Gadak Simiryin

Spinner Nachtschwartzen's page

9 posts. Alias of Michael Johnson 66.


So ends the saga of Spinner Nachtschwartzen, dark elf assassin of the Underworld...

In Elvish: I go to Demogorgon, starshine... I hope everyone you love dies horribly...

With that, Spinner slumps over, dead and damned.

In Elvish: Hahahaha! You’re cute, you really are, starshine... If I weren’t into more masculine types, I’d make you mine...

In Elvish: Patience, my dear chap! I was getting to you, but I see you are eager to meet your doom... Pity... I’d hoped to save your lily-white arse for last...

Spinner stands on his hovering carpet, twin short swords drawn...

The Underworld assassin contracted by the Emir of Marrakech also remains a dangerous problem...

He begins his spree of magically stealthy assassinations against the attackers of Safi!

The dark elf assassin from the Underground city of Schattenmark, hired by the Emir of Marrakech to eliminate the trouble-makers that freed twenty of the emir’s slaves, draws near to Safi on his magic flying carpet. The fortified monastery and surrounding shanty town comes into view a few miles away on the shore of the blue Atlantic Ocean...

Spinner’s keen eyes, shaded from the hateful sun by polished onyx lenses in leather goggles, descry the commotion on the battlements even at this distance...

Ah... It seems my targets are kicking up some dust here as well! I like them already... Pity I will have to poison them all from afar...

As his carpet ferries him closer some hundred feet above the desert hard pan, the dark elf’s dexterous hands work on coating hand crossbow quarrels with potent sleeping poison...

While the Desert Jackals plan their attack on the monastery-fortress of Safi, a dark elf assassin rides the winds above the Moroccan desert on a magic carpet, headed for Safi, where his targets await unawares...

This job will make me very wealthy indeed! But I must be cautious... These targets sound formidable... I must strike unseen from the shadows, with lethal venoms...

Do you have a diviner among your slaves, that we might scry upon them, Your Excellency? Do you know any names?

I’m afraid so, Your Excellency... In the Underworld, we seldom haggle over price... We simply ask for what we know we can get... I know what I’m worth, and apparently, so do you—that’s why I am here so quickly... As we agreed, you will be reimbursing me for travel expenses, yes? Teleportation is dear these days...

The slim dark elf grins mischievously, his crimson eyes glittering like malevolent rubies framed by a mane of snow-white hair. A rapier in a bejeweled scabbard and a dagger hang at his hips.

In Arabic: You kept looking right at me, Your Excellency... I was politely waiting for you to start the conversation...