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Druid Class Preview

Druids are practitioners of primal magic, which blends vital essence (the essence of life, instinct, and faith) with material essence (the essence of matter and the natural world). Thus, primal traditions are rooted in an instinctual connection with and faith in the surrounding world: the cycle of day and night, the turning of the seasons, and the natural selection of predator and prey. Druids are the iconic primal spellcasters; they call upon the power of nature for magic through their deep faith, as opposed to primal sorcerers, who harness the power of fey or other natural creatures that flows through their blood to access the same sorts of primal energies.

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Tags: Druids Lini Pathfinder Playtest Wayne Reynolds

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Bard Class Preview

The bard—it's arguably the most iconic support character. For some reason, bards are often the butt of goofy jokes, even though they're powerful force multipliers who can contribute to just about every aspect of play. Bard is one of my favorite classes in Pathfinder, and it has some of the most exciting changes of any of the classes in the Pathfinder Playtest, but I'm going to start you with a big one first. Are you sitting down yet? OK, good:

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Tags: Pathfinder Playtest Wayne Reynolds

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Sorcerer Class Preview

Their magical blood gives sorcerers their spellcasting power, and it's been a major part of the class since Pathfinder's inception. So for the Pathfinder Playtest, we're going all in: your character's bloodline determines her spell list!

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Tags: Pathfinder Playtest Seoni Sorcerers Wayne Reynolds

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It’s a Trap!

Hazards are some of the most common challenges in Pathfinder, apart from monsters, and the most common hazards are traps. Most of the hazards in the Pathfinder Playtest are traps, but there are also environmental hazards like mold and quicksand, or even haunts. Rather than have different rules for each type of hazard, in the playtest, hazards all have a unified format, though how you might find them and deal with them can be quite different.

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Tags: Merisiel Pathfinder Playtest Rogues Wayne Reynolds

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Ranger Class Preview

Rangers have a long tradition in heroic adventure. Whether they're portrayed as lone striders keeping the edges of the wilderness free of the threats that lurch forth from the world's shadows, as hunters tracking down fugitives or beasts, or as skilled archers serving as a scouting force for a local lord or group of village elders, rangers have a special place in our fantastical imagination.

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Tags: Harsk Pathfinder Playtest Rangers Wayne Reynolds

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Trinkets and Treasures

Wayfinder. Bag of holding. Ring of the ram. Staff of power. Holy avenger. The magic items you find during your adventures become a part of your story and let you do things beyond the techniques you've mastered and the spells you know. So how do these essentials of the game work in the Pathfinder Playtest?

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Tags: Pathfinder Playtest Wayne Reynolds

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Archetypes for All

Over the years, we have added a wide variety of new rules to Pathfinder First Edition, but none has been so well received as archetypes. It's no surprise that archetypes found such universal appeal. Allowing you to play a more specialized character, they let you play the character you want to play in a way that a single class often cannot support.

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Tags: Pathfinder Playtest Wayne Reynolds

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Monk Class Preview

Monks choose whether their key ability is Strength or Dexterity, which will determine the DC of some of their abilities. Their selection of initial proficiencies looks pretty different from most classes! First off, they have expert proficiency in all their saving throws. Monks aren't trained in any weapons, but they are trained in all unarmed attacks. They also get powerful fist, which increases the damage die of their fists and lets them make lethal strikes without penalty when using normally nonlethal unarmed attacks. Further, they're untrained in armor, but get graceful expertise at 1st level, which gives them expert proficiency in unarmored defense (everybody else is only trained).

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Tags: Pathfinder Playtest Wayne Reynolds

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Barbarian Class Preview

Rage consumes you in battle. You delight in carving through your enemies using powerful weapons and wreaking havoc without needing complicated techniques or rigid training, and you rely on your astonishing durability to get you through a fight. You associate your rage with a traditional symbol of affinity known as a totem, which might take the form of an animal, a spirit, or even a part of yourself. To many barbarians, brute force is a hammer and every problem looks like a nail; to others, the dark emotions within them are something to hold back and release only when it matters most.

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Tags: Amiri Barbarians Pathfinder Playtest Wayne Reynolds

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Wizard Class Preview

With Paizocon getting underway in just a few days, we wanted to round out our previews by looking at the final class that you will be able to play at the show. So, without further delay, it's time to look at the wizard!

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Tags: Ezren Pathfinder Playtest Wayne Reynolds Wizards

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Attack the Stat Block

In Monday's monster blog, Mark told you about some of the changes we made to monsters to make them more engaging and easy to run. So how did we turn all that into something you can use? Well, we put a lot of thought into making a new monster stat block that would be more concise, while remaining flexible enough that we can still keep a similar level of complexity for some of our most powerful and iconic monsters.

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Tags: Pathfinder Playtest Wayne Reynolds

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Building Monsters

We've talked in depth about many of the systematic changes and PC options in the blogs so far, but what about monsters? From animated objects to zombies, from the lowliest kobold to the mighty jabberwock, the Pathfinder Playtest Bestiary includes over 250 different monsters and other adversaries built specifically for the playtest. But what makes these monsters tick? We've worked to bring you many of your favorite Pathfinder monsters with their familiar feel and niche in the world, but with updated mechanics to make your encounters even more memorable!

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Tags: Pathfinder Playtest Wayne Reynolds

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Everyone Has a Past

While we all live moment-by-moment, we are also shaped by our past. This is especially true for adventurers. After all, very few elves at the ripe age of 14 think to themselves, "Hey, I think I'm going to become a barbarian." There is a path that leads the character to their class. It might synergize obviously with the class's discipline, or at first blush it might seem a non sequitur, but the path is there.

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Tags: Pathfinder Playtest Wayne Reynolds

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Paladin Class Preview

All it takes is a cursory browse of the Paizo forums to see that paladins are not just the most contentious class in Pathfinder, they are the most contentious conversation topic. Weeks before we previewed the class, multiple threads with thousands of posts arose in advance, filled with passionate fans with many different opinions and plenty of good ideas. Turns out, the Paizo office isn't too different.

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Tags: Paladins Pathfinder Playtest Seelah Wayne Reynolds

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Gearing Up!

In Monday's blog, we talked about weapons and all the plentiful options you have when you're picking those. So let's stay in the Equipment chapter for the Pathfinder Playtest Rulebook and take a look at armor, other gear, and everything else having to do with items!

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Tags: Pathfinder Playtest Wayne Reynolds

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What's Your Weapon?

For many heroes, their choice of weapon says more about their personality and sense of aesthetics than their penchant for mechanical optimization. For others, form follows function, and still others blend the two. But what sort of weapon fits your personality best? Let's take a look at various weapons and figure it out!

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Tags: Pathfinder Playtest Wayne Reynolds

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Cleric Class Preview

Clerics are the first spellcasters to get a preview, so you might want to look at the blog about spells before you proceed! We have a lot to say about this class, so let's cut to the chase!

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Tags: Clerics Kyra Pathfinder Playtest Wayne Reynolds

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All About Spells

Spells are magical formulas with esoteric components, including words of power, gestures, and unusual ingredients, that when taken together create extraordinary magical effects. Spells have always been a crucial part of Pathfinder and the fantasy genre as a whole. But what's new about spells in the playtest? Let's take a look!

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Tags: Pathfinder Playtest Wayne Reynolds

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Fuzzy Feet and Voles to Meet

Overlooked and disrespected, halflings and gnomes get by in their own way. Human society's misguided expectations don't mean much when you know who you are and what you're about. Let's take a look at the ancestry entries for these folks!

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Tags: Pathfinder Playtest Wayne Reynolds

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Alchemist Class Preview

Just read any messageboards or comment threads, and you'll realize this truth about people: some of them love to throw bombs and blow things up. It's a visceral thrill. Lobbing bombs is dramatic and fun, and every so often all of us love to watch something burn. If you enjoy this activity more than most, do we have a class for you!

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Tags: Pathfinder Playtest Wayne Reynolds

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Big Beards and Pointy Ears

You know, after all this time being stuck next to each other in game books, dwarves and elves might be getting pretty sick of each other. Well, too bad for them—they get no respite in the Pathfinder Playtest! Today, we"ll be looking ahead to the newest versions of these classic folk by delving into their ancestry entries.

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Tags: Pathfinder Playtest Wayne Reynolds

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Ever since the goblin song from page 12 of 2007's Pathfinder Adventure Path #1: Burnt Offerings, goblins have been a key part of what makes Pathfinder recognizable as Pathfinder. When we first started looking at what would become the ancestries in the Pathfinder Playtest Rulebook, we knew that we wanted to add something to the mix, to broaden the horizon of what it meant to be a hero in Pathfinder. That naturally brought us to goblins.

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Tags: Pathfinder Playtest Wayne Reynolds

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Critical Hits and Critical Failures

In the Pathfinder Playtest Rulebook, when you roll your d20, there's more than just success and failure on the line. You can also critically succeed or critically fail at a variety of checks, from attack rolls, to saving throws, to skill checks and beyond. Rules like these have always been a part of Pathfinder—for example, if you fail a Climb check by 5 or more you fall, and if you fail a Disable Device check by 5 or more you set off the trap—but they are uncommon and not universally applied. In the playtest, we have a unified mechanic.

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Tags: Pathfinder Playtest Wayne Reynolds

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Rogue Class Preview

Are you plagued by a friend and coworker who peppers his blogs with puns and ridiculous word plays, often dessert-based? Does it bother you so much that you fantasize about stabbing him in the back, but federal and local statutes (along with those pesky pangs of morality) stop you? Well, I have good news! You can play a rogue and take out your frustrations on your friend's monsters!

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Tags: Merisiel Pathfinder Playtest Rogues Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder a la Mode

No, we are not putting a scoop of ice cream on top of every copy of the Pathfinder Playtest Rulebook, but we are adding flavor to the different parts of the game. You've probably heard a lot about it in the blogs and podcasts, but today we are dishing out a big scoop of news on the different modes of play in the next evolution of Pathfinder!

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Tags: Pathfinder Playtest Wayne Reynolds

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Fighter Class Preview

Over the past 2 weeks, we've tried to give you a sense of what Pathfinder Second Edition is all about, but now it's time to delve into some details on the classes. From now until the game releases in August, we'll go through the classes one by one, pausing now and then to look at various rules and systems. Today, let's take a look at one of the most foundational classes in the game: the fighter.

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Tags: Fighters Pathfinder Playtest Valeros Wayne Reynolds

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Are You Proficient?

The term "proficiency" has been a part of the Pathfinder rules since the very beginning, but in the Pathfinder Playtest Rulebook, we've expanded the concept to cover more than just weapons and armor. In the new proficiency system, your proficiency matters for just about every check you attempt and DC you have. You don't just have proficiency in weapons, which helps when you swing a sword, or proficiency in armor, which protects you when you try to avoid a blow—instead, proficiency covers everything from axes to spells, from Acrobatics to Thievery, and from Perception to Will saves. Your proficiency in Fortitude saves can allow you to shake off virulent poisons in an instant, and your proficiency in Diplomacy might help you stop a fight before it begins. There are five different ranks of proficiency.

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Tags: Pathfinder Playtest Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Wilderness

Meet the Iconics—Zova

Zova's parents saw it coming, of course, well before she made clear her intention to travel the world and seek its wonders. They worried for her safety, but they also knew that of all their children, Zova's passion for life, her respect for the natural world, her keen perception, and her almost uncanny knack for getting the upper hand in a fight made her the best suited to leave the proverbial nest. Despite her awkward place in the clan, she still loved her family and adored her home, and promised to return as often as she could—and to bring stories of marvels from her adventures when she did.

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Tags: Iconics Meet the Iconics Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Shifters Ultimate Wilderness Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Adventurer's Guide (PFRPG)

It's Dangerous to Go Alone!

On the heels this month's sixth Bestiary volume comes the Pathfinder RPG Adventurer's Guide! Being an adventurer comes with it's own set of perilous challenges, but with the help of allies, a well-supplied pack, and an alliance with one of Golarion's powerful organizations, your character can go far. Until we begin exploring the finer details of the Adventurer's Guide on the blog over the next few weeks, take a look at the just-revealed final cover, featuring prolific characters from the Pathfinder campaign setting.

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Tags: Adventurer's Guide Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 6 (PFRPG)

Keep One Eye Open, There's Monsters Out There!

In a few weeks time, a new tome of monsters begins making its way to game and book stores, and into the hands of GMs! Until then, take a look at the amazingly wicked cover illustrated by Wayne Reynolds for Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 6 and stay tuned for previews, starting next week!

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Tags: Bestiary 6 Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Adventure Path #108: Hell Comes to Westcrown (Hell's Vengeance 6 of 6) (PFRPG)

Meet the Villains—Nyctessa

The Hell's Vengeance Adventure Path is here, and it's time to reveal the final iconic villain for Paizo's first Adventure Path for evil characters! Today we present the iconic necromancer, Nyctessa. Pathfinder Adventure Path #108: Hell Comes to Westcrown will contain Nyctessa's full stat block. You can also download the Hell's Vengeance Player's Guide, which contains all of the new iconic villains for use as pregenerated characters!

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Tags: Hell's Vengeance Iconics Meet the Iconics Nyctessa Pathfinder Adventure Path Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Adventure Path: Curse of the Crimson Throne (PFRPG)

The Queen Returns—New Pathfinder Products Announced!

All around the Paizo office the return of the sun and leaves and greenery are a reminder of upcoming trips and conventions (including PaizoCon 2016, May 27-30!) ahead this spring and summer. This time of the year is one that the Paizo staff, fans, and our community really look forward to—getting to meet many of you face-to-face, game together, and the announcements of Pathfinder products to come that we've been keeping under our hats!

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Tags: Conventions Curse of the Crimson Throne PaizoCon Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Adventure Path #107: Scourge of the Godclaw (Hell's Vengeance 5 of 6) (PFRPG)

Meet the Villains—Urgraz

The Hell's Vengeance Adventure Path is here, and it's time to reveal the next iconic villain for Paizo's first Adventure Path for evil characters! Today we present the iconic antipaladin, Urgraz. Check out Pathfinder Adventure Path #107: Scourge of the Godclaw for Urgraz's full stat block, and download the Hell's Vengeance Player's Guide, which contains all of the new iconic villains for use as pregenerated characters!

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Tags: Hell's Vengeance Iconics Meet the Iconics Pathfinder Adventure Path Urgraz Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Rise of the Runelords Base Set

Looking Back on Four Years of the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

Last week, a bunch of us attended the GAMA Trade Show, the hobby game industry's annual spring showcase event. I did a few interviews there, including this one from noted Pathfinder ACG fan Eric Summerer of the Dice Tower, where I lead off with some information on Mummy's Mask, Goblins Fight!, and Goblins Burn! before launching into other stuff Lone Shark Games is doing.

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Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Intrigue (PFRPG)

Meet the Iconics—Aric

Introducing Ultimate Intrigue's newest iconic character, Aric the vigilante. Be sure you also meet the Red Raven, his masked guise and alter ego.

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Tags: Aric Meet the Iconics Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Vigilante Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Adventure Path #106: For Queen & Empire (Hell's Vengeance 4 of 6) (PFRPG)

Meet the Villains—Zelhara

The Hell's Vengeance Adventure Path is here, and it's time to reveal the next iconic villain for Paizo's first Adventure Path for evil characters! Today we present the iconic torturer, Zelhara. Check out Pathfinder Adventure Path #106: For Queen & Empire for Zelhara's full stat block, and download the new Hell's Vengeance Player's Guide, which contains all of the new iconic villains for use as pregenerated characters!

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Tags: Hell's Vengeance Iconics Meet the Iconics Pathfinder Adventure Path Wayne Reynolds Zelhara

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Intrigue (PFRPG)

Meet the Iconics—The Red Raven

Ho there, stranger! If you're lookin' for shelter on a cold night like tonight, you could do a lot better than that cursed Ledinthorp estate you were prowling 'round. Come 'long. My daughters married and moved out ages ago—means we got a spare bed for a traveler who doesn't know how to stay out of trouble when there're Gray Gardeners keeping the peace.

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Tags: Meet the Iconics Pathfinder Roleplaying Game The Red Raven Vigilante Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Adventure Path #103: The Hellfire Compact (Hell's Vengeance 1 of 6) (PFRPG)

Hell Hath Fury!

There's only one week until the release of Hell's Vengeance! In "The Hellfire Compact", players take the role of evil characters to further the efforts of the Thrice-Damned House of Thrune. Last week Wes gave folks a look at what evil details players can expect in Hell's Vengeance, and this week Managing Art Director Sarah Robinson has put together an art preview (including a sneak peek at what's to come in the second volume, "Wrath of Thrune").

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Tags: Alexandur Alexandrov Bryan Sola Ekaterina Burmak Hell's Vengeance Pathfinder Adventure Path Wallpapers Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Adventure Path #105: The Inferno Gate (Hell's Vengeance 3 of 6) (PFRPG)

Meet the Villains—Emil Kovkorin

The countdown to the Hell's Vengeance Adventure Path continues, as we reveal the next iconic villain that will appear in Paizo's first Adventure Path for evil characters! Today we present the iconic assassin, Emil Kovkorin. Check out Pathfinder Adventure Path #105: The Inferno Gate for Emil's full stat block, and keep an eye out for the upcoming Hell's Vengeance Player's Guide, which contains all of the new iconic villains for use as pregenerated characters!

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Tags: Emil Hell's Vengeance Iconics Meet the Iconics Pathfinder Adventure Path Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Adventure Path #104: Wrath of Thrune (Hell's Vengeance 2 of 6) (PFRPG)

Meet the Villains—Linxia Benzekri

The countdown to the Hell's Vengeance Adventure Path continues, as we reveal the next iconic villain that will appear in Paizo's first Adventure Path for evil characters! Today we get our first glimpse of the iconic Hellknight, Linxia Benzekri. Check out Pathfinder Adventure Path #104: Wrath of Thrune for Linxia's full stat block, and keep an eye out for the upcoming Hell's Vengeance Player's Guide, which contains all of the new iconic villains for use as pregenerated characters!

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Tags: Hell's Vengeance Hellknights Iconics Linxia Meet the Iconics Pathfinder Adventure Path Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Adventure Path #100: A Song of Silver (Hell's Rebels 4 of 6) (PFRPG)

A Silver Centennial

It surely doesn't feel like 100 months have passed since "Burnt Offerings," the first volume of the Pathfinder Adventure Path, showed up on my desk. A lot has changed for me in those 100 months—I've moved my place of residence, my job's moved ITS place of residence, I've lost more than 150 pounds, I've gained countless new friends and industry contacts, and more. It hasn't all been good—some friends are gone, some doors have closed, and as THEY are fond of saying, "mistakes were made." But sitting here now, looking at the 100th volume of Pathfinder, I can categorically state that overall, things have gone really quite well over those past 100 months. I couldn't be prouder of how this volume turned out... or more nervous, frankly. I hope folks like the adventure!

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Tags: Ekaterina Burmak Hell's Rebels Jaime Martinez Miguel Regodón Harkness Paizo Pathfinder Adventure Path Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Adventure Path #103: The Hellfire Compact (Hell's Vengeance 1 of 6) (PFRPG)

Meet the Villains—Lazzero Dalvera

The countdown to the Hell's Vengeance Adventure Path begins today, as we reveal the first of six iconic villains that will appear in Paizo's first Adventure Path for evil characters! We start with the iconic evil cleric, Lazzero Dalvera. Check out Pathfinder Adventure Path #103: The Hellfire Compact for Lazzero's full stat block, and keep an eye out for the upcoming Hell's Vengeance Player's Guide, which will contain all of the new iconic villains for use as pregenerated characters!

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Tags: Clerics Hell's Vengeance Iconics Lazzero Meet the Iconics Pathfinder Adventure Path Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Occult Adventures (OGL)

Occult of Indy

Many of us are heading out to Indy next week for Gen Con 2015. In the Paizo booth there will be a huge display made from Pathfinder RPG books, and the latest of them's going to be Occult Adventures. Here's a last preview at the fantastic art before it officially releases on July 29! See you in Indy!

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Tags: Caio Maciel Monteiro Estra Federico Musetti Iconics Igor Grechanyi Investigators Mariusz Gandzel Mavaro Meligaster Merisiel Mesmerists Occultists Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Quinn Rogues Spiritualists Subroto Bhaumik Wallpapers Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Occult Adventures (OGL)

Meet the Iconics: Yoon

Today, as part of our ongoing Meet the Iconics series, we introduce the next of the six new iconic characters featured in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Occult Adventures. This week we meet Yoon, the iconic kineticist!

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Tags: Iconics Kineticists Meet the Iconics Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Wayne Reynolds Yoon

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Occult Adventures (OGL)

Open Your Eyes—Occult Adventures Art Preview

Subscribers are beginning to get a peek at the gateway to the unseen world in Occult Adventures, which officially hits game store shelves and the convention floor at Gen Con on July 29! Since our art department has been keeping a fairly low profile, I wanted to take over and give you another preview of the artwork gracing the pages of this book. Enjoy these selections from Occult Adventures!

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Tags: Alexandru Sabo David Alvarez Iconics Igor Greganyi Ivan Troitsky Mavaro Meligaster Mesmerists Monks Occultists Oloch Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Psychics Rivani Sajan Subroto Bhaumik Wallpapers Warpriests Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Occult Adventures (OGL)

Meet the Iconics: Meligaster

Today, as part of our ongoing Meet the Iconics series, we introduce the next of the six new iconic characters featured in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Occult Adventures. This week we meet Meligaster, the iconic mesmerist!

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Tags: Iconics Meet the Iconics Meligaster Mesmerists Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Occult Adventures (OGL)

Meet the Iconics: Erasmus

Today, as part of our ongoing Meet the Iconics series, we introduce the next of the six new iconic characters featured in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Occult Adventures. This week we meet Erasmus, the iconic medium!

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Tags: Erasmus Iconics Mediums Meet the Iconics Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Occult Adventures (OGL)

Meet the Iconics: Rivani

Today, as part of our ongoing Meet the Iconics series, we introduce the next of the six new iconic characters featured in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Occult Adventures. This week we meet Rivani, the iconic psychic!

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Tags: Iconics Meet the Iconics Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Psychics Rivani Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Occult Adventures (OGL)

Meet the Iconics: Estra

Today, as part of our ongoing Meet the Iconics series, we introduce the next of the six new iconic characters featured in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Occult Adventures. This week we meet Estra, the iconic spirtualist!

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Tags: Estra Iconics Meet the Iconics Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Spiritualists Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Occult Adventures (OGL)

Meet the Iconics: Mavaro

Starting today, we'll be introducing you to the six new iconic characters featured in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Occult Adventures as part of our Meet the Iconics series. This week we'll start off by meeting Mavaro, the iconic occultist!

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Tags: Iconics Mavaro Meet the Iconics Occultists Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Wayne Reynolds

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Wrath and Other Sins: How We Chose the Next Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Set

Hello! Wrath of the Righteous marks the third Adventure Path for our humble little Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, and we are just pleased as punch that you would pony up your hard-earned nickels to—

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Tags: Bryan Sola Miguel Regodón Harkness Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Monster Codex (OGL)

2014 Art Review

As we close out 2014, I wanted to end on a high note and give you one last year-end blog. I went to our Managing Art Director Sarah Robinson and Senior Art Director Andrew Vallas to get some help rounding up some favorite illustrations from the past year. Seeing how great their selections were, I also asked various members of our editorial team to pick a few of their own favorites to add. So here are some of our best illustrations from 2014!

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Tags: Ekaterina Burmak Eric Belisle Igor Grechanyi Jason Rainville Johan Grenier Kerem Beyit Kiki Moch Rizky Maichol Quinto Matias Tapia Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Campaign Setting Pathfinder Modules Pathfinder Player Companion Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Tales Ralph Horsley Subroto Bhaumik Tim Kings-Lynne Wayne Reynolds Yu Cheng Hong

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Occult Adventures Playtest Coming to a Close

Greetings from the design team. I just wanted to take a moment to remind you that the Occult Adventures Playtest is coming to a close on Tuesday, November 25 at 2 PM Pacific time. At that time, the surveys will be closed and the boards will be locked.

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Tags: Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Wayne Reynolds

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Occult Adventures Playtest Surveys

Greetings from the playtest team! First off, we want to thank you for all of the playtest feedback and thoughts you have provided thus far on the Occult Adventures Playtest. There have been over 6,000 posts so far and that number keeps growing. As we comb through all of your feedback, we want to announce a new way to give us your thoughts, the Occult Adventures Playtest survey.

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Tags: Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Wayne Reynolds

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Confessions of a Recovering Paizo Blog Addict

When the Paizo Blog first started back in spring 2007, I was new to the Pathfinder fan community, and to be honest, Pathfinder wasn't even a thing. I rarely read it, because wasn't quite sure what the people who made my favorite magazines thought they were doing making D&D content that wasn't officially approved and licensed as canon and therefor allowable in my game (yeah, I was one of those gamers). I read the blog occasionally, but that was it.

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Tags: Community Use Policy Iron Gods Johan Grenier Maichol Quinto Miguel Regodón Harkness Pathfinder Adventure Path Wallpapers Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Class Guide (OGL)

Meet the Iconics: Adowyn

There’s always a need for a skilled hunter, someone who can track down a threat and put an end to it. And when a quarry is particularly dangerous or elusive, there’s only one hunter the people seek: Adowyn.

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Tags: Hunter Iconics Meet the Iconics Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Class Guide (OGL)

Meet the Iconics: Shardra Geltl

Today we introduce the next of the new iconic characters from the Advanced Class Guide: Shardra the shaman. Shardra will also be a playable character in the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Wrath of the Righteous set due for release in February 2015.

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Tags: Iconics Meet the Iconics Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Shaman Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Class Guide (OGL)

Meet the Iconics: Zadim

Today we introduce the next of the new iconic characters from the Advanced Class Guide: Zadim the slayer.

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Tags: Iconics Meet the Iconics Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Slayer Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Class Guide (OGL)

Meet the Iconics: Kess

She was raised to be Lady Kessilandrie Anicia Vlastos, but the thousands of cheering fans that fill the arena's seats when she fights shout her preferred name—Kess the Bull.

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Tags: Brawler Iconics Meet the Iconics Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Class Guide (OGL)

Meet the Iconics: Hakon

Past the Ironbound Archipelago, across the Steaming Sea, lies the Broken Bay, haven of scoundrels, raiders, cutthroats, and killers in the bloodiest viking traditions of the Lands of the Linnorm Kings. As a youth, Hakon waited impatiently to come of age and join the seasonal southern raids of his countrymen, eagerly absorbing the tales of distant lands they brought back with the plunder. The proud raiders boasted of desperate battles at sea, of ceaseless storms and sea monsters and foreign towns cloaked in sheets of cascading flames. Hakon committed these stories to memory, adding his own embellishments to create an oral history for his people—vowing to one day make a place for himself within it.

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Tags: Iconics Meet the Iconics Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Skald Wayne Reynolds

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PaizoCon 2014 Announcement Round-Up

Missed the annual PaizoCon Preview Banquet? Enjoyed too many cocktails while there to remember what we showed off? This post is your one-stop shop for all the important announcements you may have missed!

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Class Guide (OGL)

Meet the Iconics: Enora

Today we introduce the next of the new iconic characters from the Advanced Class Guide: Enora the arcanist. Enora will also be a playable character in the not-yet-announced Pathfinder Adventure Card Game set due for release in February 2015.

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Tags: Arcanist Iconics Meet the Iconics Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Class Guide (OGL)

Meet the Iconics: Crowe

Today we introduce the next of the new iconic characters from the Advanced Class Guide: Crowe the bloodrager. While the complete rules for making your own bloodrager characters will debut this August in the Advanced Class Guide, Quinn features in this year’s Free RPG Day adventure, Pathfinder Module: Risen from the Sands.

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Tags: Bloodrager Iconics Meet the Iconics Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Class Guide (OGL)

Meet the Iconics: Oloch

Introducing the next of the Advanced Class Guide's new iconic characters, Oloch the warpriest. While the complete rules for making your own warpriest characters debut in the Advanced Class Guide this August, Oloch himself stomps onto the scene in our upcoming Free RPG Day adventure, Pathfinder Module: Risen from the Sands, available at participating game stores Saturday, June 21st.

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Tags: Iconics Meet the Iconics Oloch Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Warpriest Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Class Guide (OGL)

Meet the Iconics: Quinn

Introducing the next of the Advanced Class Guide's new iconic characters, Quinn the investigator. While the complete rules for making your own investigator characters debut in the Advanced Class Guide this August, Quinn features in the our upcoming Free RPG Day adventure, Pathfinder Module: Risen from the Sands, available at participating game stores Saturday June 21st.

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Tags: Iconics Investigator Meet the Iconics Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Quinn Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Class Guide (OGL)

Meet the Iconics: Jirelle

Introducing the first of the Advanced Class Guide's new iconic characters, Jirelle the swashbuckler. While the complete rules for making your own swashbuckler characters debut in the Advanced Class Guide this August, Jirelle herself features in the our upcoming Free RPG Day adventure, Pathfinder Module: Risen from the Sands, available at participating game stores Saturday June 21st.

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Tags: Iconics Jirelle Meet the Iconics Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Swashbuckler Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Class Guide (OGL)

Advanced Class Guide Previews

We are just about 10 weeks away from the release of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Class Guide. Coincidentally this mighty tome also features 10 new classes to add to your Pathfinder game. So, in anticipation of its release, we are going to be showcasing one class from the book each week until the book hits store shelves and the gamers line up at our Gen Con booth to snag a copy. Look for these previews every Tuesday.

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Tags: Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Adventure Path #78: City of Locusts (Wrath of the Righteous 6 of 6) (PFRPG)

This is the End

This month the Wrath of the Righteous Adventure Path goes out with an epic bang. Throughout the course of this Adventure Path, the PCs rose to become some of the greatest heroes Golarion has seen. Will their mythic power be enough to finally seal the Worldwound or will the forces of the Abyss gain a greater control over the world? Tune in to Pathfinder Adventure Path #78: City of Locusts and see how Wrath of the Righteous ends.

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Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Path Wayne Reynolds

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Meet the Iconics: Balazar

To join in all the gift giving going on today, here's a belated present for the season. Happy holidays from all of us here at Paizo Publishing!

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Tags: Balazar Iconics Meet the Iconics Summoners Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Adventure Path #74: Sword of Valor (Wrath of the Righteous 2 of 6) (PFRPG)

Brimorak Attack!

As first illustrated in Pathfinder Campaign Setting Book of the Damned Volume 1: Lords of Chaos the brimorak looked terrifying, but seeing them alone without any perspective it’s easy to forget that these fiery demons stand about waist-high to a human. However, in this cover illustration by Wayne Reynolds it doesn’t look like the brimoraks are letting their short stature get in their way of taking on the iconics.

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Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Path Tyler Walpole Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Mythic Adventures (OGL)

Get Ready for a Truly Mythic Summer!

Summer has begun and everyone at Paizo is gearing up for PaizoCon and Gen Con. While we're all running around the office, check out this super cool desktop featuring our August release, Mythic Adventures. Mythic Adventures allows your characters to advance in one of six new character paths, details new mythic feats and spells, contains a horde of mythic monsters, and so much more! Also, be sure to look for more mythic options in Pathfinder Player Companion: Mythic Origins and Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Mythic Realms this September.

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Tags: Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Wallpapers Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Adventure Path #73: The Worldwound Incursion (Wrath of the Righteous 1 of 6) (PFRPG)

Gather Your Forces!

Here we have a balor taking out a silver dragon in this awesome cover illustration from Wayne Reynolds. This chaotic scene greets the PCs as they begin the Wrath of the Righteous Adventure Path, which launches this August with Pathfinder Adventure Path #73: The Worldwound. This Adventure Path uses rules from Pathfinder RPG: Mythic Adventures to make this a truly mythic campaign. As the release of this Adventure Path nears, I'd like to highlight some of the other things we're working on that can help support your PCs' venture into the Worldwound.

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Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Campaign Setting Pathfinder Cards Pathfinder Player Companion Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Tales Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Campaign (OGL)

Ultimate Campaign Wallpaper!

As we gear-up for the release of Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Campaign, we thought we'd share these new free, downloadable wallpapers featuring the epic cover art by Wayne Reynolds. Whether it's kingdom-building or leading an army, starting a business or crafting magic items, Ultimate Campaign is for all of the adventures that take place outside of the dungeon. Pre-order your copy today!

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Tags: Iconics Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Seelah Wallpapers Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: NPC Codex (OGL)

NPC Codex Q&A

The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: NPC Codex is a first for Paizo—a 320-page Bestiary-style book full of NPC stat blocks instead of monsters. We’ve asked designer/developer Sean K Reynolds to answer some questions about this latest release for the Pathfinder RPG, and why NPC Codex is a must for your Pathfinder game.

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Tags: Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Wallpapers Wayne Reynolds

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Meet the Iconics: Imrijka

Meet the Iconics: Imrijka Thursday, October 11, 2012 ... Wails regularly echo through the eastern wing of Gravecharge, Pharasma's cathedral in the university city of Lepidstadt. Yet such aren't the breathless screams of the dead that so often ring through the corners of Ustalav, but rather the cries of life. Since its construction, Gravecharge has maintained a clean and well-supervised hospice for sick and orphaned youths. Just as the goddess Pharasma concerns herself with the transition of...
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Tags: Half-Orcs Iconics Imrijka Inquisitors Meet the Iconics Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Race Guide (OGL)

Advanced Race Guide is Away!

Advanced Race Guide is Away! Tuesday, March 13, 2012Last week we sent the Advanced Race Guide to the printer. In the very near future we’ll be sharing some previews of this book, which is chock-full of new options for characters of all playable races. Until then, we thought we would whet your appetite by showing off this books amazing cover, painted by the lovely and talented Wayne Reynolds. ... And now, just for fun, if you were writing a caption for this cover, what would it be? You get...
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Tags: Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Dragon Empires Gazetteer (PFRPG)

Dragon Empires Gazetteer Wallpaper!

... Illustrations by Eva Widermann and Wayne Reynolds. Widescreen version here. Dragon Empires Gazetteer Wallpaper! Thursday, December 22, 2011Check out this great wallpaper for the Dragon Empires Gazetteer, courtesy of two of the nicest and most talented artists in the business—Wayne Reynolds and Eva Widermann! ... James L. Sutter ... Fiction Editor ...
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Tags: Eva Widermann Pathfinder Campaign Setting Wallpapers Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 3 (OGL)

Monsters Are Coming!

... Illustrations by Eric Belisle and Wayne Reynolds. Widescreen version here. Monsters Are Coming! Thursday, December 1, 2011The time draws nigh for Bestiary 3, so while you sharpen your blade and prepare your spells in advance of the monstrous onslaught, here's a little something to keep your mind on your task. ... Christopher Carey ... Editor ...
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Tags: Eric Belisle Monsters Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Wallpapers Wayne Reynolds

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Meet the Iconics: Feiya

Meet the Iconics: Feiya Thursday, October 27, 2011 ... Illustration by Wayne ReynoldsBorn in a small village north of Trollheim in the Linnorm Kingdoms, the child who would come to be known as Feiya was the daughter of two Tian merchants from Minkai who had come over the crown of the world to Avistan to start a new life. Travelers by nature, they spent the short northern summers making slow loops through Hagreach and the Thanelands, facilitating trade. What few memories Feiya has of that life...
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Tags: Feiya Meet the Iconics Wayne Reynolds Witches

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Pathfinder Adventure Path #51: The Hungry Storm (Jade Regent 3 of 6) (PFRPG)

More Jade Regent Romances—Kelda Oxgutter

More Jade Regent Romances Thursday, September 29, 2011The relationship and romance rules presented in the Jade Regent Player’s Guide have proven to be a popular addition to the Jade Regent Adventure Path—so much so that people have been clamoring for relationship rules for other characters in the Adventure Path beyond the four main NPCs presented in Pathfinder #49. ... Although you can always come up with your own romance and relationship statistics for any NPC in any adventure, we’ve...
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Tags: Jade Regent Pathfinder Adventure Path Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Adventure Path #49: The Brinewall Legacy (Jade Regent 1 of 6) (PFRPG)

Jade Regent Wallpaper!

... Illustration by Wayne Reynolds. Widescreen version here. Jade Regent Wallpaper! Thursday, August 25, 2011With The Brinewall Legacy, Wayne Reynolds makes his triumphant return to the cover of Pathfinder Adventure Path, perfectly capturing Ameiko Kaijitsu's charming swagger and personality as Sandpoint's least-likely aristocrat. What better way to celebrate than with a commemorative wallpaper! ... Christopher Carey ... Editor ...
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Tags: Jade Regent Pathfinder Adventure Path Wallpapers Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Combat (OGL)

Ready for Combat!

... Illustration by Wayne Reynolds. Widescreen version here. Ready for Combat! Thursday, August 18, 2011With Ultimate Combat fighting its way into eager hands, it's time to adorn your desktops with some appropriate wallpaper, featuring the ever-awesome art of Wayne Reynolds. ... Christopher Carey ... Editor ...
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Tags: Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Wallpapers Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Adventure Path #50: Night of Frozen Shadows (Jade Regent 2 of 6) (PFRPG)

Gen Con Pathfinder Society Recap

Gen Con Pathfinder Society Recap Monday, August 15, 2011It's been over a week since Gen Con wrapped up, and a little less than that since we returned to business as usual here at Paizo HQ. But even though we're back in the swing of deadlines and such, the rush of Pathfinder Society at Gen Con still has me feeling high! ... Over the course of four days and ten slots, we seated over 3,000 excited Pathfinders, many of whom played their first Pathfinder Society scenario during the convention. And...
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Tags: Gen Con Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Society Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Combat (OGL)

Meet the Iconics: Reiko

Meet the Iconics: Reiko August 4, 2011 Reiko is the iconic character for the ninja class from Ultimate Combat. To read the story for Hayato, the iconic samurai, or Lirianne, the iconic gunslinger—both classes also featured in Ultimate Combat—click here and here. ... Situated on the western coast of Minkai, Reiko’s home town of White Wave was a quiet fishing village, little more than a collection of shacks and cabins clinging to a steep cliff face overlooking the harbor. Crushed...
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Tags: Iconics Meet the Iconics Ninja Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Reiko Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Combat (OGL)

Meet the Iconics: Lirianne

Meet the Iconics: Lirianne Thursday, July 28th, 2011 Lirianne is the iconic character for the gunslinger class from Ultimate Combat. To read the story for Hayato, the iconic samurai—another class featured in Ultimate Combat—click here. ... Shieldmarshal Dahmok's greatest failing was teaching his middle daughter to read. After the loss of their mother, a lively but capricious elven explorer who viewed ten years and three children as a fling, he had hoped to rear homebody children....
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Tags: Gunslingers Iconics Lirianne Meet the Iconics Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Wayne Reynolds

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Relief! Thursday, May 19, 2011We’re all still reeling from the big push to get our Gen Con releases out the door, but you know what never gets old? Signing books. ... You may remember that a while back we put up a bunch of autographed books (including the gold-foil Special Edition copies seen here) as an auction to try to raise money for tsunami relief efforts in Japan. Well, it turns out that the Paizo community members found it in their hearts to give most generously, and now we’re holding...
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Tags: Community Paizo Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Beginner Box (OGL)

Adventure Begins Here!

... Illustration by Wayne Reynolds ... Adventure Begins Here! Wednesday, May 11, 2011The first RPG product I ever purchased came in a red box, with a fighter laying the smack down on a red dragon. I was 12 and I've never stopped gaming since. I suspect that this fall some young whippersnappers will see this Beginner Box, pick it up, and begin their own journey into this great hobby of ours. With this amazing art from Wayne Reynolds, how can they not? And what can you do to make their journey...
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Tags: Dragons Elves Ezren Iconics Merisiel Monsters Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Rogues Wallpapers Wayne Reynolds Wizards

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Magic (OGL)

Magus Preview

Magus Preview Tuesday, April 26, 2011 ... Illustration by Wayne Reynolds ... Every Tuesday until the book's release, we are going to be digging into some of the new rules and options you will find in Ultimate Magic. After a bit of a mix up last week, this week we are going to take a look at the new base class, the magus, and the archetypes slated to appear in this book. ... From its first appearance as part of the playtest of this book, the magus has gone through a number of iterations. The...
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Tags: Design Tuesdays Elves Iconics Magi Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Seltyiel Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Magic (OGL)

Ultimate Power!

... Illustration by Wayne Reynolds. Wallpaper design by Crystal Frasier. Widescreen version here. ... Ultimate Power! Friday, April 8, 2011Itty bitty living space? Nah, not with Ultimate Magic in your bag! This 256-page tome is the latest hardcover release for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and will be shipping to distributors in just a few weeks. Until you can hold the book in your hands, let this great wallpaper of the iconic magus Seltyiel by the always amazing Wayne Reynolds adorn your...
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Tags: Elves Iconics Magi Seltyiel Wallpapers Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Combat (OGL)

Special Charity Event Ends Today!

Special Charity Event Ends Today! Thursday, April 7, 2011 ... Illustration by Wayne Reynolds I'd like to take a moment to remind folks about the Japan Quake and Tsunami Relief Auction we started last week. For those of you that don't remember, last Thursday we announced that Paizo would be auctioning off the Wayne Reynolds original painting of Nakayama Hayato, the iconic samurai found in Ultimate Combat, our 256-page hardcover release for Gen Con 2011 and three copies each of a special...
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Tags: Community Hayato Paizo Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Combat (OGL)

Paizo Annouces Japan Relief Auction

Paizo Annouces Japan Relief Auction Thursday March 31, 2011Yesterday we published on the blog the official Meet the Iconics for Nakayama Hayato, the iconic samurai from the city of Oda in distant Minkai. The son of the chief falconer and his wife, Hayato—whose name means falcon—quickly proved just as proficient with the dangerous birds as his father, emulating their proud and fierce natures. In time, Hayato grew to become a powerful warrior, rising to the position of head samurai...
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Tags: Hayato Paizo Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Combat (OGL)

Meet the Iconics: Hayato

Meet the Iconics: Hayato Wednesday, March 30th, 2011 Honor is strength. It is a maxim that Nakayama Hayato has known since birth, and one whose barbs he still feels deep in his flesh. Yet Hayato also knows a deeper truth: that just as a sword must bend to avoid breaking, so too must honor. And the more rigid the steel, the easier it shatters. ... Illustration by Wayne Reynolds Hayato was born a retainer on the estate of Lord Nakayama Hitoshi, just a few days' ride from the great city of Oda...
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Tags: Community Hayato Iconics Meet the Iconics Paizo Samurai Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Player's Guide (OGL)

Iconic Love

Iconic Love Monday, February 14, 2011 For some of us, Valentine's Day is just another day. We go to work, come home, maybe hang out with our significant others a bit or send the kids off to the sitter for a rare night out. For other people, however, Valentine's Day carries more significance, and flat-out demands acknowledgement. They see it as an excuse to truly cut loose, to go all-out with the romance and treat it like a real holiday. ... And then, apparently, there's a third type of...
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Tags: Alahazra Alain Alchemists Amiri Animals Barbarians Bards Cavaliers Clerics Community Damiel Druids Dwarves Elves Ezren Fighters Gnomes Halflings Harsk Iconics Kevin Andrew Murphy Kyra Lem Lini Magi Meet the Iconics Merisiel Monks Oracles Paladins Pathfinder Tales Rangers Rogues Sajan Sarenrae Seelah Seltyiel Seoni Sorcerers Valeros Wayne Reynolds Web Fiction Wizards

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: GameMastery Guide (OGL)

Design Tuesdays

... Illustration by Wayne Reynolds ... Design Tuesdays Tuesday, January 4, 20112011 is here at last, and with the start of the new year, we've got a new program that we are happy to unveil. Every Tuesday, you are going to see a blog from one of the members of the design team (that being Sean K Reynolds, Stephen Radney MacFarland, or myself), looking into the mechanics of the game and giving you tips, tricks, and tools to make your game run smoothly and easily. ... I am hoping to use these...
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Tags: Design Tuesdays Dragons Monsters Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Wallpapers Wayne Reynolds Wizards

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 2 (OGL)

Release the Hordes!

... Illustrations by Eric Belisle and Wayne Reynolds. Widescreen version here. ... Release the Hordes! December 31, 2010It’s the last day of 2010, and once again the Paizo offices are closed, this time in honor of the new year. It’s been an amazing 2010 here at Paizo, and we managed to cap it with a great new hardcover book. Bestiary 2 has begun to arrive in stores and in hands around the world, making it easy to surprise your players with new monsters during your games this weekend. Bestiary...
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Tags: Crystal Frasier Dragons Eric Belisle Gremlins Paizo Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Proteans Wallpapers Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Magic (OGL)

Ultimate Magic

... Illustration by Wayne Reynolds ... Ultimate Magic Tuesday, October 5, 2010With Bestiary 2 down, it's time to start working on the next massive hardcover: Ultimate Magic. Check back at this spot soon for details on the second part of the Ultimate Magic playtest. ... Wes Schneider ... Managing Editor ...
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Tags: Alahazra Iconics Magi Monsters Oracles Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Seltyiel Undead Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Magic (OGL)

Ultimate Magic Playtest

... Ultimate Magic Playtest Monday, September 20, 2010 ... Illustration by Wayne Reynolds ... Welcome to the playtest of the Ultimate Magic, a new sourcebook for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, due to be released early next year. ... The playtest begins with a look at the Magus, a brand-new base class that blends the powers of a wizard with the martial prowess of a fighter. You can find this class as a free PDF in your downloads up at the top of this page or at this link. Once you have...
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Tags: Elves Iconics Magi Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Playtest Seltyiel Wayne Reynolds

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Prepare to Play with Fire

... Illustration by Wayne Reynolds ... Prepare to Play with Fire Friday, September 17, 2010The open playtest for Ultimate Magic begins Monday. ... Wes Schneider ... Managing Editor ...
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Tags: Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Playtest Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Player's Guide (OGL)

Meet the Iconics: Damiel

Meet the Iconics: Damiel Tuesday, August 3, 2010 Flayleaf may ease your mind. Pesh may invigorate your humors. Yet as any sage and scholar can tell you, knowledge is the most addictive drug. And once the quest for learning has its hooks into you—once your eyes have been opened—there’s no tearing free. ... Illustration by Wayne Reynolds Damiel Morgethai was born, as so many elves are, in the nation of Kyonin. One of innumerable scions of the prestigious Morgethai family, he grew up...
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Tags: Alchemists Damiel Iconics Meet the Iconics Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 2 (OGL)

Chaos Unleashed!

... Chaos Unleashed! Friday, July 30, 2010 ... Illustration by Wayne Reynolds ... Before the spoilers start rolling at Gen Con next week, behold the cover to your Bestiary 2! ... Tune in Monday to see if we can top this incredible cover. ... Wes Schneider ... Managing Editor ...
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Tags: Dragons Gremlins Monsters Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Proteans Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Player's Guide (OGL)

Meet the Iconics: Alain

Meet the Iconics: Alain Friday, July 23, 2010 Deference and respect are the privileges of noble birth. Few know this better than the man who calls himself Alain, yet equally well does he know that such things are not always freely given where they are due. And in those cases, it's the burden of the nobly born to correct the error, and to take by force that which is their right. ... Alain was born in Taldor with the proverbial silver spoon in his mouth, son of a wealthy but relatively minor...
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Tags: Alain Cavaliers Iconics Meet the Iconics Taldor Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Player's Guide (OGL)

Pathfinder Advanced Player's Guide Preview #2

... Pathfinder Advanced Player's Guide Preview #2 Thursday, July 8, 2010The start of Gen Con 2010 is four weeks away, which means in just one month, the Advanced Player's Guide will be hitting game stores and subscriber mailboxes. In anticipation of this mighty sourcebook, I am taking you on a guided tour, touching on some of the highlights each week until release. Last week we took at look at the races chapter and the new alternate favored class bonuses. This week we are diving into Chapter...
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Tags: Alchemists Cavaliers Damiel Elves Feiya Iconics Inquisitors Oracles Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Summoners Wayne Reynolds Witches

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Meet the Iconics: Valeros

Meet the Iconics: Valeros Wednesday, June 30, 2010 Over the last few years, we've made a habit of writing up introductions to our iconic characters, offering insight into who they are, where they come from, and their motives for adventuring. Just last week we presented our oracle, Alahazra, as the first of the new iconics from the base classes in the Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide. Yet as we did so, we realized that we'd forgotten someone very important: our iconic fighter, Valeros!...
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Tags: Cayden Cailean Fighters Iconics Meet the Iconics Valeros Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Player's Guide (OGL)

Meet the Iconics: Alahazra

Meet the Iconics: Alahazra Wednesday, June 23, 2010 Only those who refuse to see truth are truly blind. Such is the verdict of Alahazra, bride of the sun and prophet of the burning sands. Alahazra was born in a small Rahadoumi town east of Manaket, one of the many way stations on the caravan route known as the Path of Salt, which leads from Azir all the way to distant Sothis and takes its name from the waves of the Inner Sea and the dried tears of the slave chains that march along it. The...
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Tags: Alahazra Iconics Meet the Iconics Oracles Rahadoum Wayne Reynolds

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Hangin' with Wayne

... Hangin' with Wayne Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 03:45 PM PacificPaizo emlpoyees hanging with blurry Wayne Reynolds in the bar. ... Joshua J. Frost ... Events Manager
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Tags: PaizoCon Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Player's Guide (OGL)

Advanced Player’s Guide Cover Revealed!

Advanced Player’s Guide Cover Revealed! Thursday, May 20, 2010 ... Illustration by Wayne Reynolds ... Behold! ... James L. Sutter ... Fiction Editor ...
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Tags: Alchemists Damiel Familiars Feiya Iconics Linnorms Monsters Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Wayne Reynolds Witches

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Pathfinder Chronicles: The Great Beyond—A Guide to the Multiverse (OGL)

Making the Scene

... Making the Scene Tuesday, March 9, 2010One of the neat peripheral elements of the GameMastery Guide—aside from 300+ pages of hardcore GM focused tools and rules—are new chapter openers. You know, the big pictures with the little stories next to them that start every section of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Those. Our own Fiction Editor James Sutter is tackling these, and there's something really cool about finally getting a bit of a story to go along with some of the...
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Tags: Game Mastering Iconics Monsters Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Prestige Classes Proteans Seltyiel Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Adventure Path #3: The Hook Mountain Massacre (Rise of the Runelords 3 of 6) (OGL)

Trollin' on the River

... Trollin' on the River Friday, February 19, 2010We've had the cover for Pathfinder Adventure Path #32: Rivers Run Red (written by our own Rob McCreary) up for sometime now, but it bears another mention, as this cover sees the climax of a long and interesting evolution. It's little surprise that we were only three months into the Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path—and Pathfinder's life in general—when it came time to order art for our first troll. How to handle this got a...
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Tags: Demons Goblins JZConcepts Kingmaker Monsters Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Rise of the Runelords Trolls Vincent Dutrait Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Player's Guide (OGL)

Advanced Player's Guide Playtest, Round 3!

... Advanced Player's Guide Playtest, Round 3! Monday, December 14, 2009 ... Illustration by Wayne Reynolds ... Illustration by Wayne Reynolds ... The playtest of the Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide is well underway, with the release of the final two classes slated to appear in the book, due out in August. In this round, we are looking at the alchemist and the inquisitor. The alchemist is all about using potions and arcane alchemy to increase your abilities. This works a bit like...
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Tags: Alchemists Damiel Elves Iconics Imrijka Inquisitors Orcs Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Playtest Wayne Reynolds
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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Player's Guide (OGL)

Advanced Player's Guide Playtest, Round 2!

... Advanced Player's Guide Playtest, Round 2! Monday, November 30, 2009 ... Illustration by Wayne Reynolds ... Illustration by Wayne Reynolds ... The playtest of the Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide continues today with the launch of two more classes slated to appear in the book, due out in August. Round 2 focuses on the summoner and the witch. The summoner is an arcane caster that forms a close bond with a powerful outsider, known as an eidolon. The eidolon works a lot like an animal...
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Tags: Balazar Eidolons Familiars Feiya Gnomes Iconics Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Playtest Summoners Wayne Reynolds Witches
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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Player's Guide (OGL)

Welcome to the Playtest

... Welcome to the Playtest Friday, November 13, 2009 ... Illustration by Wayne Reynolds ... Illustration by Wayne Reynolds ... The playtest of the Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide begins today with the launch of two of the six new base classes set to appear in the book. The cavalier is a martial character. Like his name would suggest, he is at home fighting from horseback, but he is by no means crippled when his mount cannot be used. The cavalier gains a number of bonus abilities tied...
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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Player's Guide (OGL)

The Playtest is Coming!

... The Playtest is Coming! Monday, November 9, 2009It is almost here! The playtest of the six new base classes set to appear in the Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide will begin on Friday, November 13th. These classes will be presented as free PDF's that you can download starting Friday morning. Every two weeks we will release two of the classes, until all six have been playtested. ... Each pair of classes will be spotlighted for two weeks, but feedback will be accepted through the end...
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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: GameMastery Guide (OGL)

GameMastery Guide Cover!

... GameMastery Guide Cover! Monday, October 5, 2009 I may have mentioned this before, but the main villain of Pathfinder’s first Adventure Path, Karzoug, was no stranger to tormenting PCs. He was one of my homebrew campaign’s major recurring characters—a powerful wizard who served as the true menace behind the throne of an evil warlord. In my homebrew, Karzoug wielded a scythe and had already made the transition to lich and wasn’t as concerned with greed, but he was very much still the...
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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook (OGL)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Preview #13

... Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Preview #13 Wednesday, August 5th, 2009The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook is set to release in a little over a week, on August 13th, 2009, and in anticipation, we are releasing a preview of the game each week until the game hits store shelves. Since we’re done looking at the core classes, this week we’re exploring the heights of power with Seltyiel, the iconic eldritch knight. ... Seltyiel ... Male half-elf wizard 5/fighter 5/eldritch knight 10 ......
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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook (OGL)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Preview #12

... Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Preview #12 Wednesday, July 29, 2009The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook is set to release on August 13th, 2009, and in anticipation, we are releasing a preview of the game each week until the game hits store shelves. This week, we are delving the depths of power with Ezren, the iconic wizard. ... Ezren ... Male human wizard 10 ... NG Medium humanoid (human) ... Init +3; Senses Perception +12 ... Defense ... AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor,...
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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook (OGL)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Preview #11

... Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Preview #11 Wednesday, July 22, 2009The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook is set to release on August 13th, 2009, and in anticipation, we are releasing a preview of the game each week until the game hits store shelves. This week, we are sneaking around with Merisiel, the iconic rogue. ... Merisiel ... Female elf rogue 6 ... CN Medium humanoid (elf) ... Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Perception +12 ... DEFENSE ... AC 20, touch 15, flat-footed 15 (+5...
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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook (OGL)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Preview #10

... Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Preview #10 Wednesday, July 15, 2009The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook is set to release on August 13th, 2009, and in anticipation, we are releasing a preview of the game each week until the game hits store shelves. This week, we are getting angry with Amiri, the iconic barbarian. ... Amiri ... Female human barbarian 17 ... CN Medium humanoid (human) ... Init +2; Senses Perception +21 ... DEFENSE ... AC 26, touch 14, flat-footed 24 (+9 armor, +4...
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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook (OGL)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Preview #9

... Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Preview #9 Wednesday, July 8, 2009The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook is set to release on August 13th, 2009, and in anticipation, we are releasing a preview of the game each week until the game hits store shelves. This week, we are cracking some heads with Sajan, the iconic monk. ... Sajan ... Male human monk 8 ... LN Medium humanoid (human) ... Init +3; Senses Perception +3 ... DEFENSE ... AC 23, touch 21, flat-footed 19 (+2 armor, +1 deflection, +3...
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Tags: Iconics Monks Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Sajan Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook (OGL)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Preview #8

... Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Preview #8 Wednesday, July 1, 2009The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook is set to release on August 13th, 2009, and in anticipation, we are releasing a preview of the game each week until the game hits store shelves. This week, we are taking a look at Lini, the iconic druid, and her snow leopard animal companion, Droogami. ... Lini ... Female gnome druid 8 ... N Small humanoid (gnome) ... Init +5; Senses low-light vision; Perception +15 ... DEFENSE ......
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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook (OGL)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Preview #7

... Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Preview #7 Wednesday, June 24, 2009The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook is set to release on August 13th, 2009, and in anticipation, we are releasing a preview of the game each week until the game hits store shelves. This week, we are taking a look at Lem, the iconic bard. ... Lem ... Male halfling bard 8 ... CG Small humanoid (halfling) ... Init +4; Senses Perception +12 ... DEFENSE ... AC 21, touch 17, flat-footed 16 (+4 armor, +1 deflection, +4 Dex,...
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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook (OGL)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Preview #6

... Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Preview #6 Wednesday, June 17, 2009The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook is set to release on August 13th, 2009, and in anticipation, we are releasing a preview of the game each week until the game hits store shelves. This week, we are taking a look at Seelah, the iconic paladin. ... Seelah ... Female human paladin 13 ... LG Medium humanoid ... Init –1; Perception +1 ... Aura courage (10 ft., +4 fear saves), good, justice (10 ft.), resolve (10...
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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook (OGL)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Preview #5

... Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Preview #5 Wednesday, June 10, 2009The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook is set to release on August 13th, 2009, and in anticipation, we are releasing a preview of the game each week until the game hits store shelves. This week, we are taking a look at Kyra, the iconic cleric. ... Kyra ... Female human cleric of Sarenrae 8 ... NG Medium humanoid (human) ... Init +3; Senses Perception +5 ... Aura good ... DEFENSE ... AC 19, touch 9, flat-footed 19 (+8...
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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook (OGL)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Preview #4

... Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Preview #4 Wednesday, June 3, 2009The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook is set to release on August 13th, 2009, and in anticipation, we are releasing a preview of the game each week until the game hits store shelves. This week, we are taking a look at Harsk, the iconic ranger. ... Harsk ... Male dwarf ranger 11 ... LN Medium humanoid ... Init +5 (+9 underground, +7 mountain); Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +17 ... DEFENSE ... AC 24, touch 15,...
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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook (OGL)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Preview #3

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Preview #3 Wednesday, May 27, 2009The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook is set to release on August 13th, 2009, and in anticipation, we are releasing a preview of the game each week until the game hits store shelves. This week, we are taking a look at Seoni, the iconic sorcerer. ... Seoni ... Female human sorcerer 10 ... Init +2; Senses Perception +11 ... Defense ... AC 23, touch 15, flat-footed 20; (+4 armor, +2 deflection, +2 Dex, +1 dodge, +4 shield) ......
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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook (OGL)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Preview #2

... Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Preview #2 Wednesday, May 20, 2009The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook is set to release on August 13th, 2009, and in anticipation, we are releasing a preview of the game each week until the game hits store shelves. This week, we are taking a look at Valeros, the iconic fighter. ... Valeros ... Male human fighter 14 ... NG Medium humanoid ... Init +5; Senses Perception +13 ... DEFENSE ... AC 28, touch 17, flat-footed 23; (+10 armor, +2 deflection, +5...
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Pathfinder Chronicles: The Great Beyond—A Guide to the Multiverse (OGL)

The Great Beyond

... The Great Beyond Friday, February 13, 2009In The Great Beyond, A Guide to the Multiverse, we get an in-depth tour of what lies beyond the borders of life and death, of reality and entropy, and of good and evil in Golarion. Here, Wayne Reynolds's incredible cover shows us not only a view of the Maelstrom (the chaotic neutral outer plane) but also one of its indigenous menaces—a protean. A CR 17 keketar protean, to be precise. Here's hoping poor Seltyiel's ready to handle some...
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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Cover! Behold!

... Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Cover! Behold! ... Tuesday, February 3, 2009As quite a few of you have already seen, we've got a cover image for the upcoming Pathfinder Roleplaying Game! If you haven't, check it out! Wayne Reynolds, as per usual, shows us exactly what roleplaying is all about: magic, swords, and hungry dragons! Mark it on your calendars: 8/13/2009, it's the date your new campaign begins. ... F. Wesley Schneider ... Pathfinder Managing Editor ...
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Pathfinder iPhone Wallpapers

... Illustrations by Jesper Ejsing Illustration by ... Wayne Reynolds ... Pathfinder iPhone Wallpapers Friday, January 30, 2009Several of us at Paizo have iPhones, but some of us flaunt that fact a bit more than others. Take Managing Art Director James Davis, for example—since he got his iPhone, we very rarely see him without at least one earbud stuck in an ear, and he heads back to show me some (admittedly cool) new app he found once a week on average. ... Of course, the good news is...
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Pathfinder Chronicles: Guide to Absalom (OGL)

The Mean Streets of Absalom

... The Mean Streets of Absalom Wednesday, October 15, 2008 When in Absalom, be mindful of the myriad gangs of thieves, thugs, cutpurses, criminals, knee-breakers, and other ne're-do-wells. And should you be among this legion of lawbreakers, best to make sure your marks don't command the infinite powers of the multiverse (or an endless supply of throwing daggers). In either case things aren't going to end well for someone as we see in another incredible Wayne Reynolds cover for our upcoming...
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Pathfinder Chronicles: Into the Darklands (OGL)

D is for Darklands

... D is for Darklands Friday, August 8, 2008Just a few weeks after handing over the incredible new cover for Gods & Magic, Wayne Reynolds turned around and dropped our jaws again, this time with the new cover for the next book in the Pathfinder Chronicles line, Into the Darklands. As always, Dr. Reynolds's images speak for themselves: a dark elf casting dark magic in the Darklands. What more could you ask for? Into the Darklands releases this December. F. Wesley Schneider ... Pathfinder...
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Pathfinder Chronicles: Gods & Magic (OGL)

When Gods Wage War!

... When Gods Wage War! Friday, July 25, 2008In the past year we've had some incredible covers. We've seen rampaging monsters, unbelievable lands, deadly villains, valiant heroes, and awesome dragons, all illustrated by some of the best fantasy artists in the biz. It's hard to compare to amazing pieces like Wayne Reynolds' cover to the Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting, Steven Prescott's work on the Pathfinder Chronicles Gazetteer, John Gravato's cover to Guide to Darkmoon Vale, or...
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Pathfinder #12—Curse of the Crimson Throne Chapter 6:

Meet The Iconics: Seltyiel

Meet The Iconics: Seltyiel Monday, May 26, 2008 Born from a dead mother amid screams and disgrace, this sickly half-elf would never have survived had he fallen into his stepfather's waiting arms. In a cruel trick of fate, his half-sister's tears stole the infant Seltyiel's chance for a mercifully short life. ... The bastard son of the duped Lady Phiaura Bhrostra and the brigand-sorcerer Lairsaph—the so-called Feign Prince of Cheliax's Whisperwood—Seltyiel was never meant to...
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Tags: Fighter/Wizards Iconics Meet the Iconics Portraits Seltyiel Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Chronicles: Campaign Setting (OGL)

It's a Hardcover!

... It's a Hardcover! Friday, May 16, 2008This Gen Con, something pretty exciting is coming to Golarion—a hardcover book! I'm talking, of course, about the Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting. Wayne Reynolds gives us the first look at one of the campaign setting's big bad guys, the infamous lich known as the Whispering Tyrant as he takes offense at Valeros, Seoni, and Merisiel's intrusion upon his personal time. Here's hoping those heroes have built up enough experience points to be...
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Pathfinder #11—Curse of the Crimson Throne Chapter 5:

Meet the Iconics: Lini

Meet the Iconics: Lini Monday, April 14, 2008 In her many explorations and journeys, Lini encountered numerous large animal predators, with whom she seemed to possess a certain affinity. More than once, Lini's traveling companions or enclave came under threat from some great bear or razor-clawed cat, but with a series of soothing noises and precise motions Lini always tamed the beast and sent it on its way. ... Lini's success at calming animals came to an end one day when a snow leopard bound...
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Tags: Druids Gnomes Iconics Lini Meet the Iconics Portraits Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder #10—Curse of the Crimson Throne Chapter 4:

Meet the Iconics: Amiri

Meet the Iconics: Amiri Monday, March 31, 2008 There are a million ways to die in the Realm of the Mammoth Lords. The natives of this brutal land are the nomadic Kellids, and they have made the best of this primal world. Amiri is one of these barbarians. Although she was blessed with a combination of independence and brawn, Amiri's childhood remained one of constant challenge. To the people of her tribe, the Six Bears, brawn and bravery were not ideal characteristics for a woman to have. To...
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Tags: Amiri Barbarians Giants Iconics Meet the Iconics Portraits Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder #9—Curse of the Crimson Throne Chapter 3:

Meet the Iconics: Sajan

Meet the Iconics: Sajan Monday, March 3rd, 2008 Birthed to parents of the padaprajna caste of warriors in beautiful Vudra, Sajan Gadadvara and his twin sister Sajni learned to hold a temple sword before they could walk. Strict padaprajna discipline forged a tight bond between the twins, who spent even their infrequent times of rest together, practicing the latest martial techniques taught to them. On their twelfth birthday, the twins were forcefully separated: Sajan went to live with the...
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Tags: Iconics Meet the Iconics Monks Portraits Sajan Vudra Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder #7—Curse of the Crimson Throne Chapter 1:

Meet the Iconics: Lem

Meet the Iconics: Lem Tuesday, January 22, 2008 Although Lem was raised in the lap of luxury, his childhood was anything but comfortable. He had the unfortunate luck to be born into slavery, to a mother indentured to one of Cheliax's countless noble families. Lem was sold a half dozen times to different nobles before he reached the age of two. Such is the fate of most of Cheliax's halflings (often called slips by that nation's citizens). Halflings are much valued as slaves in Cheliax since...
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Meet the Iconics: Seelah

Meet the Iconics: Seelah Monday, December 17, 2007 Although still viewed by many theologians and traditionalists as a newcomer to the world's faiths, Iomedae the Inheritor seems poised for greatness among the divine. Certainly her numerous orders of paladins have risen swiftly to take on the vaunted role of paragon in many societies. Evangelical in their exuberance to spread word of her wisdom, Iomedae's missionaries were pivotal in the defense during the fabled Siege of Solku. They...
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Tags: Iconics Meet the Iconics Paladins Portraits Seelah Wayne Reynolds

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Oh no! Otyugh!

Oh no! Otyugh! Monday, December 10, 2007Wayne Reynolds continues his streak of brilliant artwork for Pathfinder—this background for the cover of Pathfinder #7, the first installment in the Curse of the Crimson Throne Adventure Path, shows us that there are much worse things than alligators living in the sewers.... I particularly love the little details, like the inn's sign  or the Hellknight about to take the monster out singlehandedly before the iconics get the chance. Click on the image to...
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Meet the Iconics: Harsk

Meet the Iconics: Harsk Tuesday, November 20, 2007 Not all dwarves are meant for the mines. As a young dwarf, Harsk spent every spare moment outdoors under the wide skies of southeastern Varisia, particularly at night beneath the stars, where his keen vision made him a hunter without compare. While generally uninterested in his family's traditional smithing, he still inherited enough of their tinkering ability to construct his own crossbow, a heavy, highly accurate weapon that few others are...
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Tags: Dwarves Harsk Iconics Meet the Iconics Portraits Rangers Wayne Reynolds

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Downloadable Pathfinder #6 Background

Downloadable Pathfinder #6 Background Wednesday, November 7, 2007Your desktop icons will never know what hit them. Click the image above to download. ... James Sutter ... Assistant Editor, Pathfinder
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They're Huge!

They're Huge! Monday, November 5, 2007At this point, what more can really be said about Wayne Reynolds? I mean, after one awesome Pathfinder cover, we were excited. After two we were elated. But now here we are at Pathfinder #6, and they just keep getting better. Not only are the giants great, but it's the little things—the architecture of Xin-Shalast behind them, the totally original yet authentic-feeling swords—that really make this piece for me. Plus, if you look closely,...
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Meet the Iconics: Ezren

Meet the Iconics: Ezren Friday, October 26, 2007 For many adventurers, wanderlust strikes at a young age when minds are impressionable and the urge to escape the doldrums of homelife become too much to resist. In other cases, there's never a choice at all—being raised on the streets leaves few other options available for those who do not wish to become criminals. Rarest are those who come to adventuring late in life.This was Ezren's path to adventure. Born to a successful spice...
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PF5 Cover and Wallpaper!

PF5 Cover and Wallpaper! Monday, October 22, 2007Last week you saw Wayne's awesome white dragon fight for the cover of Pathfinder #5. This week, we've brought you the whole thing as a downloadable desktop wallpaper—including the newest iconic! Who is this well-equipped wizard? Only time (and, perhaps, a blog post in the imminent future) will tell.... ... James Sutter ... Assistant Editor, Pathfinder
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Wayne Does It Again!

Wayne Does It Again! Monday, October 15, 2007Wayne Reynolds just delivered the cover painting for Pathfinder #5: Sins of the Saviors, and man, is it a doozy! Looks like Valeros has learned a valuable lesson about what it means to play meat-shield for the party when there's a dragon involved.... Click the image for a larger version. ... James Sutter ... Assistant Editor, Pathfinder
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Pathfinder #4 Cover... and Desktop!

Pathfinder #4 Cover... and Desktop! Thursday, August 30, 2007In the past, each time we've shown off the cover to a new volume of Pathfinder, we've been immediately deluged with requests for it as a downloadable desktop background, which we inevitably put up a few days later. This time we figured: why wait? After all, there's a long weekend coming up, and we wouldn't want your monitor to have to go without new Wayne Reynolds art for all that time. So here it is: the cover to Pathfinder #4,...
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By Popular Request

By Popular Request Monday, August 20, 2007And now, by popular request... Pathfinder 3 wallpaper! ...
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Gen Con Field Report Day Two

Gen Con Field Report Day Two Friday, August 17, 2007The second day of any four-day convention is typically referred to as the slow day. Retailers and manufacturers complain that nearly every year their business is down, the crowds are down, and Friday is generally a light day. Eager four-day attendees are typically seen swarming the Dealer Hall on Thursday to get the awesome Gen Con exclusives (such as Paizo's alternate Pathfinder #1 cover) and those folks are more inclined to game and rest...
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Tags: 4th Edition Community Conventions Gary Gygax Gen Con Planet Stories Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Adventure Path #3: The Hook Mountain Massacre (Rise of the Runelords 3 of 6) (OGL)

Pathfinder 3 Cover

Pathfinder 3 Cover Wednesday, August 15, 2007We're currently in the middle of working on The Hook Mountain Massacre, the third volume of Pathfinder, but we just couldn't wait to show off the new cover, courtesy of fantasy art superstar Wayne Reynolds. We've already introduced Merisiel, our iconic elven rogue, in a previous blog post, but just take a look at those ogres! With those flat teeth and crazy jaws, something about them just screams Muppet gone wrong. As for how wrong... well, some of...
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Meet the Iconics: Kyra

Meet the Iconics: Kyra Monday, July 30, 2007 The priests of Sarenrae lead double lives. Known to her faithful as the Dawnflower, the Healing Flame, and the Everlight, she teaches temperance and patience in all things. Compassion and peace are her greatest virtues, and if enemies of the faith can be redeemed, they should be. Yet there are those who have no interest in redemption, who glory in slaughter and death. From the remorseless evil of the undead and fiends to the cruelties born in the...
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Meet the Iconics: Merisiel

Meet the Iconics: Merisiel Monday, July 23, 2007 The elves have a name for elven children unfortunate enough to be born and raised in human society—the Forlorn. In a few rare cases, these foundlings or orphaned elves find loving homes with humans, although the fact that, over the course of their childhood, one-time playmates become their effective guardians and foster parents results in a strangely skewed sense of the self. Most Forlorn aren't as fortunate—they live on the streets...
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The New Kids

The New Kids Friday, July 13, 2007 Readers who've had a chance to check out D1: Crown of the Kobold King have doubtless noticed the pre-generated characters at the back. But whereas Valeros and Seoni both had pictures... we didn't have illustrations for our human cleric of Sarenrae, Kyra, or our stabby short-tempered elven rogue, Merisiel. Look for each of these two to get their own Meet the Iconics entries in our blog in a few weeks, but for now, these awesome sketches from Wayne Reynolds...
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Meet the Iconics: Seoni

Meet the Iconics: Seoni Thursday, May 10, 2007 Back by popular demand, the second in our line of Wayne-Reynolds-designed iconic characters is the beautiful and mysterious sorceress Seoni. ... Unlike the barbarians-gone-native on the eastern plateau or the colonial Chelliaxian immigrants of the south, Seoni is a native Varisian, a nomadic race whose closest real-world cultural analogue is the Romani. Or at least, she's mostly Varisian—as might be apparent from her otherworldly grace,...
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Tags: Iconics Meet the Iconics Portraits Seoni Sorcerers Wayne Reynolds

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Meet the Iconics: Valeros

Meet the Iconics: Valeros Monday, May 7, 2007 One of the many lessons we've learned in our tour with Dragon and Dungeon is that people like iconic characters. A lot. It seems like every day a new thread pops up on our messageboards wanting to know more about the ill-fated Abelard the paladin, the tiefling fighter, or James Jacobs's notorious Tyralandi Scrimm. As such, when we sat down to develop the iconics for Pathfinder, we knew going into it that what we came up with needed to be more...
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Pathfinder backgrounds Monday, April 30, 2007And now, by popular...

Pathfinder backgrounds Monday, April 30, 2007And now, by popular request... Pathfinder desktop backgrounds! While a desktop is obviously a totally different size than a book, and certain design elements are still being finalized, these three images are perhaps the best preview to date of what the first three Pathfinder covers (including the alternate cover for volume 1) will actually look like. So while you're waiting for Burnt Offerings to release, why not download one of these and throw it...
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    Attention To Detail: The Story Behind Pathfinder's...

    Attention To Detail: The Story Behind Pathfinder's Supporting Material Saturday, April 21, 2007When coming up with the format for Pathfinder, one of the biggest questions we faced as a team was, Okay, adventure path, check—but what else is going to be in there? While we knew that the adventure that is the heart of each volume would grab people, that only accounts for a bit over half of each book. Something that's hard to grasp until you're actually staring down the...
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... Cover illustration for volume 1. Click to enlarge. Reinventing...

... Cover illustration for volume 1. Click to enlarge. Reinventing The Wheel Friday, April 20, 2007Originally, the main menace in Burnt Offerings, the first Rise of the Runelords adventure, was going to be a tribe of kobolds, because let's face it—everyone loves kobolds. So much so, in fact, that they ended up being the bad guys for the first GameMastery Module, which hits the shelves two months before Burnt Offerings. Which is cool for Crown of the Kobold King, but left Burnt Offerings...
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Tags: Goblins Monsters Wallpapers Wayne Reynolds

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... Cover illustration for volume 2. Click to enlarge.What's...

... Cover illustration for volume 2. Click to enlarge.What's Pathfinder All About? Thursday, April 19, 2007By this time, you've probably heard all about Pathfinder, Paizo's brand-new Adventure Path series. (If you haven't, of course, you should drop whatever you're doing and go check out paizo.com/pathfinder.) Yet even now that you know what's going to be in Pathfinder, you're probably wondering what it's all about. The vision behind it. Where its heart's at. And to answer that, we've brought...
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Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Path Rise of the Runelords Varisia Wallpapers Wayne Reynolds

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