
Giant black widow spider's page

6 posts. Alias of Michael Johnson 66.


Altin Karela wrote:

Sorry, I was a little slow for Round 1. If allowed, I'll roll for both rounds.

Altin targets the black widow, aiming for its eyes.

Round 1:
Activating archaeologist's luck.
[dice=Shortbow PBS]1d20+8

Round 2:
[dice=Shortbow PBS]1d20+8

Altin’s first shot ricochets off the black widow’s exoskeleton! The second pops one of its eight ruby red eyes, lodging in its primitive brain and knocking it senseless! It rolls belly up with its eight giant spindly legs curling inward...

Lord Perpireen, who was riding atop its abdominal section, must roll a Reflex saving throw, DC 15, or be pinned under the giant carcass!

Volreg Sundek wrote:

Volreg once again shoots another blast at Meikali.

"I'll help you once once I'm done Mwikali!"

[dice=Electric Blast+Point Blank Shot:Touch]d20+4+1 So close!
[dice=Damage+Point Blank Shot]2d6+2+1

The black widow shrieks in agony! SKREEEEEE!!!

Volreg Sundek wrote:
The black widow that spat web at Mwikali would be my main focus.

Down 27/37 hp


Down 15 hp...

While its prey struggles to escape its web, the giant black widow scuttles into biting range... Move action to move within 5 feet of Mwikali...

The giant black widow hisses as the flames caress its exoskeleton... HIIIISSSS!!!

Reflex vs DC 14 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8 fails! It takes the full 11 fire damage!

In retaliation, it aims a strand of sticky webbing at Mwikali! Web ranged 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24 entangles the pretty witch! DC 19 break or Escape Artist to break free or escape the web, entangled condition...