Michael Johnson 66 |

Table 2 has been created to accommodate a second party, as the many awesome submissions were too good for me to narrow down to only 6 to 8!
Sandbox style campaign, with a different start point than table 1;
Level 1
20-point buy
Any 10-point race published by Paizo
Any class published by Paizo except gunslinger
Max starting wealth
Max HP per level
Explore a fantasy version of Early Renaissance Earth, circa 1437!

Michael Johnson 66 |

With a little rework to this guy's backstory, I think he'd fit right in with a Renaissance-style campaign. Please consider Arc for this game. Thanks!
Pretty cool submission! Rework the backstory (French instead of Galt, etc...) when you get a chance, please, and consider Arc considered! :-)

Arc Perdu le Rouge |

Pretty cool submission! Rework the backstory (French instead of Galt, etc...) when you get a chance, please, and consider Arc considered! :-)
Consider it done! Whether I make it in or not, I can't wait to see how this turns out for you. The setting seems really interesting, and I think it'll lend itself well to some great storytelling.

Michael Johnson 66 |

Michael Johnson 66 wrote:Pretty cool submission! Rework the backstory (French instead of Galt, etc...) when you get a chance, please, and consider Arc considered! :-)Consider it done! Whether I make it in or not, I can't wait to see how this turns out for you. The setting seems really interesting, and I think it'll lend itself well to some great storytelling.
Thank you! It already has led to some awesome tales from previous PBP and tabletop campaigns over the past few years! I even wrote a novella called Apocalypse Anon: The Lucky Fools, which I self published on Amazon.com as an e-book for Kindle. (Shameless plug coming...) HERE IS A LINK to this epic tale, about a band of heroes foiling the diabolical plots of the Antichrist and the Church of Lucifer across Europe...

Michael Johnson 66 |

Well, I'm actually from Southern Spain, so I'm more inclined towards this Portugal/African thing. I will try to introduce a bit of the Kingdom of Granada or similar in the background.
Hola! I am in Málaga right now on vacation, visiting a friend who coaches the Spanish gymnastics team! Love it, if I didn't have young daughters in Florida, I might burn my return tix lol
Getting some great first hand research on the region, enjoying Semana Santa, etc

Jereru |

That's where I live :P
In 1437 Málaga and Granada were still under muslim ruleship, but there were a lot of christians living there too, so that could easily lead to someone tired of his infidel rulers trying to help a prince of christendom, or even a muslim who puts good above religious differences trying to do what's best for humanity. Lots of ideas! Man, I feel like playing V:TDA again! :P

Michael Johnson 66 |

That's where I live :P
In 1437 Málaga and Granada were still under muslim ruleship, but there were a lot of christians living there too, so that could easily lead to someone tired of his infidel rulers trying to help a prince of christendom, or even a muslim who puts good above religious differences trying to do what's best for humanity. Lots of ideas! Man, I feel like playing V:TDA again! :P
Small world! Lol! Congratulations on living in such a cool city! I can definitely see why to live here.
Yes, the Moorish influence in architecture is evident here. The Moslem World is currently the chief enemy of Christendom, aside from the insidious Church of Lucifer, and the various tribes of savage humanoids--orcs, goblinkind, gnolls, ogres, trolls, etc--which frequently sally forth from their cavernous Underworld lairs to prey on humankind and its allies.

Michael Johnson 66 |

I updated the backstory some more after conducting a little research into the history of Provence circa 1437. I'll definitely continue reading up on it and trying to broaden my knowledge of French history during that time, too.
Excellent submission! Thanks! I will seriously consider Arc Perdu le Rouge (The Red! Usually when I see this word on a gaming site, it is rogue misspelled lol... Refreshing to see it used correctly lol...)

Michael Johnson 66 |

Michael Johnson 66 wrote:The Red! Usually when I see this word on a gaming site, it is rogue misspelled lol... Refreshing to see it used correctly lol...Ugh, I know the struggle. I'm admittedly a bit of a grammar/spelling snob, so I'm glad I could do it right for once!
Same here lol... As a writer and OCD perfectionist, I try to catch my errors and use the edit option lol... Most people don't care if their grammar and spelling are atrocious, and I get it... But what kind of writer would I be if I didn't care?

Bullo Dagmawi |

FYI, I have set up the starting scenes for both tables in Gameplay. Take a look, but no posting until I open Gameplay to player posts on or a little before April 1st, please! :-)
I have a couple of questions.
1. How would you handle a cavalier's mount?
2. What is your stance on things like the "daring general" archetype
Edit note: Ignore question 2. It is in ultimate intrigue but not the PRD.
My general idea is a cavalier (order of the star) but have been toying around with some things.

Michael Johnson 66 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Michael Johnson 66 wrote:FYI, I have set up the starting scenes for both tables in Gameplay. Take a look, but no posting until I open Gameplay to player posts on or a little before April 1st, please! :-)I have a couple of questions.
1. How would you handle a cavalier's mount?
2. What is your stance on things like the "daring general" archetype
Edit note: Ignore question 2. It is in ultimate intrigue but not the PRD.My general idea is a cavalier (order of the star) but have been toying around with some things.
Cool, the Late Middle Ages was pretty much the height of the "knight in shining armor"... Right as the longbow, crossbow, and early firearms are sounding the death knell for fully armored cavalry lol...
In past games of mine, mounts seemed to have marginal effectiveness. Good on outdoor battlefields, not so much in the classic cramped, maze-like dungeon crawls that tend to dominate my campaigns. That said, I try to accommodate mounts for builds that rely on them, and this is a sandbox, so you need never set foot (or hoof) inside a dungeon if you don't want to... But that's where magic items will mainly be found... Magic shops exist, but are generally exclusive and secret...

Michael Johnson 66 |

Michael Johnson 66 wrote:Yes, for this second table. Rome for table 1.Nice! I feel like every session will be a miniature history lesson, so I've definitely got my fingers crossed for being able to play.
Yes I have tried to make a fantasy version of Earth, where most of the myths and fairytales are true, but where historical events more or less occur as they did in history, except where a fantastic element makes the setting more fun...
In reality, no ancient red dragon named Wormwood flew down to lair in Mt Vesuvius and demand annual tribute in maidens and gold, interrupting the mortal squabbles of the Hundred Years War, the Wars in Lombardy, and the Hook and Cod Wars...
Charles VII of France was never abducted by a devil cult, imprisoned in a secret cell in the catacombs below Paris, and replaced on the throne in Bourges by a döpplegänger in RL, but it made a great plot for the Lucky Fools to stumble upon in 1431...
The Holy Roman Empire wasn't really inhabited by characters and creature from Aesop's fables and Grimm Bros Fairytales, but in my sometimes whimsical version of history, Emperor Sigismund was taken captive by evil gnome witch Rumplestilskin and imprisoned in a tower of a cloud giant clan's cloud castle, held for ransom until pygmy catfolk wizard Prospero Blue, and his aasimar paladin friend Tunes d'Holiday, and Egyptian priest of Ra,,Pamentet, rescued him...

Wulfgar Ivarsson |
Arc Perdu le Rouge wrote:Michael Johnson 66 wrote:Yes, for this second table. Rome for table 1.Nice! I feel like every session will be a miniature history lesson, so I've definitely got my fingers crossed for being able to play.Yes I have tried to make a fantasy version of Earth, where most of the myths and fairytales are true, but where historical events more or less occur as they did in history, except where a fantastic element makes the setting more fun...
In reality, no ancient red dragon named Wormwood flew down to lair in Mt Vesuvius and demand annual tribute in maidens and gold, interrupting the mortal squabbles of the Hundred Years War, the Wars in Lombardy, and the Hook and Cod Wars...
Charles VII of France was never abducted by a devil cult, imprisoned in a secret cell in the catacombs below Paris, and replaced on the throne in Bourges by a döpplegänger in RL, but it made a great plot for the Lucky Fools to stumble upon in 1431...
The Holy Roman Empire wasn't really inhabited by characters and creature from Aesop's fables and Grimm Bros Fairytales, but in my sometimes whimsical version of history, Emperor Sigismund was taken captive by evil gnome witch Rumplestilskin and imprisoned in a tower of a cloud giant clan's cloud castle, held for ransom until pygmy catfolk wizard Prospero Blue, and his aasimar paladin friend Tunes d'Holiday, and Egyptian priest of Ra,,Pamentet, rescued him...
That we know of... Remember history goes to the victors... Blasted scientists...

Michael Johnson 66 |

Michael Johnson 66 wrote:That we know of... Remember history goes to the victors... Blasted scientists...Arc Perdu le Rouge wrote:Michael Johnson 66 wrote:Yes, for this second table. Rome for table 1.Nice! I feel like every session will be a miniature history lesson, so I've definitely got my fingers crossed for being able to play.Yes I have tried to make a fantasy version of Earth, where most of the myths and fairytales are true, but where historical events more or less occur as they did in history, except where a fantastic element makes the setting more fun...
In reality, no ancient red dragon named Wormwood flew down to lair in Mt Vesuvius and demand annual tribute in maidens and gold, interrupting the mortal squabbles of the Hundred Years War, the Wars in Lombardy, and the Hook and Cod Wars...
Charles VII of France was never abducted by a devil cult, imprisoned in a secret cell in the catacombs below Paris, and replaced on the throne in Bourges by a döpplegänger in RL, but it made a great plot for the Lucky Fools to stumble upon in 1431...
The Holy Roman Empire wasn't really inhabited by characters and creature from Aesop's fables and Grimm Bros Fairytales, but in my sometimes whimsical version of history, Emperor Sigismund was taken captive by evil gnome witch Rumplestilskin and imprisoned in a tower of a cloud giant clan's cloud castle, held for ransom until pygmy catfolk wizard Prospero Blue, and his aasimar paladin friend Tunes d'Holiday, and Egyptian priest of Ra,,Pamentet, rescued him...
Well said, sir! This "RL" world we live in is far stranger, far more "magical" than most of us could ever imagine, and history and the sciences are constantly being revised to account for rampant human error and misinterpretation.

Michael Johnson 66 |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Within the week, I will make difficult decisions about which 12 submissions I invite, and which 6 will be at table 1 (Rome), and which will be at table 2 (Portugal).
I want to thank everyone who has shown interest, complimented the campaign concept, and especially all who submitted a PC and backstory. Every last one was compelling to me, such that I wish I could include them all in an epic multitable supercampaign, but my modest intellect will be challenged enough trying to run two separate parties simultaneously, keeping track of separate timelines, events, character actions, etc.
I feel up to the challenge, as the reward will be well worth the effort. My world will have new adventure tales to tell, and the eventual combining of the two tables sounds like it will be fun and satisfying from both story and metagame perspectives.
I will make a solemn promise to be fair, but indifferent as a force of nature. Any victory you win will be truly won, often hard won, and therefore sweeter for the potential of failure. I never try to kill a PC, but the environment often does, aided by poor dice luck and/or player recklessness. I won't save your PCs from death, if Fate and chance decree it, nor will I leave paths to certain doom unmarked by warnings of one kind or another.
I also promise to keep as swift a pace as possible, including botting tardy posters to move combats along. As long as at least a few players remain engaged and active, I promise to keep GMing this PBP as far as 20th level, which my Post-Apocthulhu PBP took about three years to do! I hear such longevity is rare in a PBP, haven't actually researched it myself.

Michael Johnson 66 |

I'm still working on a good story for my application. Once I have that I'll work on the crunch, but seriously, with all these holidays I'm having big problems to find a time spot where I can think and write something.
I will never surrender, though.
Hehe! I admire your perseverance and am highly complimented by your continued interest... And much as I am interested to see what you'd come up with, I hate to let a busy fellow gamer waste his time. I have already selected the 12 PCs as of last night, and will be shortly announcing who is at each of the 2 tables. Thank you for your interest, though! :-)

Michael Johnson 66 |

Table 2
Giovanna di Domenico (Please post alias with full stats by Sunday, grimdog/Party... Thanks!): CG (?) aasimar swashbuckler inspired blade
Volreg Sundek: LN human aerokineticist
Lord Perpireen McGibel: CN sprite investigator psychic detective
Sulayman Hain: CN human fighter cad
Wulfgar Ivarsson: CG aasimar bloodrager
Altin Karela: CG human archaeologist
Mwikali: N changeling witch
I know, 7 PCs. Had to include all 7! I might accept a 7th for table 1, but don't hold me to it lol

Michael Johnson 66 |

Here i am...late...but done...just gotta get a pic
Awesome, welcome! We started earlier than originally planned lol... So go ahead and read Gameplay to get caught up, and we will have you enter whenever you are ready, after the ship tour, probably at Castle of St George that night you arrive and join the others, having had some kind of delay on your way to Lisbon...