
Giant crab's page

13 posts. Alias of Michael Johnson 66.


THUNK!! The giant crab is pinned to the starboard rail by Altin's well-aimed arrow! It writhes feebly for a moment, clacking its pincers in futile protest...

I forgot to make the crab's second claw attack against Wulfgar last round, so here it is now...1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20 deals 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4 damage to Wulfgar...

The giant crab snaps furiously at the little sprite jumping up and down on its shell...1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22 and 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14... SNAP!! SNAP!! But Lord Perpireen darts hither and thither, nimbly evading the crab's pincers!

Sulayman's gladius plunges through the giant crab's shell! SKREEEE!!!

Altin's arrow sinks in at a vulnerable spot between the great crab's legs! HIIIISSSSSS!!!

Giovanna di Domenico wrote:

Giovanna darts around to try to find a weak spot in the crab's armor, but finding none. She still tries to pierce the creature's shell anyways.

moving to flank if possible, if not subtract the +2...and doing a parry/riposte as well.[dice=stabby]1d20+5+2; 1d6+3[dice=p/r]1d20+5; 1d20+5+2; 1d6+5

CLINK!! Again, the rapier blade bows against the stony exoskeleton of the giant crab! It clacks its pincers at Lady Giovanna mockingly!

The lone remaining giant crab snaps at Wulfgar...1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14...missing the Northman aasimar by inches!

Wulfgar Ivarsson wrote:

'What the blazes?' Feeling the static electricity in the air around him, Wulfgar glances at the farm boy and then smiles, he lifts his new sword and slashes at the nearest crab. "Ha, Volreg is going to cook you for us even."

Attack: MW Greatsword
[dice=attack]1d20+6 for [dice=damage]2d6+6

Wulfgar's greatsword shears the monstrous crab in twain! One half, composed of meaty legs, still clings to the rail, but the other half, comprising the bulk of the crab's great body, falls into the green waves!

Sulayman Hain wrote:

Sulayman smiles a vicious smile and tries to stab the crab once more, "Take that you chitinous cretin!"


The blade is turned aside by the red carapace!

Volreg Sundek wrote:

Turning from the railing, Volreg lifts up his right arm and grins slightly, "Remember those gifts I said I gained from the lightning strike? Here is a taste!" Energy crackling at his fingertips, for a moment, a bolt of electricity flies towards one of the crabs coming aboard!

Point-Blank Shot and Precise Shot
[Dice=Electric Blast(Touch)+Point-Blank Shot]d20+1+3
[Dice=Damage+Point-Blank Shot]1d6+2+1

The giant crab briefly seizes up as Volreg's lightning begins to cook the adventurers' would-be meal!

Altin Karela wrote:

Recovering from his moment of surprise, Altin wheels towards the bow to get a clear shot at the crab Giovanna is engaged with, drawing his bow and nocking an arrow as he moves. Assuming it's not dead by then Altin draws the bowstring back to his cheek and fires.

Pbs and Precise Shot
[Dice=MW comp short bow]1d20+5

Altin's arrow punched through the giant crab's exoskeleton, causing the monster to hiss in pain!


Again, Giovanna's attempts to impale the great crab on her blade are frustrated by its impressive exoskeleton, which turns her blade aside!

The giant crab punctured by Sulayman's thrust emits a high-pitched squeal of pain!

It retaliates, snapping a great pincer at Sulayman...1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9...but the Turkish cad dodges by inches!

The other giant crab snaps at Lady Giovanna...1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18...pinching her sword arm viciously for 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6 points of damage, and grabbing CMB 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13, but failing to hold the nimble swashbuckler!

Giovanna’s blade flexes against the rock-hard carapace of the great crab, failing to pierce through to its flesh!

Miss against flat-footed AC 15...

Giant crabs!