
Skeleton crewman's page

3 posts. Alias of Michael Johnson 66.


Volreg Sundek wrote:

"Your, companions.... They aren't natural." Sparks crackling around the air, the man holds out his hand in a defensive manner, but not striking.

"Let us know as to how you knew about our ship. The haunting was but a farce, performed by a friend of ours. There are no ghosts here."

What? This isn't a real ghost ship? But the ghouls said... Nevermind, then... We'll see ourselves back to the master's cove... Sorry to have bothered you...

To the skeleton crew: This ain't a real ghost ship, me boys... Turn about and flip-flop back to the cove!

The skeleton crew creeps away into the dark of night...

Mwikali wrote:

"Walking Bones?" She says as she grips her spear.

"What sort of favors does your master usually ask for?" She says looking at the others her hand up to make sure they don't just attack these skeletons.

That’s not for me to say, My Lady... I only speak the one message... So crows the silver raven perched on the lead skeleton’s clavicle...

A “skeleton crew” of six animated skeletal sailors creep up to the quay of Anfa and present themselves at the dock of the Alanqilis!

A silver raven sits upon the shoulder of one of the skeletal sailors, and in Arabic, it croaks: Our master, the Necromancer Maldezar of the desert tombs, sends his regards to the captain of this ghost ship, and offers our services to ye as sailors! All that he requires of ye in return is that ye hold to thy word that you owe him a favor, should he ever ask it... Say ye aye, or nay?