Year of Our Lord 1437 Table 2 (Inactive)

Game Master Michael Johnson 66

Explore a sandbox setting that is a Swords & Sorcery version of Our own Earth! The campaign begins at level 1, at a start point chosen by the party.

Current Characters

Grundhu the Derhii
Grand Lodge Critzible

Male Aasimar Wizard 18/ Rogue2
(2,353 posts)
Roy Greenhilt
Grand Lodge grimdog73

Male Human(I think) Gamer 20
(1,558 posts)
Michael Johnson 66

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6
(8,175 posts)
Dwarf Spell
Robert Henry

(4,170 posts)
Achiko of The Yellow Reed

played by Michael Johnson 66 (59 posts)
African bulette

played by Michael Johnson 66 (15 posts)
Cale the Calistrian
Alanandir Silverelm

played by Michael Johnson 66 (1 post)
Alexei Orlovsky

HP 58/58 | AC 13 | F +6 R +4 W +9 | perception (darkvision) +1, initiative +1 | active effects: --

played by nate lange (127 posts)
Mierul Ardelain

Current Song: none 3/31 Spells used: 2nd 1 3rd 1 Bard 9 | HP 76/76 | AC:19 T:16 FF:15 | CMD:19 | F4 R10 W8 | Perc:15 | Init:3

played by CA Jademan (43 posts)
Altin Karela

Male CG Human (Romani) Archaeologist 5 | HP 45/45 | AC 16 T 13 FF 14 | CMB +5, CMD 18 | F: +3, R: +8, W: +4 | Init: +3 | Perc: +9 | Speed 30ft | Luck rounds: 6/8 | Spell slots: 5/5, 2/3

played by littlehewy (314 posts)
Archangel Raphael

played by Michael Johnson 66 (2 posts)
Archmage Albertus Magnus

played by Michael Johnson 66 (2 posts)
Awakened vulture

played by Michael Johnson 66 (6 posts)
Baldwin of Folkestone

played by Michael Johnson 66 (17 posts)
Tweiford Shenk
Bartolomeo Bon

played by Michael Johnson 66 (2 posts)
Drace Krennit
Benjamin Bin Laden

played by Michael Johnson 66 (3 posts)
Blacksmith Jafar

played by Michael Johnson 66 (3 posts)
Ishani Dhatri
Boga DM bot

played by Michael Johnson 66 (8 posts)
Ancient Vortex Dragon
Boombada the behir

played by Michael Johnson 66 (10 posts)
Dark Archive Cardinal Lucius d'Borja

Male Medium Human Cleric 10 | HP: 47/99 | AC: 24/23 | F: +15, R: +16, W: +21 | Dec/Itm/Perf +16, Lore/Soc +15, Dip/Rel/Per +19, Med +21| Speed 25ft | Hero Points 3/3, Focus 1/1, D Font 3/5, Heal 0/1 SL 1/1| Active Conditions:

played by Nikolaus de'Shade (877 posts)
Jess Meeson
Corrine the Pyromancer

played by Michael Johnson 66 (2 posts)
Cougar Animal Spirit

played by Michael Johnson 66 (2 posts)
Coyote the Trickster

played by Michael Johnson 66 (5 posts)
Jemet Winderbole
Cutpurse O'Reilly

played by Michael Johnson 66 (30 posts)
Cyclops of the Arena of Death

played by Michael Johnson 66 (1 post)
Orc Seeker

played by Michael Johnson 66 (2 posts)
Delilah the Dusky

played by Michael Johnson 66 (3 posts)
Desert lizard king raider

played by Michael Johnson 66 (8 posts)
Angvar Thestlecrit
Doktor Johann Faust

played by Michael Johnson 66 (2 posts)
Efreeti Razaad Bin Razaard

played by Michael Johnson 66 (9 posts)
Farzam Khorsheed
Emir Al’Haaq of Marrakech

played by Michael Johnson 66 (20 posts)
Evita the Seamstress

played by Michael Johnson 66 (2 posts)
Rohkar Cindren
Father Abelarde of Reims

played by Michael Johnson 66 (18 posts)
Flotsom 'n Jetsom

played by Michael Johnson 66 (1 post)
Lord-Mayor Haldmeer Grobaras
Francesco Foscari

played by Michael Johnson 66 (2 posts)
Jagrin Grath
Gatehouse guard

played by Michael Johnson 66 (42 posts)
Bloodless Vessel
Ghost of Marco Polo

played by Michael Johnson 66 (2 posts)
Ghoul of the catacombs

played by Michael Johnson 66 (64 posts)
Giant black widow spider

played by Michael Johnson 66 (6 posts)
Giant desert scorpion

played by Michael Johnson 66 (7 posts)
Giant desert spider

played by Michael Johnson 66 (3 posts)
Giovanna di Domenico

Aasimar(azata) swashbuckler 5 HP 70 AC/T/F 19/15/15 F/R/W +3/+7/+3, Sm +9, Perc +9 (infra), init +5(+7w/panache)

played by grimdog73 (146 posts)
Gloin Ironbender

played by Michael Johnson 66 (12 posts)
Priest of Asmodeus
GM Hewy

played by littlehewy (1,822 posts)

played by Johnny_Panic (2,496 posts)
Forest Drake
Gojira, King of Kaiju

played by Michael Johnson 66 (80 posts)
Guard of Marrakech

played by Michael Johnson 66 (30 posts)
Guardian tiger

played by Michael Johnson 66 (24 posts)
Nameless Assassin
Gypsey Thief

played by Michael Johnson 66 (13 posts)
Habiba Al-Sahim

HP: 45/48| AC: 16 FF: 16 Touch: 10 CMD: 14| Init: +0|Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +11| Perception +14|

played by Storm Dragon (46 posts)
Sabriyya Kalmeralm
Ihrin Ardlean Dracul

female Human Unchained Rogue 11th/Samurai[Warrior Poet] 3rd HP:152|AC:32(t:22,ff:22)|F:+11|R:+15|W:+11|CMD:25|CMB:+12|Init:+4 Per:+23(+28)|Dagger+16/+11/+6,Lgt Mace+15/+10/+5,Hvy Wrist Launchers+15/+10/+5,Cestus+15/+10/+5,Katana +16/+11/+6 Wakizashi +16/+11/+6

played by Critzible (441 posts)
Inga Tyrsdottir

played by Michael Johnson 66 (2 posts)
Baron Galdur Vendikon
Inventor Nikolai Tesla

played by Michael Johnson 66 (4 posts)
Sheriff Belor Hemolock
Jamal Bin Joseph

played by Michael Johnson 66 (1 post)
Grand Lodge Johann Kaltgeboren

Male Skinwalker Shifter 13/Monk 1; 196/196 HP; Init +9; Perception +21; Low Light Vision; [28 AC][21 Touch][25 FF]; [Fort 18][Reflex 17][Will 13],[CMD:41, vs. grapple 43], 17/17 Minutes of Minor Aspect, 17/17 Hours of Major Aspect Buff/Debuffs:

played by Mustachioed (692 posts)
Grand Lodge Johann Kaltgeboren- Cobra!

Male Skinwalker Shifter 13/Monk 1; 224/224 HP; Init +8; Perception +21; Low Light Vision; Scent; [AC 30][Touch 19][FF 28]; [Fort 19][Reflex 16][Will 13],[CMD:43, vs grapple 45], [Minutes of Minor Aspect 17/17], [Hours of Major Aspect 17/17]

played by Mustachioed (128 posts)
Captain Elreth
Johannes Gutenberg of Mainz

played by Michael Johnson 66 (2 posts)
Sabriyya Kalmeralm
Jubila the Sweet Balm

played by Michael Johnson 66 (1 post)
Judith the Minx

played by Michael Johnson 66 (1 post)
Lady Giovanna GM bot

played by Michael Johnson 66 (3 posts)
Lord Perpireen McGibel

Male HP 117/117 |AC 28/28/FF18 | F+6/R+18/W+11 | CMB +0 | CMD+31 |init +8 | Perc + 24| Insp 16/16 | Hero Points 2/5 Irish Sprite [Outsider] Investigator - Psychic Detective [L14]

played by Johnny_Panic (640 posts)
The Fat Woman
Margaretta the Cook

played by Michael Johnson 66 (1 post)
Marisa the Wanton

played by Michael Johnson 66 (9 posts)
Merlin the Wild

played by Michael Johnson 66 (106 posts)
Mirabilistia the Copper Dragon

played by Michael Johnson 66 (19 posts)
Her Excellency Muminfrah of Sothis
Miranda the Muse

played by Michael Johnson 66 (3 posts)
Mister Aleister Crowley

played by Michael Johnson 66 (2 posts)
Morgan Le Fey

played by Michael Johnson 66 (8 posts)
Spider Eater
Mosura, also known as Mothra

played by Michael Johnson 66 (50 posts)
Eldran Tesh
Mullah Sayed Ahmed Al-Safi

played by Michael Johnson 66 (21 posts)
Mummified drider

played by Michael Johnson 66 (16 posts)
Mummy Lord Akenhoten of Set

played by Michael Johnson 66 (12 posts)
Technic League Hireling

Changeling Witch(Tatterdemalion)14th|HP:85|AC:21(23)(T:14FF:18)|F:+7|R:+9|W:+16|SR:20| CMD:18|CMB:+8|Init:+2 Per:+18|Spear:+9(+8), Claw:+7,Dagger:+7,Sling:+10,Cestus:+7|Spells:0-4,1-7,2-7,3-7,4-6,5-5,6-4,7- 3

played by Critzible (895 posts)
Technic League Hireling
Mwikali GM bot

played by Michael Johnson 66 (2 posts)
Niccolò de' Conti of Chioggia

played by Michael Johnson 66 (2 posts)
Member of the Esoteric Order of the Palatine Eye
Nicolas Flamel, alchemist

played by Michael Johnson 66 (45 posts)
The Ogon Fox

Male Kitsune UnMnk 10 / Ftr (Brawler) 4 | Ki 8/10 | HP 127/168 | AC 30 (t24/ff24) | CMD 39 (40 vs bull/drag/repo) | F +13, R +15, W +13 | Perc +16 (low-light vision); SM +10; Init +5 | Fire 120, Acid 72, Heroism

played by Keante (529 posts)
Oparah the Opal

played by Michael Johnson 66 (3 posts)
Owlbear of the Arena of Death

played by Michael Johnson 66 (1 post)
Plad Rilfindar

Male Elf Magus 4

played by Michael Johnson 66 (26 posts)
Wings of Protection
Rapunzel’s Weave

played by Michael Johnson 66 (11 posts)
Raven Animal Spirit

played by Michael Johnson 66 (2 posts)
Rebecca the Soothsayer

played by Michael Johnson 66 (1 post)
Robin Goodfellow “Puck”

played by Michael Johnson 66 (1 post)
Sosiel Vaenic
Saint Moses the Black

played by Michael Johnson 66 (2 posts)
Baron Hannis Drelev
Sir Godfrey Bullfinch

played by Michael Johnson 66 (13 posts)
Sir Landry of Orleans

played by Michael Johnson 66 (9 posts)
Gadak Simiryin
Spinner Nachtschwartzen

played by Michael Johnson 66 (9 posts)
Sun Wukong, The Monkey King

played by Michael Johnson 66 (33 posts)
Priest-Captain Blackarm
Troy of Aragon

played by Michael Johnson 66 (2 posts)
Larur Feldin
Udo Bierschlauffer

Male Dwarf Paladin (stone lord) 4

played by Michael Johnson 66 (12 posts)
Ramoska Arkminos
Vampire spawn monk

played by Michael Johnson 66 (34 posts)
Vizier Akhbad Bin Jabaar

played by Michael Johnson 66 (13 posts)
Shoanti Fighter
Volreg Sundek

Male CG Human (Varisian) Kineticist 5 | HP 55/55 (5NL) | AC 18 T 15 FF 14 | CMB +3, CMD 18 | F: +9, R: +9, W: +2 | Init: +10 | Perc: +10 | Speed 30ft | Burn 6/7 | [ooc]Active Effects: Force Ward (7/7); Elemental Overflow +1/+2

played by Michael_Hopkins (264 posts)
Shoanti Fighter
Volreg Sundek GM bot

played by Michael Johnson 66 (3 posts)
Wolf Animal Spirit

played by Michael Johnson 66 (2 posts)
Red Dragon
Wormwood of Mercury

played by Michael Johnson 66 (81 posts)

Wulfgar Ivarsson

played by Robert Henry (1,417 posts)
Shema Sarwar
Yasmine the Dancer

played by Michael Johnson 66 (1 post)

HP 117/117 | AC 24* (t17/ff24*) | CMD 31 | Fort +9, Ref +9, Will +8 | Perception +13 (darkvision 60'); Sense Motive +1; Initiative +2 | active effects: --

played by nate lange (585 posts)
Dragonwinged Ram

played by Michael Johnson 66 (9 posts)

Current NPCs

Amir the snake charmer

played by Michael Johnson 66 (9 posts)
Runelord Alderpesh
Antichrist Nero

played by Michael Johnson 66 (87 posts)
Rafa Dan
Bedouin nomad

played by Michael Johnson 66 (16 posts)
Counterfeit Mage
Berber tracker

played by Michael Johnson 66 (11 posts)
Gnoll Mutant
Blood-Lapper gnoll

played by Michael Johnson 66 (31 posts)
Akron Erix
Captain Barak of the Alanqilis

played by Michael Johnson 66 (51 posts)
Commander Gonzalo Cabral

played by Michael Johnson 66 (14 posts)
Market Patron
Crewman of the Alanqilis

played by Michael Johnson 66 (24 posts)
Jakaw Razorbeak
First Mate Toruko the Tengu

played by Michael Johnson 66 (28 posts)
Giant crab

played by Michael Johnson 66 (13 posts)
Radi Hamdi
Goat herder

played by Michael Johnson 66 (1 post)
Goblin minstrel

played by Michael Johnson 66 (42 posts)
Hyena of Africa

played by Michael Johnson 66 (21 posts)
Initiative Monkey

played by Michael Johnson 66 (601 posts)
Kiku GM bot

played by Michael Johnson 66 (28 posts)
Hakotep I
King Bogud

played by Michael Johnson 66 (19 posts)

played by Michael Johnson 66 (42 posts)
Marid harbor master of Anfa

played by Michael Johnson 66 (14 posts)
Imeckus Stroon
Prince Henry of Portugal

played by Michael Johnson 66 (39 posts)
Skeleton crewman

played by Michael Johnson 66 (3 posts)
Queen Ileosa Arabasti
Striga Lucrezia

played by Michael Johnson 66 (48 posts)
Sulayman Hain GM bot

played by Michael Johnson 66 (7 posts)
Swami Al-Murq Bin Hasaad

played by Michael Johnson 66 (3 posts)
Talking albatross

played by Michael Johnson 66 (4 posts)
Yousef the shell man

played by Michael Johnson 66 (7 posts)

Previous Characters

Sulayman Hain

Init +5 | Per +1 | AC 18 T 14 F 14 | hp 12 | fort +3 ref +4 will +0

played by Simeon (18 posts)