
Game Master BloodWolven

Quest list

Arcanium Quests - New Beginnings

- Black Spire Boss room

Fight Map!

Elrich manor
level 2 Elricht Manor
level 3 Elricht Manor

Basement/Double Dungeon Elricht Manor

Arcanium Info. Random, Cursed, and Blessed Loot boxes. Green screen info. And so much more!

Current Characters

Liberty's Edge Reckless

Male Human Commoner 2
(4,251 posts)

Male Human (advanced) Godling
(1,067 posts)
Lieutentant Pavo Voc
Alexandr Sergeyevich Meier

Male Human HP 38/38 AC normal: 23/21/12 AC crane style: 27/21/16 Fort:6 Ref:4 Will:1 Init:1 Steelblood 2 Mauler 2

played by Mightypion (108 posts)
Shalelu Andosana
Alia Silverleaf

HP: 49/49, AC: 18_ T: 15_ FF: 13_ Perception +8, Sense Motive +1, Initiative: +5_ Fort: +4 _ Ref: +5_ Will: +4, CMB: +2, CMD: 17, Speed: 30

played by BloodWolven (149 posts)
Angelica Delathor

HP: 59/90, AC: 22_ T: 18_ FF: 14, Perception +10, Sense Motive +2, Initiative: +8, Fort: +9 _ Ref: +12 Will: +6, CMB: +8, CMD: 26, Speed: 30
Skills: Acro+9_Bluff+6_Climb+7_Dip+2_HAni+7_Heal+10_K (geo,Arc,Pla,Nat,Dungeon)+4_Perc+10_SM+2_SpellC+7_Stealth+14_Surv+8_Swim+7_ UMD+7

played by BloodWolven (145 posts)
Female Sorcerer
Aurora Rose Misthaven

played by BloodWolven (13 posts)
Bolt the Dragon Horse

played by BloodWolven (2 posts)

played by BloodWolven (63 posts)
Grand Necromancer
Silver Crusade Delman Fredrel Vortani III

HP: 48/31_ AC: 28 _ T: 17 _FF: 24_ Perception +2_Sense Motive +6 _ Init: +5_Fort: +18_Ref: +17_Will: +17_CMB: +5_CMD: 20_Speed: 30 [spoiler=Skills]Acrobatics +6_Bluff +11 _ Climb +1 _ Dip +11 _ Escape Artist +5 _ HA +11 _ Heal +6 _ Intim +11 _ K (Arc, Nat, rel, nob) +5 _ Ride +5_ Spell +5 _ Stealth +5 _ Survival +2 _ UMD +12 _ Swim +1

played by BloodWolven (354 posts)
GM Wolf

played by BloodWolven (18,850 posts)
Bronze Dragon
Grand Lodge Jean de Montes

Diplomacy +26, Fly +12, K(Arcana, Planes, Religion) +21, Perception +15, Sense Motive +13, Spellcraft +20, Stealth +10, Swim +27
A.R.: 7/8; Arc Spells: 6/6, 5/5; Innate: 4/5
Vital 1:
HP 256/256 | AC 28, T 11, FF 28 | Perception +15 (LL, DV 120 ft, BS 60 ft) | Sense Motive +13, Initiative +2 |Fort +21, Ref +13, Will +12 (+2 vs Fear) | CMB +16; CMD 28 (32 vs. trip) |
Vital 2:
Speed 50 ft., fly 160 ft. (average); Swim 70 ft. |Immune electricity, Magic Aging, Disease, Positive Energy Damage, Sleep and Paralysis, Fast Healing 8; Resist Negative Energy 10, Cold 10; SR 17; DR 5/Magic

played by Malinor. (625 posts)
Shadow Lodge Jellena Darkling

SoH +12 _ Spellcraft +7_ Stealth +16 _Survival +8 _ Swim +5 _ UMD +13
HP: 62/61_ AC: 37_ T: 33 _FF: -_ Perception +14, Sense Motive +11_Init: +10_Fort: +19_Ref: +26_Will: +22_CMB: +6_CMD: 23_Speed: 30
Acrobatics +14_Bluff +10_Climb +6_Diplomacy +18_DD +15 _ Escape Artist +12 _Heal +10_ Intimidate +9 _ K Rel +10_K Nob/His/Pla/Loc +5 _ Ling +5 _ Perform sing +10

played by BloodWolven (829 posts)
Jezebell the Dragon Horse

played by BloodWolven (7 posts)
Sovereign Court Jock the Terrier

played by BloodWolven (21 posts)
Gold Dragon
Krazok Vell Firesource

HP: 46/49, AC: 23 _ T: 14 _ FF: 19 _ Perception +5, Darkvision 60 ft., Initiative: +4, Fort +8 _ Ref +5 _ Will +4 (+7 vs. fear), CMB: +11, CMD: 31, Speed: 30, 1 non-lethal damage
Acrobatics +9, Bluff -1, Climb +11, Diplomacy -1, Escape Artist +4, Handle Animal +5, Heal +3, Intimidate +8, Linguistics +1, Ride +9, Stealth +4, Survival +8, Swim +11

played by BloodWolven (649 posts)
Shorafa Pamodae
Krysta Amethysta

played by Drogeney (391 posts)
Undead Slayer
Lady Blackwood

played by BloodWolven (13 posts)
Blackfire Adept
Advocates Lady Narcise

played by BloodWolven (12 posts)
Neolandis Kalepopolis

HP: 95/199_ FH:13_AC: 37 _T: 26_FF: 30_ Perception +9_Init: +6_Fort: +14_Ref: +10_Will: +17_CMB: +15_CMD: 29_Speed: 60
Acro+14_Ap+6_Bluf+21_Climb+13_Dip+27_EscA+14_HA +17_Heal+1_Intimidate+21_K +7_K his +14 (rel, Nob) +10_Ling+12_Ride+10_SM+8_ Ste+15_Sur+4_Swim+14_UMD+21

played by BloodWolven (349 posts)
Harrow Reading
Mia Thornrose

HP: 31/31, AC: 20_ T: 15_ FF: 15_ Perception +4, Sense Motive +5, Initiative: +5, Fort: +4 _ Ref: +5_ Will: +4, CMB: +2, CMD: 17, Speed: 30
Acro+5_Ap+5_Bluf+14_Climb+0_Dip+15_EscA+5_HA +14_Heal+6_K (Arc Nob)+5_Ling+1_Ride+9_SM+5_Spell+6_ Ste+5_Sur+1_Swim+0_UMD+14

played by BloodWolven (254 posts)
Headless Horseman's Horse
Midnight the Dragon Horse

played by BloodWolven (2 posts)
Professor Muhali
Ramie Jae

Female Kitsune (Human Form) Court Bard 1 / Summoner 1
HP: 10| AC: 15_T:12_ FF:13_ Perception +3| Sense Motive -1, Initiative: +2, Fort: +1_ Ref: +4_ Will: +1(+9 vs Charm/Compulsion), CMB: -1, CMD: 11, Speed: 30
Acro+2|Bluf+6|Climb-1|Dip+11|Esc+2|Hand An+10|Intim+10|Ling+6|Ride+6|Spel +6|Stealth+2|UMD+10|

played by bluedove (30 posts)
Irabeth Tirabade
Shatash Shatter-Skull

played by BloodWolven (4 posts)

played by BloodWolven (12 posts)
Marcos Farabellus
Spade of Steel

played by BloodWolven (18 posts)

Grand Lodge Stratton Liberty

played by Reckless (13 posts)
Jeggare Noble
Stratton of Arcanium

HP 102/102 AC 26 T 19 FF 19 Init +7 F+10 R+11 W+10 Perc +18 low-l, darkvision 60' male Kuwa-Oni Sublime Human Gestalt (Hidden Blade Rogue/Bushi Warder) 4 Sens M +14, Stealth +19 Str 22, Dex 24, Con 22, Int 24, Wis 21, Cha 30 Luck 18

played by Reckless (328 posts)
Counterfeit Mage
Whisper Black

played by BloodWolven (16 posts)

Diplo +44|Percep +27|Heal +19|Bluff +31|Handle +34|Intim +30|Kn. Arcana +18|Kn. Nature +19|Kn. Rel. +17|Perform (wind, sing, string) +45|SM +21|Spell +17|Stealth +14|UMD +26
HP 157/157|F: +16, R: +14, W: +15|Init + 4|AC 28 (17 T, 21 FF)|DR 6/cold iron|Fast Healing 19|BAB +3 CMB +8 CMD 22
Channel Energy (Su) 3d6 21/21x/day|Agile Feet (Su) 10/10x/day|Touch of Good (Sp), Strength Surge (Sp) +2 10/10x/day|Liberation (Sp) 5/5rds./day|Bardic Performance 30/30 rds/day

played by TheWaskally (1,284 posts)
Dr Davaulus
Horizon Hunters Zano Turok

Male Human Arcanist 1: Spd:30, Init:0, AC:10, HP:9/9, Fort:6, Ref:0, Will:2, 4/4 Reservoir, -1 Perception.

played by DoubleGold (267 posts)

Previous Characters

Gorvald Thrimbyrson

Male Human Teacher (Adults) 1
(2,246 posts)

Male. Mostly. Human. Mostly. Archaeologist
(3,887 posts)

Male Weremonkey Rogue/Ranger/Trickster (7,140 posts)

(2,010 posts)
Nickold Starweather

(17 posts)
Silver Crusade Aramil Cleric of Ollandra

Male Elf Aasimar cleric Lvl 2 HP: 20/20, AC: 18/T: 12/FF: 16 - Spot/Listen: +9 - Initiative: +2 - F: +5/ R: +2/ W: +8 (+10 vs. enchant) - Grapple +4, Speed: 30

played by BloodWolven (100 posts)
Balamar Deepsight

Female Dwarf Oracle/Vigilante Gestalt 4 | HP 40/40 | AC 26, T 13, FF 18 | Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +6 | CMD 22, CMD 13 | Perc +9 | Init +1

played by JonGarrett (65 posts)
Imron Gauthfallow
Daniel Newell.

M Human Hedgewitch 1 | HP 8/8 | AC: 12 T: 12 Fl: 10 | CMB: -1 CMD: 11 | F +0 R +2 W +3 | Init +2 | Perc: +3 | Spell Points 6/6 | Third Eye Divination: Detect Magic | Current Effects:

played by Almonihah (33 posts)
Harrow Bloodline
Davin Lintini

Male Human L. Sorcerer 2

played by Monkeygod (130 posts)
Grand Lodge Evindyll

Half-Elf Paladin of Yuelral (Mind Sword) - 1

played by Evindyl (194 posts)
Rayhan Xobhadi
Silver Crusade Grey Warden Theldore Greigore

played by BloodWolven (12 posts)
Taergan Flinn
Jacen Benedictt

Semi Non-Binary (M) Aiuvarin Psychic (Skysage) 2 || HP=18 | AC=16 |F +4, R +6, W +6 | PERC +4 LLV || SPEED=30 | EXP=Detect Magic | CONDITIONS=None ||

played by Evindyl (225 posts)
Jacen d'Orien

played by Evindyl (180 posts)
Jade Thrane

played by BloodWolven (15 posts)
The Cinderlander
James "Drifter" Monroe

Human Bounty Hunter

played by Malinor. (388 posts)
Machine Slayer

CG Human Slayer 3 | Status: Ok
AC 18 (T 14, FF 14) | CMB +4, CMD 18 | Init +4 | Speed 30ft | F +4, R +7, W +2 | Perc +7, SM +1
HP 26/26

played by Jereru (58 posts)
Jonathan Garrett.

Bard 2 | HP: 21/24 | AC: 16, T: 10, FF: 11 | Fort: +4, Ref: +1, Will +3 | BAB: +1, CMB: +7, CMD: 16 | Init: +0 | Perception: +5 | Archeologist’s Luck: 8/8

played by JonGarrett (161 posts)

Acrobatics +3, Bluff +9, Climb +6, Craft: Traps +6, Disable Device +20, Intimidate +2, Arcana +9, Dungeoneering +9, Nature +9, Planes +9, Religion +9, Perception +18, Sense Motive +14, Survival +14
[dice=+1 Greataxe]d20+11[/dice][dice=+1 Greataxe Damage]d20+8[/dice] [dice=Longspear Attack]d20+11[/dice][dice=Longspear Damage]d8+7[/dice]
Half Orc Inquisitor of Pharasma [Sanctified Slayer/Sin Eater] 7; Init +5; HP: 71/71; AC 19, T12, CMD 22; FF 17; F +10, R +7, W +11 [+1 per adjacent ally up to 4]; Spells 1st (4/5); 2nd (4/4); 3rd (1/2); Perception +18; B: 8/10

played by Malinor. (234 posts)
Cannon Golem
Grand Lodge Niversal

Male Human Inquistor 2, hp max 19 AC 22 F+5 R +4 W +7, init +8, perc +9 Construct: 38 hp DR 10/Magic

played by Edelsmirge (405 posts)
Darius Finch
Otto Canzone

Int +0|Perc -1 Human Arcanist (Occultist) 1 HP 8/8 AC 10/10/10|F +1 R+0 W+1|

played by seinneadair (22 posts)

Sage Li


played by Tazo (24 posts)
Algon the Ever-Seeking
Sir Drystan Goldenflame

Male Human Paladin 1

played by Ouachitonian (183 posts)