Wings of Protection

Rapunzel’s Weave's page

11 posts. Alias of Michael Johnson 66.


Mwikali wrote:

" I know not how long we will be here madame. So please let that cover us until we see what plays out. Besides if you have say a house lady, I may partake later. Until now keep that to cover my expenses" she says in Japanese as she looks to Ihrin and then to the others.

" Johann you can use that string snake form to slither into this fortress correct. I know the rest of us have access to flight, so why not have you slither in and if it is clear change back into yourself to signal us and we can slide right in. Should they wish to fighter then so be it." She says drinking some of the ale, and smiling.

Suddenly, the coil of magical rope at Mwikali's hip rears one end up like a snake and reminds her: Ich kann auch ins Schloss schlüpfen, Hexe Mwikali!

I can also slither into the castle, Witch Mwikali!

The rope then falls silent again...

Mwikali wrote:

Mwikali looks to her elemental and points to the sailors."Blurrg slurrp burble"Aquan sounds like you're a drowning wookie

** spoiler omitted **

Mwikali then grips her spear and readies herself by grabbing a rope. with another incantation, she begins to cast."blessed to the toiler who wove you, plucked you meticulously to form loose fibers into ma might rope. let the dedication fo those hands bring forth the life within!"She coaxes the former magical rope to life and smiles as she has a new weapon to command against the oncoming fish men.

Apparently "resurrected" by Mwikali's tatterdemalion witchcraft, the magical talking rope springs to life once again!

In German: Yay!! I'm alive again! Many thanks, Mwikali!

The magical intelligent rope of climbing and entanglement slithers toward the witch's aquatic foes...

Sadly, it becomes apparent to Lord Perpireen that the magic rope is not playing a trick this time. The vampire has destroyed it in his wrath and rage. But Rapunzel’s Weave made a brave sacrifice that was key to the Desert Jackals’ victory over and survival of the vampire, which shall not be forgotten.

Round 2:

Before the vampire can take any other action, Rapunzel’s Weave coils around him again, entangling him, if only briefly!

Rapunzel’s Weave leaps at the vampire and loops around him like a constrictor around a rabbit!

[Gives vampire the entangled condition...

Ich haben Sie, Herr Vampir!

Slithering along behind Lord Perpireen, the magic talking rope inquires: Sollte ich dir folgen, Lord Perpireen? Oder helfen, diesen Vampir-Gefährten zu verwickeln?

Should I follow you, Lord Perpireen? Or help out by entangling this vampire fellow?

It rears up like a cobra upon reaching the master vampire’s crypt...

Hurra! Neue Freunde zum Spielen!

Hurray! New friends to play with!

The magic sentient rope slithers along after the Desert Jackals!

The rope suddenly springs back to life, chuckling gleefully, and coils up like a snake...

In German: Haha! I jest again! I’m no ordinary rope, and am impervious to witchcraft!

Mwikali wrote:

"Rope I am your master" She says reaching out to grab it and uses her Unraveling Touch on it.

[dice=melee touch]1d20+3

The magic rope unravels as Mwikali touches it, squealing in pain!

So grausam! Du hast mich getötet!

So cruel! You have killed me!

The magic rope is destroyed!

Lord Perpireen McGibel wrote:

"Ill deal with this Rope snake, you fellers press that there attack."

She flies around the rope/snake

"Now come on feller lets see you catch me"

And tugs it again.

With serpent-fast speed, Rapunzel’s Weave lashes upward and entangles Lord Perpireen around his tiny waist... but the magic of Lord Perpireen’s ring of freedom of movement allows the Fey Lord to slip free with ease!

In German: Ah so! You are a slippery one, little friend!

Rapunzel’s Weave is an intelligent rope of climbing and entanglement, Chaotic Good alignment, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 10, Ego I will calculate later, Languages English, German, Sylvan, normal vision and hearing to 30 ft, special ability to cast feather fall 3/day and spider climb 3/day.

The coil of rope suddenly hisses like a snake! HIIIISSSS!!! One end rears up like a cobra and sways back and forth...

Ich scherze! Ich bin keine Schlange, sondern ein Seil, Rapunzels Weave ist mein Name, verwickelte Idioten ist mein Spiel!

I jest! I’m no snake, but a rope, Rapunzel’s Weave’s my name, and entangling idiots is my game!