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![]() Nice Diplomacy checks, Alphonse and Iommi-Tyr! The guards are moved by Alphonse's and Iommi-Tyr's appeals to peace and a Higher Power.... The men's hands stray away from their sword hilts, and the sergeant raises his gauntleted right hand in a salute to The Lusty Fools. We shall wait here in peace, then, and hear what you have to say to His Pious Grace and His Lordship.... ![]()
![]() To the captain of the Royal Guard in French: Relax, captain.... We four are Le Lames Rouge de Reims.... We slaughtered the ogres that were raiding the countryside around Reims a year back, and have served in His Majesty's auxiliary forces, kicking the English pig-dogs out of France for the past few months.... We will ensure that these Imbeciles Lusty go with you to Reims, alive or in pieces! Hohn-hohn-hohn!! ![]()
![]() When we first began to notice such frightful things, we DID report them to Cardinal Beaufort, but His Grace commanded us to keep silence and merely observe and report to him alone anything unusual.... So we have been reporting to Cardinal Beaufort.... But he has taken no action, and it's been nearly a year now that we've been reporting monthly to His Grace.... It's almost as if....he already knew of Mister Bolingbroke's and Miss Jourdemaiyne's involvement in the dark arts, and....and....approved of it all! Pardon my saying so.... ![]()
![]() Alphonse Veritas wrote:
Verily, sir, I swear it! He was riding down Fleet Street in the dark o' night, on some infernal errand, no doubt.... The black horse.... My grand sire used to tell tales o' hell-steeds called nightmares! It were one o' them, I reckon.... ![]()
![]() The three men-at-arms exchange grim and resolute looks...: One speaks up: Right! We know something's been amiss around here for too long, don't we, lads!? Let's stand up for His Majesty and The Will o' The Almighty, aye!? The others nod in response, and all three turn their blades on Bolingbroke.... ![]()
![]() Iommi-Tyr Magnusson wrote:
The guards are clearly confused, and alarmed by the sight of the dead witch, and seem to be trying to puzzle together what the "maid" is saying to them, while also looking quizzically at the tied-up maid in the corner.... They hold bared swords, but take no immediate actions.... ![]()
![]() As Nacht continues a stealthy search around the manor, he finds a round tower in the northeast corner, in which a stone spiral staircase ascends to upper floors.... Silently creeping up the spiral stair, he reaches a circular chamber on the second floor where a pair of chain mail-clad halberdiers stand guard.... They block further progress up the spiral stairs, which continue up to a third and perhaps higher floors.... Stealth check from Nacht, please, opposed by Perception checks of 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13 and 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13.... ![]()
![]() Iommi-Tyr Magnusson wrote:
The two bodyguards seem to be genuinely intrigued, and interested to hear whatever information the party might reveal.... ![]()
![]() For their part, the men-at-arms salute The Lusty Fools and agree to see to the enrichment of their Inn and crops for a season or two.... I've nay seen or heard o' your like since King Henry V fought off a pack o' French knights intent on murdering the Duke in the Battle o' Agincourt!.... We'll join your servants in tending your inn and your fields for a season.... Maybe two.... Then, we'll count our debt paid.... ![]()
![]() The riders dismount and kneel in submission and praise before The Lusty Fools, and the man who nearly scalped Paddy offers profuse apologies and produces some bandages from his saddlebags to treat the wounds he was forced to inflict on his savior.... A thousand pardons, good sir! It was the vampire's command which forced me to strike at thee! ![]()
![]() Wait!.... They aren't brigands, mates! Maybe they can free us! shouts the south most rider to the others.... In spite of his words, he still takes a jerky swing at Paddy, like a puppet controlled by invisible strings.... Longsword 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12 slash is parried by the skillful Irish rogue! TIIIING!! Please! We are slaves to Master Caldwell! He controls us like bloody marionettes! shouts the rider in front of and to the right hand side of Paddy.... Still, he attempts to skewer the young rogue.... Longsword 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16 thrust misses as the agile rogue spins away! Yes!! Drive a wooden stake through 'is black heart, an' we'll be freed from 'is evil magic! shouts the rider in front of and on the left hand side of Paddy.... He raises his longsword for an overhand chop at the agile rogue's head.... Longsword 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28 gashes Paddy's scalp for 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8 slashing damage! Paddy briefly sees stars and a trickle of blood threatens to blind him as it pours down his fiendishly handsome face! Dammit, man! They can't save us if you cut their bloody faces off! shrieks the wounded, north most rider.... And yet he also tries to disembowl Paddy! Longsword 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13 is ducked by the Irishman! ![]()
![]() Turning in the saddle to retaliate against the young Irishman that shanked him, the north most rider swings his longsword 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27, slashing Paddy for 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10 damage! The next horseman swings his longsword at Paddy, 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12 but the rogue's blade is faster, deflecting the attack.... The third swings 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11 wildly, struggling to control his mount.... The fourth swings at Paddy's head 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16, but the nimble tiefling bends backwards, avoiding the blade.... ![]()
![]() Paddy wrote:
The north most rider howls in pain as Paddy's blade draws blood! YYEEEAAAAARRRGGHH!!! Brigands!! Kill them! ![]()
![]() The four riders all don goggles and spur their horses to surround Paddy! Move action to pull their goggles over their eyes, move action to ride into melee range with Paddy, enclosing him in a semicircle against the back of the cart.... Two riders flanks Paddy, two block his escape.... Nacht is within a 5-ft shift on the cart to the north most rider, or a10 ft move to any of the other riders or the driver.... Alphonse and Tyr are both 50 feet from the nearest two riders (those blocking Paddy's escape), and Hisao is 60 feet from the same two riders.... ![]()
![]() Hoenheim Dobberkau *Nacht* wrote: Nacht begins lightly tapping the armor-being in front of him that decided to sit down, clearly that was the trigger to the game. It seemed his choice was right as the Holy-being wanted to join in on the activity. One of the Wench-beings making an attempt on the Holy-being. The man-at-arms that Nacht lightly taps grunts in irritation and turns in his chair to glare at Nacht.... Huh!? What d'ye want!? He squints at the dark shadow under Nacht's hood, straining to make out a face, and gasps when he catches a glimpse of yellow-glowing eyes and what appeared to be a mandible slipping out from under a scarf wrapped over the lower face.... What in Hell are ye!? he mutters, his expression slightly changing from arrogant indignation to apprehensive uncertainty.... The other men-at-arms chuckle at the sight of the curious figure with features completely hidden under cowl and scarf, tapping their comrade on the shoulder.... ![]()
![]() Following close behind the rude young dandy are another two burly men-at-arms.... Along with the first two who entered, these men-at-arms briefly scan the common room before deciding to evict a group of unarmed peasant laborers from their table by the fireplace, hauling them forcefully from their seats and tossing them to the floor when they refuse to willingly give up their seats! Find another seat, scum! This one's for Sir Godfrey, now! ![]()
![]() In the common room of The Boar's Head Inn, as the other Lusty Fools are discussing whether or not they ought to go find William, the front door swings open and a pair of burly men-at-arms clad in chain mail coats, with longswords in scabbards at their sides, bandoliers with throwing axes and daggers slung over their mail, heavy shields strapped on their backs along with light crossbows and bolt cases, stride in as if they owned the inn.... ![]()
![]() Perception to see Nacht in the crowd....1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7 Perception to see Nacht in the crowd....1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17 Perception to see Nacht in the crowd....1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6 Perception to see Nacht in the crowd....1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18 Perception to see Nacht in the crowd....1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21 Perception to see Nacht in the crowd....1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18 Perception to see Nacht in the crowd....1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14 Perception to see Nacht in the crowd....1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9 The men-at-arms gather where Nacht was crouching over the unconscious Baldwin a moment before and look around at the crowd, dismayed that he seemed to have vanished.... |