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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Occult Adventures (OGL)

Open Your Eyes—Occult Adventures Art Preview

Subscribers are beginning to get a peek at the gateway to the unseen world in Occult Adventures, which officially hits game store shelves and the convention floor at Gen Con on July 29! Since our art department has been keeping a fairly low profile, I wanted to take over and give you another preview of the artwork gracing the pages of this book. Enjoy these selections from Occult Adventures!

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Tags: Alexandru Sabo David Alvarez Iconics Igor Greganyi Ivan Troitsky Mavaro Meligaster Mesmerists Monks Occultists Oloch Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Psychics Rivani Sajan Subroto Bhaumik Wallpapers Warpriests Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Occult Adventures (OGL)

Occult Adventures Class Preview: The Mesmerist

The mesmerist creeps into the minds of his enemies, bending their wills. Our initial concept for the mesmerist was a sort of anti-bard. The class would get a similar blend of spellcasting with moderate combat ability, but instead of buffing allies, it would penalize enemies and make them softer targets. Our mesmerist achieves this not only through a robust selection of debuff spells, but also through his intense stare. He can focus on a creature within 30 feet as a swift action, imposing a penalty on the target's Will saves. Bold stare options, which the mesmerist gains starting at 3rd level, allow him to apply that penalty to other types of rolls or weaken the subject of his stare in other ways. The best part? He can mentally remove the memory of his stare from the target's mind afterward, so they forget he was manipulating them all along.

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Tags: Ivan Troitsky Mesmerists Pathfinder Roleplaying Game

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Occult Adventures (OGL)

Occult Adventures Class Preview: The Medium

While all of the occult classes have some connection to strange otherworldly forces, the medium is the only one crazy enough to allow all sorts of spirits to enter his body and mind in order to share their strength, allowing the spirits to gain more and more influence over him in exchange for great power. The playtest medium's spirits were based on the cards of the Harrow deck. Since that meant 54 spirits, each with unique abilities, that proved far too lengthy to fit in Occult Adventures without cutting, so I've saved that work, and we're hoping to release it in some venue.

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Tags: Ivan Troitsky Mediums Pathfinder Roleplaying Game