Mwikali’s flaming sphere sears the beast’s hindquarters as it tries to escape into the desert sands, and Lord Perpireen’s telekinesis-hurled rock lands a telling blow! Wulfgar’s earlier strike, which had seemed to bounce harmlessly off its stony shell, actually split the plate, which can now be seen to crack open, releasing a torrent of the bulette’s life’s blood! With a mighty groan, the monster falls still, slain by the Desert Jackals!
It lies lifeless, it’s front half buried in the desert sand, it’s rear half bleeding from several deep gashes and puncture wounds!
Well done, Desert Jackals! A most impressive trophy is now yours to harvest and carry on your mules into Safi! Also, a nice XP award...
Wulfgar’s earlier attack with flank bonus would’ve been 21, still a miss by 1 point...
As the bulette burrows halfway into the desert sand, Wulfgar cleaves a bloody rift open in it’s hindquarters! A muffled roar of agony can be heard... GGGRRRAAAARRGH!!! ...but the beast keeps burrowing!
Down 66 damage! Only 20 hp remaining...
Realizing that it has mistaken deadly apex predators for easy prey, the bulette burrows back down into the desert sands, intent on escaping to find easier prey!
Provoking AoOs from Wulfgar and Giovanna...
African bulette wrote: Giovanna di Domenico wrote: Vanna slashes at the beast again, taking advantage of surrounding the beast.
Bring it down!
[dice=attack]1d20+9+2; 1d6+4+4 [dice=p/r]1d20+9+2; 1d20+9+2; 1d6+4+4
AC 22...
Vanna's magic rapier flexes against the monster's armor plating again! EDIT: Vanna is flanking with Wulfgar, so she hit, bringing the damage total on the bulette to 46...
Vanna’s blade sinks between the monster’s natural armor plates, drawing blood!
Giovanna di Domenico wrote: Vanna slashes at the beast again, taking advantage of surrounding the beast.
Bring it down!
[dice=attack]1d20+9+2; 1d6+4+4 [dice=p/r]1d20+9+2; 1d20+9+2; 1d6+4+4
AC 22...
Vanna's magic rapier flexes against the monster's armor plating again!
Altin Karela wrote: Wulfgar, don't forget your bonus from heroism , that's a +2 to your attack roll.
"Sure, whatever you say!" Altin calls back to Wulfgar. He moves back carefully, drawing his bow. He fires an arrow at the fearsome beast.
Activating luck as a swift action, 5' step to a clear shot, shooting with CSB.
Altin's arrow sinks in the gap between armor plates!
Down 34 damage total!
Mwikali wrote: Mwikali keeps her ball of flaming sponge roll right into the creature once again
Reflex vs DC 14 flaming sphere 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11 fails!
Mwikali's flaming sphere scorches the beast's underbelly again!
Volreg Sundek wrote: Now a safe distance away, the farmer focuses the elements around him, shooting another bolt of electricity at the land shark!
[dice=Electric Blast+Elemental Overflow : Touch]d20+6+1
[dice=Damage+Elemental Overflow]2d6+2+2
"That thing killed my horse! I would suggest running, but I most likely can't outrun that creature!"
GGGRRRRROOOOORRRR!! The monster roars as the electricity crackles around its armored face!
Wulfgar Ivarsson wrote: Hey MJ66, Wulfgar was raging, his AC is 20, so the first attack hit as well
Ducking, as the creature bite's and shifting the horse with his knees, to avoid the first claw strike, Wulfgar cannot avoid the second claw as it rakes his back. He lifts his sword and swings at the creature again, calling out, "laH Doch moq pagh vaj Haw' maH?" not remembering that none of his companions understand.
Rage, AC -2 attack: MW great sword, power attack
** spoiler omitted **
Bite damage on Wulfgar 2d8 + 9 ⇒ (6, 2) + 9 = 17...
Wulfgar's blade bounces harmlessly off the iron-hard plating armoring the bulette!
The monster bites at Wulfgar 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (7) + 13 = 20 missing... *SNAP!!*... It claws 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18 but the Northman evades... It claws again 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (16) + 12 = 28 dealing 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (4, 5) + 6 = 15 damage to Wulfgar!
African bulette wrote: Mwikali wrote: Still angry over the Captains sheer lack of falling to her spell Mwikali conjures forth a flaming ball right around the Bulettes head.
Flaming Sphere, DC14
Reflex vs DC 14 flaming sphere 1d20+8 succeeds!
GRRRAAARRR!! The beast leaps clear of the flaming sphere! EDIT: The bulette in fact fails this save and takes the 13 fire damage!
Mwikali’s witch-fire scorches the great beast’s underbelly and elicits a roar of pain!
Mwikali wrote: Still angry over the Captains sheer lack of falling to her spell Mwikali conjures forth a flaming ball right around the Bulettes head.
Flaming Sphere, DC14
Reflex vs DC 14 flaming sphere 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13 succeeds!
GRRRAAARRR!! The beast leaps clear of the flaming sphere!
Volreg Sundek wrote: Volreg attempts to acrobatics away from the creature as the horse he was riding on erupts into a fountain of blood and body parts, hoping to not get attacked by the creature that caused his horse's life to end prematurely, but stumbles a bit, before jumping. Legs burning, he pushes his muscles further than they have gone before, embracing the electrical pain coursing through his body! As he flies though the air the man pulls out his longspear before landing in the sand.
First time actually using Air's Leap.... Feels a bit Monkish, but with more danger involved!
As the aeromancer tries to leap free of the carnage, the monster lashed out with a stony claw...AoO 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (19) + 12 = 31 rending Volreg’s left thigh for 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (5, 4) + 6 = 15 slashing damage!
Giovanna di Domenico wrote: Vanna stabs at the creature with her new rapier.
i assume no issue with Vanna taking the rapier we got? we'll sort out the rest after
[dice=attack]1d20+9; 1d6+4+4 [dice=p/r]1d20+9; 1d20+9; 1d6+4+4
Vanna’s magical rapier flexes against the beast’s keratinous armor plating!
Food above! Be patient... Not yet... NOW!!
The desert sands explode as a savage African desert shark bursts up from its underground burrow!
Surprise leap attack! Claw at Giovanna’s horse 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (7) + 12 = 19 deals 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (4, 2) + 6 = 12 damage! Second claw at Giovanna’s horse 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (7) + 12 = 19 deals 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (1, 1) + 6 = 8 damage, tearing the horse apart in a shower of blood! Claw at Volreg’s horse 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (14) + 12 = 26 dealing 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (3, 2) + 6 = 11 damage! Claws again at Volreg’s horse 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (14) + 12 = 26 dealing 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (4, 4) + 6 = 14 damage and ripping Volreg’s horse apart!