
Game Master BloodWolven

New Beginnings - Pig's Roast

Arcanium Quests - New Beginnings

- Black Spire Boss room

Fight Map!

Elrich manor
level 2 Elricht Manor
level 3 Elricht Manor

Basement/Double Dungeon Elricht Manor

Arcanium Info. Random, Cursed, and Blessed Loot boxes. Green screen info. And so much more!

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HP: 46/49, AC: 23 _ T: 14 _ FF: 19 _ Perception +5, Darkvision 60 ft., Initiative: +4, Fort +8 _ Ref +5 _ Will +4 (+7 vs. fear), CMB: +11, CMD: 31, Speed: 30, 1 non-lethal damage
Acrobatics +9, Bluff -1, Climb +11, Diplomacy -1, Escape Artist +4, Handle Animal +5, Heal +3, Intimidate +8, Linguistics +1, Ride +9, Stealth +4, Survival +8, Swim +11

Krazok turns and looks at Zaidel holding Lucy, surrounded by her Pa and John. He looks back at the minotaur and asks some questions in Giant, the minotaur responds positively. He points at Ramie and continues.

The minotaur slows Krazok down and tries to answer each question.

Krazok, What does your family call you? Why do you live in the forest? It seems you are a kind hearted individual would you like to be welcomed into the Golden Glade? The woman with the purple hair would like to thank you for taking care of the girl. Lucy is her name. They all thank you. Ramie is sorry for barging into your house. She is offering to smoke the pork with you if you would like that.

The minotaur, "I have no family and no name. I just am. It is where I have lived. My mother raised me there. Dad was captured and taken away. Would I be welcome? OK. The boar meat was eaten.

Krazok, Yew you would be welcome in my lands. You would get along with my militia. They are strong dragonkin, strong like you. Come along I will introduce you.

Krazok walks over with the minotaur and states, He is a nameless orphan and has been living in the forest. He just wanted to help the girl but didn't knew where she lived. I will take him with me to join the militia unless someone wants to take charge of him."

Diplo +44|Percep +27|Heal +19|Bluff +31|Handle +34|Intim +30|Kn. Arcana +18|Kn. Nature +19|Kn. Rel. +17|Perform (wind, sing, string) +45|SM +21|Spell +17|Stealth +14|UMD +26
Sublime Satyr|HP 157/157|F: +16, R: +14, W: +15|Init + 4|AC 28 (17 T, 21 FF)|BAB +3 Cleric-Bard Gestalt/5th|Channel Energy (Su) 3d6 11/21x/day|Agile Feet (Su) 10/10x/day|Touch of Good (Sp), Strength Surge (Sp) +2 10/10x/day|Liberation (Sp) 5/5rds./day|Bardic Performance 30/30 rds/day

Zaidel carefully hands Lucy over to his father. "There you go. Compliments of our minotaur friend and Chosen Raimie"

The satyr then walks over to the minotaur, unhooking his tankard from his belt. The cleric casts create water in it, making a strong ale. Zaidel takes a sip then offers the tankard to the minotaur as a sign of friendship.

The minotaur looks over at Krazok. Krazok smiles and nods.

He takes the offered cup and downs the rest in one gulp. He tastes his mouth and gives a sour look handing the cup back.

Horizon Hunters

Male Human Arcanist 1: Spd:30, Init:0, AC:10, HP:9/9, Fort:6, Ref:0, Will:2, 4/4 Reservoir, -1 Perception.

Alright guys, so I can't take even the little quests on my own. Who here wants to help me? Or who wants to take on the quests while I assist. I ain't skilled.

Grand Lodge

Diplomacy +26, Fly +12, Knowledge (arcana) +21, Knowledge: (Planes) +21, Knowledge (Religion) +21, Perception +15, Sense Motive +13, Spellcraft +20, Stealth +10, Swim +27
Large Sublime Young Bronze Dragon Arcanist 6; Init +2; HP 256/256; AC 28, T 11, FF 28; DR 5/Magic; CMB +16; CMD 28 (32 vs. trip); Fort +21, Ref +13, Will +12 (+2 vs Fear); SR 17; Arcane Reservoir: 6/8

Jean decides hunting chickens and aiding the new chosen is worth doing and so he will take to the air and start hunting chicken.

Perception: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (10) + 15 = 25

CMB: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (10) + 16 = 26

Female Kitsune (Human Form) Court Bard 1 / Summoner 1
HP: 10| AC: 15_T:12_ FF:13_ Perception +3| Sense Motive -1, Initiative: +2, Fort: +1_ Ref: +4_ Will: +1(+9 vs Charm/Compulsion), CMB: -1, CMD: 11, Speed: 30
Acro+2|Bluf+6|Climb-1|Dip+11|Esc+2|Hand An+10|Intim+10|Ling+6|Ride+6|Spel +6|Stealth+2|UMD+10|

Ramie very truthfully asserts, "I really didn't do much. It was Floofer here that led us to her." She said ruffling her fur with affection and beaming with pride. "You kids take care of your Pa." She adds to John and Lucy before pulling up the prompt for the chicken catching quest. She was very glad things had turned out well, but she was definitely made aware that she was not ready for the grown-up adventurer quests yet.

"Whatcha think, Miss Floof, wanna chase some chickens?"

Arriving at the farmer's place, she takes a moment to introduce herself and The Floof. Stopping in her tracks to gape in awe at the newest Chosen. "Wow, I really like your scales." She says in a tone like a woman might compliment another woman's bag or shoes...

"So what are the best ways to find them, then? A Floof might be able to track them or flush them out of hiding..."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (11) + 11 = 22
After a few moments of conferring with Master Holt, she returns to the group looking dismayed. "Aw Hell, y'all. So apparently, there are no such things as starter quests. The next four chickens shouldn't be too difficult, but the last one will go all Chickzilla on our @$$ⓔ$! Anybody got a net?"

Still, this was the plan so she set Floof on the trail with a guidance to help and explicit orders not to eat their quarry.
Survival: 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 6 + 1 = 25
Chickens count as food, right? Even magical ones? XD

Shadow Lodge

SoH +12 _ Spellcraft +7_ Stealth +16 _Survival +8 _ Swim +5 _ UMD +13
HP: 62/61_ AC: 37_ T: 33 _FF: -_ Perception +14, Sense Motive +11_Init: +10_Fort: +19_Ref: +26_Will: +22_CMB: +6_CMD: 23_Speed: 30
Acrobatics +14_Bluff +10_Climb +6_Diplomacy +18_DD +15 _ Escape Artist +12 _Heal +10_ Intimidate +9 _ K Rel +10_K Nob/His/Pla/Loc +5 _ Ling +5 _ Perform sing +10

Seeing Ramie run off on her own she looks to Zaidel, "Yeah, I think I will clear some C grade quests and see how it goes. Go ahead and take care of the goblins without me. I will call if I need help, you do the same!" Unless Zaidel can convince her to stay she scoots off as she pulls up her blue screen.

Floof can do a survival check instead of perception due to scent. He still needs the CMB to grab it.

Yes they would all be food. You are food. Floof is not. Summoned creatures are not.

Okay who is working with who?

There is a purple half dragon, Krista, a purple haired human, Ramie, a medium sized dog of sorts, Floof, a bronze dragon huge, Jean, and a human male, Zano.

Krazok is taking the Minotaur to set him up with the militia. Jellena maybe side questing or following Zaidel. Zaidel is...

Female Kitsune (Human Form) Court Bard 1 / Summoner 1
HP: 10| AC: 15_T:12_ FF:13_ Perception +3| Sense Motive -1, Initiative: +2, Fort: +1_ Ref: +4_ Will: +1(+9 vs Charm/Compulsion), CMB: -1, CMD: 11, Speed: 30
Acro+2|Bluf+6|Climb-1|Dip+11|Esc+2|Hand An+10|Intim+10|Ling+6|Ride+6|Spel +6|Stealth+2|UMD+10|

Since a Floof can only grab with teeth, I'm hesitant to have her do the grabbing. But my CMB is a -1, so I'm unlikely to be much help here. Can Floof point out a chicken like a Birddog and someone else attempt the grab?

Ramie give Zano what help she can by casting a Guidance on him and pointing out that Floof has found one.

+1 competence bonus on a single attack roll, saving throw, or skill check for Zano.

Diplo +44|Percep +27|Heal +19|Bluff +31|Handle +34|Intim +30|Kn. Arcana +18|Kn. Nature +19|Kn. Rel. +17|Perform (wind, sing, string) +45|SM +21|Spell +17|Stealth +14|UMD +26
Sublime Satyr|HP 157/157|F: +16, R: +14, W: +15|Init + 4|AC 28 (17 T, 21 FF)|BAB +3 Cleric-Bard Gestalt/5th|Channel Energy (Su) 3d6 11/21x/day|Agile Feet (Su) 10/10x/day|Touch of Good (Sp), Strength Surge (Sp) +2 10/10x/day|Liberation (Sp) 5/5rds./day|Bardic Performance 30/30 rds/day
Ramie Jae wrote:
Arriving at the farmer's place, she takes a moment to introduce herself and The Floof. Stopping in her tracks to gape in awe at the newest Chosen. "Wow, I really like your scales." She says in a tone like a woman might compliment another woman's bag or shoes...

Zaidel decides to keep tabs on this new member of Aeria Gloris, a kitsune bard/summoner with a Floof.

Walking up to meet the farmer, the purple scaled woman sees what looks like a classic example of a satyr. He's wearing a tan utility kilt, with well-made chainmail armor. A bronze tankard and a crafted rapier with a basket stylized like a tankard hanging from his belt. To the shy half-dragon, this satyr is radiating more charisma and sexiness than she's experienced in her previous life.

The satyr stares at the half-crystal dragon for a moment, looking very impressed. The fey blinks then introduces himself.
"Greetings. Please forgive my lack of manners. My name is Zaidel. The Benevolent, Easier of Pain, and Fateweaver. Bardic cleric and Chosen of Cayden Cailean. It is very nice to meet you, Ms...?"

Diplo +44|Percep +27|Heal +19|Bluff +31|Handle +34|Intim +30|Kn. Arcana +18|Kn. Nature +19|Kn. Rel. +17|Perform (wind, sing, string) +45|SM +21|Spell +17|Stealth +14|UMD +26
Sublime Satyr|HP 157/157|F: +16, R: +14, W: +15|Init + 4|AC 28 (17 T, 21 FF)|BAB +3 Cleric-Bard Gestalt/5th|Channel Energy (Su) 3d6 11/21x/day|Agile Feet (Su) 10/10x/day|Touch of Good (Sp), Strength Surge (Sp) +2 10/10x/day|Liberation (Sp) 5/5rds./day|Bardic Performance 30/30 rds/day
Zano Turok wrote:
Alright guys, so I can't take even the little quests on my own. Who here wants to help me? Or who wants to take on the quests while I assist. I ain't skilled.

"I'd be happy to help", Zaidel answers. "I was just helping Ramie complete her first quest. I won't take the quest, in case there's a XP deficiency for you completed the quest."

Jellena Darkling wrote:
Seeing Ramie run off on her own she looks to Zaidel, "Yeah, I think I will clear some C grade quests and see how it goes. Go ahead and take care of the goblins without me. I will call if I need help, you do the same!" Unless Zaidel can convince her to stay she scoots off as she pulls up her blue screen.

Zaidel, well aware of Jellena's independent streak, smiles and nods his horned head. "Okay. But come back to us if you get into trouble."

The satyr crouches down, initially following Jean's example. The Zaidel has a surprised look on his face. "Wait! That just might work!" The cleric breathed to himself.

Zaidel pulls out his pan pipes hanging from a cord around his neck under his holy symbol, and begins to play a captivating tune., dancing in place on his hooven feet.
Handle Animal (Come, Versatile Performance): 1d20 + 34 ⇒ (17) + 34 = 51

Krysta's purplish skin darkened as she blushed in embarassment for getting the farmer's name mixed up and said, "S-s-s-sorry, there were multiple quests to help farmers and I got the names confused." Trying to change the subject Krysta asked about the chickens to get more information...

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9

...but apparently had offended the farmer's sensibilities since she couldn't find more information and decided it was best to just get to work and hope she could get him to forgive her.

Looking at Jean to follow her lead Krysta went to start looking and saw the dragon take off into the air. Krysta began to look around for the chickens...

Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 6

...but was having abysmal luck in finding them. She'd never been the most observant and all the neww things to see were highly distracting her. She continued her efforts though, determined to do better, and looked around some more...

Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 4

...but did even worse than before as she saw Jean flying around so well and getting more than a little jealous.

Zaidel wrote:

Zaidel pulls out his pan pipes hanging from a cord around his neck under his holy symbol, and begins to play a captivating tune., dancing in place on his hooven feet.

[dice=Handle Animal (Come, Versatile Performance)]1d20 + 34

Two chickens walk towards Zaidel and follow him to the pen.


Zano, Floof, and Ramie are still not effective for the hour.


In his southern drawl, "It's alright darling." He seems enamored by the color and scales of Krysta, making conversation a bit focused on her.


Jean collected one chicken as well making that total of eight caught, three more to catch.

Diplo +44|Percep +27|Heal +19|Bluff +31|Handle +34|Intim +30|Kn. Arcana +18|Kn. Nature +19|Kn. Rel. +17|Perform (wind, sing, string) +45|SM +21|Spell +17|Stealth +14|UMD +26
Sublime Satyr|HP 157/157|F: +16, R: +14, W: +15|Init + 4|AC 28 (17 T, 21 FF)|BAB +3 Cleric-Bard Gestalt/5th|Channel Energy (Su) 3d6 11/21x/day|Agile Feet (Su) 10/10x/day|Touch of Good (Sp), Strength Surge (Sp) +2 10/10x/day|Liberation (Sp) 5/5rds./day|Bardic Performance 30/30 rds/day
GM Wolf wrote:
Zaidel wrote:
Zaidel pulls out his pan pipes hanging from a cord around his neck under his holy symbol, and begins to play a captivating tune., dancing in place on his hooven feet.
Two chickens walk towards Zaidel and follow him to the pen.

"Hot Damn!" Zaidel whispered to himself in disbelief. So the satyr continued to pipe any more chickens home to roost.

Handle Animal (Come, Versatile Performance): 1d20 + 34 ⇒ (12) + 34 = 46

Female Kitsune (Human Form) Court Bard 1 / Summoner 1
HP: 10| AC: 15_T:12_ FF:13_ Perception +3| Sense Motive -1, Initiative: +2, Fort: +1_ Ref: +4_ Will: +1(+9 vs Charm/Compulsion), CMB: -1, CMD: 11, Speed: 30
Acro+2|Bluf+6|Climb-1|Dip+11|Esc+2|Hand An+10|Intim+10|Ling+6|Ride+6|Spel +6|Stealth+2|UMD+10|

Before they lose the opportunity, Ramie casts a guidance on the Floof and advises, "Careful, very gently, pick the chicken up."

Floof CMB: 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 3 + 1 = 18

Two more come to Zaidel's call. Those who chose the quest have a blue screen appear before them. It says:
You have finished the quest.
Hidden quest unlocked:
Quell the Uberrooster
Grade E
Time limit: 4 minutes and 58 seconds

A great *Cock a Doodle Do* can be heard coming from a nearby bush. Seven man sized chickens come from the bushes. It's feathers have a metallic gleam to them. It's beak and talons look long and sharp.

Spellcraft DC 10:
There are spells on that chicken!

Spellcraft DC 15:
There is likely only one chicken as it has mirror image upon itself.

Spellcraft DC 20:
Other spells could include stonesk8n, barkskin, mage armor, shield, magic weapon, and even more!

DM notes:

AC 24, touch 14, flat-footed 16 (+4 Dex, +6 natural, mage)
hp 34 (4d8+16)
Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +2
Speed 60 ft.
Melee 2 talons +5 (1d8+2), bite +5 (1d6+2), foreclaws +0 (1d4+1)
Special Attacks pounce

Female Kitsune (Human Form) Court Bard 1 / Summoner 1
HP: 10| AC: 15_T:12_ FF:13_ Perception +3| Sense Motive -1, Initiative: +2, Fort: +1_ Ref: +4_ Will: +1(+9 vs Charm/Compulsion), CMB: -1, CMD: 11, Speed: 30
Acro+2|Bluf+6|Climb-1|Dip+11|Esc+2|Hand An+10|Intim+10|Ling+6|Ride+6|Spel +6|Stealth+2|UMD+10|

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22

Ramie takes a deep breath and assesses the situation. "Ok guys, that's the ChickZilla the farmer mentioned. It's pretty suped up, lots of magical effects going on there. But it's just one, despite appearances, mirror image, I think. Lemme see if it wants to be friends..." She moves within 60 feet to allow her aura ability to kick in.

Aura of Friendship (Sp):

Any creature within 60 feet of the character must succeed at a DC 21 Will saving throw or have its attitude adjusted to friendly toward both the character and any other creatures currently within the aura’s area of effect, as per charm monster. This positive attitude toward other targets of the ability lasts for 1 day after leaving the character’s aura. A creature that leaves and reenters the character’s aura can attempt another saving throw. A creature that successfully saves against this ability is immune to that character’s aura for 24 hours. Being attacked by another creature within the aura (including the character) immediately ends the forced friendliness toward that creature and prompts a new save against the aura, with the standard +5 bonus for being threatened while charmed. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Will Save DC 21: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11

The chickzilla moves forward and nuzzles Ramie, clucking at the others.

Diplo +44|Percep +27|Heal +19|Bluff +31|Handle +34|Intim +30|Kn. Arcana +18|Kn. Nature +19|Kn. Rel. +17|Perform (wind, sing, string) +45|SM +21|Spell +17|Stealth +14|UMD +26
Sublime Satyr|HP 157/157|F: +16, R: +14, W: +15|Init + 4|AC 28 (17 T, 21 FF)|BAB +3 Cleric-Bard Gestalt/5th|Channel Energy (Su) 3d6 11/21x/day|Agile Feet (Su) 10/10x/day|Touch of Good (Sp), Strength Surge (Sp) +2 10/10x/day|Liberation (Sp) 5/5rds./day|Bardic Performance 30/30 rds/day

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (8) + 17 = 25

Zaidel draws his special rapier (no, not that one). Seeing Ramie's charm effect in effect, the satyr asks,
"Okay, Ramie. This is your call. How do you want to proceed?"

Krysta was disappointed to get the announcement that the hunt was over as she had failed to even spot one of the chickens, let alone catch it, but the sudden new quest was a surprise. She accepted it and tried to find her way to where ChickZilla was, rather worried given she knew who Godzilla was, and eventually got there to see two people, a man with the lower body of a goat and horns on his head and another human woman who seemed to have ChickZilla tamed! She approached the pair cautiously, keeping a wary eye on the monstrous chicken, and stayed quiet so as to not spook the thing.

Grand Lodge

Diplomacy +26, Fly +12, Knowledge (arcana) +21, Knowledge: (Planes) +21, Knowledge (Religion) +21, Perception +15, Sense Motive +13, Spellcraft +20, Stealth +10, Swim +27
Large Sublime Young Bronze Dragon Arcanist 6; Init +2; HP 256/256; AC 28, T 11, FF 28; DR 5/Magic; CMB +16; CMD 28 (32 vs. trip); Fort +21, Ref +13, Will +12 (+2 vs Fear); SR 17; Arcane Reservoir: 6/8

Jean lands and settles down to watch the newbies with Chickzilla and watches to see if they need his help.

If it looks like it will end up in combat, Jean will try and Glitterdust the giant chicken without hitting his new allies.

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