
Kiku GM bot's page

28 posts. Alias of Michael Johnson 66.


Mwikali wrote:

Mwikali begins casting to alter herself into what looks like a short and slight elf no taller than 2 feet.

I have become a Quickling

She then while clutching Kiku begins to just dash around

Jerked erratically about in the hands of Quickling Mwikali, Kiku squawks in protest, his feathered head whipping and bobbing with the witch's crazy-fast zigs and zags! *SQUAAAWWWK!!!* SLOW DOWN, PLEASE, MISTRESS! YOU'RE--GOING--TO--BREAK--MY--LITTLE--NECK!!

Perched inconspicuously upon the southern rim of the caldera of the ancient volcano, nervous and vigilant, Kiku shares lookout duty with Lord Perpireen.

Whispering to the banished Lord of Sprites: If we get incinerated, it's been a pleasure working with you, Your Lordship...

Cocking his head and squawking in sudden fear, he croaks: LOOK!! AT TEN O'CLOCK!! IS THAT... Oh, no, wait... Never mind, Lord Perpireen... It's just a bat, nothing to fear... *whew!*

Just outside the dragon's breath, by the grace of the African deities, Kiku is unharmed!

*Whew!* Thank Mother Africa!... Er, I mean, MISTRESS MWIKALI, NOOOO!!

Seeing Sir Alphonse moving the curtain aside and spying the gilded frame of a mirror, Kiku rocks back and forth nervously on Mwikali's shoulder and crows: *Squawk!* w-what be that ye've found, good Sir Alphonse?... But then, mayhap it be covered for good reason... *Gulp!*

He certainly seems to know of us... chirps Kiku, quaking on Mwikali's shoulder...

Mwikali wrote:

'Stop whimpering Kiku, this Azure Duke seems powerful but then again he is not the only demon in the room!"Mwikali says as her eyes flash with her power and smiles.

"Let us see if in the end who is begging for a merciful death"

Kiku covers his eyes with his wings and hirps: Right then, Mistress 'Kali! Go get 'im!

*GULP!* Th-th-that's a greater devil, 'Kali! SMITE IT, SIR ALPHONSE!! SMITE IT!!

Mwikali wrote:

"You don't have too, Kiku, I couldn't live with myself if you died speaking for me on my behalf"She says pulling out some dried fruit and handing it to Kiku.

"You are my friend, I couldn't bear to lose you that way"

Thank you, Mwikali! I didn't like the looks of that big bird... There was a look of... insanity... in its eyes...

Mwikali wrote:
"Kiku do you know if you could talk to that bird?"

I will try, Mwikali... But I am afraid... says Kiku nervously...

Mwikali wrote:

Mwikali looks to Kiku and nods."Find a local bird to talk to find out what it knows" She says in their weird birdspeech.

She looks to her compatriots."Kiku is looking to find local birds to talk too"

Kiku flies over to some cranes wading and fishing for small fish in the shallows along the riverbank, about 160 feet away from the expedition...

Squawk! Squawk! Squawk!

Pardon me, friends! May I ask a few questions, please?

Ihrin's grandfather should see a dentist about those unusually long and sharp incisors... Kiku whispers in Mwikali's ear...

Mwikali wrote:

Mwikali begins to work on all the items before her as she needs to be ready to head back into the bosom of mother Africa to fetch ancient treasure to aid in rebuilding not only Rome but other cities suffering destruction. She would make sure that some of the gold and jewels went back to her vision of New Africa free of Bondage from outsiders.

"We shall secure these mines of Solomon and secure its riches for Africa Kiku, and from there aid not only the motherland but those who have risked there lives to aid our quest. Such wanton destruction from those Dragons was bad, what sort of Champion would I be to ignore the plight of my allies"

Well said, 'Kali! Well said.

Whispering in Mwikali's ear...

Perception DC 30:
Be careful, mistress... We are not in Africa... They burn witches here...

Mwikali wrote:

Meikali turns and gives the man outside a glare as she pulls out 10 gold and hands it to the woman.

" For your kindness and your wonderful service" She says in Japanese before turning to Johann.

"I have alot of weapons at my disposal but sneaking in has the best chance of success" she says begin ik ng to eat her food and feed someth ik ngs to Kiku.

Kiku slurps noodles from Mwikali's chopsticks...

*sluuurrrrpp!!* *BURP!!* OH! Delicious! These noodles are like less chewy worms! So good...*sluuurrrpp!!*

Mwikali wrote:

Mwikali prepares herself for the coming fight. Her spells at the ready as well as her spear if need be. Kiku hides behind her head looking over it now and then to make sure all is well.

"Let them come, we shall see if they like fire!"

Hahaha! *SQWAAAKK!!* The undead generally wither in flames, ‘Kali!

Lord Perpireen McGibel wrote:

he wakes and makes his mind up.

"Kiku go see the others and ask them do they want me to help them escape from the cells, or use my plan of starting a city wide riot and have them get away under that?"

Yes, Lord Perpireen, right away! The thrush flies off to the Blood Pit under the Royal Palace to deliver Lord P’s query to the others...

Lord Perpireen McGibel wrote:
Kiku GM bot wrote:
The comings and goings of Kiku the thrush are little noted by observers as he delivers reports between Lord Perpireen, Fey spy in cognitus, and the cell of Mwikali...

He sat where they had agreed to meet in the eve. Then the men in the towers sang to their god.

The old tower was full of sound as bellow the city ran to pray.

"Well this is a fine mess, we have to find those in this city who are not happy with the ruler. Those that would rise up and fight. Today I found some young men, very devout who feel the caliphate is a blasphemy. Real hot heads who want to change things. Now if I can trick them into making an attack on the citadel, then we may have a chance to get our Friends out in the confusion."

Hmm... Yes... I will see if any of the diverse animals of Marrakech might be convinced to with our distraction...

Kiku flies off and about the city of Marrakech, talking to other birds, mice, rats, scorpions, spiders, and lizards, to see who might be recruited...

Lord Perpireen! It's me, Kiku, thrush familiar in service to Mwikali... I hope you remember me this time, My Lord! Now is no time for hashish smoke! The others are locked up in cells under the Royal Palace! The mission is looking like a failure! They will be forced to fight in the Blood Pit of Marrakech, called the Arena of Death! They have their arms and armor, so there's that on our side... What are your orders, My Lord Perpireen?

The comings and goings of Kiku the thrush are little noted by observers as he delivers reports between Lord Perpireen, Fey spy in cognitus, and the cell of Mwikali...

To Mwikali in Kanuri: I pray to the Spirits of the Land that I don’t wind up on the dinner table... Shall I go and find Lord Perpireen, Mwikali?

Oh dear! I’ll try to free you, ‘Kali!

Kiku plucks at the sticky webbing entangling his mistress...
Dexterity check 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18 almost succeeds in pulling the webs off, but not quite... Fortunately, Kiku did not fail by 5 or more and become entangled as well!

Confound it! There’s just too much of it! BLEGH!!

Mwikali wrote:

"I don't know the women make take a liking to Volreg he is young and handsome. They might keep him around to do the jobs they don't want to do"She laughs with Vanna as she looks to Kiku.

"Yes I know you are male too. No, I wouldn't let an all-female crew pluck out your feathers"

Hmph!! I should hope not!

To Mwikali:

This fellow may have what we are looking for, ‘Kali! KAROOOOK!!

He must’ve gotten ahold of some hashish in the bazaar... Hahahaha! It gives you good appetite, yes, m’lord? Hohohohoho!!

Lord Perpireen McGibel wrote:
Kiku GM bot wrote:
I say, Lord Perpireen, you did a fine job spooking the crewmen off this boat! Well done, m’lord!

So there are other impartial in this town. The Jinn probably. And they just wanted to let me know me know.

He Shoos the talking Black grow away, with some smoke form his pipe.

*COUGH!* Hey! It’s me, Kiku, you knucklehead! I’m Mwikali’s familiar! Remember?

I say, Lord Perpireen, you did a fine job spooking the crewmen off this boat! Well done, m’lord!


Kiku suddenly cocks his head as if hearing something troubling...

In the language Kiku and his witch share:There be trouble afoot outside, Kali! Our ruffians can handle it, though, no?