Eldran Tesh

Mullah Sayed Ahmed Al-Safi's page

21 posts. Alias of Michael Johnson 66.


Mwikali wrote:

Mwikali growls ad puts forth the Ankh again.

"Die Abomination!!!"


A beam of holy light pierces the monster, and with a final strangled cry of hate and despair, it bursts into flames and is consumed, leaving only a black smoke that seeps into the stone sarcophagus!

Flurry of blows: Punch at Wulfgar 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (5) + 15 = 20 misses! Kick at Vanna 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (9) + 15 = 24 deals 2d8 + 6 ⇒ (1, 6) + 6 = 13 damage plus energy drain (1 negative level)! Punch at Wulfgar 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30 confirm 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19 not a crit! Deals 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (2, 3) + 6 = 11 damage plus energy drain (1 negative level)! Kick at Vanna 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15 misses! Punch at Wulfgar 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23 deals 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (3, 3) + 6 = 12 damage plus energy drain (1 negative level)!

Seeing his doom at hand, the vampire lashes out in fury and desperation, hammering Wulfgar and Lady Vanna with its enervating strikes!

Though it has been scorched, slashed, and impaled the vampire remains upright, howling in agony with Vanna’s silver rapier skewering his rotten torso! The crypt echoes with the sound of a pack of wolves howling at the moon!


Giovanna di Domenico wrote:

Vanna aims for the undead monster's cold black heart.

[dice=attack]1d20+10+2; 1d6+5+5[dice=p/r]1d20+10+2;1d20+10+2;1d6+5+5
[dice=crit]1d20+10+2; 1d6+5

The vampire is transfixed upon Lady Vanna’s blade, which passes within an inch of that black, still heart!


The monster weeps tears of blood...

Mwikali wrote:

Mwikali growls as the vampire dodged her attack. With renewed vigor she fires off another blast.


Desperate to stay out of the light of Seker, of Ra-Horeckty, of Osiris, of Horus the Hawk-Headed Avenger, the vampire contorts his pale, lean, muscular body like a circus acrobat, narrowly evading the searing light of the Sun!

Wulfgar Ivarsson wrote:

moving after the summersaulting undead, Wulfgar swings his weapon at the creature.

Flank, Rage, AC -2 attack: Coldiron/silver weighted spear, (weighted end) power attack, heroism + 2
[dice=attack]1d20 + 8 + 2 + 2 for [dice=damage]1d6 + 15

With divine alacrity, the aasimar bloodrager hews another deep rift in the undead flesh!


Mwikali wrote:

Mwikali blinks unsure of what was happening and yet she also did not fear it. She took the item offered. A relic from the Halcyon days of Egypt, which she knew vaguely about. Still, she raised the item when time reassurted its self and held it firmly in front of herself.

" By the power of Africa, and the Spirits who keep it I STRIKE AT THEE!" She said in her native tongue raising the Ankh and letting it loose of its mystical energies


The vampire’s glowing red eyes widen in alarm at the brief glimpse he catches of Saint Moses the Black, patron saint of Africa... They bulge in terror when he sees the glowing golden Ankh of Seker pointed at him in the witch’s dark hand! As Mwikali calls upon the power of the Ankh, the vampire frantically dives into a somersault, dodging the ray of divine light...

Round 3:

Enraged by the magic rope entangling him, the master vampire this time uses his wicked claws to tear the magic rope to shreds, destroying Rapunzel’s Weave with a flurry of blows!

Sorry guys, I felt like this was too powerful an item for your party at this level...

Giovanna di Domenico wrote:
Vanna thrusts her silver blade at the bloodsucker, aiming for his chest. [dice=attack]1d20+10+2;1d6=5+5[dice=p/r]1d20+10+2;1d20+10+2;1d6+5+5

Vanna’s blade bows against the unnaturally hard flesh...

Mwikali wrote:

Mwikali Thrusts her wand forward once more and shot off another ray in hopes to send this bastard to his grave."Die abomination!"

[dice=Ranged Touch Ray]1d20+5+2

The fiery ray scorches the undead monster’s flesh with a loud sizzle!


Wulfgar Ivarsson wrote:

So everyone's last attacks were round one, this is round two,

Feeling the weight silver ball crush against the vampire, Wulfgar swings it back around aiming another blow.

Flank, Rage, AC -2 attack: Coldiron/silver weighted spear, (weighted end) power attack, heroism + 2 everything
[dice=attack]1d20 + 8 + 2 + 2 for [dice=damage]1d6 + 15

Even though he is entangled by Rapunzel’s Weave, he lifts a clawed hand high enough to catch the silver ball at the end of Wulfgar’s spear! Not liking the feel of the silver in his hand, he releases it with a sneer!

Round 2:

Snarling like a lion, the vampire throws off the annoying magic rope a second time!

Mwikali wrote:

When she enters she shoots her Scorching ray at him.

[dice=Ranged Touch]1d20+5

Mwikali’s witch fire burns the vampire, melting his white flesh like wax!


Altin Karela wrote:

Activating luck and reading the scroll just before entering.

[dice=Wis check]1d20+2

Phew, no mishap. I'll try again.


That's better. Then entering the crypt.

Altin fires off two silver arrows at the vampire in quick succession.


Altin’s first shot flies wide altogether... The second arrow splinters against the vampire’s stony flesh!

Round 1:

The vampire snarls like a mountain lion and wriggles free of the magic rope with ease!

He can’t fail his check to escape... But it does slow him down a little!

Giovanna di Domenico wrote:

Vanna darts in, looking to catch the vampire with his defenses down.She lashes out with her blade.

[dice=attack]1d20+10+2;1d6+5+5[dice=p/r]1d20+10+2;1d20+10+2; 1d6+5+5adding flank if i can

Even flat-footed, the vampire master is elusive, and Lady Giovanna misses!

Wulfgar Ivarsson wrote:

Hoping the heroism is still active, and that Altin read the scroll 'protection from evil' over someone.

His halo illuminating his way, Wulfgar moves through the corridor into the crypt. Seeing the master supernaturally spring from his sarcophagus, he bellows at the undead. "rIn mIgh che'"Stepping to the right side, hoping to provide a flanking opportunity for Giovanna he swings the weighted end of the spear at the master.

Rage, AC -2 attack: Coldiron/silver weighted spear, (weighted end) power attack, heroism + 2 everything
[dice=attack]1d20 + 8 + 2 for [dice=damage]1d6 + 15
** spoiler omitted **

Wulfgar’s silver blade hews a blood-red rift in the vampire’s white flesh!

HHIIISSSSS!!! The pale face contorts in pain, fangs bared!

Hearing the approach of intruders into his crypt, the master opens his eyes and throws off the lid of his sarcophagus, rising in an uncannily smooth motion to stand before them!

The stairs descend 30 feet to a lower chamber, where the master vampire, the Abbot of the monastery, resides in his stone sarcophagus...

In the Tomb of the Master, the Master is meditating in his sarcophagus...

The Desert Jackals win initiative over the Master...

The Master Vampire awaits the Desert Jackals in his tomb in the deeper Catacombs...

Full Name

Sarenae Elmaran




Summoner 1







Special Abilities

Cantrips, eidolon, life link, summon monster I


Neutral Good






Common, Elven, Draconic



Strength 12
Dexterity 14
Constitution 10
Intelligence 15
Wisdom 14
Charisma 17

About Sarenae Elmaran

Current Effects:

Physical Description: Sarenae has shoulder-length brown hair and bangs which almost appear to have been dipped in crimson. She wears studded leather armor underneath a thickly woven cloak, the clasp of which keeps the cloak covering most of her front. Two wide sleeves were crafted into the sides of the cloak allowing her to move her arms freely.


AC: 15 (+2 Dex; +3 Studded Leather Armor) (Touch 12; Flat-footed 13)
HP: 8/8
Non-lethal: 0
CMD: 13

Fortitude: +0
Reflex: +2
Will: +4


Initiative: +2

Speed: 30 feet

BAB: +0
CMB: +1

Melee: +1
Ranged: +2

Quarterstaff (both ends) +0/+0 Melee (1d6+1/1d6) (x2) Bludgeoning
Quarterstaff +2 Melee (1d6+1) (x2) Bludgeoning
Light Crossbow +4 Ranged (1d8) (19-20/x2) Piercing (80 feet)
(30 bolts)

Racial/Class Features:
+2 Ability Score (Charisma); Low-light vision; Adaptability (Skill Focus: Spellcraft); Elven Immunities; Elf Blood; Keen Senses; Multitalented; Languages: Common, Elven, Draconic

Class Features:Cantrips; Eidolon; Life link; Summon Monster I.


Combat Casting, Two-Weapon Fighting


Acrobatics +1
Appraise +2
Bluff +3
Climb +0
Diplomacy +3
Diguise +3
Escape Artist +1
Handle Animal +7
Heal +2
Knowledge (Planes) +6
Perception +2
Ride +1
Sense Motive +2
Stealth +1
Survival +2
Swim +0
Use Magic Device +7

Armor: Studded Leather. Weapons: Quarterstaff; General: 5 packages of rations, waterskin, torch, small tent, winter blanket. Potions: Other:Money:

Animal Companion:
