Michael Johnson 66 |

'It sounds like we are decided.' Looking carefully at his friends, Wulfgar nods, "Then it sounds like we are decided. Unless anyone thinks these foes are beyond us. We attack the fort tomorrow."
He turns to the little lord then the ninja and thief. "After we have found access of course."
"We may as well set our watch and try and get some sleep."
does any of the NPC's have knowledge checks that we can use along with our own to acquire information about Vampires and the danger level?
[dice=Knowledge (geography)]1d20+7
Hey don't laugh, Wulfgar may be able to figure out where the vampires come from...
Wulfgar believes that the monks of Safi are largely from Berber and Bedouin stock, based on their features... Of course, their features have been somewhat twisted, made more bestial, feral, by their transformation into undead vampire spawn, so it’s difficult to be sure...

Mwikali |

"You seem to know a thing or two about these cursed souls? Tell me what exactly do we need to kill them?" She asks the priest they freed.

Wulfgar Ivarsson |
If we can find and destroy the master vampire, and perform the ritual, we might be able to save the lives of the vampire’s victims and turn them from foes into friends!
Grinning up at the ninja, Cutpurse says to her: You heard Mister Wulfgar, Lass! Falls to wee Lord Perpireen, you, and yours truly to scout the fortress out! He winks at Achiko...
Achiko winks down at Cutpurse, grinning ear-to-ear behind her black scarf...
'A master vampire?' Looking to Father Abelarde, Wulfgar thinks for a moment. "So if we find the 'Master' we can kill it and free the others. After being slaves themselves to this undead abomination, we may convince them to join us."
He then asks, "Will the 'Thralls' be active during the day time? Or will they sleep like the 'Master'?"
Lord P and sneaky crew
He looks to Lord P and then O'Reilly and Achiko. "So it will fall to you three to find the master without alarming the thralls." Looking to O'Reilly and Achiko, "They already know we have a fey lord with us, but they don't know about you two. It might be best to let Lord P search alone, then when we know where the Master is, you two sneak in and set our approach. They know the little lord can avoid their searching. but they also know he is too small to aid us in sneaking in. You two will be our secret weapon, climbing the wall and dropping a rope." He shrugs, "Or something like that. They will expect him but not you."
Drawing out his spear, he shows the Italian his spear-butt, "This is silver, so I'm prepared. But your right, we will need silver weapons or at least a silver blanch."
Looking at the dwarven and human black smiths, "Could we make a silver blanch from silver coins? dipping blunt weapons in the melted silver?" Nodding toward Giovanna's rapier. "Or will we need to find a market that may have such weapons"
Turning back to Father Abelarde, "You can make 'holy water' right?"

Mwikali |

"What of spells, what spells should I prepair for such a fight. I assume protective spells will aid me but what offensive conjurings will I need against them?" She asks unsure with exactly what sort of spells she would need against such creatures

Father Abelarde of Reims |

'A master vampire?' Looking to Father Abelarde, Wulfgar thinks for a moment. "So if we find the 'Master' we can kill it and free the others. After being slaves themselves to this undead abomination, we may convince them to join us."
He then asks, "Will the 'Thralls' be active during the day time? Or will they sleep like the 'Master'?"
They have the same vulnerability to the sun as their master... They must lay in their coffins by day, most likely in a subterranean sanctuary, perhaps in the donjon beneath the fortress-monastery...

Achiko of The Yellow Reed |

Lord P and sneaky crew
He looks to Lord P and then O'Reilly and Achiko. "So it will fall to you three to find the master without alarming the thralls." Looking to O'Reilly and Achiko, "They already know we have a fey lord with us, but they don't know about you two. It might be best to let Lord P search alone, then when we know where the Master is, you two sneak in and set our approach. They know the little lord can avoid their searching. but they also know he is too small to aid us in sneaking in. You two will be our secret weapon, climbing the wall and dropping a rope." He shrugs, "Or something like that. They will expect him but not you."
Achiko bows to Wulfgar, saying: Hai, Wulfgar-San! It shall be as you command!

Cutpurse O'Reilly |

Wulfgar Ivarsson wrote:Achiko bows to Wulfgar, saying: Hai, Wulfgar-San! It shall be as you command!
Lord P and sneaky crew
He looks to Lord P and then O'Reilly and Achiko. "So it will fall to you three to find the master without alarming the thralls." Looking to O'Reilly and Achiko, "They already know we have a fey lord with us, but they don't know about you two. It might be best to let Lord P search alone, then when we know where the Master is, you two sneak in and set our approach. They know the little lord can avoid their searching. but they also know he is too small to aid us in sneaking in. You two will be our secret weapon, climbing the wall and dropping a rope." He shrugs, "Or something like that. They will expect him but not you."
Aye-Aye, Captain Wulfgar! adds the halfling rogue, grinning with excitement and rubbing his little hands together...

Gloin Ironbender |

Drawing out his spear, he shows the Italian his spear-butt, "This is silver, so I'm prepared. But your right, we will need silver weapons or at least a silver blanch."Looking at the dwarven and human black smiths, "Could we make a silver blanch from silver coins? dipping blunt weapons in the melted silver?" Nodding toward Giovanna's rapier. "Or will we need to find a market that...
The dwarves confer a moment with one another in Dwarven before Gloin shakes his head doubtfully, answering Wulfgar thusly: That might work in a pinch, Mister Wulfgar... But forging a silver weapon usually involves the craft of an alchemist in addition to that of the blacksmith... I would recommend a visit to the bazaar on the morrow to purchase properly forged silver weapons for this dangerous business!

Father Abelarde of Reims |

"What of spells, what spells should I prepair for such a fight. I assume protective spells will aid me but what offensive conjurings will I need against them?" She asks unsure with exactly what sort of spells she would need against such creatures
Spells of fire or acid will be most effective against the vampire and its spawn... They are resistant to cold and lightning... Spells of protection against evil will certainly help to ward off their attacks, both physical and magical, particularly their ability to dominate their victims with their gaze...

Wulfgar Ivarsson |
'I love it when a plan comes together... did he just say 'dominate' with their gaze?' Nodding and smiling, Wulfgar stops for a moment looking at the father, then breaths a sigh, "So first thing in the morning spell casters prepare the best spells while our little lord scouts the fort for the 'master' and the best route to kill it. We purchase weapons and possibly scrolls or wands. Then Altin, O'Reilly and Achiko sneak in and open the doors, or let down a rope; whatever method of entry will be most suitable?" He looks at each of the gladiators and harem girls. "The question is; who goes and who stays? We will need ten sailors to keep our ship functional. Beyond those, for the rest of you, this is not your fight. Any who decide to stay with the ship will not be thought less of. Any who come with us will get equal shares of the profit and glory. If we are successful, we will make Sefi a free port, all of you will be welcome there whether you fight the vampires or not."

Altin Karela |

Altin pulls aside Achiko and O'Reilly. "Right. If we're going in together, we need to know what each other can do," he murmurs urgently. "For myself, I have magicks that can do a range of things. I can create noises to distract enemies, hide us behind illusions if we cannot completely evade the foul creatures, disguise myself to look like one of them, and allow us to speak to each other in virtual silence over a good distance. I can also deaden all sound in an area. Furthermore, these," he points at his slippers, "let me pretty much walk on walls. I'm sure both of you have tricks up your sleeve. If we don't want to end up as evil bloodsuckers, we're going to need all of what you've got. So. What have you got?" He leans back slightly, looking at the pair expectantly.

Mwikali |

"Maybe we can procure some more magical firepower in the city. I have my wand as a stand-in for my own spells. I shall prepare all the fire magic I have, as well as a few others that may come in handy. COme Kiku I must meditate"Mwikali says before she heads to her cabin to prepare herself for the morrow.

Achiko of The Yellow Reed |

Altin pulls aside Achiko and O'Reilly. "Right. If we're going in together, we need to know what each other can do," he murmurs urgently. "For myself, I have magicks that can do a range of things. I can create noises to distract enemies, hide us behind illusions if we cannot completely evade the foul creatures, disguise myself to look like one of them, and allow us to speak to each other in virtual silence over a good distance. I can also deaden all sound in an area. Furthermore, these," he points at his slippers, "let me pretty much walk on walls. I'm sure both of you have tricks up your sleeve. If we don't want to end up as evil bloodsuckers, we're going to need all of what you've got. So. What have you got?" He leans back slightly, looking at the pair expectantly.
Altin-San, I can sneak as fast as you can run...and I can vanish into thin air!
Demonstrating, Achiko makes a kanji symbol with her nimble fingers and suddenly disappears from sight!

Cutpurse O'Reilly |

Altin pulls aside Achiko and O'Reilly. "Right. If we're going in together, we need to know what each other can do," he murmurs urgently. "For myself, I have magicks that can do a range of things. I can create noises to distract enemies, hide us behind illusions if we cannot completely evade the foul creatures, disguise myself to look like one of them, and allow us to speak to each other in virtual silence over a good distance. I can also deaden all sound in an area. Furthermore, these," he points at his slippers, "let me pretty much walk on walls. I'm sure both of you have tricks up your sleeve. If we don't want to end up as evil bloodsuckers, we're going to need all of what you've got. So. What have you got?" He leans back slightly, looking at the pair expectantly.
O’Reilly whistles appreciatively when Achiko vanishes...
Well, I can go about unseen when I wish to... but not like THAT!
The little rogue chuckles...
Heheh... Truth be told, my speciality is cutting purses and pilfering... but I can also usually spot and disarm a trap, pick most locks, and I know where to stick me short swords to kill a man!

Father Abelarde of Reims |

Father Abelarde intones piously: Father, give us pure water, that we might use it to do your divine work!
A silver bowl in his lap miraculously fills with water! Taking a small goat horn filled with powdered silver, the cleric pours a little of the silver into the silver bowl of conjured water, and stirs it with a silver crucifix at the end of a rosary...
In Latin: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, let this water be blessed, that we might use it to carry out God’s will, to sanctify, to consecrate, and to lay to eternal rest the children of God who have been enslaved by the necromancy of the Evil One!

Wulfgar Ivarsson |
It must be freshwater, Wulfgar. And we will need a good deal of powdered silver to turn it into holy water...
Turning to the sailors, "Bring barrels. we'll have to get silver powder in the bizarre." He then fills the buckets. In four gallon increments.
The night passes uneventfully...
As the dawn arrives, Wufgar wakes from a surprisingly peaceful sleep. Telling the sailors, "Sail the boat back to Safi, we have preparations to make."
Going to the little lords tent, he knocks on the table it rests upon and calls our. "Lord Perpireen would you indulge us and search the fort for our undead enemy?"
Then in general, "Once we dock we will need to purchase what silver weapons we can, and any fire magic or anything that we can use against undead that the 'monks' have not already taken from them."
Does anyone want to try and gather information from the people at the bizarre?

Giovanna di Domenico |

Vanna heads to the smithy, looking for a silver blade to deal with the vampire spawn.
Hi, smith! I was wondeting if you might forge me a blade? Norhing difficult...just a silver rapier...similar to this one...I woukd offer a...bonus if this could get put to tbe top of your list. Say 120 gold coins? My friends might also want to do business as well. Is this amenable?rapier 20 gp silver 90...bonus 10diplonacy: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (15) + 13 = 28

Blacksmith Jafar |

Vanna heads to the smithy, looking for a silver blade to deal with the vampire spawn.
Hi, smith! I was wondeting if you might forge me a blade? Norhing difficult...just a silver rapier...similar to this one...I woukd offer a...bonus if this could get put to tbe top of your list. Say 120 gold coins? My friends might also want to do business as well. Is this amenable?rapier 20 gp silver 90...bonus 10[dice=diplonacy]1d20+13
I have just the blade you need already, My Lady... replies the blacksmith in a low whisper, looking around nervously... But please, do not say the words “silver weapon” again! The...the nightwalkers have many spies...
Opening a secret door in his forge shop, the smith retrieves a silver rapier with a carnelian pommel...
Whispering: This will pierce those bloodsuckers’ hides...

Michael Johnson 66 |

After the boat docks, and others go about the plan, Wulfgar takes some tome to speak with those who live in Safi, looking for any information that may give the 'jackals' an edge.
[dice=gather information]1d20+2
From the people living in Safi, Wulfgar learns that the monks follow a militaristic sect of Islam that revolves around the practice of a martial art called the Way of the Scorpion. They hobble their victims with nerve-numbing strikes they call “stings”—overhand sting, underhand sting, roundhouse sting, etc.
He also learns that the cruel Abbot of the Monastery was recently dead and buried, but appeared to the monks again several days after his funeral, reasserting mastery over them with peculiar new powers of persuasion...
The folk are clearly traumatized, afraid, and nervously evasive when questioned about the monks being vampires...

Gypsey Thief |

After the boat docks, and others go about the plan, Wulfgar takes some tome to speak with those who live in Safi, looking for any information that may give the 'jackals' an edge.
[dice=gather information]1d20+2
Furthermore, he learns of a secret way into the subterranean donjon below the monastery from an Egyptian thief who escaped imprisonment there!

Gypsey Thief |

In Arabic: If you are planning to infiltrate the monastery and put a stake in the heart of each and every one of those neck-biters, I will personally take you to the outflow pipe I crawled out of to escape the monastery donjon last full moon!... Er, for, ah, only half of my usual guide fee of...ah, twenty silver shekels! So, for ten! For ten silver shekels, I’ll take you straight to the outflow pipe! Those bloodsuckers will never see you coming! Hahahahaha!!

Mwikali |

Mwikali looks about the market for a seller of wands and possible scrolls. seeking wands of fire, protection, and sunlight.

Wulfgar Ivarsson |
In Arabic: If you are planning to infiltrate the monastery and put a stake in the heart of each and every one of those neck-biters, I will personally take you to the outflow pipe I crawled out of to escape the monastery donjon last full moon!... Er, for, ah, only half of my usual guide fee of...ah, twenty silver shekels! So, for ten! For ten silver shekels, I’ll take you straight to the outflow pipe! Those bloodsuckers will never see you coming! Hahahahaha!!
Once Lord P informs us of what he finds, I may take the 'gypsey thief' up on his offer.

Lord Perpireen McGibel |

"Well then I best go see what them pasty lads are up ta, Ill be a few hours, but I should know more after"
He heads off to have a snoop around the monastery.

Bedouin nomad |

Mwikali looks about the market for a seller of wands and possible scrolls. seeking wands of fire, protection, and sunlight.
In the Safi bazaar is a mysterious old Bedouin nomad with a number of curious items for sale laid out before him on a colorful carpet...
Among his wares are several ornate wands, and several scrolls in equally ornate leather or bone tubes...
Wands for sale include:
Wand of acid splash (CL 1st, 50 charges) for 750 gp
Wand of acid arrow (CL 3rd, 20 charges left) for 1,800 gp
Wand of burning hands (CL 5th, 20 charges left) for 1,500 gp
Wand of scorching ray (CL 5th, 25 charges left) for 3,750 gp
Wand of fireball (CL 5th, 20 charges left) for 4,500 gp
Scrolls for sale include:
Scroll of acid arrow (CL 3rd) for 150 gp (3 available)
Scroll of burning hands (CL 5th) for 125 gp (3 available)
Scroll of fireball (CL 5th) for 375 gp (3 available)
Scroll of protection from evil (CL 1st) for 25 gp (6 available)

Gatehouse guard |

"Well then I best go see what them pasty lads are up ta, Ill be a few hours, but I should know more after"
He heads off to have a snoop around the monastery.
As he approaches the monastery, have Lord P roll a Stealth check to see if he is spotted by the vigilant human monk thralls left to watch from the battlements during daylight hours...

Bedouin nomad |

Too rich for my blood, I spent most of my money on spells. Sigh
The Old Bedouin also has 10 Greek fires (alchemist’s fire) for sale... Those are cheap compared to magic wands and scrolls (though also far less powerful, of course)...
Alchemist’s Fire
Price 20 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Alchemist’s fire is a mix of several volatile liquids that ignite when exposed to air. You can throw a flask of alchemist’s fire as a splash weapon. Treat this attack as a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 10 feet.
A direct hit deals 1d6 points of fire damage. Every creature within 5 feet of the point where the flask hits takes 1 point of fire damage from the splash. On the round following a direct hit, the target takes an additional 1d6 points of damage. If desired, the target can use a full-round action to attempt to extinguish the flames before taking this additional damage. Extinguishing the flames requires a DC 15 Reflex save. Rolling on the ground provides the target a +2 bonus on the save. Leaping into a large body of water or magically extinguishing the flames automatically smothers the fire.
Skill(s) Craft (alchemy) DC 20.

Michael Johnson 66 |

As Lord Perpireen flies off to do initial scouting inside the monastery-fortress, Giovanna and Mwikali go shopping in different parts of the Safi bazaar, as Altin, Volreg, and Wulfgar herd the extra animals to yet another part of the bazaar, selling off half of them there, then selling the remainder at the Safi stables on the east side of the monastery-fortress. The total profit comes to 4,027 golden shekels!

Sir Godfrey Bullfinch |

Meanwhile, the gladiators and harem girls stay aboard the Alanqilis, their mounts tied to posts along the quay near where the dhow is docked.
Sir Godfrey Bullfinch tries to take command in the Desert Jackals’ absence...
We must remain disciplined while the Jackals are away, ladies and gentlemen! As I am of a noble English house, I will, naturally, take command until they return! I assume none of you take issue with this? Good! Let’s begin by making a rescue plan, in case they do not return within, oh, say, three days...
The rest chaotically break into discussion or individual activity, ignoring Sir Godfrey completely...
Anarchy! Total chaos! grumbles Sir Godfrey...

Miranda the Muse |

The matronly, golden-voiced Miranda the Muse has better success in organizing the gladiators and her fellow harem girls, singing beautifully enchanting melodies paired with words of encouragement and direction...
Singing sweetly, in Arabic, then English:
O be not afraid! Be of good cheer!
Soon, our leaders shall return
In victory and glory!
So be of good cheer, o be not afraid!
Let us work as one! Keep clean the ship!
Tend to our camels! Tend to our horses!
Let no one lay idle til all tasks are done!
O Traaa La Laaa! Fa La La Laaaa!

Altin Karela |

Oh Mwikali and Giovanna, if either of you want to buy me a silver dagger, or silver arrows, or something... I'm totally good for it!

Gatehouse guard |

Stealth 1d20+20+1d6
Sneeky Sneeky slowly slowly, into the vampire party we go.
It is around 9:00 AM when Lord Perpireen approaches the monastery-fortress. On the battlements are posted a total of twelve human monks, with loaded crossbows, or short bows, and with vigilant eyes, yet for all their vigilance, the little Fey Lord is far too stealthy for them to possibly detect...
Two more monks with wicked-looking glaives flank the posters gate on the west side, and another two, likewise armed, flank the main gate on the east side, so a total of sixteen human monk guards posted outside the main keep...
Inside, Lord Perpireen finds the main keep virtually deserted... A cook is preparing for lunch in the kitchen, where a cauldron is boiling over a fire pit... A young novice or initiate is sweeping up the mess hall after breakfast... Otherwise, the upper floors of the monastery are eerily empty...
Locating a spiral staircase descending to a donjon and catacombs below, Lord Perpireen flies down to reconnoiter the situation...

Michael Johnson 66 |

Down in the donjon, Lord Perpireen discovers a total of twenty-one cells, each about ten-feet-square-by-ten-feet-high, in twelve of which pine coffins are cloistered... The cell doors are all ajar, though it appears they could be closed and locked—for what little that’s worth against a foe that can turn into mist!
Another spiral staircase at the opposite end of the donjon from the first descends to the catacombs, where the dead monks of past generations are entombed in stone sarcophagi... There are some seventy-seven sarcophagi, inlaid in alcoves... Any of them could be the resting place of the master vampire!

Lord Perpireen McGibel |

After looking around he knows better than to get to close to a Master Vampire at night,
Them fellers can see life itself.
He backs off and out the Monestry, casting Invisibility to make a hasty retreat.
Once back he tells the other scouts what he found out, when where the danger points are. They will have to find a way in, that not the size of a fay.

Achiko of The Yellow Reed |

After looking around he knows better than to get to close to a Master Vampire at night,
Them fellers can see life itself.
He backs off and out the Monestry, casting Invisibility to make a hasty retreat.
Once back he tells the other scouts what he found out, when where the danger points are. They will have to find a way in, that not the size of a fay.
Achiko bows respectfully to Lord Perpireen.
Among the Koga Hexagon Clan, you would be considered the supreme shinobi—invisible warrior—Perpireen Daimyo!
She then looks expectantly to Altin, and bowing respectfully, says:
I request honorable Altin-San’s permission to scout the keep and underground environs with Altin-San and O’Reillyu-San!