Othlo Janke

Alder Tiller's page

67 posts. Alias of Daniel Stewart.

Organized Play Characters

Ageless Master
Grand Lodge Nguyen An

Male Human Fighter/4 HP 36/36, AC 19/ T12/F17, F +7, R +5, W +3 Init +6, Perc +5 (444 posts)
Liberty's Edge Targost

Male Half-Elf Sorcerer 2/Fighter(Archer)2 HP: 22/22 AC: 17, Touch:13, Flatfooted:14 Saves: F: +3, R: +3, W: +3 CMD: 18 Init: +5 Perception +9 (522 posts)
The Exchange Batah ibn Abbala

Male Human Cleric / 1 HP 10/10| AC 16| 11 | 15 | Fort +3| Ref +1| Will +5| CMD 13| Init +2| Perc +3| Sense Motive +3 (173 posts)
Spell Sovereign
Thom of the Forest
(10 posts)


Baron Galdur Vendikon
(41 posts)
Kreighton Shaine, Maste rof Spells
(32 posts)
Bloodless Vessel
Adrik "Rick" Ivanov

Human Physical Adapt | Condition Monitors (P 11/11 | S 10/10) | Limits (P 7|M 5|S 5 |A 5) | Perception 6 | Armor Rating 12 | Unarmed Strike -13[7], DV 5P | Yamaha Pulsar - Taser, Acc 5, DV 7S(e), AP -5, SA, 4 (m) (205 posts)
Forgotten Pharaoh Cultist
(52 posts)
Vardalel Prennder

Male, N High Elf, Rogue 2 | HPs 16/16 | AC: 13 | Init: +3 | PP 15 Saves S:+0, D:+5, C:+0, I:+4, W:+1, C:+2 (69 posts)
Othlo Janke
Alder Tiller

Male Halfling Rogue 1 | HP 17/17 | Init +4 | AC 17; T 14; F 14 | BAB +1; CMB +1; CMD 15 | Fort +1; Ref +7; Will +0 | Perception +5 (60' Dark Vision) | Speed 30 ft. (67 posts)
Avid Arnsen
Alistair Orm

Wizard/7 | HP 51/51 | AC 15/19 (w/mage armor) | Saving Throws: Fort +4 Ref +5 Will +5 | Init +5 | Perc +5 (432 posts)
Azlanti Scientist
Allen Crawford
(59 posts)

Elven Male Fighter 6 |HP 73/73|AC 22/T 15/FF 17 | F+9/R+6/W+2 | CMB + 7 | CMD 22 |init +5 | Perc +6| (16 posts)
Amalina "The Healer"

Female Woodsman | Scholar (1) | HP: 09 AC: 13 Spd: 30ft| Init: +2 Perc: +3 PP:13 | Hand Ax: +2 (1d6), Sling +4 (1d4+2) (53 posts)
Shiyara the High Mediator
Amanda Twig

Female Halfling Cleric 1; HP: 10/10; AC: 17(FF-14 T-14); Saves(F+4/R+4/W+6 - +2 vs Fear) (21 posts)
Ammon the Fiend

Male Tiefling ; DCI #7203792324 Warlock 2 | HP 13/13 | AC 12 | Passive Per 11/Ins 11 | Init +1 | Saves Wis +3 Cha +5 (92 posts)
Chung Po
Ang Xin

Male Human (Chinese) Expert/Monk 1/1; Init +2; Perc +8; HP 14/14; F +2/R +4/W +7 (77 posts)
Aredil Sultur
ArchPrelate Dalan Enlien
(16 posts)
High Shieldmarshal Armand Meneley
Vigilant Seal Arlo Tempas

N male human ranger scout HP 20/20; hero 1/3; AC 18; F +7; R +9; W +5; P +7 (+9 to seek Target); Stealth +7; SPD 25'; Conditions: none (32 posts)
Spell Sovereign

Male Half-Elf Paladin 2 | HP: 18/18 | AC 18 | Init: +3| Passive Perc. 12 | Darkvision 60' (163 posts)
Aurora 01A-00W

Morph - HP: 10/10 | Will:11 | Per:11 | FP: 11/11 | all other by form taken (107 posts)
Katapesh Sailor
Bahram the Golden

Male Human Cleric/1 (72 posts)

Human Male Ranger(Nirmathi Irregular)1 | HP:14/14 | AC: 18 (T: 15, F: 13) | CMB: +3, CMD: 18 | F: +5, R: +7, W: +1 | Init: +5 | Perc: +5, | Speed 30ft (49 posts)
Cave Wizard
Bazim of Clan Brightblade
(151 posts)
Half-Fiend Minotaur

Male Minotaur Ranger (Hunter) 4 | Init +2 | HP 25/25 | AC 15 | Saves: S+5/D+4/C+1/I+0/W+1/C0 | Perc +3 (59 posts)
Kurvis Nurpico

Human Cleric: 1|HP: 9|AC [14]|MOV:12|SAVE:15 (58 posts)
Dwarven Rager
Breggel Tokadar

Male Dwarf Paladin (Stone Lord) 1; Init +2; AC 18/12/16; Hp 5/12; Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +2; Perc +4 (102 posts)
Aron Kir
Brother Peran of Seaton

Male human (Oeridian) Cleric of St. Cuthbert; (230 posts)
Gamar Deshta
Brother Theodor

Male Human Friar/1 (134 posts)
Cirieo Thessaddin
Cade of the Thornhollow
(2 posts)

Female Ratfolk Rogue: HP 15 AC18 Fort +4 Ref +9 Will +5 Per +5 Speed 30 Low Light Vision, +1 vs Traps, Ratspeak, Hero Points 1 (39 posts)
Man in Mask
Calhoun the Guide

Elven Male Ranger 1 | HP: 13/13 |AC: 16 |Spd: 30ft | Fort: 4| Ref: 5| Will: 2 (64 posts)
(119 posts)
Anthropomorphized Rabbit

Male Rabbit, C:0 F:0 S:2 Q:3, Unseen Hand (20 posts)


Male Human (Chelaxian) Fighter /2 (139 posts)
Verik Vancaskerkin
Dag Willdman

Human male Fighter (Archer) 3 / HP: 28/28 / AC: 17/13/14 / Saves: F+5, R+4, W+1 / Perception: +4 / Init. +3 (16 posts)
Rayhan Xobhadi
The Daghda
(22 posts)
Grau Soldado

Male Human Monk (Zen Archer) 5 | HP 55, AC 19, Touch 19, FF 15, CMD 23 | Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +8 | Init +3 | Perception +12 (93 posts)
Ringeirr Malenkov

Human Male Ranger 1, HP-20, AC-18, F +7 R +9 W +5, Percep. +7 (76 posts)
Master Soan
(58 posts)
Kusari-Gama Monk
Darpan Bala Manujyestha

Male Human Monk (Zen Archer) 3 | AC 16 T 16 FF 13 | HP17/22 | F +4 R +5 W +6 | Init +2 | Perc +9 (271 posts)
The Cinderlander
David 'Greywolf' Amaruq
(30 posts)
Eando Kline
Davin Grey
(291 posts)
Shalelu Andosana
Descending Sunset

Wraith | P:10/10 S: 10/10 | P:7 M:5 S:5 | Perc: 4[+4] | Ini: 3d6+10| Armor: 12 | | Edge: 1/1 (95 posts)
Lord Almir
Dev Vorn

Dev Vorn - 9769B5 - Captain - Alell (Regina Subsector, Spinward Marches 1706)- Character Pic (294 posts)
Dhan Semloh

Male Human Ranger (Urban) 6 (119 posts)
Lictor Severs
Dobin Cur

Human| Male| Fighter 1| HP: 9/9| AC 2| THAC0 18 (363 posts)
Drew Fallowfield

Male Halfling Ninja/1 (118 posts)
Gadka Burtannon
Drimm Stonehammer

Male Dwarf Fighter/Cleric HP: 10 AC: 3 (51 posts)
Drun of Saxwyn

Male LG Half-orc Paladin of Saxwyn 1 | Background: Outcast | Scimitar +6: 1d6+4 (S); Hand Ax +6: 1d6+4 (S) | | HP: 13/13 | AC: 18 | Saving Throws: Wis +2, Cha +5 | Init: +0 | Passive Perception 10; Darkvision 60' | | Speed 30ft (38 posts)
Harrowed Summoning
Duncan Esteros

Human Male Monk 4/Rogue 3, AC16, HP 45/45, Initiative +4, Passive Perception 15, Passive Insight 15, Saves: S+3 D+7 Cn+1 I+0 W+2 Ch+0 (396 posts)
(43 posts)
Vale Temros
Eli Boone
(376 posts)
Shel Lupescu
Emma of Wye
(39 posts)
Tulrin Endessell

Eladrin (Elf) Male Fighter (Arcane Archer) 1; AC15 ; HP13/[13]; passive perception 13; passive insight 13; Init +2; (85 posts)
Dr Davaulus

Male Half Elf Monk/Ninja-1 (49 posts)
Eugene "Sweeper" Porter
(41 posts)
Supreme Hunter
Fa Ying

Male Taikangian Zen Archer (Monk)1 | HP 12/12 | AC 16/T16/FF14 | F+2, R+4, W+6 | Perc +8 | Init +6 | Move: 30ft (18 posts)
Fade the Maiden
(20 posts)

Male NG Firbolg Ranger (Beastmaster) 8 | HP: 68/68 | AC: 16 | An Han +5, Nat +3, Per +7, Ste +7 Sur +5 | Saves: S5*, D7*, C2, W2, I0, Ch0 | Init +2 | PP: 9 | Spd: 25' | Insp: No | HD: 8/8 | Spell DC: 13 | Spells: 1 (4/4), 2 (3/3) | Status: Normal (31 posts)
Ulfen Raider
Fjori Ulfsson

Male Human (Ulfen) Ranger (Freebooter) 3 (252 posts)

Male Half-Elf Arcane Archer 3/Ranger 6/Sorcerer 1 / HP 87/87 |AC:22 | T:14 | FF:18 | CMB +12 | CMD:26 | Fort:+11 | Ref:+13 | Will:+6 | Init:+8 | Bluff:+1 | Perception: +23 | Sense Motive: + 0 | Stealth: +19 | (211 posts)
Alviana Shadowsworn
Garra Greenheart

Female Human Druid (42 posts)
Jellik Fulson
(19 posts)
Carmilla Caliphvaso
Gisele Boisseviarre

female 1/2 Elven Expert/Rogue 1/1 (66 posts)
Gothia VonSalais

Female Human Shield Lander Paladin (94 posts)
Gau leeoch
(32 posts)
Gath Morian
Grimm Warhammer

Male Mountain Dwarf Cleric (War) - 3, AC 18 HP 21/[21] Init + 0 Inspiration 1 (259 posts)
Chief Kroghut
Grommok "Mok"

Male Orc Priest 1 (Warrior 0) | S11, A10, I9, W10 |Power 2| HP 15\15 | D10 | Move: 12 | Insanity: 0 | Corruption: 1 | Fortune: Yes | Status: Normal (100 posts)
Torgra Stigardsdam
Hanna Ironhammer

F Dwarf Warpriest 10 | HP 87/87| AC 25 (tch 12, ff 25) | CMB +10, CMD 22 | F +13, R +7, W +15 | Init +0 | Dark vision | Perc. +5|Fervor 9/day)|Channel Positive Energy 6/day| Blessings 8/day (23 posts)

Female Human Ranger (Urban) 3; HP28/28; AC 18/14/14; Int +4; Per +7 (24 posts)
Hoddy Fonkin

Male Gnome Ranger 2; HP 20/20; AC 15; PP 13; Darkvision (70 posts)
Tulrin Endessell
Hugo Rune.
(29 posts)
Imsh the Pious

1/2 Orc Cleric/3 ; HP 28 (28); AC: 18; Passive Perception 13; Init +1 (115 posts)
Jack Kluge

Reaction +0, HP 11/11, FP 12/12, DR 18/6, Dodge 12, Favoured Attack: Karate punch (51 posts)
Jack O' the Shadows

Male, N Human, Rogue 3 | HPs 18/21 | AC: 15 | Init: +3 | PP 15 Saves S:+0, D:+5, C:+0, I:+4, W:+1, C:+2 (250 posts)

Male Dwarf Paladin (StoneLord) 6 | HP 50/50 | Init +2 I AC 20 FF 18 T12 | Saves F+6/R+4/W+7 | Percep +3 (353 posts)
Brienna Soldado
(40 posts)
(64 posts)
Tweiford Shenk
Jiro Bukisaka

Male Human Monk (Zen Archer) 14 HP-117, AC-23/23/17, F+11 R+14 W+13 (135 posts)
Lord Glorio Arkona
José "Yaotl" Ichtaca
(12 posts)
Tarrin Dars
Katla Bodilsdottor

HP: 23 (23) | AC: 15 | Saves: Str: +2; Dex: +2; Con: +0; Int: +0; Wis: +5; Cha: +4 | Init: +2 | Spell Slots: 0-4, 1-4, 2-3 (36 posts)
Smaar Janderfut
Kenneth deLacie

UPP 7B8865
Primary Skills:
Computers 4, Deception 3, Stealth 3, Streetwise 3, Gun Combat (Slug Pistol) 3, Investigate 2, Persuasion 2, Gun Combat (Slug Rifles) 1, Mechanic-1, Survival-1
Secondary Skills:
Remote Sensors 0, Sensors 0, Comms 0, Vacc Suit 0, Athletics 0, Gunnery 0
(41 posts)
Villamar Koth
Kern ap Cul
(38 posts)
Boggard Hunter
Kugu Swampstrider

Male Grippli - AC: 17 (14 TCH, 14 FF); Init: +4; CMB: 0 CMD: 14; F:+4 R:+6 W:+3; HP:13/13; Perception +7; (60’ Darkvision) (19 posts)
Loris Raknian
Kurt VonLyter

Male Human FIghter 1 (22 posts)
Kreighton Shaine, Maste rof Spells
Kymil Dawynn

Male Elf-2, AC-16, HP-9 (79 posts)
Othlo Janke

M Halfling Sorcerer-Elemental/1 (195 posts)
Eando Kline
Le Roi
(14 posts)
Chung Po
(44 posts)
Radi Hamdi
Liren Keel

M Human Warpriest 4. AC 17 Touch 11 FF 16. HP 35. Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +8. Init + 2. Perception +5 (43 posts)
Cursed Vampire Guard
Lizette the Knife
(47 posts)
Aredil Sultur
Maester Lucen
(66 posts)

Female Firbolg Druid 2 ★ ★ 15/15 hp ★ 13 AC ★ Int(+2), Wis(+7), ★Passive Per 15 ★ Spells: 3/3, DC-15 +7 Spell Att,★ Insp. 1 (91 posts)
Mystic Theurge
Magnus Corvus

Human Male Wizard 4; AC12(15); HP22/[22]; passive perception 13; passive insight 11; Init +2; Saves: S-1 D+2 Cn+1 I+6 W+3 Ch+1; HD 4/[4]; Spells Lvl1: 4/4 Lvl2: 3/3 (122 posts)
Priest of Desna
Mangur Harmpreet

Male Human Rogue/1 (159 posts)

Male; PP 14; PI 12 Litorian (Hummanoid) : AC15, HP 11/11, MV30, Darkvision; Insp. YES Ranger- Background-Outlander; Saves +3, +5, +1, +0, +2, +0 (30 posts)
Mikail of the Planes

Female Aasimar War Priestess of Iomedae 6 | HP 78/78 | AC 24, T 11, FF 22 | CMD 18 | F+10, R+3, W+11 (+2 vs {evil}, +2 vs PPP.) | Init +1 | Perc +6 | Dark Vision 60' (150 posts)
Milo Dresden

Male Human Investigator (63 posts)
Sipho Munali
(54 posts)
Follower of Szuriel
Mok the Ape

Male Orc; AC 19; HP 75; Saves-F +13 R +11 W +10; Per +10 (low-light, darkvision, scent) (41 posts)
Stone Giant
Molok Granite Fist

Goliath | Fighter 7 | HP 67/67| AC 17 | Init +1 | Saves S8, D2, C6, I-1, W2, Ch-0 | Pass Perc 15 | Status: Normal | Insp: N (497 posts)
Mordechai of Leeds

Human Wizard 2 / AC 16/ HP 12/ Perception +2 / +2 Proficiency Bonus (55 posts)
Lantern Bearer
Morvas of Glenrothe

1/2 Elven Pictan Male / (23 posts)
Mos Smallbarrow

Halfling 1 :: HP: 7 | AC:16 (13 w/o DEX) | Str: -1 ; Dex: +3P ; Con: +1 ; Int: +1P ; Wis: +1 ; Cha: +1 | Duskvision, Fate: 3 (51 posts)
The Incantifier

Male Oni-Spawn Magus (Kensai) 4 | HP 34, AC 17, Touch 14, FF 13, CMD 21 | Resist Cold/Electricity/Fire 5 | Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +5 | Init +2 | Perception +3 | (90 posts)
Kreighton Shaine, Maste rof Spells

Male High Elf Rogue 2 AC:14(15) HP 17/[17] passive perception 15 passive insight 11 Saves: S +1 D+4 Cn +2 I+3 W+1 Ch+2 Adv. vs Charm and Dark Vision (189 posts)
Lieutentant Pavo Voc
Nym Voron

Half-Elf Cleric-1, HP:10/10, AC: 18/11/17, Saves-F:+4/R:+1/W:+5, Perc.+8, Init. +4 (80 posts)

Race: Oread | HP: 17/17 | AC: 16 (11 Tch, 15 Fl) | CMB: +1, CMD: 16 | F: +4, R: +4, W: +2 | Init: +1 | Perc: +7, SM: +2 Classes / levels: Hunter/2 (19 posts)
White Estrid
Oksana Zhukov

Human White Witch 5| HP: 14/27 | AC: 13 (12 Tch, 10 Fl) | CMD: 14 | F: +1 R: +3 W: +5 | Init: +2 | Perc: +7 |Resist Cold 5 (116 posts)
Carousing Champion
Ozgo Kisovir

Human Paladin 7 | HP 60 | AC 17 | Initiative +0 | Passive Perc 15 | S+4 D+0 Co+2 I+0 W+4 Ch+5 (191 posts)
Ozmund the Evocator

Male Human Wizard (Pact Wizard) 1 l AC 13 (Mage Armor 17) T 13 FF 14 l HP11/11 l F +1 R +2 W +3 l Init +2 l Perc +4 (227 posts)
(19 posts)

Male Halfling Rogue 4 | AC 15 | HP 23/23 | S+0/D+6/C+0/I+4/W+1/C+1 | Perc +3 | Init +4 (304 posts)
Peya Lin

Male Half-Elf Ninja 1 AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+3 Dex, Armor +2) HP8, Initiative +5 (36 posts)
Kanya Ismahe

N Male Tabaxi Monk 4 /Rogue 2, Max HP: 45 | AC: 20 | Saves: Str: +3; Dex: +7; Con: +2; Int: +1; Wis: +4; Cha: -1 | Init: +4 | Insp [ ] (128 posts)
Portia Rensdottor

Female Gnome Female Gnome Fighter 1 | AC 15 | HP 12/12 | Init +3 | Passive Perc 13 (22 posts)
Pular Short-Whiskers
(26 posts)
Nickold Starweather
Quintus de Falt

Wounds 28/28 | Vigor 10/10 | Hero 1 | Honor 12 |
AC 17, T 11, FF 16; Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +0; Init +1; Perception +0
(22 posts)
Deka An-Keret

Female Yar-Ammonite Witch 2: HP14/14 Cond.: Healthy | AC 12/16/T12/FF10/14 | F+1/R+2/W+4 | CMB +1/CMD 13 | init + 2 | Perc + 3 (62 posts)

Male Human Scroundrel 1/Tech Specialist 2; WP-10; VP-17; Defense-17 (105 posts)
Father Zantus
Richard Mirov
(36 posts)
Robert "Bob" Waterman
(6 posts)
Rook the Hooded

Male Elf (Drow) Monk hp: 15/15 | AC 15 | Init +3 | Passive Perception: 14 | KI 2 (50 posts)
Rornvak Palakak
(11 posts)

Female Human (Ulfen/Tien) Witch/3 (412 posts)
Female Human

Female Human (Tian) Ninja-1 (300 posts)

Male Aasimar Warlock 2 | HP:11/13 | AC: 15 | Init: +2 | Passive Perception 11 | Speed 30 ft (26 posts)
Sir Edmund Pentallion
(20 posts)
Mage Slayer
(20 posts)
Salvator Scream
Squire Killian Yuan

1A4CEB Male Human (Floating Palace) (54 posts)
Taergan Flinn
Stensan Feyson

Male Half-Elven Ranger-5, HP: 44, AC: 16, Prof. Bonus: +3, (22 posts)

Male Fetchlng Rogue 4/Shadowdancer 4 / Init: +7 / Perception +11/ Darkvision 60' Hit Points: 55/55 AC22/ff16/t17 F+5/R+13/W +4 (509 posts)
Teos of An

Male Human Fighter 5; AC: 19; HP: 49/49; Saves: F+7 R+2 W+4 (+1 vs. Fear); Int +5; CMB +10 CMD 21 (258 posts)
Arclord of Nex
Thakur Sahib Harisimhji Jaisimh
(84 posts)
Eagle Knight
Theodorus Merula

N Human Male Wizard 1 |AC 15| HP 15/15 | F: +4, R: +5, W +6;| Perc +4 | Hero Points: 1 | Active Conditions: none | (71 posts)
Lord Villastir
Therion Voronwë

Male High Elf Evoker - HP 12/12 ,- AC 13/T: 13/FF: 10 - F: +2 R: +3/ W: +1* - CMB: +2 - CMD: 15, Speed: 30, Init. +5, - Perception +2 (60 posts)
Neolandis Kalepopolis

Human male Ranger 4 \ HP 49/49 \ AC 19 T 13 F 16 \ Save F +7 R +8 W +4\ Init +3 \ Percp +9 (78 posts)
Jakardros Sovark
Tomas von Achiel

Male Human Ranger (Urban) 2 | HP: 22 | AC: 17, T: 13, FF: 14 | Fort: +5, Ref: +7, Will: +2 | CMB:+3, CMD: 17 | Init: +4 (172 posts)
Joran Vhane
Torag Ormsson

Cleric 4 | HP: 35/35 | AC: 20, T: 11, FF: 19 | Fort: +6, Ref: +2, Will: +8 | Melee: +7, Ranged: +5 | CMB: +6, CMD: 17 | Init: +1, Perception: +4 | Speed: 30ft (27 posts)
Harrow Bloodline
Ulrich Kirchweger

Male Human M 3 |WS 34|BS 38|S 4|T 5|W 6|I 29|D 28| L 29|Int 37|Cl 33|WP 35|FS 29|FP4|IP0 (18 posts)

Male Rock Gnome Ranger 1 || HP 12/12 || AC 13 || Init +2 || Passive Perception 14 (208 posts)
Celestial Gnome
Uran Folker

Male Gnome Gunslinger 5, hp 44/44, AC 20|T 15|FF 16, F +6|R +7|W +1, Init +5, Perception +13 low-light vision (154 posts)
Val Kyrie
(25 posts)
Royster McCleagh
Varis Liadon
(101 posts)
Carousing Champion
Varook Fist

Male NG Halfling Fighter 4 | HP: 54/54| AC: 22 |F: +10, R: +12, W: +10| Perc: +12 | Speed 25ft | Hero Points 1/1 | Active conditions: None (171 posts)
Cadimus Adella
Veilwar the Shadow
(19 posts)
Mayor Kendra Deverin

A8AA97 (229 posts)
Viklop "Vik" Kolavar

Male Human male, Fighter-2, HP: 16, AC: 16 Fighter (292 posts)
Jeb Graden
Walter the Pious

Male Human Path Level 1 (Priest) | S10, A11, I11, W11 | HP 11\14 | D13 | Move: 10 | Insanity:1 | Corruption: | Fortune: No | Status: Normal Spells: Theurgy - Lvl 0 1/2, Life - Lvl 0 1/2 (43 posts)
Jakaw Razorbeak
Won Hung Lo

Male Kenku | Monk 1 | HP: 9/9 | AC: 15 | Saves: S+3, D+5, Co+1, I0, W+2, Ch-1 | Passive Insight and Perception: 14 (43 posts)

Xavier March

Human Priest (Initiate) Damage (0) Wounds (12) Resilience (3) Resolve (3) Movement (4) WS: 39 BS: 29 STR: 31 T: 31 Init: 34 Ag: 40 Dex: 32 Int: 32 WP: 37 Fel: 28 (24 posts)
Ice Sculptor
Yarroth the Younger

Male Human Male Human Ranger-2 | Init +3 | Spell Slots: 2/2 | Spell DC 11 | AC 15 HP 20/20 | S+4/D+5/C+2/I+0/W+1/C-1 | Perc +3 | HD: (d10) 2/2 (316 posts)
Marnay Zyrvana
Yolanda Foehammer

Female dwarf Warpriestess 13 | HP: 146/146 | AC: 26(30) | Init: +5 | Passive Perception 13 | Speed 25 ft | (148 posts)
Lord Almir
Yuri Sokolov

Yuri Sokolov - 87C665 | Third Officer/Operations | Mjolnir (Swordworlds) | (65 posts)
Zarkus Farslayer

M Goblin Slayer 3 (HP 21/21 | AC:17 | T:14 | FF:11 | CMD:17 | Fort:+5 | Ref:+6 | Will:+3 | Init:+5 | Perc: +8 | Stealth:+19 (70 posts)
(37 posts)