Open Your Eyes—Occult Adventures Art Preview

Friday, July 17, 2015

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Illustration by Wayne Reynolds.

Subscribers are beginning to get a peek at the gateway to the unseen world in Occult Adventures, which officially hits game store shelves and the convention floor at Gen Con on July 29! Since our art department has been keeping a fairly low profile, I wanted to take over and give you another preview of the artwork gracing the pages of this book. Enjoy these selections from Occult Adventures!

Illustrations by Igor Grechanyi and Subroto Bhaumik

Illustrations by Ivan Troitsky, David Alvarez, and Alexandru Sabo

Sarah Robinson
Managing Art Director

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Tags: Alexandru Sabo David Alvarez Iconics Igor Greganyi Ivan Troitsky Mavaro Meligaster Mesmerists Monks Occultists Oloch Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Psychics Rivani Sajan Subroto Bhaumik Wallpapers Warpriests Wayne Reynolds
Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

I've been particularly enjoying the art this time around. The ones that popped out at me were the Silver Baladeer on page 115 and (I think) the Mindblade on page 120. Especially nice to see the female Dwarf. (There are never enough.)

The Mindblade is one of my favorites, as well.

That Tome Eater artwork is... interesting. I did not expect the archetype's name to be so literal.

Are those Kami I see on yonder forested path :-)

"Ah Microbrain! Eat any good books lately?"


captain yesterday wrote:
Are those Kami I see on yonder forested path :-)

Yup! Mavaro doesn't speak Senzar, so he is attempting to use the Xenoglossy feat to reach a mutual understanding regardless.

Community Manager

Arachnofiend wrote:
That Tome Eater artwork is... interesting. I did not expect the archetype's name to be so literal.

Learning by osmosis!

Silver Crusade

Very nice. I really like the peaceful Xenoglossy scene.

Scarab Sages

Mel looks like he is getting good use out of his new Oloch toy.

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Imbicatus wrote:
Mel looks like he is getting good use out of his new Oloch toy.

when Oloch finally makes that will save there is going to be a halfling shaped smear on the floor

Dark Archive

The, ahh, orcish lady eating a book may require a bit of context we don't have yet.

Grand Lodge

In the artwork depicting Rivani; she always seems to be floating with objects orbiting her person.

is this a spell or power available to occult characters?
What is it called?

I imagine that fine control over multiple items and floating two feet above the ground would be a rather spectacular feat.

Also, I found it odd that in the "Meet the Iconics -Rivani" that she appears to be using this ability again, but is using telekinesis to support a few other things along with a Crossbow and Several bolts...

why would she need a crossbow? isn't that a tad bit redundant for someone with telekinetic power able to hold aloft a 130 lbs person?

chad hale 637 wrote:

In the artwork depicting Rivani; she always seems to be floating with objects orbiting her person.

is this a spell or power available to occult characters?
What is it called?

I imagine that fine control over multiple items and floating two feet above the ground would be a rather spectacular feat.

Also, I found it odd that in the "Meet the Iconics -Rivani" that she appears to be using this ability again, but is using telekinesis to support a few other things along with a Crossbow and Several bolts...

why would she need a crossbow? isn't that a tad bit redundant for someone with telekinetic power able to hold aloft a 130 lbs person?

maybe the spell she's using only works on her?

Creon Vizcarra wrote:
The, ahh, orcish lady eating a book may require a bit of context we don't have yet.

There's an archetype in the book called "Tome Eater" which, as you can see, is exactly what it says on the tin. Don't quite recall what class it's for, though. Occultist, maybe?

Blackvial wrote:
Imbicatus wrote:
Mel looks like he is getting good use out of his new Oloch toy.
when Oloch finally makes that will save there is going to be a halfling shaped smear on the floor

My thoughts exactly.

Someone should tell Lem his brother's an idiot...but I suspect Lem already knows that.

Arachnofiend wrote:
Creon Vizcarra wrote:
The, ahh, orcish lady eating a book may require a bit of context we don't have yet.
There's an archetype in the book called "Tome Eater" which, as you can see, is exactly what it says on the tin. Don't quite recall what class it's for, though. Occultist, maybe?

Yeah, it's the Occultist.

Spiral_Ninja wrote:
Blackvial wrote:
Imbicatus wrote:
Mel looks like he is getting good use out of his new Oloch toy.
when Oloch finally makes that will save there is going to be a halfling shaped smear on the floor

My thoughts exactly.

Someone should tell Lem his brother's an idiot...but I suspect Lem already knows that.

Why all the hating on Mel? His mental kung-foo is certainly stronger than Oloch's will save. And from the looks of it, he's taking out the entire hoddie-cabal with a dirty look.

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Erm... Oloch is a wisdom-based divine caster. He is going to make that save eventually.

Arachnofiend wrote:
Erm... Oloch is a wisdom-based divine caster. He is going to make that save eventually.

That changes things. I thought he was non-casting martial. But, yeah I agree- if Mel's going to mesmerize himself a body guard, choosing a divine caster is not the wisest choice. Still think the little turd is a badass in his own way. :)

Maybe Oloch and Mel are just unlikely friends, and there are no psychic shenanigans going on. (But I doubt it.)

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Liz Courts wrote:
Arachnofiend wrote:
That Tome Eater artwork is... interesting. I did not expect the archetype's name to be so literal.
Learning by osmosis!

Way of the Wicked, Book 1 (and 7):
My players' solution to how not to frighten the entire town with Grumblejack was to put him in the golem lab with the alchemist while they tasked the alchemist on remaking the flesh golem that they destroyed. During that time, the alchemist basically used him to fetch tools while he was operating. In the end, Grumblejack ate the alchemist and gained his powers (aka a level of vivisectionist).

Hehe. I really want that archetype to be interesting now. A book-eater sounds like a fun character.

Liberty's Edge

Where are we getting the idea that Mel is mesmerizing Oloch. Nothing in the chapter-header vignette suggests that Meligaster is mind controlling Oloch. At least nothing I saw.

graywulfe wrote:
Where are we getting the idea that Mel is mesmerizing Oloch. Nothing in the chapter-header vignette suggests that Meligaster is mind controlling Oloch. At least nothing I saw.

I think people assumed it because Mel's background showed a history of Mesmerizing sycophants. But after he hit the road and started adventuring, it does make sense for him to have proper companions, if not friends, to adventure with.

The art could just be establishing a relationship with the other iconics. I'm not that familiar with Oloch, so I really don't know if their personalities would mesh enough to adventure together.


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Joe Hex wrote:
graywulfe wrote:
Where are we getting the idea that Mel is mesmerizing Oloch. Nothing in the chapter-header vignette suggests that Meligaster is mind controlling Oloch. At least nothing I saw.

I think people assumed it because Mel's background showed a history of Mesmerizing sycophants. But after he hit the road and started adventuring, it does make sense for him to have proper companions, if not friends, to adventure with.

The art could just be establishing a relationship with the other iconics. I'm not that familiar with Oloch, so I really don't know if their personalities would mesh enough to adventure together.

But wouldn't they make a great duo in terms of tackling adventures? Oloch brings the muscle and divine spells, and Mel brings the mastermind, the face, and the psychic spells!

Personality-wise, Oloch has had a pretty dark past. He seems to me like he's trying hard to keep from falling from CN to CE. It wouldn't be too hard for Mel to use that to his advantage, even without magic.

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