
Efreeti Razaad Bin Razaard's page

9 posts. Alias of Michael Johnson 66.


The efreeti Razaad Bin Razaard, who once faced the Desert Jackals in the court of the former Emir Al'Haaq of Marrakesh, was a founding member of the Sultan's Arrows of Dispatch, forming the team at Murad's command shortly after the Crusaders of the Catacombs joined the Desert Jackals in liberating Marrakesh.

Seeing his master abandon him, the efreeti backs away from all nearby combatants by flying up.to the 30-foot high ceiling of the throne room... Provoking AoOs from Wulfgar and Zagathoth... where he plane shifts to the City of Brass on the Elemental Plane of Fire!

Gesturing to the blood-spattered orc standing over the riven rakshasa...

Hast thou seen enough, master? Did I not foretell the Emir's downfall here, at this very hour and in this very place? Is this the fate you would doom us to as well?


The efreeti Razaad whispers into his master's (the vizier) ear in Arabic: This is the Emir's true fate, as I have foretold, master... He will die here, and his real nature will be revealed...

The efreeti sees Cardinal Lucius, Boga of the Hand, and Alexei Orlovsky in the corridor through the archway, and sees enough of the area (with which it is very familiar) to cast wall of fire to fill the hallway in which Cardinal Lucius, Boga, Alexei, Algoral, Wulfgar, Achiko, and Lord Perpireen are still in with a curtain of purple, searing flames, evoking it to seal off the three escape routes behind the party...

2d4 ⇒ (1, 2) = 3 fire damage to Boga, Alexei, Achiko, Wulfgar, and Lord Perpireen, all of whom are within 10 feet of the hot side of the curtain of flames running the length of the corridor at their backs...
1d4 ⇒ 4 fire damage to Cardinal Lucius, who is within 20 feet of the hot side... and no damage to Algoral, who is sealed off by the wall from the rest of the group in the central junction of corridors, but is on the non-hot side...

Vizier Akhbad Bin Jabaar wrote:

Fear not, Mighty Emir! The dark elf assassin came with the very highest recommendations from my trusted colleagues of the Underworld. I am sure there was merely some inconsequential delay, and that he will return at any moment now to report success and collect the remainder of his fee...

In spite of his confident words, doubt begins to grow in the vizier as well, and he strokes his beard nervously...

But what of the Archangel we just saw rocket into the clouds above the palace? And the invisible source of magic I detected in the Kasbah, master? Surely, the Mighty Emir's concerns are not unwarranted...

...Along with the efreeti...

In Arabic: As am I, Mighty Emir! I detected something invisible in the Kasbah a few minutes ago, and just now, we saw an archangel flying eastward away from the palace!

Vizier Akhbad Bin Jabaar wrote:
Efreeti Razaad Bin Razaard wrote:
Whispered in Arabic: Something invisible and magical passed us earlier in the Kasbah, master... Shall we inform the Emir?
Do you suppose it was the ones the Emir sent the dark elf to kill? He has clearly either failed, or encountered difficulties to delay him past the agreed upon confirmation...

If it is the Desert Jackals, and we fail to report it to the Emir, there will be dire repercussions, master!

Whispered in Arabic: Something invisible and magical passed us earlier in the Kasbah, master... Shall we inform the Emir?

Another invisible creature observes the chaos of the Kasbah... The efreeti Razaad Bin Razaard, bound in service to the Vizier Akhbad Bin Jabaar, a potent wizard in service to the Emir of Marrakech, is flying unseen above his master, who strolls through the bazaar on some private business of his own.

Scanning the crowd below for magic, he detects the auras on the unseen sprite, and is briefly curious, suspecting perhaps an imp or a quasit, but never guessing that its source might be a fey of the Fairy Realm...