loom itself, the Weaver, and the Shuttle. The Loom spins the threads of existence out of nothingness, these threads are passed on to the Weaver, who defines the patterns and structures into which the fates align, using the Shuttle, which through the inevitability of time finds its way through the weave.
Created By: Evelyn Hannon, Astride "Dr Umbrus" Couillaux
Professor Janius of the Acadamae, nervous about today's demonstration of their special arcana altar designed to draw elementals from different planes to the Universe, has asked for the assistance of students - and well paid adventurers - to come and assist them and make sure nothing bad happens. What could go wrong? A roar filled adventure for four 3rd level characters.
Follow in the footsteps of the illustrious Storm Serpent to learn the secrets of her long-lost fighting style. This supplement includes feats for Monk characters who pursue the Storm Serpent Style and a ritual for devout followers of the divine.
Relaxing in a tavern after a long day, the PCs are asked for help by a citizen of the town. A coven led by several local witches has experienced some troubling accusations and is calling to a small group of skilled visitors for help.
Or are they perhaps just looking for a convenient scapegoat...
Educational puzzles that teach Boolean algebra, a branch of math fundamental to computer programming and digital electronics. Players and GMs alike can learn a valuable STEM skill while playing their favorite tabletop RPG!
Hello Starfinders!
PaizoCon Online 2024 is just around the corner, and that means it’s time to usher in a new season of the Starfinder Society! Welcome to the Year of Era’s End!
May Digital Adventure Previews
Thursday, May 16, 2024
Hello Starfinders!
PaizoCon Online 2024 is just around the corner, and that means it’s time to usher in a new season of the Starfinder Society! Welcome to the Year of Era’s End!
Under the watchful eye of newly elected First Seeker Sarmak, the Starfinder Society embarks on an archaeological expedition to Eternity, an ancient and mysterious city of the First Ones on the planet Aballon. Using a relic known as the Eternity Drive, the Starfinders launch initial explorations, uncover long-forgotten information about the First Ones, and clash with a violent faction of anacites named Those Who Call.
Meanwhile, news breaks across the infosphere that Zo (the city) and Zo! (the bombastic undead media mogul) are finally going to put an end to their ongoing feud! Long embroiled in a legal dispute over their shared name, both parties have agreed to a trial on the planet of Traixus to put the matter to rest for good. Ever ready to create a spectacle, Zo! hosts a competition to determine who has the right to represent him in the trial. The winner? You, of course! Make your case to the jury, ready your counterargument, participate in a trial by combat against a team of crack combat lawyers, and smile for the camera in the live broadcast of the decade! Oh, and get ready to shout ‘objection!’ I know I would!
Illustrations by Fabio Di Bernardi and Lucas Fernando
For those of you who’ll be participating in PaizoCon Online 2024, we’ve got one more adventure hitting gaming tables this month: Starfinder Society Special #6-99: The End Awakens! Join a team of rookie Starfinders tasked with performing routine surveys on a newly discovered planet that the expedition’s leader, Palivhar Chooser of Hues, believes is Krethiskar, a “missing” planet from the Szandite Collective. Unfortunately for the Starfinders, something’s hibernating on Krethiskar, and it’s about to awaken!
Written by Joseph Blomquist and Mike Kimmel, this interactive special is designed for 1st- through 4th-level characters. For further previews, check out our previous blog post on this year’s Organized Play Interactive Events.
I wish you all the best in escaping Krethiskar alive!
Take care, everyone! Happy gaming!
Jessica Catalan Starfinder Society Developer
Greetings Pathfinders!
This month we’re heading out west, with one scenario set in Kaer Maga, a place we haven’t been for some time, and another off the coast in waters near the Ironbound Archipelago.
To start off, it seems poorer citizens of Kaer Maga, the City of Strangers, have been going missing, and while many think they've simply left to emigrate to New Thassilon, a purported haven for outcasts, an independent journalist, Nellie Bow, feels that there's something unsavory going on. She’s found her investigation hampered by rumors spread by an unknown party. Without any other options, she's turned to the Pathfinder Society. It’ll be up to you to figure out what’s going on, and put a stop to anyone taking advantage of any desperate dreamers in the City of Strangers.
Left to right: illustrations by Allan Santos da Silva and Andrea Tentori Montalto.
Meanwhile, our next scenario has its roots beginning years ago, with the return of Xin Edasseril from its exile outside of time. A ship off the coast of the reappearing city was somehow caught up in the eddies of released time. Though it’s been years, rumors have slowly spread and the Pathfinder Society has heard reports of a ship sighted over and over, apparently following the same path before vanishing each week. This is that same unfortunate ship. It seems it is somehow stuck in time, repeating the same week over and over. The crew has tried everything to escape this fate, and gave up years of the same week ago. You must find a way to return things to normal and save the crew from an eternity of this single week.
Just north of the coastal lumber town of Otari lie the swampy reaches of Fogfen, a mire nestled in the depths of a seaside forest that would have had a notorious reputation for being the dangerous haunt of monsters even without the presence of the looming tower known as Gauntlight. At first glance simply a lighthouse, the tower stands amid a ruined fortress, its heights looking out over the tree line at the coastline and town to the south. To those passing by, its position in a landlocked swamp is curious, even nonsensical, but its light’s sinister use is not for the guiding of ships through troubled waters.
Once More Into the Vaults!
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
Just north of the coastal lumber town of Otari lie the swampy reaches of Fogfen, a mire nestled in the depths of a seaside forest that would have had a notorious reputation for being the dangerous haunt of monsters even without the presence of the looming tower known as Gauntlight. At first glance simply a lighthouse, the tower stands amid a ruined fortress, its heights looking out over the tree line at the coastline and town to the south. To those passing by, its position in a landlocked swamp is curious, even nonsensical, but its light’s sinister use is not for the guiding of ships through troubled waters.
This new hardcover edition of the classic Abomination Vaults Adventure Path has been rebuilt to take full advantage of the 5E ruleset, giving players an entire megadungeon to explore alongside a richly realized local town to live in. Be it as a resident or visitor, defend Otari against the rising tide of monstrous threats soon to emerge from the dark labyrinth below! There’s enough content within this product’s pages to bring a party of 1st-level adventurers all the way up to 11th-level, with dozens of strange new monsters, mysterious legends, powerful treasures, and unguessed-at legacies to encounter along the way!
Your latest 5E campaign is here. Will your heroes be able to stand against the sinister forces of the Abomination Vaults, or will Gauntlight simply shine upon their graves?
James Jacobs Pathfinder Narrative Creative Director
The Mechageddon! Adventure Path tells the story of the New Valor Defense Force, a group of brave mech pilots who battle massive monsters to defend their city on the wasteland planet, Daimalko. The players take on the role of new recruits looking to join up and become heroes. As the player characters (PCs) complete missions defending New Valor, their reputation grows. They become local heroes, then galactic celebrities! Eventually, they gain permission to take on exciting offworld missions from wealthy sponsors. But while the heroes are enjoying the perks of fame, an ancient doomsday clock ticks down to disaster back home… unless they can stop it!
Suit Up and Save the World in Mechageddon!
Tuesday, May 14, 2024
The Mechageddon! Adventure Path tells the story of the New Valor Defense Force, a group of brave mech pilots who battle massive monsters to defend their city on the wasteland planet, Daimalko. The players take on the role of new recruits looking to join up and become heroes. As the player characters (PCs) complete missions defending New Valor, their reputation grows. They become local heroes, then galactic celebrities! Eventually, they gain permission to take on exciting offworld missions from wealthy sponsors. But while the heroes are enjoying the perks of fame, an ancient doomsday clock ticks down to disaster back home… unless they can stop it!
Commander Vadien “Raptor” Wano (LN male damai soldier) acts as commanding officer for the PCs and Tempest Squadron during their training and throughout their careers as huzkars—the Daimalkan name for a mech pilot or operator. Raptor is a seasoned huzkar, having piloted his mech against colossi and on mercenary missions in local systems. He was one of the first pilots selected for the launch of the program that became the New Valor Defense Force. Raptor is one of eight huzkars who fought every skirmish in the Month of Fire campaign and survived.
Daimalko has been under attack by colossi—the Daimalkan name for kaiju, or giant monsters—for generations since the Awakening devastated the planet. Colossi come in a variety of forms, some more vicious and destructive than others. Recently, there seem to be more frequent attacks; something is causing aggressive behaviors to increase across species of colossi. Perhaps finding the cause will give your heroes an upper hand in the battle to save Daimalko?
But Raptor doesn’t expect you to fight alone! Throughout this campaign, you level up two characters: your hero and your mech—known on Daimalko as a valko! Eventually, you might add a starship form to that list. Most encounters inMechageddon! are designed for mechs, but there are plenty of opportunities to show off your pilot’s abilities, too.
Everyone begins with a basic mech, choosing one of the lynkor models provided by the NVDF or a fully custom version if you prefer. Check out the Mechageddon! Player’s Guide for more information about creating a hero, choosing a mech, and picking a callsign and squad name!
Starfinder: Mechageddon! is a high-octane epic telling the story of our heroes (and their mechs!) as they battle monsters and help rebuild a broken world. This hardbound adventure path takes PCs from 3rd to 18th level with bonus content—side jobs, adventure seeds, and more—to customize and extend your story.
Hiya, Starfinders! It’s Jenny Jarzabski, Starfinder Senior Developer and Sparkly Space Princess. It’s no secret that Mechageddon! was my dream project, but I’m not the only one who feels that way. A group of amazing authors teamed up to make this project a reality, much like the squad of mech pilots you’ll be playing in your Mechageddon! campaign. What we created together is special not just because of its epic story, unforgettable characters, gorgeous art, high CR encounters, and new rules content; it’s special because the whole team is so passionate about Mechageddon! and poured their hearts and souls into its creation.
Mechageddon!: Our Mecha Magnum Opus
Friday, May 10, 2024
Hiya, Starfinders! It’s Jenny Jarzabski, Starfinder Senior Developer and Sparkly Space Princess. It’s no secret that Mechageddon! was my dream project, but I’m not the only one who feels that way. A group of amazing authors teamed up to make this project a reality, much like the squad of mech pilots you’ll be playing in your Mechageddon! campaign. What we created together is special not just because of its epic story, unforgettable characters, gorgeous art, high CR encounters, and new rules content; it’s special because the whole team is so passionate about Mechageddon! and poured their hearts and souls into its creation.
This passion was evident in the extracurricular hangouts, playtests, and planning meetings the authors scheduled with and without me. To prepare for the writing phase, the writing team got together for a few movie nights. We watched a lot of epic anime and cheesy 80s movies, bonding over our shared passion for mecha media. It was important to us to highlight certain tropes and themes, and our time together created synergy between the adventures and backmatter articles. But don’t worry, Mechageddon!isn’t all anime sparkles and action movie schlock. (Not 100%, anyway.) The authors each brought their own perspectives to the project, pulling inspiration from their lived experiences, favorite media, and more.
On the surface, a tabletop campaign like Mechageddon! is a fun way to pass the time playing a game with your friends. But for many of us, it’s also a way to escape our problems and worries for a few hours. The magic of tabletop storytelling is that it can be a way to explore our dreams, desires, and fears in a safe setting, or a way to play out scenarios that imagine better worlds or tell cautionary tales of timelines gone wrong. In that respect, Mechageddon! can be whatever you want it to be, but here’s what it means to us.
Art by Miguel Regodón Harkness
Joseph Blomquist (he/him)
Adventure 1 Author
I was ten years old, the ideal age for mecha indoctrination, when Robotech hit American shores. Sure, I’d already enjoyed Americanized anime in Battle of the Planets, Voltron, and Tranzor Z, but Robotech was different. For the first time, there was character-driven, dramatic storytelling in an animated show about alien attacks and giant robot combat, and halfway through the first season, my favorite character died! This was a big change for cartoons in the states, and I was sold—hook, line, and sinker.
From there, my media interests changed. I immersed myself in the anime that were the basis of Robotech: Super Dimension Cavalry Southern Cross, Genesis Climber Mospeada, and most importantly, Super Dimension Fortress Macross. My interests grew to encompass the Fang of the Sun Dougram and Gundam. While my friends identified with their heroes from He-man, GI Joe, and Thundercats, my tastes involved giant robots piloted by the types of heroes that propaganda movies could be made about. And don’t even get me started on kaiju!
My interest in games followed suit with a love of BattleTech, Mekton, and Heavy Gear taking up a great deal of my playtime. So, when my D20-based RPG of choice began building towards mecha stories, I knew I wanted to be a part of it. But I was lucky; I’d already written for Starfinder, and I had been running games for Paizo Organized Play since the beginning—I was a known quantity. Regardless, when Jenny asked if I would be interested in contributing to the project, there was nothing that could have kept me away.
Mechageddon! is one of the most fun projects I could ever have hoped to be a part of. For “research,” I watched a lot of movies, like Pacific Rim and Robot Jox, in addition to diving deep into some of the anime I’d missed over the years—especially the later Macross stuff (oh, how I missed you, Macross). There was a timely renewed interest in BattleTech, Heavy Gear got a new edition, and I had the opportunity to seed some of the tropes and brilliance of the shows I loved into my writing.
Mechageddon! is a love letter to the anime, films, and media that came before it. The adventure is full of dramatic moments and enough giant robot combat to whet any appetite. It’s an adventure where the people you meet matter and where encounters are harrowing and full of meaning, dropping hints and plot points for the future. It’s like no Adventure Path you’ve seen before. For my part, I worked alongside two of the best authors in the Paizosphere, and the three of us even met outside of our shared server to put together something of a story bible to inform our tale that could seed dozens more adventures! I envy you, fearless reader, for the journey you will get to experience and the stories you will tell.
Until that day, New Valor stands!
Oh, and I can be found rarely ever writing on my blog, or on social media under the name DoctorMono.
Dennis Muldoon (he/him) Adventure 2 Author
Mechaggedon! Oh, what a joy! Over the last few years, I’ve written for nearly every line Paizo publishes, but this is without a doubt the biggest, most challenging, and most exciting project I’ve ever worked on. I love how Starfinder allows us to tell so many different types of stories, and the mech rules are one of my favorite tools in the GM toolbox. My own love for mechs dates to my childhood watching Transformers, Voltron, and of course, that seminal classic, Robot Jox.
For Mechaggedon!, I wrote the middle volume, the space where the plucky heroes get to catch their breath after the initial rush, take stock of their new careers as mech pilots and heroes of New Valor, and find their place in the wider universe. What could go wrong? This volume presents the players with choices to make, opportunities to build relationships and earn allies, and space to truly make their mechs their own. I’m particularly proud of the variety of missions presented in this volume, as they draw inspiration from sources ranging from space operas to westerns to real-world corporate labor politics, before ultimately tying together to lead to something bigger. I can’t wait for you all to play it!
Rigby Bendele (they/them)
Adventure 3 Author
I wish I could sit down and tell you every little detail I included in my volume of Mechageddon! However, since I wrote the final book, that mean sharing major spoilers for the plot. Since I can't do that, I'd instead talk about my inspirations!
Devilman is one of the most influential works of art I've ever experienced. It is also deeply weird and even unenjoyable at points, with a complex lore and timeline that honestly hurts my head to think about too much. For my adventure, I drew much on what I found meaningful about Devilman, from its corruption narratives, to the feelings of apocalypse it conveys, to downright weird demon designs. Mechageddon! (at least my section) is also deeply informed by my experience as a queer person, my relationship to religion, and the strange ways that religion might function in a world where you could meet many of the gods. My volume is in part about trying to fight an apocalypse you don't want to be in, but also about what it means to want love from a god who will never love you back. In that way, it's also about work, and about how many people believe that a job you love can never love you back.
Mech stories are also tied into stories about bodies. I finished writing Mechageddon! the day before I underwent gender-affirming surgery. In my section, there's many kinds of bodies and relationships to them: kaiju bodies, bodies that have changed (positive), bodies that have changed (negative), big robot bodies, and more. You also may be thinking, "Wow, Rigby, that's doing a lot!" Well, yes—but this adventure is also a deep dive into the mech genre and will be hopefully played across hundreds of hours with your friends. Many of these things end up naturally intertwined. The demands on the body are often the demands of capitalism, or the demands of patriarchy, or the interpolation of white supremacy into our own desires.
Okay, okay, that's the big philosophy. It's also about punching demons while being in a mech suit, the relationship you have with other pilots, and saving the world! The point is this: it’s going to be fun,it's going to be big, and it's going to be a story you'll remember!
Kate Baker (she/her)
Contributing Author
Hello! I’m Kate Baker, and I can’t wait for you to experience Mechageddon! I couldn’t resist contributing to an Adventure Path that lets the PCs run around in giant mechs. What could be better? I enjoyed watching Pacific Rim, Robot Jox, and even the dubious Robot Wars (on MST3k) to get inspiration. I worked on backmatter, creating both a mech that you’ll encounter and a Side Job you can go do for some extra cash. Just don’t forget to bring your mechs! You can follow more about what I’m up to on BlueSky at @katebakerGM.
Anthony Dollinger (he/him)
Contributing Author
Mechs are rad.Anyone who’s known me for any amount of time knows that I am a mecha fan, so taking part in Mechageddon! was an opportunity I immediately jumped at. I can distinctly remember walking into a bookstore in New Orleans in 1995, seeing this cool mech book on the shelf, and realizing that MechWarrior was more than just a one-off of the distant past. Many years later, a resurgent Macross’ newest series helped to remind me that everyone loves giant robots no matter what flavor they come in. They have a magic to them that can be used to tell unique stories and lift spirits. In that way, Mechageddon! was something of a dream come true to work on, especially as I was able to design new mechs and had the opportunity to bring the city of New Valor to life. I hope that what we’ve put together can lift your spirits, wherever you are, and help you to remember love as you strive to defend New Valor.
Mikko Kallio (he/him)
Contributing Author
Hey there! I'm Mikko, a cloud architect by day and a game designer when the stars come out. My journey as a Paizo freelancer began in 2014, and since then, I've left my creative mark on around 50 fantastic products. For Mechageddon!, I wrote a Side Job in which you and your trusty mechs venture to a planet of dinosaurs. Get ready for high-speed thrills, breathtaking views of wind-kissed hills, steamy jungles, and fiery volcanoes, plus a hearty dose of head-banging riffs courtesy of Abysshead—the undisputed overlords of the Pact Worlds music scene. Hope you have a blast playing it!
My fascination with mechs and towering robots goes way back. My earliest influences came from shows like Power Rangers and Transformers, and who could forget that iconic moment when Ellen Ripley hops into a power loader and takes on a xenomorph queen? Legendary stuff. A newer fascination of mine is Scythe, a world that seamlessly weaves diesel-punk mechs into a reimagined 1920s setting.
Let me wrap up with a story. Flashback to 2017, when Paizo presented me with an intriguing challenge: writing an interactive special named Assault on Absalomfor the Pathfinder Society. One of the missions in that adventure involved unearthing an ancient weapon, and my imagination was on fire. What if this weapon took the form of a gargantuan construct? What if the players could pilot it, controlling distinct limbs and weapons? And so, Gulgamodh emerged—a sentinel that dutifully guarded Absalom and perhaps inspired the seeds of future mech wonders.
Chris Wasko (he/him)
Contributing Author
I had a ton of fun writing an alien, a mech, and a Side Job for Mechageddon! The first came easily after I found a video of a starfish walking along the beach. The creature's form was so familiar and yet so alien, so I thought of how I'd stat it if I turned it upside down and made it mech-sized. Considering its environment reminded me of the long history of otyughs as both violent monsters and a source of curious social encounters, a perfect fit for my armored junkyard behemoth. The latter two took some time, and ultimately became homages to my online Roll20 campaigns that withered as life got complicated.
My Mummy's Maskcampaign fell off right after Book 5, when the PCs encountered the flying pyramids of ancient Osirion. Not having those mythical structures as some form of airborne vehicle in the Starfinder setting's distant future struck me as a ripe design space, especially for a book about mechs. Meanwhile, my Fly Free or Die campaign wound down in the middle of my own installment, Crash and Burn. The party was composed of eight people with variable schedules that usually led to split sessions of four PCs each, so I would write concurrent homebrew adventures alongside the published content so the two groups could swap stories offline. One of those original adventures involved an ecological mission to Osoro to study the irokirois, one of my favorite Alien Archivecreatures, which I adapted into what appears in Mechageddon! I hope you enjoy our work!
Nick Wasko (he/him) and K. Fox (they/them)
Contributing Authors
Nick and Fox have been writing together since Nick Wasko won Paizo's RPG Superstar Season 9 contest. Nick inspired Fox's interest in Pathfinder and Starfinder, and together they enjoyed creating new mechs for this Adventure Path. Nick and Fox drew upon their backgrounds in health care for the idea of the Hecatomb, which draws upon the operator's life force to function. High-level characters have plenty of health, so sacrificing hit points to power a mech made a better thematic and mechanical fit for a high-risk, high-reward playstyle among low-level players.
Meanwhile, the Terrotodile started out as a thought experiment for mechs designed for purposes other than combat. Its original intent was to protect laborers mining for resources, but like so many inventions meant for the betterment of society, it was repurposed for battle. Nick and Fox enjoyed this opportunity to explore a departure from the high-powered war machines often seen in this genre. Since they’ve recently struggled to make time for tabletop gaming, they are especially excited for the opportunity to contribute to this project. You can find more of Nick's work with Paizo here, or his academic writing here. For more of Fox's innovations outside of tabletop gaming, check out their adaptive clothing designs.
(Jenny’s Note: DO IT! The fits are super cute AND MOST OF THEM HAVE POCKETS!!!!)
Diego Valdez (he/him)
Contributing Author
I’ve always enjoyed robots and mechs. I’ve been a huge Transformers fan since I was small, and I regularly build Gundam models (as well as watch the shows), so creating a mech was an opportunity I was excited for. I wanted to make something a little more unique, different from a robot with a theme. One of the best toy lines on the market, in my opinion, are the Diaclone Reboot figures. They’re super modular, so it’s easy to swap parts and make your own creations. I really like that, so I wondered: What if I could do that for a Starfinder mech? With that, the Mobile Disunion was born. Just like the Diaclone Reboot figures, the Mobile Disunion can be customized by players and their characters. Swap out the legs, the arms, the head—whatever you want! Like with a Transformer, you can even change the configurations in combat. I hope everyone enjoys playing with the Mobile Disunion as much as I enjoyed creating it (and playing with some of my toys while I did)!
Jenny Jarzabski (she/her/xe/xem)
Narrative Lead and Contributing Author
Mechageddon! is a love letter to one of my favorite things in all the universe: mechs. But you knew that. Now listen up, because I’m about to tell you a secret! I wasn’t really into mechs growing up. I know, I know; it’s SACRILEGE! But listen, the mecha media in the United States at that time targeted a more masc audience, and I was more of a princesses and ponies type of kid. If Sailor Moon had summoned a sparkly mech and fired its moon tiara magic laser, I would’ve been all in, but alas, that wasn’t on offer at the time. It wasn’t until much later in life that I discovered the joy of mechs that transform and power up to catchy music using the power of friendship.
One day a friend showed me a video clip from what would become my favorite mecha anime, Macross Delta. In the video, a group of magical girls team up with military mech pilots to defend a city from an alien attack, and they do it by singing. I desperately wanted more context for this video, so I dove into the show headfirst. Fast-forward to now: I’ve become a Macrosssuperfan, a player of MechWarrior, a builder of model kits, and an all-around mecha enjoyer.
What really draws me to mechs, though? First and foremost, mecha as a concept is inherently both badass and ridiculous, and there’s as many wonderfully absurd gems out there as there are epic, grimdark treatises on the realities of war and the nature of humanity. But I’ve identified some themes most mecha media shares, regardless of where they fall on the spectrum from military drama to super sentai. I’m inspired by these themes of friendship, loyalty, courage, and hope in the face of doom. And who among us wouldn’t hop into a gigantic robot and help their friends save the world if they had the chance?
Now’s your chance!
I should clarify that we’re not actually saving the world, but that we are going to save a planet in a TTRPG adventure. And for the record, while saving the real world isn’t part of this campaign, I encourage you to do your best at that, too.
From all of us on the writing team, we truly hope you enjoy the book we made for you! Use it well.
Hello, Pathfinders and Starfinders! We hope you’re all excited for PaizoCon Online in just a few weeks, but we’re here today to talk about another event. Gen Con 2024 is taking place August 1-4 in Indianapolis and, as always, we’ll be out in force to bring the games to you!
Join Paizo at Gen Con 2024!
Thursday, May 9, 2024
Hello, Pathfinders and Starfinders! We hope you’re all excited for PaizoCon Online in just a few weeks, but we’re here today to talk about another event. Gen Con 2024 is taking place August 1-4 in Indianapolis and, as always, we’ll be out in force to bring the games to you!
Signups for all Gen Con events open on Sunday, May 19 at noon Eastern time, and based on past years, tickets to our events will sell out fast. We don’t want you to miss out, so today we’re taking the time to highlight some of our most exciting events so you can wishlist them if you so choose! If you have general questions about registering for events at Gen Con, please visit their website.
We’ve got a handful of exciting on-site panels and live shows happening at Gen Con this year! For folks who can’t attend, these live events will be recorded and uploaded onto our YouTube channel after Gen Con.
A Drift Through Space-Time—Starfinder Second Edition Playtest Live Show Thursday, Aug 1st at 2:00pm EST
Thurston Hillman, Creative Director of Starfinder, leads a party of Pathfinder AND Starfinder Second Edition heroes through an adventure that crosses the boundaries of space, time, and magic.
Starfinder Second Edition Roadmap Panel Friday, Aug 2nd at 1pm EST
Join the Starfinder development team for a journey through the cosmos and a look into the future! This panel will reveal upcoming products in the Starfinder line as we embark on the exciting journey of Starfinder Second Edition!
Playtest Makes Perfect (What Makes a Good Playtest) Panel Saturday, Aug 3rd at 2pm EST
As we kickoff the Starfinder Playtest, the Starfinder development team presents a panel about what makes a good playtest! This panel will discuss how playtest rulebooks differ from standard releases, what makes for good playtest feedback, and how to get more involved.
On top of these on-site panels and events, Paizo will also be hosting a handful of panels on Be on the lookout for a virtual programming schedule closer to the con, as we finalize dates and times for the streams!
As always, all our gaming will take place in the Sagamore Ballroom! We’ve expanded our space from the previous few years, allowing us to squeeze in more game tables, a character creation station, a VTT demo area, and even a satellite booth!
You can view all our gaming offerings at this link. Here are some of our featured spotlight events!
Pathfinder Second Edition
At Gen Con, we’ll be closing Year 5 of Pathfinder Society with our finale adventure for high-level characters. We’ll also be launching Year 6: Year of Immortal Influence with two brand-new scenarios that are fully compliant with the Remaster ruleset! Bring your new Player Core 2 characters and jump right into the action!
Our Pathfinder Special is always a packed house, and this year, we’re getting nautical! Characters from 1st through 8th-level can join us for our Saturday night marquee event. This event absolutely will sell out, and while we’ll try to seat as many walk-ups as possible, we make no guarantees. Note that we have pregenerated characters only up to 5th-level, so those playing at 7-8 tables must bring their own characters or be reseated.
Our Pathfinder Academy offers fun for the whole family! Kids from 5-18 can join our experienced GMs for Pathfinder Society adventures with custom kid-friendly pregenerated characters and can learn how to adventure with the best of them!
We’ll also be offering a limited number of Pathfinder Quests! These shorter adventures have more seats reserved for walk-up players, though we have some early tickets on sale as well. Dip your toe into Golarion and join us at one of these tables!
PaizoCon features the launch of Starfinder Society Year 7: Year of Era’s End! While this is our final year of first edition play, there’s a bright future on the horizon for Starfinder Society. You can check out our introductory scenario, or join us for a new release at Gen Con!
This year’s Starfinder Special is a simple survey mission to a newly discovered planet. Surely nothing could go–wait, did you say Swarm? Oh no! Characters from 1st through 4th-level can join us for our Friday night interactive special event.
Be the first to experience the Starfinder Playtest at Gen Con Indianapolis! Purchase your playtest book at our booth in the exhibit hall or the Sagamore Ballroom, build your character, and bring them to one of our playtest scenario tables! We’ll be offering two-hour sessions of the first two playtest scenarios; we’ll also be offering short demos of the Starfinder Playtest in Hall C from 8am-6pm. These demos are first-come, first-served, so show up early to grab a spot!
More of a board gamer? No worries! Paizo’s board game offerings will also be on offer at Gen Con! Join us for a demo session of Elemental Stones or Goblin Firework Fight and see if you can beat our demo team at their own game!
We can’t wait to see you at Gen Con this fall! Expect more information about all our programming as we get closer to the show. May the odds be ever in your favor this month, and don’t forget: event signups open May 19 at noon Eastern!
The Starfinder Second Edition Playtest is coming soon—but for some, August isn’t nearly soon enough! To give you some insight into the process of creating a new edition of Starfinder, the Starfinder team has released four Field Tests so far. These small snapshots of our work in progress have previewed three classes (the envoy, mystic, and soldier) as well as new ancestries. For our fifth Field Test, we’re doing something a bit different: encounters! So, it’s time to make some Starfinder characters, if you haven’t already. These Corpse Fleet raiders and Aeon Guard soldiers aren’t going to fight themselves! (However entertaining that would be…)
Who needs regular zombies when we’ve got cybernetic zombies?
Illustration by Mirco Paganessi
Field Test #5 includes two encounters, one for 1st-level characters and one for 5th-level characters. Each encounter includes everything a GM needs to throw their party right into the action: a basic narrative setup, a battle map, multiple enemy stat blocks, and enemy tactics. We’ve even included the text of our new weapon traits so you know how the enemies’ weapons work, and some discussion of our encounter design principles so you can see what we’re going for.
The first encounter tasks the player characters with defending a data center from Corpse Fleet privateers. If the initial encounter isn’t enough for you, there’s a bonus stat block for groups who want an extra challenge against a tough enemy! (Spoiler alert: some of you may die.)
This Aeon Guard trooper wants you to make a character. For target practice.
Illustration by Roberto Pitturru
You’ll need 5th-level characters for the second encounter, which pits the player characters against a group of Aeon Guard troopers. Careful! Rumor has it that they’ve got some sort of ferocious beast protecting them. I’m sure it’ll be fine, though. You’re going to make an amazing Field Test character. And they totally absolutely won’t die. Definitely not!
In all seriousness, please feel free to use this content in whatever way you like. The Field Tests are only snapshots, and we realize that you can’t really create a full Starfinder party yet, unless you double up on some of the classes we’ve previewed so far. That’s okay! This content is meant as a preview. Have fun with it. Mix it up. Maybe give enemy stat blocks to the players and let them play out a Corpse Fleet vs. Aeon Guard battle royale!
What’s next? When’s the playtest?!
It’s only a few short months until Gen Con 2024, when we’ll officially be releasing the Starfinder Playtest Rulebook! The PDF of the rulebook will be a free download, and you’ll also have the option of buying a softcover print book if you prefer a physical format for your playtest rules! We’re printing a limited quantity, so if you want a piece of Starfinder history, consider grabbing a copy.
Along with the rulebook, we’re releasing two playtest scenarios (Shards of the Glass Planet and It Came from the Vast! ) and a full 64-page module, A Cosmic Birthday , filled with more encounters and lore. Watch this space for news about more scenarios and another adventure module releasing in the following months. Finally, on June 22, 2024, you can pick up even more free Starfinder Second Edition Playtest stat blocks in our Free RPG Dayproduct!
I’m sure you can’t wait to make characters, play the adventures, and provide playtest feedback. We’re not quite there yet—but we will be soon! In the meantime, check for the latest news and information about Starfinder Second Edition, enjoy Field Test #5, and be sure to check out our Starfinder panels and play some games at PaizoCon Online 2024! (Alas, we don’t have an entire panel dedicated to the many benefits of making attack rolls against Aeon Guards, but it’s on our bucket list.)
Starfinder PaizoCon Panels
Friday 5/24
Keynote: 10–12 p.m. (PST)
Starfinder Second Edition: 12–1 p.m. (PST)
StarFriends Live Playtest Extreme!!: 4–6 p.m. (PST)
Saturday 5/25
Transitions from Starfinder First Edition to Second Edition: 12–1 p.m. (PST)
Paizo’s made a name for itself on its adventures—even before the rise of the Pathfinder RPG, we were creating standalone adventures and Adventure Paths. There’s an old industry adage that “adventures don’t sell,” and while it’s true that a product like an adventure, which is aimed only at the GM, will sell less than a product aimed at players, I’ve never agreed with the theory that creating and publishing adventures is a waste of resources. To me, adventures are the whole point of an RPG—without adventures, GMs have nothing to run and players have nothing to play.
It’s Adventure (Explanation) Time!
Tuesday, May 7, 2024
Paizo’s made a name for itself on its adventures—even before the rise of the Pathfinder RPG, we were creating standalone adventures and Adventure Paths. There’s an old industry adage that “adventures don’t sell,” and while it’s true that a product like an adventure, which is aimed only at the GM, will sell less than a product aimed at players, I’ve never agreed with the theory that creating and publishing adventures is a waste of resources. To me, adventures are the whole point of an RPG—without adventures, GMs have nothing to run and players have nothing to play.
While a custom-created adventure by your own GM will always be able to speak to your table’s gaming preferences, creating adventures takes a lot of work. With published adventures, a GM can not only save a lot of time in preparing for a game or a campaign, but also find inspiration in them or learn how adventures are written, both of which help a GM get better at their craft. And when you don’t have a group to game with, even the simple act of reading a published adventure can help you feel that you’re still connected to your hobby until you find a new group to game with.
Published adventures have another advantage as well—they create shared experiences for gamers to talk about. It’s one thing to be at a convention or go online to talk about an adventure your PCs went on and how you barely made it out of the dungeon alive, but when you’ve done this with a published adventure, other gamers out there in the world who have been on the same adventure feel a connection to your game, and a greater discourse can be born out of that experience much in the same way as talking with friends about a recent movie or video game everyone’s been watching or playing.
As big a part of Paizo’s history as adventures are, it’s no surprise that we have several categories of adventures to choose from—and with the recent adjustments to our Adventure Path lengths and the formats of our standalone Adventures, I figured it’s time to chat a little bit about how Paizo’s three categories of published adventures are different, so you can figure out which category works best for your current campaign. Adventures are broken down into three size categories: Small, Medium, and Large.
Small: Scenarios and Quests
Our shortest adventure offerings are Scenarios and Quests. These PDF-only products give you a shorter game experience meant to play out over the course of two hours or so (in the case of a quest) or a single game session (a scenario). These are all part of Paizo’s Organized Play program, but they work just as well for a home game that needs a quick encounter or a short filler adventure in between longer storylines. You can think of a Scenario or a Quest as a short film.
Medium: Standalone Adventures
Our standalone Adventures have recently undergone an upgrade—from this point onward, starting with the upcoming adventure Prey for Death, our standalone adventures will be hardcover 128-page books. A standalone Adventure will typically present a single storyline that covers several sessions of gaming—as a general rule, you can expect your characters to gain somewhere between 3 to 6 levels over the course of a single standalone Adventure. This format allows us to explore larger storylines that need more room than a single volume of an Adventure Path to play out, but that don’t require the commitment to a three-part campaign—and also allow us to get a bit more experimental (such as with Prey for Death, which expects the players to all be Red Mantis Assassins—or at least closely allied with them!). We’ve got some more fun experiments in the works going forward for this line, so stay tuned! You can think of a standalone Adventure as a feature-length movie.
Large: Adventure Paths
Our Adventure Paths have been going strong for over 200 volumes, and while we’ve made some adjustments to their length (shifting from six-part campaigns down to three-part ones), this line of adventures isn’t going anywhere. An Adventure Path is published in three volumes that come out monthly; it can cover months or even years of gaming. You can expect your PCs to gain about 10 levels over the course of an entire Adventure Path. This format lets us tell long, sprawling stories that cover a wide range of themes, to explore ongoing events in the world of Golarion, and to present new parts of the world in great detail. You can think of an Adventure Path as a season of episodes for a television series.
Any Questions? Ask in the Comments!
Of course, these general details only scratch the surface. If you have more specific questions, feel free to ask! I’m always eager to answer whatever you might want to know about Paizo’s Pathfinder adventure line. Seeya in the comments section below!
James Jacobs Pathfinder Creative Director of Narrative
Happy Mechsgiving! Welcome to Mechageddon!, a hardcover Adventure Path for Starfinder First Edition featuring mech combat rules from Tech Revolution. In this Adventure Path, a group of new recruits suit up to protect their city from vicious kaiju called colossi. This blog features the free Mechageddon! Players Guide, in which you’ll learn more about creating your hero and building your own custom mech!
Get Ready For Mechageddon!
Friday, May 3, 2024
Happy Mechsgiving! Welcome to Mechageddon!, a hardcover Adventure Path for Starfinder First Edition featuring mech combat rules from Tech Revolution. In this Adventure Path, a group of new recruits suit up to protect their city from vicious kaiju called colossi. This blog features the free Mechageddon! Players Guide, in which you’ll learn more about creating your hero and building your own custom mech!
We’ve spent this past year exploring the far reaches of Golarion, including making further contact with Arcadia, exploring plots in Jalmeray, and running from akatas in Minata, as well as investigating the mysterious past of The Waterfall, one of the leaders in the Decemvirate. Now, as the year turns yet again for the Pathfinder Society, everything seems... peaceful?
Pathfinder Society Year 6 Announcement
Thursday, May 2, 2024
Illustration by María Rosario Arteta Chagüi
We’ve spent this past year exploring the far reaches of Golarion, including making further contact with Arcadia, exploring plots in Jalmeray, and running from akatas in Minata, as well as investigating the mysterious past of The Waterfall, one of the leaders in the Decemvirate. Now, as the year turns yet again for the Pathfinder Society, everything seems... peaceful?
Though, a new socialite has arrived in Absalom, Lady Hesla Embersplitter. She has no family, no background, no claim to fame, and yet, she’s entranced the hearts of the people and leaders of the community, including two very powerful forces: the Peacebuilders and Watcher-Lord Ulthun II. However, something seems... off about Hesla. And the weather across Golarion seems to be shifting, as though some dark change is on its way.
Welcome to the Year of Immortal Influence!
Illustration by María Rosario Arteta Chagüi
There are seven Pathfinder Society Scenarios that influence the Year of Immortal Influence’s metaplots, and each will be marked with a special metaplot icon on the cover. More information about the metaplot, as well as upcoming locations and characters, will be revealed during the News from Organized Play panel at PaizoCon 2024!
The Year of Immortal Influence’s first metaplot scenario kicks off with Pathfinder Society Intro: Year of Immortal Influence, an adventure for 1st- to 4th-level characters written by Rigby Bendele. This scenario takes place during a fancy charity dinner, hosted by Lady Hesla as she seeks to raise money to fund the Knights of Lastwall. This scenario debuts at Gen Con 2024 with one other Pathfinder Society scenario.
This year is about uncovering secret plots and plans to unravel one of the most vulnerable areas in Avistan, even as the enemy wears a pretty face!
At the time you’re likely reading this, I probably feel terrible! I’m having my tonsils removed two days before this blog is published. Everyone keeps telling me I can eat all the ice cream I want, which is true, but I’m an adult now. I have to buy the ice cream myself, and that takes some of the fun out of it! Luckily, I have a wonderful husband to take care of me, and I’ll be back up and running just in time for convention season!
May 2024 Organized Play Monthly Update
Thursday, May 2, 2024
OPC Musings
At the time you’re likely reading this, I probably feel terrible! I’m having my tonsils removed two days before this blog is published. Everyone keeps telling me I can eat all the ice cream I want, which is true, but I’m an adult now. I have to buy the ice cream myself, and that takes some of the fun out of it! Luckily, I have a wonderful husband to take care of me, and I’ll be back up and running just in time for convention season!
Speaking of… I’ve got quite the travel schedule this summer: PaizoCon in late May, Origins in mid-June, and then a quick turnaround to go to the ALA Expo with our Community Manager a few days later. I’ll have a few weeks of rest in July and then it’s off to Gen Con and PaizoCon Europe in August! Hopefully my cats will remember me by the time I’m back.
Before we jump into the blog, I want to shout out the Mox Gauntlet! Team Paizo is raising money for charity and participating in this annual board game tournament. If you donate to me you can get cat pics, a Harrow reading, or even a one-shot GMed by me! You can learn more and donate on my participant page here.
Digital Adventure Releases
These adventures will be available on May 29, 2024. Most of these will be playable at PaizoCon prior to their release date!
Starfinder Society Year 7 launches at PaizoCon at the end of the month! Upon commencement of the convention (May 24), the following species will become always available for play:
barathu (Alien Archive)
borai (Pact Worlds)
ghibrani (Starfinder #5: The Thirteenth Gate)
morlamaw (Alien Archive 3)
prismeni (Starfinder #49: A Light in the Dark)
Players will still need to own the indicated sourcebook but will no longer require a boon to play any of these species.
Additionally, two new boons will be available for purchase that week! I won’t give any spoilers just yet, but they’re the direct result of player actions over the past year of play. Stay tuned for those at the convention!
Death of a God
On our livestream last month, we announced the first major god who will die in the upcoming War of Immortals meta-event. Obviously, this death will have an impact on the Pathfinder Society campaign. Developer Josh Foster wrote a blog to talk about the exact rules surrounding the god’s death; check it out here!
We’re hard at work on the major May releases, Howl of the Wild and Mechageddon! We aim to have them both ready for PaizoCon so you can play your new awakened animals and centaurs right away. GMs, prepare to make the hallways larger!
After that, it’ll be pretty quiet until July, when Player Core 2 crashes in for Gen Con and the Tian Xia Character Guidefollows a mere month later. Hope you’re all ready!
GM Recognition
GM Ranks
Whether stars, novas, or glyphs, achieving a 5 ranking in any program involves a substantial amount of time. To achieve the 5th milestone, a GM must run 150 games, of which at least 50 must be unique scenarios and 10 special scenarios as well as run between one and three games for venture-captains (program dependent). A conservative estimate of the time needed to reach the 5th milestone is 650 hours!
This month, we had one GM earn their 5th rank!
5th Glyph (PFS2): Zachary Davis
Convention News
Just a quick roundup of convention updates to close us out!
PaizoCon Online tickets and badges are now available! Grab your seats in our new releases and our two specials, including the freely-repeatable PFS2 2-00: The King in Thorns, on Events!
PaizoCon@ events are also up and running! See this blog for more information about our nine worldwide locations.
The Gen Con event catalog will go live this weekend, and event signups begin on May 19. We’ve got a blog in the pipeline next week to talk about everything Paizo has to offer in Indianapolis.
I’ll be attending PaizoCon Europe this year! It will be just outside of Geneva, Switzerland August 15-18. More details to come as the organizers pull things together, but if you’re across the pond, come say hi!
Finally, convention season is in full swing with dozens of conventions happening worldwide with a Paizo presence. Check out our Convention Calendar for more information!
Notes from the Professor – Howl of the Wild Preview
In advance of the Zoetrope’s return from its Golarion-wide voyage, expedition leader Baranthet has sent a collection of journal entries—accompanied by sketches of the creatures from expedition scribe Charikleia—detailing some of the fantastical beasts that call this world home.
Notes from the Professor – Howl of the Wild Preview
Tuesday, April 30, 2024
In advance of the Zoetrope’s return from its Golarion-wide voyage, expedition leader Baranthet has sent a collection of journal entries—accompanied by sketches of the creatures from expedition scribe Charikleia—detailing some of the fantastical beasts that call this world home.
Baranthet: Art by Gunship Revolution.
There seem to be two entries, one related to elemental birds, the other to unicorns! Let’s see what he has to say.
Elemental Birds and the Power of the Storm
A scientific illustration of a variety of chaos falcon feathers. Art by Luca Sotgiu.
The elements have a life of their own. I have always believed that birds embody these elements particularly well—phoenixes, thunderbirds, and tidehawks to name a few—but each of these creatures is so different from one another. They make their homes in different habitats and approach life with such different philosophies that they rarely meet without clashing.
My question, dear reader, has always been about the connection between these birds. Most sources say there is no doubt the three creatures have a common ancestor. What could that creature be? And does it still live?
I needed to trace the birds back to their commonalities for an answer. The Zoetrope could not take us back in time, but my studies could, and I soon found several similarities within a handful of creation myths. In ages past, the world was said to be in an everlasting tempest. Volcanoes spat fire into the sky, lightning jumped between clouds of ash, and sharp ice fragments whipped through the wind. It was the storm from which all other storms were born. How fitting would this primordial tempest be as the birthplace of the species of elemental bird from which the others evolved?
I searched volcanoes for the creatures known as chaos falcons, waiting for a violent eruption to give me a glimpse into the world of the past. It was in the Kullan Dei mountains that I at last found it.
This journal entry was written for Pathfinder Howl of the Wild by Caryn DiMarco.
How odd, it seems Baranthet also included some notes about the chaos falcon’s “abilities.”
Dive-bomb [two-actions] (earth, fire, primal) Requirements The chaos falcon is Flying; Effect The chaos falcon Flies twice straight down. If they reach the ground or a similarly solid object at the end of this movement, their landing shatters that surface into sharp shards, and droplets of molten stone deal 4d6 fire and 3d8 piercing damage (DC 26 basic Reflex save) to all other creatures within 20 feet.
Storm Bolt The chaos falcon's bolt Strike always deals the damage type of their storm nexus aura.
The chaos falcon, wreathed in fire, water, and electricity. Art by Shafi Adams.
A Sanctuary for Unicorns
A scientific illustration of unicorns grazing, drinking water, and frolicking in a field. Art by Luca Sotgiu.
During our journey, we were lucky to stumble into the Monkeros Sanctuary, a hidden forest doubling as both a nature reserve and home for a small herd of unicorns. Of course, I will not share its location—indeed, publicizing the location of any unicorn poses a terrible danger to them. With that in mind, many who support the sanctuary do so without ever seeing the unicorns they protect. A rare few academic visitors are allowed along with a handful of mercenaries, both vetted through the churches associated with Monkeros and further by the unicorns themselves.
Although unicorns have the capacity for speech far surpassing my own eloquence, their nervousness around outsiders makes direct interviews difficult. It was only by enlisting the aid of ten-year-old Theom, the son of a visiting scholar, that I was able to establish something of a dialogue with the most outgoing of the unicorns. Theom knew the unicorn as “Periwinkle,” which she seemed happy to accept—much like our own Ten has adopted their moniker. Even in the oldest stories and tales, the true name of a unicorn is always missing. It seems too much of a coincidence that this detail is so persistently lacking; I’m left to believe that unicorns must have a very good reason to protect the secrecy of their true name.
This journal entry was written for Pathfinder Howl of the Wild by Jessie “Aki” Lo.
Another note—perhaps Baranthet has found a system of denoting abilities across the wide variety of Golarion’s wildlife... Apparently, unicorns comprise not just the eponymous species, but many others as well, such as the flying alicorn.
Draw in Magic [reaction] (arcane, concentrate) Trigger A creature within 30 feet of the alicorn Casts a Spell; Effect The alicorn attempts to counteract the triggering spell (counteract modifier +28, counteract rank 8th). If successful, the alicorn can choose to gain the effects of the triggering spell as its sole target.
An alicorn—a stronger, winged version of a unicorn—in mid aerial dive. Art by Jessé Suursoo.
Pathfinder Howl of the Wild releases May 22nd, 2024 in standard hardcover, special edition hardcover, and PDF formats. Plus, check your FLGS for our hobby-retailer exclusive sketch cover hardcover!
Subscribe to the Pathfinder Rulebooks line to get the PDF free when your physical copy ships!
With the death of Gorum, war runs rampant across the world. The nations of Golarion clash over border disputes, natural resources, and ideological differences. For such grand conflicts (as well as your typical dungeon encounters), we introduce two new classes who can help turn the tide of any battle.
Report for Battlecry! Playtest Duty
Monday, April 29, 2024
With the death of Gorum, war runs rampant across the world. The nations of Golarion clash over border disputes, natural resources, and ideological differences. For such grand conflicts (as well as your typical dungeon encounters), we introduce two new classes who can help turn the tide of any battle.
The commander is an Intelligence-based tactician with unparalleled authority over the battlefield. By drilling specific tactics with your allies during your daily preparations, you can signal them with your unfurled banner during a fight to take additional actions. Call for a Defensive Retreat to allow each of your squadmates to Step up to three times (away from enemies, of course) as a free action. Using the Double Team tactic to allow a squadmate with an opponent in reach to Shove or Reposition that foe as a free action. If they are successful and move that creature adjacent to you or a different squadmate, you or that squadmate can Strike that opponent as a reaction. The commander is no slouch in the fight themself, being trained in martial weapons and all armors, so if you want to lead your fellow adventurers to victory, be sure to playtest the commander!
Illustration by Alexandre Chaudret
The guardian is a Strength-based protector who excels in the use of armor, both for their own benefit and the aid of others. You gain the effects of armor specialization at 1st level, and you can also Intercept Strikes meant for your allies, taking the hit but gaining resistance against that damage. Because of your armor, you’ll be a little more difficult to hit than your friends, so what’s to stop monsters from simply ignoring you? Your Taunts! By Taunting a foe, you make yourself a more tempting target and impart penalties to their attacks on anyone else. If you are the type of player who enjoys keeping others safe from harm, be sure to playtest the guardian!
Illustration by Sammy Khalid
This playtest will run for almost two months, beginning April 29 (today!), and continuing through June 21, 2024. In addition to playtesting these classes in your home games, you’ll be able to try them out in our organized play program by making your own Pathfinder Society characters using the rules located in the Guide to Organized Play. The commander and guardian classes and all related options are available to all players during this playtest.
Our friends at Demiplane are also hosting a free character builder for the commander and guardian classes, available at, for those of you interested in taking advantage of their digital toolset to generate your characters.
Once you’ve had a chance to get a feel for the new classes, please be sure to leave your feedback at and to let us know what you think of them and where you think they could be improved! We’ll also have dedicated playtest forums here on to discuss these classes and options with your peers. We’re looking forward to hearing what you have to say! We’d also love to see stories of your adventures with these classes on social media!
Welcome back to another exciting collection of Pathfinder Infinite & Starfinder Infinite Top Performers!
Infinite Top Performers—March ‘24
Friday, April 26, 2024
Welcome back to another exciting collection of Pathfinder Infinite & Starfinder Infinite Top Performers!
What is Infinite?
Pathfinder and Starfinder Infinite is a program that allows you to create content (adventures and locations; monsters; character classes, archetypes, and backgrounds; fiction; etc.) based on Paizo’s intellectual property (IP), including Pathfinder’s Lost Omens campaign setting, and to make some money while you’re at it. Your work might even be recognized by the community and earn you an invitation into the Infinite Masters elite creator program.
For more info on Pathfinder Infinite, Starfinder Infinite, and how to get started, check out the FAQs!
March’s Top Performers
Titles are ranked by an average of units sold and revenue earned and presented in alphabetical order. Asterisks indicate titles that have been on a best-seller list previously. Because they’ve consistently topped the list, and due to the number of their titles that typically take up spots, “Team+” and “Team Index” have asked to be removed from the calculations for ongoing top performers lists. This will allow newer publishers or book series to get more attention. Thanks, all!
When Yivali held death in her talons, she feared delivering such terrible warnings without also hope. Included in her annotations was research into what the world might become if each god’s death were to occur, and thus what contingencies could be made.
This product contains a handful of player options for each scenario. While there is a primary focus on the fallout for followers of each god, there are options for many types of players. The centerpiece is the return to service ritual and how each gods death leads to which potential successor gods, what that new relationship looks like, and providing potential benefits.
Providing an in-depth expansion of Pathfinder Second Edition's vulpine ancestry, Kitsune of Golarion Remastered provides players and GMs alike with everything they need to make this vibrant ancestry of shape shifting fox folk feel at home in the Age of Lost Omens. Based on Gold Best-Selling product Kitsune of Golarion, this product aims to not only remaster, but redefine the content from this original offering into an indispensable product for the entire table, tailless or not.
Has inspiration struck, but Player Core 1 doesn't have a subclass to fit? Whether you are looking for a Cleric spy, a swaggering Rogue, or a Druid with a will of Steel, you will find myriad options within, made by 4 Infinite Masters and specially tuned for the PF2e Remaster! Feats, subclasses, focus spells, and more for the classes of Player Core 1.
Many consider magic a fickle force commanded only by experts, adventurers, and otherworldly beings. But certain powers can be conjured by anyone with the time, skill, and determination to do so—provided you know the right words and gather the right materials. Despite their accessibility, these carefully guarded rituals are more powerful than your average spell, weaving effects both lasting and far-reaching.
The Ritual Trove is a collection of new rituals for your Pathfinder Second Edition campaigns.
Elemental Planes soar far above the Universe within the Inner Sphere, but a person could stumble into portals across Golarion. The planes are out of reach, but walk among us. Geniekin are striking, and kineticists flash, but there are many others with subtler connection.
Check out Together with Elements Archetypes for a chance for all your not just kineticist characters to play with the power of the elemental planes. Detailing 12 new archetypes (plus 1 reprint), and 123 new feats, spread over 26 chock full pages with options to compliment all types of play styles.
The Adamantine Bastille: The Once Unbreakable Prison of the Starfinder Society offers a futuristic, science-fantasy prison setting for your next Starfinder adventure or campaign!
Whether you are looking for a supplement to use at your table of a Starfinder Society Organized Play scenario set within the Adamantine Bastille, an evening's one-shot adventure, a side-trek for a campaign set on Absalom Station, or a detailed, dynamic, and decidedly thought-provoking setting for your next campaign, The Adamantine Bastille setting book gives you all the tools you need.
The Monstercology Galatica is an attempt to catalog and describe all of the many and varied creatures that we share the galaxy with. We understand that with millions of stars and billions of worlds – plus those that visit the galaxy from other planes – this is a nearly impossible endeavor. But if we do not try it, then we can never succeed. This is but one small excerpt of the greater Monstercology Galatica, focusing on creatures most often seen during the later parts of the year.
A certain type of adventurer resides in the vast frontiers of space—wayfarers and drifters, hunters whose next meal rides on their cunning, their aim, and the price on their bounty's head. They carve out their existence beyond the fringes of civilization; the easy life is as alien to them as another man's gun, and just as fickle. They prefer the unpredictable and uncharted, far from prying eyes and folks what ask too many questions. Never tied to one place, these vagabonds stay strange and savvy, doing what they can to keep alive. When the galaxy needs a job done, they call for the rough and tumble Space Cowboy.
Towering mechs, ancient elementals, territorial kaiju and many more mech-scale threats can be found in Starfinder Infinite: Mech Threat Manual! Inside, you’ll find a spread of the latest mech creations of the Outer Sphere, deadly carnivorous mechform mimics, oozes that can slip inside a mech to throttle the operator or take over the machine entirely, and more. This book provides a variety of themed threats for use in mech combat at all levels of play, and all mechs within were made in accordance with the recommended alternative rules for creating NPC mechs from Starfinder: Tech Revolution.
Presenting Safe-Haven, the first Starfinder adventure toolbox! What is an adventure toolbox? An adventure toolbox is a grab-bag of useful content, including a rich cast of characters, a highly detailed location, a web of story threads and more. Follow the journey of Director Rehala Ito Fyndiir as he attempts to open an ancient safe constructed of the potent starmetal horacalcum, which bends time around it. See the settlement that sprung up around his obsessive project and drew experts, infiltrators and honest civilians from all corners of the Pact Worlds. Discover the hidden secrets and lives of more than half a dozen fully fleshed-out characters… or break all of the above up into pieces and use them in your own campaign! An adventure toolbox is designed to be easily changed to fit any level, and modular enough that story threads, characters and locations become a resource that can be repurposed, redesigned and re-themed to your heart’s content.
New & Exciting from Infinite Masters!
Want to see what’s been cooking in the Infinite Masters’ alchemy lab? Here’s a selection of new products from some of our Infinite Masters—and some pieces that have caught their eyes!
Hello everyone,
James, Eleanor, and Ianara here, your leads for the Tian Xia project. As of yesterday, the Pathfinder Lost Omens Tian Xia World Guide is officially out! This is a region of our setting that we know many of you (not to mention us at Paizo as well!) have been looking forward to for some time, and it’s great to be able to share this look into the continent with you. Tian Xia takes inspiration from Asian fantasy and folklore, and we knew that we wouldn’t be able to bring this vast range of stories to life without an all-star team of writers and designers, many of whom also worked on the Pathfinder Lost Omens Tian Xia Character Guide, which releases in August. Get to know some of them below!
Meet the Tian Xia Authors!
Thursday, April 25, 2024
Hello everyone,
James, Eleanor, and Ianara here, your leads for the Tian Xia project. As of yesterday, the Pathfinder Lost Omens Tian Xia World Guide is officially out! This is a region of our setting that we know many of you (not to mention us at Paizo as well!) have been looking forward to for some time, and it’s great to be able to share this look into the continent with you. Tian Xia takes inspiration from Asian fantasy and folklore, and we knew that we wouldn’t be able to bring this vast range of stories to life without an all-star team of writers and designers, many of whom also worked on the Pathfinder Lost Omens Tian Xia Character Guide, which releases in August. Get to know some of them below!
James Case Senior Designer
Eleanor Ferron Senior Developer
Ianara Natividad Senior Editor
Eren Ahn (they/them primarily)
안녕하세요, 여러분! My name is Eren, and I had the incredibly fun opportunity to refresh Daikitsu and Lao Shu Po for the Tian Xia World Guide as well as contributing some lore around the mystical imugi. As someone who loves exploring the relationship between mortality and divinity, it was an absolute dream to have the opportunity to expand on Tian Xia's pantheon. I hope you all fall as deeply in love with the Lady of Foxes and Old Rat Woman as I did while writing them.
You can find me sporadically talking about my writing on Bluesky (by the time you're reading this, I'll have posted more detailed threads on my contributions for this book, if you're interested in reading about my process) and talking about everything else on Twitter. You will also see me in a couple of months for the Tian Xia Character Guide!
Alyx Bui
Hear ye, hear ye! Here come the imperial dragons of Tian Xia! I had the pleasure of crafting and writing on the Imperial Dragons and the peoples and land of Zi Ha! This was a massive collaboration between so many talented writers and artists—Basheer Ghouse to place Arindham, a forest dragon within the Valashmai Jungle, with Jay Zhang to place Luong Phung, a sea dragon within Xidao, with Jacky Leung to place Shen Ra, a sky dragon within Po Li, with Kevin Thien Vu Long Nguyen to place a sovereign dragon, Pham Duc Quan within Xa Hoi, and Grady Wang to place an underworld dragon, Zhu Long, within Chu Ye.
For Zi Ha, it was brilliant to connect with Kienna Shaw, as we placed the samsaran peoples and their origins in this magical land. We wanted to make sure that we inserted a non-colonial view of this world. I wanted joy and wonder to come out of these harsh, wintery lands—from bioluminescent fungi and large, carnivorous plant hunting to festivals that honor the mountain peaks, dragon cycles, and the long day and night phases. Enjoy the epic lore of Shei Long, a Sky Dragon, and the moon deity Tsukiyo! Continue the conversation with me on X (Twitter) @daredevilalyx!
Two rulers of Tian Xia, Empress Amatatsu Ameiko of Minkai (art by Gunship Revolution) and Empress Nai Yan Fei of Goka (art by Vira Linevych)
Banana Chan (she/they/he)
I'm Banana and I wrote a bunch of stuff for Tian Xia, but what I need EVERYONE to know about is the Great Flood, based on the creature Xiangliu. It's one of my favorite mythical creatures because of how silly it looks in drawings, but if you could see it in real life, it would probably be a body horror disaster. It has the body of a giant snake or eel with nine human heads attached to it. I'd been wanting to write about the Xiangliu for the longest time, so I'm extremely grateful that Paizo gave me that opportunity.
Connie Chang (they/he/she)
Hey there! I'm Connie Chang, and I wrote Quain, a location full of wuxia fantasies, grandmasters, and cultivation! As a queer and trans diasporic Chinese person, I'm a huge fan of the wuxia and xianxia genres as a way to explore historical fantasy beyond western imaginations—so of course I jumped at the chance to help create something with Paizo. I'm especially interested in seeing the stories that will bloom from centuries-old, deeply complicated rivalries between grandmasters!
The exuberant pixiu (art by Gunship Revolution) and the monstrous Great Flood (art by Mylene Bertrand)
Hiromi Cota (they/them)
Hai tai! Wanne Hiromi yaibiin! Hi! I’m Hiromi! For folks unfamiliar with me, I’ve worked on over a hundred books and games, usually as a writer or game designer. I’m excited to have worked with Paizo, as I’ve wanted to for years. I’m even more excited to say that I also got to work on the Tian Xia Character Guide and pen the tie-in fiction The Matsuri! Hopefully, I’ll have more opportunities to work with Paizo in the future. If I do, you’ll find out about them from my Bluesky account @hiromicota!
For the Tian Xia World Guide, I worked on Kwanlai. I had fun providing an in-world explanation as to why Kwanlai is principally populated by tengu (a Japanese creature) but has a Chinese name. The answer, in short, is colonialism. In real life, Japan colonized Uchinaa and foisted the exonym “Okinawa” upon my people. So, it was natural for me to depict the Lung Wa conquering the nation of Ootoya and foisting the exonym “Kwanlai” on the Ootoyans. Another fun tidbit in the writeup is takoyaki (battered and fried octopus) becoming a popular snack due to Wanshou (a nation ruled by a kraken) attacking Kwanlai.
Dana Ebert (she/her)
Dana Ebert (nonchalant female human writer) is a common author to find credited in Pathfinder publications, and the Tian Xia World Guide is no exception. Known for fanciful and often extravagant prose, her work reimagining Minata is most evident in phrases like "swallowing dragons like krill" and "churned the sea like a mortar and pestle." In addition to authoring the chapter on Minata, she contributed substantial Minata-adjacent content to the Tian Xia Character Guide. When she's not writing for Pathfinder, Dana is a full-time content creator at TPK Brewing Co., a tabletop roleplaying-themed brewery she co-owns in Portland, Oregon.
The sorrowful dragon Luong Phung (art by Gunship Revolution) and the draconic emperor Pham Duc Quan (art by Gunship Revolution)
John Godek III (he/him)
Hi! I’m John, a mixed-race Filipino American gamer, gamemaster, freelancer, and podcaster. For the Pathfinder Lost Omens Tian Xia World Guide I wrote the Oceans of Tian Xia as well as several new Tian ships, along with Yamatsumi the mountain god and General Susumu. I was very excited to work on these as I spent my early childhood in Hawai'i and Philippines, and later sailed the seven seas as I started my career.
As a freelance game designer, I’ve written mostly for Paizo but also some for Evil Robot Games and Legendary Games. As a gamemaster, I earned my 5th Nova in 2021 and have volunteered at dozens of gaming conventions. As a podcaster, I produce three podcasts on the Know Direction Network: Digital Divination, with Paizo Senior Designer Jason Keeley and D&D Designer Ron Lundeen; Intrepid Heroes, an RPG actual play where we just completed the Devastation Ark AP and soon begin a Scum and Villainy adventure run by Jason Keeley; and Presenting - Gamers Making Games, a podcast where I have interviewed over 100 game designers, developers, artists, and editors. In addition, I am also GMing a Fists of the Ruby Phoenix campaign and playing Outlaws of Alkenstar and Planescape: Adventures in the Multiverse. In my non-gaming life, I am a university professor teaching entrepreneurship and social venture creation in the Seattle area.
Hello! My name's Daniel! I'm the co-host of the Asians Represent Podcast and am a freelance game designer and cultural consultant with over 40 games credits! The Tian Xia World Guide is my second Paizo contribution and certainly the one I'm most excited about. I had a blast bringing my love of weapons, horror, and mythology to life for the project. It is such an honor to be part of such a diverse team of Asian creatives who have worked so hard to bring life to Tian Xia! Fun fact, some of my fellow freelancers and I started a home game to test out many of our contributions during the development period!
Two of Tian Xia’s deities, the goddess of liminal spaces, Lady Jingxi (art by Carl Springer), and the lovers-turned-rivals Mugura and Nrithu (art by Carl Springer)
Jacky Leung (he/they)
Hey, everyone! I'm Jacky Leung, and it's been a while since I worked freelance for Paizo. Tian Xia was an amazing experience to revisit as a player and a creator. I had the pleasure of writing for Po Li and expanding life in a country ruled by the theologic elite and how people governed by oracles thrive despite its previously sheltered portrayal in earlier works. I had the opportunity to provide faces to the extremely secretive Oracular Council that governs Po Li, introduce the equally secretive Lapis Watchers, and expand new iconic locations for players to explore such as Tuotuo, the Enlightened City—a historical education center containing special archives housing racks of prophecies and oracular writings. Beyond the nostalgic glamor lies also the Emperor's Footprint, a site rumored to contain mystical properties, a supposed asteroid, and stunning panoramic beauty—just highly dangerous and full of monsters, I'm sure it's fine. I hope folx gets to experience the social and political dissonance that awaits them when adventuring through Po Li; it was a fantastic challenge.
I'm a freelance writer, artist, GM, producer, editor, and TTRPG performer who just can't say no. Tian Xia was my first big Paizo gig, but if you want to see more of my little grabby hands making a gorgeous mess of Pathfinder 2e, you should check out my podcast! Goblets and Gays is an award-winning, Pathfinder 2e Actual Play podcast. With our first campaign "Blood of Kings" wrapped up, we're in the middle of releasing our second campaign "Tyrant of the Dark Star". ToDS is a grim dark Pathfinder 2e Remastered actual play set in the gothic-horror homebrew world of Noxlight.
A woman demonstrating the technology of ancient Yjae (art by Alexander Nanitchkov) and a member of the seafaring Nisama people (art by Riley Spalding)
Adam Ma (he/him)
Hello friends! I'm so excited for you all to sink into this beautiful world. For many of you it will be a marvelous opportunity to immerse yourself in a land rich with cultures perhaps outside your own. I'm right there with you. This was my first contribution to Pathfinder's rich world, and I never expected to go so deep into exploring my own culture and heritage through the lens of Wanshou's horror and paranoia. Just remember, if anything bad happens to your party while exploring this flooded land, it's definitely not a coincidence and probably your party member's fault. You know which one I'm talking about.
I work on all kinds of TTRPG content, so if you're into grand adventure with a bit of horror, then we'll get along great! If you're a fan of my contribution to Tian Xia and want to follow my other work you can find me on Bsky and Twitter as 34thGingerbread - or you can visit my website:
Tan Shao Han
Hi! I'm Tan Shao Han / 陈绍涵 (family name Tan/Chen, 陈; generational name, Shao 绍; personal name, Han 涵), a TTRPG creator, lecturer, and cultural consultant from Singapore, Southeast Asia. I'm proudly part of the RPGSEA TTRPG design movement based in Southeast Asia! I grew up a steady diet on wuxia media (movies, books, TV series, manhua), and am happy to re-imagine and create settings (the histories, lands, and peoples of Goka and Songbai) in the Tian Xia World Guide to inspire the telling of new wuxia-influenced stories in your Pathfinder games! It has been an absolute privilege to work on the Tian Xia books, alongside great colleagues and supervisors whom I now have the pleasure to call my friends.
Outside of freelancing with Paizo, I also run an indie TTRPG company, Curious Chimeras. If you're interested in more of my takes on Chinese fantasy, check out my recent indie games: Swordfarer, a wuxia journaling game of jianghu melancholia and friendships and Shrine, a xianxia storytelling game of karma, despair, and reincarnation. To find out more about the other amazing TTRPGs and creators from Southeast Asia, please check out as well!
Urakadussi, the High Matriarch of Xidao (art by Sammy Khalid), and Zhanagorr, Divine Savior of Wanshou (art by Nicholas Phillips)
Ruvaid Virk (he/him)
Hello, y’all! Ruvaid here. You may have seen my name in previous Paizo books such as Dark Archive, Impossible Lands, and Rage of Elements. For the Tian Xia World Guide, I wrote the entry for the nation of Hongal. I have a deep appreciation for Mongolian culture from which Hongal draws inspiration, and I endeavored to bring as much respect to my words as possible. I sincerely hope that you enjoy reading about Hongal as much as I enjoyed writing about it.
If you’re looking for a South Asian/Muslim freelancer for your next project, or should you simply wish to perceive me, you can find me on Twitter @Darth_Ruvaider, or the other one Until next time, and happy Pathfinding!
Grady Wang (he/him)
Howdy, I'm Grady and my work on Chu Ye in the World Guide was my first-ever assignment for Paizo! I'm so excited that it's finally out! This nation has incredible potential for grand stories, from its historical contributions to medicinal knowledge to the present-day four-way clash between its greedy oni ruling class, a scrappy humanoid rebellion, an underworld dragon out for revenge, and a jealous god. I was also thrilled to be able to draw upon my Chinese and Taiwanese heritages to expand Chu Ye’s culture and its experiences under occupation.
My next contribution will be in the Character Guide coming later this year, which contains Tian Xia’s unique takes on medicine. You can also find me online at The Gallant Goblin where my partner and I review TTRPG products on, sell kobold plushies at, and produce expanded content for Pathfinder at, where we just released the first community print-on-demand product, Adventures in Jalmeray, which is an anthology of three adventures set in Jalmeray (Lost Omens: Impossible Lands) designed by an all-Desi team of writers!
A member of the spellcasting dovlokhuud (art by Vira Linevych) and a magical student of Tang Mai (art by Carl Springer)
Hail and well met, Pathfinders and Starfinders! This month’s new releases dive into the culture and history of the nations of Tian Xia, send Starfinders to confront the founder of the Order of Dawning Fate, and place you at the heart of a Wildwood negotiation breakdown!
Find Your Path – April 2024
Wednesday, April 24, 2024
Hail and well met, Pathfinders and Starfinders! This month’s new releases dive into the culture and history of the nations of Tian Xia, send Starfinders to confront the founder of the Order of Dawning Fate, and place you at the heart of a Wildwood negotiation breakdown!
Join us next Friday, May 3rd,for Paizo LIVE on!
Never miss a release with our Paizo Subscriptions—for everything from rulebooks to accessories.
Dragons once served as the stewards of this land, commanded by Heavenly decree. Can you live up to their lofty expectations, or will you flounder and fail like countless kingdoms before you? Prophecy is dead and history hangs on a feather; even the slightest breath might change the course of peoples and nations. Strike out and seize your destiny in an uncertain future!
This massive gazetteer features a look at the history, cultures, and peoples of Tian Xia, with summaries of over 20 distinct nations and kingdoms on, above, and under the continent. It’s accompanied by a giant poster map displaying this region of the Pathfinder setting in beautiful detail.
Pathfinder Lost Omens Tian Xia World Guide is also available as a special edition hardcover bound in faux leather with foil debossing and an bound-in ribbon bookmark.
The annual Greenwood Gala—a convention for primal power brokers and a festival associated with the Green Faith—is ruined when saboteurs assassinate several of the region’s eminent leaders. To keep tensions from erupting into more bloodshed, the PCs must maintain order long enough for the Wildwood Lodge to choose a new leader and restore peace. The Wardens of Wildwood Adventure Path begins with “Pactbreaker,” a complete adventure for 5th- to 7th-level characters.
If your adventurers need to entertain a crowd or disrupt a sinister performance, the Pathfinder Flip‐Mat: Showtime Multi‐Pack has you covered! The four sides of this Flip-Mat Multi-Pack present three venues on which to perform an opera, stage a mock battle, or house a cozy tavern sing-along. Two sides combine to depict a grand theater, while the others show a large amphitheater and a wintry inn, perfect places to sing rousing bardic ballads. Put on a show for your players with these exciting performance scenes!
This set includes two Flip-Mats, each measuring 24" × 30" unfolded and 8" × 10" folded. A Flip-Mat’s coated surface can handle any dry-erase, wet-erase, or even permanent marker. Usable by experienced GMs and novices alike, Pathfinder Flip-Mats fit perfectly into any Game Master’s arsenal!
A Starfinder Society Scenario designed for 7th- through 10th-level characters.
For a century, the villainous Order of Dawning Fate has operated in the shadows, remaining anonymous and untouched despite extensive criminal activity, political manipulation, and espionage. Thanks to the efforts of countless Starfinders and their allies across the galaxy, the Order of Dawning Fate is crumbling—their members are exposed, their holdings are under investigation, their proxies are moving to cut ties, many of their highest-ranking members are dead or arrested, and their supply of the rare starmetal finitrium has been cut off. Yet a threat remains…
Zhaneni, founder and mastermind of the Order of Dawning Fate, has evaded capture, retreating to her personal demesne on the planet Kax to wait out the turmoil alongside her closest ally and fellow founder of the Order, Evethriel. As the Stewards, Veskarium, and numerous other galactic bodies move against the Order’s now-exposed agents and holdings within their respective jurisdictions, First Seeker Ehu Hadif and Ixthia the Unbreakable dispatch Starfinders to confront Zhaneni and destroy the last remnants of Project Dawn—the hybrid machine that amplifies Zhaneni’s natural precognitive abilities, enabling her to see and shape the future.
A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 3rd- through 6th-level characters.
The Pathfinder Society is running low on a critical alchemical catalyst, and all their usual suppliers have run dry. The Supplies and Procurement Division is desperate and has put a call out directly to agents. They know of one alchemist skilled and knowledgeable enough to make the catalyst: Tragshi the Herbalist, master of the Daggermark Poisoner's Guild. The Society has used what contacts they have remaining in Daggermark to arrange a meeting, but the chief poisoner isn't one to give things away for free. The PCs will need to do several errands for her, proving the Society's worth to the guild and to Tragshi herself.
A Pathfinder Society Quest designed for 1st- through 4th-level characters, playable in 2-3 hours.
The PCs have been placed in a sort of exchange program, wherein the Magaambya, the oldest school of magic still operating in Golarion, will judge their worth as a foundation for future cooperation. Teacher Ot has been tasked with showing the PCs the ways of the magical school as well as with taking their measure. The future of this partnership lies in the PCs' hands.
A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 5th- through 8th-level characters.
The Burning Sun orc hold has spent the past year guarding the body of Mahja Firehair as she fights her Crucible in the afterlife. Unfortunately, there have been strange attacks on Freedom Town as of late. Desperate for answers and hopeful for assistance, Uirch reaches out to the Pathfinder Society to investigate the mysterious attackers and see if their flames belong to the Whispering Tyrant or to another enemy lying in wait. The Pathfinders will need to investigate the town while ensuring that an enemy of mythical proportions doesn't see their plan succeed and interrupt Mahja's Crucible.
From Our Partners:
Our partners at Archives of Nethys, Demiplane, Fantasy Grounds, Hero Lab Online, and Roll20* are dropping new content this month as well! Buy your PDF on to get a discount via the PaizoConnect API, or pay full price on their platforms, sync your account, and get a complimentary PDF on the Paizo Store.
*Roll20 is no longer a part of PaizoConnect and discounts and complimentary PDFs do not apply.
In honor of our War of Immortals Kickoff Announcement and the looming death of Gorum, Our Lord in Iron, take 10% off of the Gods of Lost Omens Miniature Set when you purchase them on!
Our partners at Foam Brain recently released their Pathfinder Lost Tome Mystery Loot set! Each mystery bag includes a pin that folds out into a playable miniature, a themed metal D20, and an encounter card to use at your table! Buy them online or check your FLGS for a hobby exclusive sketch dragon promo pin!
Bring Pathfinder to where you are, in person or online, and if you don’t have a favorite local game store, get books delivered to your door via a Paizo Subscription! From rulebooks to adventures, accessories, and more, we’ve got subscriptions for every table! Subscribing to a line of books gets you the physical book and the PDF for one price! Subscribe to four lines or more to unlock Paizo Advantage savings on products site-wide!
New Year’s first fireworks danced across Changdo’s night, their exuberant sparks half-reflected upon the Sea of Ghosts. Ling Zhiyu, courtesy name Wenhan, Sixth-Rank Clerk of the Ministry of Truth, Junior Secretary of the Lower Oracular Council, set down his brush to admire the distant pyrotechnics.
Tian Xia Days: One Night in Changdo
Tuesday, April 23, 2024
New Year’s first fireworks danced across Changdo’s night, their exuberant sparks half-reflected upon the Sea of Ghosts. Ling Zhiyu, courtesy name Wenhan, Sixth-Rank Clerk of the Ministry of Truth, Junior Secretary of the Lower Oracular Council, set down his brush to admire the distant pyrotechnics.
This far from the city, the celebrations looked almost peaceful. Whenever possible, Zhiyu spent New Year here, at this shoreside teahouse, preferring to stay away from the devotees jostling to light the auspicious incense to welcome the Eternal Emperor’s spirit, away from wending swells of dragon dancers bearing the throne’s five colors, and most of all, away from the Ministry of Faith’s magically amplified, self-congratulatory platitudes for yet another year of Po Li’s glory.
The Sea of Ghosts’ lapping waves broke the oracle’s reverie, their leisurely cadence not unlike the murmuring of some unknown tongue. Zhiyu smiled despite himself. No point thinking such dour thoughts during New Year. You'll invite Heaven’s displeasure... and more importantly, spoil everyone’s mood here. They’ve suffered enough.
Facing the vacuous waters, Zhiyu spoke loudly and clearly to no one at all.
“Yes, elders. Happy New Year to you too. May your heart realize ten thousand desires, may your descendants lead long and healthy lives, may the Eternal Emperor hasten your reincarnations for your loyal service. You can see, Changdo still stands, bright with lanterns, altars, cooking fires, and fireworks. You did not fight the War of Widow-Makers in vain; every New Year is your everlasting gift to us all.”
The currents settled. His invisible audience seemingly placated, Zhiyu returned to his table’s reports, and was pleasantly surprised to find the teahouse’s proprietors had discreetly left some fried niangao and a fresh pot of aged Tuotuo tea. These refreshments were not unwelcome; there was much to attend to, from goiter and beriberi coinciding with recent fads of grain diets emulating the Eternal Emperor’s piety; stirring instability in the West with Lingshen and Quain; troubling developments on the East with Hwanggot and Bachuan. So much to do! But for now, tea and rice cakes. Zhiyu sipped gratefully, smiled his thanks to the teahouse’s owners, and returned to his paperwork, as fresh fireworks and celebratory songs filled the night.
“Oracle Ling looks tired. He’s always working so hard, even on New Year.”
“You know how it is, my beloved. There are some oracles who work very hard, because there are so many who don’t...”
“Close your mouth, my foolish husband. These things! You shouldn’t even think them, let alone speak them... nobody, especially us, can afford to pay the price.”
On this solemn note, the teahouse owners’ whispered conversation reached a brief lull. Fireworks flared above, in the shape of a celestial peach tree; a sign of life’s renewal and promise. Husband and wife contemplated the sky together, a shared silence; then, both spoke abruptly at the same time.
“Do you suppose we can ask Oracle Ling...”
“Maybe it’s as good a time as any to ask Oracle Ling...”
They laughed quietly at this simultaneous blurting of their hearts’ nervousness. Who could blame them? They were but humble merchants without clan or fame, whose usual clients were fishers who plied the Sea of Ghosts for minnow and perch. Oracle Ling was by far their most prestigious guest, a virtuous official without outrageous demands or haughty airs, who paid in full and tipped well.
To ask an extra favor of him, and especially on this New Year, when families traditionally would have their Reunion Dinners, and officials would vie to fete the Ministers in grand court banquets... Oracle Ling must be truly busy to forsake those commitments and opportunities. What right would they have to disturb his schedule with such a selfish request?
Zhiyu yawned as he completed his report on the Gokan trafficking of false Po Lian relics and rubbed the poultice of chrysanthemum and wolfberry over his tired eyes.
I suppose it's time.
The waves stirred, as if in assent.
Zhiyu forced a smile, trying to let the wisdom in his mind fade away, to return from realms of divine insight dwelled by praiseworthy sages. He stood up quietly and tiptoed to the teahouse.
“Excuse me.”
The proprietors nearly jumped from shock. Zhiyu reprimanded himself; he had not wanted to cause any disturbance, but alas, that was exactly what had happened. Ah well, let's get on with it.
“Good sir, good madam, I understand you would like my help with something. I understand you have a child, of the right age for a Test of Fate, and you would like to see what the Heavens are willing to reveal about your child’s destiny.”
This time, the proprietors were truly in shock. How did the esteemed guest know all these? But then, he was an oracle...
“I understand your grandparents were from Lingshen and Quain, who fought here to defend the Imperial City during the War of Widow-Makers...”
The wind hissed, like a thousand knives drawn all at once.
“...and your parents stayed behind, but Changdo has not treated you all that well. Due to the present... succession disputes. Of things much bigger than you or me, our politics, histories, cultures...”
The wind stopped abruptly, A sleeping waterbird woke in surprise, and uttered a mournful cry.
“...and so, you have no lands, no clans, no names, no sponsors; no choice but to take on the regrettable work of doing business on your own. And you wonder... will your child inherit the same fate?”
Wife and husband nodded as one, their eyes red-rimmed and knuckles white-edged.
“If you will permit me, I will perform the Test of Fate for your child, and let his destiny be revealed in Heaven’s gaze. I apologize I must inconvenience you to visit my residence, because my luopan, almanacs, yarrow stalks, and other divinatory tools are at home.”
The couple fell to their knees in gratitude; Zhiyu stepped forward to help them back up. As they ambled to the oracle’s tiny manor, the night sky above Changdo seemed lighter somehow, and not just for the fireworks that flooded its inky expanse.
Illustration by Maichol Quinto
About the Author
Tan Shao Han (he/him) is a writer, editor, consultant, and researcher of Asian histories and cultures. Shao Han grew up with Chinese storytelling from gong'an (magistrate detectives), wuxia (heroic martial artists), and zhiguai (strange tales), which influenced his work on the upcoming Tian Xia World Guide and Tian Xia Character Guide. Outside of his work for Paizo, Shao Han is part of Curious Chimeras, an indie TTRPG company in Singapore, Southeast Asia. Currently, he is developing Sundered Flames, a Pathfinder Second Edition–compatible dark wuxia adventure, as well as remastering Shrine, a xianxia game of vulnerability and vengeance based on the Palanquin TTRPG. You can find more of his work at
Introducing the Wardens of Wildwood Player’s Guide
Chaos erupts at the Greenwood Gala over the Verduran Forest’s best interests! Cool-headed wardens needed!
Introducing the Wardens of Wildwood Player’s Guide
Tuesday, April 23, 2024
Chaos erupts at the Greenwood Gala over the Verduran Forest’s best interests! Cool-headed wardens needed!
In the heart of the Verduran Forest, the largest woodlands in Avistan, druids and Green Faith adherents gather annually to share what they’ve learned from the natural world at an event called the Moot of Ages. Nearby, other forest denizens gather for the Greenwood Gala, a festive three-day event filled with feasts, games, and exuberance held on the river’s banks. The gala ends with a symbolic renewal of the Treaty of Wildwood, an agreement that has allowed a modicum of peace between those who call the forest home and those who harvest resources from it.
This doesn’t stop people from airing their grievances, yet the tone of such disagreements tends to be respectful. This year is different. Resentment has grown so deep and toxic that attendees are wielding their grudges like a keenly honed axe. Anyone stepping up to calm the situation is going to be forced to pick a side.
Inside the Wardens of Wildwood Player’s Guide, you’ll find player-friendly, spoiler-free lore and tips to create an exciting character suited for the Wardens of Wildwood Adventure Path. Contents include:
An overview of the Verduran Forest, the Wildwood Lodge, and the annual Moot of Ages.
Character advice, including ways different character classes and ancestries might excel in this Adventure Path.
Six new character backgrounds specifically designed for this Adventure Path, including Fey Friend, Green Faith Pilgrim, Verduran City Folk, and Wood Warden.
Hello! Ben, the CEO and Creative Director of Syrinscape here. My favorite adventure of all time is Red Hand of Doom, which I've run four times—once in its original 3.5 system, and three times adapted for Pathfinder. The first and second SoundSets I ever built for Syrinscape are named "Bugbear Battle," after the very first encounter in Red Hand, and "Witchwood," after the spooky dangerous forest where much of the opening adventure takes place.
Back to Sandpoint with Syrinscape!
Friday, April 19, 2024
Guest blog from Ben Loomes, Syrinscape CEO and Creative Director
Hello! Ben, the CEO and Creative Director of Syrinscape here. My favorite adventure of all time is Red Hand of Doom, which I've run four times—once in its original 3.5 system, and three times adapted for Pathfinder. The first and second SoundSets I ever built for Syrinscape are named "Bugbear Battle," after the very first encounter in Red Hand, and "Witchwood," after the spooky dangerous forest where much of the opening adventure takes place.
I am VERY excited to run Seven Dooms of Sandpoint! This amazing adventure was co-written by James Jacobs. I'm a not-so-secret über-fan of James, so I’m always excited to see new stuff from him.
Let’s jump from the first two Sandpoint SoundSets created for Syrinscape to the latest two. Number 1,081 (“Bones and Ashes”) and Number 1,082 (“Strange Times in Sandpoint”) were built to support the opening of this fantastic NEW adventure. Nowadays Syrinscape has a few more content creators than just me; while it’s still much of my music in there, Chris Körding built these sounds AND contributed even more rich evocative music of his own.
Back in 2009, Chris was playing Rise of the Runelords when, as he describes it, "Syrinscape came along and released the official soundscapes (SoundSets) for the adventure I was playing and I was blown away by the richness and textures and what it provided to the gaming table. Needless to say, Syrinscape became a permanent addition to every gaming session.”
Chris adds, “Fast forward to 2024 and Adventure Path 200! But this time I get to bring it to life for Syrinscape. Expanding from the original adventures and sounds, what could I do to propel it to the roaring 20s?" Nowadays, Syrinscape is more powerful—it can run more channels of sound, with individual reverb units set for every channel, and run sounds which are positioned binaurally for an increased sense of immersion. So, what has Chris done with these new capabilities? He’s had fun, that’s what!
Syrinscape supports all the key locations in this “new” Sandpoint with specifically crafted ambiances. Traps and dramatic events are meticulously crafted for maximum shock and affect. Encounters feature dramatic music to help keep everyone focused and specifically voiced creatures to trigger all those subconscious fears! And of course, as always, Syrinscape is 100% customizable.
When it comes to the music we have created, Chris says, “Don’t want piano hits? Just stop the element. Need some extra choir sounds? Just hit play on THAT element and you have your angelic voices. All of this can easily be done with the power Syrinscape puts into your hands.” With a SuperSyrin sub, you can even compose your own music and upload it to play along with the ambiances we designed. Syrinscape’s support for the Seven Dooms for Sandpoint Adventure Path is rich, specific, and immersive.
If you haven’t used Syrinscape at your table before, now might just be the time to give it a go! And if you are playing remotely with a team of headphone-wearing warriors, Syrinscape has you sorted with our new Web Player, which lets you share your audio with any of your friends ,wherever they are, with just a simple link they can open in any browser. We hope you love what we have built for this adventure. We believe that using Syrinscape in your Pathfinder and Starfinder games will deliver a world-class gaming experience so everyone in your game will have an amazing time, including you!
Hello Starfinders!
The Order of Dawning Fate is crumbling, but the founder and mastermind behind their organization, the calculating witchwyrd Zhaneni, remains at large! It’s time to confront Zhaneni and destroy the last remains of Project Dawn—the hybrid machine that amplifies Zhaneni’s precognitive abilities and enables her to see and shape the future. Time is not on your side!
April Digital Adventure Previews
Thursday, April 18, 2024
Hello Starfinders!
The Order of Dawning Fate is crumbling, but the founder and mastermind behind their organization, the calculating witchwyrd Zhaneni, remains at large! It’s time to confront Zhaneni and destroy the last remains of Project Dawn—the hybrid machine that amplifies Zhaneni’s precognitive abilities and enables her to see and shape the future. Time is not on your side!
Wait… isn’t there another founder we’re forgetting?
Starfinder Society Scenario #6-16: Dawning Fate is an adventure for 7th- through 10th-level characters written by Linda Zayas-Palmer! This adventure is the finale of the Year of Fortune’s Fall metaplot.
Take care out there, Starfinders! The future’s worth fighting for!
Jessica Catalan Starfinder Society Developer
Illustration by Josef Kucera
Greetings, Pathfinders!
It turns out that all the various consumables handed out on missions require a pretty solid support network, and now a supplier of a rare catalyst aiding in mass production is retiring, leaving the Society to turn towards a more troublesome source–Tragshi the Herbalist, head of the Daggermark Poisoners’ Guild. Fortunately, Tragshi is open to the idea, as the Outlaw Council, a meeting of various leaders of the River Kingdoms, is happening in Daggermark soon, and Tragshi has agreed to supply what the Society needs if they can be seen taking orders for her, letting her show off politically. She says there will also be other sundry tasks that need doing as well, but there’s a pretty good chance that the Pathfinders might end up dragged into an internal power structure within one of the most dangerous organizations in the Inner Sea.
The Burning Sun orc hold calls for the Pathfinder Society’s assistance in protecting the corpse of Mahja Firehair as she continues to undergo the Crucible. Lately there have been strange attacks on Freedom Town, centered on the house protecting her body and filled with signs of sulfur and occult magic. While the council of Freedom Town suspects the Whispering Way, Uirch has other concerns and requests that the Pathfinders investigate to find out who might be at the root of this chaos and find out their intentions with Mahja’s body, never suspecting that he may also be the target of this strange attacker.
Finally, we have the next All Ages quest. The Pathfinder Society has long desired a closer relationship with the Magaambya, and Kreighton Shaine has finally gotten a chance to achieve that. He’s selected some of his finest students to show the instructors at that storied institute of magical learning just what Pathfinder can do. The future ties between these organizations are in your hands!
Hey there Pathfinders! In our stream on Tuesday, we announced the god who will die in the War of Immortals. This blog discusses how that god’s death will affect characters in Pathfinder Society.
How A God’s Death Impacts Pathfinder Society
Thursday, April 18, 2024
Hey there Pathfinders! In our stream on Tuesday, we announced the god who will die in the War of Immortals. This blog discusses how that god’s death will affect characters in Pathfinder Society.
This blog contains spoilers for the War of Immortals! If you don’t want to know which god dies, click away now!
Seriously, I’m not joking. The god’s icon is like 5 lines down.
Now’s your last chance.
Okay, you’ve been warned!
Take it away, Josh!
Alex Speidel Organized Play Coordinator
Illustration Jeff Carlisle
Greeting Pathfinders,
By now you’ve all learned which of the core 20 will be dying—Gorum. Many of you may have characters that through one way or another draw power from Our Lord in Iron, and I can imagine that you’re all wondering what this means for those characters going forward. Our setting is one where dead gods don’t grant spells, no matter how fervent their remaining believers. We’re also running the Pathfinder Society Organized Play campaign in a living setting, and that means that setting-altering impacts will happen, and that they will matter. So, starting at Gen Con, August 1st 2024, Gorum will no longer be alive to grant his faithful power.
Illustration by Ksenia Kozhevnikova
What that means is that any character with an option than relied on Gorum, such as a cleric, gets a free rebuild immediately. You don’t have to use it right away, but if you want to play your character on or after August 1st, you won’t be getting power from Gorum. I know many of you have characters intensely devoted to the gods they follow, and I’ve seen some really incredible Gorumites in my time volunteering for Pathfinder Society and since coming on as a developer. You don’t have to erase that fervor though. Just as we allow the reporting conditions for our scenarios to shape our setting, changes to the setting can be a part of your character’s story. We have some of the most creative players out there, and I look forward to seeing how you incorporate this twist into the characters you play.
Illustration by Francesco Graziani
The death of Gorum is going to hugely impact the setting, but we’ll also be releasing some Godsrain scenarios, so you’ll be able to play through some of the setting-altering aftermath of Our Lord in Iron’s demise. I know some of you will still be disappointed that a character you’ve put a lot into has to change, but we can’t keep our promise of a living setting if we don’t have those setting changes impact everyone. Though Gorum will be gone, your characters’ stories will continue. And I can’t wait to show you some of the scenarios we’ve shaped around this massive event, stories you’ll be able to contribute to because this is a living setting.
But that’ll have to wait for another blog. So, to reiterate, as of August 1st, Gorum will be dead, and any option explicitly receiving power from him won’t work. Any character using such an option, like a cleric, will receive a free rebuild. Until then, play your Gorumites’ hearts out.
Happy gaming everyone. It’s been a blast watching everyone’s theories and reactions throughout this announcement process.
Yesterday, we announced a slate of new products set to release over the latter half of this year that are all tied to the War of Immortals event. While I’ll get to those below, I know the real reason you’re reading the blog, so without further ado, the identity of the member of the Core Twenty who is going to die as part of the War of Immortals is…
Announcing the War of Immortals
Wednesday, April 17, 2024
Yesterday, we announced a slate of new products set to release over the latter half of this year that are all tied to the War of Immortals event. While I’ll get to those below, I know the real reason you’re reading the blog, so without further ado, the identity of the member of the Core Twenty who is going to die as part of the War of Immortals is…
Gorum, God of War, is going to die in the War of Immortals event. Illustration by Ivan Koritarev.
Our Lord in Iron, Gorum! Now, the how, when, and why of this deific death are elements of War of Immortals we’re not quite ready to talk about yet, but we promise: Gorum is going to die “on screen” in an adventure in which your player characters play a role. We’ll have more details about that as the adventure’s release approaches. In the meantime, let’s take a brief look at the slate of products coming in the second half of 2024 in which Gorum’s death and the larger War of Immortals metaplot will play out!
First on the list are an adventure and adventure path that have already been announced. In July, we’re releasing Pathfinder Adventure: Prey for Death, a 128-page hardcover adventure for 14th-level characters, written by former Paizo Developer Vanessa Hoskins. In this adventure, you’ll play members of the Red Mantis, the notorious and mysterious assassins guild and cult of the mantis god, Achaekek, who must clear their names when treachery threatens to besmirch their honor. Not only is Prey for Death the first tie-in to the War of Immortals storyline, but it’s also the debut of the new ongoing format of the Pathfinder Adventure product line!
Also in July, we’ll kick off our 40th Pathfinder Adventure Path (!!!), entitled Curtain Call, with Pathfinder Adventure Path #204: Stage Fright by veteran designer Richard Pett. Stage Fright starts characters as 11th-level adventurers who, over the course of the AP, help to produce an opera based on their own prior adventures while simultaneously facing a new threat that only the most powerful of heroes can stop. The connections between a theater-based campaign and the death of one of Golarion’s most powerful deities may seem tenuous, but you’ll have to trust us on this: the ramifications of Gorum’s death and the ensuing Godsrain affect all aspects of the world. And players of the Curtain Call Adventure Path will have a front row seat!
In September, we’ll be releasing the first of a pair of e-book short fiction collections exploring the event, a compilation of Erin Roberts’s smash web fiction series, The Godsrain Prophecies, complete with additional material exploring the identity and motivations of the mysterious seer who first penned the prophecies.
In October, we’ll publish Before the Godsrain, an anthology of short and flash fiction featuring four Iconic characters: the barbarian Amiri, the wizard Ezren, the cleric Kyra, and elven rogue Merisiel. These stories—mostly previously published on the Paizo Blog—explore the characters’ origins, character, and prior adventures and set the stage for something we’ll chat about a little bit later.
Also in October, Paizo is proud to announce the tentpole release of the War of Immortals event, the aptly named Pathfinder War of Immortalshardcover rulebook. This 240-page hardcover (also available in special edition, retailer-exclusive sketch variant, and forthcoming pocket edition) will introduce mythic rules to Pathfinder Second Edition, as well as two brand new classes—the first original classes built on the remastered foundation of the Pathfinder Player Core—the animist and exemplar! In addition to loads of new character options, War of Immortals also explores Gorum’s death and the ramifications. Most notable among these is the Godsrain: a literal shower of the slain god’s blood, shattered armor, and divine essence that falls upon Golarion and every world on which he was worshiped, leaving war and mythic power in its wake. A book called War of Immortals would hardly be doing its job if it didn’t explain the selfsame conflict, an extended period of conflict in which gods struggle to survive a slew of divine deaths and mortals vie for the newly available god-sparks upsetting the balance of power.
October also brings our second War of Immortals tie-in adventure path, Triumph of the Tusk, beginning with Pathfinder Adventure Path #207: The Resurrection Flood, by Brian Duckwitz and John Compton, and adventure for 3rd-level characters. Triumph of the Tusk is a three-part monthly campaign in which an eclectic band of dignitaries become battle-hardened survivalists fighting for the orcs’ homeland and independence. “How does this tie into the larger War of Immortals?” you might ask. Well, let’s just say that Gorum isn’t the only god who’s going to die during this event, and some ancestral pantheons are going to get hit harder than others. For more info, you’ll just have to wait until October!
In November, we round out the products we’re announcing today (though the consequences of the Godsrain and War of Immortals will continue into 2025 and beyond) with two exciting new releases. The first, Lost Omens Divine Mysteries, explores, well, the divine mysteries of the setting and provides an overview of the gods and faiths common throughout the Age of Lost Omens, reflecting the changes to the setting brought about by the War of Immortals. You’ll notice that Arazni is featured prominently on the cover, and that’s because she’s graduating into the ranks of the Core Twenty to fill the vacancy left with Gorum’s death. While she won’t take on his mantle of war, she will nevertheless rise to more and more prominence within the setting as a new status quo materializes.
Finally, November also sees the return of long-format Pathfinder fiction to print with the much-anticipated Pathfinder Godsrain by fan-favorite author Liane Merciel. Unlike previous novels published under the Pathfinder Tales brand from 2010 to 2017, Godsrain will debut as a deluxe hardcover with wraparound dustjacket and will feature Pathfinder’s popular Iconic heroes as its protagonists. In this exciting tale, Amiri, Ezren, Kyra, and Merisiel will witness Gorum’s death, receive their own nascent god-sparks, and even meet one of their patron deities as they take on a desperate quest to prevent the greatest threat Golarion has ever known from escaping an ancient prison. Can they use their unique talents, newfound mythic power, and the blessings of the Dawnflower to maintain the seal on the Dead Vault? You’ll just have to read and find out!
The advent of the War of Immortals on Golarion will necessitate seasoned warriors, and we’re answering that call with the newly announced Battlecry! Class Playtest, launching on April 29, 2024. During this public playtest, players will have the chance to put two new war-themed classes through their paces before their release in an as-yet-unannounced product coming in 2025. The commander is a martial support class that can issue commands to her allies, granting them extra movement, actions, reactions, and more. The guardian is an armored tank, who can taunt opponents and maximize the effectiveness of heavy armor to be a bulwark against nearly any threat. Be sure to try these exciting new classes out in just a few weeks!
That’s all the announcements we have for now, but we’ll have a lot more to say about these releases and more in the coming months, beginning at PaizoCon in May. Until then, you can catch up on yesterday’s stream on Twitch or YouTube and join the conversation here, on the Paizo Forums, or any of the many social media communities where Pathfinder fans congregate.
If you haven’t already purchased your tickets, check out this step by step breakdown for getting badges via Tabletop.Events this year.
Game Signups
And here’s a step-by-step breakdown for this year’s game signups!
Find the game you would like to sign up for on the Schedule of Events. This schedule can be filtered by many different criteria including name, event type, date, and time. Click on the event entry (either the name or the number to the left).
On the right side of the screen, click the large green button that says “Get Ticket for YOUR NAME.” This will add the event ticket to your cart, but you’re not done yet!
You can go and add more tickets to your cart if you like, as your tickets are saved for two hours. Once you’re all done, click “Checkout” in the cart to the right of the screen.
Click “Check out for Free.” You’re all set! You can view your schedule on the “My Schedule” page at any time.
Please note that there is a limit on our new content this year. To ensure everyone gets a chance to play the new scenarios, you may not sign up for more than one session of a new release. These new releases are:
SFS1 Intro: Year of Era's End
SFS1 7-02: Zo! vs. Zo
PFS2 5-16: A Lie Told to Strangers
PFS2 5-17: Stranded on Yesterday's Tide
Submitting Community Events
While the main schedule has been released, community gaming event submissions are still open! These can be RPG events featuring Pathfinder or Starfinder, as well as other systems or even other types of games entirely! Want to introduce people to your favorite indie RPG? Looking for players for the new board game you just bought? Finally want to settle who the best Mario Karter in the community is? You can host all these events and more!
From the PaizoCon convention page, go to “Host” in the top bar, then click “Submissions.”
Click “New Submission” and choose an event type. For this explainer we’ll be using an RPG event, but most events will ask for the same or similar information.
Fill in the requested information! Let the staff and prospective attendees know as much as you can about the event you’re submitting. Once you’ve filled in the information, click Create!
After submission, staff will review events and either approve them (adding them to the schedule), contact you for more information, or reject them. We reserve the right to reject events for any reason.
You can submit events at any time before May 24, 2024.
If you have any questions about event submissions, please reach out to us at
Other Activities
Portfolio Review Sign Ups
Portfolio reviews are now open to general attendees! Anyone is welcome to fill out the form, book a slot for portfolio review, and join us on the Paizo Events Discord server! Get thoughtful and detailed feedback on your illustrations from Paizo’s art directors and narrative team. Learn what we look for and how to get there. We are here to help! Sign up to have our team review your portfolio, and we’ll give you a constructive critique on your work.
The art and writing reviews are separate, so you are welcome to sign up for both, but please only sign up for one review per subject.
Review Guidelines
Reviews will be done over Discord; please remember what time you signed up and join the Discord chat at your time as to not intrude on someone else’s review.
Please only choose one slot per review subject; we have a limited number of times and want to give as many people a chance as possible.
Please link to your portfolio so we have a chance to review your work beforehand.
No AI generated work.
Appointment reminder emails will be sent out the week before PaizoCon, and again the day before a scheduled review. We can’t wait to see your work!
We’ll once again be joined by multiple friends of Paizo in the Discord this year! Chat with, ask questions of, and learn more about the amazing work of teams like BKOM Studios, Foundry VTT, Roll20, and more!
Last year’s convention was entirely online, but this year we’re introducing PaizoCon@! Our new pilot program allows you to experience PaizoCon in person with your fellow Pathfinders and Starfinders at participating local game stores! Check back on this blog to learn more.
We look forward to seeing you all online this year!
One of my favorite places aboard the Zoetrope was the menagerie, where I would tend to the flora and fauna we’d taken aboard temporarily for further study. Unfortunately, things were decidedly less peaceful this evening as I raced up the steps to the upper deck, pausing to catch my breath before a small blue creature scampered past me along the ship’s outer railing, giving me a dreadful start.
Zoetrope Logs, Part Four: Our Flying Home
Tuesday, April 16, 2024
One of my favorite places aboard the Zoetrope was the menagerie, where I would tend to the flora and fauna we’d taken aboard temporarily for further study. Unfortunately, things were decidedly less peaceful this evening as I raced up the steps to the upper deck, pausing to catch my breath before a small blue creature scampered past me along the ship’s outer railing, giving me a dreadful start.
“She’s still not eating, Baranthet.” Charikleia came around the side, gingerly navigating the narrow space between the railing and the Zoetrope's menagerie. Through the structure’s glass walls—perfect for letting in natural light—I could see our other specimens settling in for the evening amid the lush vegetation, under ballast rocks, or near the drinking pond. The little blue creature, however, swiveled her enormous amber ears in my direction as Chari spoke, resolutely ignoring the seedcake in Chari’s hand.
“Hmmm.” I leaned down and peered at our guest, who chirped plaintively at me in a way that sounded like speech. “Chari—”
“I agree,” she said, already scribbling notes. “That sounded like language. Can you understand us, little one?”
The creature surveyed us solemnly, then without warning sprang from the railing and scrambled through a window.
I let out a rather undignified yelp of surprise and hustled to the nearest door, Chari following soon after. Dr. Pom was at the helm this evening (she was always a bit more alert at night), and the Zoetrope was well underway; we couldn’t have our small guest accidentally falling overboard!
The tiny patter of paws overhead led us upstairs to the mess deck, where, sure enough, the creature perched in the doorway to Grefu’s kitchen, sniffing the air with a disappointed look.
“Well now, who’s this?” Grefu turned from a simmering pot and looked from the creature to us. “I didn’t set a place for an honored guest.”
She emitted the sound—a word?—again, but Grefu looked as nonplussed as the rest of us.
“Well, it’s not Jotun or Thalassic,” muttered Chari, surely making a mental note for our records. Before I could reply, the creature shot between the legs of the chairs and dining table and tore back downstairs. Grefu shrugged and returned to his work as Chari and I gave chase.
The creature was perched on a crate as we came downstairs to the storage area but looked almost disapprovingly at us before scrambling down the stairs to the next flight. We heard a “Goodness! What—?” from Dr. Pom as the creature chirped at her and continued down another level, then a clang a few seconds later. She must have already reached the engine room on the next deck down.
The Zoetrope’s newest guest. Art by Vira Linevych.
“Hey; I need that!” called Ten as the creature emerged clutching a small gear in her hands. She chirped at them, placed the gear gently on the ground, and took off once more.
“She’s very energetic,” I observed to Chari, pausing to catch my breath.
“And she’s not speaking Surki either,” said Chari, who seemed unaffected by our unexpected evening exercise. “Oh no!”
We heard a distant splash and ran down another level to find the creature sputtering and pulling herself out of the access pipe leading down to the aquatic deck. She looked rather affronted as Lythea swam up the pipe and broke the surface, inadvertently splashing a few droplets onto the creature’s head.
“So sorry, little one,” our navigator said, holding out a hand. “How can we help?”
The creature instead clambered up onto Chari’s arm, flicking water from her ears. She chirped again. It sounded so familiar! I was increasingly convinced that lyrical chirp was, in fact, a word in a language I’d heard before.
“I’m going to stop for my notes before we go back up,” Chari called over her shoulder, turning down the hall toward the crew quarters. I followed her, thinking to peruse my own small collection and check again for any clues as to this creature’s identity.
“Professor, is that you?” Telero opened the door at the end of the hall, emerging from the shuttle bay just as I stepped into my own room. “Hey, who’s this?”
The creature, catching a glimpse of the darkening sky through the branches of the shuttle bay door, squawked and leapt from Chari’s shoulder to her head, climbing up one of her horns and chattering at Telero. He quickly closed the door behind him and approached slowly. “Hey there, it’s okay, friend,” he said. “You’re safe. What’s your name?”
The creature blinked at him, then chirped that same familiar syllable.
Telero frowned in confusion. “Gold?”
I’d become distracted while opening the door to my own room, bemoaning the untidy stack of scrolls and maps I’d meant to organize the previous day, but I turned at this. “Wait, did you say—?”
The creature leapt from Chari’s head and shot into my cabin, papers flying as she disappeared under my desk. I crouched at once to see her clutching my long-missing volume of The Thrilling Tales of Spiridendra (so that’s where it had gone!). She chirped once more.
“She’s saying ‘gold’ in Fey,” Telero said, he and Chari crowding in behind me.
“Of course,” I breathed, looking back up at Chari.
“A marp!”
“They usually communicate in both Common and Fey, but perhaps this one is too young,” I reasoned, reaching out for the book as she began to lick its gold embossing experimentally. “Wait, please! I’ll trade you.” I slowly reached into my pocket and withdrew a gold piece. “Would you like to return to the menagerie? We’ll make sure you’re well fed!”
The marp reluctantly relinquished her grip, but cheered up when she grasped the gold piece with her small hands. We climbed back up to the menagerie, the marp riding on Chari’s shoulder and crunching happily.
The rest of the crew gathered around to exclaim over our guest and her unique menu. (Ten dashed off and returned with an armful of metal scraps to see if the marp found anything else to her liking, but as you’ll see in Charikleia’s notes, gold remains the preferred meal.) As I looked around at my companions, the moonlight streaming through the menagerie’s glass dome, a wave of joy overcame me, as it has so often done on this journey—the joy of discovery, of reaching shared understanding, and of building communities. The joy of belonging.
The Zoetrope hummed quietly under our feet, whisking us away to our next adventure.
About the Author
Baranthet Zamendi cultivated his love of the natural world at a young age, enamored with his grandmother’s awe-inspiring tales of the legendary Wardens of the Wild. He briefly attended Almas University before returning home to rebuild Droon’s public library, eventually becoming its head archivist. His upcoming book on the crew of the Zoetrope and their search for the wardens is his first, but he’s already planning his next adventure.
Support for Mr. Zamendi by
Simone D. Sallé is a senior editor at Paizo and has written for numerous Pathfinder and Starfinder books, including more of Baranthet’s tale inPathfinder Howl of the Wild, the primal treatise and witch journals in Pathfinder Secrets of Magic, and Starfinder Bounty #12: Under Pressure. When she’s not extolling the virtues of the en dash, she enjoys playing as many narrative games as her schedule allows and wandering the woods with her Disreputable Dog.
Good morning, explorers! While we’ve taken a look at the crew you’ll see throughout Howl of the Wild, we realized there’s one more character we still needed to introduce: the Zoetrope itself! This unique airship serves as a home to our eccentric crew as they search Golarion for the Wardens of the Wild and features its own onboard menagerie, darkroom, research deck, and aquarium for all their exploratory needs.
The Zoetrope in dock. Art by Gunship Revolution.
If your characters want to have their own adventures alongside Baranthet and the rest of the crew, we hope the following map, wonderfully illustrated by Damien Mammoliti and based on concept art from our very own Kent Hamilton, will come in handy.
Map of the Zoetrope. Art by Damien Mammoliti.
It's hard to believe our foray through the Zoetrope logs is at a close. But this is just a taste of Baranthet’s story, and we hope that you’ll want to take part when Howl of the Wild releases next month. Look forward to seeing some more tidbits about all the creatures, options, items, and more coming in the book, and let us know what sort of expedition your characters are thinking about going on!
Pathfinder Infinite, Starfinder Infinite, and Paizo are thrilled to welcome you to the PaizoCon 2024 Game Jam!
Educate, Entertain, Inspire!
Friday, April 12, 2024
A one-page game jam designed for the Infinite community!
Guest Blog by Meredith Gerber | Partner Relations Representative at DriveThruRPG
Pathfinder Infinite, Starfinder Infinite, and Paizo are thrilled to welcome you to the PaizoCon 2024 Game Jam!
What is a game jam?
A game jam is an event designed to create something from scratch during a timed period. In this case, all entries will be due no later than May 1st, 2024.
What is the game jam theme?
The theme marries with the PaizoCon 2024 theme: Educate, Entertain, and Inspire!
Who can participate?
Anyone! All you need is a customer account for DriveThru sites.
Why should I participate?
Aside from it’s a blast to jam together with the community, you’ll get promotions from Paizo, DriveThruRPG, and Pathfinder/Starfinder Infinite; you will be providing a very cool option for GMs to bring to their table; and you’ll be challenging yourself as a creator or bringing an idea from your table to life.
What are the rules?
Must fit one page, double sided. (Technically, it will be two pages of a single-page PDF or a two-page spread. When someone prints it out, they’ll have one sheet with information front and back)
Must be uploaded to Pathfinder Infinite or Starfinder Infinite before May 1st, 2024.
When you’re finished setting up your title, please keep it private. We will turn all of them to be available for purchase slightly before PaizoCon.
Email with a link to your private URL, your customer email, and a two-sentence synopsis.
Do you have a font size restriction?
No. You’re welcome to make the font any size you’d like, but we recommend at least 9.5 for readability.
Do I have to put artwork in?
Not a requirement! We recommend keeping it simple so people can easily print it out. You’re welcome to also make a printer-friendly version to upload alongside your submission (so, two files!) if your submission needs color, art, and flourish!
I submitted my title. Now what?
Pathfinder Infinite/Starfinder Infinite will notify you when it is live and when Paizo posts a “round up” promoting it the week of PaizoCon.
Can I make changes? Won’t that cause problems for the URL I send?
You are welcome to make changes to your submission—the PDF(s), the description, title—at any time.
Can I charge for this?
Absolutely! Infinite Masters are recommending at least 99 cents. You are not required to charge but we always recommend it because you should charge for the work you did!
Hello, everyone! Today we’re giving you a sneak peek into our two upcoming multi-table interactive events for the 2024 Paizo Organized Play season!
Organized Play Preview: 2024 Interactive Events
Thursday, April 11, 2024
Hello, everyone! Today we’re giving you a sneak peek into our two upcoming multi-table interactive events for the 2024 Paizo Organized Play season!
Every year, Pathfinder Organized Play and Starfinder Organized Play each release one multi-table event that can be played with as few as three tables and well over 150+ tables at the world’s largest gaming events. These are intended to be epic adventures where players work alongside each other to accomplish monumental feats and battle great evils. In the past, these events were tied to key story points for Organized Play. In recent years, our special events have been standalone adventures that tell exciting but isolated stories, making them usable at conventions and special events for many years to come. This year, we’re continuing this trend, with two exciting interactive events that are standalone, so they can be enjoyed by anyone at any time.
Every year the Starfinder Society dispatches agents to perform initial exploration and surveys of hundreds of worlds, identifying resources, cataloging biological samples, mapping terrain, and initiating peaceful contact. This year is no different. …Or is it?
Respected Starfinder Palivhar Chooser of Hues, has recently discovered a planet they believe to be Krethiskar, a “missing” planet in the distant Szandite Collective that failed to reconnect after the Gap. Keen on investigating further, Palivhar leads an expedition of rookie Starfinders to Krethiskar’s surface, to conduct initial surveys and routine testing.
Unfortunately for the Starfinder Society, Krethiskar is a huskworld consumed by the voracious Swarm in ages past, and this mission is anything but routine. Palivhar’s survey expedition is doomed to become a desperate fight for survival, as the hibernating Swarm awaken. Can you escape the planet alive?
I hope you join us on Krethiskar for this year’s interactive special!
Jessica Catalan Starfinder Society Developer
Illustration by Lucas Fernando
Premiering at Gen Con 2024, Pathfinder Society Scenario #6-00: Salt of the Ocean is an adventure for 1st- through 8th-level characters written by Rigby Bendele and Jacob W. Michaels.
As the year turns over and different events start to pick up across Golarion, two things of interest are discovered as the Eye of Abendego, the massive hurricane off the coast of the Mwangi Expanse, shifts and turns. The first is a shipwreck of an old Pathfinder ship, the Whippoorwill, and the second is an island of legend spoken only in the stories of the crumbled Ghol-Gan empire, the Island of Teeth and Terror.
Hurricane Queen Tessa Fairwind has reached out to the Pathfinder Society to inform them of both discoveries, prompting an expedition to see what can be found on both the ship and the island. However, the Island of Teeth and Terror is also the goal of the notorious pirate Sharkskin, spurred on by xir companion and mentor, Enava, who has her own plans for the nephilim and the island.
Can the Pathfinders put a stop to these nefarious plans? Can you survive the threats within the Abendego Ocean?
Despite my apprehension at reading about the deaths of so many of Golarion’s gods and my continuing belief that these Godsrain Prophecies cannot be taken at their word, I still feel a bit wistful about reaching the end of my analysis. While it is certainly possible that there are other prophecies in this vein, this is the last that I will read before delivering the collection to my Lady.
The Godsrain Prophecies Part Ten
Wednesday, April 10, 2024
Despite my apprehension at reading about the deaths of so many of Golarion’s gods and my continuing belief that these Godsrain Prophecies cannot be taken at their word, I still feel a bit wistful about reaching the end of my analysis. While it is certainly possible that there are other prophecies in this vein, this is the last that I will read before delivering the collection to my Lady.
I am not sure why I feel so hesitant to put this work aside. Of course, there is something satisfying about feeling like you are a part of important research, even if the experience of it is less than pleasant. (I think here of those who have documented the beliefs of faiths that are somewhat more difficult to understand, as in To Scream Is Divine: My Year at a Nidalese Temple and its somewhat more uneven follow-up, Kuthite Lullabies.) Beyond that, though, I believe I will miss the gods themselves—or at least the insights into them that these texts have given me, even when I don’t believe a word that I am reading.
After reviewing the entirety of the Godsrain Prophecies, I am confident in one thing and one thing only: that the author has been made privy, whether through prophecy or otherwise, to the fact that one of Golarion’s gods will die. The preoccupation with the subject of a dead god, accuracy of some of the smaller details, and feeling of anticipation throughout are compelling evidence in favor of my theory. With all the contradictions and confusions in the text, though, I do not believe that the author knows which god, how they die, or why.
Unfortunately, this is where my certainty ends, as there are several different reasons why the author may have taken this information and used it to create the prophecies. It is possible that they feared what might happen and wrote these prophecies as a warning, attempting to prevent the dangers they dreamed up. It is also possible that they hope the death will be a destabilizing event, and that they intended for these prophecies to weaken faith and trust in the gods, making them easier to abandon in the aftermath of a catastrophe. There is no way to know, as I will admit to my Lady; I hope that in her wisdom, she can discern the truth.
If nothing else, as with all futures, only time will tell.
The “Death” of Rovagug
The chant starts as a whisper—an idle piece of pillow talk on nights Sarenrae cannot sleep, her fingertips gone marching on the canvas that is Shelyn’s back, her hands casting surging shadows onto Desna’s resting arm. She weaves a tale of how to win the battle that she hungers for, imagining alliances that span across the Great Beyond and speaking life to victory until the passion of her dream becomes a shared ambition. All three lovers make mention of it, idly, to those who share their interests, pitched in a tone and timbre meant to echo in the listener’s chest. The message drums with nostalgia tinged with rage and thirst for justice long delayed, and it is passed along from ear to ear until it finally circles back, a call to action with the deadly urgency of war.
Imprisonment is not enough. Rovagug must die.
There are more gods now than there were when Rovagug was sealed away, and many sign up for the quest to kill the Great Destroyer, to stand alongside Abadar and Gozreh and Calistria. Some do so to show their mettle, some to gather bragging rights, and some to reassure themselves that if there is something to gain, they won’t leave empty-handed. Sarenrae worries, privately, that many do not understand the danger they’ve signed up for, but she takes the names and notes the skills and hands the roles out all the same—rear guard to those who fear but fight, support for those who dwell in hope, melee for those who want to feel the blood beneath their fingers.
At first, it seems too easy. Asmodeus unlocks the seal that leads into the Dead Vault and gods pour through in something like a line. Wrackworms turn from feasting on the Rough Beast’s flesh to face them, but fall to sword and spell and scythe as if they were an afterthought, slicking the ground around themselves with remnants of their dying. After the cheers and murmurs fade, a gnawing silence fills the air, thick and dank and hungry, and for a moment, no one moves, a huddled mass of godhood waiting for something to happen.
Then Rovagug is everywhere—suddenly, impossibly. Rending, clawing, tearing open, shoveling exalted flesh into his waiting mouths. Apsu’s wing is torn asunder. Hei Feng’s feathers fall like rain. Grandmother Spider holds her own, her arms a whirling blur of blades, but watches as Thamir falls still, body crushed beneath a claw, and Hanspur drowns a second time, awash in his own blood. But Rovagug, despite his power, cannot overcome them all, and soon the tide of battle changes, rattling the prison’s walls as gods press their advantages, slamming his body side to side—an endless, rhythmic dying.
With each impact on the Dead Vault’s walls, Golarion is shaken. Buildings tumble into streets. Rivers shift to find new banks. Old trees flatten forests. Volcanoes long thought dormant, from Taldor to the Five Kings Mountains, spit dense ash into the sky, blanketing the life around them and blocking out the sun. The Eye of Abendego expands twofold, turning the Mwangi Expanse into newly Sodden Lands. When Rovagug is finally still, Sarenrae standing by his head with her arms held high in victory, the gods emerge from the Dead Vault to find a world that thinks the end has come.
After all the dead are mourned, no one agrees on what comes next. The aftermath grows tense and bitter, victory turned vicious. With Rovagug no threat to them, godly alliances feel heavier, a burden to be shrugged off or set down and ignored. How to rebuild a ruined land becomes the stuff of smaller wars—Abadar feuds with Erastil, Irori shuns Iomedae, Sarenrae feels the weight of blame hurled at her from every corner, and Norgorber sides with anyone who might advance his cause. But while they bicker here and now, the gods may yet unite again, as deep in Avistani soil, disturbed by distant tremors, the worst of Rovagug’s spawn have felt their prison falter and ready for destruction that would make their sire proud.
While imprisoned, Rovagug maintains the peace between the gods, but in his absence, what prevents war between the immortals?
That is certainly one way to end things. If I am being honest, the idea of Rovagug trapped within the bowels of Golarion has always made me a bit nervous, but it seems it may be better than the alternative! Which gives me one final idea as to why these prophecies exist—perhaps they argue against change and tell those who read them that, even for those gods whom you might fear or hate, the status quo is better than anything new that you might long for—a desperate version of a wish that, no matter what they have seen coming, it would be best for things to continue as they are. Sadly for the author, change, I believe, is inevitable. I hope only that we are ready and that we meet it, heads held high and wings outstretched, however and whenever it comes.
Don’t miss our exciting livestream on Tuesday, April 16 at 4:00 PM Pacific at, where members of the Pathfinder team will announce who among the remaining deities is the unfortunate victim presaged in these prophecies. In addition to revealing which major deity is going to die in the War of Immortals event, we’ll also lay out the entire slate of War of Immortals tie-in products coming in the second half of 2024. Make your final predictions and join us in just under a week.
About the Author
Erin Roberts has been thrilled to be able to contribute a few small threads to the fabric of Golarion in the pages of books like Lost Omens Firebrands, Lost Omens Highhelm, and Lost Omens Travel Guide. In addition to her work for Paizo, she freelances across the TTRPG world (and was selected as a Diana Jones Award Emerging Designer Program Winner in 2023), has had fiction published in magazines including Asimov’s, Clarkesworld, and The Dark, and talks about writing every week on the Writing Excuses podcast. Catch up with her latest at
From first light to sunset, the Indraracha Institute bustles with activity. The docks continually ferry people in and out of the campus. Meal, study, repeat—every day is a routine at the academy, a routine strengthening the minds and sharpening the skills of the future sorcerers and politicians of Tang Mai.
Tian Xia Days: Study Hall
Tuesday, April 9, 2024
From first light to sunset, the Indraracha Institute bustles with activity. The docks continually ferry people in and out of the campus. Meal, study, repeat—every day is a routine at the academy, a routine strengthening the minds and sharpening the skills of the future sorcerers and politicians of Tang Mai.
For one young boy, though, things were different. School was just school. Sometimes, all he wanted to do was to just run around, not bury himself nose-deep in a book about the nation’s history. One morning, he was doing just that—running through the halls of the Institute, weaving between his classmates that filled rooms and corridors studying all things magical.
Asok’s circuit ended in one of the many gardens. Resting under a tall banyan tree, the boy began to doze off. He snapped his eyes open when he heard a familiar voice.
“What are you doing here?” A tattooed young man strode over, a basket of herbs in hand.
“Thanom!” The boy scrambled up to his feet, putting his hands together in a greeting. “I’m just on my way to study hall... unless you need help in the gardens?” He gave a wide grin.
“And take you away from your studies? Your instructors will have my head! And if I’m gone, there will be even fewer people who tolerate your behavior.” He pulled out a mangosteen and handed the fruit to Asok. “Now go to class. Next time I need help, I’ll come to you. When you’re not trying to hide from your instructors.”
Asok gave another huge grin to the alchemist before rushing off to his class, conveniently located in a quieter corner of the Institute. He tucked himself alongside his classmates as they all settled in, twisting open the mangosteen and eating the meat inside. Mali, his seatmate, glared. In return, he smiled and offered a piece to her, but she turned her head away in annoyance.
“Remember, students, placement tests are coming up soon. While you all are young, it’s important you take your exams seriously.” Teacher Chai walked around, handing out textbooks. “We want to make sure you all end up learning subjects you enjoy and excel at.”
Asok opened the book to the lines, “Sorcerer diplomats provide the Chaophaya counsel and identify magical phenomena to aid them in their rule. Following the precepts of the Indraracha Institute, diplomats must be impartial...” The text was dizzying.
“Aiyyyyy, I’m tired,” he groaned.
“Shhhhh!” Mali nudged him. “Stop complaining. You’re going to get us in trouble.”
“It’s hot and it’s sooooo boring.” Asok began fanning himself with the textbook.
“It’s always hot,” the girl reminded him, “and you say everything is boring.”
Asok nudged her back. In a huff, they both started jostling each other, though mostly in jest.
Their instructor eyed them with suspicion, but before he could say anything, sparks coalesced in the air.
“Teacher Chai!” An illusion of an older student sprung into being. “Apologies for the disturbance—we could use some assistance with an artifact in the south research laboratory.”
“Of course. Right away.” The instructor turned to the class, saying, “Now, students, be diligent while I’m gone,” before hurrying out.
In the heat and humidity, diligent self-study didn’t last long. Mischievous as ever, Asok got to his feet and reached for the magic within him. A small flame sparked to life in his hand.
“Asok, stop,” Mali chided. “You shouldn’t be doing that.”
“Come on, we’re studying, right?” Asok juggled the flame between his fingers. “If we don’t break anything, it’s fine. Unless you’re a scaredy-cat?”
Illustration by Ilina Naydenova.
“Am not!” She frowned before standing up, a spell coming to her as easy as breath. “You know I’m sooooo much better than you at casting.”
Students discarded their textbooks and started chatting among themselves. In a moment, the alcove filled with all sorts of spells. A young nagaji girl conjured a bubble of water and began shaping it into a flower. Another student drew a monstrous face on a nearby stone before levitating it to chase their classmates through the alcove.
Between the two rival factions, a heated competition quickly drew the class’s attention. Mali shot her hand up in the air, spraying an array of bright colors. The crowd was mesmerized with the lights. She gave her opponent a playful grin.
Asok huffed, “It’s just colors—isn’t this so much cooler?” He caught the ember in his fist before shooting it out. The small burst of fire cut through the rainbow. The boy puffed his chest in pride.
The “oooohs” from the crowd turned to a giggle as Mali wiggled her fingers and a second image of Asok appeared next to him. While crude, the illusion was unmistakably of the boy. It hopped around, flexing in an exaggerated manner. Asok frowned at his double, which frowned back.
Not to be outdone, Asok threw his memory and being back into his blood, finding the might of elementals. He breathed in deep before releasing a gust of flame that spilled from his lips and billowed outwards. The fire dispersed the illusion before launching upward to the sky. Asok was careful to not let it hit Mali or their classmates, but the size of the breath was growing larger than he could control. The expanding heat licked the roof of the outdoor galleries that surrounded their study area, lighting up small pieces of foliage.
“Asok! Look what you did,” Mali yelled, taking a step back from the sparks.
“I didn’t mean to,” Asok stammered, ashamed about his mistake. “I—I’m sorry!”
“Come on, we have to stop this before Teacher Chai comes back.”
The nagaji student guided her water magic to the fire. While it extinguished some of it, the flames were spreading faster than she could handle. The class chipped in with various spells, with little impact.
Suddenly, a chill wind gusted through the alcove, frost trailing in its wake and collecting on the stones. The winds roared across the roof, blowing the fires out as easily as candles, making Asok and Mali shiver and clutch their arms close despite the fires and the Tang Mai sun. Turning around, the students saw Teacher Chai with an expressionless face, magic still trailing from his fingers as his incantation left him.
“Spellcraft is not allowed without instructor supervision at your age.” Teacher Chai said sternly as he walked toward the panicked students. “I expected as much from you, Asok. But you, Mali...”
“I—I—I’m sorry, Teacher!” Mali bowed her head, “We tried to stop it ourselves. We know it was wrong, but—”
The teacher put a hand up to stop the student. “While you all showed responsibility in fixing your mistakes, magic is volatile. One misstep, one wrong incantation, can cause chaos. Now, back to your studies.”
As the young students began to quiet down and shrink themselves back into their texts, Teacher Chai looked at Asok and Mali. “Though, I must admit it was quite the impressive feat. You two have the makings of incredible sorcerers.”
About the Author
Collette Quach (they/she) is a Chinese-Cambodian narrative designer with an interest in mythology and identity. They've worked on projects such as the Tian Xia Character Guide Unbreakable Anthology, and the ENNIE-winning Uncaged Anthology. She has an MFA in Interactive Media from USC, where she explored branching narrative and agency through her video game, Last Broadcast. You can see more of their work here and on Twitter.
Hey! It’s your fledgling and greenhorn Rulelord Pete here. If there’s three things to know about me, they’re that I am a consummate GM, I think the next iconic should be a shoony, and I want people to try new games! However, it’s not always that easy. Branching out in our collective hobby requires many people to commit time, money, and energy to sit at a table and engage with unfamiliar rules. There are many who might want to try something new but aren’t able to because they can’t find anyone to play with. If this sounds like you, then there’s hope.
Get Ready For Beginner Box Days 2024!
Friday, April 05, 2024
Hey! It’s your fledgling and greenhorn Rulelord Pete here. If there’s three things to know about me, they’re that I am a consummate GM, I think the next iconic should be a shoony, and I want people to try new games! However, it’s not always that easy. Branching out in our collective hobby requires many people to commit time, money, and energy to sit at a table and engage with unfamiliar rules. There are many who might want to try something new but aren’t able to because they can’t find anyone to play with. If this sounds like you, then there’s hope.
The mods at r/Pathfinder2e saw a need to help bring Pathfinder to new players, and thus Beginner Box Days were born! This year, events will be running between April 13th and April 21st. Using the power of the internet, we have been able to connect new players hungry to try Pathfinder Second Edition with experienced GMs. So, how can you get involved?
RUN A GAME! GMs can register their game at using event code 2716006. Once you set up events for both the Upper and Lower levels, players will be able to join your game starting TODAY! You can run games in your local time zone or even in a non-English language to help introduce the next generation of Pathfinder players to the game. Just make sure to get a Beginner Box module version for your VTT of choice or request a FREE PDF copy from Paizo through our form at
PLAY A GAME! Starting TODAY players can register themselves for both levels of Paizo’s remastered Beginner Box adventure: Menace under Otari! Each level is designed to slowly introduce the player to important aspects of the game, from combat to skills to puzzles! The Upper Level is the starter level, where you’ll investigate Tamily Tanderveil’s basement to investigate who (or what) is stealing her fish. This level is best for people who are brand new to playing Pathfinder or any TTRPG. The Lower level introduces more challenges as you begin to uncover the menace under the logging town of Otari, putting your new skills to the ultimate test! Players can play one level, or both, by finding a slot that matches their availability and signing up on
EARN SOCIETY CREDIT! Both GMs and players can earn society credit that you can use on your first official character. The Beginner Box is played in Adventure Mode so you can try any class or ancestry that your GM will allow, or play any of Paizo’s remastered pregenerated characters if you just want to get rolling! To earn society credit, simply add your Paizo Organized Play number on RPGChronicles when you create or sign up to a game. We will be reporting all sessions, but it is not necessary to join Pathfinder Society to participate in Beginner Box Days.
Paizo has also given us a stack of vouchers we’ll be raffling off to players and GMs, which we’ll distribute after all games are reported. Also, Rise of the Rulelords podcast and Team + Publishing are giving away 3 physical remastered Beginner Boxes, and Team + will be raffling away bundles of their best-selling class expansions! So don’t wait! Begin your next adventure, or help someone start their own at!
Hello and well met! With many shenanigans and much wrangling, we bring you this year’s PaizoCon Online schedule! Included in this year’s schedule is our Twitch programming, Discord programming, and some community content creator streams happening during PaizoCon weekend as well!
Check Out The PaizoCon Online 2024 Schedule!
Thursday, April 04, 2024
Hello and well met! With many shenanigans and much wrangling, we bring you this year’s PaizoCon Online schedule! Included in this year’s schedule is our Twitch programming, Discord programming, and some community content creator streams happening during PaizoCon weekend as well!
As more games and activities are submitted, be sure to check back here, as well as the Tabletop.Events schedule for updates!
12 p.m.–1 p.m. PDT
Starfinder Second Edition (Twitch)
Find out where we've been and what's to come for Starfinder Second Edition!
12 p.m.–1 p.m. PDT
Guess that Adventure! (Discord Stages)
Very similar to Paizo’s ‘Guess that Monster’ livestream we did in honor of the release of Monster Core. We've stripped adventure covers of their identifying information and now we're quizzing Paizo developers on their knowledge of what adventure it is!
1 p.m.–2 p.m. PDT Godsrain—Death and Renewal (Twitch) If you haven't heard, there's been some interesting prophesies popping up in Golarion. Join us while we talk about The Godsrain Prophesies, upcoming novel, Adventure Path, and War of Immortals event!
2 p.m.–3 p.m. PDT Organized Play Updates (Twitch) Join the Organized Play team while they talk about what’s coming up in the newly revealed Year 6 of PFS and what's in store for the final year of Starfinder Society First Edition!
3 p.m.–4 p.m. PDT Paizo Partners Online Tools Showcase (Twitch) We have some amazing partners who help us produce various tools to aid with online gaming. Some you know, and others you might not be familiar with, but we want to give them all a chance to show off a little of what they do!
4 p.m. PDT Organized Play Game Block 1 (Tabletop.Events & Discord)
Pathfinder and Starfinder Society scenarios begin at the start of this timeslot. Shorter adventures, such as Quests or Bounties, may also be available. Visit the schedule for full details on all Organized Play offerings!
4 p.m.–6 p.m. PDT SF2E Live Play (Twitch) Join the Starfinder team on their journey through the stars in this alpha playtest campaign of Starfinder Second Edition! This game will be the opening session of an ongoing campaign, with episodes dropping up until Gen Con 2024.
4 p.m.–8 p.m. PDT The lightless Beacon: Call of Cthulhu 7E (Tabletop.Events & Discord)
In the mid 1920s, the passengers of the SS Essex County must investigate an unlit lighthouse off the coast of Rockport, Massachusetts. Was the lighthouse's lantern extinguished by inclement weather, or is something more sinister afoot?
This session will use Foundry VTT and be run by Paizo's Software Architect, Brian Bauman. Players will be provided with pregenerated characters.
7 p.m.–7 p.m. PDT Pathfinder Battles and Beyond: 2025 releases from WizKids (Twitch)
Join Magellan Mulligan, RPG Project Production Manager/Producer at WizKids, for a look at some exciting new releases coming this year and next for Pathfinder Battles and more!
8 p.m.–9 p.m. PDT Jackbox: Get Pathlashed! (Discord Stages)
Join the community in an evening of Jackbox nonsense to kick off PaizoCon Online 2024! There will be adult language/themes in this event.
Planned schedule:
Round 1: Lie Swatter! Up to 100 participants can play this game of spotting falsehoods and nonsense.
Round 2: Pathlash! It's Quiplash, but with a Pathfinder and Starfinder twist!
Round 3: Community choice! I'll present several fan-favorite games for vote at the top of the event and we'll pick one to close things out.
10 p.m. PDT Organized Play Game Block 2 (Tabletop.Events & Discord)
Pathfinder and Starfinder Society scenarios begin at the start of this timeslot. Shorter adventures, such as Quests or Bounties, may also be available. Visit the schedule for full details on all Organized Play offerings!
4 a.m. PDT Organized Play Game Block 3 (Tabletop.Events & Discord)
Pathfinder and Starfinder Society scenarios begin at the start of this timeslot. Shorter adventures, such as Quests or Bounties, may also be available. Visit the schedule for full details on all Organized Play offerings!
9 a.m.–10 a.m. PDT Roll20: Bridging the Gap Between Digital and Physical Play (Twitch)
Join members of Roll20's staff as they discuss the platform's long-term investment in Pathfinder and Starfinder and share how user feedback is driving the development of powerful, reliable tools to make play easy, wherever you are.
10 a.m.–11 a.m. PDT An Adventure Path Retrospective (Twitch)
With the release of Seven Dooms for Sandpoint, we've reached a milestone of our 200th adventure path! Join the Narrative Team as they talk about the history of the Adventure Paths, things we’ve learned along the way, and ways we at Paizo have innovated the format and challenged traditional norms in the industry through our stories.
11 a.m.–12 p.m. PDT Journalism & TTRPGs (Twitch)
Take part in a roundtable discussion with journalists from around the tabletop space. Learn how journalists breathe life into the industry and shine a light on projects—and learn how you can help support them in return!
12 p.m.–1 p.m. PDT Transitions from Starfinder First Edition to Second Edition (Twitch)
Join the Starfinder team while they talk about working on Starfinder, the final adventure path; Mechageddon!, and what we can expect while transitioning into Starfinder Second Edition!
12 p.m.–1 p.m. PDT Backmatter Speed Round! (Discord Stages)
We’re testing participants on their Paizo knowledge! Taking the backmatter from spells, item descriptions, or anything the host choses, the participants must race to guess the name or adventure that the choice description comes from!
1 p.m.–2 p.m. PDT Pathfinder Project Remaster (Twitch)
Join the team while they talk about the Pathfinder Remaster project, what's happened so far and where we plan on taking it in the future!
1 p.m.–2 p.m. PDT Paizo Games - Board and Card Games from Paizo (Discord Stages)
Come learn about Paizo Games, a new initiative to bring the worlds of Paizo to board and card games. Learn about our previous games and get some enticing hints about what is to come!
2 p.m.–3 p.m. PDT VTTs Enhanced (Twitch)
Join the team while we discuss where we’ve been and where we’re going with virtual tabletop content, producing soundtracks for Adventure Paths, and maybe even some peeks at what the future holds!
3 p.m.–4 p.m. PDT Whimsy in TTRPGs (Twitch)
In PaizoCon years past we've had panels such as Horror and Mysteries in RPGs, and this year we're bringing it back with Whimsy in RPGs! Join the team while they talk about how to have the most fun possible during your game!
4 p.m. PDT Organized Play Game Block 5 (Tabletop.Events & Discord)
Pathfinder and Starfinder Society scenarios begin at the start of this timeslot. Shorter adventures, such as Quests or Bounties, may also be available. Visit the schedule for full details on all Organized Play offerings!
4 p.m.–6 p.m. PDT PF Live Play with the Narrative Team (Twitch)
Join the Narrative Team for a one-shot adventure of epic proportions!
4 p.m.–8 p.m. PDT Chickens in the Mist (Tabletop.Events & Discord)
Student reporters for the local university paper investigate rumors of a cockfighting ring hidden in the homesteads adjoining Big Thicket National Preserve in eastern rural Texas.
System: Savage Worlds (Adventure Edition)
This session will use Foundry VTT and be run by Paizo's Software Architect, Brian Bauman.
7 p.m.–8 p.m. PDT
Make Some Magic with AbyssalBrews (Twitch)
AbyssalBrews has been creating third party magic items, systems, creatures, and more for Pathfinder 2E for over a year now. On that road, they’ve learned a lot about writing and a little about business. Join writer Matthew Ross and Illustrator Fernando Dominguez as they talk about being a third party creator and work on creating a specific magic item for Pathfinder 2E right in front of you. Ask anything about being a third party creator and see how the process unfolds!
9 p.m.–10 p.m. PDT
Paizo Con Paint-Along with WizKids (Twitch)
Join WizKids painting instructor JD Wiker (IG: @JeDiWiker) at your favorite local game store, or from the comfort of your own home, as he walks you through how to paint the Pathfinder Wood Giant from start to finish.
10 p.m. PDT Organized Play Game Block 6 (Tabletop.Events & Discord)
Pathfinder and Starfinder Society scenarios begin at the start of this timeslot. Shorter adventures, such as Quests or Bounties, may also be available. Visit the schedule for full details on all Organized Play offerings!
4 a.m. PDT Organized Play Game Block 7 (Tabletop.Events & Discord)
Pathfinder and Starfinder Society scenarios begin at the start of this timeslot. Shorter adventures, such as Quests or Bounties, may also be available. Visit the schedule for full details on all Organized Play offerings!
9 a.m.–10 a.m. PDT
BKOM Studios Games (Twitch)
Discover more about BKOM Studios' Pathfinder games!
10 a.m.–11 a.m. PDT Infinite Possibilities: How to write for Pathfinder and Starfinder Infinite (Twitch)
Join Dustin Knight, Meredith Gerber, and Alexander Augunas as they relay their experiences, offer advice, and answer questions about how to publish on Pathfinder Infinite, including where to find creator resources and collaborative creator spaces!
11 a.m.–12 p.m. PDT Teaching & TTRPGs (Twitch)
TTRPGs are becoming more familiar in classroom settings. Join Paizo staff and guests with teaching backgrounds as they share their experience using RPGs in the classroom, running afterschool clubs, and how they think games can be used in educational settings going forward.
12 p.m.–1 p.m. PDT Tips & Tricks: Ask the Paizo GMs (Twitch)
Get your questions ready! Get answers about the games you love from the people who love to make them!
1 p.m.–2 p.m. PDT Exploring Tian Xia (Twitch)
With the Tian Xia World Guide out and the Character Guide coming soon, join the team as they share their inspiration, process, and maybe some favorite art from the guides! We’ll be answering as many questions as we choose—but not all secrets will be revealed.
2 p.m.–3 p.m. PDT Therapeutic TTRPGs (Twitch)
Clinical professionals from Take This join Paizo staff for a panel on therapeutic TTRPGs and safety in therapeutic roleplay.
3 p.m.–4 p.m. PDT Walking the Tightrope: Balancing Encounters in Your Adventure (Twitch)
Want the perfect mix of monsters, mayhem, and roleplay? The Paizo devs are here to talk about their favorite tips and tricks to balancing encounters!
4 p.m. PDT Organized Play Game Block 9 (Tabletop.Events & Discord)
Pathfinder and Starfinder Society scenarios begin at the start of this timeslot. Shorter adventures, such as Quests or Bounties, may also be available. Visit the schedule for full details on all Organized Play offerings!
4 p.m.–5 p.m. PDT Mechageddon! Authors Interview (Twitch)
Join developer Jenny Jarzabski and the authors of the Starfinder Mechageddon! Adventure Path as they talk about their inspiration, process, favorite mechs, monsters, and spoilers!
4 p.m.–8 p.m. PDT The lightless Beacon: Call of Cthulhu 7E (Tabletop.Events & Discord)
In the mid 1920s, the passengers of the SS Essex County must investigate an unlit lighthouse off the coast of Rockport, Massachusetts. Was the lighthouse's lantern extinguished by inclement weather, or is something more sinister afoot?
This session will use Foundry VTT and be run by Paizo's Software Architect, Brian Bauman. Players will be provided with pregenerated characters.
5 p.m.–7 p.m. PDT Bixby’s Mail Adventure Part Two: The Mailening (Twitch)
Join GM Alex Speidel, Paizo staff members Katina Davis, Rue Dickey, Valentine Luneau and former Paizo staffer Jackson Wood on another wild Pathfinder adventure! Bixby has one job: deliver a letter through the Maze of the Open Road. What could possibly go wrong?
8 p.m.–9 p.m. PDT Mapmaking With Dungeon Alchemist (Twitch)
Join us as we use Dungeon Alchemist to make professional quality, custom maps for your Pathfinder games in seconds!
10 p.m. PDT Organized Play Game Block 10 (Tabletop.Events & Discord)
Pathfinder and Starfinder Society scenarios begin at the start of this timeslot. Shorter adventures, such as Quests or Bounties, may also be available. Visit the schedule for full details on all Organized Play offerings!
4 a.m. PDT Organized Play Game Block 11 (Tabletop.Events & Discord) Pathfinder and Starfinder Society scenarios begin at the start of this timeslot. Shorter adventures, such as Quests or Bounties, may also be available. Visit the schedule for full details on all Organized Play offerings!
10 a.m. PDT Organized Play Game Block 12 (Tabletop.Events & Discord)
Pathfinder and Starfinder Society scenarios begin at the start of this timeslot. Shorter adventures, such as Quests or Bounties, may also be available. Visit the schedule for full details on all Organized Play offerings!
4 p.m. PDT Organized Play Game Block 13 (Tabletop.Events & Discord)
Pathfinder and Starfinder Society scenarios begin at the start of this timeslot. Shorter adventures, such as Quests or Bounties, may also be available. Visit the schedule for full details on all Organized Play offerings!
4 p.m.–8 p.m. PDT Chickens in the Mist (Tabletop.Events & Discord)
Student reporters for the local university paper investigate rumors of a cockfighting ring hidden in the homesteads adjoining Big Thicket National Preserve in eastern rural Texas.
System: Savage Worlds (Adventure Edition) This session will use Foundry VTT and be run by Paizo's Software Architect, Brian Bauman.
If you’ve already bought a ticket, keep an eye on your inbox as we release early sign ups for art and writing portfolio reviews! If you haven’t bought a ticket yet, don’t worry, we’ll be sending out another sign up email before review slots open up to the public on April 17.
Game Signups!
As said in a previous blog we’re doing game signups via Tabletop.Events this year. Game sign ups open to ticket purchasers on April 17 at 9 a.m. PDT, with GM early sign ups opening on April 10 at 9 a.m. PDT!
See you soon!
Don't forget to join us on the PaizoCon Discord for even more programming! Some of our partners and digital content guests will be hanging out in our online "exhibition hall" with their own channels to answer questions and show off their amazing products!
Convention season is in full swing! There are dozens of local conventions happening this spring around the world and online. Check out the Paizo Conventions Calendar for details on everything going on in the months to come.
Of course, the convention looming largest on my mind is PaizoCon! We’re less than two months away from Paizo’s first major convention of the year, and I cannot wait. Badges are on sale now; stay tuned to the blog later today for more news on signing up for events.
Sanctioning Updates
The Pathfinder Remaster has gained another pillar! Last week we released Pathfinder Monster Core, available now on or at your FLGS (with an exclusive sketch cover!). Sanctioning for Pathfinder Monster Core has also been added to the Pathfinder Character Options page, though the vast majority of this content is only relevant for those of you with summoning spells.
Additionally, the Pathfinder Core Rulebook got a slight tweak thanks to the Remaster. Any deity who grants dreaming potential instead grants their followers illusory scene, effective immediately.
Unfortunately, I botched the calendar, so the sanctioning documents for Seven Dooms for Sandpoint have been delayed slightly. At press time for this blog, they’re not ready yet, but I expect them to be available very soon!
This month sees the release of the Pathfinder Lost Omens Tian Xia World Guide, the first of our two Tian Xia-focused books, to be followed by the Tian Xia Character Guide at the end of August. I expect sanctioning for this book to go live on street date! After that, May sees two exciting releases with Howl of the Wild and Mechageddon!, the final Adventure Path for Starfinder First Edition.
GM Recognition
GM Ranks
Whether stars, novas, or glyphs, achieving a 5 ranking in any program involves a substantial amount of time. To achieve the 5th milestone, a GM must run 150 games, of which at least 50 must be unique scenarios and 10 special scenarios as well as run between one and three games for venture-captains (program dependent). A conservative estimate of the time needed to reach the 5th milestone is 650 hours!
This month, we had one GM earn their 5th rank!
5th Nova (SFS1): Joel Hager
That’s all from me this month, folks! Until next time - Explore! Report! Cooperate! And enjoy the eclipse!
Hail and well met! With April kicking off, we’ve got a handful of Paizo streams to announce! Be sure to follow us on to be notified when we go live!
Paizo Streams – April 2024
Wednesday, April 3, 2024
Hail and well met! With April kicking off, we’ve got a handful of Paizo streams to announce! Be sure to follow us on to be notified when we go live!
Pathfinder: Gallowspire Survivors Launch – April 4 at 9 A.M. Pacific
Paizo Community Manager Jon Morgantini joins the BKOM team for this special launch day co-op playthrough of Pathfinder: Gallowspire Survivors!
Paizo LIVE – April 5 at 4 P.M. Pacific
Join us Friday, April 5th for this month’s Paizo LIVE! We’ll be chatting with James Case about the upcoming Pathfinder Howl of the Wild rulebook, the Starfinder team about Starfinder Second Edition, and James Jacobs and Bill Fischer about Abomination Vaults for 5th Edition!
War of Immortals Kickoff – April 16 at 4 P.M. Pacific
The wait is over! Join members of the Pathfinder team as they lay out the War of Immortals Meta Event! Plus—an extra special (godly) death announcement!
We’ve got some very fun stuff to unveil this month. We hope to catch you at one of our streams! If you can’t make it to the stream live, be sure to watch the VODs on our YouTube channel!
As I near the end of my review of the Godsrain Prophecies, I’m reaching the part of any research project that’s the most daunting—the conclusion. While it will of course be up to my Lady to decide what, if anything, to do with these prophecies, I plan to present her with the two or three reasons for their existence that I believe are the most plausible (other than them all being true, which I maintain is nearly impossible).
The Godsrain Prophecies Part Nine
Wednesday, April 3, 2024
As I near the end of my review of the Godsrain Prophecies, I’m reaching the part of any research project that’s the most daunting—the conclusion. While it will of course be up to my Lady to decide what, if anything, to do with these prophecies, I plan to present her with the two or three reasons for their existence that I believe are the most plausible (other than them all being true, which I maintain is nearly impossible).
Unfortunately, this need for clarity means that I must dismiss (or at least deemphasize) one of the more exciting ideas I have come up with thus far: that these are a collection of the gods’ fears. I have noted throughout these pages that there are responses to the gods’ deaths in each of the prophecies that seem out of character, either for the other gods or their followers, but I don’t believe this lack of consistency is due to these being reflections of what a god would worry over. In truth, I am not sure that gods fear anything at all. Is fear not driven by a sense of mortality, or at least, the potential for one’s role in the world to change or end at a moment’s notice? I wonder if, instead, the “prophecies” are intended to help the gods develop fear, to remind them that they are not beyond the reach of death and give them a small taste of mortal terror. Though to what end, I do not know. Who would want to give a god a nightmare?
–Yivali, Apprentice Researcher for the Lady of Graves
The “Death” of Irori
Irori is not one for dying. Death is common. Death is normal. Death is there for mortals who have not yet mastered how to reach new levels of perfection, who have not willed themselves into attaining the divine. Death might take some weaker god if given the right circumstances, starting with those cheaters who let the Starstone grant them power, grabbing godhood like some prize for drunks and thieves and zealots. But for a god like him, who’d worked and willed himself to godhood? Death is something of the past and he is moving forward.
Irori’s never rested long, no matter his successes. There’s always some new path to take at any well-earned milestone, some new technique to master, some new knowledge to find. Yes, it was good to be a god, if for no other reason than to share new possibilities with those who’d turn their will toward doing better with their lives. But he is one of many gods—some virtuous, some indolent—and so there must be something more, some way that he can still evolve. Some new route toward perfection.
Irori works with diligence, the way that he has always done, reaching beyond the world he’s known to better what he has become. Until one day, he grasps it all—the spaces in the sum of things, the power in the truth of everything that was or will be. And though total enlightenment is only for a moment, slipping between his fingers like a cloud of windblown sand, he still can feel the barrier between himself and something more, as pliable and thin as what once kept him from divinity. While he has it in his reach, he passes through the boundary, as bracing and as easy as a step through falling water. Irori, once a mortal, is now much more than deity.
Irori savors everything, if only for a moment. He takes a breath in every plane, his heartbeat now a multiverse, and feels the coursing power as it crashes through his veins. But he has departed our reality, has left a tear along the border of the way of things, and everything, on every plane, begins to shift toward him, as if he were a beacon for something within the Great Beyond—a single life, a single god, become a singularity. Gruhastha is the first to fall, the Keeper’s arms stretched uselessly, hands grasping at the emptiness he finds beside Irori’s feet. He’s swallowed by a void that somehow still contains a multitude, his body torn asunder in a bright and blissful darkness, his lips mouthing his gratitude, his throat choking on screams.
Irori is a magnet now, pulling those closest to him; Chaldira’s luck lost in a cry while Magrim’s runes go tumbling, some force dragging them both to places even he can’t follow. All he can do is close the gap before it sunders everything, using the power that he holds, still far beyond what it once was, to fix whatever he has done (or is doing or one day will, time half-unraveling in his hands). As he repairs the barrier, still dripping with the power that he touched from passing through it, Zon-Kuthon comes to stand beside him, image of the blinding void reflected in his longing eyes, and Nethys tries to touch the power nestled just beneath his skin, hands clawing unknown patterns of magic in the air. Both soon become his shadows, hounding every move he tries to make, Zon-Kuthon chasing memories and Nethys seeking answers, with Torag always close behind, holding his brother Magrim’s blade with vengeance on his mind. Some of Irori’s followers also trail behind him; those who were deep in prayer at the moment that he moved beyond, unable to unsee the void, dedicate themselves to its return, doing whatever they can to hasten the end of all things.
But Irori has a new path now, divinity left far behind as he masters the power that’s now deep within his bones. He sees things now—beneath the ground, between the breaths, inside the skin—and knows that they will take him where Gruhastha and the rest have gone, that what tore them apart will help him make himself anew. If there are prayers for him to hear, he is no longer listening. If rakshasas take his guise and use his faith to build their power? If Urgathoa’s clerics tell his followers that next time he will end the world and they should eat and drink and die with no thought for tomorrow? How can he care when there’s a new path for him to gain perfection? And if the world unmakes itself, if he had to unmake the world, if that brings him enlightenment, then that’s what it must be.
What lies beyond divinity, and who better than Irori to first achieve such exquisite perfection that he leaves even other gods behind?
Well, that was certainly involved. Multiverses? Singularities? Bright voids? And yet, in all of that, I almost see a pattern. I have tried not to reference other prophecies in my notes here; if my Lady chooses to read them out of the original order that I chose, I would hate for her to learn a piece of information in these notes that would be better divulged by the original text. Still, I am reminded of the prophecy regarding Desna, which also mentions a void. And there are similarities between this prophecy and the one for Nethys, not only in their reciprocal mentions but in their fascination with the fundamental properties of our universe. Perhaps instead of looking at the prophecies individually, I should be looking for these types of commonalities—could things that are repeated be elements of some underlying message, or a hint as to what among these “prophecies” might be true amidst the overstatements and suppositions? If there was ever a time to make a chart, that time is upon us.
About the Author
Erin Roberts has been thrilled to be able to contribute a few small threads to the fabric of Golarion in the pages of books like Lost Omens Firebrands, Lost Omens Highhelm, and Lost Omens Travel Guide. In addition to her work for Paizo, she freelances across the TTRPG world (and was selected as a Diana Jones Award Emerging Designer Program Winner in 2023), has had fiction published in magazines including Asimov’s, Clarkesworld, and The Dark, and talks about writing every week on the Writing Excuses podcast. Catch up with her latest at
The next morning dawned bright and clear, no trace of the previous day’s storm left on the horizon. Dr. Pom joined me on the research deck for our customary morning tea, sipping in companionable silence until we’d finished our first cup and were contemplating our second.
Zoetrope Logs, Part Three: Potential for Change
Tuesday, April 02, 2024
The next morning dawned bright and clear, no trace of the previous day’s storm left on the horizon. Dr. Pom joined me on the research deck for our customary morning tea, sipping in companionable silence until we’d finished our first cup and were contemplating our second.
“How are you feeling, Baranthet?” she asked kindly as she held out her cup for a refill. “That was an intense day of travel yesterday.”
“Quite well, thank you,” I said as I poured, reveling in the wisps of aromatic steam rising from our mugs. “How are you? Are you used to storms like that where you’re from?”
She took a moment to consider this, her eyes following the gulls soaring over the cliffs. “We did have some mighty storms, yes, but it’s different now,” she said thoughtfully. “The instinct to seek shelter is the same, of course, but there’s... a deeper appreciation, I suppose. A sense of thinking about the past and the future, whereas before there was only the present moment. I find joy in their beauty and feel appreciation for the sheer primal power of the skies. Though,” she said with a laugh, “I never expected to be flying in those skies in the middle of one!”
“Neither did I,” I admitted, grinning. “A humbling and awe-inspiring experience, to be sure!”
We sat in comfortable silence for a while as the others drifted in for breakfast or set about their tasks for the day. I wondered idly where my Spiridendra book had gone and what we might find next in our journey as I watched Telero and Ten examine one of the ship’s wings—they’d been busy checking and recalibrating this and that after the flight through the storm the day before. For my part, it was nice to have a slower morning before returning to the expedition.
“It’s wild, isn’t it,” Dr. Pom said softly, “looking back on the changes you’ve weathered in your life?” Her eyes met mine, and though we were close in years, I sensed she wasn’t talking merely about aging.
“I certainly never thought I’d go from ink-stained librarian to bold explorer,” I said fervently, and she chuckled, her small spectacles slipping down her striped snout. “When you awakened, did you ever plan on having such adventures?”
“It was hard to make plans at all, at first.” She adjusted her glasses and looked back out over the cliffs. “Awakening is... a turbulent time, for most. There’s a lot of information to process all at once, and many of us are overwhelmed by the concept of a vaster and more specific future than what we’d previously had the capacity to consider. But I always felt called to be a healer,” she added, and smiled again. “I know what it’s like to be hurt, and afraid. It gladdens me to provide comfort and support where I can.”
I reflected on this as I watched Telero hoist Ten higher up the wing, where they began to hammer at one of its joints. Suddenly, tension released in an explosive pop, the wing springing back into place… and catapulting our mechanic overboard, falling past Telero’s arms to land with a thud and a yelp in the water below.
“Goodness, not again!” Dr. Pom and I were on our feet at once, tea abandoned. Grefu surfaced in the waves near our mechanic (no doubt he was enjoying his morning constitutional), and swam Ten over to the research deck, hoisting them aboard. Their eyes blinked rapidly at us as we gathered around.
Dr. Pom knelt next to them, illuminating the lamp at her shoulder and setting her bag down as she looked them over.
Light writer plates of Dr. Gulnara Pom and Whose Antenna Is Askew (“Ten”), from official Zoetrope expedition logs. Art by Gunship Revolution.
“It’s my fault, Professor,” Telero said in anguish. “I tried to catch them—”
“It is not his fault; the wing was badly jammed from the storm; it was more badly misaligned than I thought,” Ten chirped in their customary staccato tone, their eyes glittering as Dr. Pom shone her light in one and then the other. “Do not fret; I feel fine; and that should be the last of the repairs!”
“I keep telling you to use your safety lines when you’re doing repairs,” said Dr. Pom, ignoring this tale of triumph as she peered into her patient’s eyes. “You seem coherent, but I’d like to confirm, please. What’s your name?”
“Whose Antenna Is Askew,” they replied promptly, wiggling the appendage in question. “You know me; I am the ship’s mechanic; you’ve patched me up many times before.”
Dr. Pom smiled wryly and looked up at me. “They’re all right.” She rummaged about in her belt, retrieving a slip of paper and weighing several powders and herbs onto it. “Take this before you tuck in tonight. It should help your carapace mend.”
An aggrieved Telero relaxed slightly next to me as Ten withdrew the frayed checkered cloth that was always at their toolbelt and dried their face. “Telero; now the repairs are done; do you want to check the cliffs for geodes?” they said, pointing at the shore.
Dr. Pom and I left the young friends to their explorations as they boarded the airskiff for shore, but I checked in on our mechanic later that evening. They were in the engine room, as usual, cleaning various gears and leaning close to the engine to listen to its steady hum.
I knocked on the doorframe. “Doing all right, Ten?”
They jumped and dropped what appeared to be an armful of wrenches, the tools clanging on the floor and narrowly missing their feet. “So sorry; you surprised me; please come in; hello.”
“Oh! The fault is mine,” I said, crouching down to help them collect everything. “You’re still feeling well?”
Ten nodded. “My carapace is very tough; it’s held up through worse falls; I am fine; thank you.”
I smiled at their earnest assurances. “I’m glad to hear it! And the Zoetrope? Everything running smoothly?”
“Running like a dream,” Ten said, casting their expert eye over the complex machinery that made our expedition possible. “The good kind of dream; the ones with friends; and cookies; and adventures. Like what we have.”
How had I been so fortunate as to find such bright, kind, brave, and talented companions? “Like what we have,” I agreed, handing over the last of the wrenches. “A dream come—”
“Come quick!” a voice yelled from above. “One of the specimens has escaped from the menagerie!”
About the Author
Baranthet Zamendi cultivated his love of the natural world at a young age, enamored with his grandmother’s awe-inspiring tales of the legendary Wardens of the Wild. He briefly attended Almas University before returning home to rebuild Droon’s public library, eventually becoming its head archivist. His upcoming book on the crew of the Zoetrope and their search for the wardens is his first, but he’s already planning his next adventure.
Support for Mr. Zamendi by
Simone D. Sallé is a senior editor at Paizo and has written for numerous Pathfinder and Starfinder books, including more of Baranthet’s tale inPathfinder Howl of the Wild, the primal treatise and witch journals in Pathfinder Secrets of Magic, and Starfinder Bounty #12: Under Pressure. When she’s not extolling the virtues of the en dash, she enjoys playing as many narrative games as her schedule allows and wandering the woods with her Disreputable Dog.
Hi everyone! James here again to talk about the last two ancestries featured in Howl of the Wild. We’ve saved the awakened animal and surki for last, as they’re quite different from the ancestries we’ve put out so far! Each uses its heritage in a pretty different way than any ancestries we’ve published previously, so we’ll be previewing those here instead of some feats.
The awakened animal freely chooses their size (from Tiny to Large) as a part of character creation, which also determines their starting Hit Points. Afterward, they choose a heritage that represents their general body plan. Your heritage will usually give you some suggestions for an unarmed attack that replaces the fist attack that most ancestries get, but given how broad the animal world is—some aquatic animals have wing attacks, after all—these are treated as suggestions to work out with your GM rather than as hard restrictions. The climbing animal heritage showcased below is great for a bipedal animal, like Dr. Pom.
Climbing Animal Heritage
You are an animal whose limbs are adapted to grab, climb, and brachiate. You might be dexterous and ready to use tools like a chimpanzee or otter, or you may simply be a quick climber like a bear, raccoon, or sloth.
You have a land Speed of 20 feet, a climb Speed of 20 feet, and one animal attack of your choice (typically claw, fist, or jaws; see the animal attacks sidebar).>[?
Surkis also approach heritages in an unusual way. Surkis absorb magic as larva and young adults, which accumulates in nodes throughout their bodies. All surkis freely choose a tradition of magic at character creation that represents the type of magic they most consumed as a larva, which affects the tradition of their magical abilities (plus a few others). Then, they also choose a heritage. A surki can then, later in life, undergo metamorphosis to develop these nodes into unique magic-projecting organs. Each surki heritage has a base ability as well as two possible directions they can evolve the ability later by taking feats such as the 9th-level Grand Metamorphosis. Surkis can even gain multiple heritages or change their heritage late in life with various feats as well! We can take a look at this with the light-emitting lantern surki heritage below:
Lantern Surki
The nodes in your abdomen are particularly luminous. You can use an Interact action to shed light from your abdomen in a 20-foot radius (and dim light for the next 20 feet). This is a magical light effect with a level equal to your own. You can change the color of the light or extinguish it with another Interact action.
Evolution Your abdominal nodes have evolved into a pair of secondary limbs that project a magical focusing lens. You gain the Lantern Beam action. Lantern Beam [one-action] (light, fire, magical) Requirements Your lantern light is shining; Effect Your lenses focus your light into a searing beam. You deal 5d4 fire damage to all creatures in a 30-foot line, with a basic saving throw against the higher of your class DC or spell DC. Your lantern light then extinguishes, and you can’t use this ability or use your lantern light again for 1d4 rounds. At 11th level and every two levels thereafter, the damage increases by 1d4.
Evolution Secondary light emitters grow from your shoulder nodes that flash in time with your lantern. You gain the Lantern Strobe action. Lantern Strobe [two-actions] (light, magical, visual) Frequency once per hour; Effect As you pulse your lantern, your emitters flash erratically, disorienting your opponents that see it. Each opponent in a 15-foot cone must attempt a Fortitude save against your class DC or spell DC (whichever is higher). On a failure, the creature is dazzled for 1 round. On a critical failure, the creature is blinded for 1 round and dazzled for the following round.
“But wait,” you might be asking. “My explosive surki sorceress, Blastrellina, isn’t just a surki; she’s also a nephilim because she fed upon the lingering unholy magic of the Worldwound! How will these ancestries interact with versatile heritages?” We know that versatile heritages are very popular, and so if you want to take one with either an awakened animal or a surki, you can! In this case, you still select a heritage purely to define your character’s story and cosmetic appearance, and you gain some basic benefits but not their specialized heritage abilities. However, you can take either the Late Awakener or Secondary Adaptation feat later to gain these benefits.
The awakened animal ancestry is embodied by the ship’s doctor, Dr. Pom, and the surki ancestry by its mechanic, Whose Antenna Is Askew (“Ten”)! Art by Gunship Revolution.
It’s hard to believe it, but our next chapter is the conclusion to this run of Zoetrope logs! If you don’t think you can wait that long for more Howl of the Wild, be sure to tune in to this Friday’s Paizo LIVE, where we’ll be talking a bit more about the book!
But that, explorers, is a story for another day.
James Case Senior Designer
For the fourth and final chapter of the Zoetrope Logs, click here.
We’ve mentioned before that every now and then, someone makes a typo and realizes that they’ve accidentally created a pun or joke so bad that they must immediately drop it into their team’s work chat, triggering a wave of snickering when we were in office, and now a wave of reaction gifs via the office chat. We’ve even statted them up for previous April Fools’ Day posts.
It's Foolish To Go Alone
Monday, April 01, 2024
We’ve mentioned before that every now and then, someone makes a typo and realizes that they’ve accidentally created a pun or joke so bad that they must immediately drop it into their team’s work chat, triggering a wave of snickering when we were in office, and now a wave of reaction gifs via the office chat. We’ve even statted them up for previous April Fools’ Day posts.
It’s been so fun that I’ve started stashing anything I’ve deemed April Fools–worthy, to the point where if someone else deems it worthy of The List, I’m summoned to add it immediately. Around a month ago, I added to the goblins’ ever-full dance cards by releasing The List into the wilds of the Paizo Chat. So with a year’s worth of out-of-context inspiration, the goblins responded to me with this year’s foolish wonders!
Maryssa Mari Web Content Manager
With every strike of a wordsmith’s hammer, a new onomatopoeia is formed. They swiftly grab the word as it flies off the anvil before nailing it to the pages of our favorite comics. POW! WHAM! SPLAT! The hammer crafts each and every sound. The humble wordsmith is often overlooked by their artisan peers, whose pictures are the primary focus of readers. However, many don’t realize that while pictures can be sent to the printing press, sounds are not captured so easily on the page and must be hammered into place by a skilled wordsmith.
While most wordsmiths are content to forge their words out of sight of the public, they are fierce defenders of their work and are quick to fight anyone who belittles it. They know the pen is mightier than the sword, but the hammer is mightiest of all, and they use it mercilessly to SMASH! through their foes.
Though many wordsmiths are dwarves, they come from all kinds of backgrounds, each bringing their own unique sounds and noises from their culture. Tengu wordsmiths particularly favor onomatopoeias similar to bird calls like cawfor crows or okalee for red-winged blackbirds. Meanwhile, leshy wordsmiths favor sounds inaudible to most non-plant creatures, such as the tr-tr-tr that reflects the sound of a plant growing.
Wordsmith Creature — 4
Medium, Dwarf, Humanoid Perception +10; hearing (precise) 60 feet Languages Common, Dwarven; truespeech Skills Athletics +10, Crafting +14, Occultism +10, Scribing Lore +12 Str +4, Dex +3, Con +4, Int +6, Wis +2, Cha +2
Items anvil and hammer (sterling artisans’ toolkit) AC 19; Fort +13, Ref +8, Will +11 HP 70; Resistances sonic 7
HP 70; Resistances sonic 7 Word Warp [reaction] (auditory, occult) Trigger The wordsmith is the target of a linguistic effect; Effect The wordsmith twists the words and attempts to counter their foe’s utterances with their hammer (counteract +16, 3rd rank). Speed 25 feet
Melee [one-action] hammer +14 (forceful, occult, sonic), Damage 2d6+4 bludgeoning damage plus 1d6 sonic plus forge onomatopoeia
Forge Onomatopoeia (occult, visual) The wordsmith slams their hammer against a creature, creating a visual onomatopoeia like CRACK! or SMASH! that flies off at the site of impact. The target of the strike must attempt a DC 24 Will save. Critical Success The creature is unaffected. Success The creature is stupefied 1 for 1 round. Failure The creature is stupefied 1 for 1 minute. Critical Failure The creature is stupefied 2 and gains weakness 1 to sonic damage for 1 minute.
Mightier than the Sword (occult) Any hammer gains the forceful trait, can’t be disarmed, and becomes a +1 striking hammer while the Wordsmith wields it.
By Felix Dritz Editor
Disarm, Finesse, Grazing, Professional (Cook), Reach, Tech Price 10 credits; Damage 1d4 S; Bulk 1 Hands 1 Type Melee; Category Advanced;
Group Flail
Moowhip: The self-replicating nanites in this handheld weapon can use the kinetic energy of your swings to turn air into interwoven monofilament sharp cheddar cheese fibers capable of cutting through any enemy or any hunger.
Grazing: If you Strike with this weapon and your next action is to use an ingested consumable or Interact with the weapon to eat some of the generated food, restore 1 Hit Point per weapon damage die.
Professional: A weapon with this trait can be used as a tool for the listed skill. Add the weapon’s item bonus to attack rolls as an item bonus to skill checks using the listed skill. Your proficiency with this weapon is equal to your proficiency with the listed skill (up to your proficiency in simple weapons).
By Dustin Knight Starfinder Developer
Chain Letters of Golarion
Armiger Khelum,
If this letter comes across my desk one more time, I’ll be reporting you to Lictor Stought. I understand the fear one carries when confronted with the possibility of hags, but I can reassure you that the Bloddey Glass Hag is not one to fear because she does not exist.
“You are now cursed!! You must copy this letter and send it on or you will be killed!!! In a fortnight at twilight the Bloddey Glass Hag will crawl out from under your mattress! This isn’t a joke! She will stab your chest and pull out your eyeballs with a fork and if you don’t have eyeballs she will pull out your liver and if you don’t have a liver she will pull off your skin and use it to make a newe dress! And then she’ll take your corpse and she’ll stuff it under your bed or she’ll put you in the closet! What will your Maralictor tell your family??? It won’t be funny then! Send this letter to ten other Hellknights to break the curse! Remember, the Bloddey Glass Hag is watching you sleep!!!”
This is ridiculous, armiger.
I’ve sent copies of this to my fellow Paralictors, the Master of Blades, the Maralictors, and the Paravicar of our Order, just so they also have copies of this... ghost story of yours. I don’t want to see it again.
Paralictor Shudi Osra
Never let it be said that I’m not grateful for the random bits and bobs that you’re able to submit to the archive that tell us more about pre–Age of Darkness Kyonin. But this one does seem a little... strange. Perhaps you could provide more context?
— Gorm
“I was dining with my youngest child at the Viridian Crystal, and we had the most wonderful little cakes. I asked the chef’s familiar if we might have the recipe and the little jay twittered and said that while he couldn’t give away the lady’s recipe, I would be able to purchase it. Of course, being quite sensible I requested the price and was told ‘two pieces.’ This seemed very reasonable, so I accepted, and I was told it would be added to my bill.
The next day, I was going through my letters and found my bill from the Crystal, and I was being charged two platinum, 32 silver. Of course, 20 silver for dinner, 12 silver for the lovely crystal tiara I purchased for my child, but apparently the two platinum were for the recipe for the little cakes! Well, I threatened to take this up with the Edasseril family, only to be told that I could put the recipe wherever I wanted, so here I am. I’m sharing this recipe with everyone I know and hoping that they’ll send it to everyone they know, and I hope that Chef Avie Vandlade enjoys her comeuppance!
Viridian Crystal Cakes
1 and a quarter cups flour, weighed
Three-fourths cup and two tablespoons fine white sugar
Three-fourths teaspoon baking powder
One-fourth teaspoon baking soda
One-fourth teaspoon salt
Six tablespoons unsalted butter, soft
Two tablespoons oil (vegetable)
One whole egg and one egg yolk, at room temperature
One and one-half teaspoons vanilla
One-half teaspoon butter flavor
One-half cup soured cream, room temperature
Activate your fire elemental and put your oven at cake temperature. Well grease a half-foot round pan.
Combine flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt gently in a medium bowl. Add softened butter and oil and mix until it looks like delicate sand.
In a small bowl, combine egg, yolk, vanilla, butter flavor, and soured cream. In batches of three, add the wet to the dry and beat until smooth. Scrape the bowl for any pockets of dry goods and make sure everything is fully combined. Once all thirds are in, beat for another half-minute until fully incorporated.
Pour into round pan, bake for around 40 minutes, or until a skewer comes clean. Cool in the pan for ten minutes, then transfer to a rack to cool completely. Cut into small circles or squares. Top with chocolate frosting.”
Dearest Gorm,
Yes, of course, I realize this letter was slightly obtuse. Cake temperature is 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
With care,
Do YOU want to be RICHER than ABADAR? Do YOU want to be PRETTIER than SHELYN? Do YOU want to be STRONGER than KURGESS?
Send my letter to your TEN CLOSEST FRIENDS and YOU will receive the BLESSINGS OF THE GODS!
Since Starfinder’s initial release in 2017, a larger-than-life mystery has loomed over the setting. What happened to Golarion? How did Absalom Station come to be? And what was stolen from the memories of everyone who lived through the period of time known only as The Gap?
Learn the Secrets of The Gap!
Monday, April 01, 2024
Since Starfinder’s initial release in 2017, a larger-than-life mystery has loomed over the setting. What happened to Golarion? How did Absalom Station come to be? And what was stolen from the memories of everyone who lived through the period of time known only as The Gap?
Triune has long worked to keep these secrets hidden, but with a new edition on the horizon, the Starfinder team is ready to pull back the curtain…
Under the supervision of Managing Creative Director Thurston Hillman and Senior Developer Jenny Jarzabski (and snuck under the nose of Publisher and Chief Creative Officer Erik Mona), The Gap is a Starfinder book like no other! Learn the secrets of the most mysterious time in the Pact World’s history—but you’d better act fast! This book is only available today, and in very limited quantities.
Buy The Gap now to unlock the history of the universe before Triune silences the whispers that echo through space and time!
Note: Starfinder The Gap is an April Fool’s Day limited-run product. Please read the product description on the webstore page before purchase. This book was printed in extremely limited quantities and is only available while supplies last.
Salutations! It’s me, Luis Loza! I am saddened to say that we are at the end of our draconic journey. Last week, we took a look at the mighty and benevolent empyreal dragons. This week, we close out our exploration of dragons by looking into the crystal ball and revealing the mysterious omen dragons. Let’s have a look!
A Fated Encounter With Dragons!
Friday, March 29, 2024
Salutations! It’s me, Luis Loza! I am saddened to say that we are at the end of our draconic journey. Last week, we took a look at the mighty and benevolent empyreal dragons. This week, we close out our exploration of dragons by looking into the crystal ball and revealing the mysterious omen dragons. Let’s have a look!
Illustration by Kent Hamilton
Omen dragons are tied to the occult tradition, granting them strange powers. In the case of omen dragons, those powers are connected to prophecy and fortune-telling. Although proper prophecy no longer works in the world, short-term fortunes like those explored via augury still function. Beyond that, fortunes become less accurate, but might still have nuggets of truth within them. It’s these short- to medium-length fortunes in which an omen dragon dabbles.
Every omen dragon is constantly seeing glimpses of possible futures. These dragons’ occult nature compels them to share what they see with the relevant parties, regardless of the people involved or the nature of the future glimpsed. The dragon usually shares this future through their prophetic wings. An omen dragon’s wings have a reflective inner portion that is much like a mirror. The dragon can use their ability to allow another person to glimpse their future, sometimes months into the future, within the wings. Since an omen dragon has no other information beyond what it shares in the glimpse, they leave the task of deciphering the vision and dealing with the future to the people involved.
Omen dragons have a number of additional abilities tied to the fate and prophecy. Every omen dragon is unbound by the restrictions of fate, making them immune to fortune and misfortune effects except when the omen dragon chooses to be subject to them. They can also twist the immediate future to force misfortune on foes who attempt to attack the dragon. Even the breath weapon of an omen dragon is tied to fate and future. An omen dragon’s breath grants victims a small taste of an omen dragon’s power, inundating the victim with countless visions of possible futures that can overwhelm.
As they’re always seeing these future glimpses, omen dragons often collect items and treasures related to the future. Omen dragon hoards tend to be smaller than that of a typical dragon, but most omen dragons maintain several hoards at once. Most of these hoards hold items of some future importance, such as a weapon that will strike down a great power or a relic that can save an entire village. People who want or need these items can speak with the dragon in an attempt to claim the items, but doing so can be a difficult feat!
That’s the omen dragon, and with that we’ve finished our look at all the dragons in Monster Core! The book has been out for a few days now and I’m sure some of you reading this already had access to your PDFs or received your physical copies and learned about the omen dragon. In a way, you got to see the future before others, making you not unlike an omen dragon! I want to thank everyone who followed these draconic previews and I hope you’ve had a good time reading them. Also, special thanks to Kent Hamilton for his incredible work and being a great collaborator in helping create these dragons. These dragons wouldn’t be what they are without him!
As the author for the new dragons, I’ve been excited to talk about them, but I’m more excited to hear how everyone uses them in their games. I look forward to exciting stories in the months and years to come!
You know, I genuinely thought that this column would be much quieter than the delicious solstice report from last time but, by Calistria’s sweet whip, there has been so much hustle and bustle, I barely know where to start!
Venture-Gossip on the Town
Thursday, March 28, 2024
Hello, Pathfinders!
You know, I genuinely thought that this column would be much quieter than the delicious solstice report from last time but, by Calistria’s sweet whip, there has been so much hustle and bustle, I barely know where to start!
Okay, so first off: there’s mutterings about sending a group of Pathfinders up to Freedom Town. Apparently Old Baphy is sending more undead to harass them, so I’m hoping this means we’ll be seeing more of Mr. I’m So Handsome Uirch!
Left to Right: Uirch of the Burning Sun by Fabio Di Bernardi, and Watcher-Lord Ulthun by Hassan Tabrizi
Also, I was out and about at the Grand Bazaar, like I usually am on my off hours, poking around who knows what and who knows where and I saw a certain watcher-lord shopping with a fancy lady! Now, we all know there’s been certain glances between this lord and an acting leader, but it seems those may have just been glances, because her arms were very firmly around his (well-built) upper arm.
Oh, and the biggest news is that Eando Kline was seen storming out of a meeting with all of leadership and the Waterfall! He’s extremely displeased about something, and you know I’m on my way to find out! I tried to peek in and see what was occurring, but Old Muttonchops sent me on my way, as usual.
Don’t you worry, I’ll figure out what’s happening and will report on it in my next update!
Keep your eyes peeled for my next column, and enjoy your adventures, Pathfinders!
One of the theories that I intend to run by my Lady in my compilation of these so-called Godsrain Prophecies is that they may be warnings of some kind. This is a relatively new addition to my admittedly large list of potential reasons for their existence, which range from sensible hypotheses to outlandish theories, including one recent concern that this has all been a test by my Lady to discern whether I am trustworthy and analytical enough to handle some of her more complex research needs. I know she would never do such a thing, in truth, but after a particularly vivid dream (involving my being back in one of Lorminos’s classes and asked to deliver a talk about a research paper I had somehow forgotten to do), my anxiety briefly took hold.
The Godsrain Prophecies Part Eight
Wednesday, March 27, 2024
One of the theories that I intend to run by my Lady in my compilation of these so-called Godsrain Prophecies is that they may be warnings of some kind. This is a relatively new addition to my admittedly large list of potential reasons for their existence, which range from sensible hypotheses to outlandish theories, including one recent concern that this has all been a test by my Lady to discern whether I am trustworthy and analytical enough to handle some of her more complex research needs. I know she would never do such a thing, in truth, but after a particularly vivid dream (involving my being back in one of Lorminos’s classes and asked to deliver a talk about a research paper I had somehow forgotten to do), my anxiety briefly took hold.
The warning theory is of particular interest to me because it reflects an ongoing scholarly debate about the ability to prevent a true prophecy. As noted in Beyond Aroden (which I believe I have already mentioned in these pages), there are some who believe in the Fate’s Chain theory, which holds that any action taken to prevent a foretelling only hastens its speed and effects. Conversely, others believe that all prophecy presents the opportunity to exert free will. In the words of one notorious scholar, “those who lie down in front of the hooves of prophecy instead of taking the reins of their lives deserve to be trampled to dust, even if only metaphorically.” Fiery words, and ones I am not sure I believe, but given the gravity of this particular set of prophecies, I do like the idea that this might be an opportunity to shift the course of the future.
–Yivali, Apprentice Researcher for the Lady of Graves
The Death of Desna
The thing about journeys, especially the good ones, was how easy it was to lose track of the past. Hard to move forward while looking behind you. Desna had always believed that. Each new night, each new step, had something new to offer up—a bit of knowledge to excite her, a dark horizon to invite her, a way for love to keep her grounded as she wandered from place to place.
But something else was out there. A threat that she’d forgotten from the void between the stars, seeking only to expand its brutal, ceaseless silence. Not an enemy that could be caught or stopped forever, but something she’d held at bay as it consumed star after star, by making them anew as she had done since the beginning. Back then she’d set the stars like jewels, each a perfect piece of art, and now they were a chorus that only she could truly hear, gentle bells that softly chimed and brought new hope to dreamers.
Except with so much journeying, she’d let the task slide down her list, forgetting to replace the stars that steadily winked out. She hadn’t heard their quiet ringing slowly growing quieter, as something more than silence brought new fury to its form. And by the time it reached her ear, that music wasn’t quite as rich, and starlight twinkled that much less, and butterflies flapped weakly. Absence had turned to abscess turned to deep vulnerability, and what was of the past became the killer of the present. In one fell swoop of emptiness, no longer held back by her lights, something of the Dark Tapestry she thought she’d left behind took her and Cynosure as one, and with her all the stars that filled the skies above Golarion.
Desna was loved by many, and all stepped up to play a part and try to build a new world in the space left by her death. Cayden Cailean raised cups “to Desna and to freedom” (though he stayed still for many months, sometimes with Kurgess by his side, drinking to his memories and running up his tab). Shelyn offered welcome to those who sang in Desna’s name, collecting songs and poems so she would not be forgotten. (And when they sounded out of tune, as if something was missing, she called them Desnal melodies and blessed those who repeated them, ignoring art’s new promise for the haunting elegies). Sarenrae sought her vengeance but had no one to strike out against, and so she turned to healing in its place (by never letting hurt inside, and building walls around her heart she dared Shelyn to climb).
No one could prove the daytime light was any different than before, but even on the fairest day, there was something in the air—a stagnant sort of thickness that weighed upon the spine. Scouts moved slowly, and travelers lingered though they knew to hurry (to get themselves to safety long before the starless night). With no means by which to navigate, sailors called off voyages, reduced to tiny odysseys that kept the shore in sight. And while the feeling dissipated, slowly easing day by day, everything about the world felt dormant for a time.
Even as the pace picked up, no stars returned to fill the sky. At night, only the moon shone down, and paths forward could change in ways unlucky and impossible; more often did travelers disappear from the shadowed roads ahead. And while some blamed her ancient nemesis, Ghlaunder, who was emboldened by Desna’s demise, or Zon-Kuthon, who reveled in the new depth of the darkness, only Desna would have known that what killed her waited, determining its next advance, growing in the spaces left within a starless night.
Do the stars and their keeper, Desna, truly protect the Universe from some fell threat that hides in the darkness beyond them? May the stars shine forever, if so!
The Dark Tapestry? It has been some time since I thought about that void of space, which has long been reported to be the home of godlike beings far beyond my comprehension. Maybe this is why I am the most intrigued about Desna’s seeming knowledge of the place and its dangers. It is the first I am hearing of a potential connection, though that may simply be because I do not attend the right discussion groups. Whether or not this prophecy turns out to be true (or, again, maybe a warning that my Lady might be able to give to Desna to prevent this outcome), I will add a note about the possible link between Desna and the Dark Tapestry to my collected papers covering her works as a deity. I am not sure when or if I will have the time to publish any of the works I have begun to write, or if there will be room in my papers for all of the data I now have, but I am glad that I have at least begun collecting information. If these prophecies make nothing else completely clear, my own takeaway is this: it is important to understand what you know (and don’t) about the gods.
About the Author
Erin Roberts has been thrilled to be able to contribute a few small threads to the fabric of Golarion in the pages of books like Lost Omens Firebrands, Lost Omens Highhelm, and Lost Omens Travel Guide. In addition to her work for Paizo, she freelances across the TTRPG world (and was selected as a Diana Jones Award Emerging Designer Program Winner in 2023), has had fiction published in magazines including Asimov’s, Clarkesworld, and The Dark, and talks about writing every week on the Writing Excuses podcast. Catch up with her latest at
Hail and well met, Pathfinders and Starfinders! This month’s new releases call on heroes to save the town of Sandpoint, bring a host of remastered monsters to your table, and send you into Azlanti Space!
Find Your Path — March 2024
Wednesday, March 27, 2024
Hail and well met, Pathfinders and Starfinders! This month’s new releases call on heroes to save the town of Sandpoint, bring a host of remastered monsters to your table, and send you into Azlanti Space!
In celebration of Pathfinder Monster Core’s release, we’ve got a special “Who’s That Monster?!” stream today, March 27th, at 12 p.m. Pacific on!
Never miss a release with our Paizo Subscriptions—for everything from rulebooks to accessories.
The town of Sandpoint has seen more than its fair share of danger over the years, including harrowing fires, prolific serial killers, goblin raids, and attacks by giants and dragons, but now the so-called Light of the Lost Coast faces its greatest threat yet! Something sinister has been manipulating events all along, and a new band of heroes must step in to save this legendary small town from seven deadly dooms! Return to the town where it all began with the Seven Dooms for Sandpoint Adventure Path—a full campaign for 4th- to 11th-level characters that’s presented in its entirety in this super-sized volume!
Intense battles call for intense monsters! Inside Monster Core, you’ll find over 400 creatures, including fantasy classics like elves, ogres, and all-new dragons; wild animals from giant ants to ferocious wolves; and unique monsters that threaten the world of Pathfinder, like sinspawn and noxious needlers. These creatures cover all levels of play, from the slow and mindless zombie shambler to the ultrapowerful demonic Treerazer! This collection is an ideal resource for Game Masters planning their next battles and player characters looking for monstrous allies to summon.
Pathfinder Monster Core is also available as a Special Edition Hardcover, faux-leather bound with foil debossing and an in-bound ribbon bookmark.
Also, check your FLGS for the hobby retailer exclusive Sketch Cover!
From the hustle and bustle of a busy shopping center to the dilapidated, overgrown shell of a once-appealing plaza, there’s adventure to be found in malls across the galaxy. One side of this Flip-Mat depicts a futuristic mall, with an open entryway for crowds to mingle, numerous shops, and a luxurious food court to enjoy a bite to eat. The opposite side shows an abandoned mall and is the perfect site for a haunting or the remnants of a post-apocalyptic civilization.
Starfinder Flip-Mats present ready-to-use science-fantasy set pieces for the busy Game Master. With Starfinder Flip-Mat: Shopping Mall, you’ll be ready for the next encounter!
Whether your players are students themselves or the ones responsible for solving a tricky problem before things get out of hand, turn to Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Boarding School. From frightful legends that students speak of in hushed whispers, to struggles to contain failed alchemical experiments, to lighthearted stories of schoolyard mischief, these school buildings feature everything you need for an academic adventure, including classrooms, dormitories, a lunchroom, and a library.
A Starfinder Society Scenario designed for 11th- through 14th-level characters.
The Azlanti Star Empire is a vast union of diverse species, worlds, and star systems under the tyrannical dominion of humans who left Golarion for the stars long before the Gap. Under the leadership of Star Imperators Iorian and Yridela Ixomander, the Azlanti Star Empire seeks to bring all inhabited worlds under its hegemony, exploiting their knowledge, labor, and resources for the good of the empire. With a navy rivaling that of the Pact Worlds and the Veskarium combined, its ruthless legions of gem-augmented Aeon Guard pose a terrifying threat to the inhabitants of the galaxy. Most systems—including the Pact Worlds—have forbidden their citizens from entering Azlanti space, lest they draw the Imperators' covetous eyes.
Yet, a foe as powerful as the Azlanti Star Empire can’t be ignored, and numerous factions have dispatched agents into the Star Empire to operate in secret, acting as the eyes and ears of the Pact Worlds—a first line of defense against invasion.
When an undercover Starfinder broadcasts an emergency call for extraction from New Thespera, at the heart of the Azlanti Star Empire, Venture-Captain Naiaj dispatches a team of highly experienced Starfinders to answer the call. Infiltrate the Azlanti Star Empire, retrieve a Starfinder in peril, and escape with your lives—if you can!
A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 1st- through 4th-level characters.
The Maze of the Open Road has mostly been stabilized, and yet agents are still ending up at the wrong destination. While no one has been hurt, Venture-Captain Sigvard Tornkvist fears that it might be a matter of time until injury or worse results. She tasks the PCs with investigating the cause of these mishaps, and dealing with it, if possible. Little do the PCs know what they’ve gotten themselves into, but there’s a nonzero chance they’ll find themselves in a dance-off before their mission is complete.
A Starfinder Bounty designed for 4th-level characters.
Illegal gas mining operations are nothing new on the enormous Pact Worlds gas giant Liavara, but mining platform pilot Alana Eledin thought she had a foolproof plan to get past the mining syndicates’ and the Confluence Agents’ watchful gaze. She and a crew of desperate fortune seekers would power up a derelict platform they used to work on and take it down into the depths, to the limit of the structure. Of course, no plan is perfect, and reactivating the maneuvering systems on the old rig sent out an alert. Now a Confluence Agent, with Deep Station’s troubles still fresh in mind, has assembled a team of deep pressure specialists and the PCs to, if possible, rescue the derelict and learn what sent it plunging into the clouds. What no one involved has realized is that there’s a greater danger than the immense pressure facing everyone involved.
A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for 5th- through 8th-level characters.
The simple mission is: deliver a letter. However, upon entering the magical hedge maze to do so, the Pathfinders find that two of their sticky-fingered friends have arrived at the same time and intend to hide a powerful elemental artifact within the Maze of the Open Road! This completely realigns the keystones of the maze, leading to planar interruptions and wild disruptions to operations. It's up to the Pathfinders to realign the keystones, calm down an angry genie, and help everyone who's been misplaced along the way! (And just maybe get that letter delivered!)
From Our Partners:
Our partners at Archives of Nethys, Demiplane, Fantasy Grounds, and Hero Lab Online are dropping new content this month as well! Buy your PDF on to get a discount via the PaizoConnect API. Or pay full price on their platforms, sync your account, and get a complimentary PDF on the Paizo Store.
Prepare to face Gallowspire's hordes for as long as it takes…Pathfinder: Gallowspire Survivors launches on Thursday, April 4. Brave heroes can buy Pathfinder: Gallowspire Survivors on Steam in Early Access today, or try the demo, as they await the Whispering Tyrant’s return. Wishlist and follow the game on Steam to get notified of the launch. Keep up to date with all the information by joining the official Discord server, Facebook page and following BKOM Studios on X (formerly Twitter).
Bring Pathfinder to where you are, in person or online, and if you don’t have a favorite local game store, get books delivered to your door via a Paizo Subscription! From rulebooks to adventures, accessories, and more, we’ve got subscriptions for every table! Subscribing to a line of books gets you the physical book and the PDF for one price! Subscribe to four lines or more to unlock Paizo Advantage savings on products site-wide!
Welcome back to another exciting collection of Pathfinder Infinite & Starfinder Infinite Top Performers!
Infinite Top Performers—Feb ‘24
Tuesday, March 26, 2024
Welcome back to another exciting collection of Pathfinder Infinite & Starfinder Infinite Top Performers!
What is Infinite?
Pathfinder and Starfinder Infinite is a program that allows you to create content (adventures and locations; monsters; character classes, archetypes, and backgrounds; fiction; etc.) based on Paizo’s intellectual property (IP), including Pathfinder’s Lost Omens campaign setting, and to make some money while you’re at it. Your work might even be recognized by the community and earn you an invitation into the Infinite Masters elite creator program.
For more info on Pathfinder Infinite, Starfinder Infinite, and how to get started, check out the FAQs!
February’s Top Performers
Titles are ranked by an average of units sold and revenue earned and presented in alphabetical order. Asterisks indicate titles that have been on a best-seller list previously. Because they’ve consistently topped the list, and due to the number of their titles that typically take up spots, “Team+” and “Team Index” have asked to be removed from the calculations for ongoing top performers lists. This will allow newer publishers or book series to get more attention. Thanks, all!
Dive deeper into the new system of Edicts and Anathema from the Pathfinder Second Edition remaster. Over 700 edicts and anathemas for the ABCD of character creation: Ancestry, Background, Class, Deity.
The All-Seeing Eye is often derisively referred to as the "god of wizards." While that's not entirely wrong, it isn't exactly right, either. Faith's Reward—Nethys examines the influence of Nethys as the god of magic, including new spells, new feats, new items, new archetypes, and a new spell research subsystem to allow you to build or modify spells!
When Yivali held death in her talons, she feared delivering such terrible warning without also hope. Included in her annotations was research into what the world might become if each god’s death were to occur, and thus what contingencies could be made.
This product contains a handful of player options for each scenario. While there is a primary focus on the fall out for followers of each god, there are options for many types of players. The centerpiece is the return to service ritual and how each god’s death leads to which potential successor gods, what that new relationship looks like, and providing which potential benefits.
Providing an in-depth expansion of Pathfinder Second Edition's vulpine ancestry, Kitsune of Golarion Remastered provides players and GMs alike with everything they need to make this vibrant ancestry of shape shifting fox folk feel at home in the Age of Lost Omens. Based on Gold Best-Selling product Kitsune of Golarion, this product aims to not only remaster, but redefine the content from this original offering into an indispensable product for the entire table, tailless or not.
Has inspiration struck, but Player Core 1 doesn't have a subclass to fit? Whether you are looking for a Cleric spy, a swaggering Rogue, or a Druid with a will of steel, you will find myriad options within, made by 4 Infinite Masters and specially tuned for the PF2e Remaster! Feats, subclasses, focus spells, and more for the classes of Player Core 1.
A wide variety of subclasses, feats, and alternate class options—whether it comes from mastering the use of sound to bringing religion to the more physical classes. And let us not forget options of various levels of technology, from Steampunk, to tech which is science fiction even to Starfinder, to bringing forward old favorites from Pathfinder.
Experience the new Enhanced mechanic—revised for balanced and easier play. This expansion includes several new and revised mechanic tricks, drone chassis, and drone mods.
This is a brand-new adventure card game core set based on the award-winning first Starfinder adventure path, Dead Suns. This game uses the basic ruleset of the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Core Set, but expands upon it in several ways, with new card types, mechanics, and characters. This download includes all of the rules necessary to play the Starfinder Adventure Card Game, a set of eight characters designed to be used with the game, and three full adventures based on the first three books of Dead Suns.
When the lights go out somewhere in Absalom Station, station staff already stretched thin find themselves unable to cope with a forced entry into the maintenance passages. Will the player characters be able to find out what went wrong and start to set things right?
In this standalone adventure, the players find themselves as prisoners trying to clear their name. They start their adventure competing in the fighting pits of Akiton in order to survive. Given a mission, will the heroes be able to purge their record of any wrong deeds and escape? What is the mission? How will they complete the task? Can they be sure others will keep up their end of the bargain? Can they track down the real criminals responsible and bring them to justice? bargain? Can they track down the real criminals responsible and bring them to justice?
New & Exciting from Infinite Masters!
Want to see what’s been cooking in the Infinite Masters’ alchemy lab? Here’s a selection of new products from some of our Infinite Masters—and some pieces that have caught their eyes!
Clerics+—The expansion on Clerics from Team+ is now remastered!
It’s 30 minutes until midnight and the river’s delta is gleaming with bits of gold dust coming off the tips of the fires scattered about. Dragon-tailed lanterns illuminate the paths as multi-generational families recount raucous stories.
Tian Xia Days: The Dead Eat First
Tuesday, March 26, 2024
It’s 30 minutes until midnight and the river’s delta is gleaming with bits of gold dust coming off the tips of the fires scattered about. Dragon-tailed lanterns illuminate the paths as multi-generational families recount raucous stories.
Overheard, a gravelly voice mixed with sincerity comes from an elderly kobold: “Do you remember that time when...”
Cut off, an innocent yet bright voice coming from a toddler yells, “We’ve already gone over this, ông nội! I wasn’t even born yet! You and grandma met ages ago...!”
A family of seven bursts out into loud laughter as they filter into the streets, seamlessly mixing in with the noises of carts carrying crafts and garments, silks and spices; from afar, melodies of wood, wind, and percussion firmly grace the air.
It’s the second day of the Festival of the Loss: Xa Hoi’s yearly celebration of the lives of the recently deceased, but also the ancestors that have been watching over the collective for centuries.
Bordering each side of the river, home cooks, restaurant chefs, and food stall owners squat, cooking fragrant foods on portable stoves and fires. Closer to the water are tables draped with lucky red fabric, used year after year, dishes placed carefully. The food is surrounded by burning incense that wafts up to the heavens:
· Pillowy, perfectly cooked rice next to crisped, barbecued game glazed with a translucent, sweet red sauce that reflects all the lanterns and lights.
· Bowls of fragrant broth, simmered for a full day prior to pull the flavor from livestock bones and aromatics into the perfect infusion, filled with tender noodles and garnished with fresh herbs.
· Beautiful golden pancakes still sizzling on the griddle, loaded with glowing leaves and minced meat, folded into half-moon parcels.
· Rice paper rolls stuffed to the brim with fresh vegetables, herbs, noodles, and steamed prawns caught and delivered just the morning prior, served next to a sweet, crunchy peanut sauce.
· A three-layered bean and jelly parfait drizzled with a viscous cream, multicolored glutinous rice dumplings in a ginger syrup, and big, round fried pastries covered with seeds, filled with a mixture of locally harvested sweet beans.
Yet, no one has approached the tablescape. Though outsiders might be curious why this mile-long spread adorning the riverside isn’t being touched, for the people of Xa Hoi, it’s because it’s tradition. You see, the dead always eat first.
Legends have been told of ancestors who moved to the afterlife and existed miserably because they were forgotten. Instead of joining those who've moved on peacefully to look over their family’s health and luck, these now-lost souls are cursed for eternity. Wondering why their families have forgotten them they manifest as bad luck, nightmares, or even come to our mortal plane themselves, seeking attention and respect.
This is why the dead always eat first. The meals are put out under the full moon of the Festival of the Loss to invite those who protect Xa Hoi to join in celebration, feast, and remembrance.
Illustration by Luis Salas Lastra
As the hour and minute hand of clocks join at midnight, there’s one more moment of silence. A single, unified prayer. One big breath inhaled together with hands pressed close to the hearts—families are sending final well-wishes to their loved ones. Then, as if on cue, the chaotic symphony of music and laughter and joyous conversation rises back to fill the streets along the river as families take turns making their plates and enjoying the delicious, jubilant dinner.
As some folks go back for seconds, many start making their way toward the center of the city of Ngon Hoa, where the rivers meet. Shining brighter than the lanterns that line the river, a stage next to the water is covered with vibrant tapestries lined with golden trim. Embroidered into the curtains are stitched portraits of dragons and warriors and empresses and flowers, seamlessly flowing into each other like scenes from a play, draping across the fabric.
Though performers have been rotating throughout the night, in and out of the larger festival grounds, with lighter crowds watching and cheering them on, now, people start to enter en masse, staking their place on the damp, grassy ground with blankets and stools to see the annual water puppetry show, Múa rối nước. On stage, the orchestra sets up gongs, wooden flutes, drums, chimes, and string instruments rarely seen outside of Xa Hoi. At the stage’s edge, closest to the water, lie ornate hand-carved wooden puppets, ranging from humans to dragons, merfolk, and nagaji, mirroring the crowd that has gathered around.
The spotlights bolt up and down, right to left, finally converging to shine over the river, and the water seems to slow down. The Sorcerer Storytellers rise enchantingly from below the surface and begin the show to roaring applause. They recount stories over the water to tell of this year’s troubles and successes, their magic manipulating not only the puppets from the stage, but shaping the water itself with swipes of their hands like a timeless dance that’s both familiar and not from this world. Their silken garments, meticulously crafted by masterful seamstresses, almost seem to enhance their dragon-blooded magic, each embroidered stitch exuding small glimmers of light as they perform. Dramatic scenes reenact wars with swelling, cacophonous music and powerful imagery, these darker moments interwoven with flashes of occasional victorious triumphs while plumes of water fly high to the sky in unison with the music.
As the show ends with a magnificent finale, swirls of iridescent water whipping around in a display of elegant magic, the festivities start to wane. At a glance across the river, the ornate and lavish outfits start to dwindle as workers change into their ordinary uniforms. The next day's tasks still must be done. The incense has burned down to the bottom, leaving small piles of gray ash at the base of ceramic bowls. Performers start packing up their instruments and tear down their festival stages. Carts that once held celebratory candies and toys are stowed away for household wares and common fabrics—the tables’ lucky red clothes are folded up and stored for next year’s celebration, too. Farmers head back toward their plots to tend to the crops and livestock. Store owners start opening shops for the last few hours before the sun starts to rise once more in Xa Hoi.
About the Author
Danny Quach (he/him) is a tabletop marketing professional by day and the internet’s emotional support himbo by night. He’s the author of Digital Thiccness, a substack dedicated to making information about marketing, social media trends, and building digital communities as accessible as possible, sprinkled with personal musings and projects and pop culture through a queer lens. When he’s not writing and collaborating on TTRPG projects, Danny can be found lifting heavy things, eating tasty things, watching scary movies, and listening to 2000s emo/screamo music. Follow him on Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram.