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Alien Archive 2: Eclectic Boogaloo

Howdy! Joe Pasini here, Starfinder developer and monstrous humanoid. One of my favorite things about Starfinder is that it's chock full of alien creatures that you can not only crush, kill, and destroy, but also befriend, bedazzle—and become! Today we'll meet a few of the 16 new playable species presented in Alien Archive 2, along with notes from their writers.

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Tags: Alexandur Alexandrov David Alvarez Mary Jane Pajaron Raph Lomotan Starfinder

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Starfinder Adventure Path #1: Incident at Absalom Station (Dead Suns 1 of 6)

Now Docking at Absalom Station

August is fast approaching, which means not only the release of the Starfinder Roleplaying Game, but also the debut of the first Starfinder Adventure Path, Dead Suns! The Starfinder Adventure Path presents a series of linked adventures that together form an entire campaign for the Starfinder RPG. The Dead Suns Adventure Path will run for a year, with a new volume released every other month. Each volume includes a new adventure for the campaign, supplementary articles on the Starfinder campaign setting, and new rules content for the Starfinder RPG, as well as a new planet, a new starship, and loads of new aliens and monsters!

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Tags: David Alvarez Starfinder Adventure Path

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Pathfinder Adventure Path #107: Scourge of the Godclaw (Hell's Vengeance 5 of 6) (PFRPG)

Hell of a Time

With this month's release of Pathfinder Adventure Path #106: For Queen & Empire, the Hell's Vengeance Adventure Path is heading toward its thrilling conclusion! Will the knights of the Glorious Reclamation succeed in their crusade to reclaim Cheliax in the name of Iomedae, or will the villainous Thrune agents defeat the upstart rebellion and secure the rule of the Thrice-Damned House of Thrune? Let's take a brief glimpse at what's to come.

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Tags: Alexander Deruchenko Alexandur Alexandrov Bryan Sola David Alvarez Hell's Vengeance Pathfinder Adventure Path

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Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Races (PFRPG)

Where Are You From?!

This Inner Sea Races art preview focuses on human ethnicities. Our next preview will be non-human humanoid races. Enjoy!

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Tags: David Alvarez Eva Widermann Golarion Keri Ruediger Mariusz Gandzel Nemanja Stankovic Pathfinder Campaign Setting

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Occult Adventures (OGL)

Open Your Eyes—Occult Adventures Art Preview

Subscribers are beginning to get a peek at the gateway to the unseen world in Occult Adventures, which officially hits game store shelves and the convention floor at Gen Con on July 29! Since our art department has been keeping a fairly low profile, I wanted to take over and give you another preview of the artwork gracing the pages of this book. Enjoy these selections from Occult Adventures!

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Tags: Alexandru Sabo David Alvarez Iconics Igor Greganyi Ivan Troitsky Mavaro Meligaster Mesmerists Monks Occultists Oloch Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Psychics Rivani Sajan Subroto Bhaumik Wallpapers Warpriests Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Occult Adventures (OGL)

Sneak a Peek at the Occult

While Occult Adventures is not due to hit stores and mailboxes until the end of July, other mysterious forces have found a way to glean advanced knowledge about what the tome contains. Perhaps it was spied through the dimension of dreams or ripped from the minds of one of the developers through psychic combat, but whatever the means one thing is certain. These secrets are out there and ready for you to investigate!

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Tags: Alahazra David Alvarez Iconics Oracles Pathfinder Roleplaying Game

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Strategy Guide Art Preview!

With the Strategy Guide shipping out to players at long last, it’s time to take a look at a few pieces of the fantastic art contained within its pages.

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Tags: Bryan Sola David Alvarez Maichol Quinto Mark Molnar Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Tim Kings-Lynne

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Learning Exotic Spells

The Pathfinder Society team recently introduced the Core Campaign, an additional way to participate in Pathfinder Society that makes it more approachable while also opening up hundreds of new ways to play for credit. As you may have seen last week, when Mike and I added the essential Inner Sea World Guide languages to the list of those a PC can learn in the Core Campaign, we're listening to your questions about this new option and providing essential clarifications. In addition to these blogs, I recommend checking out the Core Campaign forum.

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Tags: Core Campaign David Alvarez Pathfinder Society