
Vizier Akhbad Bin Jabaar's page

13 posts. Alias of Michael Johnson 66.


Another old foe of the Desert Jackals who benefited from the Sultan's favor was the Vizier Akhbad Bin Jabaar, who had once served the former Emir Al'Haaq of Marrakesh as advisor, and was a skilled fire wizard. Resurrected by Sultan Murad's most powerful cleric, Akhbad Bin Jabaar now serves as Vizier of the Arrows of Dispatch.

Seeing his own doom swiftly descending in the bloodthirsty red glow of the enraged orc next to him, and in the cold, merciless, fiercely gorgeous eyes of the changeling witch hovering over him, her raiments writhing like living serpents...

Concentration vs DC 25 to cast teleport defensively 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (10) + 18 = 28 succeeds!

The vizier casts a conjuration, carefully avoiding attacks, and vanishes in a flash of green light!

Lady Giovanna GM bot wrote:


Lady Giovanna sprints across the throne room toward the vizier and efreeti...

Scimitar thrust at vizier 1d20+14 confirm 1d20+14 critical hit dealing 2d6+12 piercing plus 1d6 acid!


Pierced by Vanna's acidic blade, the vizier screams in pain! AAAAAHH!!

Alexei Orlovsky wrote:

Badly singed, Alexei hurries away from the wall of flames.

if he can evoke a fireball of that magnitude this isn't likely to succeed, but I have to try something...

Doing his best to hide himself from the crowd of foes, the Rabbi puts his esoteric knowledge to use to bind the Vizier in place...
casting hold person on the vizier. spending an arcane point to up the DC to 22, and arithmancy succeeded so the caster level is 7.

ps- I could really use some healing after that fireball if anyone hiding near the back wants to help me out (Boga-bot).

Will save vs DC 22 hold person 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30 succeeds!

The vizier wards off the rabbi's spell...

Efreeti Razaad Bin Razaard wrote:

Gesturing to the blood-spattered orc standing over the riven rakshasa...

Hast thou seen enough, master? Did I not foretell the Emir's downfall here, at this very hour and in this very place? Is this the fate you would doom us to as well?

A look of dumb astonishment...

It is precisely as the efreeti predicted!

Mwikali wrote:

Meikali throws Web at the Vizer

DC15 Reflex to break free

Then she uses her fly hex to raise off the ground and head his way.

Reflex 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22 vs DC 15 web succeeds!

As the magical webs are conjured around him, the vizier nimbly avoids entanglement!

Efreeti Razaad Bin Razaard wrote:


The efreeti Razaad whispers into his master's (the vizier) ear in Arabic: This is the Emir's true fate, as I have foretold, master... He will die here, and his real nature will be revealed...

Hearing his wise servant's whispered words, the pyromancer pauses in casting the delayed blast fireball (They like to play with fire, aye?) he was about to cast, and considers it likely that, as his efreeti servant warned, not only would the emir meet his fate here today, they also would perish if they stayed and fought at their emir's side...

Damnations! The doom Razaad foretold is upon us! We must flee now, or die fighting...

Either way, the pyromancer wasn't going to waste that delayed blast fireball...

Combustus explodus! shouts the vizier, pointing his finger at a point in the midst of the Crusaders of the Catacombs back in the hall...


Fireball deals 13d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 3, 2, 5, 5, 1, 4, 6, 3, 4, 1, 4) = 43 fire damage to all of the Crusaders of the Catacombs and Alexei (so none of the Desert Jackals or other new PCs), or half that damage with a DC 25 Reflex save!

Seeing the burst of flames scorch Boombada and Al'Haaq, the vizier realizes that arcane magic is being used against the court.

Spellcraft to identify fireball spell 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (20) + 21 = 41 succeeds!

In Arabic: Beware, mighty emir! The Desert Jackals are upon us!

Emir Al’Haaq of Marrakech wrote:

In Arabic: I fear that the palace might be under attack by formidable foes! Perhaps the assassin failed to deliver my revenge upon the Desert Jackals and the slaves that escaped, and they have returned to strike back at me!

Fear not, Mighty Emir! The dark elf assassin came with the very highest recommendations from my trusted colleagues of the Underworld. I am sure there was merely some inconsequential delay, and that he will return at any moment now to report success and collect the remainder of his fee...

In spite of his confident words, doubt begins to grow in the vizier as well, and he strokes his beard nervously...

We do not yet know, Mighty Emir, but it does not seem to bode well! The people in the streets have fallen on their faces in worship or terror...

Almost as if by magic, the vizier appears...

In Arabic: I am at your service, master!

Efreeti Razaad Bin Razaard wrote:
Vizier Akhbad Bin Jabaar wrote:
Efreeti Razaad Bin Razaard wrote:
Whispered in Arabic: Something invisible and magical passed us earlier in the Kasbah, master... Shall we inform the Emir?
Do you suppose it was the ones the Emir sent the dark elf to kill? He has clearly either failed, or encountered difficulties to delay him past the agreed upon confirmation...
If it is the Desert Jackals, and we fail to report it to the Emir, there will be dire repercussions, master!

*Sigh!* Very well, Razaad Bin Razaard... Let us return with alacrity to the palace... whispers Vizier Akhbad to his efreeti slave.

Efreeti Razaad Bin Razaard wrote:
Whispered in Arabic: Something invisible and magical passed us earlier in the Kasbah, master... Shall we inform the Emir?

Do you suppose it was the ones the Emir sent the dark elf to kill? He has clearly either failed, or encountered difficulties to delay him past the agreed upon confirmation...